what do we call the study of the people, land and resources of an area?

What do we call the study of the people, land and resources of an area?

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What do we call the study of the people, land and resources of an area?. geography. What do we call a first hand account?. Primary source. Where did the first Native Americans come from?. Siberia in Asia across a land bridge. What do we call a second hand account?. Secondary source. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


What do we call the study of the people, land and resources

of an area?


What do we call a first hand account?

Primary source

Where did the first Native Americans

come from?

Siberia in Asia across a land bridge

What do we call a second hand


Secondary source

Is the following a primary or

secondary source –encyclopedia


Is the following a primary or

secondary source –journal


Is the following a primary or

secondary source –letter


Is the following a primary or

secondary source –video tape


Is the following a primary or

secondary source –text book


Is the following a primary or

secondary source –biography


Is the following a primary or

secondary source –autobiography


What type of source is the most reliable?


What do we call the average weather over a period of



What do we call the total way of life of a group of people?


What did the Iroquois call themselves?


What did the Iroquois live in?

Longhouses – this is an adaptation to their

woodland environment in New York State

Who were the founders of the

Iroquois Confederacy?

Deganawida, Hiawatha

What were the 3 reasons for Spanish colonization of the


God, Gold and Glory (3 G’s) –

remember I might word these differently

What do we call the transfer of goods and

ideas between the new and old world?

Columbian Exchange

What were the two main jobs for the French settlers?

Trapping and trading

What was the main occupation of the

people of New Netherlands?

Fur trading

How did Spanish settlement affect the Native Americans?

Death, slavery,

Native Americans lost land

What European country controlled much of Central

America and Mexico?


What European country controlled

originally controlled New York State?

The Netherlands (also known as Holland or the


What do we call a passageway

through or around North America?

Northwest Passage

What Native American tribe

became friends with the Dutch?


What Native American tribes

became allies of the French?

Algonquins and Hurons

What are assemblies and


Lawmaking bodies

What goods were traded from Africa to the West

Indies as part of the Triangular Trade Route?


What types of goods were traded from

England to the colonies as part of the triangular

trade route?

Manufactured goods

In the triangular trade system, what goods

were sent from the West Indies to the colonies?

Sugar and molasses

(and slaves from Africa)

What do we call the series of trading routes found in colonial times?

Triangular trade

What region was known for its shipbuilding?

New England

What was the name for the series of laws passed to control the


Slave codes

What colonies legislature was

called the House of Burgesses?


What was the name of the slave trip

from Africa to the colonies?

Middle Passage

What was the theory called which said that a

country became strong by increasing trade and

building up its gold supply.


What do we call the rich area of the

Southern Colonies?


What colony did the Puritans and

Pilgrims settle in?


What are crops called which are sold for a profit?

Cash crop

What was the name for the document which the

Pilgrims wrote telling how they were going to

govern their settlement?

Mayflower Compact

What colonial region was known

as the Breadbasket Colonies?

Middle Colonies

What do we call the area next to the

Appalachian Mountains?


In the triangular trade system, what goods were sent from the colonies to Africa?

Tools, fish, lumber, etc.

(things found in the colonies)

Which region was home to


Southern Colonies

What was the first permanent English settlement in the

New World?


What was the general name for goods such as lumber and iron, which were traded from the colonies to England?

Raw materials

What were the main crops of the

Southern Colonies?

Tobacco, indigo and rice

What type of labor dominated southern



What do we call goods entering a



What do we call goods leaving a



What was the cause of the French and Indian War?

The cause of the French and Indian War was the fur trade with

the Native Americans. It was also part of a series of wars that had been going on for the last

100 years between France and Britain.

What territory did France claim before the war began?

France controlled much of modern day Canada as well as

the Mississippi River valley.

What disadvantages did the English have in the French and

Indian War?

The English tried to fight the war as they would in the open fields of Europe. They did not take advantage of the cover

offered and were easy targets for the French.

Who proposed the Albany Plan of Union?

Ben Franklin

What was the purpose of the Albany Plan of Union?

To unite the colonies to plan for defense. It didn’t work because colonies didn’t want to give up

any power.

What act forbid settlers to move west of the Appalachian


The Proclamation of 1763 forbid settlers to move west of the

Appalachian Mountains. Many settlers ignored this

proclamation. Britain was trying to stop settler / Native American

conflicts over land.

What act, passed in 1765, placed taxes on legal

documents such as wills, diplomas, marriage papers,

newspapers, playing cards and even dice?

The Stamp Act.

What was the colonists reaction to the Stamp Act?

Riots broke out in cities like New York. Mobs harassed

British tax officials by throwing rocks and tarring and

feathering them. They hanged or burned effigies of the British


A huge complaint the colonists had was that of “No taxation

without representation!” What did this mean?

“No taxation without representation” arose because the colonists did not

elect anybody to the British Parliament. The colonists claimed that Parliament could not tax them because they were represented in


What does boycott mean?

Boycott means to refuse to buy certain goods. It was a very

common and successful means of colonial protest. The boycott

caused the Stamp Act to be repealed.

What does repeal mean?

Repeal means to cancel. The Stamp Act was repealed after

the colonial boycott.

In 1767 the Townshend Acts were passed. What did the

Townshend Acts tax?

The Townshend Acts taxed glass, paint, lead, paper and

tea. These were very important colonial goods.

What was the colonists reaction to the Townshend Acts?

The colonists responded to the Townshend Acts by getting

merchants to sign nonimportation agreements. Nonimportation

agreements said that these people would stop importing British goods that were taxed by the Townshend


The Sons of Liberty and the Daughters of Liberty were also formed. These were groups of

men (and women) who protested British actions.

This person was a failure on business. He lived in Boston where he was a leader of the

Sons of Liberty. He organized the committees of

correspondence. Who was he?

Sam Adams

What were the committees of correspondence?

The committees of correspondence were a group of people who wrote

letters telling people in other colonies what was going on in the writers colony. They were started

by Sam Adams in Boston.

This lawyer from Massachusetts was Sam

Adams cousin. His knowledge of British law was very helpful to the colonists. Who was he?

John Adams

The Quartering Act was passed in 1767. What did the Quartering Act say?

The Quartering Act said that colonists had to house and

feed British soldiers.

The Boston Massacre happened on March 5, 1770.

What was the Boston Massacre?

In the Boston Massacre, British soldiers shot and killed 5 colonists. They were mostly Sons of Liberty. The colonists provoked the British

into firing. The Sons of Liberty used this event to get people mad at the


Britain repealed much of the Townshend Acts in 1770. It did

keep the tax on tea. This small tax was designed to show the colonists that Parliament did have the right to

tax the colonies.

Parliament gave the British East India a monopoly of the tea trade with the Tea

Act in 1773. This put many colonial merchants out of work. It was a very small tax but the colonists believed in “no taxation without representation.”

What did this lead to?

The Tea Act led to the Boston Tea Party. 342 crates of tea were

dumped into Boston harbor. There were similar responses in several

other locations. Colonists throughout the colonies agreed to boycott tea, often making their own substitutes.

Britain was not happy with the Boston Tea Party. It responded with the Intolerable Acts which were designed to punish the colonists of Massachusetts.

What were the Intolerable Acts?

The Intolerable Acts shut down the port of Boston. Ships could not come into or leave the port

which made it very difficult for the citizens of Boston to get supplies. Other colonies sent supplies by


A new Quartering Act was also passed. This made colonists who weren’t too happy with the British house British

soldiers. This raised tensions in Boston. Town meetings were also

limited to 1 a year. This was designed to keep the people of Massachusetts from organizing against the British.

The Intolerable Acts also said that British officials would be sent back to British to stand trial if they committed a crime. It was widely believed that

these people would face no punishment in England since

witnesses could not afford to go to Britain to testify.

How did the colonists react to the Intolerable Acts?

The committees of correspondence sent supplies

to help Boston. The First Continental Congress also met in Philadelphia in 1774. What

was the first Continental Congress?

The First Continental Congress was a meeting of 12 of the

colonies. It agreed to boycott British goods. Each colony was urged to set up its own militia or volunteer army.

What was the “Shot Heard ‘Round the World?”

This referred to the Battle of Lexington and Concord.

Colonial minutemen (soldiers who could be ready at a

moments notice) stood up to the British. Why did this battle take


The British were trying to destroy guns and ammunition at Concord

and capture leaders of the Sons of Liberty. The British were

unsuccessful and were attacked on the way back to Boston, being defeated by the Minutemen.

It was called the “Shot Heard ‘Round the World” because

news of this battle spread to all corners of the Earth.

Who was the great speaker for Virginia? He had a fiery temper

and was a member of the House of Burgesses.

Patrick Henry. He was known for saying “Give me liberty, or

give me death!”

What is the name given to colonists who sided with the



Who wrote Common Sense, the document which told the colonies

that it was obvious that they should separate from Britain?

Thomas Paine

Which army in the revolutionary war was better supplied with guns,

equipment, etc.?


The French joined the war after what battle?


Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson

What was another term for loyalists?


Where did the Americans spend a cold and hungry winter?

Valley Forge

The British tried to divide the colonies in two. What city did they want to take so they could cut off New England from the

rest of the colonies?


What was the final battle of the war?


What battle was the turning point of the war?


The Declaration of Independence was signed on what date?

July 4, 1776

Document that sets out the laws and

principles of a government


What is the main part of the Legislative Branch?


What are the 3 branches of


Legislative, Judicial and Executive

Branch of government which

makes the laws

Legislative branch

Document that lists freedoms the

government promises to protect

bill of rights

What was our first Constitution called?

Articles of Confederation

Who is the main person in the Executive



What was the main problem of the Articles of


Congress was too weak

Power of the Supreme Court to decide whether

laws passed by Congress are Constitutional

Judicial review

What is the main group in the Judicial Branch?

Supreme Court

In what year did the Constitutional Convention

take place?


What is the job of the Judicial Branch?

Make sure the laws are constitutional.

The __?__ Compromise called for a bicameral

legislature and 3 branches of government.


What was the compromise regarding slavery at the

Constitutional Convention?

3/5ths Compromise

What were the people who supported the Constitution



What was the name of the group against the



Formal written change (to the Constitution)


James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and

John Jay were part of which group during the

ratification debate?


What group wanted a bill of rights added to the



System of government in which voters elect representatives to

make laws for them

Representative government

What did the Bill of Rights protect?

Individual rights

Where is the principle of popular sovereignty found?

The Preamble

What does popular sovereignty mean?

The power of the government comes

from the people.

Settlement in which each side gives up some of its

demands in order to reach an agreement


System is which the power of the

government is divided among separate


Separation of powers

Division of power between the states

and national government


System set up by the constitution in which each

branch of the federal government has the power to

control the actions of the other branches

Checks and balances

What allows Congress to increase its power in times of


The elastic clause

Bring formal charges against an elected


Impeach – Andrew Johnson and Bill

Clinton are the only 2 presidents to be


Not permitted by the Constitution


Example set for later people to



Congress is a bicameral or two house legislature. What two

houses make up Congress?

Senate and the House of Representatives.

Proposed law


Who fought on the British side in the War of 1812. He was able to get lots of Native Americans to help

fight the Americans.


What were the MAIN causes of the war of


• impressment of American sailors by the British

• War Hawks

What do we call people from the South and West who wanted the War of 1812?


What were the results of the War of 1812?

Nothing…..things returned to what they were before the war


*Called the Wasted War

What were 3 precedents set by

George Washington?




What region of the country favored

protective tariffs?

North - it protected their factories

What was the name for the statement Washington made which warned the U.S. to not

take sides in the war between France and Britain?

Neutrality Proclamation

Who was President when we did the

Louisiana Purchase?


What country did we purchase Louisiana



What year did we purchase Louisiana?


Who were the 2 people sent to explore



Who led the Democratic Republicans



What political party was Pro British, Pro National

Bank, had a loose interpetation of the “C” and

were wealthy & well educated?


What political party was for strong state governments, strict interpretation of the“C”, for the common people and Pro French?


What do we call a tax on foreign

goods brought into a country?


What is a tax placed on imported goods to protectprotect factories from foreign competition?


What word means taking men from a ship or village and

forcing them to serve in the navy?


What word means pride or devotion in

one’s country or nation?


What was the age of prosperity when

Monroe was President called?

Era of Good Feelings

Who was the spokesperson for the

South in the first half of the 1800’s?

John C. Calhoun

Who was the spokesperson for the

North in the first half of the 1800’s?

Daniel Webster

Who was the spokesperson for the West in the first half of

the 1800’s?

Henry Clay

What statement told Europe to stay out of

the Western Hemisphere?

(watchdog policy)

Monroe Doctrine (1823)

What word means that all people are equal? (this favored common



Who were the 2 most democratic presidents

before 1850?

Jefferson and Jackson (remember DJ –

democratic Jackson and democratic Jefferson)

Who was the famous Chief Justice of the

Supreme Court in the first half of the 1800’s?

John Marshall

What court case established judicial


Marbury vs. Madison (1803)

Who was the leading War Hawk?

Henry Clay

Who was the President during the War of


James Madison

What was the name of the battle which was

fought after the War of 1812 was over?

New Orleans

Who became president as a result of the

”corrupt bargain?”

John Quincy Adams

What canal linked Buffalo (and the Great Lakes) to Albany (and

New York City)?

Erie Canal

In what year was the Erie Canal built?


What was the name for the party of the

common people when Jackson was President?


What was the political party called which

favored the rich and business people?


What was the name for the change in the ways goods were made and


Industrial Revolution

What were some of the changes during the

Industrial Revolution?

1. Cities grew2. Machines replaced

hand tools3. New sources of


What invention made growing cotton profitable

by making it easier to remove the seeds,

changing the way of life of the South?

Cotton gin

Who invented the cotton gin in 1793?

Eli Whitney

Who brought the ideas for factories from


Samuel Slater

What is the name given to machine made parts that were exactly


Interchangeable parts

Who came up with the idea of interchangeable parts, allowing assembly

lines to revolutionize factories?

Eli Whitney

Congress passed a high protective tariff in

1828. What did the South call this tariff?

The tariff of Abominations.

Calhoun said that states could declare a

federal law illegal. What is this called?


Calhoun believed that states had the power to

limit the power of the national government.

What is this called?

States’ rights

What act forced Native Americans to move

West of the Mississippi?

Indian Removal Act (1830)

What was it called when the Cherokees were forced to move

west at gunpoint?

Trail of Tears

What do we call the idea that the United States

should stretch from sea to shining sea?

Manifest Destiny

Who won the election of 1844 on the slogan of

“Fifty-four forty or fight!”

James K. Polk

What culture group was found in all lands gained

by the United States during Manifest Destiny?

Native Americans

The following questions apply to the time period around the Civil War.

Does the North or South Have more



Does the North or South Have more



Does the North or South have a more

agricultural economy?


Does the North or South Have more



Does the North or South have more

immigrants settling in its cities?


Does the North or South have a greater



What were laws called which were designed to

keep slaves under control?

Slave codes

What region of the country was famous for

its traders?


Where did Northern factories get their



Who did the South get manufactured goods


The North and Britain.

What do we call people who worked to correct

the problems of society?


What was the slavery reform movement



What was the alcohol reform movement



Who was the best known African-

American abolitionist?

Frederick Douglass

What was the name of the network of

abolitionists who helped slaves escape to


Underground railroad

What escaped slave woman made 19 trips to help slaves escape on

the underground railroad?

Harriet Tubman

Who was the women’s rights advocate who

later had her picture on a dollar coin?

Susan B. Anthony

What was the name of the convention designed to bring attention to the

problems women faced?

Seneca Falls Convention of 1848