what kind of bully are you?

What Kind of Bully Are You? By Aeron Jade S. Parena Bullies were not born, they were taught. They were just chained through the environmental influences such as home life, school life, community and culture. They were just introduced into a “not so well- rounded” environment. They were brought into such disposition because of bad voices, thrown and dragged into hell by terrible and dreadful experiences. There are actually a lot of reasons how bullies are made and yet, as what they are made to be, they also act varyingly from each other. Bullies also come in different kinds. “Stupid.” “Shrek face.” “Freak.” “Fatso.” “Gay.” And even “Slut.” Have you ever been called with these names? Or maybe it is you which is calling other people with these names? (lol I’m just kidding) You always hear these taunts on the playground, in the school, streets, everywhere, yes, everywhere. Well, you can call these people as “The Social Bullies”. Rumor, gossip, verbal taunts and exclusion are the weapons of choice of a social bully. They use hurtful accusations and mean-spirited taunts. Another thing is that they actually have the biggest size of population! Yes, it is the most common form, and with the advancing technology, it is no longer limited to the playground. It can include texts, social media, Twitter, Facebook and more. This, then had given rise to another race of bullies, “The Cyberbullies”. Just last June, 2013; a girl named Gabrielle Molina; a 12-year old Filipina in Queens, New York; took her own life because she could not take the cruel messages in Facebook anymore. She was harassed online. Authorities have confirmed that Gabrielle, who was found hanging in her bedroom in Queens Village, did commit suicide. People around her could even tease her that she was a slut (well she’s just twelve??!!!! WTH!) Cyberbullies are indeed dangerous. Such cases are very hard to deal with especially if you do not know the people behind the harassments. Speaking of harassments, some bullies carry out harassments by hurting others physically. Yes, they are “The Physical Bullies!” You got it right (LOL)! Physical bullying cases are also severe. Such

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Page 1: What Kind Of Bully Are You?

What Kind of Bully Are You?By Aeron Jade S. Parena

Bullies were not born, they were taught. They were just chained through the environmental influences such as home life, school life, community and culture. They were just introduced into a “not so well-rounded” environment. They were brought into such disposition because of bad voices, thrown and dragged into hell by terrible and dreadful experiences. There are actually a lot of reasons how bullies are made and yet, as what they are made to be, they also act varyingly from each other. Bullies also come in different kinds.

“Stupid.” “Shrek face.” “Freak.” “Fatso.” “Gay.” And even “Slut.” Have you ever been called with these names? Or maybe it is you which is calling other people with these names? (lol I’m just kidding) You always hear these taunts on the playground, in the school, streets, everywhere, yes, everywhere. Well, you can call these people as “The Social Bullies”. Rumor, gossip, verbal taunts and exclusion are the weapons of choice of a social bully. They use hurtful accusations and mean-spirited taunts. Another thing is that they actually have the biggest size of population! Yes, it is the most common form, and with the advancing technology, it is no longer limited to the playground. It can include texts, social media, Twitter, Facebook and more. This, then had given rise to another race of bullies, “The Cyberbullies”.

Just last June, 2013; a girl named Gabrielle Molina; a 12-year old Filipina in Queens, New York; took her own life because she could not take the cruel messages in Facebook anymore. She was harassed online. Authorities have confirmed that Gabrielle, who was found hanging in her bedroom in Queens Village, did commit suicide. People around her could even tease her that she was a slut (well she’s just twelve??!!!! WTH!) Cyberbullies are indeed dangerous. Such cases are very hard to deal with especially if you do not know the people behind the harassments.

Speaking of harassments, some bullies carry out harassments by hurting others physically. Yes, they are “The Physical Bullies!” You got it right (LOL)! Physical bullying cases are also severe. Such bullies solve their problems by punching or kicking. They are bunch of dangerous guys. They could not just punch and kick you, some even have concealed knives. Beware of them. They have likely built a reputation at their school for being aggressive, and sometimes walk on the school’s hallways in groups of others like themselves.

Bullies moving in groups would also form another variation in their supernatural race! HAHA LOL. They are “The Gang of Bullies!” What these guys are showing is that there is always a great power in numbers. Well, it really just highlights how afraid they are, that they can’t even do their bullying activities by themselves. They act collectively because individually, accomplishing tasks would be far from their reach. (well you know, they seek for helping hands! Haha)

Bullies in school make them feel superior above others. They feel confident, powerful and god-like. Well, from the word confident itself, they are “The Confident Bullies”. They feel the pleasure when they make themselves feel superior to others. Not surprisingly, they have the ‘big ego’, a tendency towards violence and no empathy for their targets. When it comes to decision-making, they just listen to

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their selves and disregard words and suggestions from the others. They tend to act like there is no one around them. Teachers and classmates might admire their strong personality but their lack of empathy and big ego means they have few good and true friends.

Currently, there are already laws and organizations that may protect you from the various types of bullies. You should contact the authorities and seek help from the elders if you find yourself in such a situation so as to deter repeat incidences.

I hope the above list helped you get a better understanding of the different types of bullying out there. These are actually the most common kind of bullies, or should I say the worst kind of bullies. So to end this column, I just want to know, what kind of bully are you? Come on, you might want to share it with me. Well you know, you might be added to the list. Haha ;)