¥wi' •• i..- r..-..archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · apache model...

r .. - .. -- -- _ .... -,----- - '. - ---------.- 2 .... ' .... ¥Wi' ..... •• I"..- __ r_.....- ,....,... _. -_.- __ -_ -.-- .,..--- -.- ·...·,1- -- - . \ 'I ".\ ; .\11 q. I 1 1,/1 I \ : I I', L I I' ) I . , , ., i ' }' ,1.,'1 35c PER COpy RUIDOSO, NM 88345 Please see Big bill. page 2A Cox presented a resolution. No. 76-47, that would give the shenffs budget an increase of $14.000; thiR money would have to corne from the county cash balance. or general fund. CommIssioners John Allen Hightower. Ralph Dunlap and Bdl Karn tabled the resolution, how- ever, until the end of the fiscal year. statmg that they hoped there wouJd be a way to halan(:e the budget through excesses in ulller line items, such as animal control Dean and shenfTs invpstlgatur Paul Werslch told the com mis810ners that since they nuw UIl- derstood the procpss, thpy wuuld write a separate 11f1e Ikm fur ca Tl- nabis control 1nto next vt'ar's budget "The key to thiS problt'rn IS CO[))- mUnICatlOns,' Rt.ated ('hal rman Hlghtowpr "The shpnffl" of1iee IS not communll'ating WIth the county manager's office This IS another exam pie of the s hen ffs du;regard fur the hudgt'ta ry process .. ··Ell·cu .. d uflil'lalR are tu understand the laws," cummenled county attornt·y (;ary l\htchell ·If t ht·y don't u ndt'rsla nd tht'rn. they should ask fur asslI"Lann> .. Shenff Don Samuels waf' not pn'spnt at Uw mt'etl ng AI",o dUring the n1et'llng. l)onaJd H \\. JnJ.,'fi e ld, ceM I fi ed rllhll(· ac ctJunlant. prest'ntt'd an dudlt n'Jyort on the county's 1986-87 fisca\ year reVleW 1Ovol .... ed lntenlal con l nJ If;; 1 n cl u dIn g pa yro 11 cy cl e. p x pendlture cycle, t.ax n'venu(' othpr revenuE"S, electr\lnIC' ddt'l pn)- CeSf\lng, fixl'd tax ment C'vcle and finanCl,Jl rq>ortlng It alRo 1f1fludpd cau'gonp!'\ Ruch as polltl(:al actlVlt\, CIVIl nghts, ca ... h management. and federal finanCIal Two purcha'''lng VIOlatIOns w('n' found OnE' waR lO\.olvlng t ht, Road 1>(' partment. st..'ltlng that In OMohpr and Novemher. ,1 contra(1 road employee purch.l"pcJ and'or leased valId ,lnd e-qUlp' ment WIthout firRt ohtalnlflg a pur- chac:;p ordt'r liT followlng tlH' proper bldd 1ng proced ure,;.; It wac:; sLatM In tilt· dl.ldlt that ttw count\. manager c;1uL:ht th .. vlolatlOn .... :hPfl WE're "uhrT11ltt·d for pnyment, and n>ltdlt'd the I"ltuatl0n Cox·!" formal rE"spunsE". ln the audIt rE"port ... t:ltRd that nIl werp Rt OPp('{l 1m mpdl.1t p-- by BONNY CHRISTINA CELINE News Staff Writer Lincoln County Commissioners and count.y manager Suzanne Cox handled more work on the Lincoln County Sheriff's Office budget at the commissioners' regular meeting Tuesday in Carrizozo_ A bill for $18,41276 was pre- sented to the county by the sheriffs office in January for hehcupt.er rental The helicopter was used in and September for cannabis (rTlJrijllana J control The $lH,41276 waH spent wlthoul gOIng out tu bid. contrary to RLate law, and without a pur- eh CJ <; (' () rd('r fro rn C ux' s office. accordIng to ('ox The county man- ager IS UW pun:has1 ng agent for the coun1y ann all purchases must go thru Jgh her oflice for approval pnOl to eUITlCTlltrTIt'nt Silenffs secretary Bt'ttye Dean tuld COmTT1I881Oners Rhe had called Cox's office and aRked for a pur- e haSt' order, hut was told that cou Id not ha ve one ('ox agret>d, stat1 ng lhat pur- chaRt-s over $S,OOO cannot be made through purchaRe orders. hut must ht· further docurrwnU-d a nd ap- proved, wpll as [t't for bId ''\\'e wou Idn 't ha v(' I you a pur· c II; 1 t' 0 nit· ,. f () r t h I R. . (. 0X I-> tn tc d "It should havt· uut to llld Dean cl;l\nwd thdt she dIdn't un· clerst and Uw process a nd that, be· (:aUSE> tht' "lwnffs oflice recelvpd f'Jndlng for tht' cannabIS "'carch frllm tilt' Bureau of Land Manag OH'rlt, that fund" could go to pay fllr the .. r ('(lX ('xplnmpd that all grantfl. ff"('PI\.pd thp county's gener al fund: that fund 11" then dlvldt'd up lwtwt"'{'n the vanuus county de ... wtwn the hudgt'tR are maoe Tlll' HLM grant was automat I call " fl s I m II a ted 10 to l h p co un t y' hud-gpt and thpn" wnR not a spenal 11 np It-em for c;lnnahl S cont ro I Cox <;t.at-ed that. although In the pa!-'t hell ha Vf' hppn used for fannahlR control. hdlc:: for thl!" havp n("ver approached $lH,-112 76 In Slze Cox added the $ 1""..t 12 76 loLo the shpnfTs hudget undPT 110(' Item Expense ThIs IpaveR that h ne Itf>m Wlt h ;:l defil.,t of $12,R94 whll. h musl ht' martp up somehow before the pnd of the fis- cal vear That h ne Item IS now spent 210fJ, Sheriff's big bill disregard for budget, says commission chair VI V V V V \9 V \j V \J V V \j V Bronzlna sald the new AnA will soon he Rpending his worklng hours in Carrizozo and RUldoso ,Judlclal IhRtnct Attornpy sLnfT Key has heen the DA fOT over; year 10 the Alamogordo of· nc(>, and Bronzlna said he 1R ahle and quahfied to take on hu. new aR- Rignment. "He has tnal expen- ence," she noted Raenette Evans, Renee Ahidley and Jennevilyn Chee are shown here in their colorful traditional dresses. (All photos by Bonny Celina.) I I . ./. , lit ahle to reveal the contenL.'1 of that letter Bronzma declined to confinn or dE"ny report..q that Laughhn was asked to reslgn. "There are no charges pending against him," sald BronZlna. Branzl na RpecuJated that LaughlJn wl1nted to return to Carlshad where he was In private prattle'p hefore jOlnlng the 12th February 2 was nationally designated as Native American Day, and Nob Hill Indian students were encouraged to wear native outfits to celebrate. Above are Francis Blake and Christian Blaylock, wearing colorful ribbon shirts. To the right, Felicia Frizzell and Glenna Apache model calico rick-rack Key replaces Laughlin as assistant DA DIRt nrt Attomey I ADA} Scott Key haR been aR!'l1gned. t.o repn"sent the 12th .1udlC1al D1R lnet Attomey"a Office 1 n Lmeol n County, according to Deputy [hR· tnl t Attompy IRahel Bronzl na Key wl11 replace ADA Boh Laughhn who reslgned that post I1fter serving just over a month Bronz1na said Laughlin a lE"ttRr of reRignation, hut was un- Celebrating Native Aillerican I)ay at Nob Hill Elelnentary NO. 79 IN OUR 42ND YEAR THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1988 by BONNY CHRISTINA CELINE News Staff Wnter Please see Grand jUry, page 2A The grand JUry investIgation of the county cummissioners, county manager and county attorney is going to begi n prior to March I, ac- cording to District Judge Richard A. ParsoI1B. County Clerk Fran Siddens filed her affidavit on January 28. stating that at that time there were 5.792 rebristered vot.ers. ve percent of the registered. vuters' signatures were requIred on the petition to gin the investigation, which wuuld be 289 vutRrH SIddens veri ned that there were fll0 valid Rlgnatun's, rl:"preselltlOg H uf the vol.erH. ac- cordIng to PaNons SIdden!" wdl J))(:k grand Juror'i next Monday, hy a ulomatlc com- puter She wl11 he mailmg out aruund ISO, and not leH!'! than 75, 10 VIt.atlOnA to be un t hp JUry panel The panel wdl Hervp for 9d dayR PanmnR wIll then call In pou·n- t131 Jurors and wdl draw their namPR for thp final p:HI('1 There WIll he 12 regular panel members and 12 aIU'rnut-eR Pel1tlOners ha VP aRked the JUry to he seatRd, for the purpose of In- vpstlgat.1ng the hoard of Lincoln County lndudlng John Allen IIlghLower, commlBSion c ha I rm an. Ra I Jl h Du n In p. and BdI AI,';o ht'lng InvPRtlgnted fiN' Suzannp Cox. county manager, and county att.orneY (;arv C Mitchell A grand JUry can·ht· called to In- vPRtlgatR Ii govprnlOg hooy, evpn lf no chargPR of wrongdOIng have bet·n levlt>d No chargee or allega tlOnR npN'i t.o hE' filpd or Rt.at.ed agalnRt helng lOvPRtlgat.ed Th (" p:H j f' I I T1 VP Rt I ga tR Ran d repoT'1.F on thp artlOnR In thelr Capa("ltlPR to dptRnnlne com- pliance In Npw MeXICO lnw in thelr deahng8 Wlth th p RhenffR depart- ment and county clerk'R office, and other officeR of Ll ncol n County to detennlne If any cnmeR hRve heE'n commItted In reapect Wlth thelr deahngs, accordlng to ParRonR ParsonR haR a full court RchE"dule 1 n March, 80 he pIa nR to seat the JUry pnor to March 1 TheT'f' WI II he no CTORR- examlnatlOn dunng tht" heanngR SUhje<'tR can hE'" repreRenlRd hy an Grandjury may begin probe by March 1 Wednesday's low -- _._ _ .41 Wednesday's high 54 Thursday's low 29 Thursday's predicted high 48 Friday's predicted low 0> 18 Friday's predicted high 38 Meteorologist Bill Hostetter in Ruidoso predicts cloudy and colder weather with scattered afternoon snow showers and northeasterly winds from five-15 miles per hour. Tonight and Friday, weather will be cloudy and cold with increasing chance for snow. Expect easterly winds from five-15 miles per hour. Probabilities for precipitation will be 20 percent today, 60 percent on F)-iday and 60 percent on Satur- day, Extended outlook fOT Saturday through Monday shows partly cloudy skies with a little warmer daytime temperature. The normal low on these dates is 18, the normal high is 50. In the 188t 101 year8, the groundhog in Pennsylvania has predicted an early spring only eight times. He did that again this yeul'. the ninth timo, In the yeara he predicted an early spring in Ruidoso, we have had an average additional 30" inches of snow for February, March and April. We could end up with 88" of snow this yenr if that groundhog is rilhtJ 1 I Gymnastics Coach Robyn JohnSon (right) gets a hand from Carolyn Stover (left) as the two hang a banner in the new Parks and Recrea- tion Department Ac- tivities Center, home of the Ruidoso Mountaintops gym- nastics team. The center moved last weekend to larger quarters at the Gib- son's building at the tty" " The telephone number is still 257- 5030. \ ' \ "',"', . 8A 9A nA 7A 4A 5A 18 28·3B 58·9B INSIDE Entertainment Sports Silver Llnlnq . Capitan Ranqp Opinion People ClassifIed TIle undlsturhNl Rettlcd snow depth at the mldway pOlnt at Skl Apache Resort is 47 .. There i8 a trace of new snow l1nITsday morn1Og New snow this week equals ahout ThlS morning, it is snowing lightly. Chains are not required as of early Thurs- day. SKI REPORT WEATHER REPORT .A

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Post on 02-Aug-2019




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Page 1: ¥Wi' •• I..- r..-..archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · Apache model calico rick-rackdres~es. Key replaces Laughlin as assistant DA A~RIRl;1nt DIRt nrt Attomey

r..-.. -- --_.... -,------'. ----------.- • 2.... '.... ¥Wi' ..... ".-~ •• I"..- __r_.....- ,....,... _. -_.- __ - _ -.-- .,..--- -~- -.- ·...·,1- - - -~_.~ -,~-

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; .\11 q . I

1 1,/1

I \ : I I', L I I'

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i ' }' ,1.,'1

35c PER COpy


Please see Big bill. page 2A

Cox presented a resolution. No.76-47, that would give the shenffsbudget an increase of $14.000; thiRmoney would have to corne from thecounty cash balance. or generalfund.

CommIssioners John AllenHightower. Ralph Dunlap and BdlKarn tabled the resolution, how­ever, until the end of the fiscalyear. statmg that they hoped therewouJd be a way to halan(:e thebudget through excesses in ulllerline items, such as animal control

Dean and shenfTs invpstlgaturPaul Werslch told the commis810ners that since they nuw UIl­

derstood the procpss, thpy wuuldwrite a separate 11f1e Ikm fur ca Tl­

nabis control 1nto next vt'ar'sbudget

"The key to thiS problt'rn IS CO[))­

mUnICatlOns,' Rt.ated ('hal rmanHlghtowpr "The shpnffl" of1iee IS

not communll'ating WIth the countymanager's office This IS anotherexam pie of the s hen ffs du;regardfur the hudgt'ta ry process ..

··Ell·cu..d uflil'lalR are suppo~wd tuunderstand the laws," cummenledcounty attornt·y (;ary l\htchell ·Ift ht·y don't u ndt'rsla nd tht'rn. theyshould ask fur asslI"Lann> ..

Shenff Don Samuels waf' notpn'spnt at Uw mt'etl ng

AI",o dUring the n1et'llng. l)onaJdH \\. JnJ.,'fi e ld, ceM I fi ed rllhll(· a cctJunlant. prest'ntt'd an dudlt n'Jyorton the county's 1986-87 fisca\ yearThi~ reVleW 1Ovol .... ed lntenlal conl nJ If;; 1 n cl u dIn g pa yro 11 cycl e . p xpendlture cycle, t.ax n'venu(' c~(:lt'.

othpr revenuE"S, electr\lnIC' ddt'l pn)­CeSf\lng, fixl'd 'lRSpt~. tax as"'eR~­

ment C'vcle and finanCl,Jl rq>ortlngIt alRo 1f1fludpd admlnl~tratl\.e

cau'gonp!'\ Ruch as polltl(:al actlVlt\,CIVIl nghts, ca ... h management. andfederal finanCIal rPP(Jrt~

Two purcha'''lng VIOlatIOns w('n'

foundOnE' waR lO\.olvlng t ht, Road 1>('

partment. st..'ltlng that In OMohprand Novemher. l~~Rh. ,1 contra(1road employee purch.l"pcJ and'orleased valId ~erV1ce!" ,lnd e-qUlp'ment WIthout firRt ohtalnlflg a pur-chac:;p ordt'r liT followlng tlH' properbldd1ng proced ure,;.;

It wac:; sLatM In tilt· dl.ldlt that

ttw count\. manager c;1uL:ht th ..vlolatlOn ....:hPfl hJ1l~ WE're "uhrT11ltt·dfor pnyment, and n>ltdlt'd theI"ltuatl0n

~uzanne Cox·!" formal rE"spunsE".ln the audIt rE"port ... t:ltRd that nIlpUITha~p<; werp Rt OPp('{l 1m mpdl.1t p--


Lincoln County Commissionersand count.y manager Suzanne Coxhandled more work on the LincolnCounty Sheriff's Office budget atthe commissioners' regular meetingTuesday in Carrizozo_

A bill for $18,41276 was pre­sented to the county by the sheriffsoffice in January for hehcupt.errental The helicopter was used inAug-u~t and September for cannabis(rTlJrijllana J control

The $lH,41276 waH spentwlthoul gOIng out tu bid. contraryto RLate law, and without a pur­e h CJ <; (' () rd('r fro rn C ux' s office.accordIng to ('ox The county man­ager IS UW pun:has1 ng agent for thecoun1y ann all purchases must gothru Jgh her oflice for approvalpnOl to eUITlCTlltrTIt'nt

Silenffs secretary Bt'ttye Deantuld COmTT1I881Oners Rhe had calledCox's office and aRked for a pur­e haSt' order, hut was told that R~W

cou Id not ha ve one('ox agret>d, stat1 ng lhat pur­

chaRt-s over $S,OOO cannot be madethrough purchaRe orders. hut mustht· further docurrwnU-d a nd ap­proved, a~ wpll as [t't for bId ''\\'ewou Idn 't ha v(' I ~~ued you a pur·c II;1~ t' 0 nit· ,. f() r t h I R. . (. 0 X I-> tn tcd "Itshould havt· f~(Jne uut to llld

Dean cl;l\nwd thdt she dIdn't un·clerst and Uw process a nd that, be·(:aUSE> tht' "lwnffs oflice recelvpdf'Jndlng for tht' cannabIS "'carchfrllm tilt' Bureau of Land ManagOH'rlt, ~fH' a~Rumed that the~e

fund" could go to pay fllr theht·1Jc()pt~.. r

('(lX ('xplnmpd that all grantfl.ff"('PI\.pd ~I) Inl~) thp county's general fund: that fund 11" then dlvldt'dup lwtwt"'{'n the vanuus county departlllt'nt~... wtwn the hudgt'tR aremaoe

Tlll' HLM grant was automat I

call " fl ~ s I m II a ted 10 to l h p co u n t y'hud-gpt and thpn" wnR not a spenal11 np It-em for c;lnnahl S cont ro I

Cox <;t.at-ed that. although In thepa!-'t hell copt.er~ ha Vf' hppn used forfannahlR control. hdlc:: for thl!" havpn("ver approached $lH,-112 76 In

SlzeCox added the $ 1""..t 12 76 loLo

the shpnfTs hudget undPT 110(' ItemU~6. ShpnfT~ Expense ThIs IpaveR

that h ne Itf>m Wlt h ;:l defil.,t of$12,R94 whll. h musl ht' martp upsomehow before the pnd of the fis­cal vear

That h ne Item IS now spent210fJ,

Sheriff's big billdisregard for budget,says commission chair





Bronzlna sald the new AnA willsoon he Rpending his worklng hoursin Carrizozo and RUldoso

,Judlclal IhRtnct Attornpy sLnfTKey has heen ~"lth the DA fOT

over; year 10 the Alamogordo of·nc(>, and Bronzlna said he 1R ahleand quahfied to take on hu. new aR­Rignment. "He has tnal expen­ence," she noted

Raenette Evans, ReneeAhidley and JennevilynChee are shown here intheir colorful traditionaldresses. (All photos byBonny Celina.)


../. ,

.~ lit

ahle to reveal the contenL.'1 of thatletter

Bronzma declined to confinn ordE"ny report..q that Laughhn wasasked to reslgn. "There are nocharges pending against him," saldBronZlna.

Branzl na RpecuJated thatLaughlJn wl1nted to return toCarlshad where he was In privateprattle'p hefore jOlnlng the 12th

February 2 was nationally designatedas Native American Day, and Nob HillIndian students were encouraged towear native outfits to celebrate. Aboveare Francis Blake and ChristianBlaylock, wearing colorful ribbon shirts.To the right, Felicia Frizzell and GlennaApache model calico rick-rack dres~es.

Key replaces Laughlin as assistant DAA~RIRl;1nt DIRt nrt Attomey

I ADA} Scott Key haR been aR!'l1gned.t.o repn"sent the 12th .1udlC1al D1R

lnet Attomey"a Office 1 n Lmeol nCounty, according to Deputy [hR·

tnl t Attompy IRahel Bronzl naKey wl11 replace ADA Boh

Laughhn who reslgned that postI1fter serving just over a monthBronz1na said Laughlin ~uhmitted

a lE"ttRr of reRignation, hut was un-

Celebrating NativeAillerican I)ay atNob Hill Elelnentary~








Please see Grand jUry, page 2A

The grand JUry investIgation ofthe county cummissioners, countymanager and county attorney isgoing to begi n prior to March I, ac­cording to District Judge RichardA. ParsoI1B.

County Clerk Fran Siddens filedher affidavit on January 28. statingthat at that time there were 5.792rebristered vot.ers. r~1 ve percent ofthe registered. vuters' signatureswere requIred on the petition to h~

gin the investigation, which wuuldbe 289 vutRrH SIddens veri ned thatthere were fll0 valid Rlgnatun's,rl:"preselltlOg H ~·v~ uf the vol.erH. ac­cordIng to PaNons

SIdden!" wdl J))(:k grand Juror'inext Monday, hy a ulomatlc com­puter She wl11 he mailmg outaruund ISO, and not leH!'! than 75,10 VIt.atlOnA to be un t hp JUry panelThe panel wdl Hervp for 9d dayR

PanmnR wIll then call In pou·n­t131 Jurors and wdl draw theirnamPR for thp final p:HI('1 ThereWIll he 12 regular panel membersand 12 aIU'rnut-eR

Pel1tlOners ha VP aRked the JUryto he seatRd, for the purpose of In­vpstlgat.1ng the hoard of LincolnCounty Commi~Rionfil'l. lndudlngJohn Allen IIlghLower, commlBSionc ha I rm an. Ra IJl h Du n In p. and B d I~rn AI,';o ht'lng InvPRtlgnted fiN'

Suzannp Cox. county manager, andcounty att.orneY (;arv C Mitchell

A grand JUry can·ht· called to In­vPRtlgatR Ii govprnlOg hooy, evpn lfno chargPR of wrongdOIng havebet·n levlt>d No chargee or allegatlOnR npN'i t.o hE' filpd or Rt.at.edagalnRt tho~t' helng lOvPRtlgat.ed

Th (" p:H j f' I I T1 V P Rt I g a tRRandrepoT'1.F on thp RuhJec~' artlOnR In

thelr Capa("ltlPR to dptRnnlne com­pliance In Npw MeXICO lnw in thelrdeahng8 Wlth th p RhenffR depart­ment and county clerk'R office, andother officeR of Ll ncol n County todetennlne If any cnmeR hRve heE'ncommItted In reapect Wlth thelrdeahngs, accordlng to ParRonR

ParsonR haR a full court RchE"dule1n March, 80 he pIa nR to seat theJUry pnor to March 1

TheT'f' WI II he no CTORR-examlnatlOn dunng tht" heanngRSUhje<'tR can hE'" repreRenlRd hy an


may beginprobe byMarch 1

Wednesday's low -- _._ _ .41Wednesday's high 54Thursday's low 29

Thursday's predicted high 48Friday's predicted low 0> 18Friday's predicted high 38

Meteorologist Bill Hostetter in Ruidoso predicts cloudy and colderweather with scattered afternoon snow showers and northeasterlywinds from five-15 miles per hour. Tonight and Friday, weather willbe cloudy and cold with increasing chance for snow. Expect easterlywinds from five-15 miles per hour. Probabilities for precipitation willbe 20 percent today, 60 percent on F)-iday and 60 percent on Satur­day,

Extended outlook fOT Saturday through Monday shows partlycloudy skies with a little warmer daytime temperature. The normallow on these dates is 18, the normal high is 50.

In the 188t 101 year8, the groundhog in Pennsylvania haspredicted an early spring only eight times. He did that again thisyeul'. the ninth timo, In the yeara he predicted an early spring inRuidoso, we have had an average additional 30" inches of snow forFebruary, March and April. We could end up with 88" of snow thisyenr if that groundhog is rilhtJ


'll~)\'nl]g u~n~

Gymnastics CoachRobyn JohnSon(right) gets a handfrom Carolyn Stover(left) as the two hanga banner in the newParks and Recrea­tion Department Ac­tivities Center, homeof the RuidosoMountaintops gym­nastics team. Thecenter moved lastweekend to largerquarters at the Gib­son's building at thetty" " The telephonenumber is still 257­5030.

\ '\

"',"',.~:' .

8A 9AnA 7A







Silver Llnlnq .

Capitan RanqpOpinion


TIle undlsturhNl Rettlcd snowdepth at the mldway pOlnt at SklApache Resort is 47 .. There i8 atrace of new snow l1nITsdaymorn1Og New snow this weekequals ahout ~." ThlS morning, itis snowing lightly. Chains arenot required as of early Thurs­day.




Page 2: ¥Wi' •• I..- r..-..archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · Apache model calico rick-rackdres~es. Key replaces Laughlin as assistant DA A~RIRl;1nt DIRt nrt Attomey

.....__ ..,. ..- ,...,. ~~~~_.~--........- ----- - _ ----.------------.--- -----.~ - ----~--~-- -_"_~ ~ ." aw _'"",,, 'U4¢'qlWl· '!"M- iiijIj,......,.¥+ ..., , ,' ~-""" ~~_:-""!',... •• ,,+, "" ''"'''', .

2A I The Ruidoso Ne\Ns I Thursday, February 4, 1988

Big bill----------------------:--..........;;..

S'leriff's deputy Bettye Dean and investigator Paul Wer­sich approach the commissioner's bench to discuss the$18,412,76 helicopter bill that was received by the countyin January. On the. panel (from left) are Commissioner BillKarn, county manager Suzanne Cox, Chairman John AllenHightower, Commissioner Ralph Dunlap and County ClerkFran Siddens.

Continued from page 1AIy when the .ituation was firstnoted, and the Department of j<'i­nance and Administration wasnotified immediately of the possibleviolation.

For the recurd, Cox explai nedthat the employee is no longer withthe county, and that all purchasesin the Road Department are nowclo.ely monitored by the !toad De­partment superintendent andL"Ounty management.

This violation took place underthe previous county COmn\iRSion.

The other violation involved thesheriffs office. It was found that inJune, 1987, the department pur­chased various items which wereunifonns in nature, at an amount of$5.178. No purchase ord... rs wereobtained prior to ordering thegoods, which violated Section 13-1­lU2 of New Mexico state law, re­quiring aJl purchases of goods orservice~ in excess uf $fi,OOO he ob-

tained through competitive bidding.The .heriffs office formal

response, included in the auditreport, stated: "This appears to bean oversight which should not havehappened." It also stated: '''I'his wasin no way intentional and more at­tention will be given to such mat­ters in the future."

The New Mexico State Highwayand Transportation Departmentapproved the bid award to TwinMountain Rock for construction ofthe Sierra Blanca Airport AccessRoad. The county let the bid in anemergency meeting that took placeJanuary 13 at the county sub-office.

Commissioner Karn explained.the situation for the record, detail­ing how the county determined thatin order to protect the substantialinterest. of the money held up bylitigation by New Mexico Neilsons,Inc., the bid was let and construc­tion began.

The Highway Department con-

curred with the comnua81oners,stating: "The department thereforeby this letter concur. in yourawarding this project to the lowbidder. Twin Mountai n Hock."

New Mexico Neilsons, Inc.• hasprotested the bid letting procedureand hus now filed again.t thecounty in di.trict court.

'When people are hungry. theyreally fight for the.e contract....commented attorney Mitchell.

'We should have been out thereworki ng a long time ago," statedKarn.

In other bu.ine••• the countyap­proved a loan in the amount of$13,813.31 to the Senior Citizen.Center from the general fund. Thiswill be used for purchase of a minivan.

Bids were received and openedfor a new fire truck from the Lin­coln Fire Department. There weretwo bids, both from Albuquerquecompanies. Thunderbird Fire was

low bidder, at $63.525. Becker FireEquipment bid $65.768., Gail Chapman of the Lincoln

Fire Department studied the bids.and found that the Thunderbird biddid not meet all the .pecificationslisted in the bid requirements, andthat the financing plan offered byBecker did not meet with state.pecifications.

Therefore, the bid. for the fireengine will be let again.

A road review committee wasappointed to .tudy the i.sue of theproject agreement between thecounty and the U.S. Fore.t Service,concerning County Road B-036,which run. through CarolynLeitzman·. O-Bar-O ranch. Thecommit.tee will include; Bob Ward.Bill Rawlins. Mack Bell and PatsySanchez. alternate.

A road review committee wasal.o appointed to .tudy the c1o.urerequests on five other county road.,

and to report back to the commis­sion. Thi. committee include.; Bill

Rawlin., Leota Pfing.ten, TrankieSilva and Pat.y Sanchez, alternate.


the initial expense•.By mid-November Chief HetTera

. began conducting a weekend train­ing program. But more funds werenece.sary. Work had to be done onan exi.ting garage and heating billsand fuel bill. had to be paid. Thecommunity decided a raffie was thebest way to fiU the coffer.. Raffietickets were .old and contributionspoured in. EspeciaUy generouswere the volunteer fire' depart­ments throughout this great .tate.

The raffie drawing was held onJan1.ll!ry 15. It was only fitting thatFather LaI'!)' Gos.elin of the Mlls­calero and Bent churches be askedto oversee the drawing.. Not thatanyone would dare doubt thehonesty of any member of the Bentcommunity.

The three prize winners in thedrawing were Paul Branham ofRuidoso, Danny Mendo~a of Bentand Jim Zeman ofChaparral.

Although weather conditionshave . SOmewhat hampered the·~eeklY training· sessions. ChiefHettel'a is confident that in a shotttime the Bent VolUnteer Flre ne­partment Will be ready to respond.when needed. .

.-. .._.~ ¥'_."--.' .


Chino, Cheryl Parsons, Freddy Sanchez, ChristinaDuffy. Trini Langworthy, Gunner Johnson and Andr~aCrane; (front, from left) Chubb, Stephanie McCall, EricSanchez, Marlinda Pinal. Kathy Cull, Colby Hinkle,Jamie Mulholland, Victor Cocchiola and ZendaKanseah. Harlen Geronimo Is not pictured.

local fire departmentBent residents form

by HERB SECKLERSpecial to The News

No one has a. yet described it asthe beginning of urbanization. Andin the hi.toric ranching and farm­ing community which i. Bent noone would dare .peak out loud in.uch term.. But maybe the firstsign has neverthele.. appeared inthe form of a volunteer fire depart­ment.

It had its beginning in early Sep­tember of last year when, at ameeting of local residents. it wasagreed to work to form a fire de­partment. Parcel. ofland on whichto locate the equipment weredonated by James HU.e and LyleMendoza. Pete Herrera. With morethan 35 years experience in fit'efighting, was chosen a. fire chief,and Lyle Mendoza was appointeda.deputy.

By the end of October, Bent hada pumper Slld a Jeep which wereformerly in the inventory of theBurro Flats Fire Department. Be­cause fandl! from the cottnty wouldnot be available ttntil the beginningofthe next fiscal year, the re·sidentsof the area made donations to cover

, ,.~..

~ - '.



Basketball chanlpSKarolyn Chubb's class took the sixth-grade intramuralbasketball championship recently at Ruidoso MiddleSchool. Members of the team are (back, from left)Joseph Allard, Adam Carrillo. Billy Austin. Kristy Ryan,Wendy Wohlgemuth. Rupert Marden, AmandaRobertson. Cisco Knox and Freda Trujillo; (middle,from left) Claudia Chavira. Luke Richardson, J.R.

The Bent Volunteer Fire Department raised funds for itsnew fire truck with a drawing thatfeatured atifle to the firstprize winner, $100 cash second prize and $50 cash asthird prize. Shown at the drawing are (from left) lorenzoMontoya, assistant fire chief Lyle Mendoza. Father LarryGosselin and K.ateri Chavez.

Members of the Bent Volunteer Fire Department areshown during a recent training session with the depart­ment's new trUCk. Pictured are (from left) assistant firechief Lyle Mendoza, Fire Chief Pete Herrera and crewmembers Herb Seckler and Kim Seckler.

Water I airp'btf bills 'introduced .in Legislature


"I think the wnts speak forthemselves. and they merely re­quest that those. elected official.comply with the law. No one's ac­cusing anyone of criminal offenses.The commIssioners are simplytry; ng to protect the county fromliability and not expend countyfunds, whIch we do not have to ex­pend - all whIch IS required by .tatelaw." MItchell explained.

the job. The village received 47 ap­plications for the job, and thatnumber was reduced to seven topapplicanta by a rating team.

Durham .aid Daryl Obermuelleraccepted the job and will take overa. director on March 1.

meeting held on December 27, 1987and that .he wait to type the finalminutes on minute paper untilafter they are approved by the com­mis.lOners"· Mitchell explained.

Ramuel" writ, however, include.40 different items, including orderst hat the sheriff comply with thecounty in terms of budgetary mat­ter•. rehire the employee who hasbeen fired and rein.tated, cea.eand desist from phy.ical or verbalharas.ment of employees. and stopallowing employee. to accrue comptlme and overtime.

The new director come. to thevillage from San Antonio, Texas•where he has been director of thedowntown YMCA

be the lucky one to receive one ofthe two valuable pin•. He said thepIns are numbered, from one to450, and purchasers may select apin according to the number oftheir choice.

Eggleston .aid the numbers ofthe 14-carat gold pins were pro­vided by Wishard, and are beingkept .ecret until someone picks oneof the numbers and buy. one of thespecial pins.


Heanng-s of writs uf mandamusfiled again.t Lincoln County SheriffDon Samuels and County ClerkFran Sidden. Wlil be heard at 9am. Mondav. March 14. at the Lin­coln County Courthouse in Car­nzozo.

The proceedings will be public.Accordmg to county attorney

Gary C. Mitchell. Samuels and Rid·dens have until Tuesday, March 1,to ",.pond to the write.

if they determine that they willnot comply WIth the content of thewrits. they must tell Ih.trict JudgeHobert M. Doughty III by that date.If that IS th ... ca ..... the hearing willgo on as scheduled on March 14

Attorney Dan Bryant Wlil herepre.enting hoth Samuels and SId­dens.

·AII the wnt againAt Fran Rid­denA "'ally requeAts is that .heaml'nd the mInutes fur the board

Commemorative pIns featuringthe Sierra Blanca Re~onal Airportlogo are available at the Ruido.oMUnicipal AdminiRtrative Center.

The pm., made by Tim Wi.hardG<>ld.mith, coat $7.50, and may bepurcha.ed In Becky Durham's of­hee.

Among the 450 pm. for sale aretwo that were crafted from 14-caratgold. Divi.ion head Leon Egglestonsaid anyone purchasing a pin may

The man .Iated to take over theRuidoso Parks and Recreation De­partment on February 1 changedhi. mind. according to village man­ager Frank Potter.

Mark J. Pfi.ter. expected toreport for duty on Monday. appar­ently took another job••aid Potter.

Division head Becky Durham•aid Wedne.day .he· had contactedthe next candidate among the .evenshe interviewed, and offered him

Pins commemorate airport

Grand jury----JUry cost.s around $1,500 per day."It's impos.ible to estimate howlong this upcoming grand jurymight take." Parsons .aid. "Thecoste come from the AdministrativeOffice of Court•• which I believe ismainly funded by taxes."

Parson. said that the la.t grandjury to be held in the county, con­cerning the Cotton and JudyMcKnight murder case. co.t be­tween $40,000 and $45,000.

Parks & Rec director

Continued from page 1A

attorney but he or she cannot speakexcept in a whisper to the subject,80 that jurors do not hear the inter­change.

One person at a time will bequestioned. "This does notdetermine guilt or innocence, justwhether or nut there 18 a violationof the law," Parsons said.

According to Parsons, a grand

Obermueller is hired as

Sheriff, clerk writs setfor hearing on March 14

Band plans to recycle papercourt battle with. thll MescaleroApachll Indian 'l'ribll.HaU 'said thebill Is aPliOrttoned$a7G.OOO fot Pl\st .costs and $100,000 for the appeal.pTOCes8.

Ruidoso Uluh School BandBoosters plan to begin recyclingpaper to raiao funds for tho band'strip in April, but ttlmp0l'aTY uso of1\11 to-Wheeler trnUIl1'. lal'ae hOlett\lc'k 01' ovon II 1111'80 Il1\Q1<UI(K\ hOt!lotraller fa needed to oMbltl ~'Qllet·

tion of the pupel' l\nd trallllfll'l' to anEl Puso recycler.

AlI¥ollo with lnfu'tmnt\ion on (l

coUe~i!l1l vehicle (o\" tho l'eQYQUngel10fIl III en~Qn1'l\g\Jd to ccUll MikOltl.\d~le.wica CIt Uli8~aaa.

Two bills affecting the Vl11age ofRuidoso were introduced in theRtattl Legislature on Wednosday,ttle last day to {llace proposals bo­forll state lawmakers.

ltepreeentilt.lve Ben lInll snideurl~ t~ay (Thurldayl that he and Nclthtlt the lloule meft.u.~.~nat<lr.JimMartin liIItb IMnloted House BIIlSa6. not' the Sonl\kQ bill lllldnll$aOZR.OOOftat\t the Ren. proflOll\l, Senl\te Bill ~40. tltoerlll flll1d t« 1'IIImbutB tho Villl!llo llcheduled for commlttlR\ ;yilt, Midl!fR~ddllll(\ fQl' ~Q.tlto, dllfend wato\' . unn. UtI lmid the ttqt.l4llt will 1lllflah..nnd to Pi~ flll'tho cuntlnuln,diaGU••ed. In tho 1(1\1.. APPNptil\·

1M 11,,11 Iidd tbe l\1l'P\lR moneyCIl\lld CQme thrllugb the StnatoItvtrlllWO tal( P!'CKl\gll, th\\1II\lYliNlf1t\inO"" ltctlQn.

. . .


Page 3: ¥Wi' •• I..- r..-..archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · Apache model calico rick-rackdres~es. Key replaces Laughlin as assistant DA A~RIRl;1nt DIRt nrt Attomey

, Thursday, Feb.ruary4, 19881 The RUldoao NeWa I :;SA

Ruidoso administra~ionanalyzes viUagefinances


were expanded when potterdecreased . lAon E:gglestlln'sresponsibilities. Potter said Il;g­gleetlln, whll formerly was villagecle"k, 'finance directllr and divisionhead, !lOW serves as one of tWo vil­lage division heads.

. During a recent budget work­shop, Varley was on hand w el<­plain the mid-year budget til ooun­clllore.

only an accountant ~n do," saidPlltter, adding that he is happywith the results. He said Varley isworking nQ moretban 20 hOuTS aweek as a consultant on villagefinances.

Varley was under oontract as vil­lagl' auditllr, and was asked by Pot­teI'. to stay on and do some analysisafter the year-end audit was com~

pleted. Varley's responsibilities

til gfOt Ilne."If everybody's talking aoout it,

maybe we should do sontethingabout it:' said Potter. "It takessome planning, but we can do it."

potter said a fund already is es·tablisMd for a convention center,but he wants w'be swe his admin­i$tratilln is doing what the' p.ublicwants.

"Jobn'e <Varley) dlling things


Nob Hill menu for .Feb!uary• -~....-,

.._~._-_ .••. - MONDAY . ,-,-.-"'" --_ .. TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY-- .

~"-'-" .- ... .. . I. , ~".~ ..,_.~~.__.....- .-_.--_.~ . .-- -.. ~--"



MILK MILK. ROLLS , . ......- ... '. ""''''---'- ..

-- .... - - "-----.. ----- -~. ',,J~ '''--.c.... _ ._ - --' .. . . ... - -------.... '-.:...-..~- . . .--_...-.. "- ,8 HAMBURGERS 9 SALMON PATTIES 10 CHICKEN POT PIE 1 BURRITOS :2 HOT DOGS






, ,

by FRANKIE JARRELLNews Staff Writer,



VALLEY VIEW HOSPITALWhere !lour goad mental health is conccmcd'

Val/ell 'View Hasp,1all$ concernedibn: - t, -- . -x'. g #4"" iAMU" _L]iA.· .•

3751 N. Otl Rey Blvd•• (aICNtet. NM 8lIOO5.Toll frd NM 10800012&066S1 .

We would. like to express our gratitudeto everyone that sent flowers, cards,food and other expressions of sympathyduring the loss of our Father. Words .cannot adequately express how muchcomfort this has given to us. Godbless all of you.Sincerely,Charles and Suzanne Cox & FamUyThe FamUy of B.L. Barnett -::;,:'....._.....

that big villagl' Cllst. . bllnd iS$ues, R1rldllsll is nll!; blmded"We have a lilt pf blue sky ex- . w capacity, said Varley. 'We. don't

pense," noted Potte", explaining think we need wgo in m01"(l debt,"Village manager li'rank Plltter that such expenditures are thingli he added.

said this week that he and accllunt- like legal and administrative cllsts "fd like til see spmellt' thatdehting oonsulta~t John Varley are that can't be recovered frvm those reduced," said Potter, wonderingdoing an in-depth internal audit Ilf whll benefit; aloud ifhe'llllve that Illng. .village revenues and expenditures. But overall, Potter said, the ViI- . But Potter stUd the public has a

'We're taking almllst every de- lage Ilf Ruidoso budgl't has been cut lot w do with how the, yjllagtlpartment and analyzing them in ,24 percent over the past 1nIlnths. spends its· money. Fllr inIltance,detail," said Plltter. He said he and Plltter said it's been his jllb til clln- thlll'e's a lot of talk about a conven­Varley are taking a close look at tinue village' government, in spite tion '?,"nter, but no concerted effort;costs, revenues, user fees and the of some declining revenues.overall workings of the varillus de- 'We're cutting backpartments. businesses are doing the same

Since he was appointed last year thing:' he said. 'as village manager, Potter has un- Potter said as. treasurer Ws hisdllrlaken a massive oVlll'haul of vil- resJl<lnsibility to keep spending inlage opel'ations. While he's not line with the budget-riot wave athrough re-organizing, Plltter al- red flag everytfme revenues oomeready is pleased with .the results IIf, in shllrter than projected. He saidchangl's he's made., He said.lInede- that's jUStwb~t.he's A~inlL:keeP'"partment he's partIcularly proud Ilf ing monthly expenses W aboutis the Street Department. eight plll'cent of the wW year

"Mike Baier is doing a super budget.good 'job," said Plltter. He recalled On the financial side, Varley haspast budget problems in that de- set up accounts so that expensespartment, especially in tying the can be quickly identified withcosts of cllllperative_Pr!?,jects W the specific projects. He said the his-propel'revenues. --T"'Wry ofrmUiti-year-projects-is.input--

''The ~t Department used to so that it can be carried fllrwarcl.just flat Ilverspend," commented An elalmple of that is a cllmputerPotter. He said Street Department .printout showing the total oosts IlfIJl;aff size has been decreased from the Grindstllne Canyon Dam over24 til 12 over the past 14 months, the life of the project.while services have still been Potter said he and Varley aremaintained. taking a lllok at village finances

"If y"u're glling til cut ym~ staff, IlVIll' both the shllrt- and Illng-term.y"u have til have gllod people," said Varley nllted that mllst statutesVarley, cllmmentlng that the Street predicate that revenues come frIlmDepartment's reduced persllnnel thllse whll ben.efit, giving plannershas been faced with some big snllw a glllld idea Ilfhllw til fund imprllve-stIlrms. ments and seI'vices.

Plltter nllted the process being While Ruidosll bas a histllry Ilfused to hire village employees floating bond issues to fund a varl­ensures that the best applicants are ety of projects, both Varley and PIlt­hired for any given jllb. ter said they are working on an in-

Savings already are noticeable vestment plan for unencumberedin the central purchasing balances so the village Wlln't rely sowarehouse and 'with the fuel sales heavily on oorrllWing. 'We think weaccounting process, said Potter. He can come up with an investmentsaid fuel use bas been cut by 30' plan that will yield 13 or 14 percentpercent with the new system. a year," said Varley, stressing the

"Insurance is something we don't benefits of sound financial plan­have total control over:' said Pot- ning.ter, determined to "get a handle" on In spite of the nwnber Ilf past

THEN YOU MAyaS F'SELING ....... ; ....1. Afraid to tell anyonell!2. Angry most of the time with unpredictable

outburstslll3. An Inability to maintain healthy relationshipslll4. Inadequate in your jobll!5. WorthleS$lll "

Vaney View Hospital nas a programto help heal the wounds.

For help and InformetlcIn, cell 522·4407


"--- ..

1 .' ,, . ,

Page 4: ¥Wi' •• I..- r..-..archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · Apache model calico rick-rackdres~es. Key replaces Laughlin as assistant DA A~RIRl;1nt DIRt nrt Attomey

, ",

by FRANKIe ...ARRe......News Staff WrIter

Get S.M.A.R.TShop Merchants Around ~uidoso Today

lloon Sat~day at Lolita's :Fajitall illthe '1'.i.mbtl..11 MlUl, and l\IlJ1olle in­teJ'elltlld ill in'rited to. join thllm.

MidtoWn Rlll.doao ,will . get the ''W~'J'6 gflirig to gilt a .lot lit" j:n.putS _..- Oil h ..~. . M'...-'- " 'donce,ove.. on a y. .J)'W 1M 1IIlPJ'OVll . ,.""",.,.,>.sa.

IJniverllity of New Me:sieQ IItU' l4<hey, adding the end res~t of thedents in an urban design laboratoryco~ewill, bll some very imeginq­taught by ~ban designel" Steven tive eoiweptual idllllson impJ'Ovingllorbous will use downtown :Ruidollo the a~. ,l4<heysaid the ell;lss,willaa a model:f~ theix c1!las atudiea do a hug-Il conceptual modehof thethia allmeatel", aceording to MidtQwnarlla.Margaret McDonald Lahey, fonne.. Thll VJll<lg6 of Ruidoao alao wasplanning adminiatJ'ator fo.. the viI- ael~d re<'llntl)", to ta~ part, in thelage., " MalllStreet pl;"Og!"Am, II thr~year

'. Lahe~ aaid fourarclrltectl1J'6 pl;"Oject to. revita1be the downtowngraduate students, fo~ arehitee- aJ'lla. Lahey aaid the UNM pJ'OjeettUJ'e undergraduates, two planning was unde.. diaeussion befQJ'6and one landseape a...,hiteetl1J'6 atu- :Ruidoao waa suec:esaful in its ap­dent aTe elU'Olled in thll upper level plieation for the 1\ofainStJ'eet gJ'lU'It.cOurall. She aaid..the,group, wnI al'- l4<hey, a key 'plaYel" in therive on Fritlay, apend the night at :(\IIainStJ'eet organi",ation, illStudio, ill in Alto, and apend SatlU'- enthusiastic about tl1-e urban de­day making a reconnaisaance toUl" IIign project.ofthe Midtown aJ'6a. "Thia ,will give us a lot of good

The group will havll lunch at ideaa," ahe asid.

. "

U'· , d ' ," ', , . - .' . ,- '. . ',.,,·NM st~ents to' studyMid,town's .urban design


.... . ,

44 I The Ruld<u5Q New$ I Thur$l;I~Y, Fe~n,.uuy 4, 19a1J,- .

tion p~cture,"Knutell.ocknll, Amfilr- .:Ruidoso wil;J:t hel:' brothel:'. Wll1tQniClln." 1\(".or«in.,

Bard wOTk and athletics built "ll.ight.away lloatpny hay. feYElr,'1him an iro1). conatitution. This ailing says Nell. ·"And I know this wqS thewith his mental and·· spiritual plaee.fQ" mil and I have, blien backatrength has carried him smiling ever since." ..through an attempt 9n. hia life --Tltkingan aeUve role in the de-­and through seven yearS of the velopment, of :Ruid9S0. Nllll estab­moat i:r.npmtant jQb in the Wllrld. By Iiah!ld the U'pf1l!r and lower Park'smallY yeara he ia the oldeat preai- .. Pine Pla~e.The UpPel" place is 1l0W

by Dan'lel Agnew Storm dent in Q~ hiatory, and for this "MountainAU-"andtheJoweTplace, . '. . . .. . alone ia an inspiration to all ofus. Whiapering Pin!ls. Shll alSQ.taught

-----......-.:.-----------,---,----'------ Let us wiah all eongratuiatiollB four yeara in New Mexioo. in.l:1ud-Jlappy B.irihday to wiah a happy birthday to the and blell8inga on hia sevllnty- ing two yellra- at .steti!On SI:1'ool be-

To PrllSid_t Reagan man who ia hel"e in the' world with aeventh birthdiiy to Preaident low :RlIidoao D()wna.Thia ia being aent to you on Feb- ua today, ow.- Pl'Elaident of this day Ronald Wilaon "RIlagan who ia heJ'6 .A lifelong member of the B'Iptiat

mary aecond, Grolindhog'a Day; and hour. with us in our beloved land today -. chureh. Nell lIaya she atill recEliveaand the Mountain World is bright :Ronald Wil'llon R6agan was bom .one of us, working. hoping. praying the <;hurch .letter £roll!- the littleand cheerful with the warm aun on February six, 1911, in Tampioo, along with WI in This Nation Under Baptist ·Chur<:b in. Panhandle. Shebeaming down from a bIull aky with nlinoia. God. dearly lovea Ruidoao and ita pllOple,juat few snow-white clouda fonned He was born under thll IItar of Happy Birtbday aaying:into many patterna, lightly touched happiness and good f~e - and To Nell Crain Parks "I am more thankfv,l llVery daywith rainbow <:0101'$, by the gentle grew up a typical American boy "- During the Birthday Month'let that I live in RuidoaQ." Ber prideweat wind ainging down through devoted to hia father and mother, ua ren>einher the birthday of one of ' and joy are her son, Dave, and he..the vale. hard working. cheerful and gl"ateful :Ruidoao'a - all-time favorite people, foUl" gl"andchildren and foUl" great-

"---' , So here we <lrll'Ovllr·"·inthe to be anAmllri<:aD. 1\ofl"s. Nell Crain Parka. ,grandchildren.~irth<laymQnth, the little brother of :From his Irish father, he in- Nllllwa.. born l!'ebruary 'seven;' .. Her grandchildren- ar.e:, Collie..all the other montha, yet full of herlted hia famous wit and humor 1900, in Spaniah Fort. 'l'IlX'lS, to AI- ,Dave Parka, Steven Crain Parka.daya especially dear to the hearts of and hia cheerful outlook on lifll. ben Crain and Violet Berryn>an. Leaah Silva; and ABha Parka. .Americans. F'rom hia' S'ootch Presbyterian When ahe waa a amall child the WIl wiah Nell Parka many happy

We cherish the memories of mothel" he inherited a devout na- family moved to Goodnight, Texaa, returna of the day and aU God'a".,_'. -~ae.~o~ige'wallbington·'1md Abraham. '''~ - a reliance on Almighty God where hel" parenta and grand- bleaainga.

Lin<:oln and aend up a prayel" to for' guiaiiiU!e---and ,inapir,!l!i..9Q..._M!'ElJ~tswere good friendllofcoloDel ~rolJDdhog'8 D~ythem in ,Heaven. where they are through life. and i9rrS:-ChatIel! Goodtiig-Itt:--'l'he--- Here 1tr'our'=ountam' home­lIurely looking down upon t~a While working hill way through famoua,Goodnight-Loving cattle land, the little groun~og aaw. hisbeloved country of oura. wiahing us college he took a job as a' lifeguard trail waa named after Colonel a~adow and made a dIve back Itlto·well and aending UII guidance and at a awinuning pool. Here through Goodnight. hia underground home.inspiration. aevel"al summers hll rea<:Ulld 70 Af'teT the family moved to Pan- HIl ia not going to ,eome up for

While we remember the poople frotn drowning. handle, Texas. Nell began a teach- ai>< weeka.birthdaya of Waabington and Lin- As an actor he won the hearta of ing ,career which apanned twenty- This means Wll will have ai"coin during the Birthday Month, let Amerieana playing the role of eight Ylla1'8. more ~eeks. of winter weather; butua be thankful a1ao that we are able aeo..gll Gip "The Gipper" in the mo- In 1931 she made a visit to very nuld wmter weathel".








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county. nominating petitiona for magilltrate fices located wholly within oneCounty Surveyora - 2 year terms.. officea and legialative officea 10' oounty or composed. of one oounty.One County Surveyor in each eated wholly within one <:ounty or and magistrates ahall be filed with

County (Unleaa, office haa been oompoaed of only one county shall . the County Clerk on March 29,abolished pUl"suant to Section 4-44- be filed with the county clerk' on 1988.36 NMSA 1978) 'April 6, 1988. NOTE: Any offic:es which btlcome

Probate Judgea - 2 year termll. Declarations of <:andMaey and vacant dUll to death or ..esignationOnll Probate Judge in each filing fees or, in lieu thereof, pauper may appear on the ballot PUl"suant

County. .. atatements for all' other eleetive to Sectiona 1-8-6 and 1-8-7 I/.nd Ar-March 1, 1988, ia the tiling day county Qffieeuhall be filed wit" the tide 16 of Chaptel" 1 NMSA.1978.

for declarationa of eandidaey, with 'county clerk on April 5, 1988 be- DONE AT'l'IfE a;:XECUTIVErequired nominating petitions, be- tween the hoU1'8 of 9:00 a.m. and OFFICE TBIS 30'l'H DAYtween 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. only, 5:0\) p.tu. .' OF JANUARY, 1988.with Secretary of .State, for, Declarations. of intent to be a wrrNEss MYBANDANDstatewide offiees and offiee of write-in eandidate for statewide of- 'l1HE GREAT SEAL OF THEUnited Statea ll.epreaentative (1-8- tice or office of the United States I STATE OF NEWMF.X ICO.26A; 1-8-30) RIlpreaentative shan be ·tiled with lsi Garrey Can:uthllr8

Declarationa of <:andidaey and the Office of the Secretary of State Governornominating petitions for legislativll on April 18, 1988. Attest: lsi Rebecca VJgiI.offices from multi-county districts, Declarations o£ intent to be a Girondiatrict judges, district attorneys, write-in eandidate' for all multi- BeCJ:'eUuy ofStatestate boatd of edueation and all of- county legislativll offices. distriet CANDIDATES MAY BEflees composed of moJ'6 than one judlle, diatriet attorney. and state NOMINATED FOR THE FOL-county shall be 5Ied with the O:ffioo board 6t eauc:ation offi<:es shall be LOWINGofthe Secretary o'f State on AprilI>, filed with the Offioo of the Seae- l.JNCOLN COUNTY OF-1988, between the hoU1'8 of 9:00 tary ofState on 1\ofarch 29, 1988. Ji'!CES:a.rn. and 5:00 p.1Il. Declarations of intent to be a . COUNTY COMMISSIONER

Dec:lamtions of candidaey and write-in candidate for legialative of- DISTRICT I

713-8 through 2-713-78 NMSA 1978(1983 Supp,)

DiatrictJudgea - 2 Yllar tennalat Judicial Diatrict, Div. IIlatJudicial District. Div. VI8th Judicial District. Div. IFoUl"teen Diatrict A~eya - 4

year tenna. "One Diatrict Attorney ahall be

elected in Judicial D:istri<:ts 1through 10, 12, and 13. Two Dis­tri~t Attorneys ahall be elected atlarge in the 11th Judicial Distri<:t.

Division I ahall serve in SanJuan County and Division II shallservll in McKinley CQunty.

Members of the State Board ofEducation - 4 year terms.

Diatri<:ts 1, 4, 8 and 10 which aredeacribed in Semon 22-3-21through 22-3-31 NMSA 1978 (1983Supp.)

One Magistrate JudgeColfax County Division 1IAll County Offices. The following

County Commissioners by Diatrictincluding 3 County Commissionersto be elected in all other counties:

I> Dona Ana County Com­millsionem - 2 year tenn.

7 Loll Alamos County Com­missioners - 2 year tenn.

3 San Juan County Com­misllionlll"S (3, 4 & 6) - 4 year term.

3 BIlrnalillo County Com­missionem (2, 3, & 4) • 4 yeal" yearterm

3 Chaves County Commissioners(2. 3, & 4) - 4 year term.

3 Eddy County Commisllione1'8(2, 3, &: 6) - 4 year term.

1 Eddy County Commisllionel"(Dist. 4) - 2 year term.

6 Cibola County Conuniallioners(Diat. 1, 2,3.4,5).

County ABseallOr8 - 2 year termsOne County Assessor in each

County.CountyCIe..ks - 2 year terms.One County CIel"k in each

County.County TreallureJ:S • 2 year

.terms.One County Treasurer in each

County_CountySheriffil- 2 year ternis.One County Sheritt in eAch

.MIDWAY GARAGEComplete Domestic And ForeIgn Car Repair'

* WRECKER SERViCE *----- --, ..-


Claude A.. Blaine, M..D"- Ear - Nose - Throat -

- Allergies - Head'& Neck Surgery -Office Hours By Appointment

. (505)434..6055; .1800 FIrst Street AlamOgordo,. N.M.


Purauantto the Primary Elec­tion Law of the State of New Me:si-'co. aa amended. I, Garrlly Car­ruthers, Govern~ of New Mll:sioo,by virtue of the authority in meveated, do hereby iaaue the follow­ing Proelamation:

That a Primary Election be, andthe same ia hereby, called to btlheld throughout the State of NllwMexico, l\nd in each county andprecinct thereof, on the 7th day ofJune, 1988.

A That the Primary Electionsball be applicable to the followingpolitical partiea. to-wit: the Demo­<:ratic Party and the RIlpublicanParty.

B. That the Primary Electionshall be for the purpose of permit­ting the Democratic Party and thllRIlpublioon Party to nominate can­didatea for the following office:

One Unitlld States Senator - 6yeartenn

Three United Statea RIlpresenta-tives - 2 year terms -

Diatrict I. Bernalillo, Torrance.Guadalupe, DeBaca Countiea.

Diatrict 11, Union, Quay. Curry,:Roosevelt. Chaves, Lea, Eddy, Lin­ooln, Otero. Sietta, Grant, DonaAna, Luna and Hidalgo Counties.

DistrictlII, SanJuan, McKinley,Cibo1a. Catron, Socorro, Valencia,Rio Arrib<l. Sandoval, Los Alamos,Santa Fe, Taos. Colfux. Mora,Harding and San Miguel Counties.

One Corporation Ccmunill8ioner ­6 year tenn.

One Juatioo of the SupremeCourt- 8 yeartenn.

One Judge of the Court of Ap­peala - 8 year term.

Forty-two mell1bers of the StateSenate - 4 year tel":ms.

Diatri<:ts one through forty-twowhich are described in Section 2­8B-$ through 2-813-49 NM'SA 1978(1983 Supp.)

Seventy members of the StateHOWle of RIlpresentatives - 2 yearterms.

I)jatri<:ts one through llOventy,which aJ'6 deS<:ribed in Se.:tien 2-

• . ,

Page 5: ¥Wi' •• I..- r..-..archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · Apache model calico rick-rackdres~es. Key replaces Laughlin as assistant DA A~RIRl;1nt DIRt nrt Attomey


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Th~ Ruidoso News I SA- -! -,

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rounding area. Carrizo Peak is technically part of theSacramento Mountain chain, which covers most of themountains in the northern part of the county.

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TO~~ 50~'OFF MFIt. SUGG. LIST "'fR, ., SvG~

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A view that never grows oldThis photo was taken by Bonny Celine at around milemarker 21 near, Nogal on State Highway 37, goingtoward Carrizozo, showing .Carrizo Peak and the s,ur-





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617 Sudderth- Charleston SquarePhone 257-5512'

Office Hours: 8:30 • 5:00 Monday· FridayComplete Eye Care

For more information, call Ralphor Rosalie Dunlap at 653-4047.

-12-3 p.m., picnic and story tell­ing at the Spring Ranch.

.2-4 p.m., photo copying, xerox­ing at the Dr. Woods Annex.

-2-4 p.m., Tour Lincoln on yourOwn. ., -1J.9·p,m., Flying J Bar-B-Que.

Sunday, June 20:.8-9 a.m., coffee, Dr. Woods

House.-9:30-10:30 a.m., Non denomina­

tional chuxcl1 service, LincolnChurch.

·10:30-11:30 a.m., Cemeterytour.

-Lunch on your own. .·1-4 p.m., Trip to Tunstall shoot­

ingsite.-1-4 p.m., Old timer stories, Lin·

coln Park..2-4 p.m., Photo copying and

xeroxing, Dr. Woods Annex.

·2-5 p.m., Pre-registration for1989, Dr. Woods House.

......... ". LVr i ,

Thursd~Y, February 4, 1~8a. .

Voters· approve, .

levy fotschools

Lincoln Festivals is pl!'.nning "La~unada," or "reunion," for thisslhnmer. It will take place on June17 and 18, and will be a reunion ofold LincoIp. Counw f,amilies.

'Th!l ~up p-tmitt ,w· make thisevent '-atuiJai: ellel,j9&tr mgbIight­ing different rell!t'i:ves and descen­dants of different groups of LincolnCounty pioneers.

This year, the group is invitingany descendants of old LincolnCounty families who settled hereprior to World War t.

The tent!'.tive schedule is as fol·lows: . - •

Friday, June 17:-5-7 p.m., Meal -of Yeste%Year,

Wortley Hotel.·5-7 p.tu., Registration, Wortley

Hotel.-7:30-8:30 p.m., Songs of Old

Lincoln County, songfem;.Saturday, June 18:-8-10 a.m., coffee, registmtion at

the Dr. Woods House.-10.11 a.m., Boyd B:urett, skit

on Lincoln County.

Reunion invites. old•

Lincoln Co. families


NOTlCE is hereby given thatthe Planning .and Zoning Commi8­sion public hearing to adopt theMaster PIan,- set for Febru8ry 8,1988 at 2:00 p.m. is cancelled. Thistneeting bas been cancelled due tolItatutoryrequirmenta. The noticeof the public hl!!1ripg will be pub-­lished at a later date.

Isf Tammie Maddox,Clerk


. • ONE OF A KINP SPECIALS .Thur••• Feb.4. 5:00.9;00 P.M. Sat.,F.b.6· ~O:OO.9:00P.M.Fri•• Fel,». 5 .. 10:00-8:00 P.M. Sun., Feb.1-1lhOO-6:00 P.M.

'ECTOR COUNTY COLISEUM4bel 6/"ulr.w.llw,~- oct...." Tt.a.


Legal'5468 it (2}4

Featuring Boats. Campers, liv's, Canoes. Kayaks. Sail Boats. ScubaEquipmeilt. ATV·s. Fishing and Camping Gear. Resorts, and MuchMore. .,

"1 think that it ilhows continued lJeSt possible education that theypositive support for the. Capitan _ can, to go along with the support ofschools and itIJ m;udents," said Su·' the peoplei' . , 'perintendent of' Capitan Schools' The fgpd.s, which will total !'.boutScott Childress, Ilfter lellrQing that $65,000 this yoor, will be used forthe Capital Improvements Act fllcility repair and renoYation !J.Dd'" "passed in Tuesday's elections in equipmellt, incl..w.ing:Capitan, by'a vote of 15-1 for con- ·Genel'll1 renQvation .of the old ,·,c',-:".~_•....:...~--,<-,;::.·~'-·':;"",';';.,_,:_.h., , .,-.';;;';;'---'""':::-'~-'-~_-"':'_';-~~~=~ ""_" __ ..,._tinuance ofthe levy, 67 against. ,gym, including replacing ceiling . ., ..c~:~::-:---:.,....:""-_".;--.-.,, "-::., ....,:," '. '

"'.l'Iie apprqval" shows that our and tloor,tiIe,.handiellPped-aeeeiJs;'" ~,~pa~n~.•~ant to mo.vl;.W a dil'eCtioli'--and:1I1ofrepair. . . •to continue irid maintain Qur, -Getteral tenoyation of the newfacilities, and to move into the age gym i'nclupmg roOf repak and up-of high technology," s!'.id Childress. graded looker rooms. '"We will use this money judiciously '.to support and enhance the en- -General renovation. of ~h~vironment for learning." eleme~tary school, ~clu~ng.

."ra like to thank the people of r?p1acmg heaters and lnstalhng.our school district for continuipg 8ldewaIks.this Illil levy .and- for showing us .Purcllpse of two vehicles, a com·that they are supporting out' school p,uter lab, .l~dscaping andsystem," said school board member maintenance .equipi!1ent.Tom TJ:-ost. "We're fortunate to be ·A second floor in the library toin a dlstrict like this, to h!'.ve this house its computer lab.continued support. We're going to -A new subtloorand floor in thecontinue to strive to make sure that cafeteria.the students of our district get the -General roofrepair.



tl1'. '•,,,vI't:-C·t.t.





Page 6: ¥Wi' •• I..- r..-..archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · Apache model calico rick-rackdres~es. Key replaces Laughlin as assistant DA A~RIRl;1nt DIRt nrt Attomey

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Members of the Orushers". ... .', .

and Bull Ring battle it out inTuesday adult league ~c:tionat White Mountain School

..' .. gym. (Photo by Chuck Jar-,rail.) .

; I.. '..(. . .',' ·t····.po·r .... s·i__ ..,Jt .. ,


Nanna Murillo each had six.Warrior Coach Sergio Castanon

was very pleased with the win,complintenting the rebounding ofhis forwards and adding, "It was avery good overall tsam effort." d

The victory improves theRuidoso record to 7-10 andprepares the Warriors for their dis­trict battle with Silver City Fridayin the Warrior gym.

CARRIZOZOGOLF COURSENow Open Daiiy9.00 a.m. til DarkYear Aroand!

"We're working to bethe best nine·hole

course in New Mexico!"Phone 648·2451

over into the overtime period, how­ever, and they assumed what wouldbe the final marllin. The visitorsmaintained their 69-65 advantageuntil time elapsed.

Warrior Coach Ridge Bowdencredited "the kids' effort" in thehout, and said, "They played thebest they had together in a longtime."

Mashon Swenor led the Warri01'llin scoring with 7 and in reboundswith 10.

Ruidoso's junior varsity opensdistrict action on Friday againstSilver City. Tip-off is set for 4 p.m.at the Warrior gym.


Sl~KY SEN$ON~ ~ .'

WeATHER RiPORT ....- ......~Bl~·~·-· "!'l.o-'~p!""ree-'-' ~SaIl-.-"It-Court_sy of JIlJIlW121 50 14. 0.00 0:00

JllJIlW121 '~ ~1 0.00 0.00*tloMl WIIthtr Stnkt IIlll JllJIuary 2t 59· 24 0.00 0.00

JIlIl"·-30 li2 33 0.000.00C & L . JIlIlWTal &2"':t:1 0.00 0.001!'ebn1arY150 39 0,00 0.00

'L"U···MIER.·'.. 1!'ebnIary:l $3 3$ tr.. 0,00~tattOll. tw.1llOll.U1 .... tr. .' .


. S'U'PPLv . PttciilitatlOll.tw.~""l.'lG"I I .SnOIf'tbIa~- 411.1" .

6A I The RUldo.~ New. I tnurs(lay, !"eDrua!y 4, 11::100


by CHUCK JARRELLSpecial to The News

Chiefs, .Blaier Bus,Bull Ring, Rebels areadult league winners





. by CHUCK JARRELLSpecial to The News

The Ruidoso High Schoolsophomore basketball team fell tovisiting Roswell High Tuesday in ahard-fought overtime battle.

The Warriors took a first­quarter edge and held it until thefinal quarter, when the Coyotesrallied and overtook Ruidoso. Thetwo squads exchanged the leadseveral times' throughout the fourthquarter, but neither could remainon top. At the end of regulationtime, the contest was tied at 62.

Roswell's momentum carried

by CHUCK JARRELLSpecial to Th.e News

The Ruidoso High School llirlsbasketball team traveled toTuIarosa Tuesday for a non-distrlctmatch-up with the Wildcats.

Tara Miller led the W-arriors to a, 58-43 victory, hitting· for 27 points.

Ardena Commanche complementedwith seven, Tammy Osbome and


Boy cagers drop close, .' . .

game to Roswell team

handed Shockers fell to the firstplace Blazer Bus team. Bill Turilerpiloted Blazer Bus with 29; high

Men's basketball action con- scorers for the Shockers were Clyde .tinued with four games this week. Reynolds' with 32, arid' Kenny ..

On Monday, the Chiefs dropped Espinosa with 30.the Rebels, 94-50. Dennis Davis Blazer Bus is 'llOW tied for firstand Blane Miller. both of the place at 10·1, the Shockers fell to 7-Chiefs, sank 16 each. 4.

The Chiefs, at 10-1, share the In the Tuesday night finale, theleague lead with Blazer Bus. Rebels raised their record to 5-6

In the second Monday night with a slim 79-70 victory over thegame, the 4-8 BUll Ring crushed Cobras, who dropped to 3·9. Randythe Crushers, who are 0-10 on the Bell hit 34 and Marvin Yuzos added

_~"." -y.e~CahiWs ~~.P!'\!1ts l!lllCeJL...2LPl!~.fuc_the.Rebela.SCQtLthe Bull Ring, "nd Mark ~trath- Schrader responded with 27 for themann added 16. James SmIth led Cobras. '.the Crus1:Iers with 10. Action continues tonight (Thurs-

In Tuesday night play, the short- day) at the White Mountain gym.


Girls top 'Deming

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.- '. .- , .


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coaches Franki~ Reynolds and CraigWhipple give .pointers during T:uesdaynight's game with First National Bank.(Photos by Darrell J. Pehr).

Hey! What's HappeningOil The' Circle??


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- or " _ .\ •

Referee Dean Hood keepsan eye on action during playTuesday. the second day ofthe Little League's season.The season will stretch toearly March.'

Scout Sunday is planned forSunday, FebMlary 7, at First Chris~ .tian Church. Ruidoso Cub Seoutsand their families are invited tomeet at the church at 10:30 a.m.and attend services.

Scout Sundaythis weekend

Is Little' League basketbali fun? Membersof Turner Insurance, an -intermediate divi.­sicn team, seem to think so. Other teammembers (background) listen while

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First National Bank's team. Turner lnsur­ance won the game, 18-7.


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Cut Move was defeated by Ikaid /JI; InsW,'ance tTounced Fl.l'st NationalNeWBQlll, 18-14. . Bank,18-7•

Tuesday night,' tbJ'ee' intenttedi-atega:me~ and one major division In major division /!.etion Tues- .game were played. Il\termediate~ day, Broken Drum .was edged byWishard <MdsIni1:l\ topped Ruidoso . Alpine SPGrllI, 4(1-.85..· "Athletic Club, 20.18; Westem Auto Play resw;nes with .gamesl!'ri-beat Rotary Club, 13·9; and Tumer day, February 6. ..:

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A player for TUG\l!lr lnsurance goes up fora shot while being .guarded by members of


Little League kicks. off sea.son·

.,;: .'.;' ',' .. ,.'.' ,

,. .

Little Le<igy,e basketball aetiol1began Monday night at RUidoso

. Middle Sehool and. the WhiteMountain Sehool gyms.' .

In. mihpJ," :diYimQnaetion, BighCountr'yMotorlllContel topped K~Bob's,4-2. .

In intermediate llction Monday,

Weatherproofingfor. your checkbook



" .,'


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This plan lets you even the highs and lows In yourbills so that you pay about the same each month- regardless of the weather.

Visit our.office .today to SeeIf you're one of the preferred customerswh6quallfles 10r the BudgEilt Billing Plan.

You can Insulate your checkbook from th~ upsand downs of seasonal electric bills With Texas­New Mexico Power Company·s. Budget BillingPlan.

- ,- -- --- -- . ~ - --- . _. - -

'. .


. ~·'·'"



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Page 8: ¥Wi' •• I..- r..-..archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · Apache model calico rick-rackdres~es. Key replaces Laughlin as assistant DA A~RIRl;1nt DIRt nrt Attomey

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Entertainment,. "

SA I The RlIldQso News I Thursday, February 4, 19a8., j







rOPAY M<{ NAME. ...-rzIS·ANNA.. .sIGH!

13th. - Simulcast ofThe Santa MariaHandieap from Santa Anita 'Park.4yoo&up. 11-16.miles. Purae $100,000­added.4-Mauaie (Stev"ns) $14.00. 7.60, 8.60.I-Miss Alto (Delllssye) $8.20, 5.20.3-Novel Sprite (P. Valnza) $11.40.TUne: 1:48.3 Quin $86.00, Ex $123.00•.Trif$776.40.


Nearly Easter, GibouUne. Majestic:::Viking. Dibs On Tho Line.

12fu - 4yos&up. Chug $2,500. 6 1-2i\lr.Purae $1,600. .3-Spe<;lliI1 Command (Rivas) $10.00, Otee (Ooombs) $7.80. 8.60.6.:;loufu Round.... (Beni~) $3.20.TiJ:i:le: 1:0p.3 Also Ii:m - Kaoituck BoomTown, Instant GJorywSlll'BtogaTed.Joyoo's Angel. EllJ"ly Fall., Nioo Going,Lit'l Reneg.c\e. O"thal>eUo's Pride.Trif$538.60. Big Q CQlJ8ohltlon (ll-All)$27.60. Big Q (3-4) $900.60.




Charles M. Schulz





HArpo( VALENtiNe'sDAY, LVDIA! . e

~ ,I.:\. Ir1



11th - 4yo•• 01mg,$5.0Q0. 6 fur, Purae$2.400.4<-Tino (Murphy) $ (Lambert) $4.40,2.60.6.Flirting Wink (M. Ltciborg) $3.00.'lUne: 1:11.2 Mso Rlln- Ilebb)'ll Luster.

7th - 4yoe&up. AIlowanee. Qu.. MU\!.Purae $2,300. .5-Pick N' Pass (Bui) $8.60. 6.60, 3.80.2-Vikings Shield (lUvas) $ Two I;Jpeellil1 (M; Lidherg)$11.60.Tin>": 1:39.3 Also Rlln - Better ThanMo;ney, Iwannabefirst, Capitan Smokey,'Sky. Robber, StarlandwPeerless Paul andAU Blu... Dead h ..at for ninth.'rrif'$902.20;

6th " 3yoe&up. AIlow"n"". 360 ydll.Purae $2,700.3-1'h.. Rod Rock« (~lph\l!l)$8.40, ~:40,3.60. . •5..J"t Di.ut (Rodrg'1') $16.20, 8.80.8-RoStles!,Sql>8w (Froa"""n) $4.6(). .'1'in>e: 17.60 Alao Rlln - Bunny Finish.Oharge It '1.'0 Go, Miss F"at1Jrett&, ItchyMito, Billy W"ddeU, Oat<:bem NCashem, Bold Blue Strosll:.. Quin $128.80, E:o; $140.20..









TOUGH QUESTIONS... i7/::-~-;;;;;:~~~liI ~









SA'rOllDAY, JANO'AR'lr 30.18t - 3yoo. 0I.mg $6.000. 400 ydll. Purse

$1,800-7-lu;Ill Truek Man (Dolphus) $4.40, 3.20,2.6(). , ' .2_G"dget Man (Lewis) $6.00, 3.60.9-Tontoa Mein I!:vent (Sumpwr) $8,40.'I'iD:le: 20.16 Also nan ~ So Restless Jet,Peggys Pal, HitKicldn C(m..nQ"y, SummerBlack, Stacked Deal. Single Intent.Raci.D. LOre.


1986187 1987/88

TOTAL ATI'ENDANCE:124,491133,116+6.93

% CHANGE TOTAL HANDLE:$12,275,705$15,700,203+27.90


9fu • 4yoo&up. 'CIn>g $3,200. 1 1-1.6miles. Purse $2,200.6-'1'ox"s Wedge (Biekel) $6.80,3.80,3;00.5-Soldie>:'s Farewell (Beni~) $ . .7-Bruin C""",ty (L:imbert) $3.60. . ..Time: 1:48.2 AlioQ Rlln - Purpl.., Sunday'sList. Handibanl!;. Boo... 'l.'own BQb. O.bl..StNteher, F81" Nienw, lma Fle.a. .Ex $26.00.

TRACK • ~'ASTHANDLE $190.538 .ATTENDANCE: 1.522.

DAILY AVERAGE HANDLE:$250,525$280,361+11.91

DAILYAVRG HANDLE:$250,525$292.814+16.88 (without Wednesdays), .


ARY31(56 OF 112 PERFORMANCES)350 YARDS :17.63Up Front Runner 10/il/87

. 400 YARDS : :19.67Up Front Riinner 0111'1188440 YARDS ,:21.43Raise A RouIa 11/29187870 YARDS :45.51Mr l3lack Tie 12118187I) FURt.QNGS :58.2Tilt The Odds 121261875 1/2 FURLONGS ..,..... 1:04.3Confederate Hope 011021886 FURLONGS ..um......,,~1:10.4Mariposa Monarch 01130/88

.6112 FUnLONGS 1:17.4Rufi'etta 10117/8'1 &01/09188ONE MILE u .i:89.0Rufi'etta 01131188

. ONE AND 1116 MILES .... 1:41.~Number Two Special 12127/81ONE.AND 118 MILES ..... 1:55.4­~'Pl'Qphet 11111187 '.ONE AND 1/4 MILES ..... 2:0'1.4 .Better Than Money 11/18187ONE AND 1/2 MILES ..... 2:38.3 ' .Quik:Marc 11/25/87

autographs from 12 noon· until 3p.rn.

Sunday's simulcast feature will .be the $500.000 Charles StrubStakes at one and 1/4 miles.

The Gr/lde I race 'Will be run atSanta Anita and is conditioned forfour-year-olds.

Friday. Saturday. and Sundayfirst post time is 12:30 p.m.

Sunland Park's 1987/88 seasonis at the midway point and here arethe figures after 56 days ofracing.

8th- 4yoe&up. Chug $3,200. 5 1-2 fur.Purse $2.100.2..Jus1ioo·!s Green (J.M~)$11.40,6.60,6.40.7-Fleet Luei (V. Tqnto) $6,20,4.60.5-Frce World (Sorenson) $6.20. 'TUne: 1:06.1 Also Ron· Moogo Prinoo.Dandy Arrival, Ge.a.erolissimo, SllverHonor, Our Now Luck. {J

Ex $82.40.

Quin $11.40, 2nd HalfTwin. Trif- NoWinning Tickets.Carryover $16,435.16.


. FRIDAY. JANUARY 29.19881st - 3yos. Mdns. Clmg $5.000. 6 fur.

Pura.. $1,700. ,8-Dlemeter <Blevins) $6.60, 4.00, 3.20.3-Drawing Out (J. MllJ"tnz) $5.40, 6.20.5·Advocator Lad (Sorenson) $3.40. .'lUne: ~i13.4Also Ron - SpllJ"ingly,Phantom."s Diamond, Carlita, Beut.yFlite. Check A King, Jims Secret.lIfYNa.n:J.e ~ Paige. .

4tb - 4yoo&up. Mdns. Chng $3,200. 6 1-2fur. Purs.. $1.700.6·Missy's Son Josh (Blevins) $6.20, 3.20•.3.00.8·Bo)ero'B Societ.y (Lmnbcrt) $4.20. 3.00.9·Low Beam (HllJ"tnett) $6.00.Time: 1:19.3 Also Ran - Pouble Candy,Ju.nn Tabo. Leading Wanior, Gli.m.mer­ing Native, Corabi.n:leri, Pacific Forest.Prince Noble. Torch Belle. Edgar Allo.nPony.


By Bill Donati February 3i-d.As soon as the gates opened, Fearless Ego, winner of both the

Ruffetta sprinted to the lead and' Thoroughbred Sale and Sunlandnever looked back en route to a big .Fall Futurities, will be running inwin in the $4,100 allowance feature the $75,000 Santa Ynez Stakes aton Sunday, January 31st. Santa Anita on that day and fans

The H. Lloyd Woodward color- will be able to watch and wager onbearer led by as many as four hlengths before crossing ths wire in er'Jack Van Berg, winner of thiss seasonal best timing of 1:39 flat year's Big Sport OfTurfdom Awardfor the mile. hom the Turf Publicists ofAmerica.

The five-year-old is making at' th fill .. Dcase for herself as one of the best B,:r:n. e y ,or owner J. .older horses in training in New Competition will be tough asMexico as she won her third race in Eclipse Award runner-up Goodbyea row and is undefeated in 1988. Halo is also in the Grade III field.

The Kentucky-bred daughter of She has won-three of four careerSharpen Up logged the season's starts and is trained hy Charliefastest 6 and 1/2 furlong time of Whittingham.1:17.4 when she won an allowance Friday, February 5th, Sunlandsprint at Sunland on January 9th, Park will feature a field of four­then shipped to The Downs At Al- year-old runners competing at onebuquerque where she upset the mile_ Estopped, a two time winnerfield in the Premier Stakes on Jan- at Sunland Park this season, has

uary ~:~llY thought of as a entered and will be in against sixsprinter, Ruffetta had never heen others running for a $5,500 claim-

ingtag.around two turns before hut im; 0 d

ed.. b' wne by E.W. Kuehne, Jr.,

press .ans y runmug off Crac- Estopped has been the Sunlandtions of :45.4 for 1/2 mile and 1:10.3 crowd favorite the laSt two times onfor six furlongs and still held on fpr the track.a one length win over Noble His last race on January 30thParisto. . was a runner-up effort at six fur-

The mare is conditioned hy cur- longs.rent leading trainer J.Doyal The dark bay was closing strong­Robert.s, Sr. and was ridden by lyon the front-running Tino, butGlen Murphy. ran out of room to finish 3/4 of a

Another seasonal best effort was length behind Tino's good effort oftMum!"d in

Mon hSralaturl'eddaYI when 1:11.2.

anposa onarc 1 ate for a Also in the race coming off anneck win in the $8,000 NewMexican Allowance Stakes. impressive win is the Gutsy

Owned by Julie Papen of Las t~c-ralker Stables' What's UpCruces, Mariposa Monarch beat The well-bred son ofDuck Danceseven other New Mexico-breds at had gotten nothing but secondsix furlongs, running a 1:10.4. la fi' h ' hi b

Also on Saturday, the simulcast p ce ros. es tn s earecr , ut un·of the $200,000 Donn Handicap der'Casey Lambert the runnediredfrom Gulfstream Park was. 'Won by. to a big six: length win at one mileJ d H d d J D on Januaty 24th.a e unter an .ri er . . Bailey. Saturday, JJ'ebrua......· 6th will be

Local fans remember Bailey . ,~very well because the rider started Rodeo Day at Sunland Park.bis career at Sunland Park in 1974. Fahs will be eligible to 'Wiil. .a

The El Paso native won his first pair of e:l<otic lizard skin hootslcareer race at this track while at, Tony Lama is providing two pair oftending Coronado High School. the unique fO<)tweartogive away.

m W'ed Also that day, all rodeo conteB·.el\l!.s ge won the fel1ture tants will receive Free General Ad-

. race on Friday. 'Ric'hllrd Bickel rated his mount mis.silln ('With pmperlD). and any'.

perfectly in the mile I1nd. one six:. one showing a rodeo ticket stub willidllO get Free General Admission.

teenth mce and can11) out 11 head Sunland Park will have Misswinner over Soldiers Fate'We11. •'. Rodeo America Miss Itodeu '1'eXAIl

. One l!lcky fan .$11CCessf'ulty- -and Miss Rode~EI Paso asollr spe-plt:ked Friwty's. se1lenth race Tri· . cial guests that day.' .f~. colleetmg $13.923.70 for a $1 Saturday's simulcast t:eaturetIcket. will be the $200.000 Orchid Hand·

:FRESR FACES AT THE leap from Gulfstream Park.. .TRACK.,:... .Royalty will also lIe'at the traClk

B'rad Hoviou~. tJTJilp Athletic onSunday. February 7th.J)iteewr...., Jon Galtano, KTSM 'tV Theparkwil1 play host to the(Charu:tel 9) Weatherman...., Ja~ Milll USA qU6l:!n and her iiolU1i.arook.ll • the nation'. fifth leatUns MicheU. Royer, relgnin/t Mi••Qll trainer itt 1987 • and hi, Sun USA, and the 62 contelltantlCountry l"IAturity winn.r Shoot hopinr to aain the 1.986 title will heyt4lb..... ttalntt'T.B. DavidllOn and at Sunland for thetr tint El 1'.'0hi, Wilt 'f.u. Futurity winntl' ap!*'I'llnce prior to ~h. M..reh litHo1)'1aOlyitlalltnaUr.... P*PI'nt... .

SuNAncll'ar1c will holt ita 11m Tl\elldl.. will be at SunlllMW~ -fII·om! of 111I_ ....ifll l..n. ..ncl lianil1l


5th - 4yoo&up. Chug $2,500. 5 1-2 fur.Purae $1,700. '4-0ashln' Fashion (Benite~)$12.00, 5.00, 10th - 4yoe&up. Chug $2,500. 5 1~2 fur.3.20. . Purae $:1-,700. . $I-Can't Help M-elf (J.Mll.-t<=) $3.40, 7-Field Stripp'!" (Webb) 6;1.60, 11.20,2.60. ,- 4.60. ,. 2nd- 3yos&up. Chug $4,000. 400 Ydll.7-The RIlce IsoD (Byers) $2.80.. 6-B..ste Flite{Mu"phy) $4.00,3:40. Purae $1,800.'l'ime: 1:06.2 Also RIln - PliI10mar PllJ"k, 2-Jpdi's~..d .... (Beoiwz) $3,40. 4-JUtaluek (Burgoe) $8.00, 4.60, 3.40.Cap Us Hll, HollywoodDllmaseus, Te""s TUne: 1:07 Also Rlln - Step In Motion, 9-Hsyzo (Rodrg~)$6.80, 6.00.T"ugh. Riv..r M ..lody, Bopi, Gitc:l:j.. Elle.., LUCky 8.Requested Mllster (J. '!I1llJ"tnz) $6.80.

2nd - 4yos&up. Mdns. Chug $6,250. 400 Ex $30.80.. T.V. . 'lUne: 19.98 Also Rlln - Chatgin Ace,yds. Purse$1.700., Boonsie Native, Syncronicity, Seven Jet.8-Red Goodwin (Rodrg~) $17.40, 10.00, 6th-8yos&up. Chug $6,250. 350 ydll. 11fu - 4yos&up. CImg!g,600,9ne MU';, Lueky'wllJ" G..m, Ssvann"live, Open The4.80. Pura.. $2,000., Purae$1,900. . . ' Gate.4-Kan He Bolt (Vega) $29.20, 16.00. I-New Sinn. (Coombs) $7.00, 3.40, 3.20. 41.02-S0.""fu..rn Ship (Ooombs) $17.00, 6.80. DO $16.20. Quin $32.80, EX $62.80.6-Wmglors O....k ..l.e1<W<>lphus) $3.20. 8fu - Simulcast ofTh.. OOllll Bandieap'lUne: 20.63 Alse RIln _Too Exeluaiv.., ~~ni~l~~~~:=;:)*:.i~:6.8.60. , '7;~lij,Doore~ (Benita~Jl4.80.4:00: 3~d:3Y08. Mdn,s:·~$8:ooo. On.. 'frOm,auIfiit"OOiiJD Park. 3yos&i1J,i:l1'-8Bayshlp, Smooth SllvorOharg... Running 'lUn..: 17.72 Also Rlln" Brendas Master. 5:Diselplo (B1Ckel) $4.20. Mlle. Purae $1,700. miles. PuJ:se $200,000 Guaranteed. .14th - Slmule""t.f!:omSanta Anita Park.Route, Milli.. Su,e Robel, She Won GUtter N Diamondll, Bold Ruler Bug. 'lUne: 1:41.2 Also Ran - Stanel.Splatter 6-Popeye Stevens (Biekel) $4.20, 3.80. 2-Jede Hun:;er (&i1oy) $18.80,3.80, 4Yos&up. Clmg $14,000-16,000.11-16Easily. Planned Goal. Loika, DarkTermiDatorj""Shesan.eaaYleo, Dab l Ben Baker, Bouncera D.QQ DQilJ + 2;.4Q. 2.80~ milf!a. Purse $18.000•DD $89.00. Quin $267.00, Ex $914.00. J V'tta Olden HiIlo, Coo'. Kef... Legal Counael. 1.Cross Country (M. Lidberg) $18.80. 5.Oryptoclearanee"{DIlY) $8.20, 2.20. SCBronze Tudor(P. VaJ....8) $4.80, 8.40.

_ ~ _ ' __ ,_ _..~. _,; $12.~ .E" ~l\fh40. Big Q $3,756.40, Trif$1.889.oo. 13.60. • 7-P..rsonal Flag (Rom o) $2.80. 3.60.3'rQ::'"3yos. MiIiiil."C1Jiig $5,UlKf.''61Ur: ...•.. _:•. _ ''' = ..- ..- .._ "_._.__..__ .:._ . . . ,,·lo-PiJoat&'s..Pzizo.(Ceblilllosj..$3..2.0.. __ .. 'lUne: 1:48.4 Quin $15.60. EX·$48.80. Trif .2-Silv Surrer (Sibille) $11.40. 18.40.Purae $1.700. 7th _ 4yoe,Clmg $3,200.6 1-2 fur. Purae .12th - Simuleast from Santa Anita PllJ"k. TUne: 1:41.3 Also Ran - Bummers N' -" ..' $96;60'.- ..~_ ..__ ....._~•.._ 4-BllJ"08 Chick (Sanchez) $10,00.I-Double Envoy (Moorhouse) $5.20, 3.60, $2.100. 4yoo&,up.Allewan",!. 11-8 miles. Purae Fries, E.E.'s Ang..l, Myrt's Prospect. '.. -··..···_ ......_:· ..~q:JJ~.I_~ ~46.oo~,.:..:E::z:.;$:.:1=18.60.·6.60.. IO-Bill's ChllJ"m (Ceblil11o.) $33.40. 9.60, $38,000. Mphll Comm.t>d, Blue Gem, Copper 9th - 3yos. CImg $8.000. 6 i-2 fur. Pura.. Trif$980.80. DO19'a:llll:-8-Hold On ChllJ"Ue (Burgos) $6.40, 4.80. 5.40. 7-Fietion (Sho..rqok....) $8.20,6.20,3.80. 'Corsage. Hustling Hudson. $2,600.2:Callmegone (M. Lidberg) $11.40. 9-Blood Shot (V. Tqnto) $8.40, 6.80. 6-B.. Sc..~e (Castanon) $ lst HliI1fTwin Trif$270.60. 4-Amigo Jerimi (Benitez) $11.00, 6.20,Time: 1:13.1 Also Ran - Hot And Dry. 6-Doe Reno (Arteaga) $17.40. 6:L'Empue (Stevens) $2.60. 3.60.Geouine C~ss, ForeignBuck, Talk Solt. ''lUne: 1:19.3 Also lian _ Pair OfJoss, Time: 1:61.1 Quin $80.40, E:o; $146.60, 4th - 3yoo. Mdns. 6i\lr. Purse $1.800. l-Mitellck (Lambert) $13.20, 6.80.Tulsa J., Private Harry, Royal Wolf'·Bank's In Trouble Pr..fsee Couoell Trif $1,297.80. 7-Roverse Burn (Beoite~) $6.20, 4.80. 7-River Bend Bell (Ceblillloe) $9.60.Kalatco, Clypea Losder. Table Jazz Tonight Xci-II Endowed 3.40. TiJ:i:le: 1:06 AlsoRlln -I Ninety /3alad,1sL Halt'l'win Trif$990 00 • . • '13th -' Sim.uleast from sarita Anita Park. 4-Wal~A_'_ (Ro'as) $14.20, 9.00. Gahlnt PliI1. My Boy OJ>ttache>gie. Good. • DocAction. Northern Fogg. ~---.. :I

Trif($1 Ticket) $13,923.70. 4yos&up.CJ.Ing $13.000-16.000. 11-16 lo-Roxson Plum (Bui) $5.00. By.. Bue, Naher Ledd, Bold Stitches.nilles. Pura.. $18,000. ,Time: 1:13.4Mso Ran - Ethemloo, JestASwagin.1-Nieholova (Mew) $9.20, 8.60, 4.40. Peasefun Ending, Candy Case. Madge- Ex $159.40.11-Spruceselen (Sibille) $12.00, 4.80. len... Dear Norfu. Desi.. T •• Black 10fu - 3yoa&up. The New Mexican2-B.A. Sport (MeCarron) $2.40. Masquemde. AIlowanee Stake•. 6 fur. Purse $8,000.Time: 1:45 Quin $54.20, Ez $99.80. Trif 3.Moripoao Monarch (0lllJ"k) $11.00.$269.40. DD $30.80. 2nd HalfTwin Trif- No Wioning

Tiek..ts. Oarryover $22.669.57. 7-Pattys Sam (Biekel) $3.60. 3.20.Quin $49.20. la-Bubbles Silverman (J. Martuz) $2.40.

'lUne: 1:10.4Also Rlln. T.C.'8 Littla6th _ 3yoo. Mdna. 350 yda. Purse $1,800. Man. ConfederateH~,BarbllJ"a

8-Stormin Ettawa (Burgoe). $5.40. 3.60, Seville, Trada Pow..... lJencing Duguu.3.00. - Ex $88.40,7-Miclnight Effort (Freeman) $8.80, 2.80.10-Whllttll Smash (Moorhouse) $3.20.

Track ' N Tack' Time: 17.92 A1soRon-Flash By Yawl,J.'"aulUeas Jowel. Tommio Six.

_________________________________-'- • GhlrllJ"delli, Creek And Rattle, AmllJ"II\oRoeket. Lentys Easy Money.Ez $21.40. .



• • , -, J..... m,' ... ' .",,- __ "",-,_ .L.,_ ........ i.._.. ;b.~ • ..IL... b ...._ "'_ i.. .... ..... L._ ._ .• _ .::. l ... ... ~ ... ... -"" • I "

., ... . ".£ < I •• ' r ..II .. ". " ,. t c' .... ,," ... • • .. -, . .

Page 9: ¥Wi' •• I..- r..-..archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · Apache model calico rick-rackdres~es. Key replaces Laughlin as assistant DA A~RIRl;1nt DIRt nrt Attomey

. ,,I"

''f'' pe P.. ,..... """' ......... """'" "":'" ... '!"""" ~--~~ ~ --".., ,.".,..,.. ..... - -~~..,....,-""""':"~ .... "", -- ~J!"', _.¥4 ,-""'" F- w!...... ,....., ....... .,..-,~__ ~ l!"'"'''fIII'!''' ~ II'!"""'I"""'" l'I"""'"".l"""' lIP"" -- "'--""-"""'""" "..,-,-....-- ro""'- l'!!'"".,....... ,...,- .........: _roo 'Jr" , .... ~. rc Or", J!'I'"' ~- ..... I""'"" Ir"'!""""'~ ,....-c.,~-..,., ._",....'~.- f!"""""l!!""""""- PJ-"_.,.........,.,-~,.,...-"""'• ......~~_i, • '

j1J.Bt VI! IllngthllhQrt of the winneI;"'to pay$I!.40 til shllw. . . '.

Even~~pney tilvllrite Cllnfedera­te Hllpe 'led in ms bid til win msfllurth at ight race ,lit this trac~

when he engaged T.C.'s Little ManW lln".early speed duel.

The two Tlln the firllt q1J,arteJ:ofII mile in a fast. llll and 1/6 seCQndlind the hlllf mile in 46 llnd 1J5thbefOre fadi~ in the stretch.

. Su:n1llnd . Par~1I Twin Trlfeeta:mystery went unsolved .aglli!1 andthe carr,yllver fllJ'Sunday's wager ill.$1l2,669; ..'

Officials are estimating the totalpoolto be' at $30,000, .

Aspart,"fthe progrllmon &tur­day, SuhIand irimulcllst in the DonnHllndiellpfrom Gulfstream Pllrk. .

When Jade Hunter crosBttd thewire first; the colt WllS ridden by ElPllSO !1lltive J.D. Bailey.

Bailey attended Coronado HighSchool and rode his first winner atSu:n1andPark,.in-19-74~· ""' ,


. ,.•

$ • .1 '.1 __ .....,-. '



. . ThUr$day, February 4, 1986 'The Ruldol$o (\,lew. leA

-...;..-'........: ..............-~-...,.--E-·····.n-.-t.........e-·... r-t-a-j--·'n""";'·-rn-.···-e"";""n-'.-t.-...·........------ Matipo~aMonarch nets'" $8,OOO':New Mexican., ,

r·Texas ~up,is cOining!'

. . .

Theanr1!Jal battle ofthe !;lest of Lone Starskiers will begin Fri~

day, February 12, atSki Apache Resort. Arace. clinic andregistration are. setfor Friday, with com­petition planned forSaturday and Sun­day;' Febi'Uary 13-14.



'.Af!m:' five .clllae runnel'-up, fin­islles, Maripqsa Monarch entered

, j;he Su.n1mld Park win circle IlnSunday by aooe.nna- the $8,000New Mellican Stakes. '

. l'tider' Mike Ch!.rk ratedMaripqsa .Monarch fill' Jl!l.lCh of thesix fudllna- contest and, when aaked

. to run, the four-year-Illd. respqndedwith a strong finishing .kick til winbya neck.. One of eight New MelIiclrbreds

. in the tace, Mariposll Monllrch nllt'only !Jloke a long d:q spell, b1J,t mn

.. II seasonal best tiJl!ing Ilf 1:10 llnd416ths seConds in the process.'

Owned by Julie PllPen of .Laa.< '.•. '. Cruces, . Maripqsa MOllllrch

...... ··.<C ... '.' . .'.... c.··-~~·t;r:;s$l~~:: $::.°fu~~:i-trcim .'.. ,:;,:.,< TUrfPllradise, came close i,n the".' finlll eighth of a inile, but Mariposa

, ; "-Monarch proved til be l:IJo much onthis day:

Patty's Sllrll paid $3.60, $3.20. '

I_~.•:::.==::::==========:::====:::=====::=::===::===::=======__===-:-~.:.:,:,,=:_= ..._...!!!!~B.f.~:n:il:~"= =~~~}clJt· '" --·-"'·'-~·-·"·"-~Si"-ii·la.na' "R'(9surtS~"-'- d_'__d'- .. -.. ~.


• eoad V.cfnesd'oyondThUBdQ)'.StmisFddoyAI,.30 For~W••ks

Tom 5etl'eck In"s,MEN ...d A BABY" PO

One Of The DenComedys..••A. Muu S@'e- PiCtU'el

PhotH!' 25'..~"" ForMoNotntormadOn

$3.20. Bruin CQunty, a 10-year-oldveteran, led fill' much of the mceand hung oll"for show, $3.60.

Bettllrs tried uns1J,ccessfully til·ellsh the track's Twin Trifectliwager and pushed the Saturday"carryover til $16,436.. Onelucky fan was successful in

the day's seventh race Trifeeta, col­lecting $13,923.70 for a $1 ticket.

Riding honors for the llfternoonwent til Darrell Blevins and LeroyCoombs.

130th riders had their win circlepicture taken twice.

Jockey HarIa Webb brought inthe day's surprise when she piloted30 til one longshot Field Stripper toa nose win.

The tenth race win was worth$63.60.

Reservations for parties offive or more are advisable,(505) 257-5141, ext. 7555.

359 45 41 42 12.5 35.7272 44 28 36 16.2 39.7302 37 35 42 12.3 37.7247 34 32 32 13.8 39.7189 34 18 19 18.0 37.6227 29 28 43 12.844.1277 27 32 31 9.7 32.6183 25 18 17 13.7 32.8207 24 26 22 11.6 34.8

WinMounts 1sts 2nds 3rds % $%


Danny SorensonPedro BenitezGlen MurphyCasey LambertQuyet BuiMike LidbergSalustio BurgosGary SumpterJoe Martinez

• aO~"ltdnesdoyOndThursdOY.Sl:aiUFddoyAr t.2:o

"c._c.Mont."a."BRADDOCK, MISSING

IN ACTION 3"ROneOfll'l. DftstActIon•••

h1:JL.KlPktures; to be Nleas.dl

Jockey Standings

Texas Wedge rallied in the llltestages and came away with the de­cisionin Sunland Park's Friday fea·ture race. .

Fllvored in II full field of olderhorses, rider Richard Bickel sllvedhis mount for much of the inile llndonE! sixteenth.

Then, rating the five-year-oldperfectly, Bickel let the runner goinside the eighth pole and earned anllrrOW head win for owner MichaelYoung.

The pair won in a time of 1:48.2and paid $6.80, $3.80, $3.00.

Soldier's Farewell under PedroBenitez gained the lelld enteringthe stretch llnd looked to be thewinner until the final yarde, set­tling for second plllce money.

Soldier's Farewell paid $4.60,

Texas Wedge t~kes Fri. feature




'"~.~"',nQ "'''11M Itftillfl'ltilt


AE - Miteas Well Run (Moor­house 121), springhill Llld (Bickel121), Blue Dawn (NB 118), BannerScout (Clllrk 121).

11th - Simulellst from SantliAnita Park. Quiniela, E:mcta, Tri­fecta

12th - Simulcast from SantaAnita Pllrk. Quiniela, Exaeta, Tri­fecta, Late Daily Double

13th • Simulcast from SantaAnita Pllrk. Quinielll, Exacts, Tri·fecta

14th - Simulcast ofthe SllJ1 PasqualHandicap from SllJ1ta Amta Park.4y08&up. 11-16 miles. Purse $150,000­added.2-Supcr Diamo"d (PiJ:lcay) $3.80. 2.40.5..Judge Angelucci (DeihBsye) $2.40.3-He'8 ASar<lS (Velasquez) No ShowWagermg.Time: 1:43 Qttin $3.80, Ex $6.40, Trif$28.40.

15th; Simulcast from Santa Amta Pork.4yos&up. Clmg $22,500-25.000. 1 1·16miles. Purse $24,000.l2-Jazz Player (Delh.ssye) $15.20, 6.80,3.40.9.Race Book (Solis) $50.40,24.60.10-Kenai Danecr (Hawley) $5.00.Time' 1'45.1 Quin $1,697.60. Ex $438.60.Trif($1) $6,065.60, DD $27.20.


4-1magi.native (Stevens) $12.00, 3.60,2.40.la-Forewarnmg (Pineay) $2.60, 2.20•7-Book Achiever (McCarron) $2.60.

. ,Time: 1'38.4 Qttin $8.80, Ex $23.20.

13th - Simulcast from Santa ADita Pork.4,yOll&Up. Clmg $70,000-80,000. 11-4mil.... Purse $42,000.

"l·Wylfa (Delhssye) $9.00, 8.00, 6.00.2-Gcorgia River (SleVeD.s) $3.20, 5.40.3-A.-mada (Toro) $3.40.Time' 2:04.4 Quin $15.80~Ex$34.20, Trif$84.60.




fur. Purse $1,700. Quinielal-Salina Love A Buck (Webb

116)2-Senor C.G.W. (Murphy 114):J.Whoops Solll (M. Lidberg 117)4-River Bend Bell (Ceballos 112)5-Corduroy Knickers (Sterling

112)6-Trade For Crystal (RiVllS 117)7-Mr. Unlimited (Lambert 117)8-Lastcallforalcohl (Burgos 120)9·HoUy (Bui 112)

8th • 4yos. ClIng $5,600. OneMile. Purse $2,600. Eucta

I-What's Up Duck (NB 120)2-Estllpped(NB 111)3-Bank's In Trouble (NB 112)4-GibouUne (NB 110)5-Iwannabefirst (NB 110)e-Ariniegogetter (NB 110)7·LeadTongs (Bw. 120)

3-Ive Got Sense (Sumpter) $5.40, 5.20•.2-Run Cri=aon Run (Miranda) $6.80.Time' 19.'16 Also Ran .. Easter Victory, A

. Dushbig Bu.nny, Track BarroD, WolfeRevenge,.The Way To De'al, Streaki.nKiss, Kay Jay Dee.Qttin $18.20, Ex $30.20.

12th. Slmulcast from Santa Amta Pork.3y08. Mclns. 0..0 Mlle. Purse $27,000.

•11th - 4yOll&up. Clmg $2,600. 1 1-16

miles. Purse $1,900.2-QuIk More (Holmes) $8.80, 5.60,4.40.4-Crookod Foot (Bul) $6.20, 4.60.9·01d Dusty (Y. Tq"to) $6.20.Time' 1,47.2 Also IlDn- Park N Spark,No WaDet, China Lion. Aurelie. FancyTuro. Eagle Port.Trif$378.80, Big Q $183.00.

9th - 4yos&up. AIJowance. One Mlle.Purs.. $4,100.5.Rulfetta (Murphy) $'1.20, 5.00, 4.20.8-Noble Perlato (M. Lidberg) $5.60, 4.60.

. 9·Pamted Warrior (Benitez) $6.00.Timo: 1:39 Also Ran • AddOJ1dum, LordRubie, G.G. Lark. Pase Dean, Letter Oflnoont. Flash Native..Ex $44.20.

10th • 4y08. Mdns. Clmg $3,200. 6 1·2fur. Purse $1,700.5-F!J'iDg Binge (Clark) $6.60, 4.00, 3.00.4-Drnpier Girl (Y. Tq"to) $3.60, 2.80.1.RileyboUe (Burgos) $5.40.Time: 1:06.3 Alse Ran - PiiIl""Iy's Turia,Eddie's Last, Bca Heafy Favorite,Tnxnnne. Miss Cnlico Kitty.


yds. Purse $1,800. 2!1d Half TwinTrifecta, QuinieIll

l-Go Miss Bruce (Rodrgz 115)2-Evelyns Jet (Burgos 115)3-RunAwllyBux(NB 117)4-Bold Set (RiVllS 116)6-Bmooth Silver

<Miranda 120)6-Wranglers Dllrk Jet (Sumpter

120)7-l'ickinup (Quintella 120)8-Hamms.Retirement(NB 120)9-Ima Toot Too (Moorhouse 120)lo.Romantic Bunny (NB 120)AE· Lous Vintage (NB 117), Im-

pressive Zackery CWaldtburn 120),Mr Count Easy (NB 120), RunningVenture (NB 120).

5th· 2yos. Mdns. '330 yde. Purse$1,800. Quinielll, Exacta

l·l!lffortOf1.ove (Ble\'ins 117)2-Shezago Too (Sumpter 117)3-G'ambling Hobo (NB 12P> 9th - '4yos&:l1p. Mdns. One Mile.,,"Vee 0 Seven (Rodrgz 120) Purse $1,900. 1stHalfBig Q5-Zql1esta'Lark (NB 117) . I-Decorated Hero <Webb 120)6-Real Easy Surpriae (Burgos 2·Third Pass (Benitez 115)

117) S-mash Native (1)urgoa 120)7-Ellit Now (Mirandlll17) 4-Ballet Flight (Green 120) ..

, 8-Wiselys Go Girl (NB 117) 6·Carabinieri (Kirkpatrick 115)9.JUllt Gamblin (NB 120) 6-1.ow Belllrt (Hartnett 120)

. 1o.F1ight. To The, Moon (M. Lid- 7-Richards Hope (Bicke11~O).berg11'1), a·Candy's Clled (Rodrgz 115)

9.nibot Pass (ltohnes 120) •. 6th· 4yos&:up. Clmg'. $2,500. 6 ,

'1·2 fUr,Purse $1,7()(). Trifecta 10th _ 4yos&u.p. Clmg $.2,500. e1·Ho1:me Pit (MoorhoUlle 121) all2'-Ginishandy (Lambert 121) .1-2 fur. Pu.rse $1,700. 2nd H Big

3-Champ A Tab (Nodrgz 121) q'~~:t1nki.e(Ml11'jlhy 121)4·Wbl.daol' Knot (Webb 121) 2-PSIIO Rucie (NB 115)6·Win For Gold (Murphy 121) 3'-Grand Performance (ltojlUl6.·Ruf8tom (l'tivas121) 121). .7·ArabianBigShot(Benite~ 117) '4.Wyntune(Soren8011 121) ~8-Royally Crazy (NB 12:1.)5.HllWdy And. Shalte (M. Lidbetg

v 9.Jeftie's Bid (NB lle) -' 121>10·WalkPast (Olark IU> . .&oMt. Xnllpitatian (J. MarlIUl

.' 11-lIo1l.ywaad Daml1ltus (RaJall. lim "t2U ' " .... ...' 7.14'0 Brocky (BuraoIl121) .

12·lUuatl'ioul BO.1l (SumPWI' 8-Marquemal'kotte (IlMkel11U>121) .' ., . 9-Sw..t1Uot (NB 116).' Aa -~.J. (V. 'tqnto 116.1\), to-Torch Illlfilltt (ND 1111lCommand,fI. Sone (l)olpbua 11lll. . 11.0aptl\1\ Cha<l (Moorhouat

tan . . .la.ln-mltMH~1iQn (ND 11m

John SebastUm, Jester's Big Fool. RockTo Win, Mise Foltae.2nd HalfTwlD Trlf.. No WinningTickets,' Carryover $28,647.7'1, Qttin$26.20.

5th - 3.108. Clmg $5,000. 6 fur. Purse$2,100.4-Air Works (D. Udberg) $10.00, .8.00,4.20.~TradeFor Crystal (!Uves) $6.60, 3.20.'1.Progressive Style (.I. Mormz) $4.00.'I'imei 1,12.3 Also Ran - DebQnair Dude,DariDg Renee, Senor C.G.W., PariBto'sLaw, Kayce Charger.Ex$93.80••

6th - 2.108. Mdns. 330 ydB. Purse'$l,800.'l-Botd Bar King (Sorenson) $17.60, 6.80,3.20.l..cI1ampiOJ1 Bug (M. Liclberg) $8.20,3.40.8-Easy AIld Alive (Blevixls) $Z.80.Time' 1'1.11 Aloo RIm. Oh Dyn.amite

. Kid. Vanishing Ferco, Exit N;ow, DarkCourier. Blowin South.QarJ. $41.60, Ex $114.80.

'1th - 4yos&up. Clmg $2,500-3,200. OneMile. Purse $1.800. .6-Amanda's Ruler (Benitez) $6.20, 3.1l0,2.60. •l-oolO11el Gem (SterliIJg) $4.20, 2.80.'1-onteppher (Murphy) $3.20.,Timo: 1:39.3 Alao RIm • PnpClrbnckEditie", Blackheath, Squeaky Wade.Fiery Sultan.I'd!uvtoo. Spinning Star,Beau Hagle.Tril'$'13.00.

8th • 3yos. Allowance. 400 yde. Purse$2,400.5.Fols Over (Blevma) $4.40,






1st - ay.... Mdns. 61-21ln'. Purse $1.800.'l-Beep Bo'(Sorenso,,) $10.40, 6.60, 3.00.1-5hy Mark (Moorho""e) $2.80, 2.40.3-sheckys Stick (Spo"eIlberg) $3.40.

· 'time: 1:00.4 Al&V :Ra"". Oloj\Jn 'c;t;BirAcOideD.t, Kativa, Bold Choice, BladeRoute.

2Jld _.3y08&up. CImg $3,200. M>O ydJs.Purse$I~O~ .6-NativfjFeeliDg (.I. Marmz) $6.60, 3.20,3;00. •6-DirectCr~t (SonmsoD.) $9.60, 6.00.1-0..The 'l'ako (Blevins) $4.40.Time: 20.1'7 Alsq RIm • 'Pi Goodbye,Tezss Reveille, Do It FerDavid, Debs'rum, Faco The OddJs, C"""ting Cat,C""'Plll1Y At Ease. 'DD $26.60, Qttin$29.80; Ex $44.80.,

3M· 4yos&up. CImg $2,600. 6 1·2 fur.Purse $1,'100.l1-Dana (Sterllng)$6.20, 4.20, 3.60. ,'l-oliver Eagle'(D. Udberg) $8.00, 6.00.12.Troop Seve" (Bui) $4.00. .Time: 1:06.3 Aloo RIm. Divaldo, Wild ,Blade, English Seve...,;g,., Slider. RushOn, Irish .10, Cever '1'lli!.~1'OWld,PrettyKrlsty. '.let HalfTwIn Trif$110.80.

4th ·3y08&up. Clmg $4,000. 870 ydJs.Purse $1,800.

· 1-"tOiido" Riches (.I. Martnz) $6.20. 4.80,: 3.60.:lo-King Rat (M. Lidberg) $6.20, 3.60.: 2-WlId.AgaiD. (BleviI>B) $4.60,· Time: 46.24 Also RIm • Easy Coma, The: MIghty Eff~S11JlWD.e Bug Da"ecr.


1st - 4yos&:up. ClIng $3,200. 5 1-2 fur. Purse $2,100. Daily Double

1.WitchyWench (NB 11e)'2-0ur New Luck (Arteaga 116)3-Bold HerOine (Murpby 110)4-Dandy Arrlval (NB 121)5-Buckbuster (NB 114)6-To1J,gh Teddy (M. Lidberg 121)7-But Nllt My. Heart (Sterlina-

· .116) .8-Ipdi's Leadel;"' (NB 116)

2nd • 3yos&up. Clmg $5,000.350 yds. Purse *1,900. Quiniela,Exacts . .

I·HankRudolph<NB 117)- 2"Decka1'8nda (NB 11'1)

3-Double l!:asy Bars (DolphUII119) . .

4-Ftuz Bucket (Vega 117) .5-Honest Drupk (Blevins 122)·,e..Phelpllie ToO (M. Lidberg 112)7·Love That Stuff(NB 117)8-Smoothy Bocket Fleet (NB

119)9-BCR Eoy Wi-8ngler (Sum-

" :mero\y 119)' . .lo.Pay'l'ri&ute (Nodrgz, 122)Am - Viking Feature (Burgoil

· -122), ValtulilCUII Jet (McGonagill: 117), Glittel: N Diamoodil (NB 11'1),; .Real V'JkingToo (DIllphus 117).· .•: 3td - 3y08. MdnII. 6 {Itt'. :Put-IIe: '1>800. lilt HalfTWin 'Trif'eeta .: . l-Crimson.Affaire (NB 120)' ,

2.(J1U.wioTt (So1'ellliOn 120).: a-DrawingOut (J. Matlm117)

~j:: 4-lrillh Groton (Bickel 120)

',: .., 5-Tinlde Bell Mis. (NB 120). e-pCIIU'Iy Blade (NB 120)

I ; 'l-Ri.lto Star (Burso' 120)

~Ii.: 8-P... Thl Oh.nnot (Bellitel

: 117);'9-Bo Me (V. Tqnto 116·1)I : lQ-Zlp.Viotor,y (NB 1110)

11·~nd1 Mio (N8 120)12..outdOotMlftrtlllil1l(Bu.111lO)


Page 10: ¥Wi' •• I..- r..-..archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · Apache model calico rick-rackdres~es. Key replaces Laughlin as assistant DA A~RIRl;1nt DIRt nrt Attomey


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10A I The RUldo$o New$ , Thursday, February 4, ,1966




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". " .,',.. ' ­,

"'-;',:,,::--:;,:;,:;." ..:_..":,,;

These are the NobHill Kindergarten Good Citizens for themonth of JanU8ry (from left): Angela Carlson; .Jesse Hop~per; Darlene Salas; Desi Hisel; Jessica Hightower; HollandDorn;' L:.yndsey Brumlow; Brooke Hall;', Fabian Chaves;Thomas Schiele; Sarah Jaimes; Jos!:tua" Jenson;' andLaura Lopez.


..A>'"---~ - '-'- .__ - _,7..$:."f.::J}F'· •

-~ ..;......,-.,.~_ •...'-~._ ..~



q. l~,'

, '

.,~ ......_._.-~ ...~-~_ ..•_.,-,~-



These are the Nob Hill first~rade Good Citizens (fromleft): Mannie Sanchez; Brook Lewicki; Martin sanchez;Patrico Almager; Beau Michel; Rafael Armendariz; J,immy

, Gutierrez; Reagan McGarvey; Christina Montoya;Meredith Keeton; Josephine Montelongo; and Linda Al­mager.


- ,,,,







These are tha White Mountain Elementary non 90nley; Doug Smith; Bryce Perry;second-grade Good Citizens for the month Ivan Espinosa: and James Belch. Backof January. Also includad aresp9ciaf ed row: Colin Listar; Eliza Kansah: MarlcruzGood Citizens: Front row, left to rlghj: Wil- .Segura: Myrna Hancock; Anna Kanseah;liam McCloskey: Michelle Kanseah;, Shan~,DreVyDay; and DUlce Villarreal. .

•­. .'"··, .••. '·,," .-

, .· '

, -,- '


Page 11: ¥Wi' •• I..- r..-..archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · Apache model calico rick-rackdres~es. Key replaces Laughlin as assistant DA A~RIRl;1nt DIRt nrt Attomey



'- ,,.:, _. ,



pinion.to _, __ . •


, ',






.' {


, ..,

EDITORIAL1. This is an election year.

2. People (some of whom, you've never 'Elvenmet)-will 'come up to you as if they're your best friend~

, '.

3. People are running for offioe.

c,o" 'CQJ,I.lgJb~tl1~§l,,!ta!~lT)eDJ.!L~I?QY.~:.!:!~!':l.~~~~? ..__ .~,._,_

As we enter the thick of, things in the nearby Marchmunicipal elections, and the brew of politics reallystarts bubbling as we approach June prifTlaries, it'simportant to place things in the proper perspective.

Think back to how candidates acted, voted (in the'case of incumbents), .and spoke before becomingcandidates.

THey are candidates now, fun to be with and happy totell you what you want to hear. But, once elected,don't be surprised to find a difference. Consider,instead, how they'll handle public office after theelection.-DJP

Now the toe ispurplish blackand set apart from the rest.

It's not that it hurts so bad,it's just thatit looks so unhappy.



#6In Lincoln there standsan old torreonbuilt of the same stonethat comprises the mountainit stands upon.


#2Somehow I broke my toe,4th one on the left.My rlght-brainednessmust have failed me

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Published each Monday and Thursday by Ruidoso News. Inc., J. KennethGreen, President; Walter L. Green, Vice President, at 104 Park Aveaue. andentered as second class matter at the Post Office at Ruidoso, N.M. 88345•Ken and MaryGreen. '" , , ' , .. , PublishersIloEUutd Ilsnaos " .•.......••............ " •. ,., .. , , ..Elusbness Mgr.Darrell J. Pehr , " '"" ,,' '" '". '" '" EditorCannen Edwards , '" '". '" Advertising Mgr.Rod Flanagan , .. , , . , .. , , '" ComposingSupervisor


Here's a couple of myP*O*S*T*C*A*R*D*S poems:

hilarating; writing it is even morefun. I have a new project goingright . now called"P*O*S*T*C*A*R*D*S" in which Iwrite a poem a day and mail it tosomebody on a postcard. Next yearat this time, hopefully, I will havewritten about 365 poemsI

Spring flowers are nice.Spring flowers are very sweet.

Some are pink and blue.

Planes are terrible.They will rumble and rattle.

They will make you sick.

Newspapers used to run poems;now they avoid them at almost allcosts, because "most poems are ter­rible." Well, rve written and readmy share of "bad" poetry, butpoetry is so subjective, who's to s~y

in the end what is good and what isbad? In my opinion, most poemsprinted in greeting cards are "bad";but for some people, they provideinspiration, comfort and communi­cation. People have shown mepoems that loved ones have writtenthat are, Gommercially, ''bad''; butpersonally, quite brilliant. "Therearen't any bad poets, just ungra­cious readers."

I mentioned poem' writing oncein a column I wrote about a man inCapitan named Bill Allred. In replyto my accQunt, he 'sllnt me ·thiswonderful poem:

Chauvinist Butterfly

AYQung lady reporternamed Bonny CelineWith artistic liberty

Wrote prose sweet and clean .

Shefu~:rl~ea~~dng~ Where to ·co'ntactWho outgt-ew lifesilte

leavingmorl;alll behind yoU r lawmakers. ". .

In. kindness - unusual ' .she testified at length U.S. REPRES£NTA'l'IVl!:S Washington. D.C. 20515. (202)Ofgood convamation 225-2365. Las CtlIces office: .1\-206

and tire changing strength Manuel Lujan J.... R-District' 1 1"'~.llral Building. ll8OO1, 523-$24$.-1323 Longworth' R6Ulle Office Rol!well office: ROOm 127. Federal

So now he is sent.enced.B\lIlding, Wallllington, D.C~ 20515. Building. ,000 N. lUchllrdson, 88201.to live llllilhe Ilaid (202) 2SlHI316. District office: Roont 6l!2.()055.

It'll bean penned ~In papel: ' 10601. Dennis Chavez Federal BUI RicMrdson, D-Dl.!ltrict 3 -1616. the old BnUsdead. Building. Albuquerque" 87103. LOngworth Rouse Offlcll Buildlng,

764-ali38. WashinRton, D.C. 2051$. (202)I'"'0 ~"u·B'h·t poet.... ...,.,.:"'1'1.'" 'A, Joe Sl<een.l\·Plstrlct l\ -1007 l!2lHl190. Distrtctofflce: 321&ndoval.

child""n-and ad\\ltll:"artf'it'; ei: I.ot....otl...B...W..Q...rt...h_R"'QU..S...ll_O...ff..1C...ll ...B...ul....l..d...ln...!l.......S...\lI...tll...20_1....Ba......"t...II...F....ll..., 8,..7...50...1..,'IlM_....lll...77.......I

She sent me this one recently inthe mail. written while she wasaboard an airplane on her way tovisit her aunt in Hawaii:

knows the joy of using words simp­ly and putting them into a rhyth­mic pattern. If she continues towrite, she'll get better and better,and 20 years from now you'll all, bereading her work in "The NewYorker." .

Mindan and I write in the"haiku" style. which is, simply put,poems usually dealing with a natu­ral theme, comprised of 17 syllablesin three sentences of five, five, andseven syllables.

Heres one Mindan wrote whenshe was eight:

By· Bonny Christina Celine


been heavily into tourism. Ifhe will Say the word "poetry" and mostselect II strong tourism director people recoil. .from the number of qualified ap- I suppose there are a lot of rea-plicants about whom we have sons for this reaction.heard. we may be looking at the One of the primary reasons, IJ;ype ot" departmental leadership sW!pect, is because, as students,that will last until at least the end people are "introduced" to poetryof the Carruthers administration. too late in their lives; and then they

DendahI should bring with him are asked to read complex, archaicthe confidence of the business com- poems like "Wreck of the Hesperus"munity since he has operated in and ''Beowulf,'' which have nothat arena for many years. That meaning to them.may get him the confidence of the If poetry has no meaning, itlegislature for a long enough makes no sense. That's simplehoneymoon period to capture some enough to understand.of the million dollars the house fi- Of course, everyone in modernnance panel cut from from Car- times is introduced to poetry .fromruthers' budget request for the de-' the time they can watch televisionpartment.' or listen to the radio. Commercial

It was the. legislative budget jingles and program theme songsslashing that led to Jenkins' depar- are poems. Music with lyrics isture. His resignation letter said in poetry set to a tune. Rhymes arepart, "it has beCOMe apparent to me soothing to young children. andthat, as this legislative session has adults as well. Human beings are.unfolded, I have been unable to per- rhythmic by virtue of biology, andsuade a majority of the Legislature poetry that swings or uses rhythmto support the department's much- is physically pleasant as well asneeded programs and funding." emotionally satisfYing.

The bottom line is that all of Poems don't have to rhyme to beJenkins' youthful energy, which rhythmic. Most of my poems don'twas 80 appealing to Carruthers, rhyme but the flow of the words in­was not enough to overcome his dicate a certain motion that islack of experience and contacts in rhythm.the economic development field. Somebody speculated that

Carruthers best move would poetry is written to the beat of thehave been to have tried to prevail author's heart, and that poetry thatupon La:rry Adcock, the last of "grabs" you is probably "attuned" toToney .(uIaya's string of economic . your own heartbeat. I don't know ifdevelop~entdirectors to remain as that's accurate but I love the idea.a dePuty to Jenkin's for a break-in Poetry is often considered to be aperiod. Adcoc); was a ptofessional. a "sissy" art, by women as well as

. loaned executive from Los Alamos men. I can't imagine why. It isNational Laboratory with a degree maligned in popular media - wevein economics. . all seen the wimpy little guy read-

Another of Dendahl's strengths ing poetry to the girl of his dreams,is that he has the ear of the gov- while the macho "'crusher" stands.emor.• That is hi~ important by with ,a smirk on his masculinewhen It comes to. cutting through face. 'the bureaucracy ,:"hich pro~cts and I guess there must have been ainsulates the chief executive from time when intelligence andthe outSide world-which includes articulation ability was consideredmany of the cabinet secretaries. anti-masculine Or something. I per--

Thi· a 'of D' d' hI' to' th sonally don't go along with, this;s ceess en a e rt D1alt k . thgovernor 'makes it difficult to be- ,Bmkna mbuen

ttha't,e maetwbea, In) e

lievethatCarrutheUlonlystarted . ~~ s . no er"CO umnlooking for a J~nkins replace~ent en Bec~~se I have mentionedthree days earlier. ;It seems likely poetry in this space. people havethat 0arruth~andDendahl had . asked to read some ofmine, and I'llC?n.vJl~edpreV1o~IYa~u~ the pos- shate some with you toward theSl~lhties.DIlD;dahI s departl!:re from end of the column. 1've also beenhis bank preSidency.was announced asked who my personal favoriteonly three days tlarl1er. . poeta are. Favorites change Qver

If the events were unrelated.· the years but I am always takenOend$hl has set Some, sort of1'ecord with the work· of N. Scottfor thuhortest peri/!(} ot'unemploy- Momaday•. Michael Ondaa1;je, '1'.C.ment between two$50.()()()..pli1s per' Cannon and Simon OrtU:. Latel)'Yfler jobll. He didn't even. have a . I've bee!1 reading Joy ,Harjo andchance to 'Visit the \lJ\employtllent lAlllie Mannon SUko l'Iii well.office. Another favontepOet ofmiM ill

,named Mindan Gunthet-Moore.Mindan is lO, and she. live. in Mil·wlIWtell; She Uled to be 1I dOllll ]let'"IlOnal friend ofndnobull now we atO"poem pats" and. IOnd 'each othet~ ill tile mait. Mind.n already

by Jay Miller

"nside IheCapito'


SAN'I'A FE-As they say; timingis evezything.

No sooner had I dropped yester­day's colUmn in the mail than I be­gan 'hearing rmnOfll al>!lut Nick

1/'" ,Jenkins, the Eco[l!Jmic J;levelop-ment and Tourism boss being onhis way out.

The problem was that I had justgiven the young man his very firstpat on the back to be seen in thiscolumn and everyone was going toread it after learning of Jenkins'demise.

It is times like tl\at that cause, aguy to consider tampering with theU.S. mail. .

It appears that at just 'abQut thetim~ I was writing my column, Nickwas down the street writing hisresignation. I hope my good wordsdidn't jinx him.

Jenkins' departure, however.further underscores the point I wasmaking-New Mexico operatell agovernment by crisis. And the onlysolution is some continuity andstability.

My good colleague Ernie Millscalculates that this makes five EDand TeD directors in less thanthree years.

It is significant that Jenkinssubmitted his resignation to Car­ruthers in a letter accompanying anupdated version of the long-rangeeconomic development plan for NewMexico that I was touting in yester­day's column.

, It is only through that kind oflong-range planning that this statecan progress, The econOllli.: devel­opment planning committee hassonte heavyweights on it who I:laI1carry on quite well with the nextdirector. .

Gov. Garrey Carruthers· didn'twaste ntuch time finding a replace­ment t"or .lankins. In, his nextbreath I1tl:er announcing .leeRins'resignation. Carruthl!i"S introducedSanta Fe bUilinessman JohnDendahl 1I8 the new deplirtment

. secretatY." ' ' .. Dendahl~:wdhejUilt the perilOn.Carmthers beads "to providestability and continuity to NewMexico's economic -development ef­fOrt. ' .

.He holdildegrees in electricalengineering and. businesa admini$­tration. He has heen involved ineconomic development as a bankpresident and the chief executive.ofticet of Eberline Instrument Cor­pOration. Ii good./lized Santa Fenuclear technology ~nn,

Dendabl's appointment 'JIlll.Y.sig­nal an ineteAIIlld emph-.sis on. ecO<nondc developm.x,t. He hat nevor

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Page 12: ¥Wi' •• I..- r..-..archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · Apache model calico rick-rackdres~es. Key replaces Laughlin as assistant DA A~RIRl;1nt DIRt nrt Attomey

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'.21:1 J The Ruidoso News I Thur'$<;lay, February, 4, 1988. ,, ,

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left) Brie DeBusk, MOlly Long and Beq­ky Benson., Not pictured is cheeringsquad member Triola Evans. .

" .


'.' "

... 6'

101lnMbrookDrlv.AT INNUl'tOOK VILLAGE

.11·4100W.·... h....to~l

Brave .cheerleadersRuidoso Middle School cheerleadersstrike a pose during halftime at a mid­school Braves basketball game. Cheer­ing for the Braves this year are (from

, ',



Wednesday,February 17

Wednesday,February 24'

RUIDOSO SHRINE CLUBwill meet at 6:30 p.m. Wednes­day, February 24, at K-Bob'sRestaurant. All Sbrlners andtheir guests are invited to at­tend.

United Blood Services willconduct a COMMUNl'I'YBWOD DRIVE from 11 a.m. to6 p.m. Wednesday, FebT\ll1ry 1,7,in the board room at LincolnCounty Medical Center. Blooddonors are needed.

Monday,February 15

'TEEN.AGE SUICIDE: ANAPPROACH TO PREVEN­TION," a video plesentation anddiscussion, will be plesentedfrom 7-9 p.m. Monday, February16, in the public meeting room atRuidoso High School. Dr. ,BirgitLaMothe will lead the sessionthat is geared to parents of teen­agers, youth leaders and yOllUgpeople in the 11th and 12thgrades. The public is invited.

BREAKFAST BUFFET $3.75Weekdays - 6 AM - 11 AM

Saturday - Sunday - 6 AM - 11:30 AM-DrInks, cereals, sweet roBs extra-

LUNCH BUFFET $4.10!.da1tMonday· Friday - 11 AM • 2 PM

Saturday - 11:30 AM - 2 PM-DrInks Extra-

~~~:::-.&- SUNDAY LUNCH BUFFET $6.50~WL_.<L-foltalocdifrlOod. 11:30 AM· 2 PM

...... ,"'7 -DrInks Exira-.Shrimp, fish, ChiCken] SUNDAY SPECIALplus all the trimmings . American


CATERING AVAILABLE!\I!o MU. W_ 01 TIa. P_ 01••_ . Up_ CiUOlIo_

romey Glln\lral's Role ,in Uplwld­ing th", U.S. and New Mel!l.coConstitu~ons, Iss\les of the LastFour Years" at noon F,rlday, Feb­T\ll1ry 12, in the InlUlbrool< Vil­lage Country CluJ) lecreationroom. 'The event, spolUloled bythe New Mexico Endowment ForH\lXllanities, is free and open tothe public. Brown bag lllUches'ale suggested.

~.---~"""---------"'-BROKeRSELL HOME TO CHILDREN AND STAY. .There III nolliill!l ill th.lawthalllllye 1tIllntll. By chllrglttg you rent, thtl Chll­

you hllvelo move Inlo a newreilldell<'e dren lire able 10 depreela"" III. ham.after HI""1:1 your homll, ev.n II you and lake OIM. rllnlaldeductlOns.Ii.lt& II» $12$,000 over lts:fe $$ 8xCIU-llion. (prlVale IRS Leiter Ruling850202'7) This alloin YOllto c.eiil. aplan, fhat can brlnli ,tIlX IInd'lInanclalplanning bllllellllJ 10 .11III'Y- In 1Mfamily.' ,

'You can OIIIM.hOltlil 10 yollr chll· " F'CIt ups,on ... t.x advanlag.. ofdr....The chIldrendon't need 10 pUI up com_rctat In_\ment IKlIll'"'lY aMCIlsh and lhey nnd nol CllQillly 101'. axehanga. 01 co-..clal projllltty,mortgag•• TIl4f .... Can b8 .ltlMr lIlI p dfOp by or phOne lhe 011\08 lOrItt.taIl_nlplan CItaprlVltte Innully. In .n lylli. wIlloh oould h"" you lax.elllMt oaR you'll b8 ._Mng ''IlIut.r dOllars. You might b8.\Il'PI'kfd .,....Jlilym...ls lOt .-period 01 yeara 0' for ••alll..,YCIIII' H", 11Iu., ytlU'"" tu.nlod your

, hqrnltllqullYlnIQc.shwllhOUtmovlng•YQu'W alaQ r.mcvtd the l\Ot1HI fromyo\Il' ..llIta.

TM otllWl'an OOtlld Chelll'> YOI.l fll.IMIkellHt. 'fhe rtfntpaymtnt. WOI.lldHrNMtIl ttl yell ..~&\ty-

• 7 MOTORIZED EXERCISETABLES (free demonslrClllons)



L2~8tL=2713 Sudderth 257·5550'

Thursday,February 11

RUIDOSO FAMILYCRISIS CENTER board willmeet and elect new officers atnoon Thursday, February 11, atthe Episcopal Church of the HolyMount.

A follow-up workshop onCOIJ.EGE FINANCIAL AIDis planned at 7 p.m. Tuesday,February 9, in the public meet­ing room at Ruidoso HighSchool. Parents of graduatingseniors are urged to attend.



in Lincoln COllUty. Play moneywill be \lSec:l in all games, to beexchanged for gift certificates forthe big winners at the end of theevening. Planners encourageeveryone to come out anil sup­port alea, youngsters and theRuidoso Elks Lodge."

Friday,February 12

ANGUS CHURCH OF THENAZARENE will conduct a spe­cial serVice at 6:30 p.m. Friday,February 12. The ReverendRobert Hudson, a missionaryfrom Peru, will be the featuredspeaker. Refreshments will beserved.

1'he UUIDOSO EI.KSLODGE NUMBER 2086 inviteseveryone to Las Vegas Night inRuidoso from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m.Saturday. February 6, at thelodge on U.S. Highway 70. Theproceeds will go to the Elksyouth program, and will be used

Saturday,February 6

The RUIDOSO SCIENCEAND ENGINEERING FAInwill begin today (Thursday) Feb·ruary 4. and continue thro\lghFriday, February 5, in the gym­nasiurn at Ruidoso MiddleSchool. The exhibit will be opento the public from 4-7 p.m.today, and from 5-7 p.m. Friday.Awards will he presented at 7p.rn. Friday.

Sign-ups for PRESCHOOLSTORY HOUR are under wayat the Ruidoso Public Library.The once-a-week classes arescheduled at 10 a.m. Tuesday,Wednesdays and Thursdays be·ginning the week of February23. A $2 fee is charged for thesix-week session. For informa­tion, call the library at 257-4335.

'THE BOY WHO COULDFLY," will be the weekly afterschool movie at the Ruidoso Pub­lic Library. The free film will beshown from 3:30·5:20 p.m. in thepublic meeting room, and chilodren under five must be ac­companied by an adult. Childrenmust be picked up after themovie in the lobby area insidethe library.

Today throughFebruary 5



The ELKS Lodge '/I 2086will have a

Las'Vegas Night·February 6th, 1988

6 P.M.-l A.M.Highway 70

.The Public is Invited.Proeeeds to b.neflt

the Elks youth. '

Fund 0' Lincoln CountY.*only play money -

will be used.

******************: Bee;tuty 4?~ :: Tips ~

* ** From The Professionals ** At THE CUT ABOVE *': Oily scalp? Use condltloner on haIr:

ends only. ....* ..•.......... ~*' Soak hands In worm water to soften)Eo* them. then smooth on rich lotion or~* cream. It wlll seal In the moIstUre. t* "'''' ' 'i'"* Treat your hands to '0 professlonalJEo­* manicure. They'll look wonderfull ~

* *'* 721 Mechem - 323 Sudder<h *.* 9,00 .. '1,OO/Mon.. .. Sat. ** Walk..ln$ Welcome " *******************

The annual GIRL' SCOUTCOOKIE sAi.E continues

_,__-- ,through February 6, --With areascouts taking oroers for cookies

• to be delivered March 7-15.Cookies are priced at $2 a box,and varieties available includeThin Mint. Classic Creme, Jubi- February 9 .lee, Hoedown, Savannah, Scot- " Saturday

.• , .•.,-, _TflllAnd Goillen Yangles. The LINCOLN COUNTY '~~"·~·-····-~--'---·~~·~··'"-tf~'OliL'l'.fI&Nl\'!'J;P~- Februat;;Y 13

Today (Thursday), ~~SO~~: =--"~;::::Ja;:tt--:~-;;;;;;-----~- ...•"..----.- .- ..

February 4 PLOYEES (NAJiFE) will meet community to a HAVE'A", . for a covered dish dinner at 6:30 HEART ,PARTY at 1 p.m. Sat-.

p.m Tuesday, February 9, at urday, February 13, at theFirst Christian Church. Turkey· Woman's Club building. Admis-will be furnished, and those at- sion is a donation to Ruidosotending are asked to bring a veg- Care, Inc. Meal Care program.

. etable, salad or dessert. All are The party will feature games,also asked to bring a' noo- prizes' and refreshments. Dona-perishable food item to be tiolUl to Ruidoso Care, Inc. maydonated to the f!lod bank. Plan- be sent to PO Drawer 309"ners invite all members and Ruidoso.their spouses to come and join inthe fun. For information call 'Alma Russell, 257-2676.

Il_~ _ _ __ . _. _ _ _

"•- ~.. ~ _. - --~. •• • •. _ .•~ •• ~ .......... _ ....... ~ ._. "",, L" _ •._ ~" •. ."

Page 13: ¥Wi' •• I..- r..-..archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · Apache model calico rick-rackdres~es. Key replaces Laughlin as assistant DA A~RIRl;1nt DIRt nrt Attomey

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, " ,

, '




-Radziewicz sllid some citizensare concerned about the VillageCouncil asking for an increllSe inpay with the current economicclimate, and offered copies of a peti­tion to be signed by citizens andreturned to Charlotte Jarratt atThe Villager Realty.

-Charlotte Jarratt distributedinvitations to a ''Have a HeartParty" at 1 p.m. Sat~day, Febru­ary 13, at the Woman's Club. Ad­mission to the club will be a dona­tion to Meal Care.

-Ralph Dunlap annoj1Ilced aLincoln County Historical Societyplan to conduct a reunion, "LaReunada," on June 17, 18 and 19,in Lincoln. Dunlllp said the reunionis pTlII1Jled to mllke a recorded. his­tory ofold Lincoln County families.

-SCC President Barbara Duffencouraged club representatives tonotify JiIl Blanks of upcomingevents to get them on the monthlyc:alendar.

CHARGE initilllly will f0':us onbeautification.

In SCC's regulllr business ofclearing dates lind hearing reportsfrom vllrious orgllnization represen-tatives: _-

-Cal Cowden announced ablood drive from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.WednesdllY, Febl'UllI"Y 17, at Lin­coln. County Mediclll Center.

..~ ~etnrafnr5 ~bwioi ANNUAL SALE

It>o''-~,,... - CUSTOM 0 RAPERI ES - '-----.-Jl

20% OFFSelected Fabrics and Linings



Ruidoso: 336-4147 Alomo ordo: 437·1366

businesses to distribute promo­tional materials' at various tradeshows. While at .PllSt shows, shequestioned visitors to her boothover their knowledge of Ruidoso.She .said she provides informationfrom her surveys to her businessclients.

It was learned that Radziewiczdoesn't -distribute literature on theViIlage of Ruidoso, since her compa­ny's requ!,st fO'r fu,nds was lIppar­ently turned down by the RuidosoViIlllge Council.

''You melln they can't supportO~ advertising, but they can givethemselves a raise," commentedDuff:

Also Monday, SCC heard anoth­er report on CHARGE, an organizlI­tion with a representative fromSCC, one from the Village ofRuidoso, one from the EconomicDevelopment Corporation of Lin­coln County lind one from theRuidoso Valley Chamber of Com­merce. LlII1JlY Maddox, whoreported IllSt month on CHARGE'sorganizationlll meeting, repeatedthat report MondllY. .

Maddox' said CHARGE is in­tended as a WllY to .coordinategroup. projects that would betterRuidoso. He said he wants to talkto clubs and organizations to findout what projects they haveplanned.

. 'We're sending out the fishingline," said Maddox. He sllid

Thursday, FeprlJary 4, 1988 J The fh.lldoeo

by FRANKIE JARRELLNews Staff Writer

A handful of people were at Ser­vice Club Coun':;'l (SCC) Mondlly,and heard reports on the Conven­tion and Visitors Bureau (CVB),Ruidoso To You and CHARGE1.

Liz Groenendyk, director of theCVB, told the small group how shepromotes and adverti.ses the Villageof Ruidoso. Groenendyk describedthe "complicated task" of identify­ing markets and advertising meth­

.ods thllt she shares with theRuidoso Advertising Committee.

"We push Ruidoso," saidGroenendyk, noting that everystate and most cities are spendingtheir lIdvertising funds to competefor tourist doIlars. She said Ruidosohas an advertising budget this yearQf $96,000 plus about $23,000 instate IDlItching funds thllt are cur­rently held up by a constitutionlllquestion raised by the attorneygeneral.

''What we're trying to do inRuidoso is advertise smarter," ;eam­mented Groenendyk. She said thevillage ads are focused on people 25

. nnd older, upscale and white collar.The group discussed ,various lId­

vertisements and media; and laterin ..the meeting heard results of atourism survey conducted by NancyRadziewicz, owner of Ruidoso ToYou, a literature distribution busi­ness.

Radziewicz is paid by client

.·-~Service---ClritY·liearS-:e-V·B-r-ep.ort..-~---......;...J" .

"-Ui-c~roEmendyk, C1irectormthe Convention"'mote the Village' Cin='{uidos'o: Groenendyk---- c.

an'dVis,itors Bureal!. displays a magazine spoke during the regular meeting Monday, advertisement that is part of a plan to pro-of the Service Club Council.

i ......__




- '~, ,

Diseases of the Eye - Contact LensesSierra Professional Center - 257-5029

Wecareforyoureyes.Dr. T. T. Marquardt, O.D.

.. '" , .. ,,'--

ning isn't Elverything; Strive toachieve excellence in yo~ lIc:adem­ics," he said seriously. Bob notedthat a high school diploma isn'tenough in this changing world.

"Just looking up in the crowd Isee a lot of bright faces--a lot ofcw;ous minds," said Bob, whovoiced his hope that some of thosepeople will grow up to be "fineyoung men and women to help leadthis country. .

"If you have a dream ... reallybelieve in yourself ... work toachieve yo~ dream ... your dreamwill come true," said Bob.

"Work for what you want,"advised Cisco Bob duringTuesday's Ruidoso MiddleSchool assembly com­memorating Indian Ap­preciation Day.



"'..,,: '.





--- ~- ---~~.----

" ,-:,,"}'" -

future."Life is full of challenges ... you

need to be prepared to meet them,"said Bob. He shared his philosophythat includes believing in yourself,setting priorities and high goalsand dedicating yourself to attainingthem.• ''You will be rewarded," 'assured

Bob, adding that he filced defeatmany times."I think you learn morefrom losing a race than from win­ning." HI'! said success requirescommitment and sacrifices.

"I really love to nul," said Bobwith a small laugh. "But my nul-

• j-

, 1.. . .J _. _

people- , - "


l :. /.' (f;a ~ ~£af/~~ Arrives Soon I\~~:e .Yt!oU.i-P LAST CHANCE FOR II- G e ./~ /. GREAT SAVINGSl .-!/ra.J'I£"o~I,), 2605ASudd""h 1O-5M-S I\..-.~.--~._._._~~---.~--..--..-----..-.._..-~_._--~.--~..-._._ .._..---.-





!Cisco 'Bob sp,eak$ to D1.id 'school,,: by FRANKIE JARR~l,.L,

: News Staff Writer "

...-'" "

'. ­"•,

,,, Champion runner Cisco Bob; challenged students at Ruidoso: Middle School Tuesday to believe in; themselves, set high gOllls, focus on~ those goals and' then, work to: achieve them. - .

.: "Start drelI"!Ding," advised Bob, a: Mescalero native, who attendedRuidoso schools from the :6fth'grllde

: until his gradUlltion from Ruidoso· High School in 1985. A civil ' ". '":engineer:iJl!l' student at the Univel" .' f' .' " _"~' -" . ...• .,,

sity of Colorado~ Bob :was in rj__tJ.Ujilt:~~;~1~t:;~~~>:i-';Gi11;_riF¥".Z,-;~"J;;_Ruidoso to speak during an Indian''! ' . . . ." .... ;:-~

· Appreciation Day program at themid school. ..

--- -----"1 ,believe--hii'jj-the mOQt dedi­cated individual I've ever met," saidRHSb-ack-ooach-Ronny-Ml;tslmw.in._ .. ,introducing his former student."Bob is one of the top students everto come out of that high school," headded. '. Maskew listed a string of Bob's

:accomplishments that include dis-·triet and state championships in·track ~ cross country events.Maskew said Bob was a high schoolAll-AmeriCllD and won the nationalhigh' school cross countrychampionship in Denver, Colorado.

Besides his athletic achieve­ments, Bob graduated from. RHSwith over a 3. aVl!rage, and wasselected class favorite.

Associate Superintendent MikeGladden predicted Bob's name willsomeday appear on a roster for theOlympics. '

Speaking softly, Bob warned thesixth- through eighth-graders that

·college is not as far in the future asthey might think. He encouragedthem to to stan preparing for the

" .,


, .

Brun.II'. has ••xLOTS OF SOX

....... ill Play: ·LOTSOF.SOX

. '.2t116 ........................


Our Sock Rackl(In the northeast corner of the Men's Department)

, -\*ll• !',4

We have greal'car•••I"',~.



o the' aspen tree

Massage TherapyJudy Harmon

Capitan Ruidoso354·2518 257-4035

JiIiflIanaa!J-{air '.Designs

of"'­COMI=lLETE HAIR 8.<

BE::AU"tY CARE::The Paddock

•1011 Mecham Dr.258;;3313 .

OWNI:RS & OPI:I'lATORS9"m4 l3iI__

.m._ ~

... ,~--~ .~,-_.....-......

Page 14: ¥Wi' •• I..- r..-..archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · Apache model calico rick-rackdres~es. Key replaces Laughlin as assistant DA A~RIRl;1nt DIRt nrt Attomey

• -. 'J" O. " ., , - (,"'" I • '..', ,

"".-'~~ .."_.-'

l. J I.RUldO$O NeW. ,. ThutSc;lav.FElPtuary' 4, 1988

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RlJidoso reported his vehicle caugh~fire while warming up ouwide ~heRlJidoSQ Police Department.

December 4-Vernon Hopper QfRuidoso rep<lrledan assaw~ a~"2107 Sudde1'th Drive.

,Decembe,; 6-Amy Thornton QfAI~o rep<>rled her pmse stolell fromInnsbrook Village, apltrtmen~ 20.Loss was estimared a~ $100.

December: l-LYJlP Moore QfRuidoao reported a larceny inciden~a~ Cabins and Castles. A flower b«>xwas reportedly broken c:ausingdamage estimared at $15.

December 2-Leon Shorey of AIroreporled a fraud incident a~RlJidoso Swre Bank mvolvingworthless mecks totaling $2,000. '

Jallum-y 3-Jtoxmie Paulger QfJtuidllao ,;eporled a burgla:ry a~ 224Spruce Drive. lrems reporled mias­ing were valued a~ $5,465, tlDd in­cluded, jewelry, electroniclI,fireannll, household and toiscel­1an.IlOUS il;etns. RlJidoso Police havemade an arres~in that case.-

Baby !3it16,1~a.2.il,QlI. ,Jan\1al')' il·lWberl; a.nd Virginia

Otero, Baby Bely 71bl. II.S QlIl. ,Janllal')' Ii-Gina and Dale

, l'oolaw, Baby lioy 7lbs. 13.6 I)l!l., January 6.Ja1llie SlrldmoJ;'e atl<l

Melissa Bilbrey, Bll.by Boy 71bll. 11.8O~.. ,-

Janllal')' ,7.Justin an<l Krillti l'ar~son., :Elaby :ElIlY 7 Iba. S.2 Olll. ' ,. Jan.uary 8-Jtudy an.<l E&abe~hChanez, Baby :ElQY 7lbs. 3.6 Q.'l.

January 1().Mll<.e Il.n<l LisaShiveJ'II, aaby Girl 6lbll. 13 QlIl,

Jan\1al"Y 17-William an. Do!WlIsJalq:ie, Baby Girl 71b/l.

J!'nual"Y 19-Chria an<l MaryNeppel,Baby Qi:rl(llbs. 4.8 t»;.


.' ,. GIlUa-1i

activities___ • r- ,-.. - .---..- ..~.~--.-.- .. -"..... '


Janua:ry 1-ADMITTED: HalllelAwbrey, Odessa, Texall, Ru~h

Eubank, JtlJidoao, Wanda Braniff,CIQudcroft.

DISCH:AJtGED: Calvitl Burrows,Halllel Awbrey.

Janua:ry 2-ADMI'ITED: GaylaSrowers, Friolla, Texall, '

DISCH:AJtGED: Sandra Gon­lIlalell and Baby, Ru~h Euba11k,Wanda Branift'an.d Baby.

Janua:ry 3-ADMITTED: SharonPelky, Ruiddso, Miles Weaton,RlJidoso, Sybil Weston, RlJidoso,Chris~ine Sharkey, Alamogordo.

January 17·A:PW'.1").'ED:, DQnnaJlIsiike..Towpley, RUi<loso, JameaCamr, RUi<loso.

DlaQH:AJtGED: Jghanna HlIsJ.1;.ne~. ' , '"

December 31·ADMlTTED: Kim. DISClJARGED: Beverly Sloan, Jan.uary 18~ADMlTTED: ,Dianaber!y Va.ll Winkle, RlJidollo, Amvra WillieR<m1ero, Kimberly Van J!;njady, R1Ji<los4, Lewis Sb:atWn,GriegQ, LmcolJl, , . Winkle, Gayla Stowe,;a. JtlJidoso Downs., '

BIRTHS Janua.:ry 4-ADMl'l'TED: Virginia' DISCH:AJtGJilD: Laverne 'Byem,'DeceJI1ber 14-Mr. an<l Mm. Orero, Tularosll, Gina POQlaw, Mes- Jody Wilcol[.

Javier Murguria, Baby Gid 8' Ibs. l'ale,;o.'. . Jan\J!U'Y 19-ADMl'l'TED: Jounell0.4 Q~. , DlE\CHARGlllD: Cherles Orin Wright, RlJidoao, Cal'(lle Trapp,

December 18-Eddy and Elaine Janua:ry 5'ADMlTTED: Calvin RlJidoao, ,l';la:ry Neppel,Clemmons, Baby Boy 61bs. 10.8 Olll. Burrow, RUic'lQSQ. Sarah Meador, A1amogomo,Maria Provencio, Baby Girl 6, Ibll. JtiridoSQ, Benjamin Cle~oJlS, DISCaARGED: Diane EIJjady.14.2 Q~. RlJidoso DQWl'\s, JQhn Meigs, San.' BIRTHS .

Decell1ber 19-Cindy and .SCO~~ Patricio.' Jan~ l"W8JIda B:raniff, BabyRiedel, :Elaby Boy 7 lbs. 4.8 oz. . . DISCHARGED:'Cm<la VinSQll. Girl 5 Iba, 15.6olll.·

December 21-Rayburn and Jallual"Y 6..ADMITTED: Melissa ' January 3.Don and SitaronGw~~olynChicQ, Baby Girl 8 Ibs. Bilbrey, AIm, Jall1es Carler; Pelkey, Baby B!'y 6 Ibs. 13.4 QlIl. A.Max ana 'Lara JOhnaQll, Baby-ofrT5RUidoso.-··"·· Charles an<lChri"tine:·R. Sharkey,lbll. 8.8 Olll. DISCH:AJtGED: Eusebio Pena;

December 22-J.W. and 'Marty Sharon Pelkey and Baby, ChristilleWare, Baby Boy Ii Ibs; 13.8 Olll...Sharkey and. Baby, Virginia OteroDeniae Tyson, Baby Gid 7 Iba. 0.6 and :Elaby, Calvin Burrow, Ben-Olll. Raul and VelVnica Vellegaa, jamm Clemmons.Baby Girl71ba. 4.0 oz. January 7-ADMITTED: Kristi _.,POlice,_ n~lI}bel;25-Ma~, Bu?,a_Jl_a_n_P::.ar:;:':;;.s~on"Jt~49JlO_._-:.:... ..~ """"- .... ._Baby Gir'f'if1l)B.i5.4 QlIl. .' illSCHAJtGED: Gina Poo'-'- --'- ..,- '-- _

December 28-Lonnie, an.d and Baby, John Meiga, Me.1Laa,Patricia Bellon, Bab)' Boy 8 lbs.3.8 Billbrey an.<l Baby, James Carler.Olll. Jan\1a:ry 8-ADMITTED: November 28-Burde~Smll1pley

December 29-Samuel and Elil!labe~hChanez, Sall Patricio. of Ruidoao _reporled crimimilSandra GoMalell, Baby Boy 7 Ibs. DISCHARGED: "' Sybil Weston,' damage ro property at the Epis-3.2 oz. Kristi Parson and Baby. copal Chmch of the HQly Mou:n~.

SCORE Janua:ry' 9-DISCH:AJtGEJ):' The inrerior door jllm Qn ~he churchBOYS-126 Sarah Meador, Elilllabe~h Chan.ez office wall repomdly broken caus-G S 120 ing$25 ill damages.

IRL - alld Baby; _ Novembe,; 29.Patricia WatkillsJanuary 10·ADMI'lTED: Liaa of RuidoSQ reporled ~he fraudulen~

Shivers, CarrilllQzo. use of a ered.i~ card a~ GarewayJanum-y 12-AD)!IIITTED: Irene Shell on Sudderth Drive. Loss was

Quinwna, Landei', Wyoming. listed as $40.35.DISCH:AJtGED: LiaaShivers December I-Brenda M. Buckne,;

and Baby. of RuidQSO ,;eported vandalism' ot'January 13-ADMITl'ED: Fan.nie her 1984 Old.smQbile while pa,;ked

Smi~h, RlJidoaQ Downa, Laverne in The Bank IlfRlJil1oso pa,;king lot.Byers, Ruidoso. Both ,;ear willigh~lenses reporled-

DISCHARGED: Miles Wesron. ly we,;e broken caUlling damagelisted as $222.59.

Jallum-y 14-DISCHARGED: Novembe,; 29-Maurlce A. PedroFannie Smith., of RlJidoso reported. a ba~rY mci-• Janua:ry 15-ADMl'I'l'ED: Jody den~, bu~ told police he didn'~ re­

Wilcox, RlJidoSQ, JQhlUlI1a Hartlle~, member how lie received his in­Ruidoso. . juries. Pedro told pl)lice la~ that

Jan.ua:ry 16-ADMITTED: lWberl; he rell1embered falling Qft' a roof,Beyer, RlJidoso. acoording tel the official incidont

DISCH:AJtGED: Irene Quillmna report.November 29-Lan.ce J. Zink of

H'o.pltal notes

, ,

December 9-ADMl'ITED: Jtobert RlJidoso, Aurora, Griego, Lhtcoln.Meana, Carri~olllQ ' Decembe,; 21-ADMITTED:

DISCH:AJtGED,: :Elernice Pi~wro. GwendQwlyn Chico, Mescalero,, , December: 10·ADMlTTlllD: Anim Laralee Johnson, RuidOSQ.Ordorica, RlJidoSQ,La,;:ry Norman, DISClJARGED: Elaine Clem-~awell,Gaye Miller, RlJidoso: monll and Baby, Cyn~hia Riedel

DISCH:AJtGED: Bob Means." and llaby. :" ,December ll-ADMI'ITED: Decelllber 22-ADMlTTED:"

EusebiQ Pena, Sall Pa~ricio. Marty Ware, Capitan, 'DeniseDISCH:AJtGED: Diorly S~ierwal~ Tyson, La Lu,z, Veronica Cerda,

and Baby", Aniw Omorica, La,;:ry RlJidoaQ.Norman, Gaye Miller. DISCH:AJtGED: BQny Zamora,"

Decembe,;" 12-ADMI'ITED: Gwendolyn ChiCQlIsJld Baby,JelUlIle Garcia, RlJidoso, Betty Jtoff. Larale'; JQhnSOll and Baby. '

OISCH:AJtGED: JllliJ!@ Per- December 23-DISGH:AJtGED::ryman. Sarah Garre~~,V';roIrlca Cerda an.d

December 13- Baby.ADMITTED:Glmana Shallm, Mea- December 24-ADMITTED: Veracalero. Maaa. RlJidoso.

DISCHARGED: Billie Ray Dol- DISCH:AJtGED: Be~ty Jtoff, Ger-lar, :rylillda :Elurnet~, Marty Ware and

December 14-ADMI'ITED: Deb- Baby, Denise Tyaon an.d Baby.__,,, .hie.Marguia..Ruid!:tapDoWJla. ".. _ ,JJec!tmb.m: :<1J>[email protected]!l'Tl!).O:

December 15-DISCH:AJtGED: Beverly Sloan, AlamogordQ, Ma:ryAlberta Heard, .IeaJlJle Garcia, Deb- BuchaJlBn, RUidoso DQwns.bie Marguia alld Baby. December 26-ADMITTED:

December 16-ADMlTTED: Jeremy Webb, Lubbock, Texaa, Wi!-George ,Fredin, JtlJidoso, Gerrylillda ' liam Henry, Dallaa, Texas, WillieBurnet~, Mescalero. lWmero, Capimn, -Frances Vigil;

DISCHARGED: KeJlJle~h_ Capi~an.

Sandefur, Pare Delgado. DISCH:AJtGED: Aurora GriegQ,December 17-ADMITTED: Ed- Vera Maas, Mary Buchanan. and

wardo Sanche~, RlJidoso Downs, Baby, Jeremy Webb.Robert Gonlllales, RuidQao DOWJla. ' December 27-DISCH:AJtGED:

DISClJARGED: Glorialla William Henry.Shan.w. December 28-ADMITTED:

December 18-ADMrlTED: Patricia BeUoll, RlJidoso, JosephilleGerald Dean, Capiwll, Elaille Smi~h, MeacalerQ, James Tau,Clemmollll, RlJidoso DOWIla, Edna Miami, Florida.Miller, RlJidoso, Maria PrQvencio, DISCH:AJtGED: George Fredill,Tularosa. FranCes Vigil. '

DISCH:AJtGED: Rpbert Gon- Decell1ber 29-ADMITTED:~ales. Sandra Go=alell, Tula,;oaa,

December 19-ADMl'rI'ED: Rhonda BUITOWII, Ruidoso, CharlesCynthia Riedel, RlJidQao, Calvin 0riJl, RlJidoso Downs, CindaBurrows, RuidQso. Vinson, Carrilllolllo. '

DISClJARGED: EdwardQ Sall' DISCHARGED: Gerald Dean.,chl!2:, Edna Miller, Maria ProvenciQ Patricia' ',Bellon "and Baby,and Baby. Josephine Smith, James Tau.

December 2()'ADMITTED: Bony December 30-DISCH:AJtGED:Zamora, Capi,~, Sarah GaITl!~~, :Rhonda Burrows.


- t "-_. ~. ~ ~ •.. - -- -- ~. -"-

Page 15: ¥Wi' •• I..- r..-..archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · Apache model calico rick-rackdres~es. Key replaces Laughlin as assistant DA A~RIRl;1nt DIRt nrt Attomey


Firmado:Tammie J. Maddox

Escribana MunicipalLegal.5457.2f; (2)4, 11




In connection with the regularmunicipal elec;tion to be held onMarch 1, 1988 and pursuant to 3-8­80 NMSA 1978:

A. Notice is hereby given thatthe. following qualified electorn areeandidlltes f(ll' public office of theVillage ofRuidoso.

The candidateI!' names are listedin the order that they will appearon the ballot as determined by thedrawing by lot.

1. For the office of Councill(ll' foratwo:ye~r~: ,. <, '•• ,

VOTE FOR ONE (1).1. JerJ,'Y G. ShllW.2. For the office of Councill(ll' for

a fom year term:VOTE FOR THREE (3)1. George P. White.2. J.A. "Al" Junge.3. J.D. James.4. Jess W. Stint;on.3. F(II' the office of Municipai for

a four yellr teJ.'m:VOTE FOR ONE (1).1. Billy Gene Payne.2. David C. Greenhaw.3. Robert I. Jarvis.4. Hugh L. Johnston.5. Sam L. Pilgreen.6. Kenneth G. Shockey.7. Otis M. Spearn.B. Notice is hereby given that

the following polling place shall beUlled for the conduct of the regularmunicipal election to be held onMarch 1, 1988.

1. Votern in consoUdlltedprecincts 11, 12. 13. 14. and 15within the municipal bound8J,'Y willvote at the Ruidoso Municipal Ad·ministrative Building, 313 CreeMelldows Drive, Ruidoso, NewMexico.

2. Votem in the absent voterprecinct will vote at the office oftheMunicipal Clerk. 313 CreeMeadows Drive, Ruidoso, NewMexico.

C. The following Precinct BoardMembetll have been appointed:

1. In consolidated precincts 11•12, 13. 14, and 15.

Presiding Judge Joyce WalkeJ.'Judges Ovella Estes

Bill RickardCleTk CeCe GriffinClerkfl'ranslator Betty Silva

ReynoldsAlternates Marion White

Sunny Bond HiJ.'Shfeld2. In the Absent Voter Precinct.Presiding Judge Joyce WalkerJudges Ovella Estes

Bill Rickard.Clerks CeCE Griffin

Betty Silva ReyIi.oldlilAlternates 'Marion White

Sunny llQnd l:IiJ.'Shfeld .D. Notice'is heroby given that a .

Precili.ct Board £lection Sehool willbe held Oli. the 25th day of Febl'\1-.arr, 1988 at the Counj;y Commis·'slon Meeting 1tol:rnl.llt the LincolnCounty Court House in CamJ;oJ;o,NeW Mexico. The school will beginat :l,O:()() a.:m. The achool i. opeli tothe public.. .. nattld this ~6thd~ ofJanUllt'1,1988. .

.. IJI .,....Ie J. MacldaMWlklI.....Cluk

....... '","It (I) <1.11 . '

lsi Jean B. Stillman,ClerllJ'1'nlasurer

Village ofRuidoso DownsLegal.li458 2t (2)4. 11


lsi Janet N. KeelMunicipal Clerk

,Lega1.646,!l.2,U;a'_~11,,.. . _.

agel' of the vitilation and rwuestthe Manager take the aPJ!ropriate'action coveted under SeCtion 3.21.'2l!. N.M.SA, 1978. as aDlended. U

. Copies of .the PJ."oposed am:end~ments mil)" be IIbWned frQm the 'Lincoln County Manager'1J Qffi.C4.l•.

lsi J~Jul A. lligbwwe.:-,C~,

JJnooln Coun~ :8oaJ.'d of. ComndSlliopeJ'S

Legal '54.66 2t (2)4, 11

, '

,j _ .. ,J - ,,:

does not.u~"~.u.""~~"..".".,,u

'. . '. '... Thur$day"F$bruary 4. 1988/ The A"ll:tofloNew$ /58eli/pdo' en 'elDistrito Judilnal 1 a A.SIllSOn. nm.CONUAnO Meadows Privll, Rufdet;O," .NllW

.'10,12 t :1:3• D~!!.Pl:veUJ.'lldorosGen- , M.QVALCD. nm. CONDAl)O ," :M~ell.. eDi"-:ue~ !!eJrand.e~lgIdo!! a ~0.~rg01en el JUEZ DE J;'ROBA.CION, 2. Votan~~11 eli. el p""":nto dA'. stritoluClal U. DiVlt;lon • t;~ . :aECIlO ESU'VM. 1 J>1ll votantet; ab:ntistas. VQ~;;;en 1;~a III cllndaer? de Sp.n Jl18n y DiVl· FIllPR.Jm.O, 19113 ofieina del escribana :municixml 313'SIOn : II lJel'Vlra al CQndlldo de Fmn SiddeN .Cree 114 d' :ori e "'R ;do "NMeX<inley, ESClU8A.NA.Dm. CONUADO ' Melricoea.ows . 11', mso, ew

JU!lta de li:ducaeion de l!Jstadll'· DE LJNCOLN' " ' C. Lot; sigmentes mei:ml»:oll delT~Ill~de 4 anos, ,Legal15467 :at (2)4, 11 CuerpIl Dinictivo del Precinto han. Distntos 1,4, 8 y 10 que estat '. . 'a' .' b"d . . . .definido en 81iccion 22.s.21 a 22.S. LEGALN:OTlCIl: Sl onom ra Ot;: • ' .31 NMSA 1978 (19$3 ,S\lPP.) NOTICIl: OF. NAl\oU!lS OF 1. En IllS PJ."ee;mtos consolidados

Un Juez Magistrado . . CANDJDA'l1ES FOIt .OFFlCJiJ; 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.CQndlldo de Colfax- Division I'" I>IllSJGNATlON OF POI·T.JNG JueC4.lS Ovel~~)t=~alkerTod?s ~os Puestos. ~el Condado. PUCJiJS, .PJI.Il:CmCTPOAIW Bill Rickard

Lot; sIgnlente. C~It;~lIn",dot; del M;EM.a1lln.s AND nATE AND . Escribana CeCe.GriffinCondado POI,' DIStrito, Incluyemlo 3 TIME OF IllLECTION SCIlOOL Escrib'anatrrad .cto B ttComisionados de Condado eligidot; The ViPag~ of Ruid~so D~, Silva Reold u. ra e .~en los demas condados: New Mel<lco III connection WIth a Alte yn t; 114 . White'5 Cd' d" d _.1' • al I ct' to be J.'naS anon. on a 0 . e ,Dona Ana • ree_aJ.' mUnlClp \3e )lIn . S y B d 'HiM Id

Comisionado • Tennino de 2 anos. .held On March 1, 1988 and pur· 2 E .urn~to d J.'S ~\:e b' 7Condado de Los Alamos. Con- suant to 3.8--30 NMSA 1978: t''';:' e e vo a -sl\ieros • Termino de 2 anos. A. Notice it; hereby given that seni' Joyce Walker

3 Condado de San Juan • Com- the followfug q\llilified electors are uecesit;ionado (3,4, y 5) • Terminll de 4 candidates foJ.' public offiC4.l of the ~¥:ic:~rolOS. 'Village of Ruidoso Downs, New Et;cribanas CeCe Griffin

3 Condado de J:!~J.'ni).lillo . <10m· :Mexico,....". .. . .. Betty silva Reynolds ,,_.. 'isionado (2, 3, y 4) TeJ.'JDino de 4 The candidateI!' names are listed Altemas ' Marion Whiteanos., in the order that, they will appear, Sunny Bond HeJ.'shfeld

3 Condado de Chaves - Com· on the ballot dfiteJ.'mined by the 3. POI,' medio de la presente se daisionado (2,3, y 4) • Termino de 4 drawing by lot. noticia que se llevaraiL.cab....unaanos. ' , ' ' 1.F9l:.the office ofTrustee, three ""'~ ,-"... 1 EI d 1

3 ,()Clndadi:i_=de""Ejd~". Uam:- tobe'elected. for 'afoury'ear-tam:' .......cue....._.. JlQ",;r,e, .n,a... .eccjOll. . e, n' .,,:,-nTsionaa.o '2,3. y 5) _ Termino de. 4 a. Fred A. BeJ.'nard Cuerpo Direetivo del Pl:ecinto el dia .

\. 25 de Febrero' de 1988 en el salonanos. b. Thunnan D. Gartman de reunions de los comisionados del

1 Condado de Eddy - Com- c. Alice Allit;on d d difi' d d Iisionado (4) . Termino de 2 anos. ' d. William (Bill) I. Smith I;On a 0 en e ClO e cortes e

6 Condado de Cibola·. Com. e. Leonard H. BeraPron condado de Lincoln en Carrizozo,D.... Nuevo Mexico. La "escuela"

illionado (1,2,3, 4, 5). . 2. For the office of Municipal empezara a las 10:00 a.m. La "Es-Asesores de Condado • 'I'ermino Judge for a four year term: cuela" esta abierta el publico.

de 2 anos. a. Harrold R. Mansell ,Un Asesor de condado en cada B.' Notice is hereby <riven that Fechado eate dia 26th de enero

D' de 1988 ' . .condado. the following polling places shall be

Escribanos de Condado Ulled for the conduct of the. regularTermino de 2 anos. municipal election to be held on

Un EscribanOll de Condado en March 1, 1988:cada condado. Voters within. the municipai

Tesoreros de Condado - Termino bound8J,'Y shall vote at the Villagede 2 anot; Municipal Building.

Un Tesorero de Condado en cada 'V~rn in the absent votercondado. precihct will vote at the office ofthe, Alguaciles de Condado - Terinino Municipal Clerk.. .de 2 anot;. C. The folloWIng Precinct Board

Un alguacil de Condado en cada membeJ.'S have been appointed:1: condado. Presiding Judge; Debby Floyd

Agrimensoros de Condado. Clerk: BeJ.'nice Jones1: Termino de 2 snos. Clerk: Anna CaJ.'penter

Un agrimensor en cada condado CleJ.'k: Hazel Lawing(A menos que ha sido abolido en Clerk: Vivian Gonzaiet; (Trans·conformidlld con Seccion 444 36 lator)NMSA 1978) Alternate: Ernestine Capps

Jueces de Probacion - TerminoAlternate: A.nita Burkede 2 anos D. The following Absentee

'Un Juez de Probllcion en cada Precinct' Board 'members have beencondado. appointed to sene at the office of

EI dia 1 de Mayo de 1988, entre the municipal cleTk: 'las horaS'de 9 de la manana a 6 de Presiding Judge: Debby Floydla tarde~ es III fe~l.lll final en la cual Clerk: BemieeJonesloa, partid?s ;politicos mayoret; '¥leo Clln'k: .Anna:Carpenterestan de8l~ados para convenClon CleJ.'k: Hazel Lawing

LEGAL NOTICE como candIdatos paTa puestos Clerk: Vivian GonzalesPROCLAMACION' ' . estatales y puesoos de E. Notice is heroby given that a

Conforme con la ley da la Eloo- representantes de los Estados Precinct Board Election School willcion Primaria del estado de Nuevo Vnidos pu~den registJ.'a'.' peticiones be held on the 25th day of Febru.Mexico, enmendada, yo, Ganey y d~claTlJClones de candid~tura pol,' ary. 1988 at the Lincoln CountyCanuthers, Gobemador de Nuevo deslgnllci'on de la convellClon en la Courthouse in Carrizozo New Mex­Mexico, pw virtud de la autoridad . oficina?e la SeCJ,'e~riade estado. ico at 10:00 A.M. The school is openen mi posesion declaro la lriguiente El dIa 5 de abril de 1988, entre to the public. .Proclamacion: las horas de 9 de la manana y 5 de Dated this 27th day of Janua>;'y,

Que una eleccion primaria sea, y la tarde, es la fecha final para 1988.la misma pol' eate medio puestos de legislatura de distritosproclllmada teneJ.' lugar atraves de multi·condados. jueces de dit;trito,todo el estado de Nuevo Mexico y en PJ."ocuradores de distrito, junta decadll condado y pracincto de eUo, en edueacion de estado y todo losel dia 7 de Junio de 1988. puesoos cuyos distritos eston com·

A. Que la eleccion primaria puestos de mas de un condlldo.pertenecera a lot; siguentes partidos Declaraciones de candidatura y LEG.AL NOTICEpoliticos, el partido Democrata yel pagos de inscripcion 0 en su lugar, AVISO DE NOMBRES DEpartido Repuhlicano. decl(l!'aciones de pobreza para todo· CANDIDATOS PARA cARGo

B. La eleccion primaria seTa los puestos electivos del condado PlJBLICO, DESIGNACION DEllevada a cabo para permitir el seran rogistrados con el escribano LOCALE PARA VOTA.n. Ypartido Democrata y el partido He. de condado el dia 5 de Abril de 1988 MIEMBROS DE LA JUlIITApuhlicano que nominen candidatos entre las horas de 9 de la manana a J>IRECTIVA DE PREC!NTOpara los siguientes puestos: 5 de la tarde. PUEBLO DE RlJIDOSO

Un Senador EstadowIidense - Declaraciones de intento de Ser Con respecto a la eleccionTermino de 6 anos candidato Write-I (no en III boleta) municipal rogulaJ.' que t;e Uevara a

5. PAGES 12.13 - Section VII: Tres Repret;entantes para un puesto estatal 0 puesto de cabo el 1 de mlln:O deli1988 y deAPPLlCA1'ION. Estadounidense • Termio de 2 anos Representante de los Estados acuerdo con 3-8--30 NMSA 1978:

B. New Construction, Alteration Distrito I, Condadot; de Unidot; seJ.'an registmdos en la A. POl,' medio de la presente seor Demolition. BeJ.'na1illo, TOJ.'rance, Guadalupe, y oficina de la Secretaaria de estado da noticia que los siguientes eleC"

<ADD THill FOLLOWING) De Baca. el dill 18 de Abril de 1988. toJ.'es calificadot; son candidatosTraileJ.' nouset;. mobile homes or Distrito II, Condados de Union, Candidatos declarados Write-In para puesoos publicos del Pueblo de

:manufactured hOUlling, approved. Quay, CUJ.'l'Y, Roosevelt, Chaves, (no en la boleta) para puestos legis· Ruidoso.f(ll' moving in and modifying to Lea, Eddy, Lincoln, Otero, Sierra, lativos 10ca1izadot; totalmente Lot; nombres de los candidatot;meet the. Historic PreservatiQn ()r... Grant, Dona Ana y Luna. dentro un condado 0 compuesto de aparecen en la orden que figuraJ.'andinance, will be.suhiect to the foI· Distrito III, Condados de San un condado y magistrados en la balota segUR deteJ.'JDinado pol,'lowing restrictionJl: . , Juan, McKinley, Cibola, Catron,'registrados sus declaraciones para sorteo.

1. .Construction as per apProved . Socorro, ,'valencia, Rio Arriba, ser candidato Write-In (no en la 1. Para el puesfoo de Consejal.plans .. sballcotllmence within 30 Sandovlll, Lot; Alamos, Santa Fe, boleta) con el escribano de condado POl,' un ternl,ino de dos anos: (votedays of the plaee:ment ohaid strue:- Taos, Colfax, Mora, HaTding y San el dill 29 de :mano de.1988. para uno.)ture on the propt!rty. Migu'el., . N ta C d sto II 1 J G Sha

Th ,t hllbe 0: aapue, que egaa . err;!'. w2. . e approved pr,oJ/ilct s a Un Comisionado de Corpomcion ser vacante pOT muerte 0 resig. 2, Pars el Pl!-esto de Consejal,

comJ!leted within 'six (6) :months. • TerininQ de 6 anos. , nacion puede aparacer en lit boleta pm' un termino de cuatro anos:Any variance beyond the six Un JUez de la Corle Suprema. conforme coli. Secciones 1"8-6 y i.a. (vote pm'tros.):months pt!riod :must be approved by Tennino de 8 anot;. 7 " Articulo 15 del capitulo no. 1 1. George P. White.the Historie PreServation Board. . Un Juez de la Corle de NMSA 1978. . 2. J.A. "Al" Junge.

6. PAGE 14· Section VII: AP· Apelaciones • Termino de 8 &nos. JDronO INLA OFICINA. 3. J.D. James.PLICATtON. Cuaronta Y. doe mietnbros del EJECtJ'I":nTAESTEDIA30 4. Jestl W. Stinson.

E. WQrk PerlOrmed llequi:red to Senado Illstatal • Tennino de 4 DEENEltOI988 3. PaJ.'a el puesto de JuezOon!qrm with Certil'lcate of Ap- Anos. Distritos uno a cuaronta y ATESTlGUAMI MANa Y Municipal POI,' termino de cuatrapropriateneM.· . dOlI, definid08 en Seeciones 2.aIJ.8 . EL GllAN S:mu.o DEL aMs: (vote POI,' uno.)

(I>ElLE:TE PAMGRAl'H.AND 28B49 NMSA 1978 (1983 Stipp.) ESTAnO DE NuEVO 1. Billy Gene Payne.IN'SERTTIJE FOLLOWING) Setenta mietnbros de la C4JJlars . I\,UO),ucO 2. David C. Greenhaw.

.Aftel',:rnaking aPJ!l!cation for and de :Representantes de Estado de. lsiG~ O¢lTUthe.rtI 3. :Robert X. Jams.receiving approval .of plan.s. work Nuevo Meldco • Te'rll1ino de 2lJli.ot;. .' ' Gobem.adoi' 4. Hugh L.Johnston.may proceed. Upon, completion of Distrito 1 a 10, de:iinidos en Sec>- Attest: lsi Rebecca Vigil.: 5. Sa:m L. Pilgreen.the 'Ill'Qieet the applicant will' in. ciones· 2~1n.8 a 2·1B-18 NMS.A. Gnon 6. Kenneth G. Shoclr.ey.fonn the Preset'V4tion Board of 1978(1983Supp.) ,SECltATARtADEES'l'AOO 7.Otis.M.Spl!!lJ.'S.completion, at 'Which time the, Jueces de DistriwlI·· Terniino de OANDIDATOS PUEnElll SEa B. POl' medio de la presente se~tjlwnlinBpei:tthe pr,qjeet and if dOs4no!! .' NOMBJlA»OS LAS SlGUENTESdanotici4,que 14s seguienteslQCal/il1lthe prgjeet i. ,foutl4 1;0 conf'9nn to 'Primei' Distrito Judicial, Divi. On:OINAS DEL C()NUAOOf pllt4 v~t' Be W!at8n pat4 la elee-·the approved plan. the Board max lIiotl I( . COMISlONtWO :DEL OON'- ciqn municipalregulat que slli••ue a "Certificate of·At!l!ropriate-:Pri:met Di.atrito Judicial. DM· DADO DlanuTO I . . l1eVllta a C4lbo' el :I, de mano de~1lU.~).rjl,l'cOIIi.pJlI~Pt!llOJ:!;~ sion VI OOMISlONADO VEL CON.191l3. .!\9~...~n&~'li...1b'1..l!t*P~-'Pthl!.rp.ved, . Octavo Dilltriw' J\\dieial. Divi- DADO DlS'I'lUTO n 1. Votante. en 1011 precintot con·

~~.:~~~:::.~. Gtn,~10' 9 bm=v~=· .~!~1J:*1t;:~tt~t:::E~ Un .Procult.d01' Gtntlt.l lorA TBt]tORlUW nIL (:()NJ)AI)O . Municilll'l de IMdOtO. 313 eta



th,e record._" . "'," - .. ... -" -," , , '


PoUce Activities

.2. ..... "

Lincoln Historic Preservation 01'.-./I'~-1 dinance Amendments.

I . . " Propqsed amendmenm will effect..h .. jiheJbllOwinguetiona: "Co' " , ,,_, ••~. - '1. I>AGJ!)"S -'section IV: DEli'lNl-

__. _ TtONS.

NOT.ICE TO "Certificate of Appropriateness"means a certificate issued to the

ADVERTISERS applicant afteT the prgject outlinedin the approved plans are com­pleted according 'to the plans.

2. PAGE 12 - Section VII: AP·PLICATION.

A. No person shall build or alteJ.'a structure within the historic dis­trict unless he has Teceived !p"provalofplans by the Board.

3. PAGE 12 - Section VII: AP­PLICATION.

A.-I. Before the coIIlIl1encementor........ the owner shall submit thefull plans and specifications.....

4. PAGE 12 - Section VII: AP­PLICATION.

B. New Construction, Alterationor Demolition.

DELETE FIRST SENTENCE. If,afteT conducting a review of thecotnpleted construction, the Boarddetermines that the construction






Thank youcooperation.

The regular 5:00 p.m.deadline applies unless youneed to proof your ad.

If you wish to see a proofon Or! ad scheduled to appearIn the CLASSIFIED OR REALESTATE SECTION, copy mustbe turned Info our offfce,before





Janua>;'y 4--FaUlltino'Miranda of RuidolJo ropo~d a f(ll'gery incidentRuidoso repo:rted a b~llirr ,and at, aennett's Sh~av. Loss was LEGALNOTICIll

· criminal damagll to PJ."opert;y at the estimated at $366. NOTICE OF CANDIDATES"Village of Ruidot;Q maint;!lnance . Janua>;'y 9-C(l!'1 G. Prober of FOn. ()Ji'F.[CE,'shQps. MiscellaneoUll OOolt; were Fort Bliss, Texas,.:-epoJ'l;ed an acci· POU:.JNG PLACES

reported missing, with a total value dent On priY\l.te property in the AND PR.'ECINCT" of$2115.' , . parking lot at the SD.ddeith and BO.ARJ) MEMBERS .

Janua>;'y 4-Jo Steele of Alto MescaleJ.'o Trails 7·11. . oUhe '· reported a break·in at 107 Santa Janual'Y 9-Cheri Cunningham VIL.LAGE OF CAP~TAN'AI!ita Drive property belonging to of Ruidoso J:eported a gaukip at 7· A. Notice is hereby given that

• David Cnun of Ruidoso. 'fh,e rear 11 North. Loss was estimated at $5. the following qualified eleetorsaresliding dll(ll' was Teportedly bJ.'oken January '1()....Da~el CaJ.'rillo ofeaJ;ldidatet; for public office Villagll

, causing damage estimated at $25. Glencoe ~pWte(l, l:mJl,inal damage . of Capitan at a regul(l!' municipalJanua>;'y 8-'-Don Chubb of to a 1984 Toyota pickup paJ.'ked in election to be held on Tuet;day,

Ruidoso reported a vehicle bumper the Safeway parking lot on Mechem, March 1, 1988.tsken frQm a car on a lot at 1056 Drive. The passengllt window was For the ,office of Trustee for a

'Mechem Drive. Value of the mist;· reportedly shattered. four-year,teI:m:ing item is listed at; $350. . Janual'Y l()....~nt Berkeqa1 of VOTE FOR TWO

January 4' Rfck' Evant; of Ruidoso 'reported vandalism at . James A CleesRuidot;o repwted an embezzlement Power PlUll Car Wash. ' Darralene J. Stewartincident at Evans and Comp8Jl.Y in JanuaTy l1...,.K<;Jdy CokeJ.' of )Wbert,L~Y.()r-k-. . ,,_.-which skit; and boots valuedat..,cRuidoso...reported' an iiuwoiiigla:r:i··--- William J. MacVeigh'$325 were,nol;'returned':-'- .of his 1985 Nist;an parked in the Norman C. Renfn>

Janu8J,'Y 4-Juanita: Davis of. Pizza, Hut parking, lot oli. Mechem B. The following polling placesRuidoso reported a shoplifting inci· Drive. Items repwted missing in· shnll be Ulled for the cllnduct of thedent at, the 7·11 at Sudderth and clude $400 in cash. regular municipal election:Mechem; Consumables valued at JanU8J,'Y 13--Don Hilrmon of ,Voters in Precinct 1 within the$6.07 were Teported missing. Ruidoso reported Ii break·in and municipal boundary sh8n vote at

Janu8J,'Y 5-Mabel Johnson of criminal damage' at .131 Rowan Lincoln County Fair Grounds,Ruidoso 'repWte(l receiving haJ.'8Ss· Road. 'The furniture was reportedly Highway 48, Capitan.ing telephone calls. cut causing damage. et;timated at Voters in Absentee Precinct 1

JanU8J,'Y 4-Dean MeJ.'ck of $3,230. ,within the municipal boundaryRpidoso reported a burglary at shall vote !it:Cree Manor Inn, room 13. Jewell'Y January 13-Gene Armstrong of The office of The Village Clerk,valued at $1,925 wat; reported Ruidoso reported his 1976 Jeep City Hall, Capitan.missing. Wagoneer was bmglarized while C. The following pJ.'ecinct board

January 4--A.J. Bogue of parked in the Win, Place and Show membeJ.'s have been appointed:Ruidoso repWte(l a larceny incident parking lot on Sudderth Drive. 1. For Presiding Judge inat 215 Timbel'1ine Trail. Items ltemt; reported missing include $20 Precint 1: Ba:rbara Sanchezreported missing include $3 in cash in cash. For Judge, in Precinct 1: Monaand wood valued at $116. McEuen

JanU8J,'Y 6-Ray Ezell of Artesia January 14-Johanna' Burnette For Clerke in Precinctreported a battery incident at the of Ruidoso Downs reported a Marilyn Leek, Toni OteroMidtown 7-11. burglary of her 1981 FiQt while it For TranslatoJ.' in Precinct

January 6-Jay G. Ramirez of was parked in the Win, Place and BarbaJ.'a SanchezRuidoso repo:rted an incident of Show parking lot on Sudderth 2. For Judge and Clerke in ab-fraudulent refusal to return leased Drive. MiscellaneoUll items with a sentee Precinct 1.

o property at Pro Ski Sports. total value of $30 were Teported Linda WrightJanuary 8-Theodore Bennett of missing. Barbara Sanchez

Alternates: Lois AldrichMargaret Rench .

Dated this 12th day of January,1988.

.. '



: ,,"•



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Page 16: ¥Wi' •• I..- r..-..archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · Apache model calico rick-rackdres~es. Key replaces Laughlin as assistant DA A~RIRl;1nt DIRt nrt Attomey

.. . ~ . . . '. ','

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Notice is hClreby given that thEBoanl of Education of CApitanSchool Distriot #28, 'County ofLin·coln, State of New Mexico, will onThursday, February 11, 1988, 7:00p.m., MST, at the School Adminis·trntion Building, prClllClnt atld pub­licly ;I'Clview a budgClt increalle fo:l'the 1987-88 fiscal ylll11'.

This is A public hearing And all!!Chool patrons A;I'Cl invited to at­tend.

Done at Oapitan, NClW MancothiJl26th dlly ofJanuary, 1988.

Capitan Board oflMucatlonJl!IJles'McnlllJiel, Preslctent

. LIlgal *5454 2t (1)28, (2) 4







that the unde;l'lligntid hAS belln ap­pointed pe;l'llonal rep;l'ClSllntativll orthiJI estate. All pe;l'llons havingdaims agldnst thill Ilstaoo IU'Il :l'e­quired to pl'llllllnt thlli:l' claimswithin two months llf1;e:l' the date ofthCl fil'st publication of this Notice0:1' thll claims will bll forllver blllTCld.Claim4 mllllt be presClnted eithat' tothll undersignCld pe:l'llonaI I"6p1'eSCln·tatiVIl at .10,Wellt Prospect, Fayet­teville, Arkansl1ll 72701, o;'/I.Nedwith thll Uncoln County DistriotCourl;, County Comhousll, CIU"mozo, Nllw MClxico 88301. ." DA.T1iin...---..~~~'''' '

" I~ce L1oydSlC;ksPersollalRepresentative

oftbe EstateofEcbm Oleura Litt!-'jp~

DClCe.d.10 West Prospect

Fayetteville, ,A;l'kansas 72'1'.01IllIllill·G. Payne,Attorney forPenonaI Rep:o:esentative1714 Sudderth .Ruidoso, NewM~co8834550512574589LIlgal *5451 2t (1)28 (2) 4


SClaled bidll wiU be ;I'Clceived bythe County Managl!;l' at the LincolnCounty Courl;house, Carrizozo; NewMllllico, until 10:00 A.M., Februa.-y23,1988, fo:l' the lollowing:


Invitations to bid with IIpecifica·tions may be obtainCld by callingthe COlmty Manegers Office at505/648-2385.

The opening and review of thebidll will be at the llaD1e Io~ation at10:00 a.m., Februa.-y 23, 1988.

Lin\:OIn County reservClIl thClright to accept 0:1' l'ejlWt all 0:1' Anypart of any bid, waivll mino:l' tech­nicalitie~ and awaro thll bid to be~t

lIerve the' inte:l'Clllt of LincolIJ.County.

All bids mllllt comply with tbeNew Mexi~o Procunoment Codll.

~. Suzanne COli:LiD.eoln County Manager

LClgal #5455 It (2) 4

Cia I The RulclQ8Q New. I. Thl.Il'$day,rielbrl,lary 4, 1966 . .' . . . .. WlTNESSthe hand and SClliI of. . '. qua la ~sClU81a dll Ia tlll!l:lllon para !'nd UnPJ'OV!lJll.l!II.tll dlllll:l:'lbed hmlln I\EP~;"'" the DiJltriot Oom in .and for l-in. ·t3~l!i~:::~ t.het~:ci:~pi::

A.DVERTISI .Q Ills jwqtafl dl! lOll c!JIjtritQ,l! llle!l'm thl! j;cltl!1 amount Clf $68,555.13, NRW, Ml'1lUOQ :blllPAUII'. l:oln COWity, NewMIl;QCO onthi.s COlmty ClerkAAd Ex-06icio J:1l.DEADLItiES to:l'aleullllllval'll a!:abCl ehlia ~5 dll wbl;l:h, Am9tmt m~Indllll all of Ml!lNT. 0Ji' TAXATION AlSD 14th day ofJAn~t:r,1988. ~Ol:dl!;l' ofUnC9ln Cotmty;'NeWo MllX-

(D ispla'y Ads Only') fllb1'll;l'o ded 19188, Iln. t;l SAdlon ddel r~~lntidft'll ~!,l.IOp'~usAblaedd'i~rnn:I~!~~~ :milD~:"''''_ . _J 11lI~.oLiD.i'lsay i\:Oj M!;.y12, 1982, 'in Cabinet D,. '. ." '. teumons e 011 l:Omllll0na CIS e -- all. <lOll..., " ..~. .. ~."" ¥ """''''' CI~J(of 'l'be .ni$tri~ColU't ElUde 69; 1'QQETIU!lll, WITH lIaid

For Monday's Paper llondado en el Cldificio de l:O..w·dlll Illlt And, attornllY fCllls tb;l'o\1gh thll N? CV-87431 '1.llIby; ~abetbL",e~ 11Ilit'1l undividCld l.0909%intel'l!stDeadline; <londad9 de Un~oln Iln Ca:l'l.il;ollo, date ofsalll, all.paymllnts, C9sts and D.v.m, .. Deputy in thCl <lOJDmon $rlla and faCIlities of

Thursday·5;OO p.rn; Nllw M~~o•. l4i IlIl~l1llllia l:Om· e1!V"nslls tlu:ol1gh thll datil of. sa:le . NO'l::ICE 0Ji'~ LClga! '5438 4t (1)21. 28, (2) 4, .the propeJ'ty describlld in full DOlllla-F~r Thursday's Paper eno:al'a a las 10:00 A.M. . pald 9:1' to be p~id by the ~Ia~ntiff . 1'l'OTIC1!llS hel"6by Illven t~at by 11 . :l'ations 1"6\:Ol'ded m Book 79 of Mill.

o dr • Fe~hado IlSte 27 dia de Clnero' andIO:l' the Sp~al Maste:l' lII.\lldent \?Jtl1ll 9f Jl1dgment entered lII. the " cClllanllol1iJ lWcorns,PAglls 13t t'bN. ea lOe. 1988. to the adminislration, sl1pe:l'ViJlion, Dilltri~t Com of l-in\:Oln Cotmty, L'EGAL NOTICE 144, May 17, 1982 and Atrlendllnt

TUl;lsday-5:00 p.m. IIlI Jean B. StilbnlUlt p.-esClrvation and p;l'O~onohaidNIlW Mllxico, In CaUSIl No. CV-87- ':l'WJ!lI,.F'l'I[ .roDICIAL of DlWlal'lltion'l'lWoroed in Book 8.85___ ALL 257·4001 EIlcri.bluulMlInielpal teal propeJty and imp;l'llve'mClnts, 431 on thll 12th day of JamUl.-y, DISTlUC'J.'COU)lT of 1'4iscellaneoUl! Recorn,pagllll 1

Ia Aldea d.e Ruidoso Downs pIllS the costs and f!lqlllnsllS of con- 1988, whil1'ein Ruidollo State Bank, COUlN'l'Y 0Ji' LINCOLN thru. . 26;. both inclUsive,' UD<lolIJ.'I~I .5459 lilt (2)'4, 11 dl1cting the sale And \:OlIts of pl1l,>, a Nllw Mexico Banking Corpo;l'/l. STA'1'E OF NEWM 1!l2UCO C . .~..- l' t· t· . PIa' t"'" d J M'- ... . ounty. New M~C9. ,lca lon. lon, lS . In ..., an. .ames IU'... ...VlDOSO STA'1'E BAoNK, A THE FOEEGO:IN'G SALE wjll be

LflGAL NonCE NoTICE IS JroRTlJER GIVEN Redfearn Md' Sandrn Redfearn, New M~oo BlIIJking COrpOra. d" ...... . d .NOTICE OF INTENTION J,.EGAL NOTICE that the ;I'Clal pr9peJty and m.prove-al~oknown. all Mal'k Redfearn and JI1l1 e to ~ati~+.r a JU. gment

". TOADOPl" .AVISO A CANJ>lDATOS. ts d ·th· h . '11 S ely n_.'" d N M' ti°pn.lain" .tiff,' :l'llnden,d by the above Cou:rtinthe'. . . milD concerne. WI el"6lU WI an .",weam, an ew eXico AIl.llve--entitl"d andnl1Jl1beied causeORDINANCE 88-1 PAllA PVESTOS, LVGAU.ES DE be sold . subjllct to any. And aU Dllpartment of. Taxation And vs. . . ~ 8 b '

Notice ill hlll"6by given that a VOTACION -,r:~S DE patent :l'eservation~, cil~ementll, all RevenuCl a;l'Cl the Defendants, the DONALD w.DO:QMAN and. on January 12, 19/'1, 1l~'M A!l'public hllaring is IIchCldwCld fo:l' Feb- 'LA'JUN',l'ADE PlUKlINTO ' l'ecoroed and UIIl'Olllol'ded liens not" undersigned will offer fo:l' SaIIl at :MJI,DREDDO~, tion to fO:l'eclolle a mortgage on therua.-y 22, 1988 ·at 7:00 PM at the DE fO;l'ClclollCld lie:l'ein and all :l'lWoroed public vendl1llto thll highllllt biddl!;l' DefeJ1di!nts. I!bov!l'described P1"opeJty. The totalMuniciPAl Building in Ruidollo 'VILLAGE OF CAPITAN and. UIIl'lWoroed special .aSllellS' f01' ~lIh at the front entrnnce of the NO. CV-87-395 jl.ldgment in f<\VO:l' of the. abovll.Down~, New M'Clxico for the purpolle A Se da aviso po:l' Ia pl'ellente ments and taxell that may be due. Municipal Building; Village of Div. m Plaintiff, Incll1ding Intel"6st and~fconsi~llringM ordinance e?titled qu~ 1011 sUguiCln~1I ClIl!Ctol'Ils NOTICE IS F~~Y G~~ RJ!i.doso, Ruido~o, New Mexico, on NOTICE 0J,i' SALE \:Osts to, date thm;co~, is $84,445.~2Increallmg thllCompenllation of ~alifi~adoll. lion candldatos para el that should the Pl/Untiff hel'em .bld the 18th day of Februa.-y, 1988, at. NOTICE is hll1"by given that by and the lIame heal's mterllllt at tbi....theBoaroofTrustee~byAmClnding puellto publico en V:I1mgll of andlo:l'bClcomethepl,U'chasCl:l'of~ldd 10:15 a.m." all rights of the virtull of Judgment Clnte:red In the teen 'and on!l'half peI'C6nt (13.5%)Ordina.nce 82, Seotion 3". .. Capi~n.Cln una eleccion ;I'ClgWa:l' dill l'eal Clstate and improvelDents at Defllndantll Jamlls Mat-k RedfealTl Distriot Courl; of Lin~oln 'County, pet" al111l1J11 from Ja~UlU"y 8, 1988.

C?p1ellofth.l! propolled.o:l'dinance.....JDl1JI1ClplO.que tendra--luglU' ",el-the-f()rlWlollure SaICl;lt'may-UB_~Y and SandI'll Redfearn,...:alaoJmoWI1 Nllw Me><i~o, in CalUlCl No. CJV-87. The amount of.lIuch. mte1'est to"thllare ·aV'iii1.able fo:l' inllpection at ~he ma:l'tes,l de marzo de 19~. part ofita Judgment ~Ante~he;l'Clm as Mm-k Redfearn and San~ Red· .. 395 .on the 4th'day of JAnUa.-y, ~ate of ~ale w?-lJ be $1,499.C?4 Theoffice of the Municipal Clat'k dunng POl' Cll puesro do Conc«ual por un and he:l'etofo:l'e as Cl'lldit agal'?-"t the feaJ'I1 in and to the foUowmg de- 1988 wherein Rlridoso State Bank Judgment creditor has the llght tot~hoUI'l! of 8 am - 5 pm. Monday tennino de cuatro anoll: . ' P~hasCl. price Jlholl1dJI; }1.!l. the lICri~d real elltate IO<lated ~n Lin· a N~w Mexico Banking Corpom~ bid at Sl1Chllale a:nd to apply. !'!!. 0:1'thiOugnFrlUily.~- ._-- .. _--. .... Yo~pol'dos: highest blddlll', and the Plamtiff 01:" coIn County, New Mexico: tion is Plaintiff and Donald W. any pa~ O~~tuudgmenttIT pup..=

IIlI Jean B. Stillman 1) JameirA:'eti!,tl's-:- -'~ -_._ - -_..the--ptIl'llh1ill~1l.rth....-F9J:C1p~~ ~__Lot..l33,U:nit..2...qf.1?.!l.!iJRl'4&K--.Dor.:nan-and.Mild1'Jlil 'Oonrian,-are-'- cha~epnc6'ln'lieu ofcash. . ~

ClerklTreasurer 2) DlllTlllene J. SteWArt SalCl, s~all bl! entitIlld to immediate WOODS SUBDIVISION. -Lincoln ·the DefClndants, .th;j undersigned IIlIWesle~Lindsay,LClgal '1i469 It (2) 4 3)Ro~ert L. York pollSelllnon of thll ;I'Clal property and .County, New M~co, as shown by will olre:l' for saIIl at public vendue . Speoial:Master

4) William J. Ma~VCligh imp:l'ovllmenbl more parliculal'ly the plat thlmltlffiled in the office of to the highe~tbidde:l' fo:l' cash at the Legal '5452 4t (1)28 (lil) 4. 11,5)Norman ;ae.,uro described hl!l"ein. the County ClClrk and Ex·Officio front entrance of the. Municipal 18B.. Los Slgmentes lugA;I'Cls dll lsi Cal Dyer, J:I'. Rec01'dm; of ~incoln County. Octo- Building, Village of Ruidollo,

vota\llon dClbm;an se~ usadoll pata for Sarah Protho 'bel' 28,1977, lU Tube No. 599. Ruidoso, New Mexico, on thll 18thllev~.a .cabo Ia eleCC10n ;I'ClgullU' del 'Special:Master Said Judgment dil"6cted fO:l'e- day of .February, 1988. at 10:00.mUIDaplO: . lAlgal '1i437 4t (1)21,,28, (2) 4, clo~ure of the MortgAge on such am., AU rights of thll Defendants,

1. Ele~tore~ Cln ClI Pl"6(!l11to I 11 ". h fi 11' D ald W D . . d Mild dd t d 1 I· ·te d-' . . . Pl'0PClJty to ~atillfy til. 0 owmg on . orman an ;I'Cl. en ro e 011 l1D1 II. ... mUIDclplo items: Donnan; in and to the following de-'de~eran votar en :Lincoln County LflGAL NOTICE Amount of Plaintiffs Judgment scribed l"6al estate located in Lin.

, FAllgroundll. . IN THE DISTlUCT COURT ........$13,716.53 coIn CoUnty, New Mexico:.. 2. Eleoto:l'ell en el. ~Clcmto . TWELFTH .roDICIAL DIS- Intel"6st to date of lIale-Febl'Wl.-y Lot 6, Block 7 of WOODLAND

AlUl~Il~. I dentro de lo~ limltes. de TRICT 18 1988 $155 40 RIDGE SUBDIVISION Ruido~omum\llplO debm;an vota:l' en the of· , . L· M'. 'fi fTh V'll CI k C't Hall NO. CV-87-188 TotaI... $13, 871.93. m~In County. New eX1CO, all.(Jce~ e 1 Agll el" I 11, DIVISION m In addition thereto thll:l'e will be shown by tbll plat that'eof filed, in

ab~ . ·'00 . b d 1 .. OTERO SAVINGS & LOAN aco:ruing costs, togClthCl:l' with COllts ,hCl office of the County Clerk and. ~ d ~1lngw~ntos ::em .itS Cl a ASSOCIATION, a fllderal associ· of publication of this Noti~ and thll Ex-officio Recorde:l' of LincolnJUD . e p:I'~n n III 0 nom· ation, Special Masters FClIl to be fixed by Connj;y, August 11, 1972. in Platbl'ato~. 1 Pre' to 1 Plaintiff, thill Courl; in thCl amount of$2oo.00 . Tube'No. 455, togClthClrwith all imp

. .a:l'a JUClCClIl en e an vs. and attornlly's f\llls. provements thereon.Ba~ara~cEnchez DORACE A. ROBB and WitnClsll my ha'nd this 12th day SUBJECT TO a Real Estate

P ona 'buCln 1 Precinto 1 NORMAJ. ROBB, his wiff,'; FED· ofJanua.-y, 198ft Conlraot betwCll!n James N.:-ra e~cn anas Cln Cl . ERAll DEPOSIT INSURANCE. IIlINickVega Whitworth and Lorraine~nly?Leek CORPORATION, suecessor iD. SpCleial Master Whitworth, aIkIa Lo1T8.ine A.

. fom Otero. inte:l'e8t to WESTERN STATE Legal '5439 4t (1)21, 28, (2) 4, Whitworth, hlUlband and wifll a~2.. Para JUClZ ,Cln el AusClnte BANK, . .. 11 SClllel's and Lyrm PlU'kel' and Sa:l'ah

Preci.nto 1 Ba.rba:l'a San~hClll Ddeudants. PMker, husband and wifCl, andP!':I'a Cls~bana ~D el AlUlClnte . AMENDED L,EGAL NOTICE lJlU"old G:I'een and Gamma Gl'ClIln,

Pn!cinto 1 LmOO 'Ynght. NO'l'ICE OF SALE OF iN THE DISTlUCT COURT hl1sbAnd and wife, All PUl'Chl1llll;l'll,FechAda Cllte dia 28 dCl JllDua.-y REAL ESTATE u:NDElt OF LINCOLN COUNTY l'ClcordCld Ootobet' 3. 1983, in Book

de 1988. F" chi J tN Keel FORECLOSURESALE STATE OF NEW MExiCO . 88 of MisceUaneolUl ~coros, PagesU'Jlla ane " .' • • . .NOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN . 'FlRST'~~;SAVlNGS -Q,46-549boJ;hinl:l'lJl1veanl1.anA.a-

LEGAL NOTICE &cribl!lJll~eI':::I= that, undClr And by virtue of thll BANKOFNEWMExlCO IIignmClnt of Real Estate ConlractAVISO DE NOMBRES DE an. JudgmClnt And DClcrClCl of Fo!;'&' fonne:l'ly Chaves 'County and Escrow Agreement between

CANDlDATOS PARA CARGO LClgal.5464 2t (2) 4, 11 closure Ilntll1"Cld by the Dilltt-!-ot Savings & Loan ASsociation. l-ynn PlU'ket" and SArah Pa:l'kCl:l',PUBLICO, DESIGNACION DE L'EGAL NOTICE Courl; of Otero County, NClw Ml!lt1co Plaintiff, husband and wife, and lJlU'oldLOCALES PARA VOTAR. Y TWELFTH .roDICIAL DIS- ~m the 23ro dAY ofDClCIl~Il:l', 1987, vs <kClIln And Gmnbl'a Gl'\lIln, hlUlbAndMIEMBROS DE LA JUNTA TlUCT 1O.thecaseofOtero.Savmgll&Loan KEVIN BAYES, Ji"R,ANK and wife, as A.asigno;l'll, andDmECTIVA DE PREClNCTO Y COUNTY OF1JNCOLN Allsooation vs' lJ0r:'ce~ Robb and CASTELLO aka :FRAN Dlll"lIIAn, In<l., A Nllw Mexico C()1'PCl-NOTICIA DE LA ESCUELA DE STATE OF NEW MEx100 Nlll"lII~ J. Robb, his wife; Fed~al COSTELLO, TONY M. TID· :l'ation, as A.a1li~eCl, :l'Clco:l'ded ~o-

LA EI.ECClON FEDERAL NATIONAL MORT- Deposlt ~lIU!anCCl COlJlOl'ation, WE' J, AlSD LOUISE TIDWflI ,I.. vClmbCl:l' 15, 1984, In Book 96ofMls-La AldClll de Ruidoso DOWDS, GAGE ASSOCIATION SI1CCClIlSOl' 10 l~terllSt to Western NOBLE R. WILTSHIRE, cellane,ous ~conla,. pages 828-833

New Mexico. con I"6speoto a la ele!l' Plaintiff, , State Bank, bCl10g CaUSCl No. CJV- PAMELA WILTSHIRE U.S. IN. both mclustvll, Lincoln County,cion m11Ilicipal regullU' qUIl Sll 87-188, Divillion ill, on the civil TERNAL REVENUE SERVICE New Mexico.llevlU'a a cabo elIde man;o dll' vs. BENINGTON dock.et of .said Courl;, the un· IlD.d ALL UNKNOwN Said Judgment direcl:qd fore-1988 y de aCl1eroo <lon 3-8-30 HlrT~ W. • det"s,gnCld will offet" fol'salCl and SClll dI..AJMANTS OF INTEREST IN closure of thll mortgagll on lIuchNMSA 1978: BENlNGTON his wife to thCl highClIlt biddel' for cash at THE PREMISES ADVERSE TO P:l'operty to ~atillfy the following

A Por medio do la pre~ente se and ANY .ANn ALL b'nlER 11:00 a.m. on the 25th day of FClb-' PLAlNTIFF items:da noticia quCl lOll IIiquientell' elec- PERSONS rua,rY. 1~~, at t~Cl. fro?t ~t«:Ps of NO. CV-87-399 Amount of Plaintiff'~ Judg-tores calificados son can.diOOl;oll CLAlMING AN INTEREST IN the MUIl1\llpal Bwlding m ~tUdoso, . DIVISION I. ment $64,374.86.PlU'a PUClsto~ publicoll de la Aldoo AND TO nm NeY' Mexico, thll foll~g de- NOTICE 0Ji' PENDENCY OF Inte1'ellt to OOte of ~ale-Februa.-ydCl Ruidoso Downs, NClw Mexico. SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY ~cnbOOJ'6l11 p;I'Ilpeyty, to-Wlt: . ACTION 18, 1988 $817.65

Lo~ nombres de los candiOOtos ADVERSE TO 'tHE Lot 38, Block 2 of No:l'th HClIghts STATE: OF NEW MEXICO TO: Total $65,192.51aPIU'Clcen en Ia o:l'den que figuJ"lll'llD P~ Subdivillion, Lincoln County, New Noble R. W:I1tshi;l'Cl Pamela Wilt- In addition thm;eto thCl;l'Cl will been 1a balow seguiJ detenninado po:l' Defendants' Mexico, having A III:n!Clt adch-ellll of shi;l'Cl Frank Calltello, aIkIa Fran a<lc:ruing rollts, togetbCll' with collts~orleo. NO. CV-86-i79 326 Vall~y View Drive, Ruidoso, Com:llo and all unknown claimants ofpU;blication ofthis Notice and the

1. Para el puesto de FiduciArio, NOTICE OF SALE NClW Manco. • '. of intel'ellt m the pre1Dises advClrsCl S~C1al ~sterll FClIl to be fixCld by:pOl" un termino de cuatro MOS (vote NOTICE IS HE:REBY GIVEN Togethe:l' Wlth all and .ll1DgWlU' to Plaintiff, upon whom con!ltl"Uc. this Court m the amount of$200.oopOl" tl'ClS) t1.at on the 26th aay of Ji'ebroa.-y, thClIllDds, tenements, he:l'ditainClnts tive lIervi~ of prO~IIS is hereby And a:tton1lly's fClllIl. .

a. Fred A. Benuuod 1988, a~ the hoUl' of1:30 p.rn. at the and •app~nance~ . the;l'Cl~to sO\1ght by publication. . WltnClSll my hand thill.5th day ofb. Thumtan D. Gartman· Ste s to the South Entmnce to the belongmg or m an~1lCl apJl!!rlain- YOU AND EACH OF YOU~ JanUlU"y, 1988. . •.c.A1iceAlli~on Vill~gCl of Ruidoso DoWDS ~g, And th~ ;I'Clvel'll1on and.~vel'll' HE:EEBY.NOm'IED ~ha~there IS IIlIJ~eClancy,d. William (Bill) 1. Smith Municipsl Building, Ruidoso, New 10ns, !Cl11U\lnde:l' llDd nmJamders, now pendIng In the Dl~trict Co~ SpecialMastere. LeonaI'd lJ. Berge:l'on .. Mexico, the undel'llignCld all the 1'811ts,lssuesand-profits.. .f o~ ~coln County, New Me~C<?,2. PIll11. ",I puesto de JUClll Court appointed Specitl.1 Master, NOTICE IS FURTHElR GIVEN CIV1l Cause ~o. CJV.8?-399, Di\?- Legal #5427 4t (1)21,28, (2) 4,

Municipal po:l' un tennlno de cuatro will offl!l" for salll and sell to the that ~e &m,Otmts aWAroCld by. thll. sion 1, whllreIn the Fttllt FClde~al 11anos (voj;e por uno) highest bidder Or bidders, for cash, C0m.t In Bal~ Judgment a...." robe Savings .' Bank of NClw. ~eX1CO

a. lJarrold R. Mansell the following dellCribCld real estAte' l'6l1hzt;d a~ lIald SalCl frOln Bald prop- fonnel'ly Chaves C~unty ~a'?Dgll& :LEGAL NOnCEB. Por medio de la p1'ellClnte III IIitue.te iti Uncoln County, StIlte of erty Wlth Inte1'est cal~wate4 to elate :LolUl A.asociatioD IS Plamttit and TWl!:LFTB,JUDICIAL . , f

da noticia que la~ seguientes locales New Mexico to-wit·· ofllale, are adoll()ws:. Kevin Rayes, E't'ank Castello aka "DISTlUC1' COVR'I' CI 8f8 dplU'a votar Se UlIanln. plU"Illa elClC' LINCOLN cOUm¥ STATE . 1. Costs of sale, including SIl&" E't'an COlltello, 'fony M•. 'I'idwell, COt1NTt'OF1JNCOLN . '. assl Ie'.cion municipal :l'egular que III OF NEWMEXlCO' 'tOwNSIDP 10 .cial Mastll1"'s f\lll of$2oo.oo. • Louise 'I'idwell, Noble R. Wiltahil'e, S1'A'l'l!l OF'NEW MEXICO .. ,llClVlU'aa cabo elIde lnarzode SOtl'1"H RANGE III ~. 2. Judgment in favll1' ofl'IIJj:ntiff' Pl1tD.ela Wiltshire, U.S. Internal Pl:ONEEIt FEDERAL1988: .. .. N.M.P.M. A t:l'act ofland in the N/2 for thll p?ncipal debt of$82,642.39, Revenuel3!lrviceand aU m,tknO\vnSAVlNGS ,DEADLINES FOR CLASSIFIED

.V?f::intes en el dentro de ll,ooero ..of Section 27, mo'tl! particul81"lydCl- ~1ll!rtlCld 1l1te1'ellt from May 8.1987 cmb:jj~nts of interest. 1~ .' the .AlSD LOANASSOCIA'l'IoN,. RI:ADER ADS ONLY; Friday,mwu\llpal votam,!, !'n la OfiClU1ll dll Ilcribed as foUoWll: lleglnning at the lJl.. theamuntof ~,835.75, coats prenuBell IIdve1"llil to PWn¥ a;l'Cl PJaintitl; 8:30 a.m. for the Monday iSs~El;laEsCMban~M.Ull1C1pal".~L 'd 1 Southwest comer from whi<lh the .andattomey'sfeellmthllantoutltof Defendants. The genl!l"al obJeot ~f vs. . WA"nes·day.,. 8'.'30' a·...... «or .1he·

. c. Los .In~entell tll11l'n."l'OIl e. Southe811t corner of said Sectioo 27 $&,458.51, fo:l' II. total Jwlgrnent of this lIuit is to fo'tl!cl,!lle mortgage. BENNY It. CLEVEI.ANJ), incli. .... III "

C:uelJlO Directiv9 dll Pl'l!clnto han belU"ll South 39 dCgr¢es 25'22" F.:ast $!J4,,936.65,plus A~cruing ifiterEllit , held by Plllintifl' upon the property vid11ll1Iyib:14dJ1:i1a:O &C Ll!1AS-- Thursday Issue.Indonomb.mdoB:. ...•. '. 3305,79 feet; then~e )Il'oJ'th 1 degree to 4ate ofllllle. .. ... . ..' located in Lincnln County, New ING. . ami REBECCA T. CLASSIFIED READER ADS' are

~.~=:~~~~:Jonell 21' East 126 feet to thl) Norlhwellt :&1' The tef's ofJl$li.or: ~tat=.Mexic9. and described III foUows: Ci:..EVJ.!:LANl,hfs -mr~ . . 'scheduledonly lficonsecutlve3·.... . ··b·· .~~~ C· ' cOtner, thence South 88 degroellll39' c ... Iler mus ,P8Y.ca.II. A ..~ e A strip of·land 24 feet wille off .. Defendants. ·Is·sues"r o'n' a'one'. tl....e ba'sls'.. ".rara ClIlCM 1lII.Il. AnDa a...... East 175 feet ,to the Nll1'tb8ll1lt the properl;;y~ $"Uck offto him. the Westllide 'of Plot';2 in Traot 1 NO. CV-BS-488 .. III

PCl'lte;, I1l. .' 'b' .•Sa~l Lawing .C9rtiar, thl!fice South 1· degree ·21' .Dt:f:0 this 20th clay of JllDU- lind off the Westside of l'Iot2 in NOTICE OF $.ALE DEADLltIlES FOR ALL DISPLAY

5· pa 'Illl~"""'~' • Vi,,:~- ...~~. West 126 feet. to the So~thlll1St ary". "-'.Cf-d-eH··c." Ttaot 2 of the GEORGE: JroCHS N0'1'10E ·IS HEREBY GmN AD'S·• Th'urS'day 5 p ·or· 'the'....• IU'A e""rwlU!l1. 1...... UUll tOl'I\lIt; theD<le N9rth 88 degr'eeB 39' .' .• '" ~ g~ . u.u SURVEY, Ruidoso DoW1\ll, Lincoln that lin J!'ebrus.ry .25, 1988, .at the' , 01'

lIales. '. ;.• .West 1'16 f¢el; to thll place ofBegifi. .. Substitute .Special Maate1' County New Mmco, as llhown. by hGltt of 10:00 a..m., the undet'lJigned Monday '$$Ue; TueGday, sp.rn.6. Suplente. EmClIltilt:1l CaPPIl lling.c,!ntll.1ning O.506~ llC'tl!Il, lnOl:e ':LeaRl,~ 4t (1)28 (i) 4, 11,: thll plat thil1'eoffil~ in the otncll of Special M$sl;&:I' 'will, At the ElIs!;l for:the Thursday Issue.'1.Suplente: A,nita 1!urke. odess. .' .' '. lJl ...........At. NOTlCE . the County Clerk and &'oflicio He- Door of the Un~oln COWity Courl;oDEADLINES FOR ALL SHOW...D. Loa. IIiguientellllllent1m>s de Ia The propertY adch-eo. 9f .. !he - cordl!l:' of Utl.llOln COWity, July 10, house, Cl\.l':tbozo, 1'l'ew Mellillo, IlIlU PROO'F ADS...R···.EA.L·ES"''ATE.O·.R'

jWita de lClS Disttitos Eleotorll1es de above deIlCl"iW''tl!a} prGperl;;y bern, .~JmICIAL 1948. all the right, title and mte'l'eltof 'I.

Votantell A'WIilnl;&s han aido' nom· Township 10 South, Ra~e 13 E$st, DISTIUCT COURT Notice ill f\Uther given. thllt Wi' the above-named Ilefendant(l) in CLASSifiED: Thul'l!lday, 3 p.m.bl'lldClS pa;l'/l Ilenir en lll.llficlni1 de" Alto, New MellillO, au~ ute to be COUN'I'Y OJ' J..lNC()LN . leo yOU plead in said caUIIO on or . andt<i the hl!t'e1naft.er d,eacribed ,forthe Monday Issut;TuMday.3la eacribena munici:PllI: b~ld purlIuant to and In.ll.<lC9tdance .e'L........'l'ICOJ'~'!.!''!.''lS2 ... before March 3, 1988,judiment by. rtllll.llIItate to thli hishellt blildel' for .... . I.

1. Para Juos: Dobbyll'loyd .. ,,"tll the Final Judament and 'M.:~~..::"X'.:'-~=--:default wiUbe entered a.ainllt you <lash. The property to be IOld 1. lCl'>p.m. for the Thursday ...8Uf,2. :ell Mctikna: Btrnice Jon.. Decret i'lllid· in tht aboV4J anUtted .,,' ... -- _ ....-r-- and ~<lh ofyou in contonnity with <lilted at ,OllrrllloCanyon Road Wl5; PuIlIIIhtr ••t1.I\t1tt no "nlnelll ....3. Pa flRribana: Anna C..... CllUill to fOl'OCIIIH a Mo~ on ~.I.aI_. tht alte,ationof' tbl Plaintift'l RuidoaCl, IInQ'il~tUAwi.n LinllOln .ponllbiMtytortYllOCIl'IPhICiltn'Oflht

pont4tl' • . tla 16th cla)". or octoIwr. 1987. ....__ OOlXlplalnt. '1'ht nattla aMaddra.. OOWlty, NtwMIl>Ico. II'IQ II ",nill' .. IdvtrIIltI1ltntt tlCotPt 10 publllll •4.,Pa.....mhM: HaHl LaW1l'11 ,.htmn thI Plaint.tl'f, ftDBML ~.:.- _ ........ ......"'._.......~. of th. Plaintlft'. "ttotl'lty i.. utR"ycl~ .. Illlow.: oorrtOlIorIln tht ntXt IHUtft. Pan IlIlriblnal ViYilin <loft> NATIONAL MOI\'l'GAGJlAI!Il!IOClX· A._'--"'..............~~....~.: CUSAOK, JARAMlLLO .. ASSQ,. Unit fKlI, Bullcllftl 8. PhaH m. .' •

..~ IW la tw,.tnt. .. cia notiola =,O:Jct ::m:-J:.Wftlf==: iWtr~.:rwmY g~T=d~:~ aGO. ao.w~l. Rr~~~~~~~=-: II ..'"" 4CLM.P1104RATII hi: 'iiiU"

• •"

L. _ ",••. ,,- ", L.... .. u, __, ..__ ~. ~ __ .__

Page 17: ¥Wi' •• I..- r..-..archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · Apache model calico rick-rackdres~es. Key replaces Laughlin as assistant DA A~RIRl;1nt DIRt nrt Attomey

4 if. ....' "";':'''IlI'''!'''''''JJl'l''''1!'!''' iF, ,:po, .PO ;"-"'"JI'I"""'"III" ] ...." , ... ","""'1l11"""'Tl'!""'7P"'7l1""!'"p11'"'~~"",,,,",,".I'!"'PI""""'~"""',Jr7;.-.,:":"Jr.""""~'I"f#.J"$6.~,p*;r.l'••~~.op;',:r:rr:..~~:piP'~'P':...~P'i'p, W~.";":.O;-·' '(7~F .:;r 'F' ';:r~ ~--j!;"~~'~~ {:"'~f:" ~.;'1; #,";,';'-';';-... ;#"'.. ';.. ;;. .";'.'~-;~;;-" ..":,; :-;.·r·,::; :;: .;:;,-;:;~:::,~:;:. :;:.. t;:;~',;;I' P',,~';;; ""';:~:;;-~:':;;:';;:;',:::;::;,;':;:",,,~

,I, , 'I'., " '. • , ' " ' . • ,,

• .1

. .




NQW t..w.ng o...deJ"s (OJ"WQ.od. $80/~Q"'d. you, pi~k~p; 2 ~o-:ds deliye.!~d.$175; 1I2,eo..-d, $50. .'

257-$387 G

ONE, TWO, THRlllE BEDROOM­condominiumll. J1'lr!!plac!!. car­jl!lted. partially fuml.llhed. Waterand cable paid. Good loclltion.258-5825. L-73·tfe

TWO BEDROOM - two bath ron­dominlum, fully furnlllh!!d.$450/month. utilltiell not in­cluded. Oall 257·5029. M-47·tfc, .

li'U'RN1SnED - 3 bedt'Ol>lfiB.$295/month .pI\1s utilities. 225

. Cs.triZO'. Ludwll:k :Realty, 257-4861. ' L-60-tfc

'f t C"

COZY A1>AR'l'MENT - onebedroom, furnished, fireplal;C!,goocllocation. $225. WateI' pald.

. 258-4199. . V-78-tfe• " ',,' ,,' " '" , """I

S.tIOPSPACE - 52lC24,. large. over-head door, exhauIi't ll)'4temand

. lighte. 336-4844, D·l·tfc,I' ,,,-- ,',"" '. '''',' "", ' ,'", " ,

FURNISHED ..... clean apnttmente.Utillt.ie. paid. Midtown location.CllSY winter ace.... Onebedl'ClOlll. jSOO. two bcldroom.$315, No pets. Winow TreeIlOilJle, Cn112liN'I731' or 1111·7118ti. . W~9a,tfll

e,Ghlp'8I'.S.'e""eS ••••



," F1UDiture RefinishingAnd Repair

.. Hardwood :F1UDiture.. Custom Wcmdworking

1105 Medtem In The StallhKelt Baker, Glenco!! 3'78-4854

t,oG OABlN -.Ny and mQbil~ BEGINNU'fG Y~O.ol.JRSm-8. home Iltntoos. SpeCl.III·'l.'atel, 378- week progtlUnlltllnmlrFebAlary

4.396. H~tre 16. Also'. f)\Q.' :regula:o: .an1;olng

~.OaAINS ~·u~~ anCll,:$lI11: ~f:::~ter:::O:::tlln'1~J::alSJ~es, 7,00-13, AR70.13,' '10" . M .~., t' .' 11

· 185170R-13: 195170R-1S; CR70. " a.m. , o~ 1''!''rmll 11111 •ea,lS: OR78-1S; 1811R-13; 195R-13i 25?;5855 OX' JnqPJ"!! at ~btaIlBR7Q.13; P205l70R,13; CR78.14,: .:Fl\1Jtas. . .. ... ..' W 794tpDR78·!4,: P1 75175&14,: 185R- MiiGJ;!.UF:F RJFCO~No.S.- e,oo.Hi Pl85175R-I4,: 181S170R-U: tbl.ng m\1Sle. fo.. the ~PlJ'Jt, ki:nd195170R-14: C70-14; CR70.14; tq f\1l'l',)'earll and ~laJD °fee w.o,.P18517OR-14; 185170R-15. Call $~.95 at t:hl'l V,llllge ~oo~!!,

,CaimeJ\> 257-4001, 8-5, w!!!!k nudtqwn Rwdllllo.. V 79 2tedaYIl. E·66-tfuc·

CALL 2574001 ~tq find o\1t'llbo\1tputting a clalllllfi!!d ad inth!!RlJldo~oN",wli'.. ' R-61·tre

TOOLS - chaineawIi', drUla 30% offat lIigh $ Pawn Shop, 137 Hlg~way 70. 378-8293. . H-7&4tp

AT JOYCE'S - Fumitm!! Barn we. .' hIlv!! II la:o:g!! inventory of r!l8·

·aonably priced fuml.t\1l'!l and ap­pllaneea. Op!!n 10-5, 6dayll II FOR SALE - 1.972' J1'lreblrd, 1975w!!ek. We buy, Il!!ll and tl'llde. OldllXPobil!! Omega, 1974 Ford65Q.S\1duerth.257-7575. J-77·tfc Van, 1970 GMC Van, 1982 750cc

FIREWQOD FOR SALE - $50 fo.. V·4 Honda Ma~a. We!!k dayii',. h&lf tXJrd, $100 for cord, aplit;md caU 257·4001, Illlk or leav!! mIla·

'. ~\lliV'e:«l<beall··NI48:2996. 0. '-. :llI,lJt(!-anillffibne .riiiiiiD!ll' f6l';101l..---W.73-8tp M-62·tfnc

S=EAS=,7'::"O=N=E=D""'FJ=RE""=W=O""O=D=---ceda.r-';-"'-, 1983 ' JEEP WAGONEER - n!!wpinon lind j11Oipll1'. Deliv!ll'ed tlrell.low mileag!!. 1-746,2672.$115/cord. Call 257-7616. B-774tp

W·75·tfc 1983 280ZX -loaded.. Call RollandEX!;:;'=C;;:E;;:L';'L-;:E;:N';;T;:-::W=O:-;O~D::"""'FO=::::R:'-:::S~A~I~.E at 257-4001 for mOl'e lnf'onna·

- pinon lind c!!dar. EXC!lll!!nt tion. R-73-8tncprice. 37&4785. G-764tc MEYER SNOW PLOW - f)n 1985

DIAMOND AND GOLD JEWELRY Ford RangElr, 4 whe!!l drive, long- 50% off. Don't forget yOUI' spe- bed, 2.8L V-6. autq, campe..cial valentine. Hlgh $ Pllwn ahell, low mil!!Il, 5 yoor Wllr'Shop. 137 Highway 70.' 378- rllnty, IlnllWIl. $8,700. Excell!!nt8293. H•.78-4tp conditIon. (915)778-0328,

B & W TVII - $19.95 tq $25.00 at' (505)298-98~8,(505)255-6122.High $ Pawn Shop. 13711Ighway T-70-11tp70.378-8293. H.7&4tp FOR SALE -1982 Nillaan Stanza,

WES GIDGSBY 'FlREWOOD _ dry 4 dOll", FW!l.' 5 R~, wlth alr.j11Oip!!r and black walnut, Good ~ondltilln. Cadelivlll'ed. $100 jl!lr cord, $15 !!x. IlfOOr 4.3~. . . 8-774tptra tq IltSck IIr IIp!!cial cut. 1984 SUBARU - etation wagon,J11Oip!ll', !!asy tq stllrt: walnut. 4WD, alc, AMlFM flldlo. $4995.hllrd wood wlth hot, long lallting 1982 Bronco. 4WD, auto trans·coaill. 1-653-4670. G-77-tfc mission, alc, crWlle. A:MIFM <:all'

TWO AKO REGISTERED _ Click. Ilette, $6,500. ~984 Toyotll Ter-!ll' Spaniels. Blonde feDlllle, 6 cel, 4~: station .wagon, ll\1tqy!!IlrS, $200. Black mal!!, 2 y!!an, transmlSIlJOn, CJ'UJse rontrol,$250. 258-5665.R-78-2tp AMIFM call1lette, $5,99~ ~57-

DOES YOUR WOOD SMOLDER _ .7213. '·7 .~cand smok!!? H!!lp it burn.. better 198~ 2l30ZX -.loaded, good condi·by'adding small start!lr piecell of tIon! low nul~ge, T.tqpll, l~happle wood. Coro-$140, 112 cord. anmverllary JSIl\1e. Extrlls m·$70. r784558. P.78-2tp cluded. 1·743-3381 before, 5:00

NEED A 19" 1 TV? G p.m. on we!!kdaYIl, 1-748-9016

. . - co or reat after 5:00 p.m. N.78-4tp,jcond!tion from $129.99· $16~.99 1984 GMC CONVERSION VAN-

atHJgh $ PawnShop, 137 HIgh· . •way 70. 378.8293. H.7&4tp low ~Ieage. ne.w tirell, excell!!nt

condition. Ev!!nmgll, 257-4812.BIG ESTA1'E SALE - Satmday R-78-4te

and Sunday, Feb..uary 6 and,7, PARTS FOR 1977 _ Chevy pick\1p,Swap Mart, 10 a.m. t.o 5 p.m. 81 350 engin!!, 4 Ilpeed, standardMercu;Y Lynx Iltation ~agon, tmmnnislrion and rear end. Callg~ Jew!!~ry, hous?hold Jte."'s, 378-4246. . A-78-2tpplallO, seWlOg ~achine,. clothing. AMERICAN MOTOR CAR _ 'IllFor mor!! informatIon call .Clifum Keith 258-4931. K-78.2te Eagl!!, low mtlellg!!, 4 Iljl!l!!d

WANTED TO ~UY _ old fillhing ~nsmillllio~, full.?m!! 4 w~eelI d l'Aft;e 5 dnve. new tIrell. pow!!r steenng,3';"~2:. re!lll. ..H-71.4r:· lookll good. $2850. 258-5743.

.,....,,::;,::,.=::===-==-=-==-::==:..:.::..::;:!:p M·79·2tpA ~ONDERFUL l'~y - expe- ACCEPTING BIDS _ 1980 Ford .

nence: A~alJ.an. European, pickup. ClID be soon at PIoneerScandinaVIan high. ~ch~l ex· Savlngs and TrwlI; office, 1095change stud!!ntll arnVIng ~n Au- Mechem or call 258-5858, allk forgwlt. Become a hOllt family for Jelllle P.79.22teAmerican lntereult=al Student' .Exchang!! Call 1-800. FOR SALE - 1953 Willyll Jeep.SIDLING: N.79-1tnc good nmnlng condition. AIlklng

HOTPOINT 'tri ....:_ $1,850. Cllll (915)504-9331.- !!.!!C c lItoV!!, .W.~ E-79-8tp

bed framell, 9x~2 rose rug, mw- 1974 TOYOTA COROLLA _ 2c!!lllln!!oUll. Friday, F!!bruary 5 .thru TuesMY, F!!bruary 9. 207 door, 1800 ce, 5 Ilpeed, good mill!-Porr Driv!!. 257-9365. M-79-1tp ag!!. d!!jl!lndllbl!!. $500. 257-

SECTIONAL DIVAN _ 10 pl!lC!!1l 5879. T-79-2tpincl\1dlng . 2 larg!! ottQmanll.LIght brown, good condition.$300. Phon!! 258-4559 afOO.. 5Friday. H·79-ltp

ONE DESK - fair, love seat; ex·.. cell!!nt condition; dl'llwlng bOllrd,

oth!l1' mlllcellaneoUll items. CallH!!nry, 257-9861. B-79-1tp


NO_O YAP" KINNIISc.u.tity '-rcIlng

lHHI gnlOIllint378 •••,

for lIppClinhMnt


MAIN STRJ!lET PROJE<JT~ Man­agerto', l;le :responllible for in'itiating . and, eooJ'dlnatiJJgR\1ldoso'll MaIn Street dOWntown:J'!!vltlll~ationpJ'!lgram. Indivldll'ala lntel'ellted il:\ .tm poJliti.!lnshould have !!xp!!rieJ1f,l8 in Qn!! Ol'

· more of the followlng anlas:bllliding revltali"ation, planning,ellQnomic d!!v!!lllpment, tqurillm'promotlim, dllSlgn, IlQmmunity

· f)rganbm.tion and small b\1ain!!sa•developm!lOt in a touristoriented ..community. The Man­ager must l;le anentrepr!lOeurial, .en~!!tic, imllginative and amaoture lI..ga~r eapabl!! offunctlonlng !!ffectlvllly in an in·

· d!!P!!nd!!nt !!nvil'Oiifulmt.' Super­.vlsory and communication $k;illllare ellll!!ntial. Salaly $211,ooo tq$24,000 depending on experi­ence. .S!!nd resutne and threere£erenOOll by F!!bruary 15, 1988'tq VllIage of R\1idoIlO, P!!r!!onnel,PO Drawll1' 69, R\1ldoso, NM88345. V·78-3te'








TELF:PHONE SERVICE - andwlrin~. New, old, and l'e1J1ooels."'1' '., Mike Malls, 257·7729. M·97·tfe


I 6 " 7 8 9 . 10 , fumitme, antiquell. Finde..s:;: . 'I' ~epe~'p29170f'1i'SUddert~5D25rive,• ," uy malO ost C!!. 257....

l' I 1 , 12 '3 '4 15 1 RAILROAD CROSST1ES.!;:-::~ll''. . ties; hlgh line and mete.. poles..W I Price negotiabill. Call .1-653-

I,· .. '6 4557. N-62-tfe

~..i, .. I vin.L PAY CAS1l- fOl' used horae• .. " and etoc:k trailers. Also horlles.."I . bought and s()ld. Carl Dl'apeJ',

" " (Add '15 cents per word for eacho"er 16) I' 3188166 D 13'tti1 " . WOO; FOR SALE - fir and~~at'~

.~;il COST OF AD MAIL OR BRING TO: I ~~~:y~O':O~~=~1:':~7l.'1: I' 'Add 611 OfT·~7. .P-31-tfe

.' 727U .'. a"; .Ruidoso News I' WE BUY ANYT.tIING· r al.'!" ,I' TOTAL P •. O. 80,,'128 .exeept dothing at Hl;h $;a~~ .",'. ' 104 'Park Avenue Ifjj . 137 Hlghway 70. 378-8293. ."j; .. Ruidoso,. NM: 88345 rH ' , . It-784tp

~l·1 '" I VI?:~~,~~:~~~fie:=:.~.,.I "l"clo••d'l MV C::h.c:k'or $ ,"'" ,""..N "4"'.. _I ~~~:~lf~6~!2rlttm:i~:{:

~.'I M..CIi.It.... card. <».r. VIla Numb.r----..~~_."~ ..~".~." --'. ,. ,. , - "-"--'- , ~. ANTIQUJt1S;'''OOLt;ECTIiit:E~'r''::,,;;''. . docomtivl1I item. for your homo,

,.•• Ix..lr.tlo~ DClt.e~~e""~_,~",,"~~ . ..'. . t~~~':II~~~~~~lIi~;'6~t\~~~~'_______________ '. B,(UWu

.; 0111 Tim. Rate Only YOU OANGJVlil ""'i the .gHI; 'ilt: Illght-. (SIiIe.rlxJnc:luded) bybllingan eye dopo",; Coptact';.111Wl»lDSORU"~ ; $ll.s6 any. Li!ln 0:0: <:IlU2117·2776 fo.. ONLY$5::l:2 - wlU WVQ:J"thcI wh!lle;'17WQRD$ , .a.7~ . detaIls and, a df)no.. eard. Do it. week ill ',('he R\1ldollo NeWIl, Vile'r'1!1 WQI!,,$, ~ U7· no'!: thC;ro lIi'a tl'!lmen.douJiJ need oWI:I!IIlIli5ed $ds and get.:~ l' WOQQa.I~'...,., ,.j~ ~I ~_ ,.~.,.. :, ••••3J)4 ," " fOJ" eye tlBBue. " "" "',, Ir87..tfhc",I;nill:$, "" J" ",,' " " " :R-94:-tfcl~~lWW'OROR~S$, ..~.·· ..•..•..•• ·=· ··..·....········..33·~S· PU.GNAN'.1', N:i!lEOHEL.P?-l:all 'C· A.·,..........' ··P. An·O.·N· ....... ""'...._-'k ·a·.n'd'.~".' ,"'1'".1••••••., "._ .,.! ,.,•••••1O.1'I!•••••••,,~, B'.-' ," " "ot:L"'",,~ ,,~li, ' J-;J~" '"",',

~WOROll _ 4 : 3.6S . IrI;hright, (915)633-1818. . S~fOQd Re.stawant, loeat!ld 657..L:p,YiORD$~ •.,~ ,~.:. ~••~ '".$.G7 , ' ,," ..~87 trc .S\l~dEttth Drive"i3 a~pti~ Q.p--

~. 114WORO$ 3.ll3 WALTERS, WALTUSSElS -. blaek pllC$til>11IJ foreertain. poJliti!l11ll.:':$wORI)$..';., ; , 3~D '1l1al:~" white bloullesand .limns Apply in Jl!lI.'llon 1'0.. appoInt-Z't2$'wQflI)S -I.-•••,••••, - •••" ;, ,.;~A.15 ' .. 'labl C· . .. In... .. .! ;!7WORI)$_•.: , ~ .:..; 4.33 IlVaJ .•' !!. O\1tltl'¥ Time Weat;. .,. ent,Mllnday. thm SatwdaY,• ·Il8WOROll , _ 4.47 I'll'n W~r, Thl! Paddol:k, HIgh. 2:30-4:30 . p.m;.Group health..·.'WORDS•.;; ; ~ ,;, 4.63 :way 37,: ',C"8S-tfc ,benefitsavaUpbl(~.No ph9ne.. ~ =-WORD~ AI•••••,,4.ao TRYIN'G.· TO ,BEACH "MOREf .,;';"" 'call". E~O.E~ '0",72-tfc"", '81" ,WOROilljlll" .- , ~ 4.g5 ' 1 b "loe8.l '" '" .' "" '- " ,.t WORDG~~ m _ ~ ~ $..u p~p ,e"t an' Qur , , Dlar1(et? CJWWN FOINT . CONDOMlN ,I

.>' 33,WORDS _ 5.;l7 How Ilbol1t 215,000 :rellde,,$ In 33 ." _n1MS. - tlllPng applieatl,011lJ fo..;.~WOR"S ; ~ $.43 hl>metown"'newllp$Plll'll- allovQ:J' housekl'lepel'll.dellk l:1e:o:k lind !!ll:-"as WQRDll _ • ~ S.6D N!!w Me>lico. ll'0l' $85.20 yolU' 25 . ptm!!ooed maintenanc!!. Apply in

·f ~ *' WORDS ' S.75 word ad will T~ach 33 papers pe.:-sqn'i

C..77-3tp;" 37,W()RD~ _ _ .; _ •••••••S.91 ·d f A 'b Call Th ' . ,""""" . '..' 33 WOR"S ~ _ $.o7 ou..,J e 0 ~ \1qUeJ:que. !! WANTED·· mature woman eJqI6-)'.:tIlI WORIl$ " _.: $.23 R\1ldo~o Newll at 2674001 (or . ri!l11l:!!d wlth babi.!!s. for. oc.•;, I 40 WORDS ~ ~ $03D more lnf'Ol'mation. R-92.tfc Clllllonlli dllY 0" evening baJ;lylrit-

· ~ • .Bllnd Ad ""'- , 1.5D cUSTOM DRAl':ElUES _ and' tiJJg foJ' 2 y!l8r old and 'new bllby.7' THE RUIDOSO NEWS wlndow t:re!ltmentll, 18 y!l8I'a Ref!l1'encea :reqlilred. 257,712\l.

, . prOf!!alli011lJI Ilervlc!!.· Our own J-77·3tp.~: 257..4001 worl<room. Contact 336-41-47 or 'MATURE - ell:!'l:Utivll li'eCl'etary·: ' call coll!!ct, 1-437·1366. D·17.tfc needed fOl' larg!l, no-Illnoklng,, , DOm BE ATHROWAWAY' .... lW-. .. :real !!!!tate ofliee. Experl!!nce A .. -~LmA'-LSE'CREf;'A'~

.. --~ciYillll- "yopr---ahlril:inrun;;nll. ':musl:;-exct1l'hrnt typing-lJllll::g6od 'Mft.I';, . Donate yow al\1Jnlnutn eane tq organlzational sl9ll~ n!lCes~ary. . .

~,- '"', the Bo Scout!! of.A:meriea Troo Salllr;Y commenewate .wlth EXp~r!ellced In all phasesPUBLISHER/:! NOTI!JE :- A;ll 195 Yd th L' CI bP Ilbility.257-5111. C.78-tfc of Civil Low, for new prac·

Real Elltate advertilled JD. thill lID!! noon lone u. . t·· L' I C. • 'ub" ct ~- ~h F d Mark!!d collection dumpster!! TEXAS OIL COMPANY need!! Ice In lOCO n Ounly.n!!wspap!lr IS II ~!!...... ~ e I' - '. . . . -;-.. E II t b f'l II

· . !!tal :Flllr Housing A<.:t of 1968 are proVId~ lit the W\1r Rwdoso matw!! ~Ilon ~or ahort tijPIl . xce en ene I s ava -, which makea It Ul!!gal tq ad. fi..!! Iltatillne. Crush!!d. or IltJrrotmding RUldollQ. Contact able, Tel-:phone 257-6416

vemlle "any'pre,C!!renc!! llmita. crumpled cans pref!l1T!ld. Jom \111 customer!!. W!! train. Write O.P. for appolOtment or sendtion. or dlsc:rimination balled on. m thiil cll1JlJlJ11Oity !!ffort tq recy· Dick!!:J'son,' Pl'ell., SO\1thwelltern. resume to P. 0; Box 33,race, cOlor, religion, 1l!!X, Ol' na- el!!. . L-48-tfnc P!!tl'ol!!um, BOll: 961005,' Fort Nogal 88341, wtional origin, .or an intention tq FOUND -' f!!mal!! Gll1'IlJan Worth, Texas 76161. M-79·1temake Ilny s\1ch preference, Sh!!phlll'd mixed puppy, predom- OPERATING ROOM - San Juanllmltation. or diserimination.." mantly black, approximately 6, Regional M!!dical Center 1Il Ileek·

• Thill newePllPlli: wlll not month!! old. W!!lIring red lellth!!r ing !lXp!lri!!need Ojl!lrlltlng Room• knowlngly accept any advems. .collar, Ruidollo Anlmlll Clinic N1ll'IJ!!1l and CORT~, romplete JARVIS HAULING AND FIX IT _

lng for real!!lltate which Is In Tag #882160. Found in Indian b!!it!!fitpackall'e~cludingr!!lllca. 258-3045, J-73-tfcvlolatllln of the 111'111'. Ow readlll'll Hillllllr!l!l.257-4907. V-79-1tp tion 'honus, lind eompmtive

I. Ilr!! Informed that 1111 dwellings LOST-larg!! Collie Mllut 4 y!!llr!! salary, rontact Nurlring Admm. DEPENDABLE CLEANING -. adv~lled in thill newspaplll' a:o:e old. black, gJ'ay and white lIltra~on, SJRMC 801 W. Mapl!! ~=:e~ioy:~s~r:~smnpeci~~~

, IlvaJla~le o~ an eqWJ1 op- spotted, Ilnsw!!n to Boy BI\1!!. Farmmgton, NM 87401. 1-325·'.' portlJJlity bams. TulIa Texall Animal Clinic tagll. 5011 ext. 6151. EOE+SMF.,N.79. ing In wlndllw and chimney

R-42-tfn 1tn cl!l!lning. Vacation hom!! clJ!!ckll,. c 257-5770. T-79-ltp e and mamtenance. Call 378-412,7.i' ELKS LODGE BINGO - !!very LOST - f!!malE; Aklta (husky type) HE;ALTHC~ FACILITY - t:'k.. T.94-tfc, Tuesday night at 7:30 p.m. . dog. Silverlblack. Lost In Glen. ~g app1Jcati0?S for .marketing· ' E·81-tfnc eo!!. Rewa..d. 3784933 or 257- ,direetor. Mail resutnell tq: FENCING - w!!lded pljl!l fencing,

Ma k ti ""-eta B 2214 hllme barDll, hay bam~, 111110.• TH.RIET SHOP - HOllpl'tal Awdl· 9704. S·79·2te r !! ng.IJU<:: r, ox •R 'd NM 88345 R 7n Ate r!!llidential. Call Cllrl Draper• lary. O""'n T\1!!sday 1:00 p.m. tq III ose, . - ..-! ..- Fencing, 37!J.8166. D-45·tfc

. 4:00 p.m., W!!dneeday thru. Sat- WANTED -Ieglll s!lC1'eta1'y; expe- BOOKKEEPING SERVICE _ rea-• Ul'day, 10:00 a.m..tq 4:00 p.m. BANKERS LIFE AND CASUALTV rienc!!d pref!!rred.W~ procesll-

140 Nob Hill Drive.. T!!lephone, lng experience necellsary. 1m. Ilonllbl!! raWIl. PIckup and.~. 257.7051. H43-tfnc 'Box 534 meQiate ojl!lnlng. Send r!!IlUIO!! delivery. Fu.'il Ol' pamIII bookll.

Ruidoso, NM B8346 ~_ B 0·' Th R'd N By the week or month. Call Roll!!., FOR' ANY PERSONAL CRISIS - .... ox ,"'0 I' U1 OSO !!Wll,tr-r...~; Telephone: (505) 257-2n6 PO B 128 R'd NM at 378-4132, anytime. B·77-8tp'. J. call the Mental H!!alth Hotlln!! .. ox ,w OliO,

at 1-437-8680 (wll!lCt). M.55.tfnc WM. A. (BILL) ALLEN 8834&: O.78-tfc BURST PIPES? - I hllOllIe allphalles of 'ineUl'ance r!!palr!!.

IF _ ..~..- • L\ldwlck Contracting Company.,. (bOS .~- " .257-4S61.r.fc. #2'l914: • ']';.17-tfc". ~ '- ' I BABY SITl'lNG - exp!!ri!!nced and"1 dep!!ndablll. Good y!!a:o:-rotmd'.' . I location. Monday through Fri-

.', 'lI'; ....... day. Call 257-5317. B-774tp

:':1 Tee Ru'·;~o·50 N~W5 1 H~~':'Eh~~~teve~~'?~:::1 11 &U ~ need done. Call 257-5303 Ol' 258-.. I 3674; K-7&4tp


. . . Honellt. dependable, 2 worker!!.

I 'C'LASSIFIED AD' 1 ~::e:e~O~~~O:CIl~v::~;::I

We alllll do wlOdowll. 257-9722,37&4979. K-79-2tp

I NAME 1; i~ I ADDRESS ---------------------FI CITY STATE ZIP I)~1 I'd like my ad to run for r-:;-1 r;-l r;l r;1 (Number of Issues) 1

(check box) ~ ~ ~ ~ SKIERS-MASSAGE - is the ana-$2.56 $5.12 $7.68 $10.24 wer for yoUI:' aching mUllclCll.(16 words or less-includes tax) Call Jlln Prince, 2574900, 257-

2723 Ol' 378-8030. P-73-tfcWE BUY GOLD - and diamond

jewelry at Hlgh $ Pllwn Shop,137 Highway 70, 378-8293.


~. - ~ ,~ ~ __' ..~ _',~ ... ' ..... "'"" ,...... oM .. __ ,..... ' ....... ,,'......',,-""',,~ ...... ,_,__ ,.-,,~...-..... '..... __ ...... ,-"0',•• '.~ .-; ' ....' ,__

Page 18: ¥Wi' •• I..- r..-..archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · Apache model calico rick-rackdres~es. Key replaces Laughlin as assistant DA A~RIRl;1nt DIRt nrt Attomey


,.. .-", -",," ......' '-"-~:"'"' ,-~ .. """ ~ ..•~ .... "'" ~~....~ ...... :"'- .....,.'..,...;•.7"'.:"~ """".,,,,,,,,.-""""''''''''':''''''''',_--:''''''''"~ ...... ,."""., ·M-~"· '''''''',""",!~''''''''-'"'''l.~·''''''''f~·~·''-'''''''''··~-~·'''"''''l~,"""",''''''''''·_'_·'__ ":""".''''''''' """'~'~',"""""',~""",,,,,--"~~'"r: 10 .. 0"









257-4011Re$.: 336--4252

rlMiS!!1Box 1714

415 MechemRUidoso, N. M. 88345


1608 Sl.!dderth

FOR SALE BY OWNER - cuteapd comfy, partly furnished, 2bedroom, 1 bath cottage withbrick 1iJ:eplace, large new frontredwood deck. fenced back yarq..detached tool shed. Easy access,paved street. Walking distanceto midtown. $58,000. 257-5173,call to see. K-79-4tp

• •WANTED - OVllT 3,000 sq,ft..• 4

bedrQoms, in tQwn loclltion, look­ing for a deal and Can alford it.Inql:li:re at Sienll BIancA Realty,257-2576.·, . S.79-1tc

dNn~J..ANJ}-LAND -.' priceTeduCed to Illnd priClie 10,15years' ago. Thirty-five acres .withyear-round creek. only $7()0' peraere, Call Larry Tillman at Four

· Seasons .Real Estate, 257-9171. or 257-7992, evenings. F~77-4tc

JUSTLISTEbl- Panorllmicview.:(08 Yellow Pine. Three bedroom, .

. t:urnished home with game room,·new carpet, fresh paint. onpaving. Year.round home orweekend ski cabin. $63,500, with

.' owner financing.. LudwickRealty. 257-4861. 1..-57-tfc

OPPORTUNITY - 7th fastestgrowing franchise i~ U.S.A.. Ice

· Cream Churn. The Ruidoso IceCream Churn. located in The

. Paddock, needs ambitious· owner/Qperator. Priced below·

cost, $'7,500. Call Barbara atDiPaolo Real Estate, 258-4477 or

.(800)251-4663, ext. 258B.D-63-tfc



-Rft.: 31&04069

AL10 L01..-.1.Ob of tall ttll68, very bUildable, social .........berlIhlp.Only$12,SOOandownfilll111flnilnceWltll-Vgoodl8l'_


Customer SatisfactionIs Our Goal

Great views and morell Three bedroom. twobath homewllh Alto Country Clubmembership.OWner would consider trade for Arizona prop­erty.

•Cozy. partially fumlshed home with fireplaceand large deck. Owner must sell...

Two bedroom. two bath condo. Fully fur­nished and ready to move Inlo. Reduced to

Double wlde mobile home on comer lolwllh loisof trees. Flnanclng available.


• 15 miles 10 ski area.•• 25 miles to Ruido~o race track'Bordering national foresl.$9,999 full price. Owner finan·cing with no interest loansavailable. Call 1·354-3105 bet­ween 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. or1·800·444·0017 and when reoquested push 1060 and leavemessage. v

_. ,. ..,. ,.".i1

BANK REPO AND THEY sAy SELLIThroo bodrDom, 2 bath helma Dn 10acros,counlry IIvlngwllhDutstandlngview ofSierra Blanca. excellent lerms.$175,000. 1f11052.

~~.---,_.----'--~..,;.,:~COUNTRY UVING AT ITS BESTI111reo bedrooms. 2 baths. unfur­nlshod. wllh doubla garago, on 20acros. fruit trees, good well. onMagadD Croek. $145,000. 1180252.

'»OSINESS li'0Il. SALE - alsobuilding for relit. Call 258-fi:t41or (405)488-3614, before 8:00a.m.• or. after 6:00 p.m. V·63-tfo

FORSAt:m .OIl. MN'l' "':'CQmmel'ocial property, OwneT financing,no down payment, 560 sq,fI;. of­fiee, fenced with outside storage..126 Wingfiilld Avenue. 257-7386,257-7440. . 11-20-tfc

STARTER HOMEThree bedrooms, fireplace,

Tall Pines, three lots


Put YOUR brond on some lond



WAVNE WHITLOCK...R•••: 257-5131


;;:::~!;!L~~~':::"'==::"-': :::.:::-:l!::....=_.~=~~. =-=;;; --.RESTAURAN'l"OP:POR'rU1'fJTY;:;:·'··in the Paddock for sale or lease.IncludeS fixtures. furniture, dis­hes, eqnipment. Excellent op­portwrlty: ~or 2 person operation.

.Seats 40. Call Barbam atDiPaolo Real Estate. 2584477 or(800)251-4663, ext. 258B.



Put Number 1 to work for you••







Gary M. Lynch. BrokerCindy K. Lynch, Associate

REIlUCED-OWNER MOmB-4 11~ 1ICJ'8$ tor your horsewlthnlce~toom. ~·blIth lfIodular, _II barn and col'ratill .ttepltan.Owner Is moving and hasrecI\lcecIthepriceto $35,000. "

NEAh NEW LAl(S-3-~toom.. 1-bath cabin ¥11th wood,JOINs QOU'COUllSlii--4-bedtoorn, ~-bilth cablll wJthl1~ 'lItC/w,. all ftMh and brlllh~ gooif ICClIII... OWllllr IIIlldout,p~utilityroom.ea.y i1cc...onpavlngand IliIll.lr" tj.... $49,!iOCl; • .A *Ill* bUy ill only$042,000.· .

, • FAMlLV HOME-Excelleht Il8lghbOrhood with lotll of kidsLOVELY VlEW4t_l BlanCll. ftom thIs lI8rynlce 2" . toryoursroplayWlth,..-y-.s,tl8\Ul'IIlll8S.2bedrDOhlll,bedl9Oll1, 2·bath rnoblle hOlile .bled on a h\Cl8 trM INge11vInllar-.andkltcheh, 2-clltC8lpCll't. Owner Is.-elycowl'lld lot, ..-y aCCMt, good1OCll.uon. Onl): $$5,000. to selland 11- rach.lcad thePl'1C*to $:«.000.. .

--. -

HOME ON COMMERCIAL LOT, 2 bed·rooms,1 bath, 'cnced wUh carport andslDrago. nice level lot with excellontaccess. $35.000. 1180223.


MOPJLE UOMll; I.O'.I.'S.*W3¥.oacre lots. CUy utWtic~_ view.Price stanmg at $8 l/ll\I withowner financil1g. Capitan area.Call G1adene. #60751

L.,:;:.._• .:.._ __ .. _

EL PASO TRADES CONSIDERED Dnthis 3 bedroDm, 2 bath capitan hDme.almost now, on 3 Dcros with 8 moroneres pvoiloblo, molnlenanco·'roosteol construcllon. $BO,ooo.1f12239.

REAL ESTATE CQNTR.ACTS­f<irsale. C~U 1,354-2282,8,.5; 1-

. 354-2435. aft\lr 5. 1{-74-8tp. , ,



Fairly new, completely equippedRoller Skating and Videobusiness for sale. Shows goodreturn. Excellent location at the"Y" on Sudderth. Would beperfect for couple or absenteeowner. $48,000.Nancy Lore, Coldwell Banker. SDC.

257-5111. R


FOR SALE - nice. 2 bedroomhouse in Tall Pines Subdivision.Unusual house plan.' Spiralstaircase. COmpletely furnished.Even offers microwave m'ld tonsof marble furniture. Must see toappreciate. Will consider leas­ing, $395/month plus utilities. 1- .653-4133. after 6. Q-67-tfc

FOR SALE - lot 101 Deer ParkNo.3. Owner will considerfinancing (realty owned). 1-746­2672. B-76-4tp

CONDOMINIUM ..,.... 2 bedrooms, 2112 baths. sleeps 6, fully fur­nished, washer/dryer. $60 firstnight, $40 thereafter.$500lmonth. 258-4950,257-5258.


Sudderth. 257-9300. Day, week,month. Everything paid and fur­nished including kitchenettes.Cookouts. Near restaurants. skiand fine shops. fishing,athleticlhealth clubs. No pets.

C-78-2tpTHREE DAYS - and 2 nights in

Ruidoso plus dinner for two atLa Posada An'tiqua • $24.95. For

.reservations and' qualifications, •caU 1-800-346-0436. VISAIMCaccepted. N-79-1tnc


.Ca•• 257-5897For Appo...:t.......t. .,

,. Locat.d Off 1I1.II.a, 70 \Vut At110 Crow. Driv.......d·c.••lot T...t...



including gali~ electric and telephone

AFJ:ORDABLE R£N'rSFROM:I. bedroom $25500

2 bed..ooba. $28500

3 bed..oom ·*320".REN'rAI. FURNI'rURE AVAILABI.£....

Inqui..e .ab..ut t'iur p ..pu....rent to own p ..ogram f ..r ali lowali $49" per month f ..r 25monthli.


CONDOTELPROPERTY MANAGEMENT2 • 3 • 4 bdroo.lollg tna reatalt


. '


FOR LEASE - two commercialspaces in the new Timbers Mall,located in midtown walkingarea. Very reasonable rates. util­ities paid. 257-4428 or come byTimbers Mall at 2563 Sud­derth. T-79-2tc

IfOVT APARTMENTSTwo bedrooms. uofurnlshed, 1.100sq. ft., all appliances, water paid.$300 for 1 person; limit 2 people,$325. No pets. $150 deposif; noA. sit for~ior Citizens. 2584926


1h Price on Nightly RentalsDuring January and February


, Storage Spaoe AvanableRuldbSO $elf Stbrage

S· x 1e~,37..00mi:J..8" X 24·6$..00 inO..

10'" X ,24' ii4..00moa302 e .... M....o.... DrI".


, 257·4747 . Ii




•j,.' .







88 , The R ....ldqsq News' Thursday, February 4, 1988

ONE AND TWO »EDROOM - UNFt,JRNlSHED APMTMEm - FURNIsHlllD - 2 bedroom home.trailers. 378-4639 or 373~4802. :11' bedroODl!!, energy ellicient, $275 pIllS bill!!. 323 2nd Street.

A.62ctfc fireplace, aU appliances.' $300. Ludwiek ltealty, 257-4861.TW==Oc-,-':THRE===E=--=B=E=D=R=O""O:::'M:--7--;;';'::::;":un::;;- North of Alto. (505)522·0684 or L-78-tfc

furni!!hed home. Fireplace. 521-1948, collect. M·72-tfc ))'URNISHEI> - or unfurni!!hed, 2dining room, utility room and PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - I or 3 bedroom. mobiles in Capitan.store room, range, refrigerator, need' several nice houses' and Reasonable rent. 1-354-2866.fenced yard. Water paid onl;)'o condos for' permanent rental. H-78-2tp$350/month. $200 deposit. 378- Please call Don Harmon, Four EFFICIENT - olean 2 bedroom8345, 1-622-1004. 'A-62-tfc Seasons Real Estate, 257-9171. hOllss . for rent. Wood stove.

UNFURNISHED -, 3 bedrooms, H-88-tfc ·washer. dryer, carport and$550; unfurnished, 2 bedrooms, OFFICE SPACE - foJ;' rent, Rain- storage. $425Imonth. Call 257-$350. Large executive Alto bow Center, 258-4977, 258-3118, 7040. . B-79-tfchome, available nightly. Jo 2584286. F·88-tfc ONE BEDROOM _' new cleanSteele. Perteet Parks, 257-7373, EXECU'l'IVE OFFICES - from furnished. Utilities paid' includ~336-4975. S,63-tfc $95/ month. On Suddertih, 1-653-ing TV. Deck with hot tub

FURNISHED EFFICIENCY - 4133. after 6 p.m. Q-92-tfc privileges. Telephone installed.apartments. Recently remodeled. UPPEIl. CANYON _ one bedroom, $275Imonth; $50 deposit. In-Great location. Cable. All bills furnished apartment with .. qUire 258-5192. B-79-2tppaid. $200lmonth. Call Debbie, firepllice. Bills and cable paid. NICE, THREE ROOM - apart-3784732. L-66-tfc $285 per month plus deposit and ment with bath. All utilities fur-

TRAILER LOT - with all utilities. lease. Adults only. no pets. 257- Dished. $19Slmonth. CaU 257-Great country living. $75/month 7267.. H·lOO-tfc, 7080. Tuesday through Satur- . ' .'plus utilities. 1-653-4133, afj;er 6 MIDTOWN EFFICIENCIES day. H-79-2tp j~""~"" .' ..p.m. Q-67-tfc small, clean cabins. Bills paid. BY OWNER - lease. Dl'fII aolo ""ea·} "sta.te· I!l 'n.ve.stm·ents

TWO BEDROOM - mobile bomes, $225. No pets. Call Vin. 257- lease/purchase. 5-3 large 3,600':" [" " {Ii.. 'i. . ".. . .nicely furnished; 3 bedrooms, 2 2631. ,P-27-tfc sq.ft. home. 710 Hull Road. ~1 ',~aths, $25~.•Clean, good co.ndi- NICE, RUIDOSO, FURNISHED _ $950/monthly. 258-3035 -.;:tion•. near ~:One on the .nver, one bedroom apartment, all bills P-79-3tp .

t-o~----ea:sy access. W,1tteF-.fill:m§1uld,.m·-paid;-$250...One person.on1¥- No THREEEFQUR. ,.,BEDR~::-natur~gas avatlable. $225, no pets. 25'1;-4979. agent. H-60-32tp 1,600 sq. ft. home, fireplace, dis:deposlt.378-4498. C-67-tfc SHAW'SAPARTMENTS-1 and 2 hwasher, carpeted. paved street,

FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHJj:D, bedroom furnished' apartments good access, near hospital. $400_ 3 bedroom mobile, has larg'l for. rent, good location. no pets. per month. 258-4064. 257-alld-on, 20x16 living room. OaIl258-3111. .. V-32-tfc 4028. W·79·tfcwasher/dryer, wood stove. MOBILE HOME SPACES- for$2501month plus bills. 258-3397. rent for permanent residents.Jack, broker. M-69-tfc Call 257-4418. K-39-tfc

FURNISH~D - 2 bedroom, 1 bath OFFICE SPACE _ for rent o~house WIth deck and fireplace. I 1 600 n- 11'CI El tri't d ter f ease., sq..... exce ent ac·

.ean. ec L~ y an wa, UJ"- cess and visibility. $400 perD1she~..$300Imonth plus $100 month. 2513-4064 or 257-4028,depOSIt. 3364839. \V-69-tfc W-79-tfc

ONE BEDROOM - furnished FOUR BEDROOM _ 2 bath un-apartrne,?t. No pe~. $250/month. furnished home. double ca~ ga-bJlls p81d. 257- 660 or 258- rage. easy access. $550. Call 258-

,4475. H-n-tfc 5290, aft\lr 6:00 p.m. M-77-4tcFURNISHED - and unfurnished FOR RENT. CAPITAN _ large, 2

apar~ents.. from $255, all bedrooms, 2 baths, fur-depOSIts pmd. Camelot PI?,ce nished/unfurnished. Water andApartments, located belund b .d 1 354-2610Camelot Theater, off Highway gar age pal • • T-77-tfc70 West. Call 257-5897. C-71-tfc .

FURNISHED _ 3 bedro m 108' ONE BEDROOM - good. access,. . 0 s. carpeted, fireplace. furmshed or

Yellow Pine. ~Ice. paved access. unfurnished. $250 ivcludes elec-$495. Ludwlck Realty, 257- tricity and water. 257-2629.4861. L-71-tfc S-77.tfc

THREE BEDROC?M - 2 1/2 bath ALMOST NEW _ unfurnished, 2townhouse, h.ke ~ew. Cree bedrooms, 2 baths, fireplace.Meadows. Askmg $uOO. Please dish-washer, disposal, built-incall Nancy, Coldwell Banker, ·th . '1'SDC 257-5111 R-72-8t' range W1 mlcrowave, eel mg,. c fans and mueh more. A real

WCA'l'ION-ACCESS 2 luxu!,¥ home. Easy access offbedroom, 1 bath, unfurnished Mechem. Call Mary at 257-7014house. Large living room with work or 257-5709 home. J-77-tfcfireplace. 137 Porr Drive. THREE BEDROOM _ 2 112 bathOwner/agent, 257-7313, 336- d ""'1 furnished d bl4660 1..-74-.... con o. lUI y , ou e

. ..c ovens. ice maker, disposal, dis·FOR RENT - 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, hwasher, ilreplace, very nice.

fireplace. WID, fenced yard. e~sy References and deposit required.access. $4761month, all bIlls Cable and water paid. 258-paid. Call Rose Peebles, the Vil- 6825. L-78-tfclager Realty, 258-4040. 258­5772. P·74·tfc

THREE BEDROOM HOUSE ­two baths. fully carpeted, kitch­en appliances. fireplace. Avail­able February I, 1988. 378­4627_ C-78-6tnc

FURNISHED - 2 bedroom. 1 bathapartments. $400/month plusdeposit, bills paid. Bill Smith,257-7373 or 378-4579. Pm·teet,Parks and Associates. S,75·5tc

TWO BEDROOM - 1 bath condo.Pinecliff Unit 4-8. furnished,color TV, pots. pans, linens. Getkey at office to see. $350/month.Call1(405)722-2997. D-77-tfc


i "L.

Page 19: ¥Wi' •• I..- r..-..archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · Apache model calico rick-rackdres~es. Key replaces Laughlin as assistant DA A~RIRl;1nt DIRt nrt Attomey


of '






..... _ uv ·..................~ "•., •.....,. ..... a " " .......................1 .

I ...,.·' • • ..• ...: E.".. '" • ., H"4',. ..

.,' ','

--, _.








An 'ndependentlv Clwned one! Oo>n>ted Memberof Coldwell Bmker Residential Affillot••• IIlL



1204 Mechem Drive 25.8-5559 RUIDOSO. N..M.•

PRIVATE AND SECLUDED YET CLOSE TO RUIDOSO. 14 acres on countymaintained road and school bus route with ranch style home. Beautiful views, horse runs,fenced and large Work shop,re jusl a few of th~ amenities. Give Lynn a call. New listing.

~ . . . . -'. . - ' ,ONE OF THE FEW VACANT RIVER LOTS LEFTI Over one·half acre with pines.This lot Is level and has 183 feet of Ruidoso RII/er frontage With most l,Itllltles already Install·ed. Drastically reduced from original $55.000 to$29,000. Call Gary for more information. N71827

UPPER CANYON AREA With paved access. Comfortable liVing In the pines: Twobedrooms, 2 baths with large JaCUZZI In one of the baths. To lOCate In this beautifUl moun·taln seUlne can Norma'•. ##11503

Thanks Again.


* HOUSE OF THE WEEK *ONE OF A KIND HOME with a spectacular view and superior construction. Walk outyour back door, or drive out your back "golf cart garage" and you'll be right in the middleof Alto Golf Course. Call Susan for details. #180066

2707 N. Orchard'. Roswell, New Me,uco 88201

January 15, 1988

To: Coldwell Banker SDC, Realtors

I want to tal;te this opportunity to.compliment not only Nancy,' whowas so helpful to us, but your office in general. Everyone that snowed

:l:·~~~:~~:e1Y:~~S~teu:l~~Sa:~,~~~~~~~y:~c:3!.~ -~a~i~y"t~SJ::i:~lti~~~~:ft~~~~wneiid her to anyorie~-SlieTs


RECENTLY REDUCEDI SKI LODGING AT ITS BESTITwo bedroom, 13.4 bathmobile home with 2 lois. Completely furnished with deck and view. Priced to sell at $30,000with possible owner financing and negotiable down payment. Contact Earl for more InfQr·matlon. #180045

. .Thul1>(:Iay, FElbruary 4. 19aEl/T..... Ruldo.o NCl"''''1I I es

WlW TlW)E li:Quri.'Y "':' ·~.2, sA~ MY OREDl'J" - 3 b9d,rOOID, ~,.bedrOom plus den hO~llln,.:ROll- bath 14lf.80.MaUnlll pay;llienw

well for lllnd or hoWl!' m Rmlloso undecr $220 per wontlj..(lllli 1.area. 37a4661. . R-77-tfl' 800-227.0448. OJM6. N-79-1tneU~ 'l'IIREE'BEDBObr.';"': 1<V2 EJ!'FIOn:N1.":"': 1l1~an.2 .bedl-oom~bath, Umverslll 'nIllbile·hom!!, houae for sale. $52,000 or ll1l!-1l;e

. $6.000.257-7077 daY-II, after 7:00 offill". Will I'llnsiller Wrms. OllliJ:l.m.258-3521. W-7'7,tfe 257-7049. . B-79.tfl'

.~16cn Hlghway'70fast .. P.O. Bo)( 966lluldo.o Downs. 11IM 88346

GLASS. VIEWS AHD MO.E GLASS hl.d••lon- ACREAGE.w.luI"... 32+ill..... t.actlnt.... tomaC....nd.....-.... homel.locat'" on th. top ofClhllhldth".nle"I.~ 1. "n".lIal' that I. "need. hill. It. own w.n, illll'etidy ha. a ..ptlc tillnk tn.t..Il.ho.... hill...n ..nclClllHl COIIl'tyilll'd with ...Immln. pool. d,u'bl. car....._nel. scenic vl.~ illnd J. o...tId fo. $3.000 P<t...............1•

.~pattand p.lva..,.. N....lijQm. nco Gr_t po••ntlal and p.lc.d atbl. owner flnillncI".. "1129.500•. Own... wO"ld conald•• flnanclnO-·MODULARHOME. G.BdtflOOr pion. 1"."liI" ..n. ..~•

G'RE"A'T' ·.B···U·Y. ·.IN·· M'O·B·.'ILE HO'M''1 L'A:T·. L,v,'I',' _lbUlty.utllltl... fl.eptoc.""tM.utllltyroomillnelt.... le"ellot.·,_ ti'lO!i:it"'hl' " .....r_. 2% ....th luI..- .......1 b"Y CIt $55.000•=~I~~-:;O:'=::~.' ft.y a"e~;'lmntttdl,,'epc:I.....I......nd offe••d FROM A HAND CAIVISD FRONT DooR...n

r Open kltch.n I 1I"I"lI =vl.w of Sle••••lanCCl). a .-clo"•REDUCED IN P·R ~CE .....t.r tillOm.ult ncI . t_ patio. 'hls SClllth..... dHit'llMll'I ....hl. large. 0101.1' ho.... has at.". Iicl••11 1"lI••cll ·fo....cIOCi. II $.',000•:O=...'~~fCr=c:~:~i:.=::.-:~::l't==::.~t~:a;,c:J~t ~:;SOUTHOF THE CIICU, _Ikl 411.''''-'0 t'ott Of..downstCli'rs. large co_rid patl'" ..red "'ret. 10' with pl..nty of la.o. flClt ..nclllhctpplC'lll!1 CClIiI.. wl'hfl",I~. 3 oom•• W• .....M. onpIM••,OWner recen.IV low...d 101'14:* liV $60,000. 2' Woodld 10" ..n" JiClirtl..IIV fcIrnl.hcHI at 'Sla.OOO. '

"'1"" ~'::.~,"'ok.r D.M~\~~':.RA !J! 378-4016?SJ .IIOtI ~;.::;"::' oln .,:.~=:.

• LOT 12, MOUHTAIN VIEWsubdivision, Capitan. 14' XSO' R~man,3 b.drooms, 2baths. $25,000.

• LOT 2, BLOCK 10, ALTOCREST. 14' xes' Waysld.,2 b.drooms, 2 baths.$31,500.

• LOT 12, BLOCK 1, HIGHSIERRA. Highway 37 com·m.rclal, 4 mobil. hom.spac.s. $34,500•

• LOT 4, BLOCK 10, FORESTHEIGHTS. Light comm.r.clal, Just off Highway 37.$2e,500.

• LOT US, BLOCK 7. AIR·PORT WEST, Comm.rclal,1107 Mech.m,i,eoo sq. ft.offlo•• $149,500.





• LOT 2, BLOCK 8, DELNORTE. Thr•• bedroom, 2bath doubl.wld•• $3e j 500.

• LOT S, BLOCK 3, DELHORTE. Thr.e bedroom, 2bath doublewlde. R.duc.dto $.59,500. Own.rlagent;wi" take trade.

Holiday Hom•• Sal.s1107 M.ch.m

258..3330Ale)J: Adams


REDUCED AGAIN f42,500. 15acres in Capitan. Has largemobOe willi add-on. Needs'some fix-up. Owner wants tosell. Prlcedless thanyou couldbuy ollly the acreage. 'Thrms or8ubmit an offer. can Glen.




fQlIll BEPROor.t; ~BAnt .."u.., I_lOllIn iii. h.,.. of I!Ie VIII'll" PIovOll _ ....City uUI"Ie.. NClw olll~ ".$OlI.HIIGl!$UNRQQMool!lpllmtolltsth...u..,,"

.!IV. h<ml. 'In BllIqk·f~L TIl,..~roo..... 2 b.th.. GlIl8P;' $IID,IlOO fu..JlIl1hR.

"FOXHOUOWC(lND<H-TW!> \Hodroo",,,, l!b.th',I1Iml"'''''. flelillllM SI".. 81._vi.". $40,11IIO WIth OWII" nn",,"'ng.

.' DEL NORTE LOCAllON-N.wll.unll;-'3\Hod'""" 2 b.lhrnolJlle h<mllt, Lev.1 lot.Iotsny .....n1Uet f!ll' .Iowprl.,.of $311,900.

MOOIFlED'A'FRAME'1I\Ih'ltuit IfUldO...•ppeaL $aClu",",. clo....n JocaUon on~Oll 101. $6e,500 I1I",lsbed.

KEEP YOIIR HORSEll.on thl. _dl1l17iIc.. '""" ..... SUn v.Joy. Pond.......'"

"1IIIId "'''dow;-$7G,t;OO"tenn.,1I .. ""-'-~-'_._"

TWO BLOCKS OFF SUDDERnt Is • 2 .-.oem, 1 b.1Il cabin. V.ulled ....lIng.f1",p1I1C•• CFA g•• "..t. Oldy $29,900. .

AtTO VIL/.AGE LOTS.VlIIleb", stIu1Ing.t....... . .~~ .

LIKE NEW ALID HOME, 3 or4 bedrooms, 3 baths, garage,full membership, large eomerlot. Paving Uen already paid.

. Owners health forces sale. Amust see. $137,500. can Glen


NQ'l'W£....OOPOM.1'EOWNERS......Ill) you ne~ a)a~o l:llndo tQl!

.employ~ orilUl!tomerll? 1 haveior aale a .3'.5Q()'sq,ft., 5ebech-QIlm.A 112 bath•• ~. fit:epl!'l:I'ls, eom"•pletel'y furI¥ahell;,-,e4u~ed dow,n~ $ll2.!iOO. lt's mee.Oall LlIrryTillman at FoUl' Seaaons' Realli:atate. 257·9171, 257..7992eveninga. F-77..4tc



All you have to do Is-plck up thephone. For further lnfonnatlonplease call RIchard Levertn-

(505) 257·9057PatN..bcrl tow.kforyOll.TlO


Exclusively Offered by

712J 'JI.$Qh,m,c'·4fS"1I!07'-9'--1"7'1-- Ml'i..ge Woodul.·;RulC!osQ...-N.M. . ..... .Re... 2/57-7681.................. "",~---------1-', ~.- ...........". ..._ .. '-_ ..__:...'-'''-..'.

Whlt~Mount.ln Cti"tdet;"'S-­bedrooms, 2 baths. Down·stairs: extra playroorr'! andsl~~plng ar~a. T~rriflcSierra ·Blanca VI~w, aroomy, comfy cabin.


~.:~==:::;=~~~;:::::::;:========::~ ~.... ~a~1 ~~~~fi!j Make your~ ~4G hard-earned dollars: work even harder.••1 w.ANK REPOSSESSION!!!,: MUST SELL OB LEASE IMMEDIATELY•••• • ••• PRICED BELQW~,APPRAISEOI VALUE' AND 'fEASE RA7ES': AT BELOW MARKETII COM-: MERCIAL COMPLEX-USAGE•: ALLOWS OFFICE/RETAIL/" AURANT/APAR1'MENTS.:~ .' i;XCELl.ENi BANK FlNANC·:. ING AVAILABLE wm-I LOW·

LOWDOWNll•-.-.••-.>t..."."~~ ,'!!'",T.~ ..-.••-.~: EFFICIENCY APARTMENTS AVAILABLE AT::-:$300 - $350 PER MONTH INCLUDING UTILITIESI•... @ 1985 Century 211lea1 Eslat. Corporatlc>n as tnlstee for the NAF.::-; • and '" -lrildemOrks 01 Century 21 Real Eslate Corporatlc>n. CquoI Housing Opportunlty0-.-. EACH OFFICE IS INDEPENpENTI.Y OWNED AND OPERATED. R·'L .......... ;.;.I-.¥..,.,.-<!O,;*."'"-,.~-,-.T.'.""-.'."-,-.'.-,-.'.,.-."

" ". •


$35,01)0 - Furnished, 10% down, 10% Interest 10 years.$75,000 - Alto Alps, 3 bedrooms, 3 baths" good rental record.


$27,500 - Deer Park Woods, 2 available with owner financing.$23,000 to $27,500 - While Mountain Estates, five of the best

building sites In Ruidoso.


, '.-.1"'.".-,T,'.';-.".,"~.-io.;-,o,,:"••~,••",.T.

"••~~".11' I.,<to-.••~,'."*...,".­~...,.•.....~..:::..~","..*."',...-...."....'t•••:: ......'Ilt", _M•


Page 20: ¥Wi' •• I..- r..-..archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · Apache model calico rick-rackdres~es. Key replaces Laughlin as assistant DA A~RIRl;1nt DIRt nrt Attomey


- I: :



THURSDAY BRIDGEThursdays, 11 a.m., at Cree

Meadows Country Club. Call Mar­tha Rigel', 257-4929.

UNITED METHODIST WOMENFirst Thursday, 7 p.m.• Com­

munity United Methodist Churchfellowship hall.

daYI!,· 3 p.m., and first Mondays, 7p.m., at santa Rita Parish ltall.6*2853.


, AbVEN1'lSTClltJRCH. RuidollO DoWtJs, AgllaFrlll

PIrone: 311H396 .lUck wilmot, !."ri$tQrsat1li:~y sabblth $ehOOI-2 p.m,sat\ll'def Churcb&lnrlce--3 p.m.Wed. 1>tllyer Meetitlg...·./hSOp.m•.



R. Winston Presnall, PastorChurch School-9:30 Un.Sunday Worship-l1 a.m.NOGAL PRESBYTERIAN cHURCH

Nogal .SloanltumphreY$ and Patrice BittnerHumphreys, MinIstersSunday Worship-11 a.m.



BobSchut, MinisterChUl'c:h SchooI-9:30 a.lI1.Sunday Worsh1p-lll:30 a.m.Mortday Junior High YouthMeeting-{l:30 p.m. .. .Wedllesday High School YouthMeeting-7 p.m. . ,Thursday Kids Klub (grades1,';)-3:1lO ".in,

Sl!lRTOMA CLUBWednesdays, noon, at K·Bob·s

Steak House.


FridaYS, 7:30 p.m. at Cree MeadowsCountry Club. For more information,call ~7-9228.

. Bill Rawlins, area directorMeetin~-2ndSunday of each month


Phone: 378-4301AI and Marty Lane, pastorsSunday School-9:45 a,m.Sunday Worship-l0:45 a.m.Wednesday Servlces-7 p.m.


Gavilan Canyon RoadPhone:~3

Dan Paxton, PastorSunday SchooI-9:3O a.m.Sunday Worship-tO:3O a.m.Wednesday Youth Meeting-7 pm.


Jerome DonKlein PostSecond Monday. 7 p.m., at Ruldoso

Woman's Club, Evergreen Road andSudderth Drive, until further notice.Commander H.E. Griffin, 257-7200.


Third Thursday, 7:30 p.m., atLincom County Sub-office. John'Ellis, president; Jim Edwards,-secretary.


Mondays, 9-11 a.m., at theRuidoso Public Library. 378-4464.


FIrst Wednesday at the church,Palmer Gateway.

-,,-"'" -- --~ ""'-~",".- ... -= .- "-... ".,... ,..,... ."",

SANTARrrA CATHOLiCCOMMUNIT'ft LADIES GROUPSCapitan: last Thursday, 10 a.m.,

in Sacred Heart Parish Hall.Carrizozo: Alternate first Sun-


Each MondaY at noon, covereddll!b luncbellD. (olli>we(\ by games.Second Wednesday (SepteJ¥berthr,ough May), 1:30 p.m. program,tea and buslnesl!. Woman's Clubbu~ldlng, 111' Evergreen Road.25~~OO. . '

RUIDOSO GARDEN CLUBThird T~esday, 1:30 p.m.. at the

Ruidoso Public Library. Visitorsand guestS welcome.

RUIDOSO GUN lPLUB .Third WednesdaY, 7:30 p.m., at Texas­New Mexico Power Compaw. Presi­dent, Bobby Arn'ltt. 257-9540. Secretary­treasurer, Mike Morris, 257-4804. ' SlERRA BLANCA SWINGERS

, Basic ,and mainstream square, dancing. Thursdays, 8 p.m.!' at

RUlDOSO HONDO VALLEV First Christian Church. 258-3186,EUtTENSIoN HOMEMAKERS-'--33lH907 or 257-2883. "-.:.. .

CLUB' The Space City Squares inFourth Wednesday, noon for Alamogordo dance the first and

c()17ered-dish luncheon, at the third Saturdays, 8 p.m., at theRuidoso Public Library. faIrgrounds'. Visitors are welcome.

RUIDOSOSHR~CLUBFourth Wednesday at various

locations. Call 258-3622, 257-5235 or257-7422.


Third Wednesday, noon, in theCbamber of Commerce building onSudderth Drive. Meetings open tothe public.

ST. ANNE'S GUlLOFourth Thursday, noon, for com­

munion, lunch and meeting m theparish hall of the Episcopal Churchof the Holy Mount,


Third Mondav•• 7 P'!D.. .St.Eleanor's catholic Church.



Leland Stevens. PastorSunday School--9 a.IiI.Sunday Worshlp-10 a.m.Tuesday ChIldren's Choir--4:30 p.m.Wed. Bible Study & Worship-7 p.m.ThursdaY Adult Membership Classin Christian Doctrine-7 p.m.


BehindtheBank ofRuidosoRobert Bellows, PastorSunday First Service-8:30 a.m.Sunday School-9:30 a.IiI.Sunday second Service--10:30 a.m.


Nancy Bowen, PastorSunday School-ll a.rn.Sunday WorstUp-9:30 a.m.

TRIN11'Y UNlTEDMETltODIST cHURCH10000 Avenue, Carrizozo,

Nancy Bowen, Pastor. Sunday School-10 a.m.sunday Worshlp-ll:15 a,m.WednelldayCltoir-6:30 p.m.


OFTllENAURENEAtBonito ParkNazarene

.' Contel'ence center,Angus12 miles north of RUidoso, Hwy. 37

Charles Hail, Pastor. 336-8032.Sunday Sehool-lq a.lI1.SundaY Worshlp-11 a.m. &6:30 p.lt"WedneSdaYFellowshiP""'6':30 p.m.



MeetatTestlll-New Mexleo Power11011MechemDrive

Phone: 378-4137,;Jerry Todd, Pastot .

" Sunday senrlces--10:45 a.m.Wednesday Yooth Fellowship imd. dh\.tter~:30 p.tn.~

Thursday Prayer Meetlng-7:ll!l .Wl!dnellc1ay and ThlU'ilday events at lOSWOOd Lane. Calltol' dIredIotl8.

PRISON.:FELLOwSOlP.CampSlem B1ll.l1ca, FoltStanton

phOne: 2$7·2$10 '. ,

I .




.,.>1 .-'

First Monday, 7 p.m., in theRuidoso Downs Village Hall councilchambers.


'l'lUrd Monday, 7 p.m., at HwdosoCare center (except in the sum­mer). Refreshments served andeveryone welcome.

Communion-8:30 a.m., 2nd StindayCommunlon-9:15 a.m.. 4th Sunday


6th&EStreetsPhone: 648-2875Burdette stampley, VicarHoly Communlon--7 p.m., 1st, 2nd and3rdSundaysEvening Prayer-7 p.m., 4th Sunday


GOSPELClWRCH116Colorado street, Ruidoso Downs

Phone: 378-8215Ed Clemmons, PastDrSunday Worship-lO:30 a.m.Midweek Home Groups--7 pm.Wednesday Youth Group-7 p.m.


ltlghway 48, CapitanHarold W, Perry, PastorSunday School-lO a.m.Sunday Worship-ll a.m. & 7 p.m.Wednesday Bible Study-7 p.m.



Sunday School-tO a.IiI.Evening Services-7:30 p.m.,Sunday, Tuesday & Fridar


,Ruidoso-KingdomlWlHighway 37, 106 Alpine Village Road258-3859, 258-32:'17 '

. Sunday Public Talk-tO a.m.Sunday .Watchtower Study-10:50 a.m.Tuesday Bible study-7:30 p.IiI. .'l'hursday Minis\1'Y SchOoI-7:30 p.~.TbursdaySetvlce Mee~""":20p.m.


HIghway 37, 106 A1pIrte Village RoiId .Reunion PubUce-Do;n.1:30 p.m.EstucUo de La AtalaYil-Dom. #:20 p.m.Estudio de Libto--Lun. 7p.m.Escuilla Dill MJniJtilrio TeoerilUeo

-Mler7:30p.m.''n.untOl1 de SfltVIdo--Miel' a:1IO p.m.~. 211106:130

, '


Second Thursday. 7:30 p.m.,Eal!tern Star building. PalmerGateway. Vislttng memberswelcome,


Ponderosa Court No. 6Fourth Tuel!day, 7:30p.m.,m the

Easter:n Star building, PalmerGateway.

RUIDOSO ART GUILDSecond Tuesday, 7 p.m., carrizo



Rotary ClubTuesdays, noori, at Cree

Meadows Country Club.

.. : ...," •..

a en

KIWANIS CLUBTuesdayI noon. at Whispering Pines

Restaurant in Upper Canyon. VisitingKiwanis International memberswelcome.

Second and fourth Tuesdays at St.Eleanor's Parish Hall. 7 p.m. ManuelLanf\lr, grand knight.


Third Tuesday in \tarious locations.Coleta Elliott, 258-4455.

LAMAZE CLASSESPrepared childbirth classes on

scheduled nights. 7-9:30 p.m. atArlene BroWn's office at SIerra Pro­fessional Building. Ea,ly bird classes6-7 p.m. on scheduled nights. ContactSally Canning, ACCE. 354-2926 daysor 653-4041 evenings.


Perry Zumwalt. MinisterSunday Bible Study-10 a.m.Sunday Worship-ll a.m. & 6 p.m.Wednesday Bible Study-7 p.m. '


RuidosoThurman Hux, MinisterSunday Bible Study-9:30 a.m.Sunday Worship-l0:30 a.m.Sunday Public Talk-l0 a.m.Wednesday Prayer Meeting-7 p.m.Wednesday Ladies' Bible Class-9:30 a.m.CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST


12miles north ofRuidosoon Hiehwav48

Phone: 336-4359Wyman Scarborough, PresidentSunday:

Priesthood Relief SocIety-tO a.m.PrimarY and YOlD1g Women-IO a.m.Sunday School-ll a.m,Sacrament Meeting-l1:50 a.m.

CHURCH OF JESUS CHIUSTL.D.S.. Mescalero BranchMarvin Hansen, President, 434--0098 .Sunday: PriesthOOd and Relief SOcie-ty Meeting-ll:30 a.m. .Sunday School and Printary-Ndbn.Sacralnent Meeting-lO:30 a.m.



121 Mescalero Trail, RUidosoBurdette St3mpley; RectorChurch $chool-9-10:15 a.m.(fol' children in gradell 14;)

Sunday-Eucharist--41 II< 10:30 a.m.Youth Group-S-ll:30 p.m. SundaysWednesdaY'Prayel' Qroup-noo~


Burdette Stampley, RectoI'Conununlofi-7p.m., 2nd ThursdayEvening Pl'llyer-7 p.m., 4thThursday ST.ANNE'S .


. Burdette Stampley, Rector


Tuesdays for supper, Lions Huton Skyland a half block off SudderthDrive behind Mountain Laundry.

Ruidoso Valley Noon LionsWednesdays, noon, at Whispering

Pines Restaurant in Upper Canyon.Visiting Lions welcome.

MASONIC LODGE NO. 73First ~onday, 7:30 p.m., in the

Eastern Star building, PalmerGateway. Robert "Red" LudwigW.~.; Ray .Dean CarD~nter.



Lincoln County Chapter 1379Second Tuesday, 10 a.m., at K­

, Bob's.


Meadows Country Club. 378-4441. BillBlaney, president.


First Tuesday, except July andAugust), 9:30 a.m.• in the hospitalconference room.




Third Wednesday, noon, at K-Bob'srestauranL

" .,


Cal West. PastorSunday Worship-lO a.m. & 6 p.m.Wedn!,sdaY,Bible Study-7 p.m.MESCALERO BAPTISTMISSION

MescaleroJames Huse. Pasto!;Sunday School-l0 a.m.Sunday Worship-11 a,m. & 7:15 p.mTraining Unlon-{l:30 p.m, SundayWednesday Services-{l:30 p.m.


Wayne Joyce. PastorSunday School-9:45 a.m.Sunday Worshlp-10:45 a.m. & 6 p.m.Wednesday Bible Study-7 p,m.


Capitan (south on Highway 48)Edwin Kettler, PastorSunday School-9:45 a.m.Sunday Worship 11 a.m. & 6 p.m.For Infonnation call 336-4048


Meeting in homes of IiIembers.Phone 258-4117.


TrOOP 59: Mondays, HI:30 p.m.,at the Episcopal Church of the HolyMount. Scoutmaster, Steve Nor­bury, 258-3417.

Expillrer Post 67: Wednesdays, 6.p.m., at Ruidoso Downs FireDepartment.

Cub Scouts: p,ack meeting thirdThursday, 7 p.m., 257-6006.

Mountain Men Jj:xplorer Post 76:George Lawrence, 258-5IlO4.

CIVIL AIR PATROLFirst Tuesday, 7: 30 p.m.. Ruidoso

Village Hall.


Second Thursday, noon, in mem­bers homes. 257-7186.


COE-CURRY CHAPTER 23First Tuesday, 7 p.m., American

Legion Hall. Highway 70 and SpringRoad. Ruidoso Downs.


Fourth Tuesday' in various loca­tions. Inez Tanner, 258-5640 Or Bar­bara Alcorn, 256-3199.

FAMILY CRISIS CENTERBoard meets the second 1I10nday at

noon at the Episcopal Church of theHoly·Mount. 24-hour crlsis-Une.257-7365. Answered by RuidosoPolice-ask for Family Crisis Centervolunteer.


.AS80QIA,TESPersonal. family. couples 'and

alcohol counseling at Sierra Profes­sional Center. Ruidoso, 257-5038.Carrizozo, County Health Office,

LINCOLN COUNTY FOOD BANK Courthouse Annex, 648-2412. 24-hourBoard. meets third :rttursday, 7 HELP-line, 1-437-8680.

DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB p.m.,. FIrst .Presb~enan Chu.ch. .Wednesdays, 7 p.m., in the Senior Phyllis Boverle: preSIdent. Food bank RIO RUIDOSO LIONESS CLUB RUlDOSO PUBLIC LmRARY SpmIT OF RUIDOSO

C·tiz n. 'b~ 'behind R'd ~'bli hours of operation: noo0-6 p.m. Mon- . , . . . .. . H M d Th .. 9' Second and fourth Monl!!!x.:;;, 5'30~:br~~~;i."nc;n' 257-593;' ;:~~;;;or:-·-~,,! :e~~:a~~~~~:~t:s'i--B-:;'~~ai:l'i~~~~n~i~nme~iinK,g; a:m:~:.tt:p;m.f~'r~a~y.. ~~;:ii!roll .·p.m:;'1It WlllsperifilfPiiies'Resuru---information. Presbyterian Church on Nob Hill; Third Tuesday, noon, at K-Bob s. p.m.; Saturday-l0 a.m. to 2 p.m. rant.

257-5823. social and program. Guestl! 257-4335.welcome.



Sunday Mass,-9 a.IiI.SANTA RITA

CA11IOLlC CHtit(CHCarrizozo

Saturday Mass-7 p.m.Sunday Mas&-ll a.IiI.


• RuidosoFatherOavldJ,Bergll,PastorSaturday Mass:7 p.IiI., St, Eleanor'l!4:15 p.m., San Juan, Lincoln

. SUilday Mass: .. '9:30 II< 11:15 a.m" St. Eleanor's8 a,m•• St. JUde Thaddeus,San patr~iS1'tAN

....nRS1'CHRlSttAH CHURCltGavll8nCllnyon and ltUilRoads

Ken Cole, Ptlstor 'William E. GlU'tett. Assl$tl!nt PastorRuth M<GUlte, Vl8ltlltion MIni8ler

• Sunday SchooI-9:30 It,m.Sunday WoWllp-tO:45 Un..' "

These B~siness J'Firms Make This Spec;al Church Feature Possible Each Wasik. Rulclo.o N.wl . 'Ada••on Appral.al COMpany.'-400. .... .... ,... ·····'11...I~.I....I ....... A...........I•

. I .' #J1i1i: IlL . WI i1.LJlIJilI.3Li U.I ibd '. LUlU L [5Mb. (Ii .. ; lI: m [ • l :r Cl122:rLI r: ,. iii 21 11. lid :LEi L ,J2iSiU2il I ; . : iI I . Ill: Zdi it it :rut .II 4, .. J I L ..lUll


• '1

'11 iHIi:IiiiULiii!il:

BETA SIGMA PHIFour chapters, second and fourth

Mondays, 7:30 p,m., in members'homes, 257-5368 or 257-4651.



MescaleroDonald Pettey, PastorPhone--ll71-4747Sunday School-9:45 a.m.Sunday Worship-10:45 a.m. & 7 p.m.Wednesday Services-7 p.m.


Palmer Gateway, RnidosoEd Rimer, PastorSunday School-9: 30 a.m.Sunday Worship-lO:30 a.m. & 6 p.m.Wednesday Services-7:30 p.m.Choir Practice:-Adult-Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.-Youth-Thursdays at 7:30 p,m.Royal Rangers Ministry (ChrIstianscouting program}-Wednesdays at7:30 p.m.

10El I. The Ruidoso News I Thursday, February 4,1988

ALTRUSA CLUB OF RUIDOSOFirst Tuesday, 7: 30 p.m. for pro­

gram; 3rd Tuesday, noon for lunchat First Christian Church. MaryLou Moore, 257-5146.

Ruidoso 'Arid GroupMeets in Holiday House Motel. Use

orange door ~t back, Open Men's andWomen's meetings, Sundays, 8 p.m.Step Study Mondays, 8 p,m.AATuesdays, 8 p.m.. Alanon Tuesdays, 8p.m. AA beginner's night,Wednesdays, 8 p.m. Open Women'sThursdays, noon. Social Open, AlanonThursdays, 8 p.m. Book studyFridays, 8 p.m. AA open meetingSaturdays, 8 p.m. Birthdays, thirdSaturday.

Ruidoso Area GroupMeets at 7 p.m. in.the Community

United Methodist Church, 220 JunctionRoad.' Tuesday-AA and Alanonmeetings. Saturday-Open AA meeting.

AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETYFourth Wednesday, noon at Cree

Meadows Country Club.


Third Wednesday, 7 p.m., in thePost Home, Highway 70 and SpringRoad, Ruidoso Downs.


Second Monday, noon luncheon.Chairman Usa Mason, 336-8182.

4-HCLUBFirst Monday. 6:30 p.m.

FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARYFirst Monday, 4 p.m.. at· the

Ruidoso Public Library.B.P.O.E. NO. 2086

First and third Thursdays, 7:30 GOLDEN AGE CLUBp.m., at Elks Lodge Building on First and third Wednesday at noonHighway 70. for covered dish lunch and games in

the Senior Citizens Center (behindB.P.O.E. DOES Ruidoso Public Library). Visitors

Second and fourth Thursdays, 7:30 welcome.p.m., in Elks Lodge Building onHighway 70.


CapitanDan Carter, PastorSunday School-9:45 a.m.Sunday Worshlp-11 a.m. & 6 p.m.


John Torrlson, PastorSunday School-9:45 a.m.Sunday Worship-ll a.IiI. & 7:15 p.m.Church Trainlng-6:30 p.m. Sunday


420 MecheIiIDriveD. Allen cearley, PastorSunday SdIool--9:45Sunday Wllrship-ll a.m. & 6 p.m.wednesday Services-7 p.m..·Broadcast on KOA,W Radio 1490


Mike Bush. PastDrSunday $(:hool--9:30 /I.IiI, ..SlIilday Wotshlp-ll a.m. &6 p.m.WednelldaY Sen1ICes-'1p.IiI.

F1RS1'BAJn.'tSTCKURm, Tlnnle"

BiU .tOnell, Pastol'sunday School-;9~45It.!fl.sunday Wotllhip-ll a.m.il' HONDO VAU,£Y

~. BAl"l'lS'l'C8ORCH. ltondoUU$\offHlghway'lO)



,,L._ .


Meets fourth Wednesday at 10a.m. in the Woman's Club buildingat 111 Evergreen Road (Sudderthand Evergreen), 257-4529.



Page 21: ¥Wi' •• I..- r..-..archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · Apache model calico rick-rackdres~es. Key replaces Laughlin as assistant DA A~RIRl;1nt DIRt nrt Attomey

Lean, Full Center Cut , Bone-In


i •

First Four (4)Bone-In Round Steaks

Lb••• ~ ••••••••$1.39Thereaft§,J'......u ..U~.> ~$l"-~.'-

. .'. t, .. '. • __._. ,__, .......!,_-of




BeeJ1-<'c",And the Savings Don't Stop Here! Hundreds and Hundreds ofPrices Have Been Reduced All Through the Store•.• So Come in Today!·. . .


HI-DRI, White or Earthtone

PaperTowels ~:~~

HottestPrice inYears!

No Solesto Dealers



TomatoSauce . 8-0z




63"4 5

--.• -.-'Featuring: Reg or Diet

Sprite, Tab, Reg or DietCoke, Reg or Diet Cherry

Coke, Ccaf Free DietCoke, CCI' Free Tab or

Coke Classic'Avallabl. Only In Ari••la. Roswell.

Ruidoso. Carlsbod. Alamogordo.Hobbs or Lovington

FIrst light (8) 2·Ltr 8tls•••Ecl99'lhtreafter•••Ea '1.69




I... ' ..7


Your Choice...

Coke or. .

5 •." '. Pflte. ~ _ ;,

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Washington State, Extr.a Fancy

,.Golden DeliciousApples .


ttl .• " '.,.

. .' ' '".. ., ,

•.'\ \1

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. -. ,., .. ,_ . ., ..•. ~-. -,-~"- ""'~.",""'''''''·.''''''',,''''·r'''''''-.'''''''''''''''-'''''''''_''''T,'-1!"'I''''.'~''''''''"",,'~'''~ ~~, -'-.'- ~. ,.-- .. -•. ."',,.,'.... ,.~- '" ~' .. -- • .-T" ~. ,--. ," -•• , ••. . - , • • "'...... r'--. "', /; -... '_7 .......,. ..,..' .... - --', ,. '''- - •• ,.- -. • • - • ', •• -. c_ '. • N'~' ,.. '. ,. • •. . 7 '" ~ • ~, TT -

I .





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8-0z Pkg

Chorizo Links~



Chocolate·· Chip.Cookies

Kids tove 'Em'

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,Black 'ForestCake


Sliced Bacon09

"Melt-in-Your Mouth Goodness'

12-0z Pkg

PEYTON'SNo. 1 Quality

..Bonel s ; Lean Round

-.....__... _- .~- - -,' ..... ". .~"'--_._-_.


Sneed or Chunk

SAVE 995 1.00 .PER L8



12-0z Pkg

Sliced Bologna~

NaturalSwiss ·.Cheese


light•.. L~anJFlavOTJul1




Lean. Full enter Cut. Bone·ln

""." -,',',

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Meat Franks~


Firs' Four (<4)

:t~BonelessBone·ln Round Steaks

Lb••.••••••.•• '1.39 .''''0'. '1""Thereafter••••••lb '1.69 .f••1eBoneless 'eat;JftontGJ Lb•••·2.19

Lb•••• s1.79Grain Grain

SAVE'1.70/LBGrain• ""' .


Lb Lb"

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12-0z Pkg



RoundSteak,, '




I~i!,,,r '

I·fIi,I!lII~ ,



f .


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Dessert.Favorite I

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AVQlhabl.Only in Store. wIth QS.rvlc. De"

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!~~:1 99


L "_"'4'~ -<•• __ _ ~ .

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• '~, < _ • ,.. ,. _ • _ • '_',' r . '~~'T~ '''''''-·~'''.''''''-'''''''-'''·.'q''''-'T·T .. -...... ".,.. -. • • ,. - , ,- 'r - T .. .- ..... ~ "'-T -.rT """" .. -, -; ,.. ""''T'= ... ",..,--'_~ ..... ...- 7' 7' ~""'''''''''''-''''''''''''''''''I:'",.,... ... ,.,. .....__... "" .... ., .... ,.,........,..f"""I!' ...... .........,......,...,.,..."""....,..,....--,.,- ...........~' ""_'... ,..,...,...,..--.-~.- _ ',," _ .,. ." ",',c T "."'-,' -.- -<r-,~-." ....~"c

, '




Whole, Bon less, Packer Trim



Lb •••$2.09

," :}J,,'," """";;:'~','/ (,::,""'" ". <.If,,\......::::",.;~'~":~(::>~7?,:,"~' ~:'>',,",',:~ ;: .' " , '

\,; ,0> ':', n. ',,",,' '.' ,X",::, ,\ ~'. :,,;, ,.' .; ,,<,,::~'" ,,",:,:~,' ,.',. .. ' :, ;::~ ';,<~.,':; :,,~':r",:',,::'',,"'-:~~~:-=l





..",' ~'F-,,:;~,., ~'\,,- .. '

~ 10R ft\'" . ," «", ,- ,~, ,

··Beef Br'sket






Bonelessrop .'r/o'll•..•"

Tray PackLb•••• s2.09

_."j~; I'J.' "

~ ••~.~4"'"'7;;,;J~'""" 'rremlum. ,"

Boneless, Cry·O·Vac ag Only, 8 to 14·lb Avg Wt S FEWAY ,


11-0z Pkg

Pork Sausage Links~


Pre-Sliced Hams69PEYTON'S

Boneless~-:-..:. -= Halves


12-0z, Pkg

Pork SausagePEYTON'S 59Whole HogRegulararHat

1-Lb Roll




tSAVE $3.30. 'ea"'s PERLB

. ' ••••••••••••Lb


.Dover Sale Fill"ets ~::~coast •• ~~~.E.:~:~:t: $419

B'utferfish Fillets ~::~Coast••••• ~.~~~~.~·:t: $349

Sh'" u"'rk' 5''te'uk"· 'Fresh/Frozen SAVE Sl.06/LB $339 ,'. if .' Gulf Coast ~ •••• J. b

,Mahi~Mahi Fillets ~~:~~n.~ ~~~.E.~~::t: ' ,$219

Tem'.' P'ura' B'u'··tte"r······ ~OLDEN" . , SAVE 50·$1'" 49. ,.,' . .' . DIPT.o' ••••••• o' •••• o' ~),"Ol Pkg .

. .,' \'ll. ., Avallabl. In $.1.1;:. $hu,••/Fr••h Seafood Subl.C:t'toAvalloblllty

oc, ' " " ' SAVE $1.40

ets ~~~.t:•I

Fresh, West Coast (Snapper)

lingCod Fillets :::::c ~~.~~:1~$359

Whole' Trout ~~et~h2::O~::~~:;: ••••••••~~.~~.~,~:1: '$2'49

C"G"tf'lsh' F''I'"I"Ie't''5'" Fresh " SAVE $1.00ILB $429. ,: .' .' .' 'Fa'rm Raised•• Ii J. ~ . " ,

·R''aw' Sh"r'lm"P' 'Fresh/Frozen. Shell.On SAVE S2.30/LB $4'39,' , .' , , " ' , " 41 ,to $O~Ct~ ,••••••••••••••••• Lb " "",', ,

Shrimp &Crab, Boll g~~Do~~ ~~Ep~6~,794Ava'Iabl.ln Me>I. StQr••/Fr••h sfcdood S~.bl.e.t to Ava'Iablllty

, ' .


,) i ,


. - - ~.--

Page 24: ¥Wi' •• I..- r..-..archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · Apache model calico rick-rackdres~es. Key replaces Laughlin as assistant DA A~RIRl;1nt DIRt nrt Attomey

~ _' -.• '~ '." .:'" ~ ",,,.~ ."\'- .. T-"-'-',""¥" ""r,"'",- ....' ."." .~ .• ,.-- .'.,' ... ,.,. ' "d •., ,- " ' , "." ..•..• '.' ,"' -..... w', • -.. ". .- •• " ~- ,.- ... '~ " .,- ...."..,..- ...,~. '

, I.:,.

, Milk ChQcQllIte, 1.3·0zKiss",", AlmQnd, SkQf,Reese's Pellnllt BII"ef

. , Clips, Reese', Crllnchy, .Krllck.I, 5th Ave""e, Mr.GQQdbllr, RCloIQ, Kit KQt,

• . Whlltchllmllcllllit, R••se'sPI.ces Qr BQr NQne..

.He·tshey~ __.,.._..,__~~aQ.dJ_ .._~~ "".. . _.. ..

Assorted Cand Bars

,._ .. ,-,_...~....... _. __.~-~-."





, .. ,- .. Sau,c.e~._... ··.. ~_.~-=·,T_·.".."-~...,.....,_

~. ~=~,~~,u ..._._~··" i-Dri


PAper" Q~~'_.White or Earthtone


, '



;'.~---_._, _.-




Your Choice•••.



Reg, ACe orElectric Perk3·lb...s7.59


R~r~cA~~kor 69.1 ..Lb Can


'nstarat CaH_Cryitals


.Gold' Medal.=-J--:-:::-1- Pouc h Mixes



7·0z GoldenCorn Muffins

or 6.5.0zPizza Crust

ADC orPerk/Reg


Folger'sSpecial Roast





o '.

KRAFT Dinners


32-0% Jar

Macaroni'& Cheese'


35. li~ .....

" . -',' ~_ ..

. ' §. \= .',' =



Laun ryDetergent



HottestPrice inYears!

64-0% Btl



Corn·Buft8r.~ ..


SI(IPPV. ClHmy orChlHlky·Peanut '.

RAINBOW; Chocolate or Powdered Sugor.

BreakCake· . ." 12..0%

Donuts !<?~•••

'SAVI'. ·01•. ·60·' ..' .............•....•.....~,Uftor,""........r ChlcQaUwr,..

,j ,


. ,-

-', ... ,.

Page 25: ¥Wi' •• I..- r..-..archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · Apache model calico rick-rackdres~es. Key replaces Laughlin as assistant DA A~RIRl;1nt DIRt nrt Attomey

,..·r "".'~ , .,. ,.~." .~. -'., ,,__.... ,.~ "".' ..,.. ~ . , ..... , ,. ,- '.' '.~...-... .,.- .. ·,,,----"'--"·"r·',..-' "".--..,. ,.-"..,,,.. ","' 1"',.. ..... -po.",.. ....,. ,.. .r ". ' -. ,. ,- < " .--. y ~ ~· .. r,.""_._·,.. r·,.,....·~··"TT"'I"'"l"".,..,.,.·-'O:..,.....".."'l" .,.., "' .. 0 ., .....,..- ..,... 10." '" ~ ,.., p ; '1' ..1 .\ ..;0._ E.•..py.++ .aF +41';1' H,Y II .YIT .'" Ai ,p;. 4""._ "'''.WI' " .. 'f"' t",", .'0,.,.. _••.,. .0 .., ~~,..~_'~.. I .~~,.,.......

" ,

•.'" '


, ,











~egular ar Light




Rose orBianco


Gallon, Ju'...._------

Av.nable Only in Albuquerque, Belen,Socorro, loswell; Artasta, C.rbbad,.r.mogorda, Hobbs, Ruidoso, '0'" r.:

'alel, Tucumearl, TIIOS, los "'''111.01,EsptllHlkr. Stmta F., Sllv.r City, los

CrvceJ, Dlmlng, T or C, loylngton orlos VlgeS. No' Avallebilin Clovis.




WhiteZ• "d'I''•..• ·.nfan '.e ..:...

Amber or Silver .

_Bacardi. ' ,"~== R·u"m' .~...;;:;;t~ . '. . . _

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Citrus,Orange, Peach

or Tropical


Available Onlr In Albuquerque, Belen. Socorro,Roswell, Artesia, CarlslKHl, Alamogordo, Hobbs,

Ruidoso, Portal.s, Tucumcari, Taos, LosAlamos, Espanola, Santa F., Silver City, las

Cruces, Deminll, T or C, Lovington or las Vegas.Not Available In Clovis.

4·Pk/12-0zNR Btls


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