wh16_ce_25 ce notes written by oswald on holland-american lines stationery

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  • 7/30/2019 WH16_CE_25 CE Notes Written by Oswald on Holland-American Lines Stationery


    _I have of een wonderedwhy i t i s that the communi st, anapehi st capi tal i st andeven t hef asi st and anarchi st el ements i n Ameri ca, al l ways pr of ess patr ot i st i sm toward thel and and thepeopl e, i f not t he government ; al though thei r i deal s movementsmust sur l yl ead t o thebi tt er dest r uct i on of a l l andeverythi ngI amqui t e sure these peopl e must hate not onl y t he government but out the peepcul t ure, -16radi t i ees, heri tage andvery peopl e i tse l f , and yet they standupand pi ousl ypronounce themel fs patr i ots, di spl ayi ng t hei r war medl es, t hat they gai ned i n conf l i ct sl aegpast between themel f s .I wonder what woul d happen i t somebody was t o stand up and say he was utt er l yopposed not onl y t o the governments, but to the peopl e, too the enti re l andandcompl etefoundati ons of hi s soci cal l y .

    CommssIONEBHB T25

  • 7/30/2019 WH16_CE_25 CE Notes Written by Oswald on Holland-American Lines Stationery


    _ 2I have heard and read of the resugent Ameri cani sm i n the US . , not the ul tr a-ri ght t ype, but rather the pol i te, seemngl y poi nt l ess Ameri cani smexpressed by suchas t he "Ameri canforegroup" and t he f reedomfoundati onand yet even i n these vi el ed, f orm ess, pat r i ot i c gestures, thei r i s the obvious "axebei ng ground" by t he bt tsi nese h i nvested i ntr ests of the sponseres of thereexpensi ve

    undertaki ngTo where canwe I ~c k e i - e turn? to fact i onal ' mutants of both system, t o odd- bal lf 6oegi xiA Hegel i an i deal i sts out of touch wth real i t y rel i gi ous groups, t o revi si ni st

    or too abserdanarchi sm

    NoCOMMSSIONEXHB T25-Conti nued

  • 7/30/2019 WH16_CE_25 CE Notes Written by Oswald on Holland-American Lines Stationery


    _3t oo a person knowng both system and t hei r f act i onal accesor i es, thei r can be no

    medi ati onbetweenthesystem aftd th as they exi st to-dayand t hat personHemust beopposedto thei r basi c foundati ons and r epr esenat i vesand yet i t i s i mature t o take the sort of att i t ude whi ch says "a curse onboth your

    houses ! "t hei r are two great r epr esenat i ve of power i n the worl d, si mpl y expressed, the l ef tand ri ght, andt hei r ef f apf i eg f acti ons andconcers .any pract i cal attempt at one al ternat i ve must have as i t s nucl us the tr i di t i onal li deal ogi cal best of both system, andyet be utt er l y opposed t obothsystem .f or not systemcan be enti rel y new that i s where most r evol ut i ons go-f t4my i n-dust r i al or pol i ti cal , go astray . and yet the newsystemmust beopposedunequi pi l y t ootheol d that al so i s wherer evol ut i ons go astra

    CommssIONEXHB T25-Conti nued

  • 7/30/2019 WH16_CE_25 CE Notes Written by Oswald on Holland-American Lines Stationery


    _At the turn of the century i n Ameri ca

    I n the emerging i ndustr i al revol ut i on et l 6l -ietn pri vat e ent erpr i se trumphed because i t offered Aeffered a new ef f i ci ent andpromsi ng future whi l e s t i l l observi ng t he ease i deal i stal cal l y democrati c I deal s ofi . e .i t s overthrown pr edessor , Rrgri etA rural smal l ent erpr i ze.and at about the same time i n tsari st Russi a the arostr i sy was over throwby thepeasents andworkers and t he road l ai d open f or the gai ni ng of power by the bol shi ves

    because they too, offered a bri gh newf uture wthout v i ol at i at i ng hi stori cal tr adi t i onsof russi anworki ng cl ass l i f etheres~e i n hi story there are many such exampl es of the nucl us of the neworderrooted i n t he i deal i sti cal t r adi t i onal of theol d

    horored-Al e the I ndust r i al revol ut i on awe t he present atomc age and yet i t has devel oped

    as a i nt r i cate part of i t s systemi t s owmshortcomngsCOMMSSION ExHBT25-Conti nued

  • 7/30/2019 WH16_CE_25 CE Notes Written by Oswald on Holland-American Lines Stationery


    _ bautomati on f or i nstant .Automati onmay be compared t o the run away robot who di spl ays so many fal i ci testhat i t i s obvious i t i s run away . rather i t i s the muchmore sutl e aspect s of I ndus-t r i al i zat i on andmechnci zati on whi ch bri ngs the gr eat est hardships upon the peopl ea general decay of cl ass' es i nt o shapl ess soci ati es wthout real cul t ur al f oundat i ons,regementati on, not somuchof peopl e si nce i ndustr i al i zati on acti vel y provi des f or morefree movement of cl ass' es around each other, but rather of i deal s al though thoseregemented i deal s havemoref reedomof expressi onthroughout a l l the cl ass' es .

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  • 7/30/2019 WH16_CE_25 CE Notes Written by Oswald on Holland-American Lines Stationery


    6The bi ggest and fleeingkey f aul t devel opment of the our eara i s of course t he

    f i ght f or markets between t he i mperal i st powers t hemsel f s, whi ch l ead t o the wars,cri ses and oppressi ve f r i c t i on whi ch you have a l l come t o regardas part of your l i ves .and i t i s thi s l t e promnent f act or of the capi tal i st systemwhi ch w l l undoutl y

    evenual l y l ead t o the commondestr ucti on of a l l the i mperal i sti c powers eet se al readymany asi st l esser i mperi al i st countrys havebecome dependent upon other factors thandomnanati on of eel enl l i st eeee eel et tes col oni es through f orce, they have beendevasted of thei r f ormer col oni es by the three great i mperal i st e+ees count r i es or i nsome cases even gi ven up thei r col oni es themel f s as unprof i t abl e and ether manycases the oppressed peopl es rose up and physi cal l y through the col oni st out and thi sprocess i s conti nui ngeven today as we al l can see . but what i s important t o remember .

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  • 7/30/2019 WH16_CE_25 CE Notes Written by Oswald on Holland-American Lines Stationery


    7I s that the ol d systemof capi tal i smeven wthi n i tsel f i s revi s i ng and what i s most

    evi dent , f ormng i mperi l i st economc coi l ati ons, suchas t he commonmarket .COMMssIONEXHBT 25-Conti nued

  • 7/30/2019 WH16_CE_25 CE Notes Written by Oswald on Holland-American Lines Stationery


    _ 8I n the communi st experamnt serveal f acti ons and unavoi dable devel opments haveemerge whi chMarx and Engl es coul d not possi bl y have foreseen t hei r emerges wthi ncreasi ng cl ar i t y twomonumentl e mstakes whi ch Marx and Engl es made, not t omenti on the very key stone of : Marx' s economc theory "the doctr i ne of surpl us+ f aeti f ee whi ch has al ways beenunshakey and controversal

    val ueThe f i r s t mstake i s f ai r l y wel l known evenat thi s stage i n the communi st devel op-as i t was cal l ed

    ment the "wtheri ngawayof the state" t

    i s eents?ahsedhowever :Marx envi sual i zedthat t he abol i at i on of cl ass' es woul d l ead t o the gruaual r educt i on of state apparoushowever thi s i s not the case and i s better observed thancontempl ated

    the state ratherbecomes more ext ensi t ve i n t hat whi l e the powers of central i ni ni st rys or del agatedthey are not reduceded i n the di vi devi ng of a organ of state power i nto smal l er uni tssomeat l ower l evel s so al thugh t he mnsters of have actual l y di sappeared t o Moscowtheyhavebecomemoreentrencedthanever at l ower l evel s thusCOMMSSIONEXHB T25-Conti nued

  • 7/30/2019 WH16_CE_25 CE Notes Written by Oswald on Holland-American Lines Stationery


    9I n di v i di ng power you mul ti pl y uni t s and i n everyday l i f e you becomemore andmore

    Wherever you turndepent on t hese organs of state power .

    then eyer more

    , af t ever be ere youmeetthemand they touch the l i ves of the peopl e more andmore, and a newbeauracracy,rather thanawtheri ng away of the state .

    I n Russi a i n the l ast two years t hei r hasbeena shi f t of power f romthe capi t al of Doscowto the so- cal l ed "Republ i cs" but stateappar i st , si mpl y grows i nto a gr eat er maze throughout t hese r epubl i cs, thus i nmnskthe capi t al of bel or ussi a, the mni stry of I nter i a became r esponsi bl e i n 1960 f or de-termni ng the el i gi bi l i t y of apl i cant s f or hard t o get exi t vi sas too l eave the USSRf ormal y the off i ci al prograt i ve of Moscowal one but now t hat thi s state mni stry i nMoscowhas "wtheredaway" i t becomes a l l themore di f f i cul e t o get an exi t vi sa si ncenowone has t o go t o thearea, c i ty and republ i can state

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  • 7/30/2019 WH16_CE_25 CE Notes Written by Oswald on Holland-American Lines Stationery


    10capi t al commtes of beaurocrats and on top of al l t hat a l ast finial OK has to comef romi ncreadi bl y theMoscowmni stry of f orei gn af f ai rs!! thewtheri ngaway of thestate as Marxenvi sual i zed was a unforeseeabl e mstake poi nted out by manycr i t i zesof Marx .The secondmstakeEngl es andMarx made wf ts i s muchmoreobscurebut f undelment al l y j ust as i mportant .I n t he l ate 1800' s Engl es wroteVanti Duhri ngwhi chr i ght l y cr i t i zed EugenDuhri ng' s,a german i deal i st whowas supposabl y not consi st ent enoughi n hi s materi al i smf or thedi al ecti cal mat eri l i st Marx . I n hi s cr i t i cal anyl i s of Duhri ng Engl es sai d wthmuchheavy sarci smt hat Duhri ng onl y changed a word i n hi s putti ng f orward of hi s soci alrevol uti onary i deas t hat a changed word "was t he word communi ty f romthe wordstate whereas Duhri ngwanted Soci al Democracy at a l ocal or

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  • 7/30/2019 WH16_CE_25 CE Notes Written by Oswald on Holland-American Lines Stationery


    Pea MetheWwecommuni ty l evel , Marx and Engl es advocated a cent r al i zed state whi ch woul d l ater"wther away! 'But i n thi s Map*sedEngl eswasmstakenagai nas hi storyhas shown timeagai n thestate remains andgrowswhereas truedemocracycanbe practi cedonl yat the l ocal l evel , whi l e the state cent r al i zed state, admni str at i ve,pol i t i cal or supervi sual remains t hei r can be no real democracy a l oose confederati onof communi tys at a nati onal l evel wthout any centr al i zed state what so ever .I n equal di vi si on, wth safe guards agai nst coi l at i on of communti es there can bedemocracy, not i n the cent ral i zed state del agati ng authori ty but i n numerossequal ,

    pregr esei we statesdemeeretaal 3Owcommuni ti es pract i ci ng and devel opi ngdemocracy at the l ocal l evel .COMMSSION EXHBT 25-Conti nued

  • 7/30/2019 WH16_CE_25 CE Notes Written by Oswald on Holland-American Lines Stationery


    _ 1 Athere have al l ready been a f ew organi zati ons who have decl osed that they shal lbecome ef f ecti ve onl y after conf l i ct between the two worl d system l eaves the WeAdcountry wthout defense or foundati on of government, organi zati ons suchas themnutemen f or i nst ance, however they i f f teRd are prepari ng to simp y defend the presentsystemand rei nstat e i t s i nf l unse after themutual defeat of both system mel atari l ywhi ch i s moreor l ess taken f or grantedThesearmed groups w l l represent the remai ni nghard core of f eni nat i cal ameri cancapi tal i st suportorsThere w l l undoutl y be si m l ar representati on of thi s ki nd by communi ss groups i n

    communi st countrys .there w l l al so be many deci ded rel i gi ous segments of putt i ng f orwardCOMMSSIONEXHB T25--Conti nued

  • 7/30/2019 WH16_CE_25 CE Notes Written by Oswald on Holland-American Lines Stationery


    2ethei r own al l turni t i ves and through l ar ger membershi ps than the mnute men ect .fever there w l l al l so be anarchi st paci f i st and qui t probabl y f asi st gfeuspl i ntergroups however al l these unl i ke the mnutemenand communi te par t esi n gr oups, w l lbe unarmedThemass of survi vors 13e wR prab&bly however w l l , not beblong too any of thesegroups, they w l l not be f anat i cal enough t o j o i n est r emest , and w l l be too di s-al l usi oned t oo support ei t her the communi ts or capi tal i st par t i es i n t hei r r espect i vecount r i es . after theatomc catorahfthey shal l seek aal turnati veto thosesystemwhi chhavebrought themmsery .But thei r thi nki ng andeducati on

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  • 7/30/2019 WH16_CE_25 CE Notes Written by Oswald on Holland-American Lines Stationery


    _sw l l besteeped i n the t r ai di t i ons of thosesystem theywoul dnever except a "neworder"

    anymorethantheywoul d except theextremst etccompl ete beyond thei r understandi ng, l ogi cal l y, they woul d deemi t neccary t o opposethe ol d system but support at the same time 4ftk t hei r cheri sed t rati ons .I i ntend t oput f orward j ust suchan al l turnati veI * t+e J 3f t4ed &al es4woul d txeanI nmaki ng such a decl arati on I must say that i n order to make thi s al l turnat i ve

    ef f ecti ve supporters must prepare now f or the i n the event the si tuati on pr esentsmel atari sti tsel f f or the prat i cal appl i cat i on of thi s al l turnati vei n t hi s way the mnutemen and t hei r narrowsupport of capi tal i smhave beenmost

    f ar - si ght ed, however they present onl y a sui ci de force whereas i t s R+y aMHdFea4Vewewoul d eeesi etut~e what i s needed i s a const r uct i ve and pract i cal group of personsdesi r i ng peaceCOMMSSI ONEXHBT 25-Conti nued

  • 7/30/2019 WH16_CE_25 CE Notes Written by Oswald on Holland-American Lines Stationery


    4sbut stead l ast l y opposed t o the r evi val of f or ces who have l ed ml l i ons of peopl e t odeathand dest r uct i on aftd i n a dozenwars andhavenowat thi s moment l ed theworl di nto unsurpasseddanger .

    Wehave l i ved i nto adark generati on of t ensti on andf ear .But howmany of youhave tryed to f i nd out the truth behi nd the cold-war cl i c' es ! !4l i v"Faete I , have l i ved under both syst ems, I have sought t he answers andal though

    i t woul dbe very easy t o dupemsel f i nto bel i vei ng one systemi s better than theother,I knowthey are not .

    I despi se the r epr esenat i ves of both system weather they be soci al i st or cr i s tandemocrates, weath they be l abor or conserat i ve they areal l products of thetwo system,

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  • 7/30/2019 WH16_CE_25 CE Notes Written by Oswald on Holland-American Lines Stationery


    _8Whene I f i r s t went t o Russi a i n thewnter of 1959my funds were very l i mted, soafter a cert ai n t i me, of t er the Russi ans hadassured themel fs that I was real l y thenai vdameri canwhobel i yved i n communi sm they arranged f or met o reci ve a cert ai namount of money every month OK i t came techni cal l y through the Red-Cross asf i ni cal hel p to a Roos pol i cal i mmgrate but i t was arranged by theMVD. I t ol dmysel f i t was simp y because I was broke and everybody knew t . I accepted themoney because I was hungry and there was several i nches of snowon the ground i nMoscowat that time but what i t real l y was was payment f or m denuci ati on of theUS i n Moscow n Aet November 1956 and a cl ear promse t hat f or as l ong as I l i vedi n the USSRl i f e woul d bevery good I di dnt rel i ze al l thi s, of course for almost twoyears

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    COMMSSIONEXHB T25-Conti nued

  • 7/30/2019 WH16_CE_25 CE Notes Written by Oswald on Holland-American Lines Stationery


    2"As soon as I became comp etel y di sgusted wth theUSS-R Sovi t Union and startedAmeri cannegot i t i ons wth the J 3- S- Embassy i n Moscowfor my return to theUS . m "RedCross" al l otment was cut o f f .

    thi s was not di ff i cal t o understand si nce al l correspondece i n and out of the Embassyi s censoredas i s commonknowege i ntheEmbassy i tsel f .I havenevermenti oned the fact of t hesemonthl y payments t o anyone

    I do so in order t o state that I shal l never s e l l msel f i nt ent i onl y, or uni nt ent i onl yagate to anyone agai n

    as f or t he f ee of $

    I was supposed to recI ve f or thi s

    I re-f use i t . I made pretense t o except i t onl y because otherwse I woul d have beenconsi dereda crack pot and not al l owed to appear t o express m vi ews .

    after al l whowoul d refusemoney?!?