wine process etapas

Wine process

Upload: marianita-gonzalez

Post on 12-Apr-2016




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Page 1: Wine Process Etapas

Wine process

Page 2: Wine Process Etapas

Drink you

obtained by complete or partial fermentation of fresh grapes or fresh grape juice.

What is the wine?

Page 3: Wine Process Etapas

Set of

operations performed to transform the resulting juice into wine crushing of the bunches.


Page 4: Wine Process Etapas

The grape is a

fruit that grows in clusters. The skin can be green , yellow or purple , it is juicy and sweet.

What is the grape?

Page 5: Wine Process Etapas

Care of the vineyards:

February: the branches of the vines are pruned , and before this outbreak should again plowing.

September : is azufra to prevent fungal pests

Cultivation and care of the vine

Page 6: Wine Process Etapas

October: grape maturity.

Cultivation and care of the vine

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Stage 1:

Harvesting grapes at their optimum ripeness.

Elaboration process

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Stage2: At this stage the

grapes are received

Elaboration process

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Stage 3:

Inspection, it verified

the grapes come in

good condition.

Elaboration process

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Stage 4: De-stemming,

consists of separating the grapes from the bunch

Elaboration process

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Stage 5:

In the fermentation, the sugars in the grapes are transformed into ethyl alcohol while giving off carbon dioxide

Elaboration process

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Elaboration process

Stage 6 : Maceration. It is the contact

between liquid and solid parts of the grape.

Stage 7 : Racking. It is the

separation of the wine and the solid parts

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Stage 8:


Removes sediments of wine and left clean .

Elaboration process

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Elaboration process

Stage 9 :

Assembly. It is done to

achieve a homogeneous wine.

Stage 10 :

Barrel aging. It is the process

of aging and maturing of the wine in the barrel.

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Stage 11 :


Elaboration process

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