whitchurch and llandaff issue 9

At the heart of the community Issue 9 Aug/Sept ‘10 As summer slowly simmers into autumn, the people of Whitchurch, Llandaff and Llandaff North enjoy the last pleasures of the warm season. E En nj jo oy y y yo ou ur r S Su um mm me er r I Is ss su ue e o of f W Wh hi it tc ch hu ur rc ch h a an nd d L Ll la an nd da af ff f L Li iv vi in ng g WHAT’S INSIDE Biography: From North Cardiff to Hollywood History: The Story of UWIC Memories of Llandaff North A Day in the Life of Whitchurch and Llandaff Living Out and About: Llanishen Pets’ Page Kitchen Garden Recipes Local News FREE WHITCHURCH AND LLANDAFF Living

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North Cardiff's premier home-grown publication,. This issue features Richard Marquand, who left North Cardiff to direct some of the biggest films in Hollywood, the history of UWIC, and a feature on nearby Llanishen.


Page 1: Whitchurch and Llandaff Issue 9

AAtt tthhee hheeaarrtt ooff tthhee ccoommmmuunniittyy Issue 9Aug/Sept ‘10

As summer slowly simmers into autumn, the people of Whitchurch, Llandaff andLlandaff North enjoy the last pleasures of the warm season.

EEnnjjooyy yyoouurr SSuummmmeerr IIssssuuee ooff WWhhiittcchhuurrcchh aanndd LLllaannddaaffff LLiivviinngg


From North Cardiffto Hollywood

History: The Story of UWIC

Memories ofLlandaff North

A Day in the Life ofWhitchurch andLlandaff Living

Out and About:Llanishen

Pets’ Page

Kitchen Garden


Local News


Page 2: Whitchurch and Llandaff Issue 9


Whitchurch and Llandaff Living Page 2

Whitchurch and Llandaff Living & Rhiwbina LivingEditors/Advertising: Patric Morgan & Danielle DummettAddress: 222 Pantbach Road, Rhiwbina,

Cardiff CF14 6AGTel: 07772 081775 and 07974 022920Email: [email protected]: www.livingmags.co.uk

While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of thecontents, the publisher cannot accept any responsibility forerrors or omissions, or for any matter in any way arising fromthe publication of this material. Every effort has been made tocontact any copyright holders. Whitchurch and Llandaff Living isan independent, apolitical publication.

Advertising booking and copy deadline for Issue 10 - 10th September 2010. Issue 10 publication date - earlyOctober 2010.Whitchurch and Llandaff Living is published 5 times ayear.

3, 4 NewsThe latest news from the area

5 LettersLetters to the Editors

8 BiographyRichard Marquand

12 HistoryThe Story of UWIC

15 Pets’ PageLocal vet Chris Troughtonanswers your pet questions

16 MemoriesTony George remembers Llandaff North in the 1950s

22 Out and AboutVisit Llanishen

27 A Day in the LifeA behind-the-sceneslook at Living Magazines

29 Outdoors - TheKitchen Garden

30 Recipes

31 Crossword

Welcome to your late summer issue ofWhitchurch and Llandaff Living - theofficial magazine for Whitchurch,Llandaff and Llandaff North.It’s been a busy summer for us here at Living magazines. Inaddition to getting our magazines out, we’ve been busy setting up anew North Cardiff community website. The site is designed to be aone-stop shop for news, features and history. Not only that, but weare promoting local businesses by offering our advertisers freepublicity on the site. In these tough economic times, we’re pullingout all the stops to try and support local trade.In this issue, we’ve put together some tasty treats for you to castyour eyes over. First up, we take a look at the life of the lateRichard Marquand. Richard was born in North Cardiff and went onto direct some of the biggest films in Hollywood. Read his story onpage 8.Dr John Marsden provides us with the complete history of UWIC,which has become synonymous with our local area. From itsmodest beginnings, UWIC has gone onto to become one of theleading educational establishments in the UK.Tony George pens his memories of Llandaff North from his homein Southern Australia. Some of you may recognise the names andfaces that he recalls when the area was a much quieter place.If you fancy an a change of scenery, pages 22 and 23 will tell youeverything you need to know about nearby Llanishen. Its historygoes back a long way.Elsewhere in the magazine, we’ve got plenty of news, featuresand stories to keep you more than occupied. Enjoy them and seeyou in the autumn!



Patric and Danielle

Cover and inside front cover photograph courtesy of Gale Jolly.See Gale’s portfolio at www.flickr.com (search for ‘gtj-45’)

or see the link at www.livingmags.co.uk/blog

Page 3: Whitchurch and Llandaff Issue 9

with Bill Farnham

The latest news on new watchgroups is that Mervyn Road,Whitchurch, have formed theirCommittee and hopefully by thetime this issue is published, wehope that they will be up andrunning.The date of the next PACTmeeting in the Whitchurch andTongwynlais area is 14thSeptember, to be held in thenew Whitchurch CommunityCentre on Old Church Road at7pm.The next meeting of theCardiff West NeighbourhoodWatch is on the 16th August atFairwater Conservative Club,Ely Road, starting at 7pm. ASouth Wales Motorway PatrolOfficer will be our guestspeaker and all NeighbourhoodWatch Co-ordinators andWatch Members are invited toattend.If you have any matters thatyou would like to discuss withthe police in Whitchurch, don’tforget “Cuppa with a Copper”every Thursday at WhitchurchPolice Station between 12pmand 2pm, where police officers,PCSOs and myself will be inattendance.There have also been someother developments: a maleperson has been arrested andcharged with several burglariesthat have taken place recentlyin the Whitchurch area. Anothermale, who was responsible forthe ‘SYKS’ tag, seenthroughout our local area, hasalso been identified, arrestedand charged with numerousoffences.




Whitchurch and Llandaff Living Page 3

An ambitious multi-millionpound investment plan at oneof Wales’s leading independentco-educational schools hasbeen revealed.The Cathedral School inLlandaff intends to significantlyimprove facilities, including theprovision of a sixth form for thefirst time in its long history.The investment programmewould also see new facilitiesbuilt to support its Infant, Juniorand Senior sections.It is anticipated that theSchool, which in the autumnwill unveil a new senior libraryand sporting pavilion as part ofa significant investment, willshortly submit a planningapplication to Cardiff Council.Once planning consent andfunding are secured, it isanticipated that theconstruction will take around 18months to complete.Headmaster of the CathedralSchool, Stephen Morris said: “We have been working

behind the scenes over thepast 18 months with architectsand a sixth form advisorygroup, comprising highlyexperienced head teachers andleading academics.“If approved the expansionwill, for the first time, see theschool providing a sixth form aswell as significantly improvingfacilities and the environmentfor our existing 650 pupils agedthree to 16 years old. Thisinvestment is part of ourstrategy to become the leadingindependent day School inWales.”The Cathedral School wasfounded in 1880, and was onceattended by Roald Dahl.


A new website for North Cardiffhas been launched by LivingMagazines to help provide theresidents of the area with aone-stop source of news andfeatures, and to help promote

local business.Editor Patric Morgan said:“We are always looking atways to improve and the newcommunity site shows ourcommitment to deliveringcontent that is relevant,readable and real. It meansthat news stories can bepublished in an instant, and weare also supporting ouradvertisers by offering themfree publicity to persuadepeople to buy local.” You can see the website atwww.livingmags.co.uk/blog

Page 4: Whitchurch and Llandaff Issue 9

Zoe Azzopardi, a sixth formstudent from the Heath area ofthe city, has won theprestigious Halcrow Award. 17 year old Zoe, whoexhibited her work along withother Art students atWhitchurch High School,

impressed the judges with herintricate drawings of wildlife,which were completely drawnfrom words to portray theethos and morals of theHalcrow company prior to thebrief. Zoe explained the maininfluences for the pencilillustration were Paul Kidbyand P J Lynch. Zoe will be taking up a muchsought after place at UWIC in

September to studyIllustration. She is picturedhere with Councillor FenellaBowden, who attended theexhibition.

Whitchurch and Llandaff Living Page 4


On the last three Sundays inAugust, the ornamentalgardens of this Listed Victorianmansion Insole Court (justopposite Rookwood Hospital)will come alive with familiesbringing their picnics to enjoymusic, storytelling and goodcompany, all arranged byvolunteers from The Friends ofInsole Court.There will be 'StorytellingPavilions' provided by theCardiff Storytellers' Circle, andthe house will be opened forconducted tours revealing thestory of the coal-owning Insolefamily and their mansion – onehundred years after theyhelped to fuel Captain Scott'sfateful expedition to the SouthPole.Admission isfree thanks togrant-aidfrom CardiffCouncil andAcademi, buttins forcontributionswill be in useto ensure allcosts aremet. The

Friends are indebted tosponsorship from local tradersin Llandaff's buzzing High Street, (Cardiff's Capital ofCoffee!) without which theevents would not be possible.At the time of going to press, the sponsors are:John Williams Estate Agency,Norton Estate Agency, TheGreat Wall Chinese Takeaway,The Cathedral Drycleaners,The Llandaff Pharmacy,Jaspers Tea Rooms, and KallaBella Restaurant and CoffeeHouse, (who are alsosponsoring the prize at theTeddy Bear's Picnic).Why fly away? It's allhappening in Llandaff between3pm & 6pm this summer!

More information on InsoleCourt can be found at www.insolecourt.org.uk

Come and find out what goeson in Llandaff during OpenDoors weekend, September17-19th 2010.Local organisations havecome together to offer aprogramme of free visitsranging from tours of newbuildings at the WJEC (WelshJoint Education Committee)and UWIC (University of WalesInstitute Cardiff) toopportunities to see insideschools such as the Bishop ofLlandaff High School andHowell's School, where tourswill be offered.The weekend will be a specialtime in Llandaff, both for localpeople, who may never havebeen inside some of thebuildings, and also for peoplereturning to Llandaff, or visitingfor the first time.The weekend is part of theCivic Trust programme,enabling people to visit andfind out more about buildingsin Wales. Full details andinformation on how to book areavailable from the websitewww.civictrustwales.org





Page 5: Whitchurch and Llandaff Issue 9

Dear EditorsI no longer live in the Cardiffarea, but I grew up inWhitchurch (my father workedin Lloyds Bank in the villageand my mother was secretaryto Canon Winton when hewas vicar of Whitchurch). Moreover, to my greatdelight, my daughter andfamily now live in Rhiwbina.My maiden name incidentally,was Morgan.I am a retired teacher ofEnglish Literature. I received alot of local publicity when Iwas BBC MastermindChampion in 1974. At thattime, I answered questionsrelating to Tolkien, as I havealways been fascinated byfantasy, myth and legend. Ihave recently recorded a heatfor a Champion of Championsseries, to be broadcast laterthis year. My subject this timeround was Arthurian Legendand Literature, which bringsme to the subject of my book.

I have recently had my firstnovel (the first of a trilogy),The Edge of Doom published,which is a time-travelling fantasy strongly centred onthe Arthurian Legends. I nowlive in Alderley Edge inCheshire, which has anArthurian Legend of its own,and which features in mybook. But naturally, beingWelsh, there's quite a bit ofmy interest in that direction aswell. The second book, whichI'm just finishing, is set for partof the time in North Wales. I'lltry to move the third to theSouth!Elizabeth Horrocks,AlderleyEdge,Cheshire

ElizabethHorrocks’ ‘The Edge ofDoom’ wasinspired bylocal legends

Whitchurch and Llandaff Living Page 5

Letters to the Editors Keep your letters coming!Address on the inside

front cover


Dear EditorsI have been readingWhitchurch and LlandaffLiving since its very firstissue and must complimentyou on the quality of yourperiodicals. Both myhusband and I look forwardto the next issue and feelproud that we have such ahandsome magazine for ourarea. We have noticed however,that there are other so-called‘local’ magazines that havepopped up in the area

recently. These magazinescontain very little editorialabout the local area, and ismostly made up ofadvertising for areas twentymiles away. At a time whenlocal businesses need ourhelp, I find it disconcertingthat business could be takenOUT of the area. I hope thatthe local residents continueto support our localtradesmen, and not feelinclined to head out of townto spend their well-earnedmoney.

Mrs GR Davies,Llantrisant Road,Llandaff

Editors’ ResponseThankyou for your kindwords. We are aware ofother publications in thearea, but we like to think thatwe will continue to maintainour readership by continuingto provide a high standard ofpublication. Competition ishealthy and helps us pushforward to bring you thebest!

Dear EditorsI really enjoy Whitchurchand Llandaff Livingmagazine. I organise a non-profit-making writers' groupmeeting once a month inGabalfa CommunityEducation Centre. Westarted in January as a coregroup of four enthusiasticwriters following on from acreative writing class we hadcompleted at the centre. Weofficially call ourselves TheWrite Company. We are a friendly group thatalways welcome newmembers. I am hoping thatwe will keep expanding. Iwould really appreciate beingable to let local people knowabout us and perhapsencourage people to comealong and try creativewriting. Call GabalfaCommunity Centre on 0292061 5260 for more details.Terry-Anne James-DaviesGabalfa

Page 6: Whitchurch and Llandaff Issue 9

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Page 7: Whitchurch and Llandaff Issue 9

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Page 8: Whitchurch and Llandaff Issue 9


It’s hard to think of whatconnects Star Wars, BobDylan and James Cameron

to North Cardiff. But all of these have featuredin the life of Llanishen-bornfilm director RichardMarquand.Born in 1938 to HilaryMarquand MP, and motherRachel, Richard was educatedat King’s College, Cambridge(where he studied ModernLanguages) and atL’Universite d'Aix-Marseille,France. He started his careerin show-business as anewscaster in Hong Kong.But it was at the BBC whereRichard began learning hisfilm-making craft. Inpartnership with producerJames Cameron, he worked

on the 1971 series Search forthe Nile. The show, filmed onlocation, followed the highsand lows of explorers lookingfor sources of the Nile.Starring Kenneth Haigh andnarrated by James Mason, theseries was a critical success,earning it a Golden Globenomination.Richard turned his honeddocumentary techniques tothe dramatised 1979 TV movieThe Birth of the Beatles. Thefilm followed the early days ofthe Fab Four and starred NigelHavers and John Altman, whowent on to play ‘Nasty’ NickCotton in Eastenders.The Eye of the Needlefollowed in 1981 starringDonald Sutherland. Richard’sdirecting prowess did not go

unnoticed. Richard had caughtthe eye of George Lucas, whohad achieved acclaim with thistwo Star Wars movies.George Lucas decided thathe wanted Richard to directthe third installment of the StarWars trilogy. He explainedlater that Richard:“...had done some greatsuspense films and was reallygood with actors. Eye of theNeedle was the film I'd seenthat he had done thatimpressed me the most; it wasreally nicely done and had alot of energy and suspense.”Lucas had consideredSteven Spielberg and DavidLynch but in taking up thepost, Richard became the onlynon-American to direct a StarWars film.

Whitchurch and Llandaff Living Page 8

ffaarr aawwaayy......ggaallaaxxyy ffaarr,,

CCaarrddiiffff ttoo aaFFrroomm nnoorrtthh

Page 9: Whitchurch and Llandaff Issue 9


Rumour circulated at the timethat Richard and GeorgeLucas didn’t get on too wellduring filming. This wasdenied by George Lucasduring his commentary for thefilm’s DVD release. It was also backed up byRichard’s son, James, whowas on set as a teenager. Hetestifies first hand that Richardwas brought to do Star Warsprecisely because he wasgood with actors, saying that: “You could always askHarrison Ford, with whomRichard had worked before.”Richard once said: "I'm veryinterested in directing actors -many directors directcameras." Originally, George Lucas wasdisapproving of Richard'schoice in casting IanMcDiarmid as The Emperor.The choice eventually grew onLucas, as he eventually wenton to cast McDiarmid as theyounger version of the samecharacter in the next threeepisodes of the Saga. In an interview during filmingRichard expressed hisfondness for Chewbacca:"He's very laid back, and henever completely knowswhat's going on around him.He isn't a heroic character, buthe gets himself in thesesituations where he's got tocome through."Return of the Jedi was shotand completed in less than ayear, unlike all the other StarWars films but went on tobecome the biggest grossingfilm of 1983. It took more than$250 million from a $32 millionbudget in 1983, and thenanother $40 million in its 1997re-release. The film was ahuge success for the

Cardiff-born director. Richard’s next film was UntilSeptember, which wasreleased in 1984. JaggedEdge, released in 1985,starred Jeff Bridges and GlennClose. The film was written byJoe Eszterhas, who later wenton to pen Basic Instinct (usingthe very same typewriter towrite the scripts). Jagged Edge was a box office hit.Richard even cheekily had aReturn of the Jedi poster putup on a child’s bedroom setand this can be seen in thefilm. Robert Loggia receivedan Academy Awardnomination as Best SupportingActor for his role in the film.Richard teamed up onceagain with Joe Eszterhas in1987, in his next film Hearts ofFire. The film featured BobDylan as an errant rock starand was filmed partly onlocation in Southerndown andConey Beach at Porthcawl.The film was received poorlybut Richard was never to seethe film released. Shortly aftercompleting the film, and at theage of 49, Richard suffered astroke and sadly passed away.Son James attended thepremier of the film in Richard’sstead.Richard’s legacy continues tothis day however. James isnow a film director in his ownright, and has released several films of his own.

Like his father, he has alsoimpressed George Lucas.James’s directorial debutDead Man’s Cards, was sucha hit with the Star Warssupremo, that he has askedJames to direct the live-actiontelevision series of thefranchise, which is due todebut in 2011.George Lucas told Timemagazine:"It's kind of like Episode IV(Return of the Jedi) - it's funnyand there's action, but it's a lotmore talky. It's more of what Iwould call a soap opera with abunch of personal dramas init."It seems that the Marquandname will continue to have itsinfluence on the Star Warsphenomenon for some time tocome yet.

George Lucas and Richard

Whitchurch and Llandaff Living Page 9

far away...

James Marquand

Page 10: Whitchurch and Llandaff Issue 9
Page 11: Whitchurch and Llandaff Issue 9

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Page 12: Whitchurch and Llandaff Issue 9

Whitchurch and Llandaff Living Page 12

Vocational education firstmade its appearance inLlandaff when the first

phase of college buildingswere built on a sixteen acresite bounded by WesternAvenue, the River Taff andLlandaff Cathedral cemetery.They were officially opened byHis Royal Highness, the Dukeof Edinburgh, on the 1stDecember 1954 - the firststudents having entered theCollege in September of theprevious year.The College had the statedpolicy of providing thepreliminary training ofengineering and building tradestudents, and was to act as afeeder college to the CardiffCollege of Technology andCommerce in Cathays Park.Its first and only Principal wasJoseph Cotterell.Following its opening, thenext two decades saw thedramatic growth of the Collegefrom a relatively smallestablishment to a major

provider of further and highervocational training. Thereasons for this developmentwere twofold. Firstly, there wasthe transfer out of all low-levelvocational courses from theCardiff College of Technologyand Commerce, and secondly,there was the national trend ofemployers promotingApprenticeship Schemes andreleasing their youngemployees to attend day-release courses at college.The Governing Body of theCollege, under thechairmanship of CouncillorWilliam Groves, consisted ofrepresentatives ofthe CardiffEducationCommittee and theChairmen of thevarious AdvisoryCommitteesestablished withinthe College toensure close linkswith local industryand commerce.

Initially, work on the Collegewas organised by twodepartments - an EngineeringDepartment and a Departmentof Building. In 1957, a third department -for Science and Mathematicswas established. In 1960, the work of theoriginal engineeringdepartment was split to form anew Department ofMathematical Engineering,while a Department ofChemistry and Biology wascreated from the existingdepartments of Science andMathematics.



Colour photograph courtesy of Welsh Assembly GovernmentBlack and white photographs courtesy of Dr John Marsden

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Whitchurch and Llandaff Living Page 13

The 1961/62 academicseason saw the start ofnumerous courses in thenewly-formed Department ofChemistry and Biology. Theywere the forerunners ofcourses that would result in theCollege becoming recognisedas a centre of excellence forBiological and ParamedicalStudies in the UK. Thesecourses later formed thenucleus of a series of applieddegree provision in such areasof study as Applied Biology,Chiropody, Dietetics, MedicalLaboratory Technology,Speech Therapy and DentalTechnology. This rapid development ofcourse, resulted in an equallydramatic increase in the full-time teaching staff of theCollege from a total of 21 in1956 to 130 by 1963.Despite the second and thirdphase extensions of theCollege being completed by1963, (and officially opened bySir Edward Boyle, Secretary ofState for Education andScience), and the use of suchout-centres as Insole Court,this rapid developmentresulted in Llandaff Collegeexperiencing accommodationproblems. In September 1963,the Commerce Departmentwas transferred out of theCollege to premises previouslyoccupied by Canton HighSchool in Market Road. The next major developmentof what had now beenrenamed Llandaff College ofTechnology was in 1971, whenthe College was awarded newInstrument and Articles ofGovernment, and gained twoadditional departments - aDepartment of MaritimeStudies and a Department ofPrinting Technology.

1973 saw the opening of theCardiff School of SpeechTherapy in its own purpose-built accommodation, togetherwith additional sciencelaboratories, a new library andstudent recreational faciltiesforming the fifth buildingextension programme.Maritime Studies, previouslyrun at the Reardon SmithNautical College in Fairwater,were housed in purpose-builtaccommodation on theLlandaff campus. It wasofficially opened by HRHPrincess Margaret in 1976,while Printing Technology,which had previously beenadministered by the CardiffCollege of Art was alsoestablished on the campus atthe same time.September 1976 saw the endof Llandaff College ofTechnology as an independentcollege, with the Department ofEducation and Science policydictating that it shouldamalgamate with threecolleges within the city of

Cardiff - the Cardiff College ofArt, the Cardiff College ofEducation and the CardiffCollege of Food Technologyand Commerce, to form theSouth Glamorgan Institute ofHigher Education. This was ineffect, the forerunner of theUniversity of Wales InstituteCardiff (UWIC). UWIC wasgranted university status in1996, and is now recognisedas a major player in universityeducation both in Wales andthe UK.UWIC, with a studentpopulation exceeding 12,000and with students from 128countries worldwide, has itsown administrative centre onthe Llandaff campus and hasretained links with the City ofLlandaff, with students, staffand members of the publicattending the Annual CarolService at Llandaff Cathedralevery Christmas. This eventwas established in 1955 andwill now be in its 55th year ofcelebration.


Llandaff Technical College in 1954. This picture showsPhase I of the build, and was taken prior to its official

opening in December of that year.

Page 14: Whitchurch and Llandaff Issue 9

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Page 15: Whitchurch and Llandaff Issue 9

Waxing LyricalMy dog has a lot of wax in his right ear andis always shaking his head. Is that a sign ofan ear infection, and what can I do at hometo relieve him?

A certain amount of wax in the ear is quite normal for dogs, just as it is for people, but large amounts should not be seen. Some breeds

(for example spaniels) often get very waxy ears, but normal quantities of wax do not cause irritation. If

your dog is shaking his head a lot, it is likelythat the wax you are seeing is the result of theirritation, not the cause. Have a look at the ear:a normal wax is a mid brown colour, of a typicalwaxy consistency, with very little odour. The skin of the ear flap and around the ear-hole should not be red or inflamed, and thereshould be no tenderness. If you are concernedthat any of these points are not right, youshould get him checked by a vet, because earinfections are usually easily treated if caughtearly, but can be much more difficult if they geta hold. Persistent head-shaking or scratching atthe ear suggests very strongly that all is notwell, and your vet should take a look.If you are satisfied that the wax is not causedby a problem, you can clean the ear. Apply agenerous amount of proprietary ear cleaningsolution into the ear canal, then massage thecanal below the ear hole to loosen the wax.Gently wipe away the fluid and wax that comesback out of the ear with tissue or cotton wool.DO NOT use cotton buds or anything similar toclean the canal. This cleaning can be doneonce a week if needed, but if you find that youare getting lots of wax out every week, it wouldbe worth getting the ear checked anyway.

I have guinea pig and a rabbit. The thing isthat the rabbit is always mating with theguinea pig and they are both males! Why isthe rabbit doing that?This is probably a dominance-relatedbehaviour, rather than sexually orientated.Many animals seem to use mating behaviouras a means of establishing the pecking order ina group. Breeding between quite differentspecies does not occur, and therefore truemating attempts are highly unlikely. The factthat both are males is easier to understand ifthe behaviour is regarded as non-sexual,although there are plenty of well-documentedcases of homosexual behaviour in animals. You need to be careful that your guinea pig isnot injured in these encounters. Rabbits, evendwarf breeds, are much stronger than guineapigs, and there is a real possibility the piggymay be hurt. Also, the two animals havedifferent nutritional needs, with guinea pigs needing extra-high levels of vitamin C in theirfood, and rabbits preferably having a grass-and-greens only diet (with no pellets). So wegenerally recommend that you do not keeprabbits and guinea pigs in the same hutch.

Why does my cat lick my hand or arm whenI'm petting her? This is mutual-grooming behaviour. Mutual groomingbehaviour occurs inmany social speciesof animal, and it helpsto reinforce the bondbetween members of a social group. It’s a lovething - enjoy and appreciate it!

Whitchurch and Llandaff Living Page 15


Local Petssponsored by the Heath Veterinary Group

Our Pets Page gives you thechance to put your questions

to your local vet, ChrisTroughton of the

Heath Veterinary Group. Drop us a line if you have a

question for Chris.

Page 16: Whitchurch and Llandaff Issue 9

Iwas born in Llandaff Northjust six months prior to theoutbreak of the war in 1939.

Llandaff North then was asleepy little village where lifewent on behind lace curtains.After the war, the villageexperienced the effects ofbombing that had been meantfor the Port of Cardiff. TheGermans had inflicted a lot ofdamage to the church oppositeGlantaf School, on LlandaffCathedral and a stray bombhad also hit Highfields. Street party celebrations wereone fond memory of that time.


particular I remember was inWest Road. There was buntingacross the road and wedanced to Vera Lynn's We'llMeet Again with a lady calledLucy. She lived next door to agrocery shop and may havebeen called Lucy Evans. I was6. This of course was VE Dayand heralded the end of thewar.

Soon after, Llandaff Northwent back to being the sleepyvillage we had all rememberedagain. It stayed that way untilapproximately 1948 when theCity unveiled what became theGabalfa housing estate at theend of Hawthorn Road. Finally,the world had caught up withus! We lived through rationing,

read about Hillary and Everest,witnessed the advent oftelevision from AlexandraPalace and of course, saw aRoyal Coronation.I began a six yearapprenticeship in the printingindustry in 1954. I married in1960 and also began two

years of mindless activitycalled compulsory NationalService, in the RAF. Threechildren came along in the nextnine years - a son and twodaughters. In 1969, we decided toemigrate to Australia. Wearrived in Perth, WesternAustralia in May that year aftera 26-day cruise via CapeTown. We became knownalong with thousands of othersover the years as the ten-pound poms! In fact, the farefor the five of us was £20! Wedid quite a bit of explorationover the following two years,but then decided to return tothe UK. It was a bad move!

Whitchurch and Llandaff Living Page 16

Memories of Llandaff North in the 1950sby Tony George in Australia

MMiikkee BBaallee.. The Georges

lived at 62 Station Road,

the Berrow family at 64,

Rene and Jim King 66, the

Bale Family in 68 and

Miss Sidney, teacher in

Hawthorn Road Infants

(the Little School) at 70.

Memories of Llandaff North

PPrroobbaabbllyy aann oouuttiinngg ooff tthhee CCooppeellssttoonnee RRooaadd CChhooiirr.. Front

row, centre: I'm squeezed between Mrs Criddle on left

and my mother on right. Back row: extreme right,

Conductor of the Choir Cliff Doolan and his son Frank

Doolan in centre, arms folded, who I believe ended up

playing violin with the Berlin Philharmonic.

Photographs courtesy of Tony George

Page 17: Whitchurch and Llandaff Issue 9

Memories of Llandaff North

Memories of Llandaff North in the 1950sWe arrived back in London in

1972 and after frustratingattempts to get work in Cardiff,I finally managed to getemployment in Weston-super-Mare for a local tradetypesetting company. We spentan idyllic 15 months there, butOz was always lurking in thebackground. So finally in October 1973,we flew out of Gatwick toSingapore and then sailed toSydney. We then caught anbus to Townsville, NorthernQueensland. We stayed therefor six months, but by then wehad had enough of humidityand rain - we had picked thecyclone season to experienceTownsville! We bussed back to Perth (ittook seven days) on the trans-Australian bus company,ironically called Pioneer! Imanaged to find employmentin the printing industry andthen in 1977 it dawned on methat I could possibly open myown business – so I did. Thenlife really began. I proudly builtup a business that experiencedrecognition as a pre-pressstudio to the industry. Then in 1995, for a multitudeof reasons, I moved to thesouthern coastal town ofAlbany, Western Australia tobecome anonymous. Here Ihave one half of my extendedfamily of a daughter, a son-in-law and three grandchildrenwhile my other daughter livesin Perth with my other threegrandchildren. And they alllived happily ever after!

AAss tthhee ccaappttiioonn rreeaaddss aatt tthhee bboottttoomm ooff tthhee ppiicc −−

RRuummnneeyy aanndd GGllyynnttaaff ((ssiicc)) SSeecc.. MMoodd.. SScchhoooollss,, PPoorrtthhccaawwll

CCaammpp NNoovveemmbbeerr.. The teacher to the right of the dog was

called Colin Williams who lived close to Hailey Park,

opposite Glantaf School, which by the way, was a market

garden called Treseders prior to the school! I'm lurking

2nd row from bottom, 2nd in on right hand side.

HHiigghhffiieellddss SScchhooooll:: putting together the school magazine! See pages

drying on line at back. Back row: left to right, David Moles, John Cook,

Tony Mead (emigrated to

Oz back in '52 or '53),

Colin Treweek and

myself. Typesetters/

Compositors: Philip

Shepperd, Graham

Parsons and teacher

Mr. W.B.N Oates

(William Bonham

Norman Oates)!

Whitchurch and Llandaff Living Page 17

Page 18: Whitchurch and Llandaff Issue 9

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Page 19: Whitchurch and Llandaff Issue 9

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Following the success of her LighterLifeCentre in Taffs Well, Weight ManagementCounsellor Janet Pardue-Wood has openeda new centre in Whitchurch Village ShoppingCentre, in order to provide a local venue forpeople in the Whitchurch, Llandaff Northand Rhiwbina areas.

During 2009/2010, Janet has helped menand women in the Cardiff North West, andsurrounding areas, lose almost 400 stonethrough the LighterLife programmes.Janet says “I am really thrilled to have

opened another centre, based in the heartof Whitchurch Village, which offerssumptuous surroundings for people whowish to lose weight.” Through the use of nutritionally balanced

soups, shakes, bars and meals, combinedwith specialised counselling techniques;Cognitive Behavioural Therapy andTransactional Analysis, people not only loseweight but explore some of the reasons theyput on weight. There’s usually a bit more toit than simply ‘eating too much’.

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LighterLife has helped over 250,000 peoplelose weight and keep it off. The LighterLifeprogramme is designed specifically forpeople who have one stone or more to loseand a BMI (body mass index) of 25 or above.New research from the Robert GordenUniversity has proven that a Very LowCalorie Diet (VLCD) like the LighterLife Totalprogramme is far more effective at tacklingobesity than conventional diets. So if youhave been struggling with your weight andwant to lose a stone or more why not give

Janet a call for a FREE consultation. To findout more call Janet Pardue-Wood on 02920811363 or 07967 215544 or visitwww.lighterlife.com/ janetpardue-wood

New North Cardiff Weight ManagementCentre Shows Weight To Go

Janet dropped six dress sizes in sevenmonths and has stayed that way for threeyears thanks to LighterLife. Join in Janet’ssuccess at her new centre in Whitchurch!

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Page 20: Whitchurch and Llandaff Issue 9

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Page 22: Whitchurch and Llandaff Issue 9

Out and About

The history of NorthCardiff can be found inthe roots beneath its soil.

Underneath villages that weare familiar with today, lies theblood and toil of over 1,000years of history.Llanishen, to the east ofRhiwbina, is no exception.Over 1,500 years ago in AD535, two monks headed to thearea from Llandaff, in order tocreate new ‘llans’, orsettlements. For one of themonks, Isan, the area at thesouthern base of CaerphillyMountain was perfect. Thelocation benefitted from freshrunning water from the NantFawr stream nearby. The siteremained largely untoucheduntil the arrival of William theConqueror and his troops,twenty years after the Battle ofHastings. Control was handed over toRobert FitzHamon, William'sKinsman and Earl ofGloucester, who ensured thatWelsh resistance was

subdued. It was at asubsequent battle in NorthRhiwbina, that Iestyn apGwrgant was killed. The battlewas so ferocious that the localstream became overflowedwith blood, giving us the‘Bloody Brook’ that runsthrough Rhiwbina to this day. The Normans set aboutenlarging Isan’s llan,constructing a church to thenorth in the 12th century (anddedicated to the now St Isan),and establishing an agriculturalindustry which remainedlargely untouched until the late1800s. Until 1871, the Taff ValeRailway enforced an iron gripon the rail links between thecoalfaces of the valleys to thedocks at Cardiff. But that year,the Rhymney Railway wasgranted access to build a linefrom Caerphilly. The tunnelthat was bored throughCaerphilly Mountain caused anumber of fatalities, many ofwhom are buried at St Isan’sChurch.

The arrival of the railway hadan almost immediate impacton the suburb – its populationrose, the relatively quietlocation becoming a draw tothose from the city with wealth.Such was the rise inpopulation that in 1887, tworeservoirs were constructedand in 1922, Llanishenbecame officially part ofCardiff.The Second World War had aprofound effect on the village.At the outset, a RoyalOrdnance Factory wasestablished by the governmentto produce tank and anti-tankguns. Around its perimeters,defences were set up to stopany airborne German forcesattacking. The RAF set up aregiment base, introducing aglider training facility. TheGlider Field, (opposite whereLlanishen Leisure Centre nowis) is where the gliders wouldlaunch, at first relying on a cartow to get them airborne, andlater on in the war, balloon

Whitchurch and Llandaff Living Page 22


Photo © Living Magazines 2010

Page 23: Whitchurch and Llandaff Issue 9

Whitchurch and Llandaff Living Page 23

barrage winches. WingCommander Guy Gibson (ofDambusters fame) visited thebase in 1943, even taking tothe skies in a glider with thetrainees.The unit was replaced soonafter by the US Army; glidersreplaced with Piper Cubs. Thesoldiers were billeted aroundthe village, becoming regularand popular inhabitants untilJune 1944. The villagesuddenly became deserted ofvisitors as the American guestsfound themselves on theD-Day beaches of NorthernFrance.Post-war, Llanishen and thesurrounding area lost itsagricultural roots andwelcomed an influx of housingand blue-collar businesses.Llanishen Business Parkreplaced farmland, and theROF was turned into TheAtomic WeaponsEstablishment in 1987. It wasresponsible for the design,manufacture and support ofwarheads for the UnitedKingdom's nuclear deterrentbefore closing its doors in1997. The area has now beendeveloped for housingpurposes.Llanishen is now home toWelsh TV station for Wales,S4C, and also houses theHead Office for the Eisteddfod.Llanishen was also thebirthplace of RichardMarquand, who directed thefamous Star Wars film, Returnof the Jedi.St Isan’s Church is at the

heart of the village. Itsarchitecture is in the Englishstyle with a white-washedinterior. It is formed from theoriginal Norman Church with a15th Century tower. The

South Aisle was the former Nave, and the Lady Chapel theSanctuary. Very little changed over thecourse of the centuries, but thebuilding did undergo extensivebuilding work in 1908.At the Oval Park, on the siteof Llanishen’s first church, sitsa tree. This is a replacementtree for the memorial tree thathad been planted in 1993 bythe Llanishen HistoricalSociety. This was recentlyblown over and uprooted bystrong winds. Cardiff’s CityParks Department replaced thetree, which is Hungarian Oak.Two familiar sights in modern-day Llanishen are the HMRevenue and Customsbuildings. Phase One, Gleider(Welsh for ‘glider’) House is an11-storey structure which isover-looked by the 16-storeyPhase Two building.

Out and About

THE MILITARY GLIDERThe Horsa was the primaryglider used in the paratrooperlandings at both D-Day inJune 1944 and Arnhem in

September 1944.The gliders had a wingspan of88 feet, a length of 67 feet,and were made almost

entirely from 3-ply wood. Fullyladen they weighed some15,250 lbs- about 6.8 tons-and sank at about 400 feet aminute. The Horsa I was

designed to carry 25 soldierswhile the Horsa II had ahinged nose and carried

vehicles and guns. Llanishen played a major rolein training pilots. The picture(above) shows a glider landedin France (note the Cymru AmByth and leek painted on to

the side of the glider).

A glider shortly after crash landing in France

Part of Glider Field with the tax buildings in the background

Page 24: Whitchurch and Llandaff Issue 9

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Starting this autumn in Rhiwbina!Call 07772 081775 for your FREE information pack

Page 25: Whitchurch and Llandaff Issue 9

Is your business looking to make the most of the autumn and winter this year?

Living Magazines have become one of the most effective ways ofpromoting your business or organisation in Cardiff. We offerunbeatable value for money. At a time when belts are being tightened,and budgets clipped, we are pulling out all the stops to make sure thatyour business gets noticed. With prices starting at just £52.50, free editorial (see details below),

free design service and your advert appearing in a high qualitymagazine that’s free to the communities of Cardiff, we can’t think of abetter way to finish off the year on a high. Call 07772 081775 or visitwww.livingmags.co.uk today to reserve your space!

Deliver your business message

effectively this autumn and winter


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Free editorial



Free editorial to appear in our dedicated Local

Business section of our online North Cardiff

community site. Maximum 500 words and can include a

photo and logo. Editorial to be written by advertiser

(we can edit if required). Editorial will appear for the

duration of the original advertisement booked. Adverts

must be prepaid to qualify for free editorial.

BOOKING DEADLINE AND PUBLICATION DATES 2010Rhiwbina Living Autumn - Booking deadline August 27th - Published late September Whitchurch/Llandaff Living Oct/Nov - Booking deadline Sept 10th -Published early OctoberRhiwbina Living Winter - Booking deadline October 22nd - Published late November Whitchurch/Llandaff Living Dec/Jan - Booking deadline November 12th -

Published early December (All four magazines = 20,800 magazines)

As featured by

Page 26: Whitchurch and Llandaff Issue 9


CCaarrttwwrriigghhtt Travel

YYoouurr pplleeaassuurree iiss oouurr pplleeaassuurree......9977 HHeeooll LLllaanniisshheenn FFaacchh,, RRhhiiwwbbiinnaa CCFF1144 66LLBB 002299 22006611 99996611


Page 27: Whitchurch and Llandaff Issue 9

Behind the Scenes

Whitchurch and Llandaff Living Page 27

5.10am The small pitter-patterof paws across the bedroomfloor heralds the arrival of thecat. He tries to jump up ontothe bed, but immediately wantsto get back down again. It hasbecome clear that he’s notinterested in cwtching up –he’s just after his breakfast.

6.30am A cup of tea while thecomputer fires up. First job ofthe day is to check the plan forthe day- it’s going to be a longone!7.00am Respond to emails.There’s one from a ladyrequesting back copies ofWhitchurch and Llandaff Living– she wants to send a copy toher friend (and former Llandaffgirl) in Canada.7.30am Get to work on a verylate advert for Whitchurch andLlandaff Living. The advertiserhad called last night andneeded their advert designedfor them. An hour later, andtheir advert is ready to send forproofing.8.30am Page plan needs to beupdated to include the latestadvertiser. A few pages arejiggled around, still trying tokeep a good balance betweeneditorial and adverts.9.00am Post arrives. There isa letter from a man in

Whitchurch who is offering topen a historical piece. Soundsgreat. I give him a call toarrange copy. Call to ourprinters to check that RhiwbinaLiving proofs are beingdelivered today.10.00am Rhiwbina Livingproofs are delivered from theprinters. All attention is turnedto these. They are spread outon the dining table andscrutinised. A few slightinconsistencies have occurredthroughout the proofingprocess. Calls are made torectify these. New proofs toarrive by email later.12.00pm Lunch with the cat inthe garden.

1.00pmWhitchurch andLlandaff Living is due at theprinters in the morning. Thefinal few news stories aretyped up and dropped onto thepages. Amended RhiwbinaLiving pages arrive by emailand are signed off by us.4.00pm The late advertisercalls to say that there are a fewchanges that they need ontheir advert. Editorial workgoes on hold as the advert isredesigned. Their advert issigned off immediately. Aninvoice is emailed across.4.55pm A call is put in to ourcolleague at the Guardian,offering our services to a BlogSurgery later in the month to

help small organisations andcharities raise their profile.5.30pm Contents page isfinalised and the Editor’sWelcome is finished - the lastthing to go onto the pages. Agreat number of hours ofproofing lie ahead.7.30pm Time for a break. Anhour is taken for some foodand a break away from work.8.30pm First proofingcomplete. Files updated.10.30pm A few more typosthat were missed the first timearound are highlighted andcorrected. A third and finalproofing is underway.12.30am The final files arechecked on screen for one lasttime. One of the pictures onthe Whitchurch and LlandaffLiving proof looks discoloured -this didn’t show up on theprintouts. The photo isadjustedandslottedback intothe page.Themagazineis checkedagain for any disruption.2.10am The magazine file isput onto memory stick,instructions are typed up andprinted. A short walk is takenacross the sleeping village toour printer’s house, where wepost the package for him totake to work the next morning.2.30am Plan drawn up fortomorrow - updating thewebsite and accounts. Onelast cup of tea before bed. Thecat has been asleep for hoursbut will be awake in anotherthree in time for breakfast.

A day in the Life of Living magazines


Page 28: Whitchurch and Llandaff Issue 9

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Page 29: Whitchurch and Llandaff Issue 9

Kitchen GardenBy Fran Mullins

In the last installment of theseries, local resident Fran

Mullins, takes us out into hervegetable garden and advisesus on how to make the most of

growing our own


AAuugguussttIf we are going away, it's a good idea to try toget ahead with watering and weeding so thatwe're not faced with a disaster on return. Kindneighbours may also help with watering.Pests such as carrot fly get a second windabout now but can be deterred by tucking fleececarefully around susceptible crops. It's not veryattractive but very effective. August can behumid and may cause mildew or rust problems.

Remove any infected leaves and try to improve the air circulation.Onions, shallots and garlic can be lifted when their foliage begins to flop. If the weather is dry, ease them out of the soil to break the roots and then leave them

where they are, to dry out in the sun. This helpsprevent rotting during storage. If the weather iswet, harvest and dry them out in an airy space.Continue picking runner beans and courgettesalmost daily. Even if they are too big and toughto eat, remove them from the stems, as left on,they inhibit further flower development.Tomatoes will need increased feeding and weshould remove yellowing leaves to avoidspreading disease. Watering tomatoes regularlyhelps to prevent their skins splitting. As they aresensitive to cold, use water from the water buttrather than the tap.

Squashes and pumpkins may need lifting fromthe ground if it's wet, to prevent rot.In previous issues, I have mentioned thebenefits of leaving the nitrogenous roots of peasin the ground, and this also applies to beans.Just clear away the old foliage to ground leveland the roots will get to work. Legumes producenodules on their roots which contain bacteria.These bacteria take nitrogen from the air andproduce nitrogenous fertiliser.

Pull up any old, bolted lettuce to make roomfor young ones. It's still worth planting saladcrops, such as lettuce and radish as even now,some will mature this year.Harvesting from currant bushes is done bypicking the strings, as opposed to raspberriesand blackberries which are picked individually,leaving the plug on the stem. Currant bushescan then be thinned by a quarter, pruning theoldest stems.As we look ahead to the winter, parsley seedsand winter spinach can be sown now.

FFrraann MMuulllliinnssWhitchurch and Llandaff Living Page 29


Page 30: Whitchurch and Llandaff Issue 9

Mustard ChickenBurgers withSummer Salad

4 large chicken breast fillets4 tbsp olive oil2-3 tbsp Dijon mustard1 garlic clove, crushed1 loaf of ciabatta1 tsp lemon juicesnipped fresh chives togarnishsalt and freshly groundblack pepperFor the salad:50g/2oz baby spinach leaves1 bunch of watercress, largestalks removed½ small radicchio lettuce4 tbsp mayonnaise1 tbsp dijon mustard

Place the chicken breasts oneat a time between two largesheets of clingfilm and beat outgently with a rolling pin untilthey are about 5mm thick andhave almost doubled in size.Mix three tablespoons of theoil with the mustard and the

crushed garlic. Brush some ofthe mixture over both sides ofthe chicken, season with saltand pepper and set to oneside.For the salad, place theprepared leaves into the bowland lightly toss together. Mixthe mayonnaise with themustard and set aside with thesalad.Cut the ciabatta in halflengthways as if you weregoing to make a sandwich andthen across into four chunkypieces. Place cut-side down onthe barbecue and leave for acouple of minutes until lightlytoasted.Barbecue the chicken overmedium-hot coals for 3-4minutes on each side untilgolden on the outside but stilljuicy in the centre.Whisk the rest of the olive oil,lemon juice and some salt andpepper into the remainingmustard mixture. Add the saladleaves and toss togetherlightly.Place a piece of ciabatta onto each plate and spread witha little mustard mayonnaise.Sprinkle over a few leaves,then put the chicken on top,followed by more leaves. Addanother dollop of the mustardmayonnaise and sprinkle witha few snipped chives. Topeverything with a slice ofciabatta and serve the awaitingdiners.

Barbequed Fruit 4 ripe pears, cored andquartered4 ripe apples, cored andquartered3 tbsp sugar1 lemon, juice onlyicing sugar, for dustingcrème fraîche, to serve

Place the pears and apples ina large bowl.Sprinkle over the sugar andthe lemon juice. Using cleanhands or a large spoon, tossthe fruit in the sugar and lemonjuice.Skewer the fruit alternatingthe pear and apple pieces.Place on a hot barbecue orgriddle and turn until the fruit issoftened and the sugar hascaramelised.Dust liberally with icing sugarand serve with crème fraîche.

Traffic Light25ml Amaretto25ml Midori Melon Liquer50ml Cranberry Liquer

Layer theingredientsinto a shotglass overthe back of aspoon in thefollowingorder: melonliquer, amaretto and cranberry.


Summer is a time for heading out into the garden and kicking back with a cool drink. These recipes will really get your taste buds dancing so light the barbeque coals,

relax, and enjoy the heady aromas and tastes of summer cooking

Whitchurch and Llandaff Living Page 30

Page 31: Whitchurch and Llandaff Issue 9

Across1. A hungry stomach6. REM8. Oil leak10. Underneath11. Taste and enjoy12. Square or pyramid

dear?14. Pushing the

stationary17. Without light18. Precipitating?20. Look above22. Release23. Bingo blob24. Change with the

times25. Three-pronged

socket27. Glastonbury’s


28. All of them31. Flower of England33. Inspector of little

machines34. Earl’s colour35. Belonging to him36. Gymnastic circle39. Crazy42. Through a place43. Monetary king45. Falling wood47. Type of whisky

Down2. Fast duck train 3. Meek4. Rainwater’s route

off5. Round spot7. Even crossing9. Parrot’s metal

surrounding13. Basic

ironmonger’s tool15. At no time16. Upper class18. Safe haven19. Leave21. Under a roof23. Seven a week25. Maker of goods26. It belongs to me29. Finish30. Sunshine32. Graceful33. Beefy sauce37. Watery channel38. Moan40. Of Arabia41. Always43. Automobile46. I

Last Issue’s Answers

Across1 Transport; 7 Refrigerate; 11Navigation; 14 Trust; 15 Glue;17 Over; 19 Peel; 20 Admit;22 Heat; 24 Gull; 25 Kite; 28 Admire; 32 Off; 33 Groom;34 Press; 35 Trip; 36 Year;38 Unit; 39 After; 42 Trait;43 Bed; 44 Back; 47 Keen;49 Play; 51 Inept; 53 Entry;55 Drag; 56 Sewer

Down2 Raincheck; 3 Plug; 4 Train;5 Fry; 6 Fester; 8 Drill; 12 Violet;13 Neither; 16 Yell; 18 Rascal;21 Automatic; 23 Tip; 26 Insert;27 Eggs; 29 Mitre; 30 Empathy;31 Trout; 37 Hammer; 40 Never; 41 Indigo; 43 Bee;45 Any; 46 Kip; 50 Less; 52 Pot;54 Raw; 57 We

Whitchurch and Llandaff Living Page 31


Page 32: Whitchurch and Llandaff Issue 9


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