what is the fantasy genre?


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Post on 30-Dec-2015




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What is the FANTASY genre?. Definition. Fantasy films often have an element of magic, myth, wonder, escapism, and the extraordinary. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: What is the FANTASY genre?
Page 2: What is the FANTASY genre?

Fantasy films often have an element of magic, myth, wonder, escapism, and the extraordinary.

Unlike science fiction films that base their content upon some degree of scientific truth, fantasy films take the audience to fairytale-like places where events are unlikely to occur in real life.

They often transcend the bounds of human possibility and physical laws.

They are often in the context of the imagination, dreams, or hallucinations of a character or within the projected vision of the storyteller.

Page 3: What is the FANTASY genre?

The predominant characters in fantasies are princes or princesses or supernatural characters such as angels, gods, or fairies.

They are often inspired or taken, however remotely, from myth or legend.

Fantasy films are most likely to overlap with the film genres of science fiction and horror. When a fantasy film emphasizes advanced technology, it may be considered predominantly a science fiction film. Or when the fantasy forces are specifically intended to frighten the audience, a fantasy film falls more within the horror genre.

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