what nonprofits and associations should know about launching a social networking community adam...

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What nonprofits and associations should know about launching a social networking community Adam Steinberg Marketing Coordinator www.theport.com Slide 2 Todays Topic What nonprofits and associations should know about launching a social networking community Slide 3 About ThePort Social Networking Community Provider for nonprofit organizations Help worlds largest organizations interact & communicate with constituents Most open and customizable platform in the industry Integrations with donor management systems Slide 4 Before we get started What is a house online community? How is it different than Facebook? vs Slide 5 What is a house community? FacebookHouse Types of interactions Friending, events, games Campaigns, Groups, Chapters, Actions In Your Brandx Integrated with your databases x # of community members Hundreds of millions 100 250,000 Deployment time hoursweeks Slide 6 Sierra Club on Facebook Slide 7 Sierra Club House Community Slide 8 Arthritis Foundation Support Forums Slide 9 Goal Learn how to successfully plan, build and launch an online community built for your constituents. Slide 10 Todays Agenda Initial Planning and Research Compare Platforms and Costs Building out your community Deployment strategy Q&A Slide 11 Stage One: Initial Planning and Research Slide 12 First and foremost Know why you want to build an online community Slide 13 What are the challenges you face? via Worldle.com Slide 14 What house communities can do Bring people together Become information hub Help people collaborate Help constituents communicate Attract new supporters Keep your website up to date Slide 15 Side Note: Integration Your Community Your donor management system Information about constituents pushed to databases. Enable custom reports & targeted communications Slide 16 A key question: What do you want constituents to do? Collaborate Join events Share news and causes Support each other Raise money Slide 17 What types of programs can you socially-enable? Campaigns Walks/Runs Education Information Sharing Fundraising Advocacy Something new? Slide 18 How will you measure ROI? Slide 19 Ways to measure ROI More participation among supporters? New constituents & supporters? Fundraising dollars? More subscribers to communications? New sponsorships & grants? Slide 20 Define technical considerations Integration Points Slide 21 Integration with website Branding Header/footer Community.domain.com Slide 22 Social Community Slide 23 Website Slide 24 Database Integration Considerations Slide 25 Single Sign On and Data Sharing Single Sign On Community Shares Data Back with CMS Constituent management system Online Community Slide 26 Unique Community Experience for Members? External data Slide 27 Socially-Enabled Events and Campaigns Slide 28 Improved constituent data and marketing Create custom reports, targeted communications Slide 29 Bottom Line Having your own community can help many of your goals and programs. But, community doesnt happen overnight Slide 30 Which department will own the project? Via Wordle.com Slide 31 How much staff can you dedicate? Resources will dictate how much you can do at first Which departments have internal resources to fulfill goals? Which departments can pull in other resources? Who can serve as community manager? Slide 32 Community Management Short-Term Keep discussions relevant and healthy. Provide a safe place to share passions. Image thanks: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jbennett/50434313/ Slide 33 Community Management Long-term Stimulate conversations & improve community Blog posts Events Groups Newsletters New community features Slide 34 Summary of considerations - Who owns the project? - What do you want people to do? - What are your goals? - How will you measure ROI? - Do you want to integrate external systems? Slide 35 Step two: comparing platforms and costs Remember: What are your goals and ROI expectations GoalsToolsROI Slide 36 Questions to consider Important questions to consider prior to selecting what tools or vendors you will choose to launch your community Slide 37 Do you have technical resources on staff? Titles include: Programmer Systems Administrator Web Designer Database Administrator Slide 38 Do you need to own your data? Integrated communications Data security Slide 39 Integration and APIs Do you want to integrate with your constituent management system? Extend functionality of community Build custom widgets Your community will need Open APIs Slide 40 Do you want your community to be unique? StandardUnique GroupsChapters, Committees EventsCampaigns, Actions Personal InformationCauses you support Slide 41 Other considerations when selecting a vendor Is vendor familiar with industry and requirements? - Does the vendor work with organizations similar to yours? - What type of support does the vendor offer? - Technical - Thought leadership Slide 42 Other considerations (contd) What is vendors uptime history? How secure and reliable is their data center? Data centers go down! Slide 43 Will platform be able to grow with your organization? Add additional and new features? Keep up with technology developments? APIs available for additional customization? Slide 44 What are your options? Open Source Slide 45 Pros ability to customize, cost of actual software is limited, can launch fairly quickly Cons requires time & resources, requires customization by internal staff, hosting resources, continues development resources to remain on cutting edge, no support hotline, typically no out-of-box integration Slide 46 Ning Pros easy to deploy, branding can be customized, requires limited resources, limited cost Cons dont own data, no integration with external systems, no apis, limited flexibility in platform, not nonprofit specific, may run ads Slide 47 White Label Hosted Platform Pros Out-of-box integration, limited technical resources required, hosting and upgrades managed, vendor works with client to tailor platform, can have Open APIs and flexible platform Cons - No access to source code, reliant on vendor platform and support, not free Slide 48 ROI What tools will give you the best blend of functionality, ease of implementation and cost savings? Slide 49 Evaluation Summary Consider Internal Resources Remember Immediate and Long- Term Identify Technology that can facilitate goals Choose platforms that complement staff strength Slide 50 Stage Three: Building the community Review project spec from vendor Know who needs to be involved and when they will need to be available Will you need support from your other technology vendors? Slide 51 Complete formal configuration document People youll need Systems Admin Webmaster Marketing Communications Community Manager Software Engineer (if implementing integration) Slide 52 DNS community.yourwebsite.com Setup DNS redirect Slide 53 Do you want to include any advertising scripts? Supply ad code to implementation manager Slide 54 Integration/Single Sign On Provide path to your API May need to work with your database vendor Work with vendor/team to identify mapped fields Connect to community API Your SaaS Vendor will typically connect integration for you Slide 55 Design considerations Handled by Marketing or Web team Header/footer Styles (fonts, colors) Featured content Community blogs or banners Slide 56 Social Spaces and Custom Questions Do you need a unique space for constituents? Campaigns, Walks, Chapters Supply properties of each group to vendor Custom properties for profiles? Certifications, Causes, Purchases Slide 57 Complete the project timeline Week 1 Technical and creative specifications Subdomain/Integration/Design Week 2 Community Walk Through Submit Modifications Week 3 Final Review Acceptance Week 4 Launch Slide 58 Stage Four Community Launch Slide 59 Launch Strategy 1. Seed the community 2. Recruit evangelists to help add initial content 3. Give people something to do when they visit 4. Get the word out! Slide 60 Seed the community give people something to do Active profiles Groups with discussions Upcoming organization events Topics in forums Campaigns to support Slide 61 Non-seeded Community No one for new members to interact with when they join! Slide 62 A seeded community Slide 63 Recruit evangelists to help add initial content Who are your biggest supporters? Who engages you on other social networks like Facebook? What staff members or volunteers are likely to want to help? Slide 64 Leverage assets to get the word out Annual event announce community and train Direct mail include information in all pieces Email Newsletters tell all constituents and create community-specific letter Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn broadcast across networks Slide 65 Newsletter example Everything links back to community. Slide 66 Encourage invitations and sharing Use tools such as Addthis, Facebook connect Email Invitation Tools Invite existing contacts Slide 67 Continue promoting Offer incentives Earn points and redeem prizes Spotlight bloggers on website or in newsletters Acknowledge community contributors at events Slide 68 Innovate Continue to innovate As technology evolves, so should community Activity feeds Status updates Social spaces Slide 69 Wrap-up Plan Goals & Strategy Evaluate Platforms Build the Community Launch and Continue Promoting Slide 70 Learn more Free resources - http://www.theport.com/resources.aspx http://www.theport.com/resources.aspx Learn how ThePorts platform helps other nonprofits deploy unique online communities www.theport.com www.theport.com [email protected] [email protected] 678.391.7805 Slide 71 Questions ? www.theport.comwww.theport.com [email protected]@theport.com Thanks!