who needs migrant workers? martin ruhs, migration observatory, compas

Who needs migrant workers? Labour shortages, immigration and public policy Martin Ruhs Migration Observatory, COMPAS, University of Oxford

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A presentation held by mr Martin Ruhs, Migration Observatory, COMPAS, at the seminar "Moving beyond demographics" in Vienna on the 15th of May 2012


Page 1: Who needs migrant Workers? Martin Ruhs, Migration Observatory, COMPAS

Who needs migrant workers? Labour shortages, immigration and

public policyMartin Ruhs

Migration Observatory, COMPAS, University of Oxford

Page 2: Who needs migrant Workers? Martin Ruhs, Migration Observatory, COMPAS

Part 1 - Labour immigration policies in HICs: aims, constraints, variable national policy spaces

Part 2 – Key features of labour immigration policies in HICs

Part 3 – The policy question: how can we link immigration to the “needs” of the domestic labour market and economy?

Part 4 – Discussion: What role for supra-national policies?


Page 3: Who needs migrant Workers? Martin Ruhs, Migration Observatory, COMPAS

3 core questions of labour immigration policy

How to regulate:

1) Numbers (e.g. employer-led, quotas, fees, etc.)

2) Selection (e.g. by skill, nationality – points based systems; bilateral agreements)

3) Rights (e.g. temporary or permanent; access to labour market; access to welfare state; family reunion; access to citizenship)

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Labour immigration policy: aims and constraints

Defining the “national interest” (objectives):• economic efficiency (e.g. growth;

competitiveness; fiscal ef)• distribution (e.g. protect lowest paid; and others?)• national identity and social cohesion (what is it?)• public order and national security

Constraints and variations:• state capacity to control immigration• the ‘liberal constraint’: dom. liberal institutions;

int. commit.• Inst. variations: polit. systems, prod. regimes,

welfare states

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Choice under constraints

• States decide on openness, selection and rights based on objectives (variable) and constraints (variable; binding in short term)

• Variations and constraints define and circumscribe the “policy space” for the regulation of labour immigration at national level Variation across countries and over time

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1. TMPs predominate2. PMPs limited to high skilled

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3. Openness positively related to skill level targeted (H1)










s ind


All (104 programmes) Upper HICs only (71 programmes)

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Regulating Openness

Quota:• existence, type and size of quota Demand restrictions: • job offer; labour market test; limited

occupations/sectors; economic fee; conditions of employment; trade union involvement

Supply restrictions• nationality and age; gender and marital

status; skills requirements; host country language skills; self-sufficiency

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4. Modes of immigration control by VoC






Job offer





T. Union






liberal (22) coordinated (19) mixed (15)

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5. Variation in restrictions across different rights

(all programmes , 2009)

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6. Rights restrictions inversely related to targeted skills (H2) , all programmes , 2009)

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The policy question: how to link labour immigration to the “needs” of the domestic labour market and economy

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What and whose “needs”?

Two approaches: 1. Human capital approach: admission often without a job offer 2. Shortage approach: linking the admission of new migrant workers to the “needs” of the domestic labour marketAre migrant workers needed to “fill labour and skills shortages” and “to do the jobs that local workers cannot or will not do”?

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Page 16: Who needs migrant Workers? Martin Ruhs, Migration Observatory, COMPAS


firms were considering moving jobs abroad because they could not recruit the staff they neededBBC, 21.09.10

A cap on migrant workers will hurt London’s economy

immigrants made a "substantial net contribution to the UK fiscal system"Independent, 24.7.09

Farm migrants 'vital' in east England

immigration cap on non-EU workers will do nothing but create skills shortages for important industries in the UKTelegraph, 24.11.10

PwC warned that businesses were "struggling to operate" Telegraph, 24.11.10

cap threatens the economic recovery and Britain’s ability to attract foreign investment

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The problem with “skills” and “shortage”

Skills:• Conceptually and empirically

ambiguous• Credentialised vs non-credentialised;

experience; “hard skills” vs “softs skills”

• Demand for employees with specific personal characteristics and “attitudes” (good “work ethic”; “compliant” and “cooperative”)

Shortages:– No universal definition? Demand for more

workers at prevailing wages?– Why not let wages rise?

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Identifying shortages using labour market data

• Common measures– Change in wages, employment,

unemployment, etc. – Vacancy rates, hard-to-fill vacancies, SSVs etc.

• US Bureau of Labour Statistics (1999)– Employment growth at least 50% faster than

average– Wage increases at least 30 percent faster than

average– Unemployment rate at least 30% lower than


• UK’s Migration Advisory Committee (MAC)– 12 “top-down” indicators

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MAC “top-down” indicators of shortages of pharmacists

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Alternatives to immigration

• Alternatives– Increase wages, improve working conditions;

training –make production process less labour intensive – relocate to countries where labour costs are

lower;– switch to production (provision) of less labour-

intensive commodities and services;

• How do employers decide? – Relative cost matters– Path dependence ….. no going back?

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“System effects”: how public policiescreate demand for migrant labour

• e.g. construction in UK– Fragmented industry; low levels of labour market

regulation; temporary, project-based labour; casualised employment; no comprehensive vocational education and training system

• e.g. social care in UK– Publically funded and privately provided– Councils budgets have kept wages low– Demand for low-wage flexible workers

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Migrants in employment in the UK

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Growing reliance on migrant labour:choice or inevitability?

• Demand for migrant labour arises from broad range of public policies and institutions that go beyond immigration policy

• Immigration and public policy: mind the gap

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The UK’s Migration Advisory Committee (MAC)

• Established by Labour Government in 2007, retained under current Cons-Lib Dem Coalition Government

• Independent committee of 5 academic economists, supported by secretariat

• Advises Home Secretary on labour immigration policy

• Advice public but non-binding• Shortage occupation list: “skilled”,

“shortage”, “sensible”

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Discussion:Harmonising labour immigration policies

across EU countries:- what- why- how

starting point: default is national regulation: what is the case for supranational regulation?