wire it presentation

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Post on 24-May-2015




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  • 1. WireIt Presentation http://javascript.neyric.com/wireit Eric Abouaf february 2009

2. What is it ?

    • Javascript library to create web wirable interface
  • 3. Uses theYUI Library

4. Open source,MIT license 5. Supports all major browsers 6. What's in it ? MySQL 7. What's it for ?

    • Any wirable interface :
  • 8. Mashups

9. Workflow 10. Visual Programming 11. Dataflow 12. Database querying 13. ... 14. Examples tarpipemakes it easy to share content across different social media applications. 15. Examples The Planar Game: Arrange the vertices such that no edges overlap. 16. Examples Graphpipesis a simple and easy way to aggregate semantic data. By using drag'n'drop you are able to create SPARQL-queries and reuse them later in your networked graphs. (proof of concept, early beta) 17. Examples PBX Editor : Create voice menus with a few clicks (not done with WireIt, just an example...) 18. Examples JsBox: Proof of concept for visual programming 19. How to edit wires ? 1. Start dragging from a terminal 2. Drop on an other terminal 3. Click on the scissors to cut the wires 20. How does it work ?

  • Canvas tag to draw wires with bezier curves

21. excanvasfor IE support 22. YUImagic 23. InputExform library 24. Terminals & Wires properties 25. Containers Image Containers Form Containers(usinginputEx ) Inputs/outputs Containers + create your own Extend the base Container class 26. WiringEditor A full-page interface for common WireIt uses. 27. WiringEditor A full-page interface for common WireIt uses. 1. Define your visual language(modules + WiringEditor options) 3. Process/Interpret/Translate the wiring JSON 2. Edit wirings inyourlanguage DB storage WiringEditor 28. JSON Language Definition { // Language name languageName: "jsBox", // Url of the SMD file (link to the backend) smdUrl: '../../WiringEditor/WiringEditor.smd', // JSONinputEx definition for the properties form propertiesFields: [ {"type": "string", inputParams: {"name": "name", label: "Title" } }, {"type": "text", inputParams: {"name": "description", label: "Description"} } ], // JSONModules definition modules: [ ] } 29. JSON Module Definition { // Module name "name": "comment", // Container JSON properties "container": { // Container class "xtype": "WireIt.Container", // Terminals config : "terminals": [ { "name": "inputA","direction": [0,1],"offsetPosition": {"left": 86, "bottom": -15},"ddConfig": { "type": "output", "allowedTypes": ["input"] } }, ... ], // Other container options "title": "Comment", ... } } 30. Wiring JSON { // List of module instances "modules": [ { "config": { "position": [130,28] }, "name":"myModule1", }, { "config": { "position": [270,280] }, "name":"myModule2", } ], // List of wire instances "wires": [ { "src": { "moduleId":0, "terminal":" out" }, "tgt": { "moduleId":1,"terminal":"in"} } ], // Properties form value "properties": { "description":"A wiring example", "name":"ExampleModule" } } myModule1 myModule2 31. Custom Backend Client (Browser) Server

    • The WiringEditor usesService Mapping Description(SMD) andYUI-RPC
  • 32. for good data/interface separation.

33. You can easily implement your own backend in your favorite language. 34. You just have to provide a SMD file with the methods required by the WiringEditor. JSON-RPC MySQL 35. Ressources

    • Download link:
  • 36. http://javascript.neyric.com/wireit

37. Source repository on GitHub: http://github.com/neyric/wireit/

    • Ticket/Bug tracker
  • 38. http://lighthouse.org/
    • Forums:


    • Blog:
  • 39. http://javascript.neyric.com/blog/category/wireit/

40. Thanks ! Eric Abouaf [email_address] http://javascript.neyric.com/blog