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from idea to reality

Steve Carver

Rewilding BritainnewWRilogo.jpghttp://www.zucapaca.com/wp-content/uploads/Paul-Cezanne-1890-1892-study-for-the-card-players.jpgA funny thing happened to me in the pub one day

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a1/Svg-cards-2.0.svg/1920px-Svg-cards-2.0.svg.pngThe English (French) 52 card deck

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a1/Svg-cards-2.0.svg/1920px-Svg-cards-2.0.svg.pnghttps://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a1/Svg-cards-2.0.svg/1920px-Svg-cards-2.0.svg.pngThe Lombard/Tuscan 40 card deck

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a1/Svg-cards-2.0.svg/1920px-Svg-cards-2.0.svg.pnghttps://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a1/Svg-cards-2.0.svg/1920px-Svg-cards-2.0.svg.pnghttps://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a1/Svg-cards-2.0.svg/1920px-Svg-cards-2.0.svg.pnghttps://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a1/Svg-cards-2.0.svg/1920px-Svg-cards-2.0.svg.pnghttp://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/326/7/c/megafauna_sizes_by_pantherasonya-d4h0fr6.jpgThe Palaeolithic 60-64 card deck?



http://www.moorlandassociation.org/gallery/large/96.jpghttp://www.fineartanimals.co.uk/media/uploads/48/red_grouse.jpghttps://m2.behance.net/rendition/pm/7009309/disp/d75c4ba6330ac524ffe95ef2a4f178d7.jpgHomo sapiens tweedicus


Human impact on land coverOur land in the making (Ladybird Books, 1966)

C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Research\Papers\8WWC\Seminar\DSC01063.JPGC:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Research\Papers\8WWC\Seminar\DSC01065.JPGC:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Research\Papers\8WWC\Seminar\DSC01064.JPGPalaeolithic nomads

Neolithic settlers

Forest clearance for agriculture

Changing climate

Series of photos here showing historical developments from early man to industrial revolution

C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Research\Papers\8WWC\Seminar\DSC01066.JPGC:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Research\Papers\8WWC\Seminar\DSC01067.JPGC:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Research\Papers\8WWC\Seminar\DSC01068.JPGManorial system

Land enclosure

Rotation farming

Intensification of agriculture and concentration of land ownershipIntroduction of sheep grazing and simplification of ecosystems (Foundation of the monasteries, Tudor Vermin Laws, etc.)C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Research\Papers\8WWC\Seminar\DSC01070.JPGC:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Research\Papers\8WWC\Seminar\DSC01073.JPGC:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Research\Papers\8WWC\Seminar\DSC01072.JPGThe industrial revolution

The railways

The motorcar

Industrialisation and rural depopulation Increased access, agri-intensification and management of uplands for sporting interestsDSC_2839.JPGWilder By Design

Looking back what did we learn?

The importance of culturally mediated landscapes?

How grazing with domestic livestock maintains biodiversity?

How nature cant survive without our benevolent guiding hand?

...at pains to point out how giving nature a free hand will destroy the heritage landscapes ...of veteran trees in wood-pasture landscapes, of ancient peat cuttings on sheep-wrecked moors, of coppiced woodlands or lowland heath - all of them man-made landscapes (Carver, 2014: ECOS, p.10-11)

...change happens; get over it!

The Six Rules of Re(al)wilding

Don't confuse biodiversity and culturally mediated landscapes with wildness and naturalness

Nature can exist and thrive without our constant intervention

Natural succession should be the FCS for rewilding projects

Work towards a continuum of approaches

Work towards a continuum of landscapes

Think big and think bold

(Carver, 2014: ECOS, p.12-14)

Scar Close ungrazed for 40 years

Southerscales under HLS funded grazing

https://outlook.office365.com/owa/service.svc/s/GetFileAttachment?id=AAMkADhiMWFlMjZkLWM0M2MtNGViYS1hMzJjLWQ2OTc0YWRmZDQwZQBGAAAAAAAR4XQsUIavRYxBcdURnfAFBwB9PMZgns22SpSeEJbiymvoAAABIBWIAAAD%2FuV1v%2BcLSqO7UBTcWWSLA6GGhrdcAAABEgAQANLx5Ngl9KFClFwk8NvLdtU%3D&isImagePreview=True&X-OWA-CANARY=HRul_LOydkGcMTN10T5xuYAQ6xCRuNIYJxDLEroIc8iKlMkpZG85a-Bu8f9cAPVJb5AD9RNBQtI.untitled.pngImagine a Britain where you can find yourself in richly wild places once more, where no one needs to go abroad to find nature at its best. Where peoples passion for the natural world is reignited and where local communities can again thrive through new sources of income and employment that work both economically and ecologically.

Rewilding BritainThe vision

Rewilding Britain plans to make that happen by:

creating a positive environmental movement that excites and inspires people and gives nature a chance to regenerate at a landscape scale.

Our vision for rewilding is both ambitious and long-term.

By 2030 we want to see at least 300,000 hectares of core land areas and three marine areas established where nature is starting to take care of itself and key species are starting to be re-established.

These areas will be ecologically connected into a more wildlife-friendly landscape and supported by an engaged, enthused and educated public.

Rewilding BritainSupporting arguments

Wildlife: Britain has lost 77% of its key wildlife species over the last 40 years (RSPB, 2013)if we allow natural processes to return our wildlife and habitats can return in abundance.

Environmental: flood mitigation, stabilisation of water tables, improved water quality, carbon sequestration and resilience to climate change

Economic: income and employment from nature tourism, recreation and similar enterprises can provide new livelihoods in remote areas where there a few alternatives.

Social: access to wilderness and wild areas can facilitate a range of projects of relevance to social issues such as youth development, youth at risk and psychological healthcare

Rewilding BritainThe next 3 years

To achieve our vision, two clear objectives have emerged from our consultation process which create a coherent and mutually-reinforcing framework for change.

These objectives are:

Objective 1: Engaging People - raising awareness and inspiring a movement for change

Objective 2: Rewilding Landscapes - catalysing ecosystem restoration in practice

Rewilding BritainObjective 1: Engaging People

Outcome by 2018: Rewilding is increasingly seen by decision-makers, land owners/managers and the wider public as an accepted, inspiring and viable approach which can bring environmental, economic and social benefits to Britain

Proposed Activities:

1.1. Hold a creative communication workshop

1.2. Understand current opinion and research key messages

1.3. Develop a Rewilding Britain website

1.4. Produce and disseminate innovative communication/media materials

1.5. Organise a high profile Rewilding conference/launch event (late 2015/early 2016)

Rewilding BritainObjective 2: Rewilding Landscapes

Outcome by 2018: At least one large-scale rural rewilding project and one smaller-scale project close to a major city which demonstrate the principles and practice of rewilding are being developed

Proposed Activities:

2.1 Produce visually rich maps of the potential for rewilding

2.2 Identify rewilding pilot projects with highest potential

2.3 Monitor and propose changes to policies and legislation

2.4 Research the ecological and socio-economic benefits of rewilding (Sept 2015 to Feb 2016)

Rewilding Britain


The challenge

Address the barriers to rewilding

Land ownership and the politics of vested interests

Subsidy culture and environmental payments

Nostalgia and shifting baselines

Accept change and work together

Need a continuum of approaches and continuum of landscapes bigger, better, more joined up

Bottom up meets top down

DSC_0050 - Copy.JPGIt isn't fear that drives us to extinguish fearsome beasts, but once they are gone, it's fear that keeps us from bringing them back.

J.B.MacKinnon (2014) The Once and Future World p.255

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