what is the european patients forum - nicola bedlington

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  • 8/7/2019 What is the European Patients Forum - Nicola Bedlington


    European Patients Rights Day11,12 April 2011

  • 8/7/2019 What is the European Patients Forum - Nicola Bedlington


    EPFEPF who are we ?who are we ?

    VISION high quality, patient-centred equitable

    healthcare throughout the EU

    MISSION to present a strong and united

    patients voice 150 MILLION PATIENTS, almost

    50 members GOALS

    Equal Access

    Patient Involvement

    Patients perspective

    Sustainable patient


    Patient Unity

  • 8/7/2019 What is the European Patients Forum - Nicola Bedlington


    Major policy themesMajor policy themes

    Patients Rights in CrossBorder Healthcare

    Patient Safety

    Pharma Package Health Literacy


    Clinical Trials Medical Devices

    Health Technology


  • 8/7/2019 What is the European Patients Forum - Nicola Bedlington


    ExamplesExamples --Policy successPolicy success

    Draft Directive on PharmacovigilanceDIRECT PATIENT REPORTING

    Draft Directive on information to the

    General Public on Prescription


    New Joint Action on patient safety

    and quality of care,o PATIENT INVOLVEMENT-CORE THEME

  • 8/7/2019 What is the European Patients Forum - Nicola Bedlington


    Making it workMaking it work national advocacynational advocacy

    Reinforcing national patient platforms advocacy andcampaign work using policy advances at EU level

    e.g Implementaton of the Animal Testing Directive

    e.g Implementation of the Pharmacivigilance Legislation

    Direct Patient reportinge.g Ensuring provisions of Directive on Patients Rights inCross Border Healthcare ( National Contact Points,Stakeholders involvement in HTA) are upheld

    e.g Coordinated work on Health inequalities and

    information to patients, health literacy Stronger collaboration with Health Stakeholder Allies

    At national level eg Romania

  • 8/7/2019 What is the European Patients Forum - Nicola Bedlington


    Patient InvolvementPatient Involvement-- PrePre--requisiterequisite

    VALUE + on the meaningfulinvolvement of patients in EUhealth projects

    3 core deliverables widelydistributed, translations

    Landmark conference underthe Swedish Presidency,Gothenburg December 2010

    EPF representation in major EUlevel health Forums,Consultative Committees andWorking Groups doubled in the

    last year

  • 8/7/2019 What is the European Patients Forum - Nicola Bedlington


    Model of Patient Involvement

    Toolkit for patients organisations

    Handbook for project coordinators,

    leaders and promoters

    Policy Recommendations

    Literature review on patient involvement

    Database on EU health-related projects

    Directory of patient organisations in EU

    Overview of legislation on patients rights

    VALUE + tools

  • 8/7/2019 What is the European Patients Forum - Nicola Bedlington


    Their ImpactTheir Impact

    I In a policy environment

    E.g Innovation Partnership on Healthy

    and active ageing

    In a programme environment E;g DG RESEARCH


    At individual research project

    level E.g RESPECT

    Capacity building level Tools linked to Health Technology

    Assesment, Clinical Trials, Structural

    Funds, eHealth

  • 8/7/2019 What is the European Patients Forum - Nicola Bedlington


    Patients PerspectivePatients Perspective

    EPF Manifesto 150 Million Reasons to act campaign-

    outreach work with/by our members

    EPF - speaker ,chair or moderator in over 50 EU health

    meetings each year - ensuring or safeguarding the

    patients perspective.

    Active support 120 MEPs- all EP Groupings close

    relationship with key rapporteurs on main health dossiers

    Strong input in European Medicines Agency,

    Alliance building with health professionals, other Health


  • 8/7/2019 What is the European Patients Forum - Nicola Bedlington


    New Policy DossiersNew Policy Dossiers

    Needs and rights of Older Patients

    Adherence to medicines / concordance

    Personalized Medicines

    Medical Devices

    Non Discrimination legislation

    Bridging prevention and chronic disease

    management, health and social policy

    Youth Strategy

  • 8/7/2019 What is the European Patients Forum - Nicola Bedlington


    Milestones in 2011Milestones in 2011

    Annual General Meeting (Spring) capacitybuilding and open space for membersnetworking, Brussels

    Regional Advocacy Seminar in Romania Focus collaboration with Health careProfessionals Health Literacy

    Meeting the needs and rights of olderpatients Polish EU PresidencyConference second semester

    Policy Advisory Group and PatientEvidence Base Worksho s

  • 8/7/2019 What is the European Patients Forum - Nicola Bedlington



    Next EU Programming PeriodMajor focus patients rights and meaningful

    patient iinvolvement

    New EU Public Health Programme

    8th Framework Programme on Research

    and Development ( health component)

    Cohesion Policy and Structural Funds

    Health in All Policies

    2011 development of campaign strategy and

    artnershi s

  • 8/7/2019 What is the European Patients Forum - Nicola Bedlington


    Key messagesKey messages

    We all make a measurable difference

    Our strengths

    - our members expertise, experience

    innovation and solidarity- our collective evidence based


    - our commitment to partnership

    - Embedding Patents RightsMeaningful Patient Involvement inthe EU health and social policyenvironment