why enterprise companies need a new marketing playbook

Why Enterprise Companies Need A New Marketing Playbk.

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Post on 19-Aug-2015




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Why Enterprise Companies Need A

New Marketing Playbook.

Think about it: The way your buyers buy today is fundamentally different than 10 years ago.

Then ask yourself: Is your marketing playbook fundamentally different than 10 years ago?

Let me explain…

Pre-internet B2B buyer: Relatively uninformed.

Pre-internet B2B buying process: Linear.

Pre-internet marketing playbook: Interrupt.

Pre-internet sales team: In control of process.

Post-internet B2B buyer: Well-informed.

Post-internet B2B buyer journey: Start screen = Google.

Post-internet B2B buyer journey: Buyers get educated on their own through blogs and social media.

Which means a fluid & random buyer journey.

A marketer’s control of the buying process is over…

A marketer’s control of the buying process is over…

… yet the enterprise

marketers haven’t adapted.

A new enterprise marketing playbook is needed.

One that emphasizes sharing ideas.

… and establishing thought leadership.

… to initiate a dialog with buyers.

… to initiate a dialog with buyers.

(so you can get to know them and give them information they want at a

time and place of their choice)

Which reflects how customers buy today.

Why so difficult for enterprise marketers?

Resource investment.

Marketer role redefinition.

Lack of organizational alignment.

Challenging system limitations.

However, marketing roles can be redefined…

Resource investments can be made.

Organizations can get aligned.

Systems can be implemented.

Accelerate content creation.

Accelerate content creation. Get personal.

Accelerate content creation. Get personal.

Generate demand.

Be a hero!

Learn more:


The Executive Guide to Enterprise Inbound Marketing
