whose party is it anyway?

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Presentation for the Hub Events on strategic approaches to talking and listening on the Live Web. London 14.10.10


  • Strategic approaches to listening and talking on the Live Web
    Whose party is it anyway?
  • PowerPoint is evil
  • Outline of the day
    10.00 - 11.00: The Live Web the biggest party youve ever been invited to.
    11.00 - 11.15: Coffee
    11.15 - 12.15: Managing the out of control. How do you build a strategy out of things you cant control?
    12.15 - 13.15: - Lunch
  • Outline of the day
    13.15 13.30: Building a strategy around listening
    13.30 14.30: (Practical) Listening and sharing: using Google Reader
    14.30 15.00: From Listening to talking
    15.00 16.00: Embedding that strategy
  • The Live Web
    The times they are a changin
  • The Web as a library
  • The Web as the new TV
  • The Web as a Party
  • Many corners, many conversations
  • The breakup
  • Internet is now part of the mix
  • Internet is now part of our day
  • Community, trust and authority
    Thanks to the internet, I feel part of a virtual community (Source: Milward Brown)
  • Community, trust and authority
    (Source: Milward Brown)
  • More statistics:
  • content relationships
    P is for People
    A is for Active
    S is for Supply
    S is for Smart
    I is for Irreverent
    O is for Ownership
    N is for Niches
  • Coffee and conversation
  • Managing the out-of-control
    Building a strategy around listening
  • Whod have thought theyd get it
  • Whod have thought...
  • http://www.savethechildren.org.uk/en/mummy-bloggers-head-to-bangladesh.htm
  • Whod have thought... local
  • Conversation break
    What keywords characterise Strategy 1.0 and Strategy 2.0?
    If you were writing a strategy a few years ago, what words/headings would you have used, and what would you use now?
  • Strategy 1.0/2.0
    Strategy 1.0
    Strategy 2.0
  • Lunch
    ... and more conversation
  • Building a Live Web strategy
    Start as you would at any Party
  • Whod have thought theyd get it
  • Ushahidi
  • The Consortium of Pub-Going, Loose and Forward Women
  • Whod have thought... local
  • Listen and then talk...
    What are they saying about me?
    What are they saying about my issues?
    How can I add value?
    How can I start/maintain/develop a relationship?
  • Questions to ask
    Why am I listening?
    What am I listening for?
    How am I listening?
    What do I expect to hear?
    What will I do with what I hear?
  • General principles
    You are a guest at the Party
    You cant listen to everything
    Youre after quality not quantity
  • the Conversation Attractor
  • the Conversation Attractor
    Neednt be most popular
    Focus on language
    Focus on conversation
    Focus on people
  • Lets get practical
    Managing your listening
  • Just try it... http://addictomatic.com/
    Youre finding what Jo Public is finding...
  • Live Web search engines
    What are you searching for?
    Brand name
    Campaign name
    Persons name
    Departments name
    What are they writing about?
    Your words might not be theirs
  • Managing that listening
    A conversation in-box
  • A word about RSS feeds
    Single sites
    Single users
    Can always delete them
  • Setting alerts/subscriptions
    Go to Google Alerts and click New Alert
    Type in keyword
    Use Advanced Google search
    as it happens
    Chapeaux: www.aimclearblog.com/2009/03/16/how-to-build-a-reputation-monitoring-dashboard/
  • Adding to the dashboard
    Click RSS logo/Feed
    If necessary refresh page in browser
    Subscribe usingusing Google. Check Always use Google to subscribe to feeds and click Subscribe Now
    Either: Add to Google Reader
  • Google Reader
    Sort in Folders
  • Adding other searches
  • More search engines:
  • Google reader as a dashboard
    Bring listening and collaboration together
    Home page
    Build into workflow
  • Sharing and collaborating
    Building your listening into your strategy
  • Sharing what you hear
    Share with note
  • Adding value to what you hear
    Pass upstairs
    Pass downstairs
    ...build into planning
    ... answer, respond, connect
  • Whod have thought theyd get it
  • Whod have thought...
  • Whod have thought... local
  • Listening as basis for strategy
    Moving on from what you hear
  • From listening to talking
    V is for Voice
    I is for i with a small I
    S is for Simple
    I is for Improvise
    O is for Open Source
    N is for Narrative
  • Embedding listening and talking
    The Live Web is everyones job
  • Conversation break
    What needs to be put in place to enable listening and conversation relationships?
    Areas to think about:
    Job titles and responsibilities
    Radical Trust
    Live Web policies
    Institutional culture
  • More stories:
  • contact me:
    Paul Caplan
    [email protected]
    07801 151 052
  • Some thoughts
  • A-Z of Live Web
    A is for active audience. As Dan Gillmor points out, your audience is smarter than you. But they are also active. They do not passively consume, they actively converse.
    B is for blogosphere. Blogging and other read/write conversations are not a new medium, they are a new space where new sorts of relationships and cultural practices are being forged.
    C is for conversation. This new space is not about one-way munication, its not even about structured co-munication, its about conversation - an alive, real, open chat.
    D is for delivery. The key thing about playing in this space is making sure you deliver. You cant blag or spin, theyll find you out. If you promise something, deliver it. If you cant, explain why.
    E is for engage. Meet with. Talk with. Work with. Engaging is about making your conversations, fun, relevant and real.
    F is for FUD culture. The guys behind Naked Conversations use the business terms fud to refer to the fear, uncertainty and doubt, that stops development. You want to engage with this new space, conquer it and tell your boss to conquer it or be left behind.
  • A-Z of Live Web
    G is for good enough. Dont worry about creating perfection. Blogs are never finished, they are in process. Go for the good enough, its more human.
    H is for hypermedia. The Live Web is multimedia. Its built on and through Live Media and linking. Start thinking in terms of pictures, sounds and words, linked and mashed-up.
    I is for is with a small i. Its not YOU its you. The small you. The you thats one many many. The you that is an individual but not arrogant.
    J is for just in time. The Live Web is about responding to the now, relating to the moment, adding to the ongoing conversation rather than waiting for the right moment.
    K is for keywords. The key words or tags in your post allow your story to link to others, be searched, catalogued and related to other stories. Keywords are the bits that join up the blogosphere.
    L is for linking. Your blog needs others if it is to be written by an i. Your links show you are in the conversation.
    M is for mobile. Reading the Live Web is a mobile experience. Writing it is rapidly becoming so.
    N is for network effect. The Internet is a network, as you increase the number of points in the network, you increase the number of connections exponentially. Content is the points and content relationships are the powerful connections.
  • A-Z of Live Web
    O is for open source. Open source software is developed by collections of individuals who make their work available for others to improve and develop. Open source software is often seen as better written, better supported and more stable than traditional proprietary software. The Live Web makes possible open source content.
    P is for personal. The Live Web is big but it is also very small. It is my thoughts, my pictures, my bookmarksbut my personal content to share and use as the basis for content relationships.
    Q is for q&a. The conversations that drive content relationships are often begun with a question which begs answers, which lead to more questions which lead and so on. The important point is that this chain is never finished.
    R is for read/write. It is no longer an option to simply read. The Live Web does not just allow or even encourage response, it demands it. Just as the state saves all our data within its web of surveillance so our Web is being built by our reading practices, our uploading and tagging and our sharing.
    S is for social. The blogosphere is a social space. It is where meetings happen - not in the old idea of a chat room but in the more potent sense of a content relationship. This social space is not a replica of the real space it is a technologically enhanced content space where smart tagging, hypermedia linking and read/write mash-ups create producer/consumers with different social and cultural expectations and demands.
  • A-Z of Live Web
    T is for transparent technology. Yes, the Live Web has been made possible by html, asp, php, ajax, http and countless other geeky acronyms but technology is becoming increasingly transparent, just as the mobile phone it is now a part of peoples communications and relationships. It is now easy to play an active part in the Live Web without having to understand the engine that drives it.
    U is for understand. The conversations across the Live Web demand understanding and empathy. Unlike the days of the Static Web, it is no longer possible to send out messages and expect audiences or demographic samples to absorb them. It is not even just about targeting, its about engaging with people, talking to them and understanding them as producer/consumers, as people as fellow players in the new space.
    V is for voice. The Live Web is human. Databases cant play here. Neither can spinmeisters or salesmen or marketers. All these shadows without voices are discovered and laughed out of the conversation. If you want to talk to me, use your own voice.
  • A-Z of Live Web
    W is for wiki effect. Wikis are open source content spaces where anyone can add and edit information, cranking up the quality using the wisdom of crowds. Wikis or the next generation of collaborative content spaces are the next generation of Live Web tools where content value is created through the interplay of many.
    X is for xml. Extensible Mark-up Language is the standard which enables Live Web content to be tagged and flow around the new systems and spaces. You dont need to know how. You just need to exploit it to the max.
    Y is for you. The Live Web space is waiting to be exploited and played in. Its not the CEOs decision. Its not up to the IT team to do it. Its up to you. The Live Web is waiting for you not your organisation.
    Z is for zen. Zen is about the present moment. It is about the simple and basic. Its about the small. Its about not trusting people who tell you they have a monopoly on the truth. So is the Live Web.
  • Civil service code
    Principles for participation online
    The Civil Service Code applies to your participation online as a civil servant or when discussing government business. You should participate in the same way as you would with other media or public forums such as speaking at conferences.
    How the Civil Service Code applies to online participation
    Disclose your position as a representative of your department or agency unless there are exceptional circumstances, such as a potential threat to personal security. Never give out personal details like home address and phone numbers.
    Always remember that participation online results in your comments being permanently available and open to being republished in other media. Stay within the legal framework and be aware that libel, defamation, copyright and data protection laws apply. This means that you should not disclose information, make commitments or engage in activities on behalf of Government unless you are authorised to do so. This authority may already be delegated or may be explicitly granted depending on your organisation.
    Also be aware that this may attract media interest in you as an individual, so proceed with care whether you are participating in an official or a personal capacity. If you have any doubts, take advice from your line manager.
  • Civil service code
    Be credible
    Be accurate, fair, thorough and transparent.
    Be consistent
    Encourage constructive criticism and deliberation. Be cordial, honest and professional at all times.
    Be responsive
    When you gain insight, share it where appropriate.
    Be integrated
    Wherever possible, align online participation with other offline communications.
    Be a civil servant
    Remember that you are an ambassador for your organisation. Wherever possible, disclose your position as a representative of your department or agency.
  • Ten books to read
    Chris Locke et al :: The Cluetrain Manifesto
    Chris Locke :: Gonzo Marketing
    Shel Israel and Robert Scoble :: Naked Conversations
    Don Tapscott and Anthony Williams :: Wikinomics
    Clay Shirky :: Here Comes Everybody
    Clay Shirky :: Cognitive Surplus
    Charles Leadbetter :: We Think
    Jeff Jarvis :: What Would Google Do?
    David Weinberger :: Everything is Miscellaneous
    Jeff Howe :: Crowdsourcing
    P is for 'people': The writers, readers and reader/writers out there are not demographics or market niches, they are not passive grateful; receivers of your messages. They are people, ordinary human beings who expect to be treated as such. They have ups and downs, interests, passions and commitments that become conversations and relationships. As with all 'people' you earn their trust and friendship. you have no right to it.
    A is for 'active': These people don't sit back and wait for media and store to come to them. They create their own. They are creative with their phones. They create on Social Networks and YouTube. They are creative with language, finding new ways to tell stories and run their relationships. And they are active with you. They have active expectations. They expect to be able to ask questions, contribute and join in and they expect that activity to be welcomed and enabled.
    S is for 'supply': These people are not short of stories and information. There is an overabundance of material for people to read and read/write. Some of its official, some not. Some from established storytellers like the BBC, the EncyclopediaBrittanica and you, some not. Your information and stories are one among many. They are fighting for attention and more importantly they are competing to become conversations and starting points for relationships. Your information and stories maybe great but they do not have a God-given right to be at the front.
    S is for 'smart': These people are clever. They can get information, check it, link it and network it. They can use the power of networks and the wisdom of crowds to connect and build on ideas and information faster than you can direct form the top. You know a lot about your subject, issue or business but you don't know everything. Your customers, clients and stakeholders know stuff too and they're sharing it.
    I is for 'irreverent': The culture of the Live Web has no respect. People do not tug their forelocks and thank you. The great and the good do not carry weight because of their history or brand. Lawyers cannot enforce due deference. You can earn respect and your place but it is not your right.
    O is for 'ownership': It is not just the stories that make up the Live Web that are subject to new ideas of copyright. It is the very spaces themselves. Stories are enabled to spin around the Live Web because of 'creative commons' licenses but the spaces they live in are Commons to. You have not 'let us' publish them. They are 'ours'. You can join us but you cannot own them, our stories or us.
    N is for 'niches': The people are not niches in the old marketing sense, they are the 'new niches'. They are evolving their own niches of interest. Some are small, some huge. People can be members of many at the same time. They can be long-lasting or short-lived. They cannot be targeted but the people that make them can be talked with. They cannot be tracked but the conversation attractors can be found and engaged with.
    V is for Voice: Read: People talk on the Live Web because they want to. Theyre choosing to be there. Listen to what they say but also the way they say it. Listen to the conversations as well as the polemics. Listen to their voices, then you can talk with them. Write: Youre a human being, talk like one. The Live Web doesnt welcome spin doctors, PR-meisters or lawyers. Its a place for conversations between people. People chat. Sometimes in long sentences with lots of subordinate clauses that carry the reader along with enthusiasm. Sometimes not. The Live Web is your chance to meet people and talk and listen like youre bothered. Talk to me. Im not a demographic or a market niche or a target. Im a person.
    I is for i with a small i: Read: Listen quietly and modestly. People are talking about your issues. Except theyre not your issues, theyre theirs. Some people on the Live Web talk without listening. But most are engaged in conversations between small is. Be one. Write: You are not the centre of the universe. No-one trusts anyone who has all the answers: if you meet the Buddha on the road kill him. Your voice is one among many. Your perspective is just one way of seeing things. Your ideas are interesting but theyre not the final word. Earn your right to talk in these spaces by listening and then join in on the communitys terms. Be willing to be less arrogant. You have something to add but its not the whole story.
    S is for Simple: Read: Its a party. The biggest party youve ever been invited to. Relax. Enjoy. People are just people, treat them like that. Listen politely and attentively to what theyre really saying. Its simple. Theyre talking about the lives and worlds. Write: Dont try and be clever. You dont have to be. You can be yourself and tell it like it really is. You dont have to fill every gap or silence. Leave some white space. Look for what you can leave out as well as what you can put in. Keep it clear and direct but be warned, youre not delivering messages youre engaging in conversation. Youre just making sure the person youre talking with can understand you and you can understand
    I is for Improvise: Read: Enjoy the conversation, the way people bounce ideas off each other, the way they connect. Theyre jammin. Theyre not selling or telling, theyre chatting, creating something together, letting it emerge without planning.Write: Dont over-plan. Let the conversation develop. You call someone responds; they call you respond. Together you make a conversation and build a relationship. Sometimes you lead; sometimes you follow. Sometimes youre quiet. You know your area. Be confident in that and let that be your foundation while you talk. This is not a solo, its a group where everyone bounces off everyone else and together build a unique conversation.
    O is for Open Source: Read: Everyones got something to contribute. This is crowdeffect. Listen to others and work with them and the conversation. The more voices, the more brains, the more ideals, the better the quality. Write: You have something real to contribute. You have But you cant do it on your own. Get others involved. Work with their knowledge and enthusiasm. Outsource your communication. Start something off and let others improve it or let them start it. If you work with others you can achieve far more and so can they. Dont keep the source code close to your chest, get it out there where it can develop, grow and improve.
    N is for Narrative: Read: Sit back and relax. People are telling stories. Theyre stories about their lives, their passions and your issues. Theyre personal and real and so they care about them. If you want to know what people really think, listen, theyre tell. Write: Tell your stories. Ground your abstract issues in real beginnings, middles and ends, characters and plots, pace and tension. Make them your stories, personal and real. Make them real and relevant. Find memorable details that paint pictures and let your listener see and your viewer hear the people, the ideas and the passion. Enjoy your story, itll sound better.