what about healing and god's will

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  • 8/22/2019 What About Healing and God's Will


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    By:Norm RasmussenIf you are a reader of the New Testament, you know that it is God's nature to heal people. No

    where in the New Testament does it hint that God doesn'tdelight in healing people - providing theindividual is not walking in rebellion to God. Yet just because God's nature and character is to headoesn't mean that every person who prays for healing is going to receive it from God prior to dying,are they? Experience has taught us that.Why is it that some people believe it is God's will to heal physically 100% of the time, yet nevereceive their physical healing? Is it always simply because of a lack of faith? Sometimes yes andand sometimes no, depending on the individual situation. There can be other factors to take intoaccount when seeking healing, and I pray that God will help us understand many of them, especiallyif you are desiring a healing, or a loved one is desiring a healing.Before launching forward through this "rat maze" regarding healing issues, I strongly believe Christians

    would do WELL to comprehend all the possible ramifications of what one solitary scripture passageaddresses. This scripture passage is found in 2 Chronicles 16:12-13:And in the thirty-ninth year of his reign, Asa became diseased in his feet , and his malady was very

    severe; yet in his disease he did not seek the Lord, but the physicians. So Asa rested with his

    fathers; he died in the forty-first year of his reign.Every implication suggests that God was offended by Asa not going to the Lord firstand inquiring oHim about his disease. Rather, he took his diseased situat ion to the local doctor/s. End result? Nohealing. Death, in fact, two years later.

    Had Asa diligently sought the Lord before just going to his local doctor for advice and treatment, Asa

    may have had the Lord reveal some things to him that God wanted taken care of first to thenreceive his healing. But for whatever reason, Asa couldn't be bothered doing that. Maybe guilt kephim from doing so. Maybe fear; doubt. Who but God knows. It makes no matter, really. God wasoffended.Yet in this day and age, especially in more economically prosperous communities, how manyChristians run to their doctor for help the moment they have something wrong with them, being toldno less by their spiritual authorities in many cases "that God uses doctors to heal," so "YES! Get toyour doctor right away!"Hold on a moment. Maybe - just maybe - that might be a major insult to God if we follow thaadvice, or assumption on our part. Maybe ... God first wants us going to our Elders, requesting them

    to anoint us with oil and pray for us first, and showing a willingness to hear whatever they believethe Holy Spirit might be saying to them about our relationship with God. Or if we don't even haveElders easily available to us, maybe God simply wants us dropping to our knees and inquiring directlyof Him what He may want to communicate to us about our situation, before just assuming that God isgoing to use our doctor to help effect our healing. Running to our doctor for help and THEN askingothers to pray for us to receive that healing yet never getting that healing may be because anASSUMPTION God will honor what we're doing may be a very deadlyassumption.We have Christians confessing "that by His stripes I've already been healed 2,000 years ago," or "I'mspeaking and believing to this mountain of sickness and disease that the devil has inflicted me with,and I'm refusing to accept this attack from the devil!" ... when how many Christians do we see endup dying from that very sickness or disease, when maybe God WOULD have healed them, if they

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    hadn't just ran off so quickly to their doctor/s before first inquiring diligently of the Lord in what theHoly Spirit might want to say to them? (Like getting disobedience out of their life, gett ing some goodcounsel on proper nutrition; wisdom and knowledge of implementing some detoxing/fasting; propesleep; adequate exercise; stress reduction; and/or dealing with some issues of unforgivenessunrepentant sin (not the SAME as confessed sin. Just because we confess our sin to God and asforgiveness for it, does not mean we have repented of it. Repent means to CHANGE; stopcommitting the sin over and over), or an attitude of thanklessness. Many Christians fail to realizethat a grumbling and complaining spirit, which can include attacking spiritual authority without causegossip; slander, backbiting ... can fall under our lack of thanksgiving. It was for a lack o

    thanksgiving that offended God and motivated God to keep many of the Jews from entering thepromise land).Consider this possibility as well. If we call for the Elders to pray the prayer of faith with us as James5:14-16 says we are to do (no where does God tells us to go to our doctor/s first, THEN go to ouelders for prayer secondly. The implication is that we need to be very sensitive to the Lord's leadingabout WHICH should take place first in my very strong opinion. (In emergency situations, of coursewe need to receive immediate medical attention if it's available. Let's not get unwise about all thisokay?).


    Consider this as well. Consistent with New Testament scripture is the wisdom of executing faith(unwavering confidence in God and His Word, in other words) to receive our healing, especially if wehave a serious sickness or disease. How many of us really have more faith in our doctors than wehave in God's ability to heal us without using our doctors? How many Christians have their back-upplan mentally in place before even giving God a chance to supernaturally heal them ... and thaback-up plan being their local doc tor? Faith and lack of faith may hinge a great deal and just howmuch one refuses to diligently inquire of God FIRST before listening to everything one's doctor saysabout their situation. So ... my point in saying all this: Don't offend God like Asa did.On the other hand, don't go off on some wild tangent and demand that God heal you without everhaving to go to your local doctor either. Many Christians have done that and have died from theisickness and disease, simply because they were so demanding of God to do something the way they

    either assumed He should do, or that they wanted Him to do. Assumption and presumption is nosomething God warms up to when it is flesh motivated and not Holy Spirit directed.

    Now then, let's first look at some New Testament scriptures about healing:

    Mt 4:23: And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospeof the kingdom, andhealing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.

    Mt 9:35: And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, andpreaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing everysickness and every disease among the

    people.Lu 9:6: And they departed, and went through the towns, preaching the gospel, andhealing everywhere.Lu 9:11: And the people, when they knew it, followed him: and he received them, and spoke untothem of the kingdom of God, andhealedthem that had need of healing.

    Ac 10:38: How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who wenabout doing good, andhealing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.

    Mt 10:1: And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power againsunclean spirits, to cast them out, and to healall manner of sickness and all manner of disease.

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    Mt 10:8: Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye havereceived, freely give.

    Lu 9:2: And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to healthe sick.

    Lu 10:9: Andhealthe sick that are therein, and say unto them, The kingdom of God is come nighunto you.

    Jas 5:14-15: Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them

    pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save thesick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.

    GOD'S NATURE IS TO HEALTo give the slightest suggestion that God isn't for healing after reading the above scripture verseswould be a false accusation against God, I truly believe. God's nature is pro-healing. I also believethere is something that has higher priority with God than healing, and that is: Wholeness. Goddesires that we allow Him to make us whole ... spirit first, soul second, physical body third.

    Having said such, maybe you have never thought about it before, but notice that it is not recorded

    that Jesus healed even one individual prior to being baptized in the river Jordan by John the Baptist.It was after the Holy Spirit descended on Him from above, and after He had been tested in thedesert for 40 days that He began to manifest the power of delivering people from demonic spiritsand healing people, not to mention manifesting his power to effect miracles.His ministry of power and compassion seemed to officially begin shortly thereafter when He began toproclaim: "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in thegospel." -- Mark 1:15 (NKJV)Luke 4:18 (NKJV) gives us a little different account of this official beginning:"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the

    poor. He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives andrecovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to preach the

    acceptable year of the Lord."Then as we read the remaining passages of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, we are made aware thatGod transferred His divine power to deliver and heal onto the Apostles and obviously other disciples.

    We then read that the gifts of healings was one of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit given to believersin 1 Corinthians 12:9.

    So ... to make the slightest mention that it is not God's character to heal is a great, great misnomer,and I believe an insult to God.

    Yet here, I believe, is where wisdom must truly be applied. Though it is very obvious to me that Godis for healing -- wholeness of all kinds -- we need to take a hardlook at a portion of the Bible thaoften gets overlooked as non-applicable to us today. Atmosphere can be crucial for faith toprosper!Jesus went to His home town and was hindered from flowing in the miraculous like he was free to doin other places. Let's read about it in Mark 6:1-6:Then He went out from there and came to His own country, and his disciples followed Him. And

    when the Sabbath had come, He began to teach in the synagogue. And many hearing Him were

    astonished, saying, "Where did this man get these things? And what wisdom is this which is given

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    to Him, that such mighty works are performed by his hands!"Is this not the carpenter, the Son of Mary, and brother of James, Joses, Judas, and Simon? And

    are not his sisters here with us?"And they were offended at Him.

    But Jesus said to them, "A prophet is not without honor except in his own country, among his own

    relatives, and in his own house."

    Now He could do no mighty work there, except that He laid his hands on a few sick people and

    healed them. And He marveled because of their unbelief. Then He went about the village in acircuit, teaching.Before making a few important points regarding this above passage, I first feel to say that I don'tbelieve Jesus was hindered at all of being able to do "mighty works there" had it been the Father'swill for Him to do so. He might have had to go on an extended fast -- pray longer -- preach andteach more ... but evidently the Father didn't find it that important enough, I'll assume. In fact, theFather may actually have been greatly offended, because they were more focused on Jesus being a"good ol' hometown carpenter's boy" than the long promised Messiah.

    Nevertheless, I believe God allowed this moment to be recorded in the Bible for our sakes. I believeHe wants us to realize that Satan has been given the weapons oflies, doubt, fear and unbeliefto

    shut down the supernatural power of God from flowing into our lives much more than what many mayrealize.

    Bottom line here, is that if you are in need of a healing ... stay out of "Nazareth" to maximizeyour odds of receiving one!

    IS HEALING IN THE ATONEMENTSome believe that physical healing is in the atonement (See: 1 Peter 2:24) - it's the "right" o"promise" for the believer - which means that it automatically is God's will for people to be physicallyhealed. Other's believe every blessing from God is ultimately because of the atonement, which fewmature saints would disagree with, but some blessings from the atonement can be progressive in ou

    full realization of them before the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. In other words, some saintsbelieve that though it might be God's will for an individual to be healed from a sickness, and

    that right is granted because of the atonement, God still may allow that person to pass into

    heaven because of the illness simply because God knows that individual will be happier in

    heaven than remaining here on earth, healed.

    (I personally give this last sentence a lot of merit. Who of us can say every person is bette

    off being healed and remaining here on earth, when we haven't a CLUE what is waiting fo

    that person in heaven?)

    Others (for instance) in the Body of Christ believe 1 Peter 2:24 is speaking about spiritualhealing(as I personally do) which speaks more specifically of Jesus taking the punishment or wrath for the

    sinner, and if you read this portion of scripture in it's contextual flow, I agree that it is in factspeaking about spiritualhealing or spiritual wholeness first and foremost. Isaiah 53:1-7 strengthenthis position. Spiritual wholeness means to have power over our temptation to sin.

    The "meat" of 1 Peter 2:24 is to "die to sin and live to righteousness (obedience)." Christians havebeen granted the power of the Holy Spirit to stop sinning. Non-Christians are not given that poweuntil they become spiritually born again.If one believes it assures believers that it addresses physical healing as well, certainly those samepeople should have no difficulty believing it is also addressing spiritual healing ... power to say no tosin.

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    Whoever has the correct interpretation/s, I believe it will do virtually nothing to manifest a physicahealing (even if a person chooses to believe that they were already physically healed some 2,000plus years ago at the Cross because of the atonement) if there is a demonic "covering" of Satan'sinfluence over an individual that seeks the healing (as their was in Jesus' hometown). Faith must bestrong enough to blast through Satan's cloud of doubt, fear and unbelief that destroys faith(unwavering confidence in God) in most cases.[Side note here: Is it possible to be so motivated by fear that the mere thought injected by Satan

    that the healing "may be coming from the devil and not God at all" keeps believers pressing forward

    to receive supernatural healing from God? On another level, can the fear that one will be made to"look like a fool" if the healing doesn't manifest be a disguised fear in many cases, which cancels out

    faith? Can the fear "of not having enough faith" be another weapon Satan could use?].I believe Mark 9:16-29 supports my position. The disc iples ran up against a major stronghold odemonic unbelief while trying to bring demonic deliverance, which was first needed to then manifest aphysical healing in the boy. When they asked Jesus what they could do about this dilemma, Jesustold them that an intensification of prayer was needed by them, and fasting, which alludes to anincrease of their faith for the situation at hand, and a tearing down of the demonic stronghold inand/or around the possessed boy in the spirit realm.Allow me to share something that opened my understanding regarding this matter. I had not been a

    born again believer for very long, and I had been attending a large church in the Grand RapidsMichigan area that most definitely believes in miraculous or supernatural healing. For about twoyears running, I began to constantly ask God whywe were experiencing such few healings in thatchurch (not to mention other churches in the area who also believe in healing, but don't seem to getvery many either). The associate Pastor of this church at that time had traveled to a remote part oSouth America to be a part of a week-long evangelistic c rusade. Upon returning home, he spoke oneSunday evening about his experience -- especially on the last night he was there. He shared how iwas his time to give a message, and after giving the message, he felt led of the Lord to tell theaudience that Jesus was present to heal, and that if anyone wanted to be healed, come forwardand Jesus would heal them.

    Now the amazing thing, at least it was incredibly amazing to me, is that this Pastor became

    incredibly transparent and "vulnerable." He opened up and shared how he himself was not feeling athat good physically at the moment on that last evening - wanted to be back home with his family inthe States - didn't really have any faith to believe others could get healed ... yet still told theaudience that "Jesus was present to heal" because he felt the Holy Spirit wanted him to do so.

    THE PLACE WENT ABSOLUTELY NUTSParaphrasing what he then shared: "Folks ... what happened next was like something right out othe Book of Acts! As people came forward for healing, deformed limbs grew back, people got up ouof wheelchairs, sicknesses and diseases of every kind were healed ... the place went absolutelynuts! I dare say that I believe every person there that came forward to get healed gothealed!

    This Pastor then became even more soberly "transparent.""Folks ... I don't get it. I simply don't get it. Here in this church we have the very best teachingand revelation about God's will for people to be healed, yet when we have a healing line, if one out o200 people get healed of a common cold, we are ready to publish their testimony, while the othe199 who didn't get healed -- well, we walk away feeling terribly disappointed about it all with noconcrete reason/s why. Yet down there where we were in the remote parts of South America wheremany never even heard of the name of Jesus before we showed up -- I tell them that Jesus waspresent to heal; they come forward, and God did more miraculous healings in one evening than I'vepersonally experienced in all my years of being a pastor. You tell me why?!"This Pastor then quit speaking and closed his eyes as though he was expecting God to answer him

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    with his arms outstretched. I sat there dumfounded. First off, I couldn't believe a Pastor of a churchof this size in America would be admitting such a thing! Secondly, I wanted to know the very samething. I ... like so many others who believes God delights in healing ... I too wanted to know whyGod heals in third world countries, but whyit seems so difficult to get miraculous healings from Jesushere in America anymore?

    I had my eyes closed, asking God the same question, when suddenly I heard a voice in my spirit saywith almost anger in His voice: "I'll tell you why!: Satan has not concentrated his efforts in all thirdworld countries like he has in America. Satan has blanked America with doubt, fear and unbeliefto

    the degree that it covers America like a dark, thick cloud, and it is now no different over Americathan it was in my home town of Nazareth when I went there and was unable to only do a fewhealings. When the church in America realizes the demonic rsistance they are up against, I will domany more miraculous healings in their midst like I do in third world countries."I sat there dazed. First off, it was hard for me to believe I was actually hearing the voice of God. Iwas so new to me. Secondly, after asking God for nearly two years why we were getting so fewhealings in America, why NOWwould He be giving me an answer?! As this was all going through myhead, with my eyes closed, suddenly a recognized brother in that church who often gave publicprophetic utterances ... this brother suddenly burst forth in a forceful prophetic utterance to althose there saying almost word for word what the Holy Spirit had already spoke to my spirit justseconds earlier, but with this addition:

    "Doubt, fear and unbeliefnow so covers America that it has become an idol to most of my church.When my church recognizes it as an idol, repents of it, and wages persistent unified warfare againstit ... I willdo more miraculous healings in your midst!"

    Well - at that moment the Pastor on stage who had been standing with his arms open ... waiting foGod to answer him I guess ... he went to his knees and began to repent. The whole church beganto weep and ask for forgiveness after that. (As a P.S. to this -- nothing really changed in thechurch after that, meaning ... no more healings followed that evening).

    Years have passed since that episode, and I have many things I could share about what I believeGod revealed to me about that evening. If God impresses me to share it in the future, I'll do so as a

    continuation of this writing, most likely.

    This much I do have liberty to share however: God can release miraculous healing power any place -anytime. Don't walk away from this writing believing that God has been stripped of His power tomiraculously heal in America and execute miracles, or in any other part of the world, for that matter.If God sovereignty wants to blast through Satan's cloud of doubt, fear and unbelief, he certainly canand will. Yet because God has entrusted certain responsibly to His Church - The Bride of Christ ..He most likely won't, because a great deal of His church is so divided - so blinded - so apathetic, andreally - fearful. Much of His church is very content now to shy away from "divine, miraculoushealing" and let the medical profession be God's main source of healing today. I'm not bad-mouthingGod's Church either. I think we must come to grips with what I believe to be "a great falling away(from the miraculous healing power of God -- not to mention otherimportant things to God)" in the

    church of America as I believe 2 Thessalonians 2:3 alludes to. I've been long convinced that Satanwants the bonafied miraculous power of God to be diminished in the Church for one primary reason:Simply to keep the Bride of Christ from being all the heavenly Father and Jesus Christ intends

    her to be -- to function in Kingdom power. The more the Church functions in the kind o

    power Jesus Christ gave to his first Apostles and disciples, the more difficult it becomes for

    Satan to advance his kingdom of darkness (control, if you will) here on earth.

    I would like to share another testimony right now to help reinforce the understanding thatatmosphere is so vitally important when it comes to having divine healing manifest.

    Evangelist Benny Hinn was having an outreach in Flint, Michigan somewhere around 1998. My wife

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    wanted to go; I had a lot of "negatives" about going, because of what often happens on stage topeople who testify afterbeing healed. Don't get me wrong; I'm not quest ioning that God heals manypeople at those crusades. It's what happens after they get healed on stage is what I'm notconvinced is all that much of the Holy Spirit's doing. I think there may well be a lot of "fleshinvolved, though I want to confess that I don't c laim to be any authority on the matter. I am jusbeing honest with my thoughts). Be that as it may, I thought rather than judge from T.V., I wouldgive God an opportunity to "enlighten me" if He wanted to by going to a live outreach, and sense inthe Spirit what I felt then.It was an extremely hot, humid day as we stood outside the arena ... for hours ... waiting to geseated inside. No one knows how much I detest long lines after being in the military, and not reallywanting to go to this crusade in the first place ... please believe me, I was not sensitive to the HolySpirit at all. My flesh was in full control! People were falling down ... not from the power ofGod ..but from the power ofheat-exhaustion!

    At long last the lines began to move slowly, and when I got about 10 feet away from the entrance ofthe arena, I walked into a dimension of faith I had never been in before. It was like ... one foottoward the arena parking lot which was at my back, and it was the old atmosphere. But with onestep forward, there was an atmosphere of faith I had never experienced before. And let me say ..for being so dull and insensitive to spiritual things ... for me to sense what I was sensing - I wastotally amazed.

    It was at that moment that the Holy Spirit spoke very clearly to me and said, "The reason I can dohealings at these crusades is because the faith level -- the expectancy level for healing -- is so

    high. This is the quality of atmosphere that must be made for Me to do the healing miracles I am

    able to do in third world countries that people hear about."That dialogue with God at that moment was worth the entire trip! I saw Benny Hinn crusades in atotal different light after that. It isn't brother Benny's faith that is releasing God's healing power totouch people (though no doubt it surely helps). It is the prayer and fasting of so many people thatgoes into those crusades weeks before they happen, and the expectancy of so many people atthose crusades that builds the atmosphere for God to touch people in the audience before they evenget on stage to testify of how God touched them. It is greatly enhanced by the praise and worship

    as well. I'm not trying to take anything away from brother Benny -- I'm just sharing it openly theway I felt about things after leaving the crusade, and something I believe is very vital to see divinehealing manifest for those who are seeking for it.

    (By the way, God used me to speak a word of truth to a young girl who had very poor eyesight andher grandmother couldn't afford to buy her glasses. We were waiting for brother Benny to comeback out on stage when the young girl tapped me on the shoulder and asked me if I thought Jesuscould heal her eyes so she wouldn't even need glasses. Well ... by the grace of God, what could say, but, "Sure, honey, He can heal you. All you have to do is believe He will." I sort of cringed fohaving no faith to lay hands on her and pray for her healing.


    She fell asleep and woke up several minutes later. I was half-asleep myself when she tapped me onthe shoulder a second time. "Mister -- guess what? I can read everything in this auditorium. Jesushas healed my eyes."She said it so nonchalantly, like it really wasn't all that big of a job for Jesus to do at all. God gaveher that child-like faith, I guess. She had this grin on her face that grew wider and wider, as I askedher to read all the banners all over the arena. She read them perfectly, and when I had tested heearlier, she couldn't see clearly much more than about 20 feet in front of her. Me -- I wasdumbfounded!).Before ending this ... For anyone pressing forward in Christ to be used of the Holy Spirit to help

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    others be set free from demonic oppression and receive healing when needed, keep one thing in mindregarding Benny Hinn's crusades. He doesn't spend hardly any time, if any at all, teaching abouhealing from the sc riptures. His format has always been to bring everyone in attendance into thepresence of God through intimate praise and worship. That is no mere coincidence, nor a meansto "tickle people's flesh." God desires our intimate worship and praise more than we can humanlycomprehend. When we will simply determine to worship and praise Him simply for who He is ... hisangels are sent forth to clear the spiritual air of demonic spirits seeking to hinder God's miraculouspower from gett ing released. As the spiritual air is cleared of these demonic spirits, the Holy Spirit isfreed to do as the Father wills in a much greater way ... and the most likely reason for it is simply His

    way of showing His appreciation to those who purposed to place praise and worship above theineed for a healing.If you're never heard it said before, "God delights that we seek Him (His presence) -- not just whatHe can do for us. Said a little differently, "God desires that we seek firstHis face -- not His handfirst."I toss this out like a "little golden nugget" for those God may want to receive and respond to it:What would happen if Pastors and Elders of the CITY-WIDE church came together, say once a month... crossing over denominational and sectarian lines -- putting doctrinal differences and fears aside --for the purpose of doing ONE thing: Intimate praise and worship? I'll bet we'll never know ... unlessa few brave, courageous Pastors are willing to suffer the venom initially thrown at them for the sole

    purpose of moving forward in Kingdom power, instead of slowly going backwards, as the Church hasbeen doing now much too long of a time here in the United States.

    If God can use Benny Hinn to create an atmosphere where God chooses to release His miraculousdelivering, healing power, how much greater might it be released if the CITY-WIDE Church sought todo essentially the same thing brother Benny is doing?My own strong belief is that we haven't seen near any of the full potential that lies in James 5:14-16regarding healing until the CITY-WIDE Church meets to simply praise and worship God, with prayeand fasting bathing it all.

    There is another place recorded in scripture that addresses the importance ofatmosphere for healingand/or a miracle to take place. Luke 8:41-42 reads: And behold, there came a man named Jairusand he was a ruler of the synagogue. And he fell down at Jesus' feet and begged Him to come to

    his house, for he had an only daughter about twelve years of age, and she was dying.Then in verse 49 it states: While He was still speaking, someone came from the ruler of thesynagogue's house, saying to him, "Your daughter is dead. Do not trouble the Teacher."Jesus then tells the distressed father of the daughter in verse 50: But when Jesus heard it, Heanswered him, saying, "Do not be afraid; only believe and she will be made well."Now for the "interest ing" part. Starting with verse 51: When He came into the house, He permittedno one to go in except Peter, James, and John, and the father and mother of the girl.

    Verse 52: Now all wept and mourned for her; but He said, "Do not weep; she is not dead, busleeping."Verse 53: And they laughed Him to scorn, knowing that she was dead.

    Verse 54: (Now here is the KEY): But He put them allout, took her by the hand and called, saying"Little girl, arise."Verse 55-56: Then her spirit returned, and she arose immediately. And he commanded that she be

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    given something to eat. And her parents were astonished, but He charged them to tell no one wha

    had happened.What can we learn from this? We can learn that the doubt of Peter, James and John, and theparents at the time was a hindrance to the Holy Spirit in bringing the dead girl back to life, andhealing her.


    We can learn that just one person can rob you of your faith for a healing, if you are not careful! Iyou are believing God for a healing ... be extremely careful in who you tell. Tell onlythose who havethe evident desire to believe along with you - not doubting - not doubting that your healing wimanifest. This can include James 5:14 "elders," for the perceptive. Just because someone holds theposition of an elder or pastor does not mean they are walking in faith, sadly, for your healing, okay?

    If you are in need of a healing, believing that God wants to heal you is vitally important. Secondlytell God so. Tell God you are trusting Him for a healing. Secondly, ask and patiently keep seekingGod as to what your part might be in seeing your healing manifest. Obedience to God is whatmaximizes results. How God healed someone else may have no bearing on how God will heal you.Never be presumptuous in how you think God may desire to heal you. God may desire to heal you in

    a way that has never been done before.

    When you think about it ... healing is nothing more than answered prayer in most cases. SometimesGod simply doesn't answer our prayer/s because of something we've done in the past that we havenot repented for -- have not got alone with God and allowed Him to reveal to us what may havebeen an offense to God. An offense not dealt with years ago can keep God from answering youprayer for healing today.

    Now lets move in another direction. This is the part most will dismiss as absolutely irrelevant to thewhole topic of healing. The devil has something else going for him to prevent God's people fromreceiving healing that many in the nutrition area have known for quite some time. God can desirefor a person to be healed, but most likely, it may notcome from being anointed with oil by elders and

    the prayer of faith being prayed over a sick person, nor will it come from other believers laying handson the sick person ... in many cases, if not most ... unless the sick person is willing to seek Godwhat he or she must do to work in cooperation with God in wisdom to receive the healing. Hencethe next paragraph:God very well may onlygrant (manifest) the healing by fasting (intelligent de-toxing/detoxificationand getting off the foods and liquids that have caused one's temple to be sick in the first place, andreplacing the junk foods with nutritious foods and liquids that build up your temple ... instead oslowly destroying it. Proper exercise may also be important.

    Many who understand the necessity to give the human temple of God a periodic "vacation" aregetting a more clear understanding of why it is becoming more difficult to see divine healing manifestespecially in America. Christians want a "healing zap" from God in a prayer line, but absolutely refuseto change what they are putting into their temple.

    Everyone who works a stressful job realizes they need a vacation now and then ... to refreshthemselves. The organs of a person, espec ially as they get older, also needs a "vacation" for thevery same reason: It needs a break from stress - a break from overwork.

    God instituted fasting for this very reason, though He doesn't take the time to go into detail about itin the Bible. Fasting is a spiritual weapon for the spirit, soul andbody of a person. The overflowbenefits of fasting is to let the immune system have a break from the battle of fighting deadly virusesand deadly germs day in and day out. In so doing, the immune system gets restored to greatecapability again. Furthermore, it gives the blood an opportunity to eliminate poisons it can't eliminate

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    completely otherwise, and it gives all the major organs of the body not only a chance to eliminatetoxic buildup, but to heal themselves as well, to function at full potential.Think about it: if you need a vacation once a year from you job -- do you find it so strange thayour blood and your body organs don't need a vacation as well?Here is a more in-depth writing on this topic I would encourage all to read:

    Give Your Insides A Vacation, For Goodness Sakes!

    Most people deplore hearing the would "fast ." It hints of caffeine and sugar withdrawals, and hungepangs. Consequently, most won't fast period. I'm in this camp of struggling with going without foodso please know I can well identify. There is a very popular detoxification strategy that I would liketo make mention of if you loathe fast ing as much as I do. It is called the Pure Lemon Juice - MapleSyrup cleanse, or better known as The Master Cleanse. This particular cleanse has been around foyears, and is one of the most beneficial and safe c leanses on planet earth. Pure Lemon Juice hasmost of the nutrition one needs to go on an extended period without solid food, and here's what Ilove about it. It greatly helps curb your hunger pangs! Pure lemon juice also is one of the bestsources to cleanse the body there is. The pure maple syrup provides the necessary energy oneneeds to function very normally for most people. In late 2005 I went on this detox-cleanse to pumy irregular heartbeat (high stroke potential!) back in proper rhythm, not to mention the need to

    give my organs and blood a much needed cleansing from years of pain killer abuse for my messed uplower back (degenerative disc disease, among other things). Let me tell you, going for nearly 10days without food is not something I've ever been able to do in the past, but having a glass of freshlemonade in my hand at all times kept away the hunger pangs most of the time, and enabled me tocomplete the cleanse necessary to get my heart back in rhythm.I would strongly encourage everyone reading this to check out the following links to familiarizethemselves with this particular detoxification cleanse. I now look at it as a huge weapon to put inmy quiver of arrows to help battle sickness and disease if I am afflicted, and every bit as important... as a once a year preventive measure to keep from getting sickness and disease. I would rathebe healthy and not have to ask God for a healing and praise Him for that, rather than get sick andthen have to seek Him for a healing. I'm just not into physical pain and expensive medical bills

    sorry.Here are some different links that will help you gain more understanding of this particular cleanse:http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Spa/7244/master_cleanse.htmlhttp://www.therawfoodsite.com/mastercleanse.htmI would strongly encourage you to obtain a copy of the booklet that tells you everything you need toknow. You can obtain a copy by clicking here:http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0963926209/002-8118969-9874455?v=glance&n=283155

    In dealing with issues on sickness and diseases and healing . . . I think we need to keep one veryimportant fac t at the forefront at all times. When we are sick and seeking God for healing ... is Godallowing the sickness and pain in our life to get our attention? To get us to dig in with Him and hearsomething from Him that we may not care to hear otherwise?

    Mature saints in Christ have learned that God sometimes allows either the devil to afflict us withsickness and/or disease, or simply our body to break down ... so He can get our attention. Weoften-times want onlyHis healing - wanting Him to heal us so our pain will go away and/or so we canbetter function ... but we may truly never get it if we aren't willing to seek Him for something thatmay be far more important in our relationship with Him than just healing. He may be trying to elevate

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    us to a higher place in Him for our very own good.This insight isn't just relegated to the realm of healing either. In all our trials and afflictions, ournumber one question to God should be: "Are you trying to teach me something through this? Areyou trying to get me to understand something I've never cared to understand before?" If we'rehonest, He won't leave us hanging for very long. He'll give us peace with were we are with Him onthe "spiritual growth scale."

    There is a passage in the Old Testament that merits examining regarding healing. I realize it wasbefore the Cross, but I believe it still warrants taking a look at. Hopefully you are familiar with theprophet Elisha. Elisha was the persistent prophet that discipled under the prophet Elijah. Just priorto Elijah being caught up into heaven by the Lord, Elisa requested to have a double portion of Elijah'sanointing ... presumably twice the faith Elijah had to effec t miracles. The Bible tells us that hisdesire was granted.

    Then in 2 Kings 13:14 it reads: "Elisha had become sick with the illness of which he would die." Justa few verses later, in verse 20, it reads: Then Elisha died, and they buried him."Do you find it at all "amazing" or "troubling" that a prophet who received twice the power from Godthat Elijah had was unable to trust God for his ownhealing?

    There was a time in my Christian walk that I would have, but now I don't. Why? Because I believe Iunderstand some things about living here on this planet now that I didn't when I was a youngerChristian.

    Of course this is only speculation, but I believe the Holy Spirit has inspired me to say this, so I will:Directly (or indirectly from The Adamic Curse of Adam and Eve), Satan was the one responsible forElisha's sickness. God was not. No one was more delighted to see Elisha sick than was Satan. YetElisha was tired of living on this planet. Elisha was tired of the spiritual battles he had fought. Elishawas t ired of the evil that popped up faster than what it could be curtailed, or it so often seemed.Elisha wanted to go to that place where Elijah was ... where evil was not allowed to visit. Elishawanted to go to his realhome - heaven.

    Most young and middle aged people can't identify with this type of thinking. Life is to be lived, andlet's get on with it! Mostly only people who have lived many, many years on this sin-sick world cometo a place in this life where they long to depart this wicked world and go to a heavenly world whereevil is not allowed to enter. For those who are in Christ and have the assurance from the Holy Spiritthat heaven will be their next world once they leave this world ... it really doesn't matter much tothem howthey get there -- they just want togetthere as soon as possible!


    For the elderly, sickness and disease can then become their "ticket" to exit this life and move on intoglory. Could it be that God simply doesn't impart sufficient faith to people like this to get healed

    because He knows that they have had enough of this world and He's really doing them the greatestfavor He could possibly grant and that is to allow the sickness and/or disease to be the means tousher them into heaven?

    I believe this was the case with Elisha. I choose to believe Elisha didn't want to be healed, though have no concrete scripture to substantiate my belief. I believe He probably wanted to be in thepresence of God, the angels, and the saints.

    Or ... here would be the other possible scenario. There just weren't enough people praying andbelieving for Elisha's healing who had sufficient faith to effect his healing. Elisha may have been so"battle worn" at a stage in his life where his faith was essentially all drained out. This can not beunderestimated.

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    Or ...perhaps both issues were facing Elisha. Perhaps he didn't have enough people covering himwith prayer and faith ... and he was t ired of the "battle" here on earth. Perhaps his will to keepgoing down here was dying out.Only God knows, but here is the point I feel to make. If someone longs to go to heaven ... God mayjust grant them their desire rather than effect their healing. Who of us can make a judgment callthat that is a wrong desire for a person to have, for people who have lived many, many painful yearson this sin-sick planet?

    SICKNESS UNTO DEATHJohn 11:4 speaks of a "sickness unto death." Lazarus had died, whom Jesus loved. Lazarus was thebrother of Mary and Martha. Jesus purposely delays in getting to him in time to heal him of thissickness, we are told in John 11:6. The clear understanding ofwhyHe does this is so that the gloryof God could be manifest by raising Lazarus from the dead. Does the sickness of Elisha fall under this"sickness unto death?"

    God gives us very little insight in the scriptures into what the full meaning and understanding isregarding a "sickness unto death." Can we safely assume that it means literally what it seems toimply -- that the person is going to die from the sickness they have, and nothing is going to change

    it - not even God - for reasons known onlyby God?

    If this happens to be the case, so be it. Nevertheless, it still does not imply that God gave them thesickness, as some Old Testament sc riptures seem to imply. Sickness and disease either comes fromthe Adamic Curse, which came because of Satan, or it comes directly from demonic powers assignedby Satan and/or a combination of improper nutrition - stress - improper or lacking of exerciseimbalances. It is not sent directly from God. God may allow it ... and even get glory out of it ... butHe didn't directly "send" it.

    My biblical premise for stating such? We are told in the Book of James that God does not, norcannot, temp anyone to sin. Where then, does temptation come from? James tells us it comeseither from our own selfish sinful lusts, and/or from the devil. The correlation I make is: How can a

    kingdom divided against itself stand? Jesus asked this question. How can the Kingdom of God standif on one hand if our heavenly Father inflicts sickness and disease, and on the other hand, heals it?It certainly makes no reasonable sense to me. If you see it differently, let us disagree in love.Here are some additional thoughts you may want to ponder if you are in need of healing:http://www.precious-testimonies.com/Exhortat ions/p-t/SevenTips.htmSOME HEALING WILL ONLY MANIFEST BY DEMONS BEING CASTED OUT OF THE SICK/DISEASED


    Simply praying the prayer of faithforsomeone does not always bring about healing for that person.Sometimes deliverance of one or more demonic spirits attached to that person needs to becommanded to leave and not come back for a healing to manifest. Every born again Christian hasbeen given the authority from God to engage in this type of deliverance ministry but lack ofunderstanding and wisdom and sometimes even fear holds back many from being useful vessels toGod for Him to work through in this type of ministry. Personally, if I was dealing with demonsattached to me, I would be quick to go to more mature Christians who have a fruitful track record inthis arena than I would with a novice just starting out. Nevertheless - God would like EVERY bornagain believer to be confident God could use them in deliverance ministry should He desire to. Solitt le is taught about it in so many local churches these days that Satan is having a hay-dayafflicting people who are instead being doped up by doctors with every sort of prescriptionmedication/s to deal with their afflictions when all so many need is someone to discern correctly andtake appropriate spiritual action for them to be set free. Sad, sad, sad.

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    (To be continued. This is most likely a writing in progress ...)

    (PLEASE NOTE: Norm has written about The Prayer Of Faith. You can click on it The Prayer O

    Faith to read it.)Here is a list of scriptures from both the Old Testament and the New Testament on healing:

    Scriptures On HealingIf you would like to read Norm's born again testimony, you can click on this link: http://precious

    testimonies.com/BornAgain/L-N/Norm.htmHere are some very INSIGHTFUL testimonies I would recommend reading that reveals how

    powerful"pleading the blood of Jesus"over sickness and disease can be:


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    j/HelpingShareTheMessageOfTheCross.htmDear Reader- are you at peace with God? If not, you can be. Do you know what awaits you

    when you die? You can have the assurance from God that heaven will be your home, if you would

    like to be certain. Either Jesus Christ died for yours sins, or He didn't (He did!). Are you prepared

    to stand before God on theJudgment Dayand tell Him that you didn't needthe shed blood of Jesus

    Christ on the Cross to have your sins forgiven and get in right-standing with God? We plead with

    you ... please don't make such a tragic mistake.

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