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Dear Floorball friends,

German Floorball plays an important role for international de-velopment, being a nation among the “big five” in Europe with good officials, and having organized top events, including IFF events, and having contributed to international development over many years. Saying this I convey to you, players, clubs, me-dia, partners, and federation many thanks. I am also looking for-ward coming again to Weissenfels where we meet already in 2001 for the very first WFC U19, we return again!

Two years ago we received the IOC recognition! We continue to grow, with now 52 member associations. The growth of licensed players has by international standards been tremendous, incre-asing with 10% annually in the countries that joined IFF in the last 5-10 years. In Germany the growth is even bigger, of which you all should be proud!

Looking at events, the implementation of the new international calendar has been a huge success. Already in the Czech Repu-blic in 2008 there were over 100.000 spectators and 17 interna-tionally televised matches. The follow up in Finland in 2010 meet with all possible expectations as well. Concerning the future of the WFC U19 we will continue to review the dates and the format of the organization. Germany will now again in Weissenfels orga-nize this important event, which is a window presenting our sport, and I expect that we will see further boost for national German development as well as international development promoting these championships.

We continue to follow the three main strategic pillars laid out for 2020, political, development and marketing. The main political objective, which we are striving for, is to enter a multisport event like the Universiade, World Games or even the Youth Olympic Games. Here the role of the University Championships is impor-tant, with a broader participation. The successful development programme, of which Germany is an important partner, conti-nues, with the goals to have more members, and stronger mem-bers, and in addition the implementation of the new WFC Licen-se System starts in 2012.

IFF is very pleased with the German Floorball Association and its strong development and good management. The IFF conveys our gratitude to Floorball Germany, its partners and the city of Weissenfels for organising the WFC U19.

Looking forward to seeing you and a thrilling tournament,

Yours sincerely,Tomas Eriksson IFF President

If you would travel to the WFC as a fan, what would you do to cheer on your favourite team? I would dress up in my natio-nal colours, blue and yellow!

What do you think would constitute a perfect final match? A full house, with a dedica-ted cheering crowd, and a final tight result!

Have a guess: How high will be the final score of the final match? It will be a tight call, with one team winning with only one goal, 8-7!

Tomas ErikssonIFF President



Liebe Gäste und Freunde des Floorballsports,

ich darf Sie und Euch zur Weltmeisterschaft der unter 19-jährigen Männer hier in Weissenfels auf das Herzlichste begrüssen. Die Möglichkeit der Aus-richtung dieser WM sowie deren Organisation erfüllt Floorball Deutschland mit grossem Stolz und stellt sich als eine grosse Herausforderung dar. Das meiste der Arbeit ist getan - das Turnier an und für sich ist jetzt die Kür.

Seit dem wir den Zuschlag für die Ausrichtung dieser WM bekommen ha-ben, ist viel passiert. Wir bringen ein Budget von 140.000 Euro auf, über 150 Helferinnen und Helfer engagieren sich ehrenamtlich, um diese Weltmeister-schaft auf die Beine zu stellen. Diese Veranstaltung ist für Floorball Deutsch-land auch von besonderer Bedeutung, da unser Verband schnellst möglich die Mitgliedschaft im DOSB anstrebt. Die ersten Hürden hierzu haben wir auf Verbandsseite schon genommen, andere warten noch. Mit der Ausrichtung dieser U19-WM wollen wir jedoch ein deutliches Zeichen setzen und dem DOSB und seinen Mitgliedsverbänden zeigen, zu was wir schon jetzt in der Lage sind.

Mein Dank gilt all diesen Helfern und auch unseren Sponsoren, die mit ihrer finanziellen Unterstützung die Ausrichtung dieser WM erst ermöglicht haben. Ich danke auch der Stadt Weissenfels für Ihre grossartige Unterstützung und der unkomplizierten und konstruktiven Art und Weise, mit uns gemeinsam auftretende Probleme zu lösen. Ebenso möchte ich dem Verein UHC Spar-kasse Weissenfels als sportartspezifischer und kompetenten Partner vor Ort danken.

Ich wünsche uns allen eine schöne, interessante und spannende Weltmeis-terschaft, stimmungsvolle Spiele, vor allem unserer deutschen National-mannschaft und möge das beste Team Weltmeister werden.

Ihr Prof. Dr. Oliver StollPräsident Floorball Deutschland

Dear guests and Floorballfriends,

I welcome you most cordially to the Men’s U19 Floorball World Champion-ship (WFC) here in Weißenfels. The possibility of organizing the WFC fills us with proud and presents itself as a big challenge. Most of the work is already done – the tournament itself will only be the cherry on the cake.

Since then we have got the acceptance for the organization of the U19 WFC a lot happened. We anted up a budget of 140.000 Euros and over 150 volunteers got involved to enable this World Championship. This event is of particular importance for the German Floorball Association, as our federa-tion aims at the membership in the German National Olympic Committee (GNOC) as soon as possible. First hurdles we have already surmounted, oth-ers are still waiting for us. With the arrangement of this U19 WFC we want to set an example and show the GNOC and its member federations, what we are already able to do.

Saying this I convey thanks to all these volunteers and sponsors, who made the WFC at least possible through their financial means. I also want to thank the city of Weißenfels for the great support and their uncomplicated and constructive manner eliminating occurring problems. Additionally I want to give thanks to the club “UHC Sparkasse Weißenfels” as a competent and sport specific partner on location.

I wish all of us a great, interesting and thrilling tournament, impressive match-es, especially the German team and may the best team become World Champion.

Yours sincerely Prof. Dr. Oliver Stoll President German Floorball Association

Was würde für Sie das ideale Finalspiel auszeichnen?Als Präsident von Floorball Deutschland wünsche ich mir unser deutsches Team im B-Finale mit einem spannenden Verlauf und möglichst das bessere Ende auf unserer Sei-te, verbunden mit einer tollen Stimmung in der Weissenfelser Stadthalle.

Wenn Sie als Fan zur U19 WM anreisen würden, was würden Sie sich ausdenken, um die dt. Mannschaft anzufeuern?Ich würde ein Riesentrans-parent produzieren lassen und darauf würde stehen: Ihr könnt mehr, als ihr denkt, wenn ihr wirklich wollt - GoFloorball Deutschland!

Zuletzt dürfen Sie einen Tipp abgeben: Wer wird Weltmeis-ter und wie hoch fällt der End-stand im Finale aus?Finnland siegt über die Schweiz mit 6:4

Oliver StollFloorball Deutschland President





Liebe Floorballfans,

es freut uns sehr, dass die U19 Weltmeisterschaft der Herren vom 3. bis 7. Mai 2011 wieder in Weissenfels stattfindet. Die Bürgerinnen und Bürger un-serer Stadt erwarten begeistert über 2000 Zuschauer. Alles steht dafür in Weissenfels bereit.

Schon lange sind Mannschaften des Floorballs in Weissenfels aktiv. Seit im November 1991 das Spiel in Weissenfels vorgestellt wurde, haben wir aktive Männer, Frauen und Kinder, die sich diesem Sport verschrieben haben.

Dank unermüdlichen Trainings konnten viele Erfolge gefeiert werden. So ist die Herren-Mannschaft des UHC Sparkasse Weissenfels auf dem Grossfeld seit 2003 Deutscher Meister; 2009 errangen auch die Frauen diesen Pokal.

Ich wünsche für die anstehenden Spiele, dass wir faire und spannende Wettkämpfe erleben und dass zum Schluss allen Zuschauern, Organisato-ren und Spielern die sportlichen und schönen Tage in Weissenfels lange in Erinnerung bleiben werden.

Robby RischOberbürgermeisterStadt Weissenfels

Was würde für Sie das ideale Fi-nalspiel auszeichnen?Ich wünsche mir so ein Spiel, bei dem man sich vor Aufre-gung am Sitz festkrallt und mit den Spielern mitfiebert, weil es nach der Verlängerung immer noch keinen Sieger gibt und das Penalty-Schiessen nun alles ent-scheiden wird.

Wenn Sie als Fan zur U19 WM anreisen würden, was würden Sie sich ausdenken, um die dt. Mannschaft anzufeuern?Auf jeden Fall unsere National-farben tragen. Wahrscheinlich werde ich nicht schwarz-rot-gold geschminkt erscheinen, aber unsere Mannschaft soll auf jeden Fall ihre vielen Fans erken-nen.

Zuletzt dürfen Sie einen Tipp abgeben: Wer wird Weltmeister und wie hoch fällt der Endstand im Finale aus?Im Finale besiegt Finnland Schweden mit 6 : 5.

Robby RischMajor of Weissenfels

Dear floorball fans and guests,

we are very happy of beeing host of Men’s U19 Floorball World Champi-onship taking place in Weissenfels from 3rd to 7th May 2011 again. Our citizens expect enthusiastically about 2.000 spectators. In Weissenfels everything is prepared for the biggest floorball event. A long time ago floorball teams became active in Weissenfels. This fantastic sport has been actively practiced in Weissenfels since November 1991. There are active men, women and children teams train floorball very hard. All of them have commited themselves to floorball. Thanks to indefatigable training many successes could be celebrated. Thus, the male team of the UHC Sparkasse Weissenfels is German Champion since 2003, and 2009 also the women won the championship.

Altogether the citizens of Weissenfels are very keen on sport. The city sup-ports all sportsmen and sportswomen with its entire available means. This is thankful adopted.

At least, I hope, for the upcoming matches, that we will see fair and thril-ling competitions and that in the end all spectators, organizers and play-ers keep these sportive and nice days in Weissenfels in their memory for a long time.

Robby RischMayor of Weissenfels




Accreditation is essential for everyone taking part in U19 WFC 2011. Accreditation pass grant access to the U19 WFC 2011 venues and to particular areas inside arenas which have precise numbers and colour system.

Be careful: If you lose your accreditation pass access will be denied.

When register for accreditation you have to prove your personality by showing your passport.

Note! The jury and LOC have the right to grant or deny the accreditation. If any misuse occurs the accreditation will be cancelled.

Accreditation centre

The accreditation centre is located next to the Stadthalle Weissenfels / Municipal Hall.

Opening hours:• Monday 02.05. 14:00 – 19:00 • Thuesday 03.05. 09:00 – 12:00 and 17:00 – 19:30 • Wednesday 04.05. 09:00 – 12:00 and 17:00 – 19:30• Thursday 05.05. 09:00 – 12:00 and 17:00 – 19:30• Friday 06.05. 09:00 – 12:00 and 17:00 – 19:30• Saturday 07.05. 09:00 – 12:00 and 17:00 – 19:30

Accreditation responsible: Martin Brückner, +49 (0)177 2932202

There will be the opportunity to make photos for accreditation pass.



Main Media Centre (Stadthalle / Municipal Hall)

Main media centre is situated in Stadthalle Weissenfels at the 2nd floor.

Opening:• Tuesday 03.05. 9:30 - 22:30• Wednesday 04.05. 9:30 - 22:30

• Thursday 05.05. 9:30 - 22:30• Friday 06.05. 8:30 - 23:00• Saturday 07.05. 8:30 - 23:00

Media Centre B (Sporthalle West / Arena West)

There will be space for working media representatives in B-Arena Weissenfels West at the 2nd floor.

Opening:• Tuesday 03.05. 8:30 - 22:00• Wednesday 04.05. 8:30 - 22:00

• Thursday 05.05. 8:30 - 22:00• Friday 06.05. 8:30 - 22:30• Saturday: closed

Mixed Zone

Mixed Zones for meeting coaches, players and media will be arranged and marked. All players are asked to wear the of-ficial jerseys and dresses when walking through the mixed zone and for the interviews.

Press conferences

There will be only press conferences held after German games, semi-finals and finals and only in main media centre in Stadthalle Weissenfels. If there are requests for further press conferences please inform the media hosts. Press conferences start about 15 minutes after the end of the match.

Daily Bulletin

The Daily Bulletin with tournament information and statistics will be issued every day during the championship. The Daily Bulletin will be available at the media centre, info centre, VIP zones and also at the team boxes.

Official website

All tournament the website will support fans and involved with information. You find it at or There is also Social Media available at facebook ( or twitter (


media services

Ticketing information“First Rounder”Thuesday, 3th May 2011 09:00 - Thursday, 5th May 2011 20:009,50 €

WFC special “all you can watch”Thuesday, 3th May 2011 09:00 - Saturday, 7th May 2011 20:0025,50 €

“Weekender”Friday, 6th May 2011 09:00 - Saturday, 7th May 2011 20:0020,50 €

Prelimiary Round, Thuesday, 3th May 2011adult single ticket: 5,50 €“5 for 4″ ticket: 4,10 €

Prelimiary Round, Wednesday, 4th May 2011adult single ticket: 5,50 €“5 for 4″ ticket: 4,10 €

Prelimiary Round, Thursday, 5th May 2011adult single ticket: 5,50 €“5 for 4″ ticket: 4,10 €

semi-final day, Friday, 6th May 2011adult single ticket: 10,50 €“5 for 4″ Karten: 8,10 €

final day, Saturday, 7th May 2011adult single ticket: 15,50 €“5 for 4″ Karten: 12,10 €

group ticket “5 for 4″, WFC-ticket “all you can watch” Tue 3th – Sat 7th May 201120,10 €

group ticket “5 for 4″, WFC-Weekender, Fri 6th – Sat 7th May 201116,10 €

* thanks to enviaM kids sponsorship all children aged under 14 years receive free en-trance during U19 WFC

How to get ticketsTickets are available online at (, at the ser-vice hotline +49 (0)180-5303435 (MO–FRI 10a.m. until 6p.m.)

IFF ticket regulation for teams§ 16 TICKETS

16.1 Participating Teams

16.1.1 Each participating team is entitled to a maximum of 27 tickets/reserved seats automatically valid for the time the team is playing in the Championships, free of charge, for the players and officials of the team. The accreditation ends on the same day when the teams are played their last match in the competition.The teams must inform the organiser no later than 30 days in advance of the start of the Championship which tickets they will use.

16.1.2 The organiser of the Championship must reserve the needed amount/reserved seats of tickets for all the partici-pating teams for the group rounds. For the play off rounds the organiser needs to reserve the same amount of tickets/places that there are teams still par-ticipating in the tournament at that stage to an equal num-ber of the accredited teams.

16.1.3 The participating teams are entitled to reserve and purchase tickets for the play off phase of the tournament to the lowest price category, no later than six months prior to the start of the Championships.

16.1.4 If a team, which has reserved and paid tickets for the play offs, would qualify for the play offs, the organiser would reimburse the price of the tickets.

16.2 Participating Associations

16.2.1 Each participating member Association, in National Team Competitions, is entitled to a maximum of 5 tickets (2 VIP and 3 ordinary) valid for the entire Championships, free of charge.

16.3 Participating Associations at the IFF General Assembly/Presidential Meeting

Each participating member Association, not taking part in the Championship, but attending the IFF General Assem-bly/Presidential meeting is entitled to 2 VIP tickets for the rest of the Championships after the IFF General Assembly/Presi-dential Meeting.

16.4 Each participating member Association is entitled to purchase tickets.

The ticket quota of each participating member Association shall be fixed by IFF RACC in consultation with the organizer, and shall be divided as follows:a) For their own team’s matches in the groupb) For matches played by other teams in the same groupc) For matches in other groupsd) For their own team’s matches in continued play after group matchese) For other matches in continued play after group matches





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Fremdenverkehrsverein Weißenfelser Land e.V. 9


Beuditzstrasse 69a06667 Weißenfels

2000 Sitzplätze/Seats700 Stehplätze/Standing

stadthalle/municipal hall weißenfels

Thomas-Muentzer-Str. 1706667 Weißenfels

300 Sitzplätze/seats150 Stehplätze/standing

sporthalle / arena weißenfels west

Parkplätze direkt an der Stadthalle/parking lot next to municipal hall

Parkplätze des Rewe-Supermarktes können zum Parken genutzt werden/parking lot of the “Rewe”-supermarket can be used for parking

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Rischmuehlen-GymnasiumRischmuehle 106217 Merseburg

Gymnasium WestThomas-Muentzer-Straße 1706667 Weissenfels

Municipal HallBeuditzstrasse 69a06667 Weissenfels

Bundeswehr-GymnasiumZeitzer Strasse 11206667 Weissenfels





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municipal hallground floor








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municipal hallupper floor








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arena westground floor






















arena westupper floor

Liljelund John Secretary General

Kratz Stefan Competition Manager

Bruun Merita Information Manager & Anti-Doping Administrator

Halonen Veli Office & Referee Coordinator

Salomaa Kaarina Competition Coordinator

iff office

Vehniäinen Ari Jury Chairman

Leb Heidi Jury Member

Budzinski Marek Jury Member

Dzenis Andris Jury Member


Koskela Klaus Head of Referees

Hora Radek Observer

Ingolf Björn Observer

Rahikainen Sami Observer

referee management

Lachenmaier Michael Chairman, Competition +49 177 1700726

Liebing Mathias Sponsoring, Public Relation +49 170 9615287

Stoll Oliver Medical Service, Representation +49 177 1700726

Blanke Rolf Local Services

Leineweber Frank Martin Finance

organizing committee

Accreditation Brückner Martin +49 177 2932202

Ceremonies Neumann Kerstin

Neumann Laura

Competition OfficeMunicipal Hall Franz Sascha

Gymnasium West Makin David

First Aid Stoll Oliver

Marketing Mertens Philipp

Media Schneider Marie

Special Events Brückner Robert

Sponsoring Kühn Sophie

Statistics and match secretariat

Hoffmann Jan

Team Services Suhren Lena

Transportation Franke Andreas

Horn Jenny

Venue ManagerMunicipal Hall Böttcher Jan

Gymnasium West Seitz Heinz-Günther

VIP Service Blanke Rolf

Volounteer Management Brückner Brigitte

Scholz Elke

wfc office



Hotel “Jaegerhof”Nikolaistraße 5106667 Weissenfels

[email protected]+49 (0)3443 - 3340

Hostel WeissenfelsAn der Beude 706667 Weissenfels

Sachsen-Anhalt-KaserneZeitzer Straße 11206667 Weissenfels

Hotel “Stadt Naumburg”Friedensstraße 606618 Naumburg

Hostel NaumburgAm Tennisplatz 906618 Naumburg








[email protected]+49 (0)3443 - 802447

[email protected]+49 (0)3445 - 7390

www.jugendherberge-naumburg,[email protected]+49 (0)3445 703422

Hostel “Sky”Thueringer Weg 2806217 Merseburg





[email protected]+49 (0)3461 244766

Radisson BluOberaltenburg 406217 Merseburg (0)3461 45200

Atrium Hotel AmadeusPretzscher Straße 2006721 Osterfeld

Czech (0)34422 30100

Hotel “Schöne Aussicht”Naumburger Landstrasse 106667 Leißling (0)3443 470790

Motel AuenseeGustav-Esche-Strasse 504159 Leipzig

[email protected]+49 (0)341 4651600

Hotel GambrinusHohenmölsener Straße 3206679 Webau

[email protected]+49 (0)34441 449132


team accomodation

AustraliaBotschaft AustralienWallstrasse 76-7910179 Berlin

tel +49 (0)30 880088-0

fax +49 (0)30 880088-210

[email protected]

CanadaBotschaft KanadaLeipziger Platz 1710117 Berlin

tel +49 (0)30 203120

fax +49 (0)30 20312590

[email protected]

Czech RepublicBotschaft Tschechische RepublikWilhelmstrasse 4410117 Berlin

tel +49 (0)30 226380

fax +49 (0)30 2294033

[email protected]

EstoniaBotschaft EstlandHildebrandstrasse 510785 Berlin

tel +49 (0)30 25460602+49 (0)30 25460611 (Konsularabteilung)

fax +49 (0)30 25460601

[email protected]

DenmarkBotschaft DänemarkRauchstrasse 110787 Berlin

tel +49 (0)30 50502000

fax +49 (0)30 50502050

[email protected]

FinlandBotschaft FinnlandRauchstrasse 110787 Berlin

tel +49 (0)30 505030

fax +49 (0)30 50503333

[email protected]

HungaryBotschaft UngarnUnter den Linden 7610117 Berlin

tel +49 (0)30 203100

fax +49 (0)30 2291314

[email protected]

NorwayBotschaft NorwegenRauchstrasse 110787 Berlin

tel +49 (0)30 505050+49 (0)30 505056-10 / -11 (Konsularabt.)

fax +49 (0)30 505055

[email protected]

LatviaBotschaft LettlandReinerzstraße 40/4114193 Berlin

tel +49 (0)30 82600222+49 (0)30 826002 -12 / -10 (Konsularabt.)

fax +49 (0)30 82600233+49 (0)30 82600244

[email protected]



RussiaBotschaft Russische FöderationUnter den Linden 63-6510117 Berlin

tel +49 (0)30 229111029

fax +49 (0)30 2299397

[email protected]

PolandBotschaft PolenLassenstrasse 19-2114193 Berlin

tel +49 (0)30 223130+49 (0)30 22313200 (Konsularabteilung)

fax +49 (0)30 22313155+49 (0)30 22313212 (Konsularabteilung)

[email protected]

SlovakiaBotschaft SlowakeiHildebrandstraße 2510785 Berlin

tel +49 (0)30 88926200+49 (0)30 88926218 (Konsularabteilung)

fax +49 (0)30 88926222

[email protected]

SpainBotschaft SpanienLichtensteinallee 110787 Berlin

tel +49 (0)30 2540070

fax +49 (0)30 25799557

[email protected]

SwedenBotschaft SchwedenRauchstrasse 110787 Berlin

tel +49 (0)30 505060

fax +49 (0)30 506789

[email protected]

SwitzerlandBotschaft SchweizOtto-von-Bismarck-Allee 4a10557 Berlin

tel +49 (0)30 3904000

fax +49 (0)30 3911030

[email protected] -ber.html



A-DivisionA-Divison will be played in two groups with four teams, where every team in each group will play against each other once. The best two teams of each group will ad-vance to the semi-finals. In semi-finals the winner of the group will play against the second placed team from the other group. The winners of the semi-finals will play in the Fi-nal of the tournament and the losers will play in the bronze match. The 3rd placed teams of the groups will play for the 5th place of the tournament and the 4th placed teams of the groups will play for the 7th place of the tournament.

B-DivisionB-division will be played in two groups of four teams, where every team will play against each other team once. The best two teams of the two groups will advance to the semi-finals. In semi-finals the winner of the group will play against the second placed team from the other group. The winners of the semi-finals will play in the B-Final of the tournament and the losers will play for the 11th place. The 3rd placed teams of the groups will play for the 13th place of the tournament and the 4th placed teams of the groups will play for the 15th place of the tournament.

Standings in the groups (Extract from the IFF competition regulations)4.3.2 The groups are decided by each team playing each other ones within the group, where 2 points are awarded for a win, 1 point for a draw and zero forloss.

4.3.3 The ranking within a group shall be decided in the following order: a) The total number of points

b) If two or more teams have the same number of points the internal matches of the teams concerned, the internal goal difference included if necessary, shallbe decisive

c) If the internal matches according to b) are not decisive, most scored goals internally shall be decisive

d) If the ranking can not be decided by internal matches, the total goal difference of the teams concerned shall be decisive

e) If the total goal difference is not decisive most scored goals of the teams concerned shall be decisive

f) If most scored goals is not decisive a drawing of lot with the teams concerned shall settle the ranking

Players and officialsA maximum of 20 players and five officials are allowed to participate in a match. A list of officials and players who are taking part in a match shall be handed in to match secretariat no later then 30 minutes before the start of the match. No other than those mentioned on the list are al-lowed to be in the substitution zone. Note that a player must wear the same number throughout the complete WFC.

Protests (Extract from the IFF competition regulations)8.3 The intention to protest shall be noted in the match record directly after the match and the protest shall be handed in to the jury within 60 minutes from the end of the match concerned. Practically this means that the pro-test shall be handed over eather to a jury member or the match secretariat.8.4 Possible protests concerning qualification of the play-ers shall be handed in before the start of the match con-cerned. 8.5 A protest must be writen, signed and followed by the amount of 100 CHF (70 Euros), which will be returned only if the protest is approved.

Extra timeIn this tournament there is a 10 minutes limited extra time. If one team scores during this time they have won the match. Before extra time, the teams have the right to a two minute intermission, but no changing of ends shall take place. During extra time the same rules apply to starting and stopping time as during regular game time. Penalty time remaining after regular game time shall continue dur-ing extra time. If score after limited extra time is still equal, the match shall be decided by penalty shots.

System info WFC U19 2013The U19 WFC 2013 will be played in the same way as the U19 2011, a A-division and a B-division with eight teams each. Qualification to the B-division will played in September 2012 if more than 16 teams register. The 8th placed team of the A-division is relegated to the B-divsion. The winner of the B-division is promoted to the A-division. The top 12 teams (8 from the A-division and 4 from the B-Divsion) are directly qualified to the U19 WFC 2013.


mode of tournament

IFF Competition Regulations – National Teams Edition 2011 2


§ 1 GENERAL1.1 IFF Championships (Championship) shall be conducted in accordance with IFF

Competition Regulations, IFF Juridical Regulations and the IFF Rules of the Game.

1.2 All IFF member Associations are entitled to apply to organize IFF Championships.

1.3 The organizers of IFF Championships are appointed by the IFF Central Board (CB) uponproposal from IFF Rules and Competition Committee (RACC).

1.4 The duties and responsibilities of the organizers are laid down in the IFF OrganizersRegulations.

1.5 Those with a possibility to influence the outcome of a match may not, self or via other person,bet on the outcome of a match. This means that i.e. players, officials, secretariat, and boardmembers may not bet on a match where the own Team participates. Referees may not bet on amatch, or any match in a tournament, they are part of.

§ 2 PARTICIPATION2.1 IFF shall stage a World Championship for national representative teams in principal:

a) the final round in the 2nd

week of December every year for Adults, in odd years for Womenand in even years for Men

b) the qualifications in the 1st week of February every year for Adults, in odd years for Women

and in even years for Men

c) the final round in the 1st week of May every year for Juniors, in odd years for Men Under 19

and in even years for Women Under 19

d) the qualifications in the 2nd

week of September every year for Juniors, in odd years forWomen Under 19 and in even years for Men Under 19

2.2 All IFF member Associations which are not under suspension may apply to participate in aChampionship.

2.3 Registration shall be made on the official IFF formula.Registration and payment of the participation fee shall be the IFF by hand as follows:

a) Adult WFC: 5000 CHF for directly qualified and 2000 CHF for teams in the qualification shallbe at the headquarters of IFF not later than 31

stof December two years before the

Championship. Further the referee costs in the qualification shall be equally shared by all teamsin the qualification. The teams qualifying for the WFC final round shall pay the differencebetween the full fee and the qualification fee, keeping in mind the referee costs.

b) U19 WFC: 3000 CHF for directly qualified and 2000 CHF for teams in the qualification shallbe at the headquarters of IFF not later than the 31

st of December the season preceding the

season of the Championship. Further the referee costs in the qualification as well as the finalround shall be equally shared by all teams in the qualification and the final round respectively.

2.4 A registered team that has entered the competition and withdraws from the championship shallbe sanctioned according to the IFF Juridical Regulations.

2.5 Costs for travel to and from the arrival city and board and lodging shall be borne by each

participating team. The Arrival city of a tournament shall be the city with the nearest harbour,

railway station or airport to the main city of the competition. The cost for transportation to the

arrival city shall be borne by the participating federations. The organiser shall take the cost from

the determined arrival city onwards. In case of any doubts, it is the IFF Central Board/RACC

which defines the arrival city of the tournament.

2.6 The host shall pay for no more than 27 persons (20 players and 7 officials) per team for

travelling from the airport, harbour or railway station in the Arrival city to their respective

accommodation. The host shall also pay for the participating teams for travelling from their

accommodation to the official venues, to one daily training session according to the official

program and to the airport, harbour or railway station in the departure city.


competition regulation

IFF Competition Regulations – National Teams Edition 2011 3

The responsibility for the organizer to transport the teams starts two days before the first match

and seizes the day after the last match of each team.

2.7 Participants shall be responsible for taking out the appropriate insurance to cover theirdelegations.

§ 3 QUALIFICATION OF PLAYERS AND OFFICIALS3.1 Only players with citizenship of the own nation, having not participated earlier for another Adult

national representative team in a Championship, shall be eligible to represent the nation in theChampionship.

3.2. Only players having achieved the age of 15 and officials the age of 18 before the start of thefinal round are eligible to participate.

3.3 Teams participating are entitled to use a maximum of 20 players and a maximum of 7 officials inthe Championship.

3.4 30 full days before the first match of the Championship a list of the team delegation, completedon the official IFF formula and signed by the national Association concerned, shall be sent toIFF and the organizer. This list may consist of up to 30 players and 10 officials from which thefinal delegation shall be selected.21 full days before the first match of the Championship the final list of a maximum of 20 playersand 7 officials shall be sent to IFF and the organizer. Only those persons included in the final listare entitled to participate in the Championship. Together with the final list, the teams shall senda passport style photo of each team member (players and officials).

Persons in the final list may, due to unforeseen circumstances, be substituted after a writtenapplication to the IFF RACC, shall however be included in the first list of 30 players. Passportsor any other internationally accepted ID card shall be checked in connection with theaccreditation.

3.5 A maximum of 20 players and 5 officials are allowed to participate in a match.A list of players and officials who are taking part in a match shall be handed in to the matchsecretariat no later than 30 minutes before the start of the match. In case of a TV match, the listof players and the team line-ups shall be handed in to the match secretariat no later than 60minutes before the start of the match. No other than those on the list are allowed to be in thesubstitution zone.

3.6 Players shall be freed for participation in their respective national teams at least three days inadvance of an IFF International Event and on Wednesday at noon, to be present in the team,for Friendly Internationals during IFF International weekends. For the international weekend inNovember the players shall be freed on Monday at noon. In addition players shall be freed thelast weekend before the WFC/WFC Qualification. Term of such camp shall be informed to IFFlatest the 30

th of June.


4.1.1 The Adult World Championships shall be played with qualifications and a final round.

4.1.2 The final round shall consist of 16 teams.

4.1.3 The WFC final round shall be played in 4 groups of 4 teams each. The forming of the groupsshall be decided in a ballot based on the final rankings of the two previous Championships ofthe same category, where each group will be allotted one team from each basket as follows:

Basket 1: Ranking 1-4Basket 2: Ranking 5-8Basket 3: Ranking 9-12Basket 4: Ranking 13-16

4.1.4 Continued play after the group matches shall be as follows:Quarter-final 1: 1

st group A - 2

nd group B

Quarter-final 2: 1st group C - 2

nd group D

Quarter-final 3: 1st group B - 2

nd group A

Quarter-final 4: 1st group D - 2

nd group C


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IFF Competition Regulations – National Teams Edition 2011 4

Semi-final 1: Winner Q1 - Winner Q4Semi-final 2: Winner Q2 - Winner Q3Match for 3

rd place: Loser Semi - Loser Semi

Final: Winner Semi - Winner Semi

A drawing of lots shall decide which team shall be the home team of the final and the bronzematch

Qualifying matches for the next World Championships shall be played as follows:

Match 1: Loser Q1 - Loser Q4Match 2: Loser Q2 - Loser Q3Qualifying match: Winner Match 1 - Winner Match 2

Ranking matches between 9th and 16

th place shall be played as follows:

Match 1: 4th group A - 4

thgroup B

Match 2: 4th group C - 4

th group D

Match 3: 3rd

group A - 3rd

group BMatch 4: 3

rd group C - 3

rd group D

Match for 15th

place Loser Match 1 - Loser Match 2Match for 13

thplace Winner Match 1 - Winner Match 2

Match for 11th

place Loser Match 3 - Loser Match 4Match for 9

thplace Winner Match 3 - Winner Match 4

4.1.5 Qualification for the Adult World Championships

The Qualification is played with continental tournaments. The model of the qualification and theamount of places will be based on the number of qualifying teams per continent.The system of the qualification will be decided by the RACC.

4.2 The U19 World Championships

4.2.1 The U19 World Championships shall be played in an A- and a B-division and possiblequalifications for the B-division.

4.2.2 The final round shall consist of 16 teams, 8 teams in the each division.

4.2.3 The A- and B-division shall be played in two groups of 4 teams each respectively.The forming of the groups shall be based on the final rankings of the previousChampionship, as follows:

A-divisionGroup 1 Group 2World Champions Runner-up4

th placed team 3

rd placed team

5th placed team 6

th placed team

B-division winner of the previous U19 WFC 7th placed team

B-divisionGroup 3 Group 4A-division relegated team of the prev. U19 WFC 10

th placed team

12th placed team 11

th placed team

Qualified team Qualified teamQualified team Qualified team

4.2.4 The A-division continued play after the group matches shall be as follows:Semi-final 1: Winner of group 1 – 2

nd of group 2

Semi-final 2: Winner of group 2 – 2nd

of group 1Match for 3

rd Place: Loser Semi – Loser Semi

Final: Winner Semi – Winner Semi

A drawing of lots shall decide which team shall be the home team of the final and the bronzematch.

Ranking matches for 5th

and 7th place shall be played as follows:

Match for 5th Place: 3

rd of group 1 – 3

rd of group 2

Match for 7th Place: 4

th of group 2 – 4

th of group 1


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IFF Competition Regulations – National Teams Edition 2011 5

The loser of the 7th place match shall be relegated to the B-division.

The B-division continued play after the group matches shall be as follows (ranking referring tothe complete Championship):

Semi-final 1: Winner of group 3 – 2nd

of group 4Semi-final 2: Winner of group 4 – 2

nd of group 3

Match for 11th place: Loser Semi – Loser Semi

Final (9th place): Winner Semi – Winner Semi

A drawing of lots shall decide which team shall be the home team of the final and the bronzematch

Ranking matches for 13th and 15

th place shall be played as follows:

Match for 13th Place: 3

rd of group 3 – 3

rd of group 4

Match for 15th Place: 4

th of group 4 – 4

th of group 3

The winner of the B-division shall be promoted to the A-division

4.2.5 Upon request by RACC, Quarter-finals may be played also in the U19. A final decision shallthen be taken by the IFF CB. When Quarter-finals are played the continued play after the groupmatches shall be as follows:

Quarter-final 1: 2nd

group 1 - 3rd

group 2Quarter-final 2: 1

st group 2 - 4

th group 1

Quarter-final 3: 1st group 1 - 4

th group 2

Quarter-final 4: 2nd

group 2 - 3rd

group 1Semi-final 1: Winner Q2 - Winner Q1Semi-final 2: Winner Q3 - Winner Q4Match for 3

rd place: Loser Semi - Loser Semi

Final: Winner Semi - Winner SemiA drawing of lots shall decide which team shall be the home team of the final and the bronzematch

Ranking matches for 5th and 7

th place shall be played as follows:

Match 1: Loser Q2 - Loser Q1Match 2: Loser Q3 - Loser Q4Match for 5

th place: Winner Match 1 - Winner Match 2

Match for 7th place: Loser Match 1 - Loser Match 2

4.3 General regulations for both Adult and U19 World Championships4.3.1 The order of play within each group shall be:

1-2, 3-4, 1-3, 2-4, 1-4, 2-3.

The IFF RACC shall allot the number of each team within a group by drawing of lots.

4.3.2 The groups are decided by each team playing each other once within the group, where 2 pointsare awarded for a win, 1 point for a draw and 0 points for a loss.

4.3.3 The ranking within a group shall be decided in the following order:a) The total number of points.b) If two or more teams have the same number of points the internal matches of the teamsconcerned, the internal goal difference included if necessary, shall be decisive.c) If the internal matches according to b) are not decisive, most scored goals internally shall bedecisive.d) If the ranking cannot be decided by the internal matches, the total goal difference of theteams concerned shall be decisive.e) If the total goal difference is not decisive most scored goals of the teams concerned shall bedecisive.f) If most scored goals are not decisive a drawing of lot with the teams concerned shall settlethe ranking unless the ranking concerns only the two teams playing a last round match decidingabout promotion or relegation when extra time and, if needed, penalty shots shall decide theranking.

The results of all matches versus a team which has missed a match or matches, and lost these


competition regulation

IFF Competition Regulations – National Teams Edition 2011 6

by walk over 5-0, shall not have an effect on the final ranking between teams having ended upin the same amount of points, unless the team having missed the match or matches is itselfinvolved.

4.3.4 All matches of the continued play after the group matches shall, when ending with a draw, bedecided according to the IFF Rules of the Game concerning extra-time and, if necessary,penalty shots. This shall be valid also for qualifications involving two teams only playing twomatches where the qualification, if a draw after two matches, shall be decided by extra time andpossible penalty shots following directly after the second match.

4.3.5 The match schedule of a Championship shall be done such that there is least 2 1/2 hoursbetween the start of matches being played on the same rink. In principal a team that plays thelast match of the day shall not play the first match the following day.

4.3.6 The organizers are entitled to request to the IFF RACC for changes in the timetable for reasonsof television coverage. The teams shall be informed at a justified time before the start of thematch concerned.

4.3.7 Teams are entitled to warm up at least 15 minutes on the rink before the start of a match.

§ 5 PLAYER’S OUTFITS5.1 The player’s outfit shall be according to the IFF Rules of the Game.

IFF may decide about further regulations regarding numbering, colours and advertisements onthe player’s outfit and equipment, and the team official’s outfit and equipment, to be in chargeduring the Championship.

5.1.1 The main colour of the outfit must be dominating.

5.1.2. In the final round of the Adult World Championships, players must have the last name written inthe back of the player’s shirt. The name must be written with clearly visible Arabic letters, whichare at least 50 mm high.

5.2 A player taking part of the Championship shall wear the same number throughout the wholecompetition (according to the list of players § 3.3).

5.3 If two teams have the same colour the RACC shall decide which team shall change accordingto registration.

§ 6 ADVERTISEMENT RIGHTS6.1 A team is entitled to have advertisements on the player's outfit, but shall leave space for

possible IFF advertisement according to 6.2.

6.2 IFF is entitled to have advertisements on the player's outfit.

§ 7 REFEREES7.1 All matters concerning referees in IFF National Team competitions shall be dealt with by

the IFF Referee Committee according to valid regulations and decisions.

§ 8 PROTESTS8.1 The IFF Rules and Competition Committee (RACC) shall act as the jury and decide in

matters regarding protests during the Championship. Sanctions imposed by the Jury arefinal as far as the duration of the competition to which they apply is concerned.

8.2 When taking decisions the valid IFF regulations are applicable.

8.3 The intention to protest shall be noted in the Match Record directly after the match andthe protest shall be handed to the Jury within 60 minutes from the end of the matchconcerned.

8.4 Protests concerning qualification of players shall be handed in before the start of thematch concerned.

8.5 A protest must be written, signed and followed by the amount of 100 CHF, which will bereturned only if the protest is approved.


competition regulation

IFF Competition Regulations – National Teams Edition 2011 7

§ 9 ANTI-DOPING9.1 The IFF Rules and Competition Committee (RACC) shall act as the jury and decide in

matters regarding doping during the Championship. Sanctions imposed by the Jury arefinal as far as the duration of the competition to which they apply is concerned.

9.2 When taking decisions the valid IFF regulations and the IFF Anti-Doping regulations areapplicable.

9.3 All players registered for competition of IFF agree to undergo doping control test.Refusal of player to submit to doping test shall be considered as equivalent to positive result.The player is entitled to be accompanied by an official or other of the team during the test.

9.4 In case of a positive doping test the player concerned shall be suspended duringinvestigation. Decision about punishment shall be taken after the Championship.

§ 10 OTHER DISCIPLINARY MATTERS10.1 The IFF Rules and Competition Committee (RACC) shall act as the jury and decide in

matters regarding other disciplinary matters during the Championship. Sanctions imposed bythe Jury are final as far as the duration of the competition to which they apply is concerned.

10.2 When taking decisions the valid IFF regulations are applicable.

10.3 All disciplinary matters which are not in the competence of the CB or the RACC of IFFshall be dealt with by the IFF Disciplinary Bodies.

§ 11 WALK OVER11.1 When a Walk Over (W.O) is at hand, meaning when a team does not line up to a match,

the match is forfeited and the opponent shall be considered having won the match withthe result 5-0.

§ 12 CUPS AND MEDALS IN THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS12.1 A challenge cup shall be presented to the winning team to hold for one year. The holder

shall be responsible for the loss or damage of the cup and shall bring it to the nextChampionship in perfect condition. The holder shall be responsible for engraving of itsname according to the guide-lines laid down by IFF. A replica of the cup and 30 IFFGold medals shall be awarded to the winning team. Additional medals may not be produced.

The challenge cup shall become the final property of the team which wins the trophythree times in succession or a total of five times.

12.2 The runner-up shall receive a cup and 30 IFF Silver medals.

12.3 The 3rd

ranked team shall receive a cup and 30 IFF Bronze medals.

12.4 The winner of the B-division (U19 WFC) shall be presented a cup and 30 IFF Gold medals.

12.5 The referees in the final shall be presented one IFF Gold medal each. The referees in thebronze match shall be presented one IFF Silver medal each and the referees in the B-divisionfinal (U19 WFC) shall be presented one IFF Bronze medal each.

12.6 Each participating player, team official and referee shall be presented one IFF Bronze Memorymedal each.

§ 13 THE RINK13.1 The rink shall be according to the IFF Rules of the Game.


14.1 Teams are entitled to practice for at least 60 minutes per day on a regulation playing area.

14.2 Teams are entitled to at least one practice in the official tournament venue before their first

match at said venue, on the day before an official match.

14.3 Practice sessions shall be conducted according to the official practice schedule.

14.4 Teams shall bring their own balls and other equipment to practice sessions.


competition regulation

IFF Competition Regulations – National Teams Edition 2011 8


15.1. Immediately prior to the start of the tournament the technical meeting shall be held where the

organizing committee, the head of delegation of each team, the head of referees the IFF Jury

shall be present.

15.2 A second technical meeting shall be held after the group matches.

15.3 The organizers are responsible for arranging the meeting rooms.

15.4 The heads of delegations shall attend other meetings scheduled by the Jury or the organizingcommittee.

15.5 Such meetings shall be compulsory for the participating teams.


16.1 Participating Teams

16.1.1 Each participating team is entitled to a maximum of 27 tickets/reserved seats automatically valid

for the time the team is playing in the Championships, free of charge, for the players and

officials of the team. The accreditation ends on the same day when the teams have played their

last match in the competition.

The teams must inform the organiser no later than 30 days in advance of the start of the

Championship which tickets they will use.

16.1.2 The organiser of the Championship must reserve the needed amount/reserved seats of tickets

for all the participating teams for the group rounds.

For the play off rounds the organiser needs to reserve the same amount of tickets/places that

there are teams still participating in the tournament at that stage to an equal number of the

accredited teams.

16.1.3 The participating teams are entitled to reserve and purchase tickets for the play off phase of the

tournament to the lowest price category, no later than six months prior to the start of the


16.1.4 If a team, which has reserved and paid tickets for the play offs, would qualify for the play offs,

the organiser would reimburse the price of the tickets.

16.2 Participating Associations

16.2.1 Each participating member Association, in National Team Competitions, is entitled to a

maximum of 5 tickets (2 VIP and 3 ordinary) valid for the entire Championships, free of charge.

16.3 Participating Associations at the IFF General Assembly/Presidential Meeting

Each participating member Association, not taking part in the Championship, but attending the

IFF General Assembly/Presidential meeting is entitled to 2 VIP tickets for the rest of the

Championships after the IFF General Assembly/Presidential Meeting.

16.4 Each participating member Association is entitled to purchase tickets.

The ticket quota of each participating member Association shall be fixed by IFF RACC in

consultation with the organizer, and shall be divided as follows:

a) For their own team’s matches in the group

b) For matches played by other teams in the same group

c) For matches in other groups

d) For their own team’s matches in continued play after group matches

e) For other matches in continued play after group matches


17.1 The CB and/or RACC of IFF shall take decisions on all matters not provided for in these

Regulations, as well as in cases of “force majeure”. Such decisions shall not be subject to



competition regulation

Stadthalle / Municipal Hall

Schedule before all matches- 90min changing rooms are open- 60min court is walkable in the first game of the day and in the rest of the games warm up starts after previous games

prizing ceremony- 15min leaving the court- 10min preparing for line up in the corridor, the speaker reads the line ups- 08min line up teams and referees- 06min national anthems are played- 04min changing gifts- 03min preparing for starting six- 02min starting six away-team- 01min starting six home-team

0min match starting

Schedule after all matches+ 01min line up both teams+ 02min honor best player (home-team first) + photo+ 04min captains addresses+ 05min shake hands (loser shakes hand of the winner)+ 06min loser is leaving the court through mixed zone, winner follows

Sporthalle West / Arena West

Schedule before all matches- 90min compensatory-changing rooms are open- 60min court is walkable in the first game of the day and in the rest of the games warm up starts after previous games

prizing ceremony- 35min changing rooms are open- 15min leaving the court- 10min preparing for line up in the corridor, the speaker reads the line ups- 08min line up teams and referees- 06min national anthems are played- 04min changing gifts- 03min preparing for starting six- 02min starting six away-team- 01min starting six home-team

0min match starting

Schedule after all matches+ 01min line up both teams+ 02min honor best player (home-team first) + photo+ 04min captains addresses+ 05min shake hands (loser shakes hand of the winner)+ 06min loser is leaving the court through mixed zone, winner follows


ceremony simple

mixed zone

mixed zone

Municipal Hallpre-game - line up

Municipal Hallafter each period

team a team b

refereesofficialsiff banner


ceremony simple

mixed zone

Municipal Hallafter the matches

Gymnasium Westpre-game - line up


team a team b

captainsrefereesofficialsiff banner


ceremony simple

Gymnasium Westafter each period

Gymnasium Westafter the matches

captainsrefereesofficialsiff banner


ed z




ed z



ceremony simple

Australia 1stgreen - navy - green

2ndyellow - green - yellow

Canada 1stred - black - black

2ndwhite - red - black

Czech Republic 1stred - red - white

2ndblue - blue - white

Denmark 1stred - white - red

2ndwhite - red - white

Estonia 1stblue - black - white

2ndwhite - black - white

Finland 1stwhite - blue - white

2ndblue - white - blue

Germany 1stwhite - black - white

2ndred - black - black

Hungary 1stred - green - red

2ndwhite - green - white

Latvia 1stwhite - red - white

2ndred - red - red

Norway 1stred - red - red

2ndwhite - red - red

Poland 1stred - red - red

2ndwhite - white - white

Russia 1stwhite - blue - blue

2ndblue - blue - blue

Slovakia 1stred - blue - white

2ndwhite - black - white

Spain 1stred - red - red

2ndwhite - white - blue

Sweden 1styellow - blue - yellow

2ndblue - blue - yellow

Switzerland 1stred - red- red

2ndwhite - white - white

shirt - shorts - socks shirt - shorts - socks


team colors


surname first name function

Harris Peter Head Coach

Hamer Michael Team Manager


Australien spielte zweimal bei der so genannten Asian Pacific Championship erfolgreich mit und startet nun zum ersten Mal bei der U19 WM - Sebastian Moran: Besitzt schnelle Reaktionsfähigkeit und hat äußerst schnelle Hände.- Mathew Treloar: Starker und torhungriger Stürmer, aber ebenso hervorragender Passgeber- Oliver Diffen: Mit 1,90m als Fels in der australischen Abwehr lässt er nichts zwischen sich und das Tor

# surname first name age height(cm) grip current club Position int.


1 Moran Sebastian 17 170 right Pirates Floorball Club Goalie 4 0 - 0

4 Woods Andrew 17 191 right Newcastle Cobras FC Defence 4 2 - 0

14 Bowen Maxwell 16 165 right Newcastle Cobras FC Forward 4 0 - 0

15 Emms Morgan 16 178 right Revolution Sharks FC Defence 4 0 - 2

16 Creagh Cameron 19 186 right WA Kookaburras FC Center 10 1 - 0

17 Rieck Joel 16 175 right Wollongong Floorball Club Forward 4 0 - 1

19 Boteler Lachlan 18 193 right Redbacks Floorball Club Center 4 0 - 1

20 Edmunds Jordan 16 180 right Redbacks Floorball Club Forward 4 0 - 1

23 Lasorella Michael 18 190 left Pakenham Squishees FC Forward 4 1 - 1

24 Deacon Luke 18 182 right Newcastle Cobras FC Forward 4 2 - 3

25 Diffen Oliver 17 190 left Revolution Sharks FC Defence 0 0 - 0

26 Treloar Mathew 18 184 right Redbacks Floorball Club Forward 10 3 - 1

28 Smith Matthew 18 180 right Revolution Sharks FC Goalie 4 1 - 0

29 Clairs Sam 17 180 right Revolution Sharks FC Forward 4 1 - 1

31 Monckton Jeremy 17 170 right Pakenham Squishees FC Center 4 4 - 3

33 Johnson Ash 18 180 right Pakenham Squishees FC Forward 6 0 - 0

77 van Kuyl Cameron 15 181 right Redbacks Floorball Club Defence 4 0 - 0



# surname first name age height(cm) grip current club Position int.


4 Root Patrick 19 180 right Toronto Vikings Defence 4 0 - 1

7 Mills Konlan 17 175 left Churchill Bulldogs Forward 0 -

9 Sherwood Roger 17 195 left Pliteq Bulldogs Forward 4 2 - 2

17 Leslie Blair 19 175 left Moira Trojans Forward 0 -

18 Ponzo Anthony 18 178 left Toronto Vikings Defence 0 -

19 Foster Taylor 18 180 left Edmonton Oil Kings Forward 0 -

20 Murray Ryder 15 163 left Parkland Hockey Academy Forward 0 -

21 Smith Connor 17 170 left Pliteq Bulldogs Defence 4 0 - 1

26 Ridgewell Spencer 16 168 right Toronto Vikings Forward 0 -

27 von Reding Marc 18 183 left Zug United Forward 0 -

31 Anker Zachary 17 178 left Sherwood Saints Goalie 1 21 - 23

40 Inouye Joel 19 170 left Pliteq Bulldogs Forward 4 2 - 2

44 Gartland Jesse 17 188 left Parkland Hockey Academy Defence 0 -

50 Windsor Clinton 17 195 right Barrie Colts Goalie 0 -

54 Goebel Brady 18 170 right Parkland Hockey Academy Defence 0 -

71 Rebkowich Tyler 18 178 left Parkland Hockey Academy Forward 0 -

77 Wilkinson Robert 17 175 right Capilano Coho Defence 4 1 - 0

91 Campbell Jason 17 190 right St. James Floorball Club Forward 0 -

93 Lytle David 17 155 left Moira Trojans Defence 0 -

97 Rallis John 18 178 right Pliteq Bulldogs Defence 0 -

Jansz Gregory 18 175 left Toronto Vikings Goalie 0 -

Saunders Mackenzie 17 178 left Innebandy Chicago Forward 0 -

O’Connor Ryan 19 178 right Saginaw Spirit Defence 0 -

Sizer Ryan 18 185 left Moira Trojans Forward 0 -

Stanwood Lyndon 17 168 left Capilano Coho Forward 4 1 - 0

Malott Jeremy 17 170 right Sherwood Saints Forward 0 -

Cotteril Rhyce 17 180 left Parkland Hockey Academy Forward 0 -

Brown Michael 17 170 left Parkland Hockey Academy Forward 0 -

MacDonald-Nixon Westley 19 183 right Ottawa Blizzard Forward 0 -


surname first name function

Herrington Anthony Head Coach / Co-General Manager

Soules Dave Assistant Coach

Brathurst Kevin Assistant Coach

Crawford Todd Assistant Coach

Thibault Kevin Assistant Coach

McRoberts Marnie Athletic Therapist

Mikkola Juha Co-General Manager


Kanada spielt seine zweite U19 Herren Weltmeisterschaft. 2009 startete das Team um Trainer Herrington erfolg-reich in den internationalen Wettbe-werb. Ihr Stil ist stark vom Icehockey geprägt. - Clint Windsor: Spielte für die U19 Auswahl beim Canada Cup und ist für Shut outs gut. - Joel Inouye: Lief bereits 2009 für Ka-nada auf. Der zweikampfstarke Stür-mer wird das Team offensiv führen. - TJ Foster: Der Stürmer der Edmoton Oil Kings trainiert an einer Hockey-schule und holte sich dort den letzten Feinschliff.



# surname first name age height(cm) grip current club Position int.


4 Hájek Lukáš 18 182 left 1. SC Vítkovice Forward 10 12 - 10

6 Dóža Patrik 17 185 left Tatran Střešovice Defence 11 11 - 11

7 Čihák Pavel 18 183 right FBŠ Bohemians Defence 8 2 - 3

8 Holčák Martin 19 180 right Tatran Střešovice Defence 8 4 - 1

9 Šutko David 19 185 right SSK Future Defence 13 2 - 2

11 Natov Jan 18 180 right SSK Future Forward 10 15 - 12

13 Mayer Miroslav 18 195 left SSK Future Forward 10 9 - 4

14 Hubálek Jakub 19 180 right 1. SC Vítkovice Defence 14 4 - 7

15 Vávra Marek 17 178 left Tatran Střešovice Forward 5 6 - 4

16 Veltšmíd Lukáš 18 183 left 1. SC Vítkovice Defence 10 3 - 4

17 Strachota Michal 18 170 left SSK Future Forward 8 5 - 3

20 Kašpar Petr 18 178 left FBC Ostrava Forward 5 5 - 3

21 Koutný Jiří 18 174 right Bulldogs Brno Forward 8 2 - 1

24 Marvánek Jan 17 178 left AC Sparta Praha Florbal Defence 8 1 - 2

25 Ondrušek Tom 18 185 right Tatran Střešovice Forward 28 27 - 18

27 Stuchlík Zbyněk 17 171 left SSK Future Forward 8 3 - 7

28 Matúš David 18 178 left 1. SC Vítkovice Forward 16 9 - 6

29 Žďárský David 18 180 left SSK Future Forward 8 4 - 3

79 Kejík Filip 18 185 right Bulldogs Brno Goalie 16 0 - 0

92 Mrkos Karel 19 186 right SSK Future Goalie 16 0 - 1

1 Prokeš Jan 18 180 right TJJM Chodov Goalie 5 1 - 1

5 Bauer Jiří 18 191 right TJ Znojmo Defence 5 0 - 0

10 Poláček Martin 17 - - FBŠ Bohemians Forward 3 2 - 0

12 Grich Peter 18 176 left Bulldogs Brno Forward 0 0 - 0

19 Šimůnek Jiří 18 175 right Tatran Střešovice Forward 5 3 - 0

23 Svatoš Ondřej 18 166 right AC Sparta Praha Florbal Defence 3 0 - 0

26 Stuchlík Ondřej 17 168 right SSK Future Defence 0 0 - 0

30 Coufal David 18 176 left Erupting Dragons H. Brod Forward 2 1 - 0

31 Ježek David 17 170 left AC Sparta Praha Florbal Defence 11 1 - 1

35 Výtisk Jakub 15 182 right Tatran Střešovice Goalie 0 0 - 0


surname first name function

Škubal Rudolf Head Coach

Mrázek Radomír Coach

Pecha Tomáš Team Leader

Douda Jindřich Physiotherapist

Pěčonka Josef Masseur

Svoboda Vilém Media

Skružný Zdeněk Head of Delegation


Die Tschechen wurden 2009 trotz gutem Kader nur enttäuschender Vierter. Darum lautet das diesjährige Ziel brav: Eine Medaille erkämpfen. - Karel Mrkos: Extrem athletischer Goalie mit hoher internationaler Erfahrungsdichte - Tom Ondrušek: Enorm erfahrener wie torgefährlicher Stürmer vom tschechischer Meister Tatran Strešovice - Patrik Dóža: Nicht nur Herr der Defense, sondern mit erstaunlichen 22 Scorerpunkten auch offensiv stark vertreten.


czech republic

# surname first name age height(cm) grip current club Position int.


1 Brandrup Alexander 18 - - Aab Floorball Goalie - -

2 Erichsen Christoffer 18 - - Rødovre FC Defence - -

3 Reinert Sune 18 - - FC Outlaws Forward - -

4 Vener Alexander 18 - - Herlev FC Defence - -

5 Bengtsson Rasmus 15 - - FC Outlaws Defence - -

6 Andersen Jannik 19 - - Hvidovre AFC Defence - -

7 Pilgaard Jesper 18 - - Kvissel Millionaires Forward - -

8 Grønhøj Stigaard Jens 18 - - Benløse FC Forward - -

9 Juul Jensen Niklas 18 - - Frederikshavn Bulldogs FC Forward - -

10 Bouet Jensen Rene 19 - - Frederikshavn Bulldogs FC Defence - -

11 Christoffersen Mathias 19 - - Frederikshavn Bulldogs FC Forward - -

12 Bilenberg Andreas 17 - - Benløse FC Defence - -

13 Olesen Mathias 19 - - Hvidovre AFC Forward - -

14 Christensen Glenn 19 - - FC Outlaws Defence - -

16 Lundhus Mathias 19 - - Kvissel Millionaires Forward - -

17 de Fries Mathias 19 - - Benløse FC Forward - -

18 Kopperup Frederik 18 - - Hafnia FC Forward - -

19 Nielsen Kasper 19 - - Sunds Seahawks Forward - -

31 van Enckevort Julian 16 - - Herning FC Goalie - -

99 Schüsler Nikolaj 18 - - Frederikshavn Bulldogs FC Goalie - -

Sivapalan Vinoth 16 - - Frederikshavn Bulldogs FC Forward - -

Skaarup Kristiansen Jeppe 18 - - Frederikshavn Bulldogs FC Forward - -

Holmberg Stefan 18 - - Frederikshavn Bulldogs FC Defence - -

Nordmann Mathias 18 - - Frederikshavn Bulldogs FC Defence - -

Glad Andreas 18 - - Kvissel Millionaires Forward - -

Madsen Rasmus 18 - - Hvidovre AFC Forward - -

Trolle Jannik 17 - - Rødovre FC Forward - -

MacCabe Daniel 16 - - Benløse FC Defence - -

Fortunato Jesse 17 - - FC Outlaws Forward - -

Juul Jensen Mikael 19 - - Herlev FC Forward - -


surname first name function

Christoffersen Thorkild Head Coach

Romme Larsen Kenn Assistant Coach

Schüsler Ole Materials

Trolle Tonni Assistant Coach

Jensen Steffen Physiotherapist

Christensen Brian Press

Andresen Michael Press


Die Dänen mussten sich in die B-WM verabschieden. Estland stieg auf. Daher heißt es nun: Mit ausgetüftelter Taktik und Teamspirit Verfolgung auf-nehmen und wieder aufsteigen.

- Alexander Brandrup: Flinker Goalie mit schnellen Auswürfen - immer für eine Überraschung gut.- Mathias Christoffersen: Angriffslus-tiger Stürmer von den Frederikshavn Bulldogs FC- Niklas Juul Jensen: Fixer Offensive-Spieler mit Blick für die Lücken in der gegnerischen Abwehr.



# surname first name age height(cm) grip current club Position int.


1 Mark Kuldar 18 183 - SK Saku Fortuna Goalie 0 0 - 0

2 Uue Sven 16 183 right Jõgeva SK Tähe Forward 0 0 - 0

5 Kark Alex 16 183 right TTÜ SK/Exel Forward 0 0 - 0

9 Matsukevits Daniel 18 175 left EMÜ SK Forward 5 1 - 1

15 Koossalu Kalmer 18 180 left Jõgeva SK Tähe Forward 0 0 - 0

16 Rajang Helmur 17 191 right Viskoosa SK Forward 0 0 - 0

18 Tamme Mats 19 177 right SK Saku Fortuna Defence 5 3 - 4

21 Tamme Ats 19 177 left SK Saku Fortuna Forward 5 5 - 2

22 Sevoldajev Dima 19 183 left SK Augur Defence 0 0 - 0

24 Kinks Sander 19 190 left Jõgeva SK Tähe Defence 5 3 - 1

26 Komi Rainer 18 181 left SK Augur Forward 0 0 - 0

40 Kõiv Sten 19 173 left EMÜ SK Forward 5 2 - 0

43 Külvi Reijo 19 189 left Sparta/Automaailm Defence 0 0 - 0

44 Savi Oliver 18 187 left Sparta/Automaailm Forward 0 0 - 0

55 Ivanov Maksim 18 196 - SK Saku Fortuna Goalie 0 0 - 0

64 Kallion Kaspar 17 179 left Ääsmäe SK Forward 0 0 - 0

66 Tukmakov Konstatin 18 - - TTÜ SK/Exel Goalie 0 0 - 0

67 Kurmiste Gert 19 185 left SK Saku Fortuna Defence 5 1 - 2

77 Zutsenja Aleksandr 19 185 left SK Augur Forward 0 0 - 0

87 Soasepp Teet 18 186 left SK Saku Fortuna Forward 5 0 - 0

Jegorov Oleg 18 174 left SK Noorus Defence 0 0 - 0

Ubaleht Edward 19 168 left Paide-Järva SHK Forward 0 0 - 0

Veskis Sten 18 172 right Jõgeva SK Tähe Forward 0 0 - 0


surname first name function

Lail Risto Head Coach

Hosiaisluoma Petri Coach

Juhanson Toomas Doctor

Savi Tõnu Team Leader


Estland stieg in der vergangenen U19 WM dank eines 8:6-Sieges gegen Polen in die A-Division auf. Trainer Risto Lall muss nun beweisen, dass er seine Mannschaft A-WM tauglich aufgestellt hat.

- Mats und Ats Tamme: Beinahe zu verwechseln mit den berühmten Talme-Zwillingen. Spielen 2011 ihre zweite WM und bringen nebenFloorball-Instinkt eine große Portion Erfahrung mit. Mats sichert die Defense während Bruder Ats im Angriff auf seine Vorlagen zum einnetzen wartet.- Konstatin Tukmakov: Mächtiger Goalie, der mit seiner Größe und schnellen Beinarbeit das estnische Netz torfrei halten soll.



# surname first name age height(cm) grip current club Position int.


1 Järviö Joni 18 - - KooVee Goalie 10 0 - 0

2 Savonen Krister 16 - left Classic Defence 1 0 - 0

4 Lehtonen Niko 18 - left IBK Sirius (SWE) Forward 4 4 - 1

5 Fagerholm Aaron 18 - left SSV Forward 6 0 - 4

7 Kailiala Miko 18 - left TPS Forward 6 1 - 0

8 Lehtivuori Markus 18 - left Classic Defence 6 1 - 2

9 Rantala Petri 19 - right OLS Forward 3 1 - 2

10 Pietilä Juuso 18 - left TPS Defence 10 0 - 0

11 Johansson Sami 17 - left Classic Forward 6 8 - 2

12 Savinainen Kaapo 18 - left NST Defence 3 0 - 2

13 Kaartinen Matias 18 - left Oilers Forward 7 5 - 8

15 Turula Ville 18 - left OLS Forward 7 3 - 4

16 Salminen Tino 17 - left TPS Defence 4 0 - 0

17 Raikamo Sylvester 18 - right Oilers Forward 10 9 - 7

18 Sokka Miikka 18 - left TPS Forward 6 6 - 2

19 Iiskola Tuomas 18 - right Erä Defence 10 5 - 3

20 Mäkelä Niko 19 - left SPV Forward 9 1 - 5

21 Salo Nico 17 - left Classic Defence 8 1 - 1

22 Hulkkonen Samuli 18 - left NST Forward 5 0 - 0

31 Aaltonen Tomi 19 - - FoSu Goalie 9 0 - 0

Kainulainen Valtteri 18 - right Indians Forward 2 0 - 0

Karjalainen Jari 18 - left OLS Defence 4 0 - 0

Mutka Roope 16 - - SPV Goalie 0 0 - 0

Sundman Emil 19 - - ÅIF Goalie 1 0 - 0

Järvinen Jyri 17 - left Classic - 0 0 - 0

Kajoksinen Pauno 17 - left Josba - 0 0 - 0

Hirvisuo Ville 18 - left TPS - 0 0 - 0

Alho Henri 16 - left TPS - 0 0 - 0

Lindfors Santeri 18 - left Oilers - 0 0 - 0

Lepola Benjamin 19 - right FBT Pori - 3 0 - 0


surname first name function

Rantala Jarkko Head Coach

Lamu Miikka Coach

Laurikainen Mikko Coach

Hiltunen Tommi Team Leader

Kolehmainen Timo Material Keeper

Haapalainen Ari Coach

Tamminen Tapio Goalie Coach

attendersNur ein einziges Mal knüpfte der ewi-ge Schweden-Rivale Finnland dem Nachbarn die Goldmedaille ab. Das war im Jahr 2003. Das soll sich in diesem Jahr nach der Meinung des finnischen Trainer Jarkko Rantala ändern. Seine Mannschaft ist eine Weltmeister-Mannschaft, da ist er sich sicher.

- Matias Kaartinen: Stahlharter Stür-mer von Espoo, der schwer vom Ball zu trennen ist und unerbittlich im Zwei-kampf agiert.

- Tuomas Iiskola: Der 18-jährige Verteidiger von Erä ist aufgrund seiner internationalen Spielpraxis ein Schlüs-selspieler. Mit seiner Fähigkeit, sich in den Gegner hineinzuversetzen, wehrt er unzählige Schüsse ab und erstickt den Angriff im Keim. 38


# surname first name age height(cm) grip current club Position int.


16 Blume Gary 19 175 right Red Devils Wernigerode Goalie 9 0 - 1

98 Hallerstede Nils 17 182 right TV Eiche Horn Bremen Goalie 10 0 - 1

8 Schlevoigt Pascal 16 182 left UHC Sparkasse Weissenfels Defence 10 2 - 1

5 Hoffmann Raven 18 181 left Westfälischer Floorball Club Defence 14 0 - 0

11 Horn Steffen 17 180 left MTV Mittelnkirchen Defence 10 1 - 1

19 Flemmig Wenzel 17 190 left MFBC Löwen Leipzig Defence 10 1 - 3

32 Kujat Nicolas 17 180 right KAIS Mora IF Defence 10 4 - 3

10 Schramm Philip 17 176 left MFBC Löwen Leipzig Defence 10 1 - 0

6 Witte Fabio 17 190 right TSV Tetenbüll Defence 7 0 - 0

21 Herlt Sascha 17 182 left UHC Sparkasse Weissenfels Forward 14 11 - 7

27 Aboagye Stephen 18 187 right VfR Seebergen / TV Eiche Horn Bremen

Forward 15 6 - 4

24 Geiler Till 18 182 left TV Eiche Horn Bremen Forward 10 1 - 5

7 Hoffmann Jonas 15 176 left MTV Mittelnkirchen Forward 9 5 - 3

13 Irrgang Felix 19 176 left Floor Fighters Chemnitz Forward 9 3 - 0

4 Radtke Max 17 188 left Floorball Grizzly's Salzwedel Forward 5 1 - 0

26 Schönnagel Lukas 17 181 right MFBC Löwen Leipzig Forward 10 5 - 1

15 Schuschwary Erik 17 187 right Unihockey Igels Dresden Forward 10 7 - 4

17 Sigrist Lukas 18 175 left Kloten-Bülach Jets Forward 10 4 - 5

9 Traulsen Fynn 17 189 left TSV Bordesholm Forward 9 0 - 1

23 Diaz Fabian 17 184 left TV Lilienthal Forward 5 0 - 0


surname first name function

Mathiebe Peer Team Manager

Wolf Uwe Coach

Klein Kristof Coach

Müller Stephan Team Official

Kabik Stefanie Physiotherapist

Meffert Jessica Physiotherapist

Hoffmann Tobias Material Keeper


Die Erfolge in der jüngsten Vergangenheit lassen Deutschland zu einem Favoriten auf den B-Weltmeistertitel werden. Beim letzten internationalen Vergleich, der U19 WM 2009 im finnischen Turku, erreichte die junge Nationalmannschaft den dritten Platz in der B-Division.

Sascha Herlt: Spieler im deutschen Team, der den größten Sprung gemacht hat. Er ist sehr torgefährlich und topfit.

Pascal Schlevoigt: Einer der jüngsten Spieler der Mannschaft mit dennoch großem Erfahrungsspektrum.

Gary Blume: Seit dieser Saison Stammkraft im Kasten der Red Devils. Hat mit guten Leistungen sein Team bis ins Finale der deutschen Meisterschaft geführt.



# surname first name age height(cm) grip current club Position int.


2 Illyés Árpád 17 178 left Phoenix Fireball SE Forward 12 4 - 4

3 Zelei Kristóf 18 177 left Dunai Krokodilok SE Forward 11 3 - 1

4 Ressely Norbert Gábor 18 179 left Dunai Krokodilok SE Forward 19 31 - 16

6 Harangozó Szilárd 18 184 left Phoenix Fireball SE Forward 16 7 - 5

7 Szabó Viktor 16 176 left Dunai Krokodilok SE Forward 9 1 - 1

8 Csipkereki Roland 16 183 left Diamonds SK Defence 8 0 - 1

9 Kiss Péter 19 187 left Rudas FT Forward 13 4 - 3

10 Dziewoński Michał 15 178 left Phoenix Fireball SE Defence 11 0 - 0

11 Müller János 18 187 right SZPK-Nokia Forward 12 10 - 3

12 Molnár Kristóf 17 188 right Dunai Krokodilok SE Forward 11 5 - 0

13 Ignéczi Balázs 18 188 left Miskolci FE Defence 13 3 - 2

14 Bódi Norbert 17 169 left Phoenix Fireball SE Forward 9 3 - 5

15 Bozsó Tamás 17 183 left Dunai Krokodilok SE Defence 13 0 - 2

16 Csorba Gellért 17 178 left Phoenix Fireball SE Defence 12 3 - 2

17 Nagy Ádám 17 170 - Dunai Krokodilok SE Goalie 10 0 - 0

18 Sztrókay Gábor 17 180 right Phoenix Fireball SE Forward 18 14 - 9

19 Német Balázs 19 178 left Neumann-Kartal FSE Defence 13 0 - 0

20 Rácz Domokos 18 179 left Phoenix Fireball SE Forward 18 13 - 22

21 Rési Tamás 17 180 left Phoenix Fireball SE Defence 12 1 - 4

99 Hudák Milán 16 180 - Miskolci FE Goalie 10 0 - 0

Jadlószki Ákos 18 180 left Rudas FT Forward 11 4 - 2

Havas Krisztián 18 175 - Dunai Krokodilok SE Goalie 9 0 - 0

Balogh Norbert 15 180 left Diamonds SK Defence 5 1 - 0

Kádár Gergely 16 173 left Phoenix Fireball SE Forward 6 3 - 1

Magyar Dániel 17 182 left Dunai Krokodilok SE Defence 6 0 - 0

Sármány Viktor 16 180 left Neumann-Kartal FSE Forward 5 5 - 3

Simon Adorján 16 169 left Dunai Krokodilok SE Forward 6 0 - 3


surname first name function

Apostol Ágnes Physiotherapist

Kreisz Anna Assist of Coaches

Németh Miklós Head of Delegation

Pafféri András Head Coach

Rácz László Team Coordinator

Ressely Béla Gábor Team Official

Szabó József Coach

attendersUngarn ist neben Polen einer Konkur-renten Deutschlands. Zum Polish Cup verpatzte die Mannschaft von András Pafféri jedoch einen imposanten letzten Auftritt vor der WM. Doch nicht zu unterschätzen: das ungarische Floorball-Feuer.

- Norbert Gábor Ressely: Seit drei U19 Weltmeisterschaften im Einsatz - 19 in-ternationale Spieler, 47 Scorerpunkte. Ihm macht keiner etwas vor.

- Michal Dziewonski: Der flinke Defen-der mit polnischen Wurzeln ist noch jung und wird die U19 WM in Weissen-fels zur Weiterentwicklung nutzen.

- Domokos Rácz: Der Teamkolle-ge von Norbert Gábor vom Verein Phoenix Floorball ist perfekt auf dessen Spiel abgestimmt, setzt ihn mit Vorlagen in Szene. Sein Gespür für Freiräume nutzt er schlagkräftig.



# surname first name age height(cm) grip current club Position int.


1 Holsts Elvis 19 182 - FK Bauska Goalie 4 0 - 0

2 Gribusts Juris 17 175 left Lielvarde Defence 5 2 - 3

3 Virsnitis Janis 17 185 left Lielvarde Forward 3 0 - 1

4 Balodis Ivo 18 185 left SK Pargauja Defence 3 0 - 2

5 Delvins Toms 18 186 left Lielvarde Defence 4 1 - 0

8 Virsnitis Sandris 19 183 left Lielvarde Forward 4 9 - 1

9 Vilders Davis 17 186 left Lekrings Defence 5 0 - 2

10 Klamers Kaspars 18 187 left Kursi Forward 6 2 - 2

11 Zeltins Peteris 18 182 left FK Bauska Forward 5 4 - 2

12 Akmenlauks Toms 17 175 left Lielvarde Forward 5 5 - 10

13 Lauga Gvido 18 184 left SK Pargauja Forward 0 0 - 0

14 Krumins Morics 18 185 left Lekrings Forward 0 0 - 0

15 Krastins Karlis 19 194 right Westfälischer FC Forward 3 2 - 0

16 Liepa Janis 19 185 left Kekava Forward 6 2 - 4

18 Levanovics Janis 18 178 left Latgranula/Ligatne Forward 3 0 - 2

19 Rajeckis Janis 18 185 right Lekrings Forward 6 4 - 2

21 Dzenis Emils 18 191 left FK Bauska Defence 5 1 - 1

23 Rajeckis Andris 18 183 left Lekrings Defence 6 5 - 4

24 Jursevskis Arturs 16 176 right SK Pargauja Defence 5 3 - 1

31 Vents Anrijs 17 186 - SK Pargauja Goalie 2 0 - 0

Augstkalns Edgars 19 183 - Ulbroka Goalie 4 0 - 0

Bergmanis Oskars 17 176 left Kursi Defence 0 0 - 0

Stelmahers Krists 17 178 right Ulbroka Defence 6 0 - 0

Jansons Ingars 18 180 left Kursi Forward 0 0 - 0

Niedre Toms 16 183 left FK Bauska Forward 0 0 - 0

Zelcs Martins 17 191 left SK Pargauja Forward 2 0 - 0

Laucis Karlis 16 181 left Kursi Forward 0 0 - 0

Artimovics Elvijs 19 178 right FK Bauska Forward 2 1 - 0

Zvidra Martins 18 178 right Ulbroka Forward 6 1 - 0


surname first name function

Juskevics Ainars Head Coach

Pilups Andris Coach

Volajs Janis Coach

Grosevs Olegs Material Keeper

Taurina Jolanta Physiotherapist

Lazdina Lilita Physiotherapist

Jekabsons Ronalds Team Manager


Lettland will sich in diesem Jahr unter den besten Teams platzieren. - Toms Akmenlauks: Der Stürmer wird die Führungsposition im lettischen Teamübernehmen. Mit Spielwitz ein Spieler aus der neuen Generation.- Janis Rajecki: Mit Zwillingsbruder Andris im Rücken ein extrem effektiver Stürmer mit hartem Schuss.- Andris Rajecki: Verteidiger mit Offensiv-Qualitäten. Er bedient seinen Bruder exakt und ist hart im Nehmen.



surname first name function

Hildremyr Andreas Head Coach

Tonning Morten Coach

Jonsson Lars Patric Assistant Coach

Espseth Jonas Goalie Coach / Material Keeper

Raknerud Yngve Physiotherapist

Bunæs Lars Team Manager

Nordseth Frank Other



# surname first name age height(cm) grip current club Position int.


1 Falkeid Andreas 19 - right Gjelleråsen IF Goalie - -

2 Lie Arne Sebastian 18 - right Hagfors Outfield - -

4 Bjerknes Sindre 17 - left Sveiva Outfield - -

5 Øystad Christoffer 18 - right Sveiva Outfield - -

7 Skau Jansson Ole Martin 17 - right Tunet Outfield - -

8 Fredriksen Henrik 17 - left Tunet Outfield - -

9 Halvorsrød Filip 17 - left Hagfors Outfield - -

10 Fossum Normann Mads 18 - left Nor 92 Outfield - -

11 Bjerknes Sandberg Jonas 18 - right Nor 92 Outfield - -

12 Justice Agyemang Julian 18 - left Nor 92 Outfield - -

14 Gidske Daniel 18 - left Sveiva Outfield - -

15 Furu Thomas 18 - right Gjelleråsen IF Outfield - -

16 Flaglien Anders 18 - left Tunet Outfield - -

19 Kryzkawski Emil 18 - left Sveiva Outfield - -

21 Martinsen Patrick 17 - left Sveiva Outfield - -

24 Hoftvedt Johansen Ruben 18 - left Sarpsborg Outfield - -

25 Halvorsrød Dennis 19 - right Greåker Outfield - -

29 Hoff Karlsen Mats 18 - left Tunet Outfield - -

30 Jelsnes Markus 16 - right Sarpsborg Goalie - -

33 Boganes Vadla Christoffer 17 - right Hagfors Outfield - -

Simonsen Mikael 18 - right Alba IB Goalie - -

Selik Cervet 18 - right Sagene Goalie - -

Norstrøm Robin 16 - right Gjelleråsen IF Outfield - -

Ek Dessinghton Knut Philip 17 - left Tunet Outfield - -

Helgesen Michael 17 - right Sarpsborg Outfield - -

Olaussen Ola 16 - right Sarpsborg Outfield - -

Rystad Skriden Andreas 17 - left Sveiva Outfield - -

Bjerkelund Martin 18 - left Tunet Outfield - -

Aasvang Marius 18 - left Tunet Outfield - -

Valby Andreas 17 - left Sveiva Outfield - -

Norwegen arbeitete lange und zäh auf die WM zu und will beweisen, dass sie jedes Team schlagen können.

- Daniel Gidske: Erfahrener Verteidiger mit außergewöhnlichem Gespür für Konter- Andreas Falkeid: Wird in seinem Team nur "The wall" genannt- Sindre Bjerknes: Pass-Genie und Top-Scorer der norwegischen Offense



# surname first name age height(cm) grip current club Position int.


1 Bogdański Maciej 18 177 - WSU Wierzchowo Goalie 8 0 - 0

3 Wieczorek Filip 18 190 right Aligator UKS Chwarzno Gdynia Outfield 12 2 - 4

4 Pranga Daniel 19 176 left UKS Ósemka Wejherowo Outfield 6 2 - 3

5 Kępka Michał 18 176 right Aligator UKS Chwarzno Gdynia Outfield 10 2 - 1

6 Żyła Partyk 16 175 left UKS Ósemka Wejherowo Outfield 0 0 - 0

7 Burzyński Mateusz 17 175 left Aligator UKS Chwarzno Gdynia Outfield 5 0 - 2

8 Polaczek Dawid 17 183 left KS Madex Górale Nowy Targ Outfield 5 4 - 2

9 Luberda Kacper 16 162 left KS Worwa Szarotka Nowy Targ Outfield 5 1 - 1

10 Żyła Przemysław 19 170 left UKS Ósemka Wejherowo Outfield 3 0 - 0

13 Zanoberg Maciej 18 173 right MUKS ZIELONKA Outfield 3 0 - 0

14 Garb Michał 18 178 left KS Madex Górale Nowy Targ Outfield 9 0 - 1

15 Barszczewski Kamil 18 176 right KS Madex Górale Nowy Targ Goalie 7 0 - 1

16 Kaim Bartłomiej 17 182 right UKS Orionek Ogorzeliny Outfield 0 0 - 0

17 Sieńko Maciej 16 183 left MUKS ZIELONKA Outfield 0 0 - 0

18 Bystrek Maksymilian 18 187 rigft MUKS ZIELONKA Outfield 22 9 - 5

20 Żuk Stanisław 18 183 left KS Madex Górale Nowy Targ Outfield 4 1 - 1

21 Szupiński Mateusz 17 194 rigrt UKS Orionek Ogorzeliny Outfield 2 1 - 0

23 Penkowski Tomasz 16 181 left UKS Ósemka Wejherowo Outfield 0 0 - 0

27 Tomczuk Damian 16 181 right MUKS ZIELONKA Outfield 3 0 - 0

33 Brzana Patryk 18 185 - KS Madex Górale Nowy Targ Goalie 8 0 - 1

Choromański Damian 16 185 - MUKS ZIELONKA Goalie 0 0 - 0

Sieńko Michał 14 173 left MUKS ZIELONKA Outfield 0 0 - 0

Stefan Piotr 18 177 right ULKS Olimpia Łochów Outfield 0 0 - 0

Szyszko Rafał 19 183 right ULKS Olimpia Łochów Outfield 0 0 - 0

Jakubiec Jacek 18 184 left Jadberg Pionier Tychy Outfield 5 1 - 1

Korwel Dawid 17 179 left KS Worwa Szarotka Nowy Targ Outfield 4 0 - 2

Maszner Patryk 18 188 right UKS Absolwent Siedlec Outfield 11 1 - 2

Migas Jarosław 18 186 right LUKS Grześ Hrubieszów Outfield 0 0 - 0

Wątorek Grzegorz 17 186 right KS Worwa Szarotka Nowy Targ Outfield 11 0 - 4

Wronka Patryk 15 166 right KS Madex Górale Nowy Targ Outfield 5 1 - 2


surname first name function

Deska Robert Head Coach

Rybacki Krzysztof Assistant

Misiowiec Izabela Team Manager


Bereits 2009 wollten die Polen in die A-WM aufsteigen, scheiterten aber an Estland. Nun wollen sie in diesem Jahr den B-Weltmeistertitel. Die Generalprobe beim Polish Cup fiel durchwachsen aus. - Maciej Bogdanski: Der talentierteste Torhüter aus Polen, gefürchtet von den Deutschen, gefeiert in der U19 Nachwuchsliga. - Michal Sienko: Jüngster polnischer Auswahlspieler und gleichzeitig agiler Abwehrchef. - Maksymilian Bystrek: Spielt seine 2. U19 Herren WM mit dem Auftrag Polen in die A-Division zu schießen.



# surname first name age height(cm) grip current club Position int.


1 Gorbatenko Sergey 17 178 - Sdushor-22, Omsk Goalie - -

2 Anufriev Andrey 19 174 left Nizhegorodets, N.Novgorod Defence - -

3 Veshnyakov Ilya 18 173 left Temp, Holmogory Forward 13 20 - 12

4 Sharapov Alexander 18 178 left Iskra, Arhangelsk Forward 4 5 - 7

5 Sheptalov Kirill 18 172 right Tayfun, Moskow Forward - -

6 Lisin Maxim 18 178 left Megalion, Sergiev Posad Defence 5 -

7 Chistyakov Sergey 18 175 left Iskra, Arhangelsk Forward - -

8 Turabaev Ruslan 19 182 left Sdushor-22, Omsk Defence - -

9 Latukhin Alexander 18 191 left Nizhegorodets, N.Novgorod Forward - -

10 Bogdanyuk Evgeny 18 179 left Olimp, Fryazino Forward 13 14 - 6

11 Nikiforov Andrey 18 182 right Temp, Holmogory Forward 4 4 - 1

12 Sadovskiy Alexander 17 185 left Nizhegorodets, N.Novgorod Forward - -

13 Firsanov Ivan 18 179 left Olimp, Fryazino Forward - -

14 Kobtsev Sergey 18 176 right Iskra, Arhangelsk Defence 4 -

15 Podshivalov Vladislav 19 180 left Iskra, Arhangelsk Forward 13 3 - 10

16 Bashkatov Ilya 16 172 left Sdushor-22, Omsk Defence - -

17 Bashkirov Alexander 17 181 left Sdushor-22, Omsk Forward - -

18 Yurkov Andrey 17 174 left Sdushor-22, Omsk Defence - -

19 Ivanov Eduard 17 181 right Iskra, Arhangelsk Defence 4 2 - 1

68 Seleznev Alexey 19 179 - Aeroport, Moskow Goalie 4 -

Moskalenko Alexey 16 170 right Sdushor-22, Omsk Defence - -

Zykov Dmitry 17 190 - Temp, Holmogory Goalie - -

Chernonozhkin Anton 17 182 left Sdushor-22, Omsk Forward - -

Mirovskiy Alexander 15 176 left Tayfun, Moskow Forward - -

Baskakov Leonid 19 180 left Temp, Holmogory Defence 8 2 - 4

Panov Andrey 17 176 - Megalion, Sergiev Pasad Goalie 4 -

Moskalenko Ivan 19 173 right Sdushor-22, Omsk Forward 4 0 - 1

Shahterin Kirill 15 179 left Tehnik, Navashino. Forward - -

Kupriyanov Alexander 17 180 - Tehnik, Navashino. Goalie - -

Girsh Dmitry 16 177 left Tehnik, Navashino. Forward - -


surname first name function

Zhukovskiy Konstantin Head of Delegation

Bogdanyuk Andrey Head Coach

Podoynikov Alexey Coach

Shchukin Leonid Coach

Basalay Igor General Manager

Pilipenko Vadim Coach

Bogdanyuk Yulia Doctor


Russland stülpte seinen Kader nach der erfolgreichen WM-Qualifikation komplett um und spielt nun mit 12 neuen Kaderspielern. Erfolg ungewiss, aber eingeplant. - Ilya Veshnyakov: Russische Stürmer-Tormaschine soll mit seiner Effektivität Russland offensiv verstärken. - Vladislav Podshivalov: Der ruhige, aber entschiedene Verteidigungschef der Russen wird mit seiner Erfahrung seine Mannen auf Linie halten. - Evgeny Bogdanyuk: DerCenter bringt WM-Praxis von 2009 mit und ist Teamleader der russischenMannschaft.



# surname first name age height(cm) grip current club Position int.


13 Gál Ladislav 17 - - ATU Košice Forward - -

28 Klobučník Jakub 17 - - 1. FBC Trenčín Goalie - -

31 Sabó Tomáš 18 - - ATU Košice Defence - -

33 Szabo Adrián 17 - - ATU Košice Defence - -

35 Ondrášik Norbert 18 - - 1. FBC Trenčín Defence - -

36 Bulko Marek 19 - - Dubnica Defence - -

37 Petrula Jakub 18 - - Dragons Bratislava Forward - -

39 Seriš Richard 19 - - 1. FBC Trenčín Forward - -

40 Turek Dominik 18 - - ATU Košice Goalie - -

41 Řezanina Lukáš 18 - - ATU Košice Forward - -

42 Lím Pavol 18 - - Dragons Bratislava Forward - -

43 Vašíček Matúš 18 - - Florko Košice Defence - -

44 Žák Filip 17 - - 1. FBC Trenčín Defence - -

45 Pinka Rastislav 18 - - Dragons Bratislava Forward - -

47 Zeliezka Roman 18 - - 1. FBC Trenčín Forward - -

48 Popluhár Jakub 17 - - Dragons Bratislava Forward - -

49 Heleš Peter 18 - - 1. FBC Trenčín Forward - -

50 Rajnec Filip 18 - - ATU Košice Forward - -

51 Elinger Šimon 18 - - Salming Trenčín Forward - -

52 Burian Tomáš 17 - - SSK FUTURE Forward - -

Hutko Marek 16 - - Dragons Bratislava Defence - -

Konečný Filip 18 - - Florko Košice Goalie - -

Danaj Dávid 19 - - Grasshoppers Žilina Defence - -

Hlávka Matej 18 - - Grasshoppers Žilina Defence - -

Sekerka Michal 17 - - Grasshoppers Žilina Defence - -

Blaško Jakub 16 - - Florko Košice Forward - -

Kiačik Martin 17 - - 1. FBC Trenčín Forward - -

Púchly Marián 18 - - Dragons Bratislava Defence - -

Sedlár Ondrej 17 - - Bogdau Stupava Forward - -

Beluš Róbert 17 - - Florko Košice Forward - -


surname first name function

Granec Denis Head Coach

Lamačka Juraj Assistent Coach

Turay Teodor Manager

Granec Marián Team Leader

Grancová Tatiana Physiotherapist

Smatana Martin Team Official


Assistenz-Coach Denis Granec übernahm den Chefposten und will seine Jungs ins A-Halbfinale bringen. 2009 erreichte die Slowakei den siebten Platz in der A-Division. Über das Team aus Osteuropa gibt es wenig Informationen. Klar ist, dass die meisten Spieler aus dem Club ATU Košice rekrutiert wurden. Der homogene Kader kann ein Vorteil sein.



# surname first name age height(cm) grip current club Position int.


1 Cadierno Alberto 19 174 - UHK Madrid Goalie 4 0

2 Lopez Pablo 18 168 left CUF Escorial Forward 12 14

3 De La Cuesta David 15 175 left CUF Escorial Defence 0 0

4 Alvarez Emilio 18 165 right UH Gijon Forward 4 1

5 Amaro Manuel 18 166 left CUF Leganes Center 8 4

6 Astudillo Jorge 16 168 left CF Elfo Floorball Center 4 2

7 Vivas Diego 19 175 left Colegio El Valle Defence 0 0

8 Attadia Mario 18 165 left CF Elfo Floorball Defence 8 2

9 Bermejo Victor 17 185 left CUF Leganes Forward 4 3

10 Peduzzi Steffan 17 177 left Suiza Forward 4 3

11 Martinez Cesar 16 167 left CUF Leganes Defence 4 0

12 Ramos Daniel 16 165 left CUF Leganes Defence 0 0

13 Aldana Jose Alejandro 17 167 right CUF Escorial Center 4 3

15 Solis Miguel 16 173 left CUF Leganes Defence 4 0

16 Gonzalez Enrique 15 176 right CUF Las Rozas Defence 4 0

17 Astudillo Sergio 18 180 left CF Elfo Floorball Defence 4 2

18 Briz Jose Francisco 18 177 left CF Elfo Floorball Center 4 1

19 Bernardino Juan 15 175 left CUF Escorial Forward 0 0

20 Morales Miguel 16 175 left Colegio El Valle Defence 0 0

23 Barbero Mario 18 184 - CF Elfo Floorball Goalie 8 0

Navarro Alvaro 18 168 left UHK Madrid Forward 4 2

Ortega Javier 18 175 left CD Fenix San Lorenzo Defence 4 1

Castro Juan Manuel 18 187 right UHK Madrid Forward 8 9

Tamayo Francisco 16 182 right CUF Las Rozas Forward 4 0

Lopez Jesus 16 174 left CUF Leganes Defence 0 0

Acevedo Guillermo 15 175 left CUF Las Rozas Forward 0 0

Hidalgo Andres 16 175 left CUF Leganes Center 0 0

Sevilla Gonzalo 15 160 - CUF Las Rozas Goalie 4 0


surname first name function

Roldan Juan Antonio Head Coach

Lopez Carlos Head Coach

Reparaz Paloma Material Keeper

Fernandez Jose Antonio Physiotherapist

Carrion Ana Photographer


Spanien rutschte unerwartet für Japan nach, das seine Teilnahme nach den Naturkatastrophen absagen musste, nach. Dementsprechend unvorbereitet findet sich die spanische Mannschaft im internationalen Vergleich wieder. Der Kader ist unbekannt, der letzte internationale Auftritt der Mannschaft war zur U19 WM Qualifikation September 2010. Gegen Russland erreichte man ein Unentschieden. Die Chancen sind begrenzt, aber vielleicht für eine Überraschung gut.



# surname first name age height(cm) grip current club Position int.


1 Steineck Tobias 18 193 right IK Sirius IBK Goalie 4 0

2 Rosengren Joachim 17 183 left FC Helsingborg Defence 0 0

3 Pettersson Joakim 19 183 left KAIS Mora IF Defence 3 2

4 Lieback Asp Kevin 19 183 right Älvsjö AIK Defence 3 5

5 Åkesson Daniel 18 175 left Malmö FBC Defence 4 1

6 Stenmark Filip 19 184 left IBK Dalen Defence 5 3

7 Nielsen Sebastian 18 185 left Älvsjö AIK Defence 0 0

9 Johansson Emil 18 176 left Umeå City IBK Defence 4 2

10 Sjögren Albin 16 174 right RIG Umeå IBF Forward 4 6

11 Johannesson Wiktor 19 171 right IBK Alba Forward 1 0

14 Willsund Martin 17 - - Färjestadens IBK Forward 0 0

15 Kjellbris Alex 19 179 left Järfälla IBK Forward 4 4

16 Rudd Alexander 18 192 left RIG Umeå IBF Forward 5 6

17 Hedlund Kasper 18 180 right Hide-a-lite Mullsjö AIS Forward 4 4

18 Jirebeck Simon 18 190 right IBK Handen Forward 4 4

19 Hydén Kasper 18 186 left Färjestadens IBK Forward 4 1

20 Jonsson Jakob 17 191 left Hudik/Björkberg IBK Forward 1 0

21 Karlsson Jesper 17 180 left Hagfors IBS Forward 0 0

22 Borgqvist Oliver 18 169 left Huddinge IBS Forward 4 3

30 Stenberg Peter 18 190 right Partille IBS Goalie 0 0

Svendsen Viktor 18 187 right Röke IBK Goalie 3 0

Karlsson Niklas 19 - - KAIS Mora IF Goalie 0 0

Fredriksen Gustaf 18 - - Älvsjö AIK Defence 0 0

Crantz Robin 19 184 left Malmö FBC Forward 3 0

Glad Johan 19 178 left Jönköpings IK Forward 3 0

Bladh Wiktor 19 186 left Storvreta Ungdom IBK Forward 1 0

Sedin Simon 19 178 right Örnsköldsvik IBK Forward 2 0

Englöw Albin 17 181 left Hagfors IBS Forward 0 0

Colling Adam 18 182 left Karlstad IBF Forward 2 0

Bremer Mattias 17 - - FC Helsingborg Forward 0 0


surname first name function

Gustafsson Jan Head Coach

Edberg Stefan Assistant Coach

Liljedahl A Lennart Coordinator

Bergman Lars Material Keeper

Tunér Henrik Physiotherapist

Nilsson Magnus Head of Delegation

Gustafsson Jonas Press


Schweden steuert auf Goldkurs, Umwege sind nicht eingeplant. Mit Spielintelligenz und Schnelligkeit wollen sie die WM verzaubern. - Filip Stenmark: Starker und selbstbewusster Abwehr-Meister mit langjähriger SSL-Erfahrung beim IBK Dalen. - Kasper Hedlund: Talentierter und technisch versierter Stürmer mit Freude am verspieltem Angriffsspiel. - Alexander Rudd: Wird als großes offensives Nachwuchstalent in seiner Heimat gehandelt. Karrierebeginn: U19 WM 2011.



# surname first name age height(cm) grip current club Position int.


2 Stucki Marcel 18 186 left UH Tigers Langnau Defender 5 1 & 0

4 Berry Kevin 18 178 right UHC Alligator Malans Defender 10 7 & 5

5 Baumann Severin 18 181 left UHC Uster Forward 11 0

6 Zeder Daniel 18 187 left UHC Uster Forward 12 4 & 5

7 Castrischer Stefan 19 177 left Floorball Köniz Defender 12 0 & 1

8 Müller David 19 171 right Floorball Köniz Defender 21 2 & 8

9 Pillichody Yves 18 180 right Floorball Köniz Forward 12 7 & 4

10 Fischli Gian Luca 18 185 left Chur Unihockey Defender 10 0 & 4

11 Wolf Rafael 19 182 right SV Wiler-Ersigen Forward 14 9 & 3

12 Garnier Simon 18 184 left SV Wiler-Ersigen Forward 22 7 & 12

13 Gröbli Nico 16 173 left HC Rychenberg Winterthur Forward 11 3 & 3

15 Hummer Manuel 19 183 left UHC Uster Forward 12 16 & 6

17 Buchli Remo 18 171 left UHC Alligator Malans Forward 12 10 & 3

18 Ledergerber Jonas 17 179 left Floorball Köniz Defender 11 1 & 1

19 Liechti Reto 19 174 left UH Tigers Langnau Forward 34 12 & 11

21 Riedi Paolo 18 175 left Chur Unihockey Forward 14 7 & 12

23 Engel Manuel 17 173 left UH Tigers Langnau Forward 17 16 & 7

25 Laely Claudio 19 181 right UHC Alligator Malans Forward 7 3 & 3

28 Wittwer Jonas 19 188 - Lok Reinach Goalie 10 0

30 Körner Sven 18 194 - Floorball Köniz Goalie 12 0

Schärli Emmanuel 18 - left ULA Defender 3 0 & 3

Mittelholzer Roman 18 177 right UHC Waldkirch-St. Gallen Forward 11 5 & 11

Gruber Ruven 16 183 - Floorball Thurgau Goalie 5 0

Engel Carlo 17 178 left Chur Unihockey Forward 0 0

Gutknecht Sämi 15 - left HC Rychenberg Winterthur Defender 0 0

Imper Severin 16 176 left GC Unihockey Forward 0 0

Maurer Manuel 17 179 left Floorball Köniz Forward 1 0 & 1

Müller Simon 17 180 left Floorball Köniz Defender 3 0

Rüegger Joël 16 - left GC Unihockey Forward 0 0

Wolf Nicolas 17 - - SV Wiler-Ersigen Goalie 2 0


surname first name function

Berger Thomas Head Coach

Hardegger Daniel Assistant Coach

Luginbühl Reto Assistant Coach

Schmuki Mario Material Keeper

Duc Nathalie Physiotherapist

Ambühl Urs Team Leader

Pillichody Stéphanie Physiotherapist


Der ewige Dritte zeigt sich realistisch und ist auf eine Medaille fokussiert. Welche Farbe sie anpeilen lassen die Eidgenossen offen. - Reto Liechti: Mit 34 Ländersspielen für die U19 der wohl erfahrenste Spieler der ganzen WM. - Paolo Riedi: Stürmer mit Goal-Getter-Ambitionen, sein Schuss ist hart und präzise - Stefan Castrischer: Schweizer Abwehrchef und Kapitän in Personalunion




Apotheke am KlemmbergAm Klemmberg 2 06667 WeissenfelsTel.: 03443/300374

Apotheke Heuweg- Park Merseburger Str.13506667 WeissenfelsTel.: 03443/237257

Apotheke im KauflandDrei Wege 506667 WeissenfelsTel.: 03443/341888

Apotheke Schöne–AussichtAm Marktwege 206667 LeisslingTel.: 03443/804076

Augustus ApothekeJüdenstr. 1306667 WeissenfelsTel.: 03443/3388550

Brücken-ApothekeSaalstrasse 4206667 WeissenfelsTel.: 03443/302372

Kugelberg-ApothekeHardenberg 39a06667 WeissenfelsTel.: 03443/303019

Marien-ApothekeBeuditzstr.206667 WeissenfelsTel.: 03443/302608

Neustadt-ApothekeMerseburger Str. 3606667 WeissenfelsTel.: 03443/43410

West-ApothekeKirschweg 3906667 WeissenfelsTel.: 03443/822030

Schloss-ApothekeGrosse Kaland Str.206667 WeissenfelsTel.: 03443/305454

Novalis-ApothekeSüdring 14106667 WeissenfelsTel.: 03443/202116


Asklepios Klinik WeissenfelsNaumburger Straße 7606667 Weissenfels

Reception:Tel.: 03443/ 400Ambulance:Tel.: 03443/401300 an 401301

Medical services

First Aid is provided in both arenas by German Red Cross. Additionally there will be a medical doctor who will be respon-sible for anti-doping-tests. If there is additional medical help is needed, please contact the hospital of Weissenfels or call stand by-duty of local.

Useful telephone numbers

Emergency medical services and fire brigade: 112Medical doctor anti-doping (Kathleen Koch): +49 (0)176 14455001


medical services

Taxi-ZentraleMerseburger Str.706667 WeissenfelsTel.: 03443/303116

Taxi-HädickeTel.: 03443/200070

Taxi-OchsLeipziger Str.11106667 WeissenfelsTel.: 03443/301235

Taxi-ExpressTel.: 03443/338899

Taxi-SchauerhammerMerseburger Str.17406667 WeissenfelsTel.: 03443/302900

Public Transportation (Bus Lines):

Taxi Services:

Municipall Hall - Central Railway Station

Central Railway Station - Municipal Hall

Arena West -Central Railway Station

Central Railway Station -Arena West

Busfahrplan & Shuttle



Dienstag / Tuesday - 03.05.2011

Stadthalle Weißenfels /Municipal Hall Weissenfels

Sporthalle West /Gymnasium Weissenfels West

Czech Republic Estonia-

Sweden Latvia












Hungary Australia-

Denmark Russia


















Mittwoch / Wednesday - 04.05.2011

Norway Finland-

Slovakia Switzerland








Czech Republic




Hungary Denmark-

Australia Russia


















Donnerstag / Thursday - 05.05.2011

Estonia Sweden-

Latvia Czech Republic












Australia Denmark-

Russia Hungary


















Freitag / Friday - 06.05.2011

3rd Gr. A-














Samstag / Saturday - 07.05.2011




Gruppe A Gruppe B Gruppe C Gruppe D



















1st Gr. A

3rd Gr. B

2nd Gr. B

2nd Gr. A

2nd Gr. C

1st Gr. B

1st Gr. D







4th Gr. B

4th Gr. D

4th Gr. A

4th Gr. C

3rd Gr. D

2nd Gr. D

3rd Gr. C

1st Gr. C

loser B-SF I

winner B-SF I

loser B-SF II

winner B-SF II

loser A-SF II

winner A-SF II

loser A-SF I

winner A-SF I







5th place




7th place

15th place

13th place


11th place


3rd place


Stadthalle Weißenfels / Municipal Hall Weissenfels

* In case Germany plays in the B-Semifinal, this game will be played in the Municipal Hall Weissenfels

Czech Republic



















U19 men’s WFC

media/sponsoringMathias Liebing(V.i.S.d.P.)[email protected]

media Marie [email protected]

layoutIngmar Göthel

Fotos:Rudolf SchubaTim FuhrmannUHC SparkasseWeissenfels

Ralf-Rainer Hoffmann