what’s in store? mutation: where do they come from? mutation: how do we get rid of them? cancer:...

N ovem ber15, 2000 A llthe new s that'sfitto transcribe Snake sw allow s fifty pound rat G ristle allthatrem ains, say astounded onlookers (RICH M O N D ) Type I D N A M Tases differ m arkedly from Type II in both structure and m echanism ofaction ().M ostnotably,the form er consistoftw o distinctsubunits,a catalytic subunit(M ,encoded by hsdM) and a subunit (S,encoded by hsdS) responsible for specific binding to D N A .The addition of a third subunit (R ,encoded by hsdR) confers upon the com plex the additionalability to cleave D N A unm ethylated at the target recognition site. Type ID N A M Tases have been divided into four fam ilies,IA through ID ,originally on the basisofantigeniccrossreactivity. The possibility that D N A replication, m odulated by a solitary M Tase, m ight regulate differentiation w ithin filam ents of A nabaena PC C 7120 m otivated us to screen the strain for genes encoding such enzym es.U nusual features in the deduced am ino acid sequences of protein encoded by tw o ofthe genes found led us to exam ine them m ore closely w ithin the contextofcurrentunderstanding of structure/function relationships. w as isolated from A nabaena PC C 7120 (henceforth referred to as A nabaena )grow n on BG 11,m odified as previously described (),by vortexing w ith glass beads in phenol(). Plasm ids bearing expressed D N A M Tase genes avaM V , dmtB/avaM V II, and dmtD/avaM IX w ere isolated essentially according to the protocolofK iss et al.().In brief, A nabaena D N A partially digested w ith Sau3A Ito an apparentaverage size of 2 to 3 kb w as ligated w ith pBluescript II K S+ (Stratagene).The ligated D N A w as electroporated into E . coli strain G m 4715 ( dam - mcrB - ; ref. Error! R eference source not found. ), for cloning of avaM V , or K803 ( hsdS3 mcrB; ref. ), for cloning of dmtB and dmtD . A pproxim ately 400,000 colony form ing units w ere incubated in 4 m lLB,1 hr,then 100 m l LB + 50 µg/m l am picillin,6 hrs. Plasm id w as isolated through a Q iagen 100 tip. A pproxim ately 1 µg plasm id D N A w as digested for atleast6 hrs w ith excess restriction enzym e ( D pnII for avaM V , H ae III for dmtB, and BsrFI for dmtD). The DN A w as precipitated, and 20% of it w as used to electroporate the sam e strain of E . coli to am picillin resistance.For dmtB and dmtD,this w as sufficient to isolate severalcolonies carrying the gene. For avaM V , it w as necessary to go through a second round of am plification,starting w ith severalhundred colonies scraped off of the transform ation plate. The gene encoding D m tA w as isolated by PC R am plification using the prim ers 5'- A TA TCATCAGG TG A TC G CG C -3'and 5'-TTTG G C G C TG G G A TA G TA CC -3'. The gene encoding M . Ava IIIand its dow nstream open reading fram e (O RF)w ere isolated on the sam e PC R -am plified fragm ent,using the prim ers 5'-C A G TA TG C TTC A G G G G G A A A -3' and 5'-G TTG TTG A TG CTTTG A G CG A -3'. Both sets ofprim ers w ere derived from D ozens rem ain m issing from geneticsexam Puzzled officialshold outhope assearch continues (RICHM OND) Routine plasm id isolation and m anipulations followed standard procedures. The presence of sm all D N A digestion fragm ents w as assessed by electrophoresis on 3% gels m ade w ith M etaphor (FM C).D N A w as prepared for pulsed- field gel electrophoresis as previously described () Analysis of D N A and protein sequences Plasm id D N A purified through a Q iaprep m inispin colum n w as sequenced by the U niversity ofC hicago D N A Sequencing Facility.M ostofthe D N A ,and allregions w here D N A M Tases and restriction endonucleases w ere found by searching G enBank w ith G apped BLA ST () and searching other databases listed below (last searched June 2000). DN A sequences from Synechocystis PC C 6803 and prelim inary D N A sequences from A nabaena w ere obtained from CyanoBase (ww w.kazusa.or.jp/cyano/cyano.htm l). Prelim inary D N A sequences from Nostoc punctiforme A TC C 29133 (henceforth called Nostoc punctiforme ), and E nterococcus faecalis V 583 w ere obtained from the DO E Joint G enom e Institute (http://spider.jgi-psf.org/JG I_m icrobial/htm l/ nostoc_hom epage .htm l), and from The Institute forG enom ic R esearch (http://w w w .tigr. org),respectively.D N A M Tase sequences w ere identified in genom ic sequences by three m eans: annotation ofthe sequence, annotation in R EBA SE (reference and http://rebase.neb.com ),a depository ofinform ation regarding restriction endonucleases and D N A M Tases,and BLA ST searches using the follow ing archetypicalsequences,w ith each follow ed by its class ( Error!B ookm ark notdefined. , Error!B ookm ark notdefined. ) and accession/enzym e num ber: M . E co BI (IA ; rebase|3381), M . E co EI (IB; rebase|3386), M. E co R124I (IC; rebase|3392), M. StySBLI (ID; rebase|3571), M. H ae III (II-5m C ; sp|P20589), M . D pn IIA (II-N 6m A ; sp|P04043), M . Nla III (II-N 4m C ; pir|XYN H AL), G e n e t i c s N e w s Yourpicture goeshere

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Page 1: What’s in store? Mutation: Where do they come from? Mutation: How do we get rid of them? Cancer: The result of mutation Thanksgiving Genetic variation

November 15, 2000 All the news that's fit to transcribe

Snake swallows fifty pound ratGristle all that remains, say astounded onlookers

(RICHMOND) Type I DNA MTases differ markedly from Type II in both structure andmechanism of action (). Most notably, the former consist of two distinct subunits, a catalyticsubunit (M, encoded by hsdM) and a subunit (S, encoded by hsdS) responsible for specificbinding to DNA. The addition of a third subunit (R, encoded by hsdR) confers upon thecomplex the additional ability to cleave DNA unmethylated at the target recognition site.Type I DNA MTases have been divided into four families, IA through ID, originally on thebasis of antigenic crossreactivity.

The possibility that DNA replication, modulated by a solitary MTase, might regulatedifferentiation within filaments of Anabaena PCC 7120 motivated us to screen the strain forgenes encoding such enzymes. Unusual features in the deduced amino acid sequences ofprotein encoded by two of the genes found led us to examine them more closely within thecontext of current understanding of structure/ function relationships.

was isolated from Anabaena PCC 7120 (henceforth referred to as Anabaena) grown onBG11, modified as previously described (), by vortexing with glass beads in phenol ().Plasmids bearing expressed DNA MTase genes avaMV, dmtB/ avaMVII, anddmtD/ avaMIX were isolated essentially according to the protocol of Kiss et al. (). In brief,Anabaena DNA partially digested with Sau3AI to an apparent average size of 2 to 3 kbwas ligated with pBluescript II KS+ (Stratagene). The ligated DNA was electroporatedinto E. coli strain Gm4715 (dam- mcrB-; ref. Error! Reference source not found.), forcloning of avaMV, or K803 (hsdS3 mcrB; ref. ), for cloning of dmtB and dmtD.Approximately 400,000 colony forming units were incubated in 4 ml LB, 1 hr, then 100ml LB + 50 µg/ ml ampicillin, 6 hrs. Plasmid was isolated through a Qiagen 100 tip.Approximately 1 µg plasmid DNA was digested for at least 6 hrs with excess restrictionenzyme (DpnII for avaMV, HaeIII for dmtB, and BsrFI for dmtD). The DNA wasprecipitated, and 20% of it was used to electroporate the same strain of E. coli toampicillin resistance. For dmtB and dmtD, this was sufficient to isolate several coloniescarrying the gene. For avaMV, it was necessary to go through a second round ofamplification, starting with several hundred colonies scraped off of the transformationplate.

The gene encoding DmtA was isolated by PCR amplification using the primers 5'-ATATCATCAGGTGATCGCGC-3' and 5'-TTTGGCGCTGGGATAGTACC-3'. The geneencoding M.AvaIII and its downstream open reading frame (ORF) were isolated on thesame PCR-amplified fragment, using the primers 5'-CAGTATGCTTCAGGGGGAAA-3'and 5'-GTTGTTGATGCTTTGAGCGA-3'. Both sets of primers were derived from

Dozens remain missingfrom genetics examPuzzled officials hold out hope as search continues(RICHMOND) Routine plasmid isolation and manipulations followed standardprocedures. The presence of small DNA digestion fragments was assessed byelectrophoresis on 3% gels made with Metaphor (FMC). DNA was prepared for pulsed-field gel electrophoresis as previously described ()Analysis of DNA and proteinsequences Plasmid DNA purified through a Qiaprep minispin column was sequenced by theUniversity of Chicago DNA Sequencing Facility. Most of the DNA, and all regions wherethere were any ambiguities, were sequenced from both strands. ORFs were identified andtranslated using EditBase, provided by Niels Nielsen (Purdue University). Proteinsequences were aligned by ClustalX () and displayed by ClustalInColor, a locally writtenprogram that facilitates the coloring of amino acids to accentuate relationships betweengroups of sequences. In sequence comparisons, an amino acid was judged to be similar tothe consensus amino acid if the entry of the pair in BLOSUM62, a matrix of amino acidsimilarities (), gives a positive value. Groups of amino acids were judged to be similar toeach other if they fell into one of the following sets defined by positive values inBLOSUM62 with respect to the first listed amino acid: DEN, EDKQ, HNY, LIMV, SANT,QEKR, YFHW.

DNA MTases and restriction endonucleases were found by searching GenBank withGapped BLAST () and searching other databases listed below (last searched June 2000).DNA sequences from Synechocystis PCC 6803 and preliminary DNA sequences fromAnabaena were obtained from CyanoBase (www.kazusa.or.jp/ cyano/ cyano.html).Preliminary DNA sequences from Nostoc punctiforme ATCC 29133 (henceforth calledNostoc punctiforme), and Enterococcus faecalis V583 were obtained from the DOE JointGenome Institute (http:/ / spider.jgi-psf.org/ JGI_microbial/ html/ nostoc_homepage.html), and from The Institute for Genomic Research (http:/ / www.tigr. org), respectively. DNA MTase sequences were identified in genomic sequences bythree means: annotation ofthe sequence, annotation in REBASE (reference andhttp:/ / rebase.neb.com), a depository of information regarding restriction endonucleasesand DNA MTases, and BLAST searches using the following archetypical sequences, witheach followed by its class (Error! Bookmark not defined.,Error! Bookmark not defined.)and accession/ enzyme number: M.EcoBI (IA; rebase| 3381), M.EcoEI (IB; rebase| 3386),M.EcoR124I (IC; rebase| 3392), M.StySBLI (ID; rebase| 3571), M.Hae III (II-5mC;sp| P20589), M.Dpn IIA (II-N6mA ; sp| P04043), M.Nla III (II-N4mC ; pir| XYNHAL),M.HinFI (II-N6mAß; rebase| 3429), M.Pvu II (II-N4mCß; gb| AAA96336), M.EcoPI (III-N6mAß; sp| P08763), M.Pst I (II-N6mA ; rebase| 3483). An ORF was judged to encode aDNA MTase if it matched a positively identified DNA MTase with a BLAST score betterthan 10-4. Unidentified open reading frames were searched for known motifs usingEMOTIF (reference and http:/ / dna.stanford.edu/ identify/ ).Pl Zasmid DNA isolated from the dam- dcm- strain E. coli Gm48 (Error! Reference sourcenot found.) was hydrolyzed by a procedure modified from that described by Gehrke et al.(). About 50 µg DNA in 100 µl deionized water was denatured by boiling for 5 minutes,and plunging the microfuge tube into ice water. 200 µl 30 mM sodium acetate pH 5.2 and10 µl 20 mM zinc sulfate was added, followed by 6 units of nuclease P1 (Roche). After 6hrs of incubation at 37°, 40 µl of 0.5 M Tris (not adjusted for pH) and 5 units shrimpalkaline phosphatase (Roche) was a

Genet i cs N ews

Your picture goes here

Page 2: What’s in store? Mutation: Where do they come from? Mutation: How do we get rid of them? Cancer: The result of mutation Thanksgiving Genetic variation

What’s in store?

Mutation: Where do they come from?

Mutation: How do we get rid of them?

Cancer: The result of mutation


Genetic variation

Genetics of populations

2nd UR Symposium on Agrobacterial genetics

Exam IV

Page 3: What’s in store? Mutation: Where do they come from? Mutation: How do we get rid of them? Cancer: The result of mutation Thanksgiving Genetic variation

What’s in store today?

Is mutatagenesis random or induced?

• Luria-Delbrück fluctuation experiment• Lederbergs’ replica plating experiment

What mutations arise spontaneously?

What is the cause of spontaneous base substitutions?

• Spectrum of mutations in lacI

• Tautomerization• Transitions vs transversions

Page 4: What’s in store? Mutation: Where do they come from? Mutation: How do we get rid of them? Cancer: The result of mutation Thanksgiving Genetic variation

Nature of mutationLuria-Delbrück fluctuation experiment

Culture growing without lactose

Culture able to metabolize lactose

+ lactose

Person sensitive to smallpox Acquired immunity

+ virus

Culture sensitive to bacteriophage

+ phage Acquired hereditary immunity

+ phage

Culture sensitive to bacteriophage

sensitive cellsrare mutants

Clonal growth of random mutants


Page 5: What’s in store? Mutation: Where do they come from? Mutation: How do we get rid of them? Cancer: The result of mutation Thanksgiving Genetic variation

Nature of mutationLuria-Delbrück fluctuation experiment

Culture sensitive to bacteriophage

+ phage Acquired hereditary immunity

+ phage

Culture sensitive to bacteriophage

sensitive cellsrare mutants

Clonal growth of random mutants


How to distinguish the two?

Page 6: What’s in store? Mutation: Where do they come from? Mutation: How do we get rid of them? Cancer: The result of mutation Thanksgiving Genetic variation

Nature of mutationLuria-Delbrück fluctuation experiment

Little variation from tube to tube

Great variation from tube to tube

Add phage

Add phage

Page 7: What’s in store? Mutation: Where do they come from? Mutation: How do we get rid of them? Cancer: The result of mutation Thanksgiving Genetic variation

SQ2: What if tubes pooled?

Add phage

Tube 1 Tube 2 Tube 3 Tube 4

Tube 1 Tube 2 Tube 3 Tube 4

4 mutants 5 mutants 5 mutants 6 mutants

Page 8: What’s in store? Mutation: Where do they come from? Mutation: How do we get rid of them? Cancer: The result of mutation Thanksgiving Genetic variation

Nature of mutationLederbergs’ replica plating experiment

Acquired hereditary immunity Random mutation

Page 9: What’s in store? Mutation: Where do they come from? Mutation: How do we get rid of them? Cancer: The result of mutation Thanksgiving Genetic variation

How to get lacI mutants

Single cell

Single colony


PGal+ Colonies

Isolate DNA

Sequence lacI

SQ6: Why a single colony?

Page 10: What’s in store? Mutation: Where do they come from? Mutation: How do we get rid of them? Cancer: The result of mutation Thanksgiving Genetic variation

SQ8: What kind of mutations do you expect?

What kind of mutations did Crick et al see?

Problem set 4: Mutation of Factor VIII gene Wild-type 5'-GGAGTTGAGTCATGGACTCTAAGCAGCGATCCACAAAG...


What kind of mutation has been cropping up all semester?

Base substitution




Single base insertion/deletion

What kind of mutations were in your T4 tester strains?

Big deletions

What kind of mutations were actually observed in lacI?

Page 11: What’s in store? Mutation: Where do they come from? Mutation: How do we get rid of them? Cancer: The result of mutation Thanksgiving Genetic variation




anything unusual?

Page 12: What’s in store? Mutation: Where do they come from? Mutation: How do we get rid of them? Cancer: The result of mutation Thanksgiving Genetic variation




Page 13: What’s in store? Mutation: Where do they come from? Mutation: How do we get rid of them? Cancer: The result of mutation Thanksgiving Genetic variation
Page 14: What’s in store? Mutation: Where do they come from? Mutation: How do we get rid of them? Cancer: The result of mutation Thanksgiving Genetic variation
Page 15: What’s in store? Mutation: Where do they come from? Mutation: How do we get rid of them? Cancer: The result of mutation Thanksgiving Genetic variation

SQ6: Why start with a single colony?

Single cell

Single colony

Page 16: What’s in store? Mutation: Where do they come from? Mutation: How do we get rid of them? Cancer: The result of mutation Thanksgiving Genetic variation

SQ6: Why start with a single colony?Consider the alternative

Concentration? 2·109 cells/mlNumber of cells transferred? > 2·106 cells

Number of mutants transferred? > 4 mutantsNumber of mutants after regrowth of culture? > 4000 mutants

Page 17: What’s in store? Mutation: Where do they come from? Mutation: How do we get rid of them? Cancer: The result of mutation Thanksgiving Genetic variation

Tautomerization of bases


C* T*


Page 18: What’s in store? Mutation: Where do they come from? Mutation: How do we get rid of them? Cancer: The result of mutation Thanksgiving Genetic variation

Mutagenesis from tautomeric base

Page 19: What’s in store? Mutation: Where do they come from? Mutation: How do we get rid of them? Cancer: The result of mutation Thanksgiving Genetic variation

Mutagenesis from tautomeric base

Page 20: What’s in store? Mutation: Where do they come from? Mutation: How do we get rid of them? Cancer: The result of mutation Thanksgiving Genetic variation

Effects of transition mutationsTable 1: The Genetic Codea



TTG Leu(L) TCG Ser(S) TAG STOP TGG Trp(W) CTT Leu(L) CCT Pro(P) CAT His(H) CGT Arg(R) CTC Leu(L) CCC Pro(P) CAC His(H) CGC Arg(R) CTA Leu(L) CCA Pro(P) CAA Gln(Q) CGA Arg(R)


CTG Leu(L) CCG Pro(P) CAG Gln(Q) CGG Arg(R) ATT Ile(I) ACT Thr(T) AAT Asn(N) AGT Ser(S) ATC Ile(I) ACC Thr(T) AAC Asn(N) AGC Ser(S) ATA Ile(I) ACA Thr(T) AAA Lys(K) AGA Arg(R)


ATG Met(M)b ACG Thr(T) AAG Lys(K) AGG Arg(R) GTT Val(V) GCT Ala(A) GAT Asp(D) GGT Gly(G) GTC Val(V) GCC Ala(A) GAC Asp(D) GGC Gly(G) GTA Val(V) GCA Ala(A) GAA Glu(E) GGA Gly(G)


GTG Val(V) GCG Ala(A) GAG Glu(E) GGG Gly(G)

Page 21: What’s in store? Mutation: Where do they come from? Mutation: How do we get rid of them? Cancer: The result of mutation Thanksgiving Genetic variation

Effects of transversion mutationsTable 1: The Genetic Codea



TTG Leu(L) TCG Ser(S) TAG STOP TGG Trp(W) CTT Leu(L) CCT Pro(P) CAT His(H) CGT Arg(R) CTC Leu(L) CCC Pro(P) CAC His(H) CGC Arg(R) CTA Leu(L) CCA Pro(P) CAA Gln(Q) CGA Arg(R)


CTG Leu(L) CCG Pro(P) CAG Gln(Q) CGG Arg(R) ATT Ile(I) ACT Thr(T) AAT Asn(N) AGT Ser(S) ATC Ile(I) ACC Thr(T) AAC Asn(N) AGC Ser(S) ATA Ile(I) ACA Thr(T) AAA Lys(K) AGA Arg(R)


ATG Met(M)b ACG Thr(T) AAG Lys(K) AGG Arg(R) GTT Val(V) GCT Ala(A) GAT Asp(D) GGT Gly(G) GTC Val(V) GCC Ala(A) GAC Asp(D) GGC Gly(G) GTA Val(V) GCA Ala(A) GAA Glu(E) GGA Gly(G)


GTG Val(V) GCG Ala(A) GAG Glu(E) GGG Gly(G)