what's coming in 2016? cognitive analytics

Cognitive analytics: What’s coming in 2016? ibm.co/advancedanalytics

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Page 1: What's coming in 2016? Cognitive Analytics

Cognitive analytics:What’s coming in 2016?


Page 2: What's coming in 2016? Cognitive Analytics

1. Cognitive analytics will become inescapable in everyday life

Cognitive analytics is transforming life and work in the 21st century. Key trends include the adoption of cognitively enriched intelligent machines such as mobile devices and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The cognitive computing fabric will be interwoven into technology (e.g., social media) and touch our daily lives.

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2. Cognitive analytics will become the chief focus of innovation

To drive business success, developers everywhere are building cognitive applicationsfor every conceivable use, and data scientists with cognitive skills are at the heart of this fast-growing developer ecosystem.

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3. Cognitive analytics will begin to converge all big data

Cognitive analytics is ingesting new types of information. The cognitive revolution runs on fresh feeds of an ever-growing pool of disparate data, including media streams, IoT sensor data and othernontraditional sources.

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4. Cognitive analytics will become the hottest specialty in data science

A new generation of data scientists is coming of age. These data scientists are adept at cognitive application development in Apache Spark, Apache Hadoop, R and other open platforms and tools. And they are combining statistical modeling, subject matter domain knowledge and programming skills.

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5. Cognitive analytics will take root in global governance

As cognitive applications drive more business processes and automate decisions, society is calling for highly comprehensive legal, regulatory and policy frameworks to manage compliance, risks and ramifications.

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6. Cognitive analytics will become the principal personalization tool

Cognitive systems are becoming active, context-aware personalized interaction agents: the future of cognitive applications in our lives is pervasive personalization. Cognitive systems will increasingly understand the geospatial and temporal context of everything we do, and deliver responses that consistently fit for those contexts.

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7. Cognitive analytics will start to automate most data analysis

Cognitive systems are adopting unsupervised learning to automate sensing and detection of deep patterns and nuances within complex data sets. Machine learning is enabling automated systems to understand new concepts on their own and train themselves to be experts.

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8. Cognitive analytics will drive further scaling in cloud data services

Cognitive systems are scaling inexorably and indefinitely. As cognition-as-a- service offerings such as IBM Watson gain adoption, the scalability will expand in the volume, velocity and variety of data and algorithms being executed as well as the resource requirements.

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Learn more at:ibm.co/advancedanalytics