wi)t $enna#lbanian - penn libraries · the their mastm part high school, of buffalo, with william...

ESTABLISHED 1883. PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Wi)t $enna#lbanian Support your baseball team against Columbia today at 3. on Franklin Field. MK XXXVI—NO. 171 PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY. MAY 22, 1920 E I'IIKKK CENTS Interjcholastic Championships Track and Field Will Be Decided To-day. MANY STRONG TEAMS ENTERED i>st in i i teenth anno*] Miildii ' ' tii Track i ; lil Cl ' i|i meet mi 1 ally keen I duo tO tin- r.murk :i'i»ing nf so higk and itOI I ill 111'' Itil.lN I '.II rhe < < ' will atari al II U, In i I.I h i" tore the Columbia The Mastm Part High School, of Buffalo, with William Koppish. <li'ii er-mller, expected to en-1 i,r Koppish is credited with the | - , I.I tai mill' of all the school- enti rod in tha Relay Carnival. Helm, of tha Lafayette nigh B* boo), alao .of Buffalo, the National JnaJor two-mile cro i ountrv champion, is h thi iwM-mii.' event, Men will again he one of i onga rl oontendei have a well balanced lean and should heavllj With thenn win be Bfgekrw, who baa von tha high tump for the past two yea Re u 111 i ompete In both the high lump and pom-vault, Another man who win be watched a it ti , I 11 Beck, <>f the Har- rlsborg Technical High Bohool Beck has i onatantl) Marred during thi outd even better his former record. Be is entered in both th< hurdle races aa weii aa the shot- put, diacni throw and broad lamp, Of the k ' ntrul High is v in it.' aitii irell-roiinded in both the track and t*• -^«i ai eW prints the] hat a Mi' lonald and McDonald Is capable of doing in the i enturj and should give i! account of hlmaelf They win alao enter Russell in the hurdle knap Theei men with Call- man, might prove Central nigh to be the dark li irse of the met Hold. stiver and bronia medals win i oil to the three men plai li each event, and large silver loving an to the champtonahlp team. The schools win be entertained al tha kternit] bonaea during their in the i i'V A section of the erand-atand a ill bi ' tor them l'"iinsvlvaiiia-Coliiinliia be rhlcl la to be played after the i the a Inner would be i hard 'ask. but li Is sal there will in- aoma oloee competition Among the achoolt entered are fercarebnrg, labnrg Teen., Central High Bohool lladelphla, Hasten Park High and it.- High of Buffalo. I'l'iin Char- placopal Academy, St. Joaeph'a, W'esl Philadelphia High, l.a Belle Prep., Olrard OoBega and Northeast High, of tiiis i in Bwarthmora Prep., Hammonton High, BeHeravflle High. Mi Bumey School. Willlainson Trades rforil Prep.. Port .lervis and Nep- tune High School In the thirty-fourth annual track of the Inter-Academic kthletlc iclation, held yesterday afternoon HI Franklin Field, the ivnn Charter team won the meet, scoring 48<4 points Cermantown Acadetm second place with 4<"V4 points. while Kplscopal Academy was third vith 32 points. The meet was a close Between the Pan Charter and ' rmantown representatives from he- tinning to end. Platform Prize Won by Student anting to tl I I ' ird 1! \\ : '.'li W'h bai "on I I publican platform -inith the i 04 Mil blgan, w in the third M irmerly L'nll ter to Peraia, is the donor or the prl an JI lror.d three Mur Butler, Columbia i i Bevi Benator and David ine inn. a former United States Lmbei ador. Mr Wilt on'i pn i r the Re publican platform of I the subject matter of labor, railroade, b> land watt 'merchant marina torelgi trade, tariff and buaineea in general. The i nan American tamaera, Americanlam, war irmy and navy, woman ml prohibition and coaaervatlam I fully. Mr Wll theme also denll with the rechuna- li HI of land, finance and taxation, bad notary retain, Democratli Inefficiency, called Wilson autocracy. The Peace Treaty and tha league of Nations. foreign relations, Mexico, Philipi Russia, the Vdriatii settlement and Shantung arere touched upon by the author, who concluded by Inviting "not only the support and co-opera •Ion of thoee who have beam wftb us in th I also ut all thoee who nine the wladora and yuatl oar polltloe Tha Republican part] in of endeavor, equality of opportunity, and national prosper- id progress " FUTURE OF ENDOWMENT EL Basing Decisions on Returns of First Day. the Committee Limits Campaign :o Week. FRANKLIN SOCIETI10 HOLD VOTE ON MONDAY Error in Recent Balloting for Board of Associate Managers An- nuls Election. TANKMEN TO COMPETE Decathlon for Collinr Trophy Contest Medal- Will Be Held in Pool on Monday. Jin! Endowment Fund rning LOO pi Iption ot of i ' ening on the h lamination* W i'li in i lew, an plan the pun ,ni elaborate cale The committee, headed bj Donald- em) Leopold, 'jo Wh . believes that tha tatlng men Influenced by their idnp'ri'il i Ibiltty thi dem onatrate their loyalty to th< I sltv. At all events, and Whatever thetr motive, they are soiidh behind the di Hi-, an -i' ni the Incompli the reports, H would in- nnfalr to tha ra ami m< Dberi ol tha i ommlt- print a list of the until k I'i• Kroin in day on committeeman i uragently re- port daih I Ki ept Sun da\. to tin- eaat office ol Houston Hall Bai h man will be expected to have a complete lie! of Benloi i who sub scribed through him during the day The meetraga arc short, hut sary to the MH I a i am- paigit pi i \ iou-iy meal lone .. i nniv j:, mi i real vears. and by nun will | 1 a total around 106,000 \l I reunion of the present graduating tha fund win be voted i ten i li al •.."."Ml ll| let) ovei Itti thi premiums on the policies artll b Intereel The Inaeraw nents mature In twentj yeara, and tl fuudi i'.| |*i them will thereupon be i ome available foi official!] OUt provides of Tim Pi •nni li 1 - rion. as announced last night: l Voting a | lacs Hoi ith. In tl ol the P 1 Ballots inu.-t be signed by »1 I \u votes b] "prow " «iii be counted i. Two of the nomlne< candidate tor aewapap enta 11\.• must in voted tor on each ballot Tha nominees arc: Per uen | representative, lames L Lovltl f< t hip on the Hoard of Ifanagare, R M Plshm, T, M Kod ding, If, H ' krttinget and I r lf< it was dei 'di'd at a meeting i beard, held yesterday afternoon, that the next Franklin Society hatupiet 1"' hold on Thuraday, the !7th Detail i of tin i in the hands of i om mill, srlth ii M Juatl as chairman PRESHMAN CREW WINS EASY RACE FROM CENTRAL HIGH ninn its season with a well-de- I victory, the Kreshman crew rdav completely outclassed th<> entral High School eight and de- ated them six lengths over the Hen- courea The first year men took lead at the start and pulled away no difflculty. the Central rrc* coming even close during the la rai i high school bovs worked poorly ether and showed a lack of suftl- .aching and training. Al- ugh the time for the race was slow. I i mills more than eight min- It was no real test of the r>esh- ii. since they eeued up ronsiderahly -i Inlng so decisive a lead. t Philadelphia ti-uii will row the no n to-day at I o'clock, and. I from the form they have In prax tlce, it should be a ra ' than vesteidav's. The man boat la Matted at toUowa; Eva; 7. Waidner: 6, Hugh; B, erg; 1, Borle; I, Llameld; 2. N'atheweon; I, Chambi wain, PMlowIng ini a custom begun last the Collins Trophy conteal win id ktondaj afternoon al 5 o'clock, In the lank of the gvmiiasium this In he held II. in memoo of Herbert Collins, who cap I the water polo team while he ivaa In the tlptvarelty He waa killed at Penaai la during the World War, while in the governineiit Hying Mr v sum of money has been plai ad in trust, the interest trom wliiih is to buy set of medals each rear for the beet all-around swimmers and divan m the I niversity. The eonteel is run in the form of a i . i thlon mad" mi if swimming with tl different strokes the plunge and three dives Bvery conteetai I uiB be required to swim ti ft y yards with each stroke, any man who breaks ins rtroke during the required dlatance win be disi|iiaiitied. Copying the method used in scoring the pentathlon in track meets, the men will he given II for the number of tha poeltion in which they place, and the BUM ra- earring the lowest number of points will win the contest The swimming events will c insist of breast, over-arm. trudgeon. crawl, back strokes and swimming under water for distance In this way the men who are good In all stroke how their superloritv The dtVI merely the simple front, hack and jack-knife. Two trials are allowed in he plunge in order that the men who are not used to plunging nun d I their best. This competition will he the lust of its kind U) he held ill the liiiversltv. I as the medals last rear were given to the winners of each particular event Several men have signified their In- dention of entering Hracticalh all the members of the water pole ; will compete. In memory of Mr Col- 1 lins if for no other reason The meet will he held under the supervision of Coach.s Kistler and Faries. The lat- "•r won the contest last year Being a new affair, this contest is expected ,,, he the big attraction of the early ... .,.' X t week Some good talent will also probably he brought to light. FOREIGN STUDENTS ENI) MAY FESTIVAL in a program filled with Individual talent ami \i realuit) frog Ontah, the foreign students of tk i'\ last night brought their third annual Ma] POBtival to I rUUM I'kalih 1 'n both nights of the fete the entertainment was enjoyed bj a crowd that fairly overflowed the roomy Internationa] Btudenl 11 Opening the program last night with several selections the Interne tlonal Qlee Club wai followed by piano 'i'li" duet The Chlleai dents' Association was in the entertainment, and preeented an Instructive and enter! let tarn HI chile Uluatratud by lantern \ i 'hiiean da BI a i-i Cueca," together with a Peasant dance of (Jkraln Hungary, furnished an Insight Into the terpsichie Of disiiint nations. Another harmonious si by the Qlee Club concluded the me fill festival that has aval tempted bv foreign stud itefore ia~t evening's perforn Mrs. .1. Clark Me a dinner pair tO twents live i;ii|s nf the Duel neai Women's i eagaa and the h i the International House that helped et the iirogram. After the en- •il last night. Mrs Moore ar- ranged a d'lice for the Students at the Phllomueian dub Mr Weaver, who has been direct- Bag the International Mandolin Club. wa- preeented with a handsome wallet as a token of the dub's apprei iation of his effort- CRICKETERS MEET SI ATEN ISLAND pen' ricket team meet sturdy opposition moot IB I u\ Ingeton s. l. The ! team left this morning, and tin l ut giving i hi ir op portents s herd \n ,i i the week, the team mproveniiiil Thi nun are eot i her In i amool h I i.' ni i i way, and In the dattj held since the game, have itrength, Thi Island tee m [nod raputal i in •: leading Baatern cricketers, and they are confident "t their ability to give Pennaylvanla a hard match The team left Philadelphia iin.- uiorning at s o'l lock Those who made the trip are II II Kohh M Car in tl P S Thornton I' I. Ails II I 'liap'uan. \! Ilulhiiril. S P I \ \111;• 1 II QUMBSer Sterling. Ste.de Aliorn. ami Manager Llppincotl I'pon at rival al Nee fork the] wem Imme- |j i i Livingston where the matcta is acheduled to take pla CVDETS LEAVE ON OVF.R NIGHT HIKE Stickmen Pace Southern Rivals Much ll among lai t h. Field a k. Hopkins won i the championship in c >nteat, In which the winner win in i doubt Hop ted -'ti h t Bti S wart line H Their score In thi Bwarthmora was u to i, arblcl aid', -hows their BUPOrlorlt] again.-i their opponents ('ompa to put the Unlvi team on practicallj an equal b with than. Th OUr team has tightened up considerably lately, and the at keeping the ball i ur goal moat ol the tlmi -hoot- ing more coals than their opponents Coach Qoldamitk gave the men Bnal instruime lay In both di I and Offense work, and taught the method uracv lii shooting I'rai li. all) a lull learn Of rugulat will line up tor Pennaylvanla to li .i bj ini.iv. at goal Wllford will ! point, while Got- v.ill handle cover-point iiaiiagh. neon and tlly win form tin- ii. d Koethen la to pb i.ed \,\ i laptaln Praj I In taik will Include Downing and Schaub, In-home and home are to Kerfoot and Bmullln respec i be lohna Hopkins team will vetl tna from last i hip team as a inn ill E PLAYS VARSITY Rival Will Be Represented by Strong Line-up, Headed by Meany, New Star Twirler. GAME TO FOLLOW TRACK MEET NEWMAN CLUB STAGES L HBP TO- OFFICIAL WEEKLY PUBLISHED. Philo. Hold' Final Meeting. tin" of officers for the coming real wag the main bnaineai transacted Bth | of the I'hiloina- thean So. ut. . held leaf night The [ tl I Will be an- the annual banquet to- night. Timely Articles in Latest Issue of Pennsylvania Gazette. l'lans tor establishing School ot Pine Vrts ire reproduced in full in a ' of the special committee from the Architectural School, printed in the week, i ' ii" Pet aej Ivanla tte, Which appeared \e-i.'ida\ An ai made to aeeUN support of \liimni Dap, which falls on June Discussing rrnshmen matriculation for next fall, all previom !• ordi tor win apparently be broken Twelve hundred applications have already been received, in spite of ,),• bo 'union and requirement ,,f a | Of this enrollment. 60 per cent are in the Wharton S of the University R. o. their Hi -1 spring camp ing trip thi- afternoon Btartlni Architectural Huiidine; at 12.lt, the . adet will entrain tor Btrmtng- ham, N. .1., where they will camp over Saturday night A hike through the country -m rounding Birmingham will be taken, and swimming raits should be in ck, aa opportunity arill he given for i plai Pull equipment, including hOUM he tVier. and all men must he i' rtulatio II - it iir.il 'I he t -t al BOOl of the trip, including meals and rail- road fare, will not exceed $1 Id Mem bers desiring to take the trip must sin nify their Intention by signing up in the Military Training office not later than 11 O'clock thts morning Cadets taking the hike will hi Bared nf not only practical instruction in eanip. but of a general good time. Camp will be broken Sunday after- noon, and the i nrps will return on the rain from Birmingham. Follow ing is a list of articles required: Towel and soap, blanket, tooth-brush, extra sinks, poncho or raiiuoat and Mill equipment. Kentucky Club Elects Officers. Officers for the coming year were 1 at a meeting of the Kentucky Club, in the Houston rluh I ing. This u'•'.- the final meeting of the term, and after much disc ussion plans i|M>ti for inducing Ken- tncky prep school men to enter the Inn \t fall Delegates from Various College Clubs Will Be Entertained at the Hotel Rittenhouse. the final teativit) of the ithoii. students of the t elver- i In- \i a man hop a' I In Hot.i Rittenhouse to-night This ail,in i. the 'iiii'iial splint .!. which i- staged In honor of visiting delegates ol the various Cntholii New- man i luhs ii the Pennaj Ivanla Prov- bees of the Federation of Catholic Col- 1 lull- ol \ ni'-ri. a The mil -i win he furnished bj Mathew'a orches- tra tor th* dancing, lasting from !" to i j o'ck Representat Ires rroa Prim Pitteburgb Wee) Virginia and other ... win in present al the Catho- lic Students lions.' te-daj tor the at ua] convention DeJeejntes »in be elected to be tent to the annual oon- t li-- tWOntJ -i\ I'athollc Col- luhs. w hi eh Is in he held at Cliff Ha v.ii in the Mrs! week of .Inly. Pro- lolemali. Of I'ohlinhla I niv.i slty, will address the gathering tod.i. The proceeds Of this affair will to toward- aending the delegates to the summer conference Ticket- have lieen sent to all Of the Catholic stu dents of the I niver-ii\ and additional ones mav he secured for $2 at the Chapel, ".Tin Sprin ire.-t There will be entertainment during the dance in.i refreshments win be served MERZBACHER CLUB TO MEET. First Gathering Will Take Place in Houcton Hall Monday. Penn State Game Canceled. Due ii> the death of one of the pro- m at Penn State, the tennis today This match will he ill the future Ml ni-ii who have signified their in tentlotis of joining the Merzhacher I'luh will gather hi Houston Hall audi tor.uin next Monday afternoon .. Bo in i nearly one baadred prominent nndergraduati mud up t'.r membership, and all of these Students are urged to attend The ug will be held under th. of the charter members of the chili, and a thorough explanation ol he organI nation win be pi Hie of the ii will be the principal ipeakei of thi n. In a brief talk. In will outline the aims and purpooi the dub Sydney G Qt ddent of tin will read the COB iiti it. !'' ' \li iv er will also be pn I win old I,I din and spirit win nareiit tO-daj when the A'.. i Columbia in their annual game at 0*1 I". k, on Franklin field, Tha Pennsylvania ti i much bi form after its i rer 1 MMtmouU) on Wednesda) The Dartmouth game was an i Hit ion of | ball and showed thai the tther has brought the pitcher- around inii Al- though the pitching staff has caused i oa. h ran-- great anxiety during th, whole season, he Is satisfied now that they have struck their stride and will have a good chance to win the ran Ing gin Coach i team ha - had quite a -u. . ason thus far. having won nine out of fourteen games. Kver since the days t.f labile Collins the Mnrningside Helgln team has been one of the strongest ninihi nations In college ranks Ackermaa their heavy-hitting catcher. and Ifeanjr, the star pitcher, will probably be the battery which win attempt to add Pennsylvania to their long list of \ anqulshed Cotumbla'a lineup goilows: First Bchnaars; second bane Mauck; third base. Bj. Telford; left Held. K lloulahin center Bold, Karrell; right BeM. Goodman; shortstop, Weinsteln; ,l< I I nan . pili her. Meany. The following will play for I'ennsyl- Third base. BWUOttey. I Held. Straus; shortstop. Shi i catcher, Warwick; second base, Mc- Nlchol; < left held. Ilarvei ; right held. \\ \.-rs; plti Ini Stii, klaiul CFNTER ELECTED FIOCKEY CAPTAIN tit "l VI '. : da) 'a balloting. A I I'ringle. t| I).-nt . was el n of the i' ion kcj team for I'lingle has been the malnatay of the team throughout the tin best centers In college ranks. Ar- ia ng' I., ing made for an at- hediile for the i oiiiing sea- -on and a trip to Canada during the Christmas holidays is being BOUtem plated. Ur irton a'lul Ma |or I'ii kering peahen at a banquet which was given in honor of the hockey team They deliver. ,. 0U the his- tore of the sport at the Dnivei and especially of the ni eni rise in im- portance of hockey. Several famous skaters are being considered as a slhle coach of next year's seven Prospects for a ggVcessful season are very bright, as all the letter men on tin team will return ti i ..I lege. The Palace Ice Rink has been secured and regular practice will start about Dei ember l Norris, 11 Wk., has been ratified as Freshman mana- ger for next year. HONORARY SOCIETIES WILL ATTEND JOINT RECEPTION Devotee .! humane prim ipals and .i.ntitii int. rest- will be brought to- gether in the Joint meeting of Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma XI Honorary Sin i. in on Monday, June 14, at 4 P M la Houston Hall. A reception will be held in the Trophy Room, over which the recentlj elected president of Phi Beta Kappa. Dr J P. W. Craw- ford, will Two prominent speakers have been -II Bred who promt mulate In- terest bv their addresses Herbert \dams Olbbona, author and war ideni will present the need of a Foreign Policy for the tinted s- As Mr Qibbona plans later to write this theme Into a magazine article, the members of the two '" leties will have first opportunity to 'ear the Im- portant fail acquired in ur-t hand knowledge, presented by him The Rev Robert Norwood rector of Si PI opal I'hurch. In I brook Pa and a p. tion. will read his poem, "liiordano Bruno " Tha y of Giordano Bruno is that of the first man who Introduced tkv tha' other world- of oejfg ma\ be Inhab- ited by man. incurring the il! favor of the Church, Bruno | take a- a ben j

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Support your baseball team against Columbia today at 3. on Franklin Field.


Interjcholastic Championships

Track and Field Will Be

Decided To-day.


i>st in i i teenth anno*] Miildii ' ' tii Track

i ; lil Cl ' i|i meet mi 1

ally keen I duo tO tin- r.murk :i'i»ing nf so higk and

itOI I ill 111'' Itil.lN I '.II

rhe ■< <■' will atari al II U, In i I.I h i" tore the Columbia

The Mastm Part High School, of Buffalo, with William Koppish. <li'ii

er-mller, ■ expected to en-1 i,r Koppish is credited with the |

- , I.I tai mill' of all the school- enti rod in tha Relay Carnival.

Helm, of tha Lafayette nigh B* boo), alao .of Buffalo, the National JnaJor two-mile cro i ountrv champion, is

■ h thi iwM-mii.' event, Men will again he one of i

■ onga rl oontendei have a well balanced lean and should heavllj With thenn win be Bfgekrw, who baa von tha high tump for the past two yea Re u 111 i ompete In both the high lump and pom-vault, Another man who win be watched a it ti , I 11 Beck, <>f the Har- rlsborg Technical High Bohool Beck has i onatantl) Marred during thi

outd even better his former record. Be is entered in both th< hurdle races aa weii aa the shot- put, diacni throw and broad lamp,

Of the k ' • ntrul High is v in it.' aitii ■ irell-roiinded

in both the track and t*• -^«i ai eW prints the] hat a Mi' lonald and

McDonald Is capable of doing in the i enturj and should give

i! account of hlmaelf They win alao enter Russell in the hurdle

knap Theei men with Call- man, might prove Central nigh to be the dark li irse of the met

Hold. stiver and bronia medals win i oil to the three men plai li

each event, and ■ large silver loving ■ an to the champtonahlp team. The schools win be entertained al tha

kternit] bonaea during their in the i i'V A section of the

erand-atand a ill bi '■ tor them l'"iinsvlvaiiia-Coliiinliia be rhlcl la to be played after the

i the a Inner would be i hard 'ask. but li Is sal there will in- aoma oloee competition Among the achoolt entered are ■fercarebnrg,

labnrg Teen., Central High Bohool lladelphla, Hasten Park High and

• it.- High of Buffalo. I'l'iin Char- placopal Academy, St. Joaeph'a,

W'esl Philadelphia High, l.a Belle Prep., Olrard OoBega and Northeast High, of tiiis i in Bwarthmora Prep., Hammonton High, BeHeravflle High. Mi Bumey School. Willlainson Trades

rforil Prep.. Port .lervis and Nep- tune High School

In the thirty-fourth annual track • of the Inter-Academic kthletlc iclation, held yesterday afternoon

HI Franklin Field, the ivnn Charter team won the meet, scoring 48<4 points Cermantown Acadetm

■ second place with 4<"V4 points. while Kplscopal Academy was third ■vith 32 points. The meet was a close

Between the Pan Charter and '■rmantown representatives from he-

tinning to end.

Platform Prize Won by Student

anting to tl I I ' ird 1! \\ :

'.'li W'h bai "on I I ■

publican platform -inith

the i 04 Mil blgan, w in the third

M irmerly ■ L'nll ter to Peraia, is the donor or the

prl an JI

lror.d three Mur

Butler, Columbia i i Bevi Benator and David ine inn.

a former United States Lmbei ador. Mr Wilt on'i pn i r the Re

publican platform of I the subject matter of labor, railroade, b> land watt 'merchant marina torelgi trade, tariff and buaineea in general. The i nan American tamaera, Americanlam, war

irmy and navy, woman ml prohibition and coaaervatlam

I fully. Mr Wll theme also denll with the rechuna- li HI of land, finance and taxation, bad notary retain, Democratli Inefficiency,

called Wilson autocracy. The Peace Treaty and tha league of Nations. foreign relations, Mexico, Philipi Russia, the Vdriatii settlement and Shantung arere touched upon by the author, who concluded by Inviting "not only the support and co-opera •Ion of thoee who have beam wftb us in th I also ut all thoee who

nine the wladora and yuatl oar polltloe Tha Republican part]

in of endeavor, equality of opportunity, and national prosper-

id progress "


Basing Decisions on Returns of First

Day. the Committee Limits

Campaign :o Week.


Error in Recent Balloting for Board of Associate Managers An-

nuls Election.


Decathlon for Collinr Trophy Contest

Medal- Will Be Held in Pool

on Monday.

Jin! Endowment

Fund rning LOO pi Iption ot of i ' ening

on the h

lamination* W i'li ■ in i lew, an ■ plan

the pun

,ni elaborate cale The committee, headed bj Donald-

em) Leopold, 'jo Wh . believes that tha tatlng men Influenced by their idnp'ri'il i

Ibiltty thi dem onatrate their loyalty to th< I sltv. At all events, and Whatever thetr motive, they are soiidh behind the di

Hi-, an -i' ni the Incompli the reports, H would in- nnfalr to tha

ra ami m< Dberi ol tha i ommlt- ■ print a list of the

until k I'i• Kroin in day on committeeman i uragently re-

port daih I Ki ept Sun da\. to tin- eaat office ol Houston Hall Bai h man will be expected to have a complete lie! of Benloi i who sub scribed through him during the day The meetraga arc short, hut

sary to the MH I a i am- paigit

pi i \ iou-iy meal lone .. i nniv j:, mi i real vears. and by nun will | 1 a total around 106,000 \l I reunion of the present graduating

tha fund win be voted i ten i

li al •.."."Ml ll| let) ovei Itti thi premiums on the policies artll b Intereel The Inaeraw nents mature In twentj yeara, and tl ■■ fuudi

i'.| |*i them will thereupon be i ome available foi

official!] OUt

provides of Tim Pi

•nni li ■


■ -

rion. as announced last night: l Voting a | lacs Hoi

ith. In tl ol the P

1 Ballots inu.-t be signed by »1 I \u votes b] "prow■" «iii be

counted i. Two of the nomlne<

candidate tor aewapap enta 11\.• must in voted tor on each ballot

Tha nominees arc: Per uen | representative, lames L Lovltl f< t

hip on the Hoard of Ifanagare, R M Plshm, T, M Kod ding, If, H ' krttinget and I r lf<

it was dei 'di'd at a meeting i beard, held yesterday afternoon, that the next Franklin Society hatupiet 1"'

hold on Thuraday, the !7th Detail i of tin i in the hands of ■ i om mill, srlth ii M Juatl as chairman


ninn its season with a well-de- I victory, the Kreshman crew

rdav completely outclassed th<> entral High School eight and de- ated them six lengths over the Hen-

courea The first year men took lead at the start and pulled away

no difflculty. the Central rrc* coming even close during the

la rai i high school bovs worked poorly

ether and showed a lack of suftl- ■ .aching and training. Al-

ugh the time for the race was slow. I i mills more than eight min-

It was no real test of the r>esh- ii. since they eeued up ronsiderahly

-i Inlng so decisive a lead. t Philadelphia ti-uii will row the

no n to-day at I o'clock, and. I from the form they have

In prax tlce, it should be a ra '■ than vesteidav's. The

man boat la Matted at toUowa; Eva; 7. Waidner: 6, Hugh; B,

erg; 1, Borle; I, Llameld; 2. N'atheweon; I, Chambi wain,

PMlowIng ini a custom begun last the Collins Trophy conteal win

■ id ktondaj afternoon al 5 o'clock, In the lank of the gvmiiasium this

In he held • II. in

memoo of Herbert Collins, who cap I the water polo team while he

ivaa In the tlptvarelty He waa killed at Penaai la during the World War, while in the governineiit Hying Mr

v sum of money has been plai ad in trust, the interest trom wliiih is

to buy ■ set of medals each rear for the beet all-around swimmers and divan m the I niversity.

The eonteel is run in the form of a i . i thlon mad" mi if swimming with ■tl different strokes the plunge and

three dives Bvery conteetai I uiB be required to swim ti ft y yards with each stroke, any man who breaks ins rtroke during the required dlatance win be disi|iiaiitied. Copying the method used in scoring the pentathlon in track meets, the men will he given

II for the number of tha poeltion in which they place, and the BUM ra- earring the lowest number of points will win the contest

The swimming events will c insist of breast, over-arm. trudgeon. crawl, back strokes and swimming under water for distance In this way the men who are good In all stroke

how their superloritv The dtVI merely the simple front, hack and jack-knife. Two trials are allowed in • he plunge in order that the men who are not used to plunging nun d I their best.

This competition will he the lust of its kind U) he held ill the liiiversltv.

I as the medals last rear were given to ■ the winners of each particular event Several men have signified their In-

dention of entering Hracticalh all the members of the water pole

; will compete. In memory of Mr Col- 1 lins if for no other reason The meet

will he held under the supervision of Coach.s Kistler and Faries. The lat- "•r won the contest last year Being a new affair, this contest is expected ,,, he the big attraction of the early

• ... .,.'Xt week Some good talent will also probably he brought to light.


in a program filled with Individual talent ami \i realuit) frog Ontah, the foreign students of tk

i'\ last night brought their third annual Ma] POBtival to I rUUM I'kalih

1 'n both nights of the fete the entertainment was enjoyed bj a crowd that fairly overflowed the roomy Internationa] Btudenl 11

Opening the program last night with several selections the Interne tlonal Qlee Club wai followed by ■ piano 'i'li" duet The Chlleai dents' Association was in the entertainment, and preeented an Instructive and enter! let tarn HI chile Uluatratud by lantern \ i 'hiiean da BI a i-i Cueca," together with a Peasant dance of (Jkraln Hungary, furnished an Insight Into the terpsichie Of disiiint nations. Another harmonious si by the Qlee Club concluded the me fill festival that has aval tempted bv foreign stud

itefore ia~t evening's perforn Mrs. .1. Clark Me a dinner pair tO twents live i;ii|s nf the Duel neai Women's i eagaa and the h i the International House that helped

et the iirogram. After the en- •il last night. Mrs Moore ar-

ranged a d'lice for the Students at the Phllomueian dub

Mr Weaver, who has been direct- Bag the International Mandolin Club. wa- preeented with a handsome wallet as a token of the dub's apprei iation of his effort-


pen' ricket team meet sturdy opposition moot

IB I u\ Ingeton s. l. The

! team left this morning, and tin l ut giving i hi ir op

portents s herd \n ■• ,i

i the week, the team mproveniiiil Thi nun

are eot i her In i amool h I i.' ni i i way, and In the dattj

held since the game, have itrength, Thi

Island tee m [nod raputal i in •: leading Baatern cricketers, and

they are confident "t their ability to give Pennaylvanla a hard match

The team left Philadelphia iin.- uiorning at s o'l lock Those who made the trip are II II Kohh M Car in tl P S Thornton I' I. Ails II I 'liap'uan. \! Ilulhiiril. S P I \ \111;• ■ 1 II QUMBSer Sterling. Ste.de Aliorn. ami Manager Llppincotl I'pon at rival al Nee fork the] wem Imme-

|j i i Livingston where the matcta is acheduled to take pla


Stickmen Pace Southern Rivals

Much ll among lai t h.

Field ■ a k. Hopkins


i the championship in ■

c >nteat, In which the winner win in i doubt •


ted -'ti h t Bti S wart line H

Their score In thi Bwarthmora was u to i, arblcl

aid', -hows their BUPOrlorlt] again.-i

their opponents ('ompa to put the Unlvi

team on practicallj an equal b with than. Th OUr team has tightened up considerably lately, and the at keeping the ball

i ur goal moat ol the tlmi -hoot- ing more coals than their opponents

Coach Qoldamitk gave the men Bnal instruime lay In both di I and Offense work, and taught the method uracv lii shooting

I'rai li. all) a lull learn Of rugulat will line up tor Pennaylvanla to li .i bj ini.iv. at goal Wllford will

! point, while Got- v.ill handle cover-point iiaiiagh. neon and tlly win form

tin- ii. d Koethen la to pb i.ed \,\ i laptaln Praj I In

taik will Include Downing and Schaub, In-home and home are to b«

Kerfoot and Bmullln respec i be lohna Hopkins team will

■ vetl tna from last i hip team as a inn ill


Rival Will Be Represented by Strong

Line-up, Headed by Meany,

New Star Twirler.




Philo. Hold' Final Meeting. tin" of officers for the coming

real wag the main bnaineai transacted Bth | of the I'hiloina-

thean So. ut. . held leaf night The [ tl I Will be an-

the annual banquet to- night.

Timely Articles in Latest Issue of Pennsylvania Gazette.

l'lans tor establishing ■ School ot Pine Vrts ire reproduced in full in a

' of the special committee from the Architectural School, printed in the week, i ' ii" Pet aej Ivanla

tte, Which appeared \e-i.'ida\ An ai made to aeeUN support of \liimni Dap, which falls on June

Discussing rrnshmen matriculation for next fall, all previom !•■• ordi tor

win apparently be broken Twelve hundred applications have already been received, in spite of ,),• bo 'union and requirement ,,f a | Of this enrollment. 60 per cent are in the Wharton S

of the University R. o. their Hi -1 spring camp

ing trip thi- afternoon Btartlni Architectural Huiidine; at 12.lt,

the . adet will entrain tor Btrmtng- ham, N. .1., where they will camp over Saturday night A hike through the country -m rounding Birmingham will be taken, and swimming raits should be in ck, aa opportunity arill he given for i plai

Pull equipment, including hOUM he tVier. and all men must he

i' rtulatio II - it iir.il 'I he t -t al BOOl

of the trip, including meals and rail- road fare, will not exceed $1 Id Mem

bers desiring to take the trip must sin nify their Intention by signing up in the Military Training office not later

than 11 O'clock thts morning Cadets taking the hike will hi

Bared nf not only practical instruction in eanip. but of a general good time. Camp will be broken Sunday after- noon, and the i nrps will return on the

rain from Birmingham. Follow ing is a list of articles required: Towel and soap, blanket, tooth-brush, extra sinks, poncho or raiiuoat and Mill equipment.

Kentucky Club Elects Officers. Officers for the coming year were

1 at a meeting of the Kentucky Club, in the Houston rluh I ing. This u'•'.- the final meeting of the term, and after much disc ussion plans

i|M>ti for inducing Ken- tncky prep school men to enter the Inn \t fall

Delegates from Various College Clubs

Will Be Entertained at the

Hotel Rittenhouse.

the final teativit) of the ithoii. students of the t elver-

i In- \i a man hop a' I In Hot.i Rittenhouse to-night This ail,in i. the 'iiii'iial splint .!.

which i- staged In honor of visiting delegates ol the various Cntholii New- man i luhs ii the Pennaj Ivanla Prov- bees of the Federation of Catholic Col-

1 lull- ol \ ni'-ri. a The mil -i

win he furnished bj Mathew'a orches- tra tor th* dancing, lasting from !" to i j o'ck

Representat Ires rroa Prim • Pitteburgb Wee) Virginia and other

... win in present al the Catho- lic Students lions.' te-daj tor the at ■ua] convention DeJeejntes »in be elected to be tent to the annual oon-

t li-- tWOntJ -i\ I'athollc Col- luhs. w hi eh Is in he held at Cliff

Ha v.ii in the Mrs! week of .Inly. Pro- ■ lolemali. Of I'ohlinhla I niv.i

slty, will address the gathering tod.i.

The proceeds Of this affair will to toward- aending the delegates to the summer conference Ticket- have lieen sent to all Of the Catholic stu dents of the I niver-ii\ and additional ones mav he secured for $2 at the Chapel, ".Tin Sprin ■•■ ire.-t There will be entertainment during the dance

in.i refreshments win be served


First Gathering Will Take Place in

Houcton Hall Monday.

Penn State Game Canceled. Due ii> the death of one of the pro-

m at Penn State, the tennis today

This match will he ill the future

Ml ni-ii who have signified their in tentlotis of joining the Merzhacher I'luh will gather hi Houston Hall audi tor.uin next Monday afternoon

.. Bo in i nearly one baadred prominent nndergraduati mud up t'.r membership, and all of these Students are urged to attend The

ug will be held under th. of the charter members of the

chili, and a thorough explanation ol • he organI

nation win be pi Hie of the ii

will be the principal ipeakei of thi n. In a brief talk. In will outline the aims and purpooi the dub Sydney G Qt ddent of tin will read the COB

iiti it. !''■ ' \li iv

er will also be pn I win

old I,I din and spirit win nareiit tO-daj when the A'..

i Columbia in their annual game at 0*1 I". k, on Franklin field, Tha Pennsylvania ti i much bi form after its i rer 1 MMtmouU) on Wednesda)

The Dartmouth game was an i Hit ion of | ball and showed

thai the tther has brought the pitcher- around inii Al- though the pitching staff has caused i oa. h ran-- great anxiety during th, whole season, he Is satisfied now that they have struck their stride and will have a good chance to win the ran Ing gin

Coach i team ha - had quite a -u. . ason thus far. having won nine out of fourteen games. Kver since the days t.f labile Collins the Mnrningside Helgln team has been one of the strongest ninihi nations In college ranks Ackermaa their heavy-hitting catcher. and Ifeanjr, the star pitcher, will probably be the battery which win attempt to add Pennsylvania to their long list of \ anqulshed

Cotumbla'a lineup goilows: First Bchnaars; second bane Mauck;

third base. Bj. Telford; left Held. K lloulahin center Bold, Karrell; right BeM. Goodman; shortstop, Weinsteln; ■ ,l< I I nan . pili her. Meany.

The following will play for I'ennsyl-

Third base. BWUOttey. I Held. Straus; shortstop. Shi i

catcher, Warwick; second base, Mc- Nlchol; < ■ left held. Ilarvei ; right held. \\ \.-rs; plti Ini Stii, klaiul


tit "l VI '. : da) 'a balloting. A I I'ringle. t| I).-nt . was el

n of the i' •■ ion kcj team for I'lingle has been the

malnatay of the team throughout the

tin best centers In college ranks. Ar- ia ng' I., ing made for an at-

hediile for the i oiiiing sea- -on and a trip to Canada during the Christmas holidays is being BOUtem plated.

Ur • irton a'lul Ma |or I'ii kering ■peahen at a banquet which was given in honor of the hockey team They deliver. ,. 0U the his- tore of the sport at the Dnivei and especially of the ni eni rise in im- portance of hockey. Several famous skaters are being considered as a slhle coach of next year's seven

Prospects for a ggVcessful season are very bright, as all the letter men on tin team will return ti i ..I lege. The Palace Ice Rink has been secured and regular practice will start about Dei ember l Norris, 11 Wk., has been ratified as Freshman mana- ger for next year.


Devotee .! humane prim ipals and .i.ntitii int. rest- will be brought to-

gether in the Joint meeting of Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma XI Honorary Sin i. in on Monday, June 14, at 4 P M la Houston Hall. A reception will be held in the Trophy Room, over which the recentlj elected president of Phi Beta Kappa. Dr J P. W. Craw- ford, will

Two prominent speakers have been -II Bred who promt ■ mulate In- terest bv their addresses Herbert \dams Olbbona, author and war

■ideni will present the need of a Foreign Policy for the tinted s- As Mr Qibbona plans later to write this theme Into a magazine article, the members of the two '" leties will have first opportunity to 'ear the Im- portant fail acquired in ur-t hand knowledge, presented by him

The Rev Robert Norwood rector of Si PI ■ opal I'hurch. In I brook Pa and a p. tion. will read his poem, "liiordano

Bruno " Tha ■ y of Giordano Bruno is that of the first man who Introduced tkv tha' other world- of oejfg ma\ be Inhab- ited by man. incurring the il! favor of the Church, Bruno |

take a- a ben



(Etj: JDcnnspluanian -

I HI ll>l(-l\.l Mill ••IIAI.I.KS IMPB1 THOMPSON. '21

■AN iOlMO union ......-, B . '21


I ill I nils ii VsrtfJ (i 1 c 11 i \

I. I- r W P


issn. i \ i i i I.I inns II T

» i. V'iMOurs. '22


fa D '

P I ■ ■ lol I. S.i,llh. '!»

\ Rho«d«a. '21 j

nis|\i:ss M-ANAG1 II



To insure publication, notices must be typewritten, signed and submitted before 10 P. M.

Al»\ III I |s|M. M \\ \l.lll

< UK i i \ i n>\ NANACBH CllM VS. '21

IIIISI \ss| III s|M ss \IW\I.IH

ASSISIWI III s|M ss MANAGBR8 i B Ii H. Z.mmi'ii i I. II I

■The i ■ iiiuiil.-ntioMi on Hi I t but alKnuturt* will be

naylvani.in I* ■ 's matter.

p Iptlont, * it extra 1

If■■ -in<— M iinin.r'. Office Hour*:

SATURDAY. MAY 22. 1920.

Night Editor of This Issue J08BPH A, 8CHOFIELD, JR.



among the btudei sired bj i

i i Pennsylvania, ol

Hading a raei ittracl the best

ol men t" our University, Their

endeavor baa not been an attempt to

Influence the «v< ilthj snob who go

college i' i.ii poMtbillttea

•■u Pennsylvania, bill la obtain

men who will, from the moment they

tei. take an act Iva Interesl in the

Unlverslt) and Iti srell

\\'i' iranl nun. real men, men who

win be good Pennaylvanlani and good

American men n»ho will give all thai

is in them to Pennsylvania, men who

win continue our traditions and who

tie Inter In athletti ■ tor th"

sport of the thing, meg who win take

.ill i ii.it the class-room man to

whom Pennsylvania spirit will he

i ba i B myth This i> a bai a*«

mean bj of man

Recently i i lub baa been organised

with Its principle motive to make

j Ivania known to desirable

school-boya and to Influence Uu

come hoic for their education. The

purpoae of the various state clubs fat

a similar one. if these organisations

can Juatif) their existence bj ■ ooav

prehenatve effort to carrj this grork

on daring ii"1 summer vacation, they

will have dona a ralusule serrioa to

the University. Every man who has

the actual good of Pennsylvania al

bear) should affiliate with one of these

clubs and help ibe good work.

The mosl practical manner of mak

hag the plan effectha would be bi

such a co-operative body thai

school from which desirable ,men are

graduated would in- under the charge

of a definite committee from one of

the oluhs As for exuinpi' the Rocky

tain Club, which ha 0 well «•<>••-

wiih the preparatory

schools In the Middle West .hist so

| Una Club should riatl the tastl

tuUona in llaflae, the Merabaoher OhA

la in Philadelphia, and so


There is bul small time to complete

details tar the summer campaign, it

will be ii' the varies.

ktlons to construe) their actual

plans before the end of the term

gel bus] and gel after the I

Merzbacher Club.—M< Bday ton Hall auditorium.

Tennis.—Male h called ofl with Bute ■ .111 Of a pi

Glee Club.—K.pon ,u Scottish Rites Hall. Broad and Bai e to-da)

Germantown Friends' Club.—Meel lag in Room ;. Houston Hall, al 10.45 Mondi

150-Pound Crew.—Repoii al house al 9 30 to da). to be measured


Musical Cubs.—All members settle .i club offlci s in Pi

: to da]. 10 to 11.

Band.— Report al 7 o'clock Monday evening la uniform, al Welghtman i [all, to play tor I

Students' Ward.—II A 11 mm. Wh ; I Kidman. Jl ('.; K. l-'reti. C; I' C, Kuebler, .'i C; A N Daniel, '80 Ed . .1. A. Kohl'. '22 Wh : I' Stackhouse, '82 M B.; W, l(. Schwarswi Idi

Fre'hman Baseball.— ■ •I wharf or Penn-

game: Stout, Miller, Sullivan, Far la Railroad at 11 iddle

roll, Reckus, Schuster, Maher, simp son, Maheffej. Wilson \lvIno, Pli

'Varsity Baseball —Following r< port to rralning House si 12 JO to-daj for lunch ami picture: Huntsin fej . St ii. klaml. War.'

|Ol, Shi Bweeni 1 Myei y. W. VI

Lacrosee.—Following report In nni ime al i 30 id

>v. Koetl Got- Kerfoot, Wllford, Macanally,

Downing Btevenson, Ballagh, Smullln, Goldstein, Prl

Cricket Team.—Follow n al Philadelphia Station this

morning to take g o'clock train tor \. W York: II. n. Robb, If. Qai P, S. Thornton, I". L irit , H. ( man. K \ G Porter, M Hulburd

on, J, Btokea, Sterling, Quinn, \ \i.:. La 0 I Uaenser and " Upplncotl



Coach IfcKlchol's Freshman I ball team will oppose Peddle Institute, Of Hlghtstowii. N, .1.. Ih .on al

1 SO, mi the latter'a diamond. This Is expected to be ■ oloaely contested game, as the Institute team LUU he. n

lying excellent team work since the .ally par! of the season. The bat- tery foi neither team ha- been

illy announced. Ilowevr I in and Maher will probably he I I to support the Freshmen.

terdaj afternoon the yearlings ted Northeast Hlgli School by

ol g to I Tins puma «■ played on the hiRh school diamond. Stoul twirling for the Freshmen, was in good form and held the opp team to s limited number of hit . a.all scattered aei i r endangering th which the Freshman gained early in the game

So i n -i beduled for the early pan of aexl week, bul it la hoped thai some si hool »ill < .■ to play on Franklin Field oithei day or Tuesday.



"The Brokei ol Bogota," as produced by the x.eiosophic Literal*] Society,

distinct sin.ess. The ball of the llellevue -Stratford Hotel was idled to the doors to see one of the most beautifully sets pli ever given by the soci. i v

Before the play started Dean Uuiuii ■ short review of the life of the

author and his connection with the Univeraity. The aocietj is deepl debted to the Coeds who took pan in making the play the success which it scored Dspecially the superb acting of Miss Dorothy Buckley and Miss Elisabeth Canning > iture wor- th) of special noli

»Hll»0«l»MI* i*OIANA»OUS



amevson 2nd. Floor

1225 Market 1425C1i«stnut


Style, Service



All here - The same style, the same service, the same quality, the same good hand tailoring that you expect in any first-class store.

There is'nt one hit of difference between our big, bright second floor shops and any other high-grade store except in the prices and they are from $3 to $15 lower.


Spring Suits $40 to $45 Values

$ r» rt .<'*o 32 It's all due to low, second-floor rents, 'mall ex- pense, enormous business and little profits. Conie in and see for yourself.

Two Big Stores

2d Floor 1225 Market

Open Sat. Night

2d Floor 1425 Chestnut Mon., Fri., Sat Night

TAKE ELKVATOk 'Saw tfte Diffvrenvv

e i

Do You Want a Car? /. 1918 Stilt/. Bearcat ^A^a^. 1916 .. Roadster

dSsX 1918 Buick

■^?r 1919 Chandler Dispatch 1918 Franklin Touring

We will be glad to demonstrate at your convenience.

HARRIS, UROYS CLARK „< Automobile Brokers

1 rank B. Harris Philip N. LeRoy Reuben B. Clark U .P. '08 Locust 121 2033 MARKET ST.

2 pass. 2 pass. 2 pass. 4 pass. 5 pass.

Flour Fight Pictures

lO cents each

Enlargements 25 & 50c

( olleg'e Book and Supply Store

3425 Woodland Ave.

STUDIOS DANSJWT 1830 Market St. 5524 Germantown Ave.

Dancing Every Evening at 1830 Market St.

Saturday Evenings, Dancing for Couples Only, 1830 Market St.

Dancing Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings at the Germantown Studio

Saturday Afternoons, 18JO Market St. 3.00 P. M

Phone Spruce 4331 Germantown 3931


Camp Councillors Will Be Selected for

Work During Summer.

Announcement sras mad< from the Christian Association i of the nmiH's of those nun srho «ill act as head counsellor ;ii Gr» i a Lane tins summer, ITiaw win be four head counsellors srho win remain al camp during the entire sumo Ion.

D. C. Harrison, 'SO C, "ill be chief counsellor, Those men who srl : uiiii bim are: D, H M< i iomaa wii ; ,i Patterson, '81 C, at d \N aolda, '21 II, K I i Ian to

a count lltora to -• n a I fa diSerenl periods win s, , i next a a ik < !amp o] • June 21 and

i 21 tpplli saked to -• a Mr Hoe al the Christian

latlon ciiii as, or any ol the men ■ lonad iiinn,

It s all in the Lines/

"The roll of the lapels, the button spacing; the shoulders and waist - lines!"


Our custom - tailoring service will give you men the very best for


Neubauer, 1121 Walnut "The College Tailor"

THE SEAGULL Swift as a seabird, powered with the strength of a hundred and fifty horses, the Curtiss Seagull lifts you off and up. Roneath you is | trail of rainbow bubbles; the w.iter breaks into great triangles of bronze and emerald.

SPORT! The greatest by your leave Let us glue you a demonstration

C r'l s Eastern Ai p'ane Corp.

130 So. I5h Str.ct. Ph.l.. S»!e>, Demon*lrtticr>, Ar ial Activiif?, Etc.






Berkshire Life Insurance Company OF i rSFI L i AIA.-S.

We are always ready to talk with young men about entering the life insurance business and

nnecting themselves with this Company. There has never been a time when life insur-

ance has been in such popular favor as now; nor a time when people are so dependent upon life in- surance as now; nor a time when life insurance was so generally recogni ed as a necessity. Be- cause of these conditions the business opens a great opportunity for young men starting in life, requi-ing no invested capital and offering features such as few lines of business offer.

E. H. PLUMMER, General Agent, S12 Walnut Street Philadelphia, Pa.



Jewelers loldsmiths Silversmiths AN UNIQUE STOCK T J SATISFIES THE MOST


Prompt an 1 Careful tttf ti w to Purchases by Mail


Latt Social Function of Class is the White Flannel Dance.

the Flannel

hold i the flnaJ gathering of the i inder-

will undoubted!) inn,iiii. end of Its social ei tIt (ioming el Day, thli affair popular

This rear the Marion Crickei Club bail-nioin I. secnrod for the •rent] win !>•• only $i :,u aplei e, tbe balk of the up i ■ being paid from ill" i laaa treaaary \ large tttendani i a provided for and •rarj one ed a good time.

All Wool Suits made to measure

$65.00 and up.

All marked in plain figures

JAMES E. MOLL0Y, Tailor 1227 WALNJT ST. Srcjna FUor

ALL STUDENTS Should see me before disposing of their furniture, desks, rugs.

electric lamps, chairs, bed clothes, etc.

Highest Prices Paid J. R Haley 224 So. 38th St. P/eston 4471

Quality and "Second Floor Price

are "Economy"

10 |ie i Hi ciSccini to students ard





LOftT-Diamond-ehaped fraternity pin Return | W Uan

i ii

WANTED—IU Hi.• Mineral Bpt inn. wniou i brighl young

or night clerk

INSURANCE 1—will pa; i i price for a compli ' of le ture notes

and outlines Delivered after final ex- amination* Address ft • The


WANTED—We win buy on mplete of The Panmn 11 anlan lor the

i:.i:i it] i. Inquire this ofAce.

TWO RELIABLE YOUNG MEN at sell Water Cln ulatora for Rird

■ II . an ellenl paj Ing position. Ideal work for rammer racation. T. J. Choala, 1S82 B (lei B( . Phi

WANTED-Virtrciiii and records; amai ba in good condition and rerj reas-

onable. Call Baring 8191

John Barbieri Men's Tailor Cleaning, Pressing, Altering, Dyeing and Repairing

3210 Chestnut Street Philadelphia

Ortnii.'t thr ofiaional >ouf protection.


Jit all Stores where

quality rules.

Lifton Mfg. Co., few York

What Ready Made 'Clothing Gives Ext™

Pants Free?

We Give You

2PairTrousers and make you a

Suit-to- Measure For




The Standard Tailoring Co. Tailort lor Men and V*om«n

1215 Market Street—Second Floor W*-MH.

The Fairmount Laundry Special attention paid to students

247 5. Tiirty-Seventh Slreet

THE WATKIN S JEWELRY STORE Cor 40thand Sansom Sts.

Fine Jewelry and Watch Repairing

Special Attettiori to ittlnl

ARROW cj'roy ^Jailored


Soothes while it Lathers"

Ji ((l„i 11 |etl A RamedeU'i Perfeel I eld Cream in combination. Makes i heavy, sreemy lather, soothe the skin, prevents irritu- lioe, beels soreness, Leans the eeay lesson o( quick and perfect shav- ,ni>. ■> latter shave in less time—a parfset shave every time. Sold by




Cheaper, Better, More Stylish Than

Ready Made Come see our fine woolens tomor-

row. All latest fabrics and summer patterns. Made Famous Mills. Jetiefeslssn Guaranteed or Money Relaniei

Heboys 'straw "


On«a Mini, iiii'i Bat. M«». mi a •"Clack


u. a PAT o»e\

Tyrol Wool

Men's Overcoats All Weights

24.75 34.75 42.75

Tyrol Wool> an ideal fabric

in all respects. Serviceable,

comfortable and needs no




These husky hunks of humanity know that Whistle is good for them and that "Strawinff is the best way to drink it. Their intuition is safer than man's reason for they invented the strewing idea.

Bottles only—Straw one —Ju*t Whistl*

Have you

A BafiDiri.

;t TAUvOtV

• so* * •4 EN AND rHlv •

111* WALNUT **L Hi ILABEL* ' 3






riUITS. »«5 TO $100


1115 Walnut Street

Drovers and Merchants National Bank

3014-16 MARKET STREET Resources $l. 700.000.00

Account! of Students and Fraternities Solicited

SAMUEL GRAHAM. JP. President CHAS. W. HALDEMAN. 2ad V»=«-Pr«»d«t. FRANK P. CLARK. I.t Vice-Preside.! ERNEST R. PATTON. Cash**

CHAS. V. MOHAN. Asst.Ctshia


Exclusive Method

"Jt Teacher For Euery Pupil"

Baker Building, 1520 Chestnut St.

Office 30Q Open Day and Eve.

Special Rate to Students

4 Lessons $5 Locust 3192


Visit our up-to-date Soda Fountain

Everything for the Student





The Victoria Lunch 3713 SPRUCE ST. opp. Dorms

The ideal eating; place on the campus

BestFood Cleanliness Purity Attention High in everything excepljprices

Always Open

Been there The Most Exclusive in Town


In the heart of Social and Financial Center

Come and help us pick ihe best Belfield Dancer in Philadelphia


Open Every Evening and Saturday Afternoon

The Studio of

C. Ellwood Carpenter 1123 Chestnut St. Private Lessons Day and Evening. Classes Every Mon. and Thus. Evan'at

Assembly Dances mffi*JMrsr'°"N


Tuxedo and Full Dress Suits



BARBER SHOP Offers a Service That Ii Luxurious and Absolute Hygienic Cleanliness in Every Operation and Service as Perfect as Human Ingenuity can Make.

20 Skillrd Baibers 10 Courteous Manicu-is s

Insure Prompt. Satisfactory Seivice

ROBIRTKCCH. Prop., 1417 Walnut Start

First Floor Stock Exchang- Building

\ \




Naugahyde Bags Are Good Bags

Every Naugahyde Bag is a good bag from its English Club Shape to its sel ected brown lining.

Dust, grease or mud splashes cannot penetrate the outside fabric, Wipe them off with a damp cloth and the bag looks as good as new.

$13.50 to $18.50



..I Hi-- majority of tin-

chnrcfaM In the rlriaKj win ■, their o« a pulpit - tot U

tiiming a series of Bald-

win will - j t I lie .v.Miiif; ntrvt) •■ ai the Chi i Church.

i I rill be: "If JMOI < Ihrlnl In rhilail.-l|ilila. What

Would He i nnki Btn- • ' ' M Will be held at noon

In ill- ireh, «in, h i Fortieth.

i Marine, 11 11 pai tor of the '- i! Church of the Holj Communion, on < heetnul %b> »e

tieth, « ill ■peak U botb ■errtcm ■ church Holj Communion will

• lh" il O'I while Sunday-school is plained tar the

\i si Mary' Church :'•!'. I I Sin.I.-ills' Bible

onducted el 10.30 The he Tabei i

Church, m Thirt] Mventh .. will

' aeon riio- •■ claasee are very popular anioi.i: and their r< ipecti' ii i"niv.-i si'v p. d their den imlnattohal Bible - l.i--' .

Mac Donald & Campbell

Specialists In Young Men's

Clothing Haberdashery and Hats

I 334-1336 Chestnut St. PHILADELPHIA

Your Straw Hat at M U E N C H ' S


For Much Less Than Elsewhere

Get Here First AH Braids in Straw, Panamas, Leghorns,

Bangkok* and MacKinaws

Did You Flash That S. O. S. Need typewriting the 11th hour ?

Miss L. Grob, Public Stenographer I074 Drexel Bldg. 5th and Chestnut

Straw Hats Cleaned


New Canadian J N 4's

f. o. b

Aero Service Corporation 73rd St. end Elmwoocl Ave.

OFFICEi •'17 Stephen Cirard Building


May 23 10.45 A.M.

Tabernacle Church

37th & Chestnut

3647-49-51 Woodland Avenue

Shoes Miiiuii and Periodicals

3659 Woodland Ave

WILLIAM E. CROLL Quality Meat*

Special HtfentloD Rlvn in innttn tlon§, restaurants and boarding house•

3303 Chestnut St.

Dunhill Pipes London Made

C0ATESCOLFMANCO. in \ H. Sunday School. Snlm Jtgents

11 A M . Celebration of Holy Com- |J$ C0MMFRC1AI TRUST BLDG. munion

Church of the Holy Communion


Chestnut St.. Above Twenty-first. REV. J. HENRY HARMS, D.D., Pastor

I P II . Evening Service.

Faculty and Students cordially In- vil.-d.

CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY, Nineteenth St., Cor. Walnut St.

15th and "ARKETST. Locust 3566



1'nlvernlty students cordially Invited. Sunday Services:

It A M., Ilolv communion. M0 A. M.. Sunday School and Bible

Clusscs In the Parish House. JIT ■onto Twentieth Street.

11 A. M. s. rriee and Sermon. 1 \ IV M . Kveiilng Prayer and Sermon.

7.30 P. M„ Organ Recital. me there where Purity and Cleanliness Lead H '' M- Service and Sermon.

Floyd W. Tom kins. S.T.D., Rector.

University Lunch

AW DC Pipe is the bigue« value that the World's Largest Pipe Manufacturers a»n put into a pipe. The

W DC is a good, satisfying smoke, and bound to break in sweet and mellow every time. Highest quality of bit. band and bowl; craftsmanship of the highest order — that's what we mean by biggest value. Ask any good dealer.




DURING your stay in New York it will be pleasant

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~A of comfort.

-A You can do this by stopping j at The Vanderbilt Hotel.

The Vanderbilt Hotel is noted for its cuisine and its service. Its appointments are in r< taste; its charges are re able; it makes its own r to the exck sivc travel

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Suite, parlor bedroom »nd t-mh *


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is merely

a matter

of knowing


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Our Popularity with Young Men has been won, and is held by intelligent and careful catering to their requirements



Up-To-Date Tailoring, Clothes

Cleaning, Repairing Pressing

Remodeling Prompt Service U:e Kclb'i fomnutafion Clo'les Pressing Coupons

v,°"er !32 *>™ 25 to 35 Per cent

TRY KOLR\S TAILORING SHOPS Oldest established on the campus

3703 Spruce St 10 Memorial Tower, U. ol P. Dorms

Everything Musical Full Hi« «f hljl| JiMnn (i tf - Panjos, Mandolins. B«l Man

dolins, Tenor Banjos, etc. 10% discount to College Men

Something New! Portophone, special with 10 records fiee. Try

tanywheie you go. Price $42.50




50 Per Cent Reduction to Student Official Photographers for 1919-1920 Class Record

HOTELDENNSYLVANIA Roorml. 0|-p. lYim-vlv.ima Terminal

2200B»ihi The World. L«rge«i Hotel

A New York Home for Pennsylvania University men.

Convenient to everything, in "the heart of NtW York."

•ix Famous Restaurants, Convention and Ball Rooms, Private Dining

Rooms, Reception Rooms and facilities for all sorts of

business and social affairs.

Operated by The New York Hotels Statler Co.

Tuxedo and Full Dress Suits


WE WANT 20 Sales Managers

An opportunity io earn bigmoney

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IOOS Ard. St. Philadelphia