wolf messing story

LYDIA FURMAN (ISRAEL) WOLF MESSING. RUSSIAN TO ENGLISH TRANSLATION Воскресенье, 13 Декабря 2009 г. 20:28 Russian to English translation Aleksandr Kharkov (New York) Wolf Messing - prophet in his own country There is no greater difficulty than driving tours with raznoyazykimi excursionists. Helps neither the experience of the interpreter, nor knowledge of Russian and English, which I, incidentally, teach. Sitting in the bus American and Russian Jews. I am talking about Wolf Messing, the phenomenal man. Russian listening with bated breath. The Americans face - incredulous smile. One of them burst out: "Tall story". And immediately one of our: "What did he say?" I translate: "Fairy tale, fantasy, rough - nonsense." - Yes, tell him that I not only saw the Wolf Grigorievich Messing, but was his friend. - And we - his family. Friends and relatives Messing turns on the bus too much. And I have not myself tell, that I also knew this amazing man. I first heard about it from a school teacher, Boris Ilyich Khutoretskii, now living in Boston. More than half a century ago he was a student of Odessa University, he saw as a poster in the tram, just two words: "Goes Messing. None of this name did not know in Odessa, not outside it. But it sounded like the Messiah, whom the Jewish residents of the city waited in anticipation of the most bloody of wars. And when the announced concert Messing, the Philharmonic Hall on Pushkin Street gathered, it seemed half the town. But in mid-performance curtain came down, and people in civilian clothes took the guest, as she assured fame, at the airport, where he was, as it should be wizards, ascended into heaven. All of this was really true, if we add that there he was brought before the face of God, not of heaven - the earth. Polish citizen, or rather a refugee from Germany occupied Poland, had flown to Moscow. From there he was taken on a country estate. The door opened and in walked ... Stalin. - Who are you and why come here? - I am a Polish Jew and fled from the Nazis. Stalin made a face - he did not like it when bad about his ally Hitler. And he himself, as is known, was no friend of Jews. - You are very lonely, Comrade Stalin - hastened to change the subject Messing. - Call me in a difficult moment - I'll be able to help you. Besides, I had once carried you in my arms. Stalin raised his eyebrows questioningly. - I wore your portrait during a demonstration. - And you besides more and humorist. Come and see me tomorrow in the Kremlin - said Stalin - simply, why pass? They talk. The next day, Messing penetrated the Kremlin, bypassing the protection. He reported, was admitted to the study leader, which were already sitting around the table "portraits". Stalin introduced Messing. - And now, show that you know how to do. - I can deal if I trust. How do you, for example, Comrade Stalin. But the policeman sitting at the table-Commissioner - Messing pointed to Beria. - With it I can not work. - Lawrence, come out the door! - Stalin ordered. - And now, Mr. Messing, show us something important for the party, for the people. Messing understood: his fate is decided. And he began to read the thoughts of the leader. Before him were the picture: Here Stalin and another Caucasian (it was Ter-Petrosyan, named Kamo), robbed the bank and run away with a bag of money. Kamo caught Stalin sits in Tbilisi dukhan. - I could requisition the money in the bank, if you allow me, Comrade Stalin. - The party that instructs you, - said Stalin, and Messing heard another voice - the voice of Lenin. Many years ago, the founder of his henchman blessed with "expropriations" - the so-called Bolsheviks bank robberies to get money "party." It was drafted by the Commission. Messing drove to the central bank on Neglinnaia accompanied by its members, entered the room and showed the cashier a clean sheet of paper with the requirement to give a hundred thousand rubles. Amount for that time enormous. Before the issuance of the cashier had to carefully check the documents. But Messing mentally dictating to him what to do and putting money in a briefcase, went to the Kremlin. When brand new packet of money laid on the table Stalinist cabinet, the leader asked Messing exit. - Well, what do you think about this? - The Bank of Neglinnoy sit enemies of the people - Beria said - and Messing - suspicious persons. I'll do them. - If you think that someone who smarter than you already dangerous, then you're sitting in the wrong place. Hair falls from the head of this man who lost Cachan - Stalin, as a knife, ran his hand across his throat. - Do you, Lawrence, you know ... These and other facts about the Wolf Grigorievich Messing, a magician and prophet, I learned at his jubilee concert in the Moscow club of Esperanto, which is in the House of medical + в цитатник наверх Lydia Furman (Israel) Wolf Messing. Russian to E... http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/1832752/post11... 1 of 3 02/07/2015 02:08 PM

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Russian to English translationAleksandr Kharkov (New York)

Wolf Messing - prophet in his own country There is no greater difficulty than driving tours with raznoyazykimi excursionists. Helps neither the experience of the interpreter, nor knowledge of Russian and English, which I,incidentally, teach. Sitting in the bus American and Russian Jews. I am talking about Wolf Messing, the phenomenal man. Russian listening with bated breath. The Americans face - incredulous smile.One of them burst out: "Tall story". And immediately one of our: "What did he say?" I translate: "Fairy tale, fantasy, rough - nonsense." - Yes, tell him that I not only saw the Wolf Grigorievich Messing, but was his friend.

- And we - his family. Friends and relatives Messing turns on the bus too much. And I have not myself tell, that I also knew this amazing man. I first heard about it from a school teacher, Boris Ilyich Khutoretskii, now living in Boston. More than half a century ago he was a student of Odessa University, he saw as a poster in thetram, just two words: "Goes Messing. None of this name did not know in Odessa, not outside it. But it sounded like the Messiah, whom the Jewish residents of the city waited inanticipation of the most bloody of wars. And when the announced concert Messing, the Philharmonic Hall on Pushkin Street gathered, it seemed half the town. But in mid-performancecurtain came down, and people in civilian clothes took the guest, as she assured fame, at the airport, where he was, as it should be wizards, ascended into heaven. All of this was really true, if we add that there he was brought before the face of God, not of heaven - the earth. Polish citizen, or rather a refugee from Germany occupied Poland, had flown to Moscow. From there he was taken on a country estate. The door opened and in walked ... Stalin. - Who are you and why come here? - I am a Polish Jew and fled from the Nazis. Stalin made a face - he did not like it when bad about his ally Hitler. And he himself, as is known, was no friend of Jews. - You are very lonely, Comrade Stalin - hastened to change the subject Messing. - Call me in a difficult moment - I'll be able to help you. Besides, I had once carried you in my arms. Stalin raised his eyebrows questioningly. - I wore your portrait during a demonstration. - And you besides more and humorist. Come and see me tomorrow in the Kremlin - said Stalin - simply, why pass? They talk. The next day, Messing penetrated the Kremlin, bypassing the protection. He reported, was admitted to the study leader, which were already sitting around the table "portraits". Stalin introduced Messing. - And now, show that you know how to do. - I can deal if I trust. How do you, for example, Comrade Stalin. But the policeman sitting at the table-Commissioner - Messing pointed to Beria. - With it I can not work. - Lawrence, come out the door! - Stalin ordered. - And now, Mr. Messing, show us something important for the party, for the people. Messing understood: his fate is decided. And he began to read the thoughts of the leader. Before him were the picture: Here Stalin and another Caucasian (it was Ter-Petrosyan, namedKamo), robbed the bank and run away with a bag of money. Kamo caught Stalin sits in Tbilisi dukhan. - I could requisition the money in the bank, if you allow me, Comrade Stalin. - The party that instructs you, - said Stalin, and Messing heard another voice - the voice of Lenin. Many years ago, the founder of his henchman blessed with "expropriations" - theso-called Bolsheviks bank robberies to get money "party."

It was drafted by the Commission. Messing drove to the central bank on Neglinnaia accompanied by its members, entered the room and showed the cashier a clean sheet of paper withthe requirement to give a hundred thousand rubles. Amount for that time enormous. Before the issuance of the cashier had to carefully check the documents. But Messing mentallydictating to him what to do and putting money in a briefcase, went to the Kremlin. When brand new packet of money laid on the table Stalinist cabinet, the leader asked Messing exit. - Well, what do you think about this? - The Bank of Neglinnoy sit enemies of the people - Beria said - and Messing - suspicious persons. I'll do them. - If you think that someone who smarter than you already dangerous, then you're sitting in the wrong place. Hair falls from the head of this man who lost Cachan - Stalin, as a knife, ranhis hand across his throat. - Do you, Lawrence, you know ... These and other facts about the Wolf Grigorievich Messing, a magician and prophet, I learned at his jubilee concert in the Moscow club of Esperanto, which is in the House of medical

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Lydia Furman (Israel) Wolf Messing. Russian to E... http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/1832752/post11...

1 of 3 02/07/2015 02:08 PM

staff in Moscow, Herzen Street 19. G. Wolf does not just mastered the language of Esperanto, but he knew the family of the founder of the language of Dr. Zamenhof, a Polish Jew. Messing was a friend of his friendsand their families, divided the common tragic fate of the Warsaw ghetto. And suddenly he finds out that Zoe Mikhailovna, grand-niece of Dr. Zamenhof, a difficult operation that couldonly end in death. Zoe, my good friend, was like the last germ of a ruined family tree Zamenhof. As Wolf Grigorievich Messing family. And Messing was in a hurry to save her. Messing drove me in a taxi and we went to the first Gradski, where lay Zoya Zamenhof. After talking with Zoya, Messing said the doctor: "Let him hold back analysis and dischargedrights". And so it happened: the next day the doctors have not found it even traces of the disease, and it is long live another 34 years. It was just one of the wonders that made Messing. But I have since then established friendly relations with him. We are united by language Zamenhof, where we talked and personally,and by telephone. Called each other kara samideano (dear sympathizer). And as Esperanto speakers in the USSR is constantly harassed (under Stalin, they just ruin in the Gulag) - then wedrove out of the club, it forbidden to summer camp - we have time and again appealed for support from Messing. This often helped. But one day help was needed most Wolf Messing. In 1961 he was summoned to Nikita Khrushchev. Prepared XXII Party Congress, which, as you know, it was agreed to Stalin's bodyfrom the mausoleum. For some reason for Khrushchev, it took the blessing of supernatural forces. - The party asks you, a non-Bolshevik, to help us. Speak at the Congress and say that in the visions you come Lenin and Stalin's requests to remove the corpse from the mausoleum. - Sorry, Nikita Sergeyevich, but I do not communicate with the world of the dead. Anyway, I do not believe in spiritualism. * Messing left the Kremlin, but from that day he started small and big trouble: it refused to act in a prestigious place, it will bypass the title. And on the eve of one of its anniversaries donot find the theater or even a club where he could celebrate the anniversary. We Esperantists, were able to remove this great hall of the House health-care workers, where was ourinternationalist Esperanto club. Wolf G. honored as a healer and as esperantist. On the anniversary was invited by former Secretary of the Communist Party of Belarus PK Ponomarenko, the former officials, who metMessing on Soviet soil. Ponomarenko, who later became a member of the union of the Politburo, was already retired and could freely talk about Messing's meetings with Stalin and hisentourage that he did. There were still two of my friends, thanks to which I became increasingly interact with Messing - Pakhomov Margarita Gavrilovna, a doctor close messing man, and MikhailKhvastunov, Head. science department in the "Komsomolskaya Pravda", which I introduced with Messing. Khvastunov written and unpublished book about messing Man alone with himself. " I had pricutstvovat conversations with the author and hero of the book. From there, and myinformation about Messing's life before his arrival in Russia. Messing was born in Poland, in a small Jewish "shteytele" in 1899. His family was orthodox religion, and he taught from childhood the Torah and the Talmud. Once, on his way to thebench, a shadow hung over him, and he heard a voice: "Boy, I am sent to you God. You're elected to save our people. Go and learn in the yeshiva!" Wolf lost consciousness. There was a terrible shock of his entire being, mind. At the yeshiva he attended, but some force was pushing him into the big world. Once he ran away fromschool and jumped at the station in the first passing train, coming, as it turned out in Berlin. Money for the ticket was not a fugitive, and he hid under a shelf. When the inspector came, Wolf gave him a piece of cardboard. He struck her punch and said: "An eccentric, you alsohave a ticket, and you're hiding." Messing already then felt that it has the hypnotic power. But finally it turned out, when working on the premises in Berlin, he fell and lost consciousness. In the hospital he was takenalready lifeless. However well-known in Germany, Dr. Abel returned the young man not only lives, but also revealed its telepathic possibilities. Wolf began performing in the circus, and in his spare time walking through the bazaar, eavesdropping people's thoughts: it seemed that their heads were to him as transparent as glass. Unusual Messing tested the ability of such eminent minds as Einstein, Freud, Rabindranath Tagore. And they all came to a conclusion: this man is a miracle that at the present level ofscience can not explain. But Messing was not just an artist. Speaking in theaters, now and again he heard in his voice that, from childhood: "You intended to save our people." In 1933 in Germany, Hitler came to power. A wave of anti-Semitism has risen across Europe. And when Messing, at the request of a Polish count Chertoryyskogo found a diamondbrooch valued at about one million zlotys, he refused owed him 200 thousand zloty, asking the count to influence the Diet that was repealed laws that discriminate against the rights ofJews. And Chertoryysky granted his request. But the biggest danger to the Jews came from Germany. There have already been adopted by the racist Nuremberg Laws, prepared pogrom "crystal night". Messing saw terrible futureas if it has already become real. In 1937, in a theater in Warsaw Messing said: "If Hitler go to war against the East, it is waiting for death." Seriously reacted to this prophecy, it seems, only Hitler himself. He was a soothsayer, a kind of Gauss, a Jew, served as the prototype hero Leon Feuchtwanger Brothers Lautenzak. Thepredictions of two Jews were opposed, and Hitler decided to deal first with Gaussenom, then with Messing. Gauss was killed and his head Messing estimated at 200 thousand marks. After the fall of Warsaw, Messing was in the hands of the Nazis. He was identified and sent to the Gestapo. Death breathed into his face. And then he mentally Gestapo ordered all togather in one room and not pay attention to him. He himself, curled up into a ball, slipped out of the building quiet as a mouse. Moving at night is in carts, some in boats, he crossed the Soviet border. It was autumn of 1939. Russia and Germany were allies. Apparently, therefore, reluctant to accept the Union of Polish Jews. Those suspicions aroused Messing - a Jew, to the samemind-read. But first, recalled at the anniversary evening Ponomarenko, Messing power somehow missed, and the latter managed to organize concerts. Halls, where he appeared Messing, were packed. Viewers interested in not only his psychological experiments, but then they were again, but above all - the prophecies. Will the war andwhen? If yes, then who will win? And what will happen to them, with the audience? Messing answered their questions, predicted an imminent war with Germany. After these speeches Messing often arrested as a "provocateur. Then Messing asked to call Ponomarenko,appointed by Stalin to be his guardian angel. Since that time, recalled Ponomarenko, when messing with something that happened, I answered that Messing enjoys the confidence of Comrade Stalin himself. Needless to say thatthis was a safe-conduct. Beria, however, do not forget the humiliation he suffered in the presence Messing. And he decided to compromise telepath. Shortly after the second meeting with Stalin in the apartment Messing rang: - G. Wolf? Stalin invites you to-morrow to his dacha. And yet: no address, no badge. The next day, when Stalin worked in the garden villas at the table, he shuddered when he saw the guards passed him a short man, whom he had not invited. It was Messing. Stalin turned pale with anger: - How did you get passed? No, first you say, as ... - I asked Beria. I was mentally telling Protection: "I - Beria, I - Beria. Did someone decides to stop himself Comrade Beria? - Are you in fact a dangerous man, Lawrence rights. I because of you in trouble with Hitler. You was saying before the war, they say, see, as Soviet tanks rolled into Berlin. A GermanicEmbassy sent a protest - we did the Allies ... Are you really think that we will fight with Germany? - Yes, and very soon, Comrade Stalin. - You sent Churchill. It was he, and you Jews want war. - War is inevitable. And it starts in the last days of June. - Make a mistake - to answer his head. You can go, and no longer dare to broadcast. Forbid. The war began on June 22, 1941. Stalin was in prostration. To him no one admitted. Then Messing came to him myself, without a call. By early July, he was able to bring the leader to his senses, and he appealed to the people on the radio. A Messing left Moscow - away from the tyrant. He spoke in the rear and at the


Lydia Furman (Israel) Wolf Messing. Russian to E... http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/1832752/post11...

2 of 3 02/07/2015 02:08 PM

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front, his name now and then flashed in the newspapers. He met with Stalin, and enjoyed a leader at the time - I do not know. I know that Stalin favored by Messing: Messing, when themoney was built fighter, the chief sent him a telegram. All this time, Messing tried not occur, that is not to engage in predictions, the more so - in public. But the summer of 1943 he changed his word. It is known that Stalin atisemitizm began to affect not after the war, but in its very midst. Jews officers were dismissed from the army, sent to prison. Stalin considered them all agents ofthe United States. And although America was then an ally, the dictator is gripping the idea that Americans are going to land troops in the region of Norilsk, and with the help of numerousprisoners of the Gulag to capture this rich fossil area. And following this paranoid idea that he ordered to extend the railway that runs from the center to the Pechora, to the TaimyrPeninsula. For this he needed millions of new builders. The problem that he was going to resolve to the north, hundreds of thousands of people at the same time destroying the entireJewish people. These plans told me Simon Podkaminer, colonel of the NKVD of the Leningrad front. Knew about this, of course, and Messing. That is why, triggering the wrath of Stalin, he saidpublicly in the theater "Red Torch" Novosibirsk, that war would end with victory in the spring of 1945. When one, however, the condition of which he says only to Stalin. Stalin immediately summoned Messing in Moscow: - But I commanded you not to broadcast. And then - we have just defeated the Germans at Kursk, and Orel, and you say that the war will last another two whole years. - Maybe longer. But it depends on you. Drop plans for the construction of roads on the Taimyr Peninsula. And everything associated with them. - Who are you an agent? - Stalin asked, taking Messing's throat. - Hitler or Churchill? - Take it higher. His. I had a voice - to save my people. And to help you at the end of your life. When you stay alone, without friends, without doctors.* He came to Stalin's ten years later when, after the arrest of Jewish doctors, Stalin had taken his own medical care. There was a time a mad orgy of anti-Semitism. Leader on the eve of death began the "Final Solution of the Jewish question." Save Russian Jews could only be the death of the tyrant.And on March 5, on the Jewish holiday of Purim, came "the great croaked." The sudden death of the tyrant is still a mystery. Why a healthy man, died, never lechivshiysya and shortly before his death had been in the steam room? It is known that he had beendrinking with members of the Politburo, then locked himself in a room where no one was inputs. And when he found he was already dying. Until I have heard the story about Wolf Messing death of Stalin. - In its request for the Jews. All of you - the enemies of the people. You will have the same fate. And you, a Jew, too. Ah, yes, you did predict the future. You know, when you die? - After you, Comrade Stalin. - So, you know, when I die. - Very soon - on the Jewish holiday. If this is a typical day, the Jews still declare it a holiday. By the way, Purim, the day when the enemy of the Jews killed Haman. It's time to die, andyou, Comrade Stalin. Stalin's eyes bulged with fear. He opened his mouth, but his cry was soundlessness. And suddenly, his eyelids became heavy. Stalin fell on the carpet. There, on the carpet, he was found 20 hours later, the dying, and moved to the sofa. This to him did not return. A radio has continued to lie, that the leader was alive and he has atrialfibrillation. The death reported later. Messing left giving as imperceptibly, as he had come there. His life's work was completed.* Margaret gave me a story Messing, asking whether it was true that Stalin died on Purim. I checked the calendar - so it was.


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Lydia Furman (Israel) Wolf Messing. Russian to E... http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/1832752/post11...

3 of 3 02/07/2015 02:08 PM