wheat crop health newsletter - iiwbr...wheat crop health newsletter, volume 25 , (2019 -20 ), issue...

WHEAT CROP HEALTH NEWSLETTER ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research, Karnal-132 001, Haryana, India Available on website: www.iiwbr.org VOLUME: 25(2) DECEMBER 2019

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Page 1: WHEAT CROP HEALTH NEWSLETTER - IIWBR...Wheat Crop Health Newsletter, Volume 25 , (2019 -20 ), Issue : 2 2 Summary The prevailing weather conditions viz. mean temperature range from


ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley

Research, Karnal-132 001, Haryana, India

Available on website: www.iiwbr.org


Page 2: WHEAT CROP HEALTH NEWSLETTER - IIWBR...Wheat Crop Health Newsletter, Volume 25 , (2019 -20 ), Issue : 2 2 Summary The prevailing weather conditions viz. mean temperature range from

Wheat Crop Health Newsletter, Volume 25, (2019-20), Issue: 2



वर्तमान मौसम की स्थितर् जैसे 70 से 170 सेस्ससयस का औसर् र्ापमान, सुबह में ओस के साि धुुंध आदि, ववशेष रूप से पुंजाब, जम्मू और हररयाणा के क्षेत्रों में पीले ररु्आ की बीमारी के ललए अनुकूल हैं। ये क्षते्र पीले ररु्आ के ललय रोग-प्रवण क्षते्र हैं। इसललए, ककसानों को सलाह िी जार्ी है कक वे पीले ररु्आ के ललए अपने खेर्ों में कडी तनगरानी रखें। यह रोग पवियों और पणतछि पर पील ेरुंग की धाररयों के रूप में प्रकट होर्ा है, और सुंक्रलमर् पवियों को छूने से उुंगललयों पर पीला पाउडर लग जार्ा है। रोग छोटे पचै या सुंक्रलमर् कें द्र-बबुंिओुुं से शुरू होर्ा है और अनुकूल जलवायु में रे्जी से फैलर्ा है। जब रोग प्रकट होर्ा है, र्ो प्रारुंलिक सुंक्रमण के आगे प्रसार से बचने के ललए प्रिाववर् क्षेत्रों में अनुशुंलसर् कवकनाशी जैसे प्रोवपकॉनाजोल @ 0.1% का तछडकाव करें।

फसल सीजन 2019-20 में, पीला ररु्आ रोग सवतप्रिम पुंजाब के स्जला रूपनगर के आनुंिपुर सादहब ब्लॉक के चुंिेसर और िरोली (हीिली) गाुंवों में र्ीन खेर्ों में HD3086, PBW 677 और WH711 ककथमो पर दिनाक 26.12.2019 को पहली बार िेखा गया । इसके आलावा कहीुं से िी इस रोग के नए सुंक्रमण की सूचना नहीुं है।

मध्य दिसुंबर में, स्जला सुंगरूर, पुंजाब के ववलिन्न गाुंवों में कुछ ककसानों के खेर्ों में गुलाबी र्ाना छेिक और सैतनककीट के आक्रमण की ररपोटत िजत की गई और पाया गया कक जसिी बुवाई और रोटो-सीडर से बोई गई गेहूुं की फसल में गुलाबी र्ाना छेिक का सुंक्रमण अधधक िा जबकक मसचर / चॉपर के इथर्ेमाल के बाि हैप्पी सीडर स ेबोई गई फसल में सैतनककीट का आक्रमण अधधक पाया गया। ककसानों को सलाह िी गई की वे सर्कत रहने और कीट के तनयुंत्रण के ललए प्रिाववर् खेर्ों में कीटनाशकों का उपयोग करे ।

सामान्य र्ौर पर, उिर पस्चचमी मैिानी इलाकों में पणीय माहू का सुंक्रमण फरवरी महीने के शुरू में होर्ा है, इसललए ककसानों को उस अवधध के िौरान सर्कत रहने की सलाह िी जार्ी है और यदि सुंक्रमण आधितक थर्र से अधधक हो जार्ा है, र्ो उधचर् उपाय करें।

कुल लमलाकर गेहूुं फसल का थवाथ्य सिी गेहूुं उत्पािन क्षते्रों में उत्कृष्ट है और वर्तमान मौसम फसल वदृ्धध के पक्ष में है।

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Wheat Crop Health Newsletter, Volume 25, (2019-20), Issue: 2



The prevailing weather conditions viz. mean temperature range from 7oC to 17oC coupled

with dew in late morning hours and haze especially in the area of Punjab, Jammu and

Haryana are favours the yellow rust. There are the prone areas for yellow rust. Therefore,

farmers are advised to keep strict vigil in their fields for yellow rust. Disease appears as

yellow stripes on the leaves and sheath and yellow powder came out on fingers by touching

infected leaves. Disease starts with small patches or foci of infected and further spreads

rapidly under congenial weather. On occurrence of disease spray affected areas with

recommended fungicides, viz., Propiconazole @ 0.1 % to avoid its further spread from initial

infection foci.

The first occurrence of yellow rust in crop season 2019-20 is reported from the three fields in

Anandpur Sahib Block of district Rupnagar in villages Chandesar and Darolli (hethlii) on

verities HD 3086, PBW 677 and WH 711 on 26.12.2019 and after that no new infection has

been reported from anywhere.

The attack of pink stem borer and armyworm was reported in some farmers field in different

villages in district Sangrur, Punjab in mid of December and it was found that pink stem borer

infestation to be more in early sown Roto-seeder wheat crop while armyworm infestation was

observed more in Happy seeder sown crop after using mulcher/chopper. The farmers were

advised to remain vigilant and use insecticides for the control of insect pests in the effected

wheat fields.

In general, in NWPZ the foliar aphid infestation start in the month of February, therefore

farmers are advised to be vigilant during that period and if infestation crosses economic

threshold level, take suitable measures.

Overall the wheat crop health is excellent in all the wheat growing areas and the prevailing

weather is in favour of the crop growth.

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Wheat Crop Health Newsletter, Volume 25, (2019-20), Issue: 2


Surveys were conducted by different co-operators of All India Coordinated Wheat and Barley

Improvement Project for different diseases and insect pest infestation all over the country and

especially in NWPZ for occurrence yellow rust. Overall the crop health is excellent bedsides

few report of pink stem borer infestation and rains during this period supported the growth

and reduced the irrigation requirement. The state wise detail report is as follows:

Haryana and Punjab

Dr. Jaspal Kaur and Dr. Ritu Bala, Plant Pathologist, PAU, conducted survey in the area of

SBS Nagar on 23.12.2019. The crop was health in the area however, leaf rust was observed

on variety HD 3086 in village Rurki Kalan of SBS Nagar. The incidence was very low and it

may due to the high temperature during mid of December in the area.

Survey conducted in the area of Rupnahar, Nawansahar, Anandpur Shahib districts of Punjab

by Dr. Jaspal Kaur, Plant Pathologist, PAU, Dr. Pawan Kumar, Astt. Plant Pathologist, KVK,

Pupnagar, Mr. Mohammad Waris (Ph.D. student) and Mr, Rajkumar from State Ag. Dept.

The initial foci of yellow rust has been observed in three fields of Anandpur Sahib block of

district Rupnagar in villages Chandesar and Darolli (hethlii) on verities HD 3086, PBW 677

and WH 711 during the survey conducted on 26.12.2019. This is the first report of the yellow

rust occurrence during the crop season 2019-20. Minor incidence of leaf rust was also

observed at village Chandesar.

The team constituted for conducting wheat crop health survey especially for yellow rust in

areas of Haryana and Punjab, conducted survey on 31st December, 2019. Dr. Ravindra

Kumar, Scientist (Plant Pathology) along with Dr. Satish Kumar, Senior Scientist (Plant

Breeding) recorded the status of wheat crop health focusing on yellow rust incidences in

route Karnal – Yammunanagar – Rupnagar – Anandpur Sahib. Dr. Jaspal Kaur (Plant

Pathologist), PAU, Ludhiana joined them at Anandpur Sahib block of Rupnagar district of

Punjab. In the areas surveyed (except one field with minor incidence of yellow rust), there

was no disease in the crop. One case of minor incidence of yellow rust of wheat on cv. WH

711 was found in Daroli village of Anandpur Sahib block of Rupnagar district of Punjab.

Thereafter, several wheat fields were rigorously surveyed and searched for another cases of

incidence of rust disease in same Daroli village and nearby village Kalitran but no incidence

of yellow rust was found in these fields.

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Dr. Beant Singh, Assistant Entomologist visited different villages in districts Sangrur and

Mansa enroute villages Mehlan, Janal, Mardkhera, Sunam, Cheema and Veer Khurd on

12.12.2019. and another team of scientists comprising of Dr. Sutantar Kumar Airi, Director

of Agriculture, Dr Jagtar Singh JDA, Dr. Parminder Singh JDA, Dr. JPS Grewal, CAO and

team from PAU, Ludhiana including Dr. Gurshaib Singh Manes, ADR, Dr. K.S. Suri,

Principal Scientist (Rice), Dr. Beant Singh, Entomologist (Wheat), Dr. Mandeep Singh, Dr

B.S. Romana from KVK Sangrur, visited different villages in districts Sangrur in route

Kartarpura, Thalesan, Nanakpura, Model town Sheron, Shahpur Kalan and Sheron on

13.12.2019. In general, the attack of pink stem borer was found to be more in early sown

Roto-seeder wheat crop while armyworm infestation was observed more in Happy seeder

sown crop after using mulcher/chopper. The plant density in Rotavator sown wheat crop was

also found to be slightly less due to placement of seed at uneven depth. The farmers were

advised to remain vigilant and use insecticides for the control of insect pests in the effected

wheat fields.

A team consisting of Dr. J.S. Kular, Ex-Professor of Entomology (Extension) and Dr. Beant

Singh, Assistant Entomologist visited different villages in districts Sangrur and Ludhiana

enroute villages Raikot, Lahotbadi, Kalsian, Malerkotla, Ghaour Kalan, Mehlan, Dandoli

choti, Mardkhera and Galbia on 24.12.2019. The reports were there that 9 acre field of Sh.

Gurdeep Singh has 50 per cent damaged. The team visited and found that pink stem borer

larvae and its damaged plants were still there in his field and the plant stand was poor in fifty

per cent area of his field. He has applied Chlorpyriphos mixed with urea and Furadon

granules in his field. He has also broadcasted seed of PBW 550 in his field and some of them

are germinating. The farmer informed that his field appears (somewhat) to be recovering as

compared to earlier damage, but still the plant stand was poor in his fields. In other farmers

field the crop was in good condition except there was minor infectation of Armyworm amd

Pink stem borer in some of the fields. Farmers were advised to remain vigilant and regularly

monitor their field and use insecticides for the control of insect pests in the effected wheat


Himachal Pradesh

Dr. M. S. Saharan, Principal Scientist, Plant Pathology, IARI, New Delhi conducted wheat

crop health survey during December 26-27, 2019 in Chetru, Matour, Nagrota, Malan villages

in Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh. Crop was very good. No rust was observed in any

farmers’ field. Powdery mildew, spot blotch and aphids were also not observed.


Survey was conducted by Dr. P.S. Shekhawat, Wheat Pathologist, RARI, Durgapura, Jaipur

on 28th December, 2019 in farmers field of Kotputli, Shapura and Paota area of district

Jaipur. The wheat crop was at tillering stage. None of the disease was observed and the crop

was healthy.

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Uttar Pradesh

Dr. Javed Bahar Khan, Wheat Pathologist, CSAUA&T, Kanpur, reported the crop is

generally good in area. However in some wheat field planted under rainfed condition upto

10% termite infestation was observed. The Aphid infestation was observed in 02-03

aphid/plants in barley irrigated crop and Aphid infestation was not observed in wheat crop.

No any disease shown in field.

Madhya Pradesh

Dr. K. K. Mishra, Scientist, JNKVV, ZARS, Powarkheda reported that wheat health surveys

were conducted during the month of December 2019 envisaged Hoshangabad and adjoining

four districts viz. Harda, Narsinghpur, Betul and Sehore. In Betul district the crop health

situation was largely good except very few places near Betul bajar and Multai Tehsil, where,

Rhizictonia root rot and subsequent yellowing was evident. The Gaderwada and Gotegawn

areas of district Narsinghpur, were surveyed and observed that in entire district crop

condition is quite good. Here most of the crop is under timely sown irrigated and late sown

irrigated conditions. In some areas of District Sehore near Obadullaganj, the root aphid was

reported in first week of December in early sown crop. But with decreasing atmospheric

temperature in third and fourth weeks of December the problem get subsided. In Timerni,

Khirkia and Sadar harda tesils of Harda district were visited and found that most of the crop

is under timely sown condition. In Hoshangabad district, Shivani Malva, Keshal, Itarsi Babai

and Hoshangabad tehsils were observed for overall crop health situations. It was found that in

almost entire areas the crop in under timely sown to slightly late sown irrigated condition and

crop health situation is excellent. In all most entire areas it was found that newly released

varieties like MP 3382, MP1203, MP1201, MP 3288, HI 1544, HI 8459, GW 322 and GW

366 were often popular among the farmers. Over all the crop health situation and condition in

entire Central Narmada valley and adjoining areas was quite good.

Dr. T. L. Prakasha, Scientist (Plant Pathology), IARI, RS, Indore that surveys were conducted

during November and December, some of the fields in Sawer, Indore, Dhar, Vidisha were

infested with cutworms and white grubs. The damage was more in early sown crops. Suitable

control measures were suggested to the farmers.

West Bengal

The survey team consisting Dr. Sudheer Kumar, PI & Principal Scientist, IIWBR along with

Dr. Amit Sharna, Senior Scientist, IIWBR and Dr. Dhiman Mukharjee, Asso. Prof., BCKV

visited in the area of Nadia district in route Kalyani – Bangaon – Krishnanagar – Ranghat –

Kalyani on 18.12.2019. In this area no wheat cultivation was odberved, whoever very few

one or two isolated fields of wheat were observed in these fields the crop was in seedling

stage and free from any disease. A very few and small patches of oat for fodder purpose were

observed and were also free from any disease symptoms.

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Dr. Sudhir Navathe, Scientist B (Plant Pathology), MACS-Agharkar Research Institute, Pune

reported the infestation of the root aphid in few farmers field near Hol, Baramati, Pune in the

month of December, 2019. The 2-3 aphids per plant in one sq. meter area were observed and

infestation was also observed in coordinated trials. Control measures were taken and also

suggested to the farmers. Any natural occurrence of leaf rust stem rust or foliar blight was not


Dr. B. C. Game, Prof. B. M. Mhaske and Dr. B. M. Ilhe from Agricultural Research Station,

Niphad, Nashik (Maharashtra) reported that in most of the parts of Maharashtra, temperature

remained at higher side during December 2019. The range of maximum temperature was

between 23 to 26oC, while minimum temperature was above 12oC at Niphad. The timely

sown crop at some places premature reached in booting stage due to high temperature and

cloudy conditions. The crop condition of late sown wheat is better over the early and timely

sown crop. There was infestation of shoot fly in most of the parts of wheat growing area, but

the population was below economic threshold level. Suitable control measures were

suggested to the farmers where the infestation of shoot fly was more than 5%. There was very

low infestation of aphid on early and timely sown crop. There is no report of leaf rust in

farmers’ field, but the infection of leaf blight in traces has been noticed. Wheat Disease

Monitoring Nursery sown at Pimpalgaon Baswant remained free from rust and leaf blight

during the month.

A team comprising Dr. M. A. Gud, Jr. Wheat Pathologist and Dr. R. R. Perane, Wheat Rust

Mycologist, Regional Wheat Rust Research station, Mahabaleshwar conducted survey and

observed the wheat crop status on farmer’s field in the Regional Wheat Rust Research Station, Mahabaleshwar jurisdiction and around the Satara district during December, 2019.

Most of the farmer’s sown wheat crop in the second fortnight of November, 2019. Crop was in seedling, crown root and tillering stage in the observed area. Overall, wheat crop was

found healthy. No serious pest-disease incidence was seen on wheat crop in surveyed area.

Also, no reports regarding pest-disease incidence were received from Agriculture

Department, Maharashtra State during this month.


Dr. Gurudatt M. Hegde, Jr. Pathologist, UAS, Dharwad, and Mr. Sudhakar V. Kulkarni

Technical officer, AICRP (wheat) scheme conducted the wheat crop health survey in area of

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Dharwad, Belgaum, Gadag and Bagalkot districts on 7.12.2019. The crop was grown under

rainfed, restricted irrigations and irrigated conditions. In all the areas surveyed the crop was

at seedling stage. The leaf rust, stem rust and spot blotch were not observed in any of the

locations visited. However, shoot fly was observed in some fields to an extent of 3-5 % in

different wheat genotypes.

The team comprises Dr. P.L. Kashyap, Scientist (Plant Pathology), ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal and

Dr. Gurudatt M. Hegde, Jr. Plant Pathologist, UAS, Dharwad, Karnataka along with Dr.

Sudha and scientists from KVK visited Bagalkot area of Karnataka from December 11 -12,

2019. Farmers’ fields in area of Bagalkot, Badami and Modhol taluka were surveyed. During

the visit in was found that some of the very early sown field’s wheat roots and field soil was

heavily infested with Sclerotium rolfsii, a fungus responsible for foot and root rot disease of

wheat in the region. Generally the soils of Karnataka including this region are severely

infested with Sclerotium rolfsii. Besides this in other nearby areas the timely sown wheat

crop was at seedlings stage and free from any disease.

Issued by: Crop Protection Programme, ICAR- Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research, Karnal- 132001 Compiled and Edited by: Sudheer Kumar, Poonam Jasrotia, Prem Lal Kashyap, Ravindra Kumar and G.P. Singh Phone: 0184- 2266092, 2267490, 2267830, 2267495, Fax: +91-0184-2267390 E. mail: [email protected]