what is the cause behind bleeding gums

What is the Cause Behind Bleeding Gums? www.plus100years.co m

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What is the Cause Behind Bleeding Gums?


•Gum bleeding is a common problem. However, whenever you see blood on the bristles of your toothbrush or in the sink while cleaning the teeth, you must take immediate action.

•According to the President of the Canadian Dental Association from Manitoba, Dr. Peter Doig, eating coarse food can cause scratches on your gums leading to bleeding gums.

•However, when the blood starts showing regularly while you floss or brush your teeth, it is time to take it seriously and consult a good dentist.

Causes of Bleeding Gums

• When the plaque builds up on the gum line it can lead to bleeding gums. When left untreated it can lead to inflamed gums known as gingivitis.

• Plaque not removed hardens into tartar and leads to profuse bleeding. It can cause advanced jawbone and gum disease known as periodontitis.

• Bleeding Disorder

• Brushing hard

• Ill-fitting dentures/dental appliances

• Hormonal changes, especially during pregnancy

• Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura

• Improper flossing

• Leukemia

• Gum or tooth-related infection

• Using blood thinners

• Scurvy

• Deficiency of vitamin K

How to Take Care of Bleeding Gums at Home?

• As a precautionary measure, you must visit the dentists at least once in six months and get the plaque removed.

Here are some of the instructions that will help you to maintain gums in good condition:• Use soft-bristle toothbrush and brush your teeth gently

twice a day.

• Many doctors advise brushing after every meal.

•If you have too much of dental problem, especially of bleeding gums and plaque, dentist may advise you to rinse with hydrogen peroxide and water or with salt water.

•You must floss your teeth at least twice a day to prevent the building up of plaque.

•Avoiding snacks in between the meal

•Eating low carbohydrate, healthy and balanced diet also helps.

Other Helpful Tips

•For regular problem of bleeding gums, go for a periodontal exam.

•Avoid using tobacco as it increases the problem

•You can control the bleeding by applying pressure on the gums directly using an ice-cold gauze pad.

•In case you are having vitamin deficiency, you may be advised to take vitamin supplements

• Do not take aspirin without consulting your caregiver

• In case you are suffering from any side effects from the prescribed medicine, talk to the doctor. Do not change the medicine without consulting your doctor.

• You can massage the gums using an oral irrigation device adjusted on low settings

When should you consult a Health Expert?

You need to talk to your health expert if:

•The gums keep on bleeding for long term severely and the problem have turned chronic

•Your gums continue to bleed despite the treatment

•You have other health problems accompanying the bleeding gums

Test and Diagnosis for Bleeding Gums

• At first, the dentist will examine the condition of your gums and teeth and ask you queries to find out the causes of bleeding gums. The questions will be mostly on your diet and medications that you take regularly.

Some of the tests you might be asked to take are:

• CBC or blood differential related blood studies

• X-rays of jawbone and teeth

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