winning facebook adverts

By Joseph Bushnell

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Post on 20-Aug-2015




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By Joseph

Would it help you if you could get your message in front of people based


Their Interests?

Their Age?

Their Gender?

Their Location?

How about a combination of all of these & more?

FaceBook Adverts allow you to do

exactly this

Everyone who signs up to FB hands over an incredible amount of information & data

about themselves to FB

FaceBook know who we are!

For anyone Marketing a product or service this is a

good thing!

FaceBook knows who I am!

Me – 25 year old Internet marketer

My 13 year old nephew Thomas

My Wife Christina, 22 years old, Mother of 1

When you can make your ad as targeted as this do you think you could generate some leads & make

some money?

Of course you could!

The simple 5 step process to creating winning FB ads

1. Get to know your Tarket extremely well2. Have a landing page that is proven to convert already3. Design a compelling ad that gets clicks4. Target your ad to your Tarket5. Tweak & Test to drive costs down

But before you ever even attempt to create an FB ad

campaign you need to know their rules thoroughly

Someone at FB has to review your ad first before

they will run it

Too many strikes & your out!

Stick to these rules & you will be fine...

FB Ads rules in a nutshell•Read up thoroughly at -

•Landing Pages – No pop ups, No fake exit scripts or Mouse trapping of any kind. If you put a URL in the ad, it must lead to that same site

•Don’t mention FaceBook in any way

•If you are collecting personal information, you must make it clear that a product is being sold & how you intend to use the info that you collect

•Ads must be relevant & accurate

•Prices, discounts or free offers shown in an ad must be clearly shown on the landing page

FB Ads rules in a nutshell•Can’t be offensive or abusive

•Use upper and lower case letters properly. NO all caps! (Except Acronyms)

•No incorrect spelling, grammar or slang

•Must include completed sentences & completed thoughts

•Must include proper spacing

•The use of all symbols, numbers, or letters must adhere to the true meaning of the symbol

•No excessive repetitions

•No using irrelevant images

Now we understand the rules we are ready to take

step one...

Get to know your Tarket

What the heck is a Tarket? AKA Your customer avatar

It is a fictitious individual who perfectly representsyour target market

There is no point sending your message out to

people unless you really understand who they are &

what they really want

If you don’t understand them you will lose money

Without this research steps 2-5 will be very difficult

•Your landing page won’t convert

• Far less people will click your ads

•You won’t know what demographic to target your ads towards

Uncovering your Tarket

•What gender are they?•How are old are they?•What are they interested in?•How much money do they have?•What are their fears & pain points?•Where do they live?•Where do they hang out online?•Who are the market leaders?•Strengths & Weaknesses?•Beginner or Expert?

Where do you find this info?

•Previous experience with customers•Survey your list••••After having run some ads use responder demographics report to further refine your future ads

Uncovering your Tarket

You can’t expect to communicate effectively until you have the same

frame of reference of the person you are communicating with

But when you do...

Uncovering your Tarket

Your ads will show to the right people

These people will click your ads

Many will opt-in to your offers

Some will become customers

Your ads & offer will “Speak” to them

If you have more than one Tarket, that’s fine...

Just create a different ad campaign for each Tarket

Now that we really understand our Tarket

Let’s move on to step 2...

The 5 Landing Page Options

•Sales page – It’s possible to make money this way but ad copy must convert really well. Have a backend. Don’t be too hypey or it may not be approved

•Squeeze pages – This is a better option. Capture & nurture the lead rather than going for the sale. Again don’t be too hypey

•Webinar registration pages

•Internal pages - You can drive them to an opt in box (but opt-ins will be lower), make them hit the like button to get more fans & clicks will generally be cheaper

•Bridge page - Allows you to give content without slowing up the sales process. Offer the answer to a question in your ad & then provide the answer immediately with a short article or video (this is a successful first transaction)

Then you offer the answer to an even bigger question, this leads to the sales page or squeeze page where you can say whatever you like (Think two levels deep, when they get to level two FaceBook lets go, they chose to leave the fb environment so they are on their own now)

Landing Pages that convert

Regardless of the type of page you choose the important thing is that they follow your call to


This is how you measure the success of an ad

Landing Pages that convert

•Invest in a copywriter or learn to write copy yourself

•Have a video on your landing page

•Strong headline

•Build desire & interest with the body copy

•Give a clear & strong call to action

Now that your Landing Page is primed to either...

Collect Likes

Collect Opt-ins

Make Sales

We can move to step 3...

Which is designing a compelling ad that gets


Designing your ads...


•Must have a super eye-catching image. The picture in your ad could be difference between success & failure of your ad

•Image needs to tell the story (Be relevant)

•Grab attention with bright colours or strange •pictures

•There aren’t loads of characters to spare. Sneak in some more text by putting it in the image itself

Designing your ads...

Text•Grab attention with the headline, use a question & question mark, it increases CTR (Note Internal Pages can’t choose headline)•Use numbers in the headline•Body copy gives one big specific promise then on the landing page it needs to be immediately delivered•Include strong call to action•Give a guarantee•Benefits not features!•Do you have a Unique Selling Proposition?•Use the most compelling words possible (You, Free, etc) – Words that sell by Richard Bayan•Use commands not requests•Sometimes you can use a filter or disqualifier•Include phone number

Now we have an ad that is ready to grab attention &

get clicked, let’s move onto step 4...

Which is targeting our ad towards our Tarket

There are ten ways to target your ads...

1. Location – Pick certain countries or even drill down to a ten mile radius! This feature is perfect for local businesses2. Age 3. Gender4. Keywords based on Likes & Interests - Activities, Books, TV,Movies, Music,etc. Who are the top influencers in your niche? What are famous products? What are hot topics? What are the big new sites or blogs? Find the pages that have a big, targeted audience5. Relationship status6. Events – Give special offers on the week of their birthday! Recently moved? Expecting parents? Engaged? Have children?

There are ten ways to target your ads...

7. Connections - Fans of your other pages, users of your apps, attendees of your current events or friends of your fan pages. It also gives you the chance to not be shown to certain people who may not be relevant, this cuts down on wasted clicks8. Language9. Education10. Work

•Multi layering is the key use combinations but don’t drill down too deep – not less then 50,000 unless it needs to be super specific

•Only target 1-2 interests at a time, create separate ads for each to see what works & what doesn’t. Use the create similar ad button & this process won’t take too long

Now that our ads are showing to the right people we can move onto the final step which is number 5...

Testing & tweaking our ads to drive down costs

Initial budgets & bidding•Pick your daily maximum budget – this can be changed at anytime

•Bidding – Generally use pay per click unless after testing you have a really high CTR & it would work out cheaper doing CPM

•The higher you bid, the more your ads will get shown

•To begin with I go about 5p above the lowest suggested bid range

Tweaking, Testing & Optimizing•Only spend your money on winning adverts. Don’t try flogging

a dead horse. Delete any ads with a CTR under 0.075%

•You want your ad to have a CTR of at the very least 0.075%. If you are getting 0.1 that is ok. More than that is ideal. If you do get an ad converting much higher than that ride it for all it’s worth!

•You will see that ads that have higher CTR, FB will have lowered the suggested bid price. So what I do is gradually lower 5p at a time every few hours. Find the balance where FB is still showing the ads but you are paying the bare minimum & then keep it there, that’s the sweet spot!

•If impressions decrease then gradually raise again until you hit the sweet spot once more

Tweaking, Testing & Optimizing•Avoid Ad Fatigue. All ads will decrease in CTR overtime the more they are

shown so change your ads fairly regularly to keep them fresh. Rotate your best performing adverts in 7-10 day cycles

•How do we increase CTR on our ads? Two ways to tweak are the improving the ad itself & tighter targeting

•Try different images, angles/pitches, particular words & headlines

•Get your targeting very specific & tailor it to that person you are trying to reach

•Split test ads to see which is best, sometimes results are shocking & not what you expect, let the market decide

•Use the create similar ad button to save time when split testing

•Use Reports – Advertising performance, Responder Demographics & Profiles (very important) & Conversions by impression time

Apply the simple 5 step process & you will win with

FB ads!

1. Get to know your Tarket extremely well2. Have a landing page that is proven to convert already3. Design a compelling ad that gets clicks4. Target your ad to your Tarket5. Tweak & Test to drive costs down

Thank You & Good Luck!

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