westcott & hort's greek text & theory refuted

1 WE S T C O TT & HOR T S GREEK TEXT & THE O RY REFUTED Taken from Taken from The Rev i sion Rev i sed   B y B y Dea n J ohn W illia m B ur g on Dean John William B ur g on  A Bri ef Summ ary By Pastor D. A. Wait e, Th.D., Ph.D.

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Taken fromTaken from

The Revision Revised  ByBy

Dean John William BurgonDean John William Burgon

 A Brief Summ ary By Pastor D. A. Wait e, Th.D., Ph.D.

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Dr. Sc r ivener ’s Com m ents on

West c o t t & Hor t ’s

Rev ised Greek Tex t & Theory“There is l i t t le hope for the stabil i ty of theirimposing structure, if i ts foundations havebeen laid on the sandy ground of ingenious

conjecture. And, since barely the smallestvestige of historical evidence has ever beenalleged in support of the views of theseaccomplished editors, their teaching must

either be received as intuitively true, ordismissed from our consideration asprecarious and even visionary .” [ Dr. F. H. A.Scrivener’s Plain I nt roduct ion , 1883, p. 531,quoted by Dean John W. Burgon, Revision 

Revised , p. iv] .

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Dr. Sc r ivener ’s Com m ents on

West c o t t & Hor t ’s

Rev ised Greek Tex t & Theory

“Dr. Hort ’s System is entirely destitute ofhist orical foundation.”

 “We are compelled to repeat as emphatically asever our str ong convict ion t hat the Hypothesis t owhose proof he has devoted so many laboriousyears, is destitute not only of historicalfoundation, but of all probabil i ty , revealing fromthe internal goodness of the Text which itsadoption would force upon us.” [ Dr. F. H. A.Scrivener's Plain I nt roduct ion , 1883, pp. 537,542, quoted by Dean John W. Burgon, Revision 

Revised , p. iv] .

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Dean Bur gon ’s Purpose

in t he Book“My one ob jec t has been to defeat the

My one ob jec t has been to defeat themisch ievous a t tempt wh ich was made

misch ievous a t tempt wh ich was made

in 1881 to thrust upon th is Church [ the

in 1881 to thrust upon th is Church [ theAngl ic an Churc h] and Realm a Revis ion

Angl ic an Churc h] and Realm a Revis ion

of the Sacred Tex t , wh ich

of the Sacred Tex t , wh ich –  – recommended though i t be by eminentrecommended though i t be by eminent

namesnames–  – I am thoroughly conv inced, and

I am thoroughly conv inced, andam ab le t o p rove, i s unt rust w or thy f rom

am ab le t o p rove, i s unt rust w or thy f rombeginn ing to end

beginn ing to end..” [Dean John W.[Dean John W.Burgon,Burgon, Revis ion Revised Revis ion Revised , p. v] ., p. v] .

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Poison ing t he River o f L i fe

“I t i s , however , the sys temat ic deprava t ion o f

I t i s , however , the sys temat ic deprava t ion o fthe under ly ing Greek

the under ly ing Greek w hich does so g r ievous lyw h ich does so g r ievous lyof fend me: forof fend me: for th is i s no th ing e lse bu t a

th i s i s no th ing e lse bu t apo ison ing o f the R iver o f L i fe a t i t s sacred

poison ing o f the R iver o f L i fe a t i t s sacredsourcesource .. Our Revi ser sOur Revise rs (w i th t he bes t and pures t(w i th t he best and pures tin t ent ions , no doubt ,)in t ent ions , no doubt ,) s tand c onv ic t ed o f hav ing

s tand c onv ic t ed o f hav ingde l iberat e ly rejec t ed t he w ords of Insp i rat ion in

de l iberat e ly rejec t ed the w ords of Insp i rat ion inevery page, and o f hav ing subst i t u t ed for them

every page, and o f hav ing subst i t u t ed for them

fabr icat ed Readings w hic h the Churc h has long

fabr ica t ed Readings w hic h the Church has longs ince re fused to acknowledge

s ince re fused to acknowledge , or e lse has, or e lse hasre jec ted w i th abhor rence, andre jec ted w i th abhor rence, and wh i ch on l y

wh ich on l ysurv ive a t th i s t ime in a l i t t l e handfu l o fsurv ive a t th i s t ime in a l i t t l e handfu l o fdocuments o f the mos t depraved type

documents o f the mos t depraved type ..” [Dean[Dean

J ohn W. Burgon,J ohn W. Burgon, Revis ion Revised Revis ion Revised , pp. vi-vi i ] ., pp. vi-vi i ] .

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Hi t t ing Opponent s

 “Rat her Hard”

“I f , there fore , any do compla in tha t I have

I f , there fore , any do compla in tha t I havesomet imes h i t my opponen ts ra the r ha rd

somet imes h i t my opponen ts ra the r ha rd , I, It ake l eave to po in t ou t t ha ttake l eave to po in t ou t t ha t ‘to every th ingto eve ry th ingthere i s a season , and a t ime to everythere i s a season , and a t ime to everypurpose under the sunpurpose under the sun ’;; ‘a t ime t o embrace ,a t ime t o embrace ,and a t ime t o be fa r fr om em brac ingand a t ime t o be fa r fr om em brac ing’; a t ime; a t imefo r speak ing smooth ly , and a t ime fo rfo r speak ing smooth ly , and a t ime fo rspeak ing sharp ly . And t ha tspeak ing sharp ly . And t ha t when the Wordswhen the Words

of Insp i ra t ion are ser ious ly imper i led , as now

of Insp i ra t ion are ser ious ly imper i led , as nowthey a re , i t i s scarce ly poss ib le fo r one who

they a re , i t i s scarce ly poss ib le fo r one whois de te rmined e f fec tua l l y to p reserve the

i s de te rmined e f fec tua l l y to p reserve theDepos i t i n i t s i n tegr i t y , to h i t e i the r too

Depos i t i n i t s i n tegr i t y , to h i t e i the r toos t ra igh t o r too hard

s t ra ight o r too hard ..” [Dean John W. Burgon,[Dean John W. Burgon,

Revis ion Revis ed Revis ion Revis ed , pp . v i i -v i i i ] ., pp . v i i -v i i i ] .

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Unansw ered A f te r

Tw o Fu l l Years

“Two fu l l years have e lapsed s ince the f i rs tTwo fu l l years have e lapsed s ince the f i rs tof these Essays was publ ished; and myof these Essays was publ ished; and my

Cr i t ic ismCr i t i c ism–  –for t he best of reasonsfor the best of reasons–  –rem ains t orem ains t ot h is hour unansw eredt h is hour unansw ered.. The publ ic has beenThe publ ic has beenassured indeed, ( in the course of someassured indeed, ( in the course of somehyster ica l remarks by Canon Farrar) , thathyster ica l remarks by Canon Farrar) , that‘t het he

“Quarter ly ReviewerQuarter ly Reviewer

”c an be re fu ted asc an be re fu ted as

fu l ly as he des i res as soon as any scholarfu l ly as he des i res as soon as any scholarhas the le isure to answer h im.has the le isure to answer h im.’ TheThe‘Quarter ly ReviewerQuarter ly Reviewer ’ can a f fo rd to wa i t ,can a f fo rd to wa i t ,–   –i fi f

t he Revisers c ant he Revisers c an .

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Unansw ered A f te r

Tw o Fu l l Years“But t hey are rem inded tha tBut t hey are rem inded t ha t i t i s noi t i s no

answ er to one w ho has demol i shedansw er t o one w ho has demol ished

the i r mas te rthe i r mas te r ’ss ‘Theory,Theory ,’ fo r thefor thepup i ls to keep on reproduc ingpupi ls to keep on reproduc ing

f ragments o f i t ; and by the i rf ragments o f i t ; and by the i r

mis takes and exaggera t ions ,mis takes and exaggera t ions , t ot omake bo th themse lves and h im,make bo th themse lves and h im,

r id icu lous .r id icu lous .” [Dean J ohn W. Burgon,[Dean J ohn W. Burgon,

Revis ion Revised Revis ion Revised , p. x v], p. x v]

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The Fa lse Met hods o f

West c o t t & Hor t“I n th i s depar tmen t o f sac redIn th i s depar tmen t o f sac red

Sc ienc e , m en have been go ing on t ooSc ienc e , m en have been go ing on t oo

long inven t ing the i r fac ts , andlong inven t ing the i r fac ts , andde l i ve r ing themse lves o f o racu la rde l i ve r ing themse lves o f o racu la r

decrees , on the so le respons ib i l i t y o fdecrees , on the so le respons ib i l i t y o fthe i r own inne r consc iousnessthe i r own inne r consc iousness ..

The re i s g rea t c onven ienc e in such aThere i s g rea t c onven ienc e in suc h amethod ce r ta in l y ,me thod ce r ta in l y ,–   –a c harm inga cha rm ings imp l i c i t y wh ich i s i n a h igh deg rees imp l i c i t y wh ich i s i n a h igh deg ree

a t t rac t i ve to f l esh and b lood .a t t rac t i ve to f l esh and b lood.

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The Fa lse Met hods o f

West c o t t & Hor t

“I t d ispenses w i t h proof. I t fu rnishes noI t d ispenses w i t h proof . I t fu rn ishes noev idenc e. I t asser ts w hen i t ought t oev idenc e. I t asser ts w hen i t ought t oargue. I t re it e rat es w hen i t i s c a l ledargue. I t re it e ra tes w hen i t i s c a l ledupon to exp la in .upon to exp la in . ‘I am s i r Orac le.I am s i r Orac le .’ . . .. . .

Th is , wh ich I venture to s ty le theTh is , wh ich I venture to s ty le theunsc ient i f i c  unsc ient i f i c   method, reached i tsmethod, reached i ts

cu lminat ing po in t when Pro fessorscu lminat ing po in t when ProfessorsWestco t t andWestco t t and Hor t recen t l y pu t fo r thHor t recen t l y pu t fo r ththe i r Recens ion o f the Greek Textthe i r Recens ion o f the Greek Text ..The i r work i s indeed qu i te aThe i r work i s indeed qu i te a

s c holo ic a l c ur ios i t .s c holo ic a l c ur ios i t .

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The Fa lse Met hods o f

West c o t t & Hor t

“Inc omprehens ible to me is i t how t w o ableIncomprehensib le to m e is i t how t w o ablem en of d isc ip l ined understandings c an havem en of d isc ip l ined unders tand ings can haveser ious ly pu t fo r th the vo lume wh ich theyser ious ly pu t fo r th the vo lume wh ich they


’I t i s theI t i s theveryvery reduc t io  reduct io ad  ad absurdum absurdum  of the uncr i t i ca lo f the uncr i t i ca l

method o f the las t f i f t y years .method of the las t f i f t y years . And i t i sAnd i t i sespec ia l ly in oppos it ion to t h is new m ethodespec ia l ly in opposi t ion t o th is new m et hodof t he i rs t hat I so s t renuous ly ins ist t hato f t he i rs t hat I so s t renuous ly ins is t t hat t he t he c onsent ient vo ic e o f Catho l i c An t iqu it y  c onsent ient vo ic e o f Catho l ic An t iqu it y   i s tois t obe d i l igent ly inqui red af ter and subm iss ive lybe d i l igent ly inqui red af ter and subm iss ive lyl is tened to; for thatl is tened to; for that th is  th is  , in the end, wi l l, in the end, wi l lprove ourprove our only only  safe guidesafe guide..” [Dean John W.[Dean John W.

Burgon,Burgon, Revis ion Revised Revis ion Revised , pp., pp. x x vx x v --xxv ixxv i ] .] .

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Dean Bu rgon 's Meaning of

“Cat ho l i c An t iqu i t y”

“The me thod I pe rs i s ten t l y advoca teThe me thod I pe rs i s ten t l y advoca tein every case o f a supposed doubt fu lin every case o f a supposed doubt fu l

ReadingReading.. ( I say i t f o r the las t t ime ,( I say i t fo r the las t t ime ,and reques t tha t I may be no moreand reques t tha t I may be no moremisrepresented . )mis represented . ) is , tha tis , tha t an appea l  an appea l  sha l l be unreserved ly made to  sha l l be unreserved ly made to  

Catho l i c An t iqu i t y  Ca tho l i c An t iqu i t y  ; and tha t the; and tha t thecomb ined ve rd ic t o f Manusc r ip ts ,comb ined ve rd ic t o f Manusc r ip ts ,Vers ions, Fathers , sha l l be regardedVers ions, Fathers , sha l l be regardedas dec is iveas dec is ive ..” [Dean John W. Burgon,[Dean John W. Burgon,

Revis ion Revised Revis ion Revis ed , pp ., pp . x x v i ix x v i i ] .] .

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Dean Bur gon ’s Desi re

t o Be Able t o Spend Tim e

fo r B ib le Int e rpre t a t ion“But I more than long ,But I more than long,–   – I fa i r l yI fa i r l y ache ache   t ot ohave done w i t h Cont roversy , and t o behave done w i t h Cont roversy, and t o be

f ree to devo te myse l f to the work o ff ree to devo te myse l f to the work o fIn t e rpre ta t ion . My apo logy fo r bes tow -In t e rpre ta t ion. My apo logy fo r best ow -inging so la rge a por t ion o f my t ime onso la rge a por t ion o f my t ime onTextua l Cr i t i c ism, i s Dav idTextua l Cr i t i c ism, i s Dav id’s when hes when he

was reproached by h is b re th ren fo rwas reproached by h is b re th ren fo rappear ing on the f ie ld o f bat t le ,appear ing on the f ie ld o f bat t le ,–   – ‘IsIsthere no t a causethere no t a cause??’” [Dean John W.[Dean John W.Burgon,Burgon, Revision Revised Revi sion Revi sed , pp ., pp . x x ixx x i x ] .] .

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Tw o “I r responsib le Sc holars”

(West c o t t & Hor t )

 “Si lent ly Revised ” t he Greek Tex t

“But ins t ead o f a l l t h is , a Rev is ion o f t heBut ins tead o f a l l th is , a Rev is ion o f theEngl ish Eng l i sh Author ised Au thor i sed Vers ion  Vers ion   hav ing beenhav ing been

sanc t ioned by the Convoca t ion o f thesanc t ioned by the Convoca t ion o f theSouthern Prov inceSouthern Prov ince in 1871, thein 1871, theoppor tun i t y was eager l y sna tched a t byoppor tun i t y was eager l y sna tched a t by

two i r respons ib le scho la rs o f thetwo i r respons ib le scho la rs o f the

Un iversi t y o f Cam br idge for ob t a in ing theUn iversi t y o f Cam br idge for ob t a in ing t hegenera l sanc t ion o f the Rev is ing body ,genera l sanc t ion o f the Rev is ing body ,

and thus ind i rec t l y o f Convocat ion , fo r aand thus ind i rec t l y o f Convocat ion , fo r a

p r i va t e ven t u re o f the i r ow npr i va t e ven tu re of the i r ow n ,,–  – 

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Tw o “I r responsib le Sc holars”

(West c o t t & Hor t )

 “Si lent ly Revised

”t he Greek Tex t

“the i r own pr iva te ly dev ised Rev is ion o fthe i r own pr iva te ly dev ised Rev is ion o ft het he Greek Tex t  Greek Tex t  . On t ha t Greek Tex t o f. On t ha t Greek Tex t o fthe i rs , (wh ich I ho ld to be the mos tthe i rs , (wh ich I ho ld to be the mos t

depraved wh ich has ever appeared indepraved wh ich has ever appeared inpr in tp r in t ) ,), w i t h some s l i gh t mod i f i ca t i ons ,w i th some s l i gh t mod i f i ca t i ons ,ourour Au tho r i sedAuthor ised Eng l ish Vers ion has beenEngl ish Vers ion has beens i len t ly rev ised: s i len t ly , I say , fo rs i len t ly rev ised: s i len t ly , I say , fo r in thein the

marg in o f the Eng l i sh no record i smarg in o f the Eng l i sh no record i sp reserved o f the under ly ing Tex tua lp reserved o f the under ly ing Tex tua lchanges wh ich have been in t roduced bychanges wh ich have been in t roduced byt he Rev is ionis t s .t he Rev is ionis t s .” [Dean J ohn W. Burgo n,[Dean J ohn W. Burg on,

Revis i on Revise d Revis i on Revis ed , pp ., pp . x x xx x x ] .] .

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Dean Burgon ’s Reason for“Desc ending in t o t he Arena o f


“I f a l l t h i s does no t cons t i tu te a va l idI f a l l t h i s does no t cons t i tu te a va l idreason fo r descend ing in to the a rena o freason fo r descend ing in to the a rena o fcon t rove rsy , i t wou ld in my judgment becon t rove rsy , i t wou ld in my judgment be

im poss ible to indica t e an oc c as ion w henim poss ible t o ind ica t e an oc c as ion w hent he Chr is t ian so ld ie rt he Chr is t ian so ld ie r i s is  c a l led upon t o doc a l led upon t o dososo ::–  – the ra the r becausethe ra the r because cer ta in o f thesecer ta in o f thesew how ho, f rom the i r rank and s ta t ion, f rom the i r rank and s ta t ion in thein the

Churc h , ough t t o be t he c hamp ions o f theChurch , ough t t o be t he c hamp ions of t heTru th , a re at t h i s t im e found to be am ongTru th , a re at t h i s t im e found to be am ongi t s mos t v igo rous assa i lan tsi t s mos t v igo rous assa i lan ts ..” [Dean[DeanJohn W. Burgon,John W. Burgon, Revis ion Revised Revis ion Revised , pp., pp.

x x x ix x x i -- x xx i ix x x i i ] .] .

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o ’s ree o eans o

Preservat ion o f H is

Wr i t t en Words“(1)(1) The prov is ion, then, which the Div ineThe prov is ion, then, which the Div ineAuthor of Scr ip ture is found to have madeAuthor of Scr ip ture is found to have made

for thefor the preservat ion of His wr i t ten Wordpreservat ion of His wr i t ten Word , is, isof a pecul iar ly var ied and h ighly complexof a pecul iar ly var ied and h ighly complexdescr ip t ion,descr ip t ion, FirstF i rs t–  –By c ausing t hat a vastBy caus ing that a vastmul t ip l icat ion of Copies should be requi redmul t ip l icat ion of Copies should be requi reda l l dow n the ages,a l l dow n t he ages,–   –beginning at t he ear l iestbeginning at the ear l iestper iod, and c ont inu ing in an ever-inc reas ingper iod, and c ont inu ing in an ever-inc reas ingrat io unt i l the ac tua l invent ion o fra t io unt i l the ac tua l invent ion o fPr in t ing,Pr int ing,–  –He provided t he m ost ef fec t ualHe prov ided the most e f fec tua l

secur i t y im aginab le aga inst f raudsecur i t y im aginab le aga ins t f raud..

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o ’s ree o eans o

Preservat ion o f H is

Wr i t t en Words“True, thatTrue, that mi l l ions o f the cop iesmi l l ions o f the cop iesso produced have long s inceso produced have long s ince

per ished; but i t is never the less aper ished; but i t is never the less ap la in fac t tha t there surv ive o fp la in fac t tha t there surv ive o fthe Gospels a lone upwards o fthe Gospels a lone upwards o f

one thousand cop iesone thousand cop ies in thein thepresent day.present day.” [Dean John W.[Dean John W.Burgon,Burgon, Revis ion Revised Revis ion Revised , pp. 8-, pp. 8-

9 .9 .

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o ’s ree o eans o

Preservat ion o f H is

Wr i t t en Words“(2 )(2) Nex t , VERSIONS. The nec essi t y o fNex t , VERSIONS. The nec essi t y o ft rans la t ing the Scr ip tu res in to d i ve rst rans la t ing the Scr ip tu res in to d i ve rs

languages fo r the use o f d i f fe ren tlanguages fo r the use o f d i f fe ren tb ranches o f the ear ly Church , p rocuredbranches o f the ear ly Church , p rocuredtha t many an au then t i c reco rdtha t many an au then t i c reco rd has beenhas been

preserved fo r the New Tes tament as i tp rese rved fo r the New Tes tament as i t

ex i s ted i n t he f i r s t f ew cen tu r i es o f t heex is ted in the f i r s t few cen tu r ies o f theChr is t ian era . Thus,Chr is t ian era . Thus, t het he Pesc h i t o Syr iacPesch i to Syr iac

and t he Old Lat in vers ion are be l ieved t oand t he Old La t in vers ion a re be l ieved t o

have been ex ec u t ed in the 2nd c en tu ryhave been ex ec u t ed in the 2nd c en tu ry ..

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o ’s ree o eans o

Preservat ion o f H is

Wr i t t en Words“The two Egyp t ian t rans la t i onsThe two Egyp t ian t rans la t i ons

are refe rred t o t he 3 rd and 4t hare re fe r red to the 3rd and 4 th ..

The Vu lga te (o r rev ised La t in )The Vu lga te (o r rev ised La t in )

and t he Got h ic a re a lso c la im edand t he Got h ic a re a lso c la im ed

fo r the 4 th ; the Armen ian andfo r the 4 th ; the Armen ian and

poss ib ly theposs ib ly the Ae th iop icAeth iop ic , be long, belong

to t he 5 th .t o t he 5 th .” [Dean John W.[Dean John W.

Burgon,Burgon, Revis ion Revised Revis ion Revised , p. 9] ., p. 9] .

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o ’s ree o eans o

Preservat ion o f H is

Wr i t t en Words

“(3)(3) Last ly , the requi rements ofLast ly , the requ i rements o f

assa i lants and apo log is ts a l ikeassa i lants and apo log is ts a l ike , the, thebus iness o f Commentators , thebus iness o f Commentators , theneeds o f cont rovers ia l is ts andneeds o f cont rovers ia l is ts andt eac hers in every age,t eac hers in every age, have resul t edhave resul t ed

in a vas t acc umula t ion o f add it iona lin a vast accumulat ion o f add i t iona lev idence, o f wh ich i t i s scarce lyev idence, o f wh ich i t i s scarce lyposs ib le to overes t imate theposs ib le to overes t imate the

im ort anc eim ort anc e ..

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o ’s ree o eans o

Preservat ion o f H is

Wr i t t en Words“For in th i s w ay it has c om e to pass t ha tFor in th i s w ay it has c om e to pass t ha tevery famous Docto r o f the Church inevery famous Docto r o f the Church in

t u rn has quo t ed m ore o r less la rge ly f romt urn has quo t ed m ore o r less la rge ly f romthe sac red wr i t i ngs , and thus has bo rnethe sac red wr i t i ngs , and thus has bo rnet e st imo n y t o t h e c o nt e nt s o f t h e c o di ce st e st imo n y t o t h e co n te n t s o f t h e co d ic e s

w i th wh ich he was i nd i v i dua l l y f am i l i a r .w i th wh ich he was i nd i v i dua l l y f am i l i a r .

PATRISTIC CITAT IONSPATRISTIC CITAT IONS ac c ord ing ly us e aac c ord ingly use at h i rd m igh ty sa feguard o f the in t eg r i t y o ft h i rd m igh t y sa feguard o f the in teg r i t y o f

the depos i t .the depos i t .” [Dean John W. Burgon,[Dean John W. Burgon,

Revis i on Revise d Revis i on Revis ed , p. 9], p. 9]

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The Value o f Lec t ionar ies as

Greek Manusc r ipt s“I n t ru th ,I n t ru th , t h e se cu r i t y wh i ch t h e Te x t o ft h e se cu r i t y wh i ch t h e Te x t o ft he New Tes tamen t en joys i s a l t oge the rthe New Tes tamen t en joys i s a l t oge the run ique and ex t raord inaryun ique and ex t raord inary . To spec i fy t he. To spec i fy t hes ing le cons ide ra t ion , wh ich has nevers ing le cons ide ra t ion , wh ich has neverye t a t t rac ted nea r l y t he amoun t o fye t a t t rac ted nea r l y t he amoun t o fa t ten t ion i t deserves .a t ten t ion i t deserves . Lec t i ona r i esLec t i ona r i esabound wh ich es tab l i sh the Tex t wh ichabound wh ich es tab l i sh the Tex t wh ich

has been pub l i c l y read in the c hurches o fhas been publ i c l y read in t he c hurches o ft he East , f romt he East , f rom at l east  a t l eas t   A.D. 400 unt i l theA.D. 400 unt i l thet ime o f the inven t ion o f p r in t i ngt ime o f the inven t ion o f p r in t i ng ..” [Dean[DeanJ ohn W. Burgon,J ohn W. Burgo n, Revis ion Rev ised Rev is ion Rev ised , p. 11 ], p. 11 ]

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The Tyrannic a l Asc endanc y o f

Manuscr ip t s "B" (Vat ic an)

and “Aleph” (Sinai)“Singu lar to re la te , the f i rs t , second, four thS ingu lar to re la te , the f i rs t , second, four thand f i f t h o f t hese c odic es (B, A leph, C, D) butand f i f t h o f t hese c odic es (B, A leph, C, D) butespec ia l l y B and A leph have w i th in the las tespec ia l l y B and A leph have w i th in the las t

twen ty yea rs es tab l i shed a t y rann ica ltwen ty years es tab l i shed a t y rann ica lascendancy over the imag ina t ion o f theascendancy over the imag ina t ion o f theCr i t i c s w h ich c an onl y be f i t l y spoken o f as aCr i t i c s w h ich c an onl y be f i t l y spoken o f as ab l ind supers t i t i onb l ind superst i t i on .. I t m a t t e rs not h ing tha tI t m a t t e rs no th ing t ha t a lla l l

fou rfour a re d iscovered on care fu l sc ru t iny toare d iscovered on care fu l sc ru t iny tod i f fe r essent ia l l y , no t on ly f rom n inety-n ined i f fe r essent ia l l y , no t on ly f rom n inety-n ineou t o f a hundred o f the w ho le body of ex t an tou t o f a hundred o f the w ho le body o f ex t an tMSS, besides, but evenMSS, besides, but even f rom one ano ther  f rom one ano ther  ..”[Dean J ohn W. Burgon,[Dean J ohn W. Burgon, Revis ion Revised Revis ion Revised , pp., pp.


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e esem anc e e t w een

MSS “B” (Va t i can)

and “Aleph” (Sinai)“Between the f i rs t two (B and A leph)Between the f i rs t two (B and A leph)there subs is ts an amount o f s in is te rthere subs is ts an amount o f s in is te r

resemblance, wh ich proves tha t theyresemblance, wh ich proves tha t theymust have been der ived a t no verymust have been der ived a t no veryremote per iod f rom the same cor rup tremote per iod f rom the same cor rup toriginal. . . .or iginal. . . . I t i s in fac tI t i s in fac t easier to f ind eas ier to f ind 

two consecu t i ve ve rses in wh ich these  two consecu t i ve ve rses in wh ich these  two MSS d i f fe r the one f rom the o ther ,two MSS d i f fe r the one f rom the o ther ,than two consecu t i ve ve rses in wh ich  than two consecu t i ve ve rses in wh ich  they ent i re ly agree they ent i re ly agree ..” [Dean John W.[Dean John W.

Burgon,Burgon, Revis ion Revised Revis ion Revised , p. 12 ], p. 12 ]

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The Unre l iab i l i t y o f “B”

(Vat ic an) and “Aleph” (Sinai)

“N e x t t oN e x t t o DD, t he mos t un t rus two r thy, t h e mo s t u n t ru s two r t h ycodex i scodex i s A lephAleph,, wh ich bea rs on i t s f ron twh ich bears on i t s f ron t

a memorab le no te o f the ev i l repu tea memorab le no te o f the ev i l repu te

unde r wh ich i t has a lwaysunde r w h ich i t has alw ays labou redlaboured ::–  –viz.v iz.i t i s found tha t a t l eas ti t i s found tha t a t l eas t t en t en  rev isersrev isers

be tween the 4 th and the 12 th cen tu r i esbe tween the 4 th and the 12 th cen tu r i es

bus ied themse lves w i th t he task o fbus ied themse lves w i th t he task o fco r rec t i ng i t s many and ex t rao rd ina ryco r rec t ing i t s many and ex t rao rd ina ry

perve rs ions o f the t ru th o f Sc r ip tu repervers ions o f the t ru th o f Scr ip tu re ..”

[Dean J ohn W. Burgon ,[Dean J ohn W. Burgon , Revis ion Revised Revis ion Revised ,,

. 13 .. 13 .

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The Deprav i t y o f “B” (Vat ican) ,


(Sinai ) and“


“We ven t u re t o assure h im, w i t hou t a part i c leWe ven t u re t o assure h im, w i t hou t a part i c leo f hes i ta t ion , t ha to f hes it a t ion , t ha t “Aleph,A leph,” “B,B,” “DD” areare t h ree  th ree  o f t he mos t scanda lous l y co r rup t cop ies  o f the mos t scanda lous ly co r rup t cop ies  

e x t a n t ;  ex tan t ; –  – exh ib i texh ib i t t he mos t shamefu l l y  t he mos t shamefu l l y  mu t i l a t ed  mu t i l a t ed   t ex t s w h i ch a re anyw he re t o betex t s w h i ch a re anyw he re t o bem e t w i t hm e t w i t h ::–  –have bec om e, by w hat ever proc esshave becom e, by w hatever p roc ess( fo r the i r h i s to ry i s who l l y unknown) ,( fo r the i r h i s to ry i s who l l y unknown) , t het hedepos i to r ies o f the la rges t amount o fdepos i to r ies o f the la rges t amount o f

f ab r i ca ted read ings  fab r i ca ted read ings   anc ien tanc ien t b lunders  b lunders  , and, andi n ten t iona l pe rvers ions o f T ru th  in ten t iona l pe rvers ions o f T ru th  , - -which are,- -which ared iscoverab le in any known cop ies o f thed iscoverab le in any known cop ies o f theWord of GodWord of God..” [Dean John W. Burgon,[Dean John W. Burgon,

Revis ion Revis ed Revis ion Revis ed , p . 16] ., p. 16 ] .

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The Worst N.T. Corrup t ions

Cam e in t he Fi rs t 100 Years“‘I t i s no less t rue to fac t than paradox ica l i nI t i s no less t rue to fac t than paradox ica l i nsound,sound, wr i teswr i t es the mos t l ea rned o f t hethe mos t learned o f theRev is ion is t body [ that i s ,Revis ionist body [ that is , Dr. F. H. Scr ivenerDr. F. H. Scr ivener] ,] ,‘t ha ttha t the wors t co r rup t i ons to wh ich the Newthe wors t co r rup t i ons to wh ich the NewTestam ent has ever been sub jec t ed, or ig inatedTestam ent has ever been sub jec t ed, or ig inated

wi th in a hundred years a f te r i t was composed:w i th in a hundred years a f te r i t was composed:tha ttha t I renaeusIrenaeus (A.D. 150), and the Afr ican(A.D. 150), and the Afr icanFat hers , and the w hole Western , w i t h a por t ionFat hers , and the w hole West ern , w i t h a por t ion

of the Syr ian Church, used far in fer iorof the Syr ian Church, used far in fer iormanuscr ip ts to those employed bymanuscr ip ts to those employed by Stun icaStun ica, or, orErasmus, or Stephens th i r teen centur ies la ter ,Erasmus, or Stephens th i r teen centur ies la ter ,w h e nwhen mou ld ingmou ld ing the Tex tus Receptusthe Tex tus Receptus ..’” [Dean[DeanJ ohn W. Burgon,J ohn W. Burgon, Revis ion Revised Revis ion Revised , p. 30] ., p. 30] .

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Burgon Defended the Tradi t ional TextAga inst t he West c o t t & Hor t Tex t i n

These Verses:

l Mar k 2:1-12 (pp . 30 -34 )Mark 2:1-12 (pp . 30 -34)

l Luk e 11:2-4 (pp . 34-36)Luk e 11:2-4 (pp. 34-36)l Mark 16 :9-20 (pp. 36-40)Mar k 16:9-20 (pp . 36-40)

l Luk e 2:14 (pp. 41-51)Luk e 2:14 (pp . 41 -51)

lAc t s 27:37 (pp. 51-53)Ac t s 27:37 (pp. 51-53)

l Ac t s 18:7 (pp. 53-54)Ac t s 18:7 (pp. 53-54)

l Mat t hew 11:23 & Luk e 10:15 (pp. 54-56)Mat t hew 11:23 & Luk e 10:15 (pp. 54-56)

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Burgon Defended t he Tradi t ional TextAga inst t he West c o t t & Hor t Tex t i n

These Verses:

l Mar k 11:3 (pp. 56-58)Mar k 11:3 (pp. 56-58)

l Mar k 11:8 (pp. 58-61)Mar k 11:8 (pp. 58-61)

l Luk e 23 :45 (pp. 61-66)Luk e 23:45 (pp. 61-66)

l Mar k 6:20 (pp. 66-70)Mar k 6:20 (pp. 66-70)

l Mar k 9:24 (pp. 70-71)Mar k 9:24 (pp. 70-71)

l Mat t hew 14:30 (p . 71)Mat t hew 14:30 (p . 71)

l Mark 15:39 (pp. 71-72)Mar k 15:39 (pp. 71-72)


Luk e 23;42 (p. 72)Luk e 23;42 (p. 72)

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Burgon Defended t he Tradi t ional TextAga inst t he West c o t t & Hor t Tex t i n

These Verses:

l J ohn 14:4 (pp. 72-73)J ohn 14:4 (pp . 72 -73 )

l Luk e 6:1 (pp . 73 -75)Luk e 6 :1 (pp. 73-75)

l Luk e 22 :19-20Luk e 22:19-20–  –32 w ords (pp. 75-79)32 w ords (pp. 75-79)


Luk e 22 :43-44Luk e 22:43-44–  –26 w ords (pp. 79-83)26 w ords (pp. 79-83)l Luk e 23:34Luk e 23:34–  –12 w ords (pp.82-85)12 w ords (pp.82-85)

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Burgon Defended t he Tradi t ional TextAga inst t he West c o t t & Hor t Tex t i n

These Verses:

l Luk e 23 :38--7 w ords (pp. 85-88)Luk e 23 :38--7 w ords (pp. 85-88)

lLuke 24:1,3,6,9,12Luke 24:1,3,6,9,12–  –37 w ords (pp.37 words (pp.88-90)88-90)

l Luke 24:40,42,51-53Luke 24:40,42,51-53–  –23 w ords23 words

(pp . 90 -91 )(pp . 90 -91 )l Mat t hew 27:21 (pp. 91-92)Mat t hew 27:21 (pp. 91-92)

l Mat t hew 28:11 (pp. 92-93)Mat t hew 28:11 (pp. 92-93)

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Burgon Defended t he Tradi t ional TextAga inst t he West c o t t & Hor t Tex t i n

These Verses:

l Luk e 9:55-56 (p. 93)Luk e 9:55-56 (p. 93)

l Luk e 24:41 (p . 93)Luk e 24:41 (p . 93)

l Luk e 6 :1 (pp. 93-98)Luk e 6 :1 (pp. 93-98)

l 1 T imothy 3 :16 ( "God man i fes t in the1 T imothy 3 :16 ( "God man i fes t in the

f le sh" ) (pp. 98-106 , and pp. 424 -491f le sh" ) (pp. 98-106 , and pp. 424 -491 ))l 2 Pet er 2 :22 (p. 106)2 Pet er 2 :22 (p. 106)

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Burgon ’s Ev idenc e o f “God

m an ifest in t he f lesh” (1

T im ot hy 3 :16)

Evidenc e fo r THEOS (" God" )Evidenc e fo r THEOS (" God" )

N.T. Greek Manusc r ip t sN.T. Greek Manusc r ip t s((Lec t ionar ies & CopiesLec t ionar ies & Copies) =) = 289289

Anc ient N.T. Vers ionsAnc ient N.T. Vers ions == 33

Greek Churc h Fat hersGreek Churc h Fat hers == c . 20c . 20

To ta l :Tot a l : * ** * 3 1 2312

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Burgon ’s Ev idenc e o f “God

m an ifest in t he f lesh” (1

T im ot hy 3 :16)

Evidenc e for HO (" w hic hEv idenc e for HO (" w hic h" )" )

N.T. Greek Manusc r ip t s =N.T. Greek Manusc r ipt s = 11

Anc ient N.T. Vers ions =Anc ient N.T. Vers ions = 55

Greek Churc h Fat hers =Greek Churc h Fat hers = 22Tota l :Tot a l : * ** * 77

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Burgon ’s Ev idenc e o f “God

m an ifest in t he f lesh” (1

T im ot hy 3 :16)

Evidenc e for HOS (" w hoEvidenc e for HOS (" w ho")" )

N.T. Greek Manusc r ip t s =N.T. Greek Manusc r ipt s = 66Anc ient N.T. Vers ions =Anc ient N.T. Vers ions = 11

Greek Churc h Fat hers =Greek Churc h Fat hers = 00

Tota l :Tot a l : * ** * 77

[Dean J ohn W. Burgon,[Dean J ohn W. Burgon, Revis i on Revise d Revis i on Revised ,,

pp. 486-496 ].pp. 486 -496 ].

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Burgon ’s Ev idenc e o f “God

m an ifest in t he f lesh” (1

T im ot hy 3 :16)“I t has been the ru in o f the presentI t has been the ru in o f the presentunder tak ingunder tak ing–  –as far as t he Sac red Tex t isas far as the Sacred Text i sconcernedconcerned–   –t hattha t the major i ty o f the Rev is ion is tthe major i ty o f the Rev is ion is tbody have been mis led throughout by thebody have been mis led throughout by theoracu la r decrees and impetuous advocacy o fo racu la r decrees and impetuous advocacy o fDrs . Westcot t and Hor t , whoDrs . Westcot t and Hor t , who , w i th the pures t, w i th the pures t

in tent ions [???] and most laudable indust ry ,in tent ions [???] and most laudable indust ry ,

have cons t ruc ted a Tex t demons t rab l y morehave cons t ruc ted a Tex t demons t rab l y moreremote f rom the Evange l i c ver i t y than anyremote f rom the Evange l i c ver i t y than anyw hich has ever yet seen t he l igh tw h ich has ever ye t seen the l igh t ..” [Dean J ohn[Dean J ohnW. Bur gon ,W. Bu rgo n, Revis ion Revised Revis io n Revised , p. 110 ]., p. 110] .

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The Error o f “Al te rna t i ve


“What e lse must be the resu l t o f a l lWhat e lse must be the resu l t o f a l lth i s bu t genera l uncer ta in ty ,th i s bu t genera l uncer ta in ty ,

confus ion, d is t ress?confus ion, d is t ress? A hazy mis t rus tA hazy mis t rus to f a l l Scr ip ture has been ins inuatedof a l l Scr ip ture has been ins inuatedin to t he hear ts and minds of c ount lessin to t he hear ts and minds o f c ount less

mi l l i ons , who in th i s way have beenmi l l i ons , who in th i s way have been

fo rced  fo rced   t o become doub te rs ,to become doubters ,–   –ye,ye,doubters in the Truth o f Reve la t iondoubters in the Truth o f Reve la t ion

i tse l fi t se l f ..” [Dean John W. Burgon,[Dean John W. Burgon,

Revision Revis ed Revis ion Revised , p. 237] ., p. 237 ].

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Lachmann ’s Tex t ua l Theory


’ss ru l i ng p r inc ip le then , wasru l ing p r inc ip le then , was

ex c lus ive rel i ance on a ve ry few anc ien tex c lus ive re l i ance on a ve ry few anc ien t

au tho r i t i esau tho r i t i es–   – because  because   t hey a rethey a re ‘anc ien t .anc ien t .’

He cons t ruc ted h i s t ex t on th ree o rHe cons t ruc ted h i s t ex t on th ree o r

fourfou r–   –not in f requent ly onnot in f requent ly on one o r  one o r  t w o t w o –  – Greek cod icesGreek cod i ces .. Of the GreekOf the Greek

Fathers , he re l ied onFathers , he re l ied on Or igenOri gen . Of t he. Of t heo ldes t Vers ions , he cared on ly fo r theo ldes t Vers ions , he cared on ly fo r the

Lat in . To t he Syr ian . . . he pa id noLat in . To t he Syr ian . . . he pa id noa t ten t i on .a t ten t i on . We ven tu re to th ink h i sWe ven tu re to th ink h i sme th o dme th o d i r ra t i ona l  i r ra t i ona l  ..” [Dean John W.[Dean John W.

Burgon,Burgon, Revis io n Revise d Revis i on Revised , pp . 242-43 ]., pp. 242 -43 ].

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Trege l les ’ Tex t ua l Theory

“Tregel lesTrege l les adop ted t he sam e s t range met hod .adop ted t he sam e s t range me t hod.

He resor ted to a very few ou t o f the en t i reHe resor ted to a very few ou t o f the en t i re

mass o fmass o f ‘anc ien t Au tho r i t i esanc ien t Au tho r i t i es ’ fo r thefo r thec onst ruc t ion o f h i s Tex t . H is p roc eed ing i sc ons t ruc t ion o f h i s Tex t . H is p roceed ing i s

exac t l y t ha t o f a man , whoexac t l y t ha t o f a man , who–   –in order t ha t hein o rder tha t hemay the be t te r exp lo re a compara t i ve l ymay the be t te r exp lo re a compara t i ve l y

unknown reg ionunknown reg ion–   –begins by put t ing out bo t hbeg ins by pu t t ing ou t bo th

h is eyes; and reso lu te ly re fuses the he lp o fh is eyes; and reso lu te ly re fuses the he lp o f

t he na t i ves t o show h im the w aythe na t i ves t o show h im the w ay ..  Why Why  hehere jec t ed t he t es t im ony o fre jec t ed t he t es t im ony o f every Fa t her o f t he  every Fa t her o f t he  

4 th cen tu ry excep t Euseb ius  4 th cen tu ry excep t Euseb ius  ,,–  –i t w erei t w e r e

unpro f i tab le to enqu i re .unpro f i tab le to enqu i re .” [Dean John W.[Dean John W.

Burgon,Burgon, Revis i on Revis ed Revis ion Revised , p . 243] ., p. 243] .

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Tischendor f ’s Tex t ua l Theory

(1831 A.D.)

“T ischendor fT ischendor f , t he las t and by fa r t he ab les t o f, t he las t and by fa r t he ab les t o f

t he th ree,t he t h ree , knew be t t e r t han t o re jec tknew bet t e r t han t o re jec t ‘e igh ty -  e igh ty -  

n ine n ine t ie ths  n ine n ine t ie ths  ’ o f t he ex tan t w i t nesses .o f t he ex t ant w i t nesses . HeHe

had recourse to the ingen ious exped ien t o fhad recourse to the ingen ious exped ien t o fadduc ing  adduc ing   a l l the ava i lab le ev idence, bu ta l l the ava i lab le ev idence, bu t

adop t ing  adop t ing   j us t as l i t t l e o f i t as he chose ; and jus t as l i t t le o f i t as he c hose; and

hehe chose  chose   t o adop t t hose readings on ly , w h icht o adop t t hose readings on ly , w h ich

are vouched fo r by the same l i t t l e band o fa re vouched fo r by the same l i t t l e band o f

au thor i t i esau thor i t i es whose pa r t i a l t es t imony hadwhose pa r t i a l t es t imony hada l ready p roved fa ta l to the decrees o fa l ready p roved fa ta l to the decrees o f

LachmannLachmann andand Trege l lesTrege l les ..” [Dean John W.[Dean John W.

Burgon,Burgon, Revis i on Revis ed Revis ion Revised , p . 243] ., p. 243] .

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Sum m ary of t he las t Three

Theor ies

“Enough has been sa id to showEnough has been sa id t o show –  –(t he( theon ly po in t we are bent onon ly po in t we are bent ones tab l i shmentes tab l i shment–   –t hattha t t he one d is t i nc t i vet he one di st i nc t i ve

t ene t o f the t h ree mos t famous Cr it i cst ene t o f the t h ree mos t fam ous Cr i t i css ince 1831 has been a supers t i t iouss ince 1831 has been a supers t i t i ousreverence fo r w hat ever i s found in t hereverence fo r w hat ever i s found in t he

same l i t t le handfu l o f ear ly ,same l i t t le handfu l o f ear ly ,–  – butbut not not the ear l i es t ,the ear l ies t ,–   – nor ye t o f necess i ty the  nor ye t o f necess i ty the  purest ,purest ,–  – documentsdocumen ts ..” [Dean John W.[Dean John W.Burgon,Burgon, Revision Revised Revi sion Revi sed , p. 244] ., p. 244 ].

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Errors o f t he las t Three

Theor ies

“‘Strange,St range,’ w e v e n tu r e t o e x c l a im ,w e v e n tu r e t o e x c l a im ,

(address ing the l i v ing(address ing the l i v ing representarepresen ta --

t i vest i ves o f t he sc hoo l o fo f the schoo l o f Lac hmannLachmann ,,andand Trege l lesTrege l les , and, and T isc hendor fT ischendor f ) :):–  – 

‘Strange,St range,’ tha t you shou ld no ttha t you shou ld no tpe rc e ive t ha tpe rc e ive t ha t you are the dupes o f ayou are the dupes o f afa l lacyfa l l acy wh ich i s even t ranspa ren t .wh ich i s even t ranspa ren t .

YouYou t a l k  t a l k  ofo f ‘Ant iqu i t yAn t i qu i t y ..’ But you m us tBu t you mus tknow ve ry we l l t ha t you ac tua l l yknow ve ry we l l t ha t you ac tua l l y

mean  mean  som et h in d i f fe rent .som et h in d i f fe rent .

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Errors o f t he las t Three

Theor ies

“You fas ten upon three, or perhapsYou fas ten upon three, or perhapsfour ,four,–  –on t w o, or perhaps t hree,on t w o, or perhaps t hree,–   –onon one,one,or perhaps two or perhaps two ,,–  –doc um ent s of t he 4t hdocuments o f the 4 thor 5 t h c ent ury . But t hen, c onfessedly ,or 5 t h c ent ury . But t hen, c onfessedly ,

these are one, two, three, or fourthese are one, two, three, or fourspec imens on ly  spec imens on ly   of Ant iqu i ty ,o f Ant iqu i ty ,–   –notnot‘Ant iqu i t yAn t iqu i t y

’i t se l fi t se l f .. And wha t i f t heyAnd wha t i f t hey

should even prove to beshould even prove to be unfa i r samples  unfa i r samples  of Ant iqu i tyo f Ant iqu i ty?? . . .. . .’” [Dean John W.[Dean John W.Burgon,Burgon, Revis ion Revised Revis ion Revised , p. 244] ., p. 244] .

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Erro rs in Dr. Ho rt ’s Theory

“. . . Dr . Hort in forms us that. . . Dr . Hort in forms us that

LachmannLachmann ’ss Tex t o f 1831 wasTex t o f 1831 was ‘t het he

f i rs t founded on documentaryf i rs t founded on documentaryau thor i t yau thor i t y ..’ . . .. . . OnOn w h a t  w h a t   then, pray,then, pray,

does t he learned Professor im aginedoes t he learned Professor im agine

that the Texts o f Erasmus (1516)that the Texts o f Erasmus (1516)and ofand o f Stun icaStun ica (1522) were(1522) were

founded: H is s t a t em ent isfounded: H is s t a t em ent is

incor rec tincor rec t ..

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Erro rs in Dr. Ho rt ’s Theory

“The ac tua l d i f f e rence be tweenThe ac tua l d i f f e rence be tween

LachmannLachmann ’ss Tex tTex t and those o fand those o f

the ear l ie r Ed i to rs i s tha tthe ear l ie r Ed i to rs i s tha t his h is ‘documenta ry au tho r i t ydocumenta ry au tho r i t y ’ i si s

par t ia l , nar row, se l f -par t ia l , nar row, se l f -

con t rad ic to ry ; and i s p roved tocon t rad ic to ry ; and i s p roved to

be un t rus two r thybe un t rus twor thy by a f reeby a f ree

appea l t o Ant iqui t y .appea l t o Ant iqui t y .

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Erro rs in Dr. Ho rt ’s Theory

“ The i r  The i r   documentary author i ty , der iveddocumentary author i ty , der ivedf rom independent sources,f rom independent sources,–   –t houghthoughpar t i a l and nar row as tha t on wh ichpar t ia l and nar row as tha t on wh ichLachmannLachmann re l ied,re l ied,–  –ex hib i t s (exh ib i t s (under the under the 

good Providence of God good Providence of God , ) a Tradi t ional, ) a Tradi t ionalTex t , the genera l pur i ty o f wh ich i sTex t , the genera l pur i ty o f wh ich i sdemonst ra t ed by al l t he ev idenc e w h ichdemonst ra t ed by a l l t he ev idenc e w h ich350 years of subsequent research have350 years of subsequent research have

succeeded in accumula t ing ;succeeded in accumula t ing ; and wh ichand wh ichis confessedly the Text of A.D. 375.is confessedly the Text of A.D. 375.”[Dean John W. Burgon,[Dean John W. Burgon, Revision Revis ion Revised Revised , p. 250 ]., p. 250] .

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Error s o f “I nt r insi c &

Transc r ip t iona l Probab i l i t y ”

“The d isser ta t ion onThe d isser ta t ion on ‘In t r ins icIn t r ins ic ’ andand

‘Transcr ip t iona l P robab i l i t yTranscr ip t iona l P robab i l i t y’ w h i c hw h i c h

fo l lows (pp. 20-30)fo l lows (pp. 20-30)–  –be ingbe ingunsuppor ted by one s ing le ins tance  unsuppor ted by one s ing le ins tance  

o r i l l us t ra t ion  o r i l l ust ra t ion  ,,–  –w e pass by .w e pass by . I t ignoresI t ignoresth roughou t , the fac t , t ha t the mos tth roughou t , the fac t , t ha t the mos t

ser ious cor rup t ions o f MSS are dueser ious cor rup t ions o f MSS are duenot no t  t ot o ‘Scr ibesScr ibes ’ oror ‘Copyis ts ,Copy is ts ,’ . . . but. . . butt o t he pe rsons w ho em p loyed t hemt o t he pe rsons w ho em p loyed t hem . .. .

. .. .

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Error s o f “I nt r insi c &

Transc r ip t ional Probab i l i t y”

“Le t the s tudy o fLe t the s tudy o f Documentary  Documentary  Ev idence Ev idence  be a l l ow ed t o t ak e i t sbe a l l ow ed t o t ak e i t s

p lace .p lace . Not ions o fNot ions o f ‘Probabi l i tyProbab i l i ty ’

are the very pes t o f theseare the very pes t o f these

depa r tmen ts o f Sc ience wh ichdepa r tmen ts o f Sc ience wh ich

admi t o f an appea l toadmi t o f an appea l to Fact  Fact  ..”[Dean J ohn W. Burgon,[Dean J ohn W. Burgo n, Revis ion Revis ion Revised Revised , pp . 251-52 ]., pp . 251-52 ].

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Error s o f “Genealog ica l

Ev idence”

“High t ime howeve r i s i t t oH igh t ime howeve r i s i t t odec la re t ha t , in s t r i c t ness , a l l t h isdec la re t ha t , in s t r i c t ness , a l l th is

t a l k abou tt a l k abou t ‘Genea log ic a l ev idenc eGenea log ic a l ev idenc e ’

when app l ied to Manusc r ip ts i swhen app l ied to Manusc r ip ts i smoonsh ine  moonsh ine  . . . .But then, i t. . . .But then, i t

happens, unfor tunate ly , tha thappens, un fo r tuna te ly , tha t w ew eare unacqua in ted w i tha re unacqua in ted w i th one s ing le  one s ing le  i ns tance  i ns tance   o f a known MS cop iedo f a known MS cop ied

f rom ano the r k now n MSf rom ano t her k now n MS..

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Error s o f “I nt r insi c &

Transc r ip t ional Probab i l i t y”

“And per fo rce a l l ta lk aboutAnd per fo rce a l l ta lk about‘Genealog ica l ev idenceGenealog ica l ev idence,,’ wherewh e r e

no s ing le s tep in the descent  no s ing le s tep in the descent  can be p roduced,can be produced,–   –in ot herin o therwo rds ,wo rds , where no Genea log ica l  where no Genea log ica l  

ev idence ex is ts  ev idence ex is ts  ,,–  – is absurdis absurd ..”[Dean John W. Burgon,[Dean John W. Burgon, Revision Revision Revised Revised , pp . 255-56 ]., pp . 255-56 ].

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Error s o f “Genealog ica l

Ev idence” I l l us t ra ted

“The l i v ing inhabi tants o f a v i l lage,The l i v ing inhabi tants o f a v i l lage,congregated in the churchyard wherecongregated in the churchyard where

the bodies o f the i r forgot tenthe bodies o f the i r forgot tenprogeni tors for 1000 years reposeprogeni tors for 1000 years repose

w i thou t memor ia l s o f any k ind ,w i thout memor ia ls o f any k ind ,–   –is ais afa in t image o f the re la t ion wh ichfa in t image o f the re la t ion wh ich

subs is ts be tween ex tan t cop ies o f thesubs is ts be tween ex tan t cop ies o f theGospels and the sources f rom whichGospels and the sources f rom whichthey were der ivedthey were der ived..” [Dean John W.[Dean John W.

Burgon,Burgon, Revis ion Revised Revis ion Revised , p. 256] ., p. 256] .

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“Conf la t ion ” Verses Answ ered

“The fo l low ingThe fo l low ing 8 verses alone are of fered as8 verses alone are of fered asa l leged examples in Westcot t andal leged examples in Westcot t and Hor tHort ’ssIn t roduct ion  In t roduct ion  :: (1) Mark 6:33; (2) Mark 8:26;(1) Mark 6:33; (2) Mark 8:26;(3) Mark 9:38; (4) Mark 9:49; (5) Luke 9:10;(3) Mark 9:38; (4) Mark 9:49; (5) Luke 9:10;

(6) Luke 11:54; (7) Luke 12:18; (8) Luke(6) Luke 11:54; (7) Luke 12:18; (8) Luke24:53.24:53. [[##1, 2, 5, 6, & 7 don' t even exhibi t##1, 2, 5, 6, & 7 don' t even exhibi tt he phenomenont he phenom enon.].]

“The in terpre ta t ion put upon them by Drs .The in terpre ta t ion put upon them by Drs .West c ot t and Hor t , is pure ly arb i t rary : aWest c ot t and Hor t , is pure ly arb i t rary : abaseless im aginat ion,baseless imaginat ion,–  –a dream and not hinga dream and noth ingmoremore ..” [Dean John W. Burgon,[Dean John W. Burgon, Revision Revis ion Revised Revised , pp . 258-262] ., pp . 258-262] .

“ t

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e a se “ yr an ex t

Recens ion” (250 & 350 A.D.)

Refu tedHor t & Wes tco t t w ro te :Ho r t & Wes tco t t w ro te : “The Syr ianThe Syr ianTex t mus t i n fac t be the resu l t o f aTex t mus t i n fac t be the resu l t o f a

‘Recension,Recension,’ . . . performed. . . performeddel iberate ly by Edi tors, and notdel iberate ly by Edi tors, and notm ere ly by Sc r ibes.m ere ly by Sc r ibes.” (( In t roduc t ion  In t roduc t ion  , p ., p.

133133 ). Dean Burgon answ ers:). Dean Burgon answ ers:“ButBut

w hy w hy   ‘mustmus t ’ i t ? Inst ead ofi t ? Inst ead of ‘must i n  mus t i n  f ac t  f ac t  ,,’ we are d isposed to readwe are d isposed to read‘

m ay may–  –in f ic t ion in f i c t ion  ..’

“ t

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e a se “ yr an ex t

Recens ion” (250 & 350 A.D.)

Refu ted“The lea rned Cr i t i c c an bu t m ean t ha t ,The lea rned Cr i t i c c an bu t m ean t ha t , ononc om par ing the Tex t o f Fa t he rs o f the 4 thc ompar ing t he Tex t o f Fa the rs of t he 4t h

cen tu ry w i th t he Tex t o f codex B , i tcen tu ry w i th t he Tex t o f codex B , i tbec om es to h im se l f se l f -ev iden t t ha tbec om es to h im se l f se l f -ev ident t ha t one one o f t h e t w o  o f t h e t w o  has been fabr ic a t ed . Gran t ed .has been fabr ic a t ed . Gran t ed .

Then,Then,–  –Why shou ld no tWhy shou ld not the so l i ta ry Codex  the so l i ta ry Codex  

be t he o f fend ing par t y? . . .be t he o f fend ing par t y? . . . w hy w hy  (w e ask )(w e ask )shou ldshou ld c odex  c odex   B be uphe ldB be uphe ld

‘con t ramundumcon t ramundum ’??” [Dean John W.[Dean John W.

Burgon,Burgon, Revis io n Revise d Revis i on Revised , pp . 272-73 ]., pp. 272 -73 ].

e a se “ r an e t

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e a se “ yr an ex t

Recens ion” (250 & 350 A.D.)

Refu ted“Apar t how ever f rom t he gross in t r ins icApar t how ever f rom t he gross in t r ins icimprobabi l i ty o f the supposedimprobabi l i ty o f the supposed

Recension,Recension,–  –t he ut t er absenc e of onethe u t te r absence o f onepar t ic le o f ev idence, t rad i t iona l orpar t i c le o f ev idence, t rad i t iona l o r

o therw ise , tha t i t ever d id take p lace ,o therw ise , tha t i t ever d id take p lace ,must be la id to be fa ta l to themust be la id to be fa ta l to the

hypothes is tha t i thypothes is tha t i t did d id . I t i s s im ply. I t i s s im plyincred ib le tha t an inc ident o f suchincred ib le tha t an inc ident o f suchmagn i tude and in te res t wou ld leave nomagn i tude and in te res t wou ld leave no

t race o f i t se l f in h ist o ryt race o f i t se l f in h is t o ry ..

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The Im port anc e o f Re fut ing the

False “Recens ion” Theory

“We have been so fu l l onWe have been so ful l on t he sub jec tt he sub jec to f th is imaginaryof th is imaginary ‘Ant ioch ianAnt ioch ian’ oror‘Syr ian t ex tSyr ian tex t ,,

’not (t he reader m ay benot (t he reader m ay be

sure) wi thout suf f i c ient reason.sure) wi thout suf f i c ient reason.Scant sa t i s fac t ion t ru ly i s there inScant sa t i s fac t ion t ru ly i s there in

scat te r ing to the w inds an a i ryscat te r ing to the w inds an a i ryt issue which i ts ingen ious authorst i ssue wh ich i ts ingen ious au thorshave beenhave been industr ious ly weaving forindust r ious ly w eaving for30 years30 years;;

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The Im port anc e o f Re fut ing the

False “Recens ion” Theory

“But i t i s c l ea r t hatBu t i t i s c l ea r t ha t w i t h t h i s hypot hes i s of aw i t h t h i s hypot hesi s o f a

‘Syr ianSyr ian ’ t e x t ,t e x t , –   –t he im m edia t e sourc e andthe immed ia te sou rce and

ac tua l p ro to type o f t he common ly rece i vedac tua l p ro to type o f t he common ly rece i ved

Tex t o f the N .T . ,Text o f the N.T . ,–   – s tands or fa l l s the i r en t i re  s tands o r fa l l s the i r en t i re  Tex tua l t heo ry  Tex tua l t heo ry  . Re jec t i t , and t he en t i re. Re jec t i t , and t he en t i re

fabr ic i s observed to co l lapse, and subs idefabr ic i s observed to co l lapse, and subs ide

in t o a shape less ru in . And w i t h i t , o fin t o a shape less ru in . And w i t h i t , o f

necess i ty , goes thenecess i ty , goes the‘New Greek Tex tN ew G reek Tex t ,,

’ –  –andand

there fo re thethere fo re the ‘New Eng l ish Vers ion  New Eng l ish Vers ion  ’ of ouro f ourRev is ion is ts , wh ich in the ma in has beenRev is ion is ts , wh ich in the ma in has been

founded on i t .founded on i t .” [Dean John W. Burgon,[Dean John W. Burgon,

Revis ion Revis ed Revis ion Revis ed , p . 294] ., p. 294] .

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Wes tc o t t & Hort ’s Adm iss ion

t hat t he T.R. is 4 t h Cent ury

“The fundamen ta l t ex t o f t heThe fundamen ta l t ex t o f t he

la te ex tan t Greek MSSla te ex tan t Greek MSS

genera l ly is , beyond a l lgenera l ly is , beyond a l lques t ion , i den t i ca l w i th [wha tques t ion , i den t i ca l w i th [wha t

Dr . Hor t chooses to ca l l ] theDr . Hor t chooses to ca l l ] the

dominan tdominan t An t ioch ianAn t ioc h ian o ror Graec oGraeco--

Syr ian t ex t o f t he sec ond ha l f o fSyr ian t ex t o f t he sec ond ha l f o f

t he 4 th c ent u ryt he 4 t h c en t u ry . . .. . .

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West c o t t & Hort ’s Adm iss ion

t hat t he T.R. is 4 t h Cent ury

“TheThe Ant ioch ianAnt ioch ian [and o ther ] Fathers ,[and o ther ] Fathers ,andand the bu lk o f ex tan t MSSthe bu lk o f ex tan t MSS, w r i t t en, w r i t t enf rom about th ree or four , to ten orf rom about th ree or four , to ten ore leven c entur ies la te r ,e leven c entur ies la te r , m us t have hadm ust have had ,,in the grea ter number o f ex tan tin the grea ter number o f ex tan tvar ia t ions ,var ia t ions , a common or ig ina la common or ig ina l e i ther  e i ther  contemporary w i th , o r o lder than, our  contemporary w i th , o r o lder than, our  o ldes t ex t an t MSS o ldes t ex t ant MSS ..” [West co t t & H or t ,[West co t t & Ho rt ,In t roduct ion to the Greek N.T.In t roduct ion to the Greek N.T., p. 92., p. 92.quoted by Dean John W. Burgon,quoted by Dean John W. Burgon,

Revision Revis ed Revis ion Revised , p. 295] ., p. 295 ].

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Burgon Agrees on 4 t h Cent ury

dat e for t he T.R.

“So far then, happi ly , we are ent i re lySo far then, happi ly , we are ent i re lyagreed. The only quest ion isagreed. The only quest ion is–  – H o w i sH o w i s

th is resemblance to be accounted fo r?th is resemblance to be accounted fo r?Not Not , we answer ,, we answer ,–   – not not , cer ta in ly , by, cer ta in ly , by

put t ing fo rward so v io len t andput t ing fo rward so v io len t andimprobableimprobable–  –asas i r ra t iona l  i r ra t iona l   a con jec tu rea con jec tu re

as that , f i rs t , about A.D. 250,as that , f i rs t , about A.D. 250,–  –and t henand thenagain about A.D. 350,again about A.D. 350,–  –an aut hor i t a t ivean author i ta t i ves tandard Tex t was fabr i ca ted a ts tandard Tex t was fabr i ca ted a t

Ant ioch; o f w hich a l l o ther k now n MSS.Ant ioc h; o f w hich a l l o ther k now n MSS.

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Burgon Agrees on 4 t h Cent ury

dat e for t he T.R.

“(except a very l i t t le handfu l ) are(except a very l i t t le handfu l ) arenoth ing e lse bu t t ranscr ip ts ; bu tno th ing e lse bu t t ranscr ip ts ; bu t

rather , by loyal ly recogniz ing, in therather , by loyal ly recogniz ing, in theprac t i ca l ident i t y o f t he Tex t exh ib i t edprac t i ca l ident i t y o f t he Tex t exh ib it edby 99 out o f 100 o f our ex t ant MSS, t heby 99 out o f 100 o f our ex t ant MSS, t heprobable genera l f ide l i ty o f thoseprobable genera l f ide l i ty o f those

many manusc r ip tsmany manusc r ip ts to the insp i red  to the insp i red  exemp la rs themse lves f rom wh ich  exemp la rs themse lves f rom wh ich  remote ly they are confessed ly  remote ly they are confessed ly  descended descended ..

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Burgon Agrees on 4 t h Cent ury

dat e for t he T.R.

“And surely i f i t be a l low ab le t o assum e (w i t hAnd sure ly i f i t be a l low ab le t o assume (w i t hDr. Hor t ) that for 1532 years, (v iz . f rom A.D.Dr. Hor t ) that for 1532 years, (v iz . f rom A.D.350 to A.D. 1882) the350 to A.D. 1882) the Ant ioch ian  An t ioch ian   s tandards tandard

has been fa i th fu l l y re ta ined andhas been fa i th fu l l y re ta ined andt r ansm i t t ed ,t ransmi t ted ,–   –i t w i l l be im poss ib le t o ass igni t w i l l be imposs ib le to ass ignany va l id reason why the insp i red Or ig ina lany va l id reason why the insp i red Or ig ina li t se l f , thei t se l f , the Aposto l i c  Aposto l i c   standard , shou ld nots tandard , shou ld nothave been as fa i th fu l l y t ransmi t ted andhave been as fa i th fu l l y t ransmi t ted and

re ta ined f rom the Apos to l i c age to there ta ined f rom the Apos to l i c age to theAn t ioch ianAnt iochian [ f rom A.D. 90 to A.D. 250-350][ f rom A.D. 90 to A.D. 250-350]–  –i .e .i .e.t h roughout an in t erva l o f less than 250 years ,t h roughout an in t erva l o f less than 250 years ,o ro r one-s ix th  one-s ix th   of the per iod .o f the per iod .” [Dean John W.[Dean John W.Burgon,Burgon, Revis i on Revis ed Revis ion Revised , pp. 295 -96] ., pp . 295-96 ].

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More on t he “Recens ion” Theory

“Drs. West c ot t and Hor t assum e t hatDrs . West c ot t and Hor t assum e t hat

th i sth i s ‘Ant ioch ianAnt ioch ian tex tt e x t ’ –  –found in t hefound in thela t er c urs ives and t he Fat hers of t hela t er c urs ives and t he Fat hers of t he

la t te r ha l f o f the 4 th centuryla t te r ha l f o f the 4 th century–   –mustmustbe anbe an ar t i f i c ia l  a r t i f i c ia l  , an, an arb i t rar i ly  arb i t rar i ly  invented invented st andard; a t ex ts t andard; a t ex t fabr ica ted  fabr ica ted  bet w een A.D. 250 and A.D. 350. Andbet w een A.D. 250 and A.D. 350. And

i f they m ay but be so for t unat e as t oi f they m ay but be so for t unat e as t opersuade the wor ld to adopt the i rpersuade the wor ld to adopt the i rhypothes is , t hen a l l w i l l be easyhypothes is , t hen al l w i l l be easy ;;

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More on t he “Recens ion” Theory

“for t hey w i l l have reduc ed thefor t hey w i l l have reduc ed thesupposedsupposed ‘consent o f Fathersconsent o f Fathers ’

to the reproduct ion o f one andto the reproduct ion o f one andthe same s ing lethe same s ing le ‘pr imarypr imarydocumenta ry w i tnessdocumenta ry w i tness’: . . .: . . .

Upset Upset   the hypothes is on thethe hypothes is on theother hand, and a l l is reversedother hand, and a l l is reversedin a m om entin a mom ent ..

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More on t he “Recens ion” Theory

“Every a t tes t ing Fa ther i s perce ived to be aEvery a t tes t ing Fa ther i s perce ived to be adat ed MS. and an independent au t hor i t y ; anddat ed MS. and an independent au t hor i t y ; and

the combined ev idence o f severa l o f thesethe combined ev idence o f severa l o f thesebec om es s imp ly unmanageab le. In l i k ebecom es s imp ly unmanageab le. In l i ke

manner ,manner ,‘

t he app rox ima te consen t o f t hethe approx ima te consen t o f t hecurs ivescurs ives ’ . . . i s perce ived to be equiva lent. . . is perce ived to be equiva lent



ORIGINAL,ORIGINAL,’ –  –but t o be t an t am ount t o t hebu t t o be t an tamoun t t o t hea r t i cu la te speech o fa r t i cu la te speech o f many  many   w i tnessesw i t nesses of h igh  o f h igh  

cha r ac te r  cha r ac te r  , c oming t o us, c oming t o us f rom every quar te r  f rom every quar te r  ofo f

p r im i t i ve Chr i s tendom.pr im i t i ve Chr i s tendom.” [Dean John W.[Dean John W.

Burgon,Burgon, Revis i on Revis ed Revis ion Revised , pp . 29 6-97, pp . 296-97 ].] .

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The Vat ic an (“B”) Manusc r ip tDescr ibed

“Beho ld then t he a lt a r a t w h ich Cop ies ,Beho ld then t he a lt a r a t w h ich Cop ies ,Fathers, Vers ions, are a l l to beFathers, Vers ions, are a l l to be

ru th less ly sacr i f i ced ,ru th less ly sacr i f i ced,–   –t he t r ibunal f romthe t r ibunal f romwhich there sha l l be abso lu te ly nowhich there sha l l be abso lu te ly no

appeal ,appeal ,–  –the Orac le w hic h is t o s i lenc ethe Orac le wh ich i s to s i lenceevery doubt , resolve every r idd le,every doubt , resolve every r idd le,

sm ooth aw ay every d i ff i cu l t y . A l l hassm oot h aw ay every d i f f ic u l t y . A l l hasbeen s ta ted, where the name has beenbeen s ta ted, where the name has beenpronounced ofpronounced of–   –c odex Bcodex B ..” [Dean John[Dean John

W. Burgon ,W. Bur gon, Revis ion Revised Revis ion Revised , p. 301] ., p. 301] .

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Fal lac y of Worsh ip ing “B”

“And yet , theAnd yet , the ‘immuni ty f romimmuni ty f romsubstant ive er rorsubstant ive er ror ’ of a lost Codex ofof a lost Codex ofimaginary  imaginary   date anddate and unknown  unknown   h is to ryh is to rycannot bu t be a pure imag inat ion ,cannot but be a pure imaginat ion,–   –(a(a

mis taken one, as we sha l l p resent lymis taken one, as we sha l l p resent lyshow, )show,)–   –of t hese respec t ed Cr i t ic s :o f these respec ted Cr i t i cs :w h i le t he ir p roposed prac t i c a l infe rencew hi le t he ir p roposed prac t i ca l in ferenc e

f rom i t ,f rom i t ,–   –(v iz. t o regard t w o rem ot e and(v iz . to regard two remote andconfessedly depraved Copies of thatconfessedly depraved Copies of thator ig inal , asor ig inal , as ‘a safe c r i te r ion o f  a safe c r i te r ion o f  

genuineness,genuineness,’))–  – 

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Fal lac y of Worsh ip ing “B”

“t h is , a t a l l event s, is t he reverset h is , a t a l l events , is t he reverseof logic a l . In t he m eant im e, t heof logic a l . In t he m eant im e, t he

presumed prox imi ty o f the Textpresumed prox imi ty o f the Texto f A leph and B to the Aposto l ico f A leph and B to the Aposto l icage is hencefor th d iscoursed ofage is hencefor th d iscoursed of

as i f i t w ere no longer a m at t e r ofas i f i t w ere no longer a m at t e r ofcon jec tu recon jec tu re ..” [Dean John W.[Dean John W.Burgon,Burgon, Revis ion Revised Revis ion Revised , p ., p .

304] .304] .

Wh V i (“B”) & Si i

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Why Vat ic an (“B”) & Sina i

(“Aleph”) Survi ved

“Las t l y , We suspec t tha t these two Manuscr ip ts a reLas t l y , We suspec t tha t these two Manuscr ip ts a reindebted for the i r p reservat ion,indebted for the i r p reservat ion, so le ly to the i r  so le ly to the i r  ascer ta ined ev i l charac te r  ascer ta ined ev i l charac te r  ; wh ich has occas ioned; wh ich has occas ionedthat the one eventua l ly found i ts way, four centur iesthat the one eventua l ly found i ts way, four centur ies

ago, to a forgot ten she l f in the Vat ican l ib rary ; wh i leago, to a forgot ten she l f in the Vat ican l ib rary ; wh i lethe o ther , a f ter exerc is ing the ingenu i ty o f severa lthe o ther , a f ter exerc is ing the ingenu i ty o f severa lgenerat ions of c r i t ica l Correctors , eventual ly (v iz . ingenerat ions of c r i t ica l Correctors , eventual ly (v iz . inA.D. 1844) got deposi t ed in t he w astepaper basket o fA.D. 1844) got deposi ted in t he w astepaper basket o ft he Convent a t the foot o f Mount Sina i . Had B andt he Convent a t the foot o f Mount Sina i . Had B andAleph been cop ies o f average pur i ty , they must longAleph been cop ies o f average pur i ty , they must longs ince have shared the inev i tab le fat e o f books w h ichs ince have shared the inev i tab le fat e o f books w h ichare f reelyare f reely used used  and h ighly pr ized; nam ely , t hey w ouldand h ighly pr ized; nam ely , t hey w ouldhave fa l len in to decadence and d isappeared f romhave fa l len in to decadence and d isappeared f romsights igh t ..” [Dean John W. Burgon,[Dean John W. Burgon, Revision Revised Revis ion Revised ,,p.319]p.319]

P i V t i f V t i

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Prev ious Venera t ion o f Vat ic an

(“B”) & Sina i (“Aleph”)

“Since 1881, Ed i tors have v ied w i th oneSince 1881, Ed i tors have v ied w i th oneanother in the fu lsomeness of t he homage t heyanother in the fu lsomeness of t he homage t heyhave pa id to thesehave pa id to these ‘two fa lse Wi tnesses ,two fa lse Wi tnesses ,’ –  –forfor

such B and A lephsuch B and A leph are are , as the concur ren t, as the concur ren ttes t imony o f Copies , Fathers and Vers ionstes t imony o f Copies , Fathers and Vers ionsabundant ly prove. Even supers t i t iousabundant ly prove. Even supers t i t ious

reverence has been c la imed fo r these tworeverence has been c la imed fo r these two

codices ; and Drs . Westcot t and Hor t are so farcod ices ; and Drs . Westcot t and Hor t are so farin advance o f the i r predec essors in the serv i l i t yin advance o f the i r predec essors in the serv i l i t yo f the i r b l ind adu la t ion ; tha t they mus t beof the i r b l ind adu la t ion ; tha t they mus t bea l lowed to have eas i l y won the racea l l owed to have eas i l y won the race ..” [Dean[Dean

J ohn W. Burgon,J ohn W. Burgon, Revis ion Revised Revis ion Revised , pp. 319 -20 ], pp. 319 -20 ]

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“B” & “Aleph” & Supers t i t i on

“B Aleph C . . . But when I f ind them hopeless ly atB Aleph C . . . But when I f ind them hopeless ly atvar iance among themse lves  var iance among themse lves  : above a l l , when I f ind: above a l l , when I f ind

(1)(1) al l o ther Manuscr ip ts  a l l o ther Manuscr ip ts   of whatever date , (2) theof whatever date , (2) them ost anc ient Vers ions  m ost anc ient Vers ions  , and (3), and (3) t he w ho le body o f the  the w ho le body o f the  pr imi t ive Fathers  pr imi t ive Fathers  , dec ided ly opposed to them, I am, dec ided ly opposed to them, I am( to speak p la in ly ) a t a loss to unders tand how any( to speak p la in ly ) a t a loss to unders tand how any

man o f sound unders tand ing acqua in ted w i th a l l theman o f sound unders tand ing acqua in ted w i th a l l thefac ts o f t he case and accus tomed to exac tfac ts o f t he case and accus tomed to exac treason ing, c an hes i ta t e t o regard the unsuppor ted (orreason ing, c an hes i ta t e t o regard the unsuppor ted (ort het he slender ly  s lender ly   suppor ted) tes t im ony o f one or o ther o fsuppor ted) tes t im ony o f one or o ther o fthem asthem as s imp ly w or th less  s imp ly w or th less  . The c raven homage w hich. The c raven homage w hich

the foremost o f the three [ "B" ] hab i tua l ly rece ives a tthe foremost o f the three [ "B" ] hab i tua l ly rece ives a tt he hands of Drs . West c ot t and Hor t . I c an onlyt he hands of Drs . West c ot t and Hor t . I c an onlydesc r ibe as a w eak superst i t i on . I t i s someth ingdesc r ibe as a w eak superst i t i on. I t i s somet h ingm ore t han unreasonable . I t becom es evenm ore t han unreasonable . I t becom es evenr id icu lousr id icu lous ..” [Dean J ohn W. Burgo n,[Dean J ohn W. Burgo n, Revisi on Revised Revis i on Revised ,,

p. 325]p. 325]

Y C ’t C l d U i l

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You Can ’t Conc lude a Universa l

f rom a very few Par t i c u lars

[[Burgon d isagrees tha t Wes tco t t and Hor t canBurgon d isagrees tha t Wes tco t t and Hor t cantake a very smal l number o f par t i cu la rtake a very smal l number o f par t i cu la rexamples o f An t iqu i t y and conc lude aexamples o f An t iqu i t y and conc lude aUNIVERSAL about ALL Ant iqu i t yUNIVERSAL about ALL Ant iqu i t y . ].] He w rote :He w rote :

“To make them the bas is o f an induc t ion i sTo make them the bas is o f an induc t ion i sprepos terous . I t is no t a l low ab le t o in fe r t heprepos terous . I t i s no t al low ab le t o in fe r t heun iversa l f rom t he par t ic u lar . I f t he bones o fun iversa l f rom t he par t ic u lar . I f t he bones o fGo l iat h w ere t o be d isc overed tom or row , w ou ldGol iat h w ere t o be d iscovered tom or row , w ou ld

you propose as an induct ionyou propose as an induct ion theref romthere f rom tha t i tt ha t i twas the fash ion to wear four -and- twentywas the fash ion to wear four -and- twentyf ingers and toes on onef ingers and toes on one ’s hands and feet in t hes hands and feet in t hedays o f the g iant o fdays o f the g iant o f GathGath??” [Dean John W.[Dean John W.Burgon,Burgon, Revis ion Revised Revis io n Revised , pp . 329-30 ], pp. 329 -30 ]

B ’ Fi t h d M i t

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Burgon ’s Fi rs t hand Manusc r ip t

Com par isons of B, A leph, C & D

“On f i rs t ser ious ly app ly ing ourse lves t o t heseOn f i rs t ser ious ly app ly ing ourse lves t o t heses tud ies ,s tud ies , m any years agom any years ago,, w e found i t w ondrousw e found i t w ondrousd i f f i cu l t to d ives t ourse lves o f prepossess ionsd i f f i cu l t to d ives t ourse lves o f prepossess ionsvery l i ke your ow n. Turn w h ich w ay w e w ou ld ,ve ry l i ke your ow n. Turn w h ich w ay w e w ou ld ,

we were encoun te red by the same con f iden twe were encoun te red by the same con f iden tte rmino logy :termino logy :–   – ‘t he bes t documents ,the bes t documents ,’ — —‘pr imarypr imarymanusc r ip t s ,manusc r ip t s ,’ — —‘f i rs t - ra te author i t ies ,f i rs t - ra te author i t ies ,’---- ‘pr ima-pr ima-t i vet i ve ev idence,ev idence,’ — —‘anc ien t read ings ,anc ien t read ings ,’ –  –and soand sofor th : and w e found t ha t t hereby c od. A orfo r th : and w e found t ha t t hereby c od. A or

B,B,–  –c od. C or Dcod. C or D–  – were invar iab ly and exc lus ive ly  were invar iab ly and exc lus ive ly  meant  meant  . I t w as no t un t i l w e had labor ious ly. I t w as no t un t i l w e had labor ious lyco l la ted these documents ( inc lud ing A leph) forco l la ted these documents ( inc lud ing A leph) forou rse l ves tha t we became aware o f t he i r t rueourse l ves tha t we became aware o f t he i r t ruecha rac te rcha rac te r ..

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Burgon ’s Fi rs t hand Manusc r ip t

Com par isons of B, A leph, C & D

“Long before coming to the end of our task (andLong before coming to the end of our task (andi t occupied us, of f and on, for e ight years) wei t occupied us, of f and on, for e ight years) wehad become conv inced tha t the supposedhad become conv inced tha t the supposed ‘bestbestdocumentsdocuments’ andand ‘f i rs t - ra te author i t iesf i rs t - ra te author i t ies ’ are inare in

rea l i ty amongrea l i ty among t he wors t  the wors t  ::–  –. . . A d i l igent. . . A di l igentinspect ion o f a vast number o f la ter Copiesinspect ion o f a vast number o f la ter Copiesscat te red th roughout the pr inc ipa l l ib ra r ies o fsca t te red th roughout the pr inc ipa l l ib ra r ies o fEurope, and the ex ac t Col la t ion o f a few , fur therEurope, and the ex ac t Col la t ion o f a few , fur therconv inced us tha t the de ference genera l l yconv inced us tha t the de ference genera l l y

c laimed for B, Aleph, C, D is nothing else but aclaimed for B, Aleph, C, D is nothing else but aweak supers t i t ion and a vu lgar er ror :weak supers t i t ion and a vu lgar er ror :–   –t hat t het h a t t h edat e o f a MS. is not o f i t s essence, but is a m eredat e o f a MS. is not o f i t s essence, but is a m ereacc ident o f the problemacc ident o f t he problem..” [Dean J ohn W. Burgon,[Dean J ohn W. Burgon,Revisi on Revised Revisi on Revised , p. 337 ], p. 337 ]

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The Mind-Set of

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The Mind-Set of

West c o t t & Hor t Fo l low ers

“Phantom s o f t he imag ina t ion hencefor th usurpPhantom s o f t he imag ina t ion hencefor th usurpthe p lace o f subs tan t ia l fo rms.t he p lace o f subst an t ia l fo rms. In te rm inableIn te rminab ledoubt ,doubt ,–   –w ret c hedwre tched m isbe l i e fmisbel ief , - -chi ld ish,--chi ldishc redu l i t y ,c redu l i t y ,–   –  jud ic ia l b l indness, jud ic ia l b l indness,–  –are t he inev i t ab leare the inev i tab le

sequel and penal t y . The m ind t hat has longsequel and penal ty . The m ind t hat has longa l l owed i t se l f i n a sys temat i c t r i f l i ng w i tha l l owed i t se l f i n a sys temat i c t r i f l i ng w i thEv idence, i s observed to fa l l t he eas ies t prey t oEv idence, is observed to fa l l t he eas ies t prey t oImpos t ure . I t has doubted w hat i sImpos t ure . I t has doubt ed w hat i sdemonst rab ly  demonst rab ly   t rue : has re jec ted what i st rue : has re jec ted what i s

indub i tab ly  indub i tab ly   Div ine. Henc efor t h, i t is observedDiv ine. Henc efor t h, i t is observedto m is take i t s own fan tas t i c c rea t i ons fo rto m is take i t s own fan tas t i c c rea t i ons fo rh is to r i ca l fac t s ; t o be lieve t h ings w h ich res t onh is to r i ca l fac t s ; t o be lieve th ings w h ich res t oninsuf f ic ient ev idenc e, or on no ev idence a t a l linsuf f ic ient ev idenc e, or on no ev idence a t a l l ..”[ Dean John W. Burgon, Revision Revised , p. 350]

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No Com prom ise in t h is Ba t t le !

“Compromise o f any so r t be tween theCompromise o f any so r t be tween thetwo con f l i c t i ng pa r t i es , i s imposs ib letwo con f l i c t i ng pa r t i es , i s imposs ib le

a lso ; fo r they s imp ly con t rad ic t onea lso ; fo r they s imp ly con t rad ic t oneanother .ano ther . Codex B and A leph a re e i t herCodex B and A leph a re e i ther

among t he pu res t o f manusc r i p t s ,am ong t he pu rest o f manuscr ip t s ,–   –or e lseor e lset hey a re am ong t he very fou lest . Thet hey a re am ong t he very fou lest . TheTex t o f Drs . Wes tco t t and Hor t i s e i the rTex t o f Drs . Wes tco t t and Hor t i s e i the rthe ve ry bes t wh i ch has eve rthe ve ry bes t wh i ch has eve rappeared,appeared,–   –or e lse i t i s t he very w ors t ;o r e l se i t i s the ve ry wors t ;t he neares t t o t he sac red Au t og raphs ,t he neares t t o t he sac red Au tog raphs ,–   –orort he fu r thes t f rom t hem. There i s no roomt he fu r thes t f rom t hem. There i s no roomforfor both  bo th   op in ions ; and there c annot ex is top in ions ; and there c annot ex is tany m idd le g roundany midd le g round ..

N C i i t h i B t t l !

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No Com prom ise in t h is Ba t t le !

The quest ion wi l l have to be fought out ;The quest ion wi l l have to be fought out ;and i t m ust be fought out fa i r ly. I t m ay notand i t m ust be fought out fa i r ly. I t m ay notbe magis ter ia l ly set t led; but must bebe magis ter ia l ly set t led; but must beadvoc at ed, on e i ther s ide, by t he o ld logic a ladvoc at ed, on e i t her s ide, by t he o ld log ica lmethod. . . . The combatants may be suremethod. . . . The combatants may be sure

that , in consequence of a l l that hasthat , in consequence of a l l that hashappened, the publ ic wi l l be no longerhappened, the publ ic wi l l be no longerind i f fe rent specta tors o f the f ray ; for theind i f fe rent specta tors o f the f ray ; for theissue concerns the inner l i fe o f the wholeissue concerns the inner l i fe o f the whole

commun i t y ,communi ty ,–   –t ouc hes m en's hear t of hear t s. .t ouc hes men's hear t o f hear t s . .. .GOD'S TRUTH wil l be, as i t has been. .GOD'S TRUTH w il l be, as i t has beenthroughout , the one object o f a l l ourthroughout , the one object o f a l l ours t r iv ingst r iv ing..” [Dean John W. Burgon,[Dean John W. Burgon, Revision Revis ion Revised Revised , pp . 365-66 ], pp . 365-66 ]

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No Com prom ise in t h is Ba t t le !

HortHort’ss Own Three Est imates on the ExtentOwn Three Est imates on the Extento f the Greek Text ua l Prob lem s Betw een Hisof the Greek Tex t ua l Prob lem s Betw een His

Text and the Textus ReceptusTex t and the Tex tus Receptus .. In 1882,In 1882,Hor t wrote an In t roduct ion to the so-ca l ledHor t wrote an In t roduct ion to the so-ca l led

Westc ot t and Hor t Greek Text o f 1881. InWestc ot t and Hor t Greek Text o f 1881. Inhishis INTRODUCTION TO THE NEW INTRODUCTION TO THE NEW TESTAMENT IN THE ORIGINAL GREEK--The TESTAMENT IN THE ORIGINAL GREEK--The Tex t Revised by Brook e Foss West c ot t , D.D.Tex t Revised by Brook e Foss West c ot t , D.D.

and Fenton John Anthony Hor t , D.D.and Fenton John Anthony Hor t , D.D. ,, HortHortmade an es t imate o f the d i f fe rencesmade an es t imate o f the d i f fe rencesbetw een various Greek t ex t s . H is es t im at ebetw een var ious Greek t ex t s . H is es t im at ehad t hree par ts . Let me quote each o f t hehad t hree par ts . Let m e quote each o f t he

par ts :par ts :

#1 H E i f h P i f

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#1 Hort ’s Est im at e o f t he Proport ion o ft he Greek New Test am ent t ha t Was

Vi r tua l ly Ac c ept ed by Everyone.H e w r ot e :H e w r ot e :

“Wi th rega rd t o t he g rea t bu l k o f t he w o rds o f t heWi th rega rd t o t he g rea t bu l k o f t he w o rds o f t heNew Test amen t , as o f mos t o the r anc ient w r i t i ngs,New Test amen t , as o f mos t o the r anc ien t w r i t i ngs,there is NO VARIATION or o ther g round o f doub t ,there is NO VARIATION or o ther g round o f doub t ,and the re fo re no room fo r tex tua l c r i t i c i sm; . . .and the re fo re no room fo r tex tua l c r i t i c i sm; . . . Th eThepropor t ion o f w o rds v i r tua l l y acc ep ted on a l l handsp ropo r t ion o f w o rds v i r tua l l y acc ep t ed on a l l handsas ra i sed ab ove do ubt is VERY GREAT, not less , onas ra i sed ab ove do ubt is VERY GREAT, not less , ona rough computa t ion , than SEVEN EIGHTHS OFa rough computa t ion , than SEVEN EIGHTHS OFTHE WHOLE. The REMAI NING EIGHTH t her efo re,THE WHOLE. The REMAIN ING EIGHTH t her efo re,fo rmed in g rea t pa r t by c hanges of o rde r and o t he rfo rmed in g rea t pa r t by changes o f o rde r and o the rc ompa ra t i ve t r i v i al i t i e s , cons t i t u tes t he w ho le a reac ompa ra t i ve t r i v ia l i t i e s , c onst i t u tes t he w ho le areao f c r i t i c i sm .o f c r i t i c i sm .” [Ho r t ,[Ho r t , INTRODUCTION TO THE NEW INTRODUCTION TO THE NEW TESTA MENT IN THE ORIGINA L GREEK TESTA MENT IN TH E ORIGINA L GREEK , p. 2, B.F.T., p. 2, B.F.T.#1303]#1303]

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#2 Hort ’s Est im at e of t he Proport ion of

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#2 Hort s Est im at e o f t he Proport ion o ft he Greek New Test ament t ha t Would

St i l l be in Doubt i f His Pr inc ip les WereFol lowed.He w rote :He w rote :

“I f the pr inc ip les fo l lowed in the present ed i t ionI f the pr inc ip les fo l lowed in the present ed i t ion

are sound, th is area may be very great lyare sound, th is area may be very great lyreduced.reduced. Recognis ingRecognis ing to the fu l l the duty o fto the fu l l the du ty o fabst inence f rom peremptory dec is ion in casesabst inence f rom peremptory dec is ion in caseswhere the ev idence leaves the judgment inwhere the ev idence leaves the judgment in

suspense betw een t w o or m ore readings, w e f indsuspense betw een tw o or more read ings, w e f ind

that , set t ing as ide d i f ferences of or thography,that , set t ing as ide d i f ferences of or thography,t hethe words in our op in ion s t i l l sub jec t to doubtwords in our op in ion s t i l l sub jec t to doubt

on ly make up aboutonly m ak e up about ONE SIXTIETHONE SIXTIETH of the wholeo f t he who leNew Tes tamen t .New Tes tamen t .” [Hor t ,[Hor t , INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION ,, loc .loc .

c i t .c i t . ]]

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#3 Hort ’s Est im at e of t he Proport ion of

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#3 Hort s Est im at e o f t he Proport ion o ft he Greek New Tes tam ent t hat


He w rot e :He w rot e :

“In th is sec ond es t im ate t he propor t ionIn th is sec ond es t im ate t he propor t ionof comparat ive ly t r i v ia l var ia t ions isof comparat ive ly t r i v ia l var ia t ions is

beyond measure larger than in thebeyond measure larger than in thefo rm er; so t hat t he amount o f w hat c anformer ; so t ha t t he amount o f w ha t c anin any sense be cal led SUBSTANTIALin any sense be cal led SUBSTANTIALVARIATIONVARIATION is bu t a smal l f rac t ion o fi s bu t a smal l f rac t ion o f

the whole res iduary var ia t ion, and canthe whole res iduary var ia t ion, and canhard ly fo rm m ore thanhard ly fo rm m ore than A THOUSANDTHA THOUSANDTHPARTPART of the en t i re tex t .o f the en t i re tex t .” [Hor t ,[Hor t ,INTRODUCTION, loc . c i t .INTRODUCTION, loc . c i t . ]]

#3 H t ’ E t i t f t h P t i f

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#3 Hort ’s Est im at e o f t he Propor t ion o ft he Greek New Tes tam ent t hat


Since t heSince the “w h o l ew h o l e” i n numbers o f Greek words and pagesin numbers o f Greek words and pagesin the Greek New Tes tam ent , as seen i n the tab le above ,i n the Greek New Tes tam ent , as seen i n the tab le above ,is 140,521 Greek words (100%=647 pages) ,is 140,521 Greek words (100%=647 pages) , Hor tHor t ’ss1 /1000 th o f t he Greek New Tes tament t ha t he though t1 /1000 th o f t he Greek New Tes tament t ha t he though t

cou ld be ca l l edcou ld be ca l l ed“SUBSTANTIAL VARIATIONSUBSTANTIAL VARIATION

”wou l d bewou l d be140.5 Greek words ( .1%=.647 pages) .140.5 Greek words ( .1%=.647 pages) . Th i s wou ld be aTh i s wou l d be a

l i t t l e over one ha l f a page i n the Greek New Tes tament .l i t t l e over one ha l f a page i n the Greek New Tes tament .Th i s i s ex t reme ly w ide o f t he mark of t ru t h ! Since w eTh is i s ex t reme ly w ide o f t he mark of t ru t h ! Since w edondon ’t f o l l owt f o l l ow Hor tHor t ’ss “pr inc ip lespr inc ip les” a t a l l , w e w ho hol d t oa t a l l , w e w ho ho l d t o t het heGreek t ex t t ha t under l ies t he KING JAMES BIBLE are s t i l lGreek t ex t t ha t under l ies t he KING JAMES BIBLE are s t i l l

d i sput ing , e i ther ind isput ing , e i ther in“SUBSTANTIAL VARIATIONSUBSTANTIAL VARIATION

”o ro ro t herw ise , a t o t a l o f 9 ,970 Greek w ords (7%=45.9 pages).o t herw ise , a t o t a l o f 9 ,970 Greek w ords (7%=45.9 pages).

I t i sI t i s Hor tHor t ’ss l as t es t ima te tha t has been se i zed by h i sl as t es t ima te tha t has been se i zed by h i sm odern day puppe ts and g ross l y d i s to r ted i n o rder t o foo lmodern day puppe ts and g ross l y d i s to r ted i n o rder t o foo lpeop le i n to t h ink ing tha t t he p roblem i s ve ry t i ny , w hen i npeop le i n to t h ink ing tha t t he p rob lem i s ve ry t i ny , w hen i nrea l it y , i t i s m uch , muc h l a rger !rea l it y , i t i s m uch , muc h l a rger!

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#3 Hort ’s Est im at e o f t he Propor t ion o f

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pt he Greek New Tes tam ent t hat


A cur ren t i l l us t ra t ion o f th is p rac t ice o fA cur ren t i l l us t ra t ion o f th is p rac t ice o fd is tor t ing the fac t s in th is area is found in ad is tor t ing the fac t s in th is area is found in atape-recorded message given by Dr.tape-recorded message given by Dr.

Kenneth Barker , the cha i rman of theKenneth Barker , the cha i rman of thet rans la t ion commi t tee respons ib le fo r thet rans la t ion commit tee respons ib le for theNEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION .. Dr. Bark erDr. Bark erspoke in the Sunday evening serv ice,spoke in the Sunday evening serv ice,

September 12, 1993, at the SOUTHSIDESeptember 12, 1993, at the SOUTHSIDEBAPTIST CHURCH in Greenvi l le, SouthBAPTIST CHURCH in Greenvi l le, SouthCarol ina. A f r iend rec orded t he m essageCarol ina. A f r iend rec orded t he m essageand gave m e a copy.and gave m e a copy.

D K t h B k t t d

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Dr . K ennet h Barker s t a t ed :

“There are over 5 ,000 GreekThere are over 5 ,000 Greekm anusc r ip ts , and al l o f them a rem anusc r ip t s , and a l l o f t hem are AGREEDAGREED

98% o f t he t ime98% o f t he t ime .. So a l l o f th is debateSo a l l o f th is debate

tha t Carson re fe rs to intha t Carson re fe rs to in The K ing J am es  The K ing J ames  

Vers ion Debate Vers ion Debate  , a l l o f th is debate ,, a l l o f th is debate , a l l o fa l l o ft he hu l laba loo is overt he hu l laba loo is over less t han 2% of t heless than 2% o f t he

e n t i r e t e x t o f t h e Ne w Te s ta me n te n t i r e t e x t o f t h e Ne w Te s ta me n t .. AndAndin tha tin tha t less than 2%less t han 2%,, you c an se lec t anyyou c an se lec t any

read ing tha t you w ish among theread ing tha t you w ish among themanuscr ip ts , ( tha t ' s no t our approach ,manuscr ip ts , ( tha t ' s no t ou r approach ,bu t you can) andbut you can) and i t wo n ' t ch a n g ei t wo n ' t ch a n g e

Chr is t ian doc t r ine one b i tChr i st i an doc t r ine one b i t ..”

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Dr . K ennet h Bark er s t a t ed :

Dr. Barker is wrong on TWO COUNTS!Dr. Bark er is w rong o n TWO COUNTS! (1) His(1) His

“less than 2%less than 2%

”di f ferencedi f ference between any o f thebetween any o f the

Greek manuscr ip ts would be 2,810 Greek wordsGreek manuscr ip ts would be 2,810 Greek words(12.9 pages).(12.9 pages). The t ru th o f the mat te r i s tha tThe t ru th o f the mat te r i s tha tthere is a 7% d i f fe rence be tween the Westco t tthere is a 7% d i f fe rence be tween the Westco t t

and Hor t Greek tex t and the Tex tus Receptusand Hor t Greek tex t and the Tex tus Receptust hat under l ies t he K ING J AMES BIBLE. Thist hat under l ies t he K ING J AMES BIBLE. Thiswould be 9,970 Greek words (45.9 pages) .would be 9,970 Greek words (45.9 pages) . Th isThis

is a most ser ious er ror .is a most ser ious er ror . I t i s a b lat ant fa lsehoodI t is a b lat ant fa lsehoodt hat i s be ing prom ulgat ed by the cha i rman o f thet ha t i s be ing prom ulgated by the c ha i rm an o f the

New In ternat iona l Vers ion New In ternat iona l Vers ion  t rans la t iont rans la t ionc omm i t t ee . I t w ou ld g ive fa lse c onfidence to thec omm i t t ee . I t w ou ld g ive fa lse c onfidence t o t hePastor and mem bers of th is c hurch t hat had jus tPastor and mem bers of th is c hurch t hat had jus trec ent ly g iven up t he K ING J AMES BIBLE in favorrec ent ly g iven up t he K ING J AMES BIBLE in favor

of Dr. Bark er 'sof Dr. Bark er 's NIV NIV ..

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Dr . K ennet h Bark er s t a t ed :

(2) The second ser ious error is Dr .(2) The second ser ious error is Dr .BarkerBarker ’s s ta tement re la t i ve to the fac ts s ta tement re la t i ve to the fac ttha t var ia t ions in manuscr ip tstha t var ia t ions in manuscr ip ts “won ' twon ' tchange Chr is t ian doct r ine one b i t .change Chr is t ian doct r ine one b i t .” InIn

our book , we spec i fy 158 suchour book , we spec i fy 158 suchpassages.passages. Dr . Jack Moorman l i s ts 356Dr. Jack Moorman l i s ts 356such passages.such passages. These t w o fa lsehoods,These t w o fa lsehoods,f rom som eone w ho shou ld know bet t e r ,f rom som eone w ho should k now be t t e r,

areare the major ones used to lu l l B ib lethe major ones used to lu l l B ib lebel iev ing Chr is t ians in to deep s lumberbel iev ing Chr is t ians in to deep s lumber

concern ing the B ib le vers ionconcern ing the B ib le vers ion