winter 2015 myers-briggs presentation

MYER-BRIGGS Condensed Version for Student Organizations

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Condensed Version for Student Organizations

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1) Explain what the Myer-Briggs Test is

2) Take the condensed version of the Myer-Briggs Test

3) Learn about why student organizations should know their Myer-

Briggs personality type

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◦ Every individual who takes the Myer-Briggs test obtains four letters.

These letters stand for four type preferences, which start early in


◦ Myer Briggs tests preferences and not aptitude. This is an indicator

based on psychology.

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What is the Myer-Briggs Test?

◦ Myers-Briggs can help students find their career path. Today we

are utilizing it to show you your personality type.

◦ In 1921 Carl Jung was the first theorist for the Myer-Briggs test.

Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers later went on to create the full

Myer-Briggs test.

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Four Dichotomies:

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Energized by working with others

Like to talk

Easy to get to know

Broad interests, Seek “breadth”

of Knowledge

Variety and action oriented

“There are no strangers, only

friends you haven’t met yet.”

~ Anonymous


Energized by thoughts, ideas,

and feelings

Like to listen

More private

Focused interest, Seek “depth”

of knowledge

Thought oriented and enjoy quiet time

“Well-timed silence has more

eloquence than speech” ~

Martin Fraquhar Tupper

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Thinking Feeling

Focus on logical


Focus on values

Logical Personal

Fair Harmonious

Analytical Empathetic

Tend to be firm Tend to be sympathetic

“ABC, Simple as Do, Re,

Me” ~ Jackson 5

“What wisdom can your find that is greater than kindness?” ~Jean-

Jacques Rousseau

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Judging Perceiving

Like things planned out Adaptable to change

Organized Spontaneous

Structured Open

Do not like last-minute


Energized by last -minute


Like to make decisions and

move on

Final decisions feel


“Better three hours too soon than

a minute too late.” ~


“The right time comes when one

is ready.” ~Carl Jung

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Time to take the Test!

◦ Now it is your turn to figure

out what type you are!

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Portion of MBTI:◦ Where do you get your energy?

◦ __ Energized by being with others _X_ Energized by internal thoughts and ideas

◦ _X_ Like variety and action __ Like quiet time

◦ __Tend to think out loud (by talking) _X_ Tend to think things through before talking

◦ _X_ Enjoy being the center of attention __ Avoid being the center of attention

◦ _X_ Are easy to get to know __ Are more private

◦ _X_ Are sometimes impatient with slow jobs __ Can work on a project for a long period of time

◦ _X_ Sociable and expressive __ Private and self-contained

◦ _X_ Talk more than listen __ Listen more than talk

◦ _X__ Extraversion (E) ___ Introversion (I)

◦ Extraversion: Extraverts like to focus on the outer world of people and activity. They direct their energy and attention outward and receive energy from interacting with people and from taking action.

◦ Introversion: Introverts like to focus on their own inner world of ideas and experiences. They direct their energy and attention inward and receive energy from reflecting on their thoughts, memories and feelings.

◦ If you have a tie, just pick one or the other.

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Extraversion Vs. Introversion◦ Sometimes in society introverts do not get the respect they deserve.

Student organizations need both extroverts and introverts in order to

have diverse communication skills and strengths.

◦ Something to think about: Is your student organization dictated by

introverts or extroverts? Are you valuing introverts and extroverts?

◦ How can you make your student organization more balanced to

attract all personalities to joining?

◦ Extroverts often prefer more "frequent" interaction, while introverts

prefer more "substantial" interaction.

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Ambivert; the middle ground between extraverts and introverts

If you have found that you have many qualities making up an introvert and an extrovert, you may be an ambivert!

Here are 5 signs:

◦ Some people describe you as quiet, while others would say you’re super sociable.

◦ You’re fine doing a task with others or all by yourself, it doesn’t bother you one way or the other.

◦ You’re not afraid to small talk, but at times it seems disingenuous.

◦ Spending lots of times with others can be draining, while spending too much time alone can leave you feeling blue and unproductive.

◦ Sometimes you immerse yourself in the moment, while other times you find yourself simply observing people and your surroundings.

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Heart of Type and Skills: (Middle Letters)

Modified from: Judith Grutter, Job Tasks Categorized by Heart of Type from the MBTI Certification Program, CPP Inc.



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Your Role in a Student Org!◦ Your MBTI can identify and highlight the strengths you bring to your

student org, showcasing what you would be best at!

◦ For ex: ISTJ’s would make a great Secretary or Treasurer for your org!

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MBTI shows your Compatibility!

Whether it’s your

friends, romantic

interests, or even

bosses; being

aware of

everyone's MBTI’s

is a good way to

avoid future

conflict and

promote healthy

relationships. So

that you know

who would make

a good fit

personality wise.

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Suggested Careers

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Suggested Careers

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Why is this important to your sorority?

1) Assign work based off each person’s strengths!

◦ Extroverts= Recruitment

◦ Introverts= Event Planning

◦ NF’s are Empowerers+ Creative + Growth-oriented = Super Motivators

◦ NT’s are Managers+ Effective + Competition-oriented = Good Designers

◦ SF’s are Helpful+ Social + Service-oriented = Group Harmony

◦ ST’s are Efficient + Analytical + Problem Solvers = Great Budgeters

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Why is this important for your Fraternity?

Knowing one another’s personality types will teach you what they like

and what bugs them. Know their personality type helps in decreasing

the chances of conflict because you can bypass hurting their feelings.

“I thought one of

my fraternity

brothers hated

me because he

barely talked to

me. The truth is

he is an extreme

introvert, and I

am an extreme

extrovert. My

personality took

a lot of energy

out of him to


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Thank you!

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