welcome year 10

Thursday 23 rd September 2021 Welcome Year 10

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Thursday 23rd September 2021

Welcome Year 10

Raising Standards Leader for Year 10

Mr Foster

My role is to support all year 10 students so that they

make the best progress possible during their time at


Our approach

• Safe

• Happy

• Learning: Well educated and allowed to be the best they can be

Our fundamental aims

• We want all students to be successful

• We expect all students to always try their best

• We set ourselves and the students extremely high standards


BGS: Rest Assured

• We are a friendly, safe and happy school

• Students are the core of what we do

• All of our students succeed

• We aim to create the very best climate for learning for all of our students

Year 10 Student Support Team

Mr Parapia – Associate Assistant

Headteacher with responsibility for

Behaviour, Character and Culture in

Y9 and Y10

Mr Bridge- Head of Key Stage for

Y10 and Y11

([email protected])

Mrs Qayyum- Student Support

Officer for Y10

([email protected])


Mr Parapia Mr Bridge Miss Qayyum

Timetables and Lanyards


Early finish on a Wednesday Week B at 2.10

Breaktime is 20 minutes

Lunch is back to 30 minutes

The end of the day is staggered so that year groups leave at

different times

School buses will leave at the normal time

- Y7 - 2.40 / Y8 & Y9 - 2.45 / Y10 - Y13 - 2.50

Lanyards must be worn at all times to help with student

safeguarding and paying for lunches

Key dates for year 10

School Photographs - Monday 18th October 2021


• Assessment 1 – Core Subjects, in classrooms – 11th October 2021

• Assessment 2 – All Subjects, in classrooms – 13th December 2021

• Assessment 3 – All subjects, in classrooms – 14th March 2022

• Assessment 4 – All Subjects, in the Hall – 13th June 2022

Parents Evening – 5th May 2022

Lots of support

Classcharts: BGS uses class-charts. Students

and parents can track their homework as well

as positives/rewards and any other issues that

the class teacher has raised.

Student Gmail: In school communication

Hegarty Maths: An amazing Maths resource.

Used as the main homework tool for Maths

Educake: An effective homework tool for


Other key staff…lots of support

Mrs Robinson –


Mr Ward - Deputy




Mr Atkinson -


Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Rawling -

Lead Student

Support Officer

responsibility for


Mrs Mathers Reilly

– Learning Support

Specialist (Autism,

Communication and


Mr Padden -

Senior Student

Support Officer

responsibility for

Looked After

Children and Well


Behaviour, Character and Culture

Mr Atkinson

Behaviour, Character and Culture

My role at school is to work with the pastoral teams ensuring that we are consistent in our approach for behaviour, character and culture

What we will be known for….

We ask that each group work towards a goal/aim therefore helping them to Belong –Grow – Succeed at Bingley Grammar School

Y7 – What we will be known for…

Commitment, Dedication and a Positive Attitude will help you to reach your Potential.

Y8 – What we will be known for…

Lets be inspired

• to stay positive, work hard

• and

• make it happen

Y9 – What we will be known for…

Y10 – What we will be known for…

• Aiming high working hard, never giving up

Y11 – What we will be known for…

High Standards, high grades

What we will be known for…

• These have been created by the pastoral team supporting your child

• And are underpinned by the key skills of Leadership/Organisation/Resilience/Initiative/Communication (LORIC)


We have simple expectations of all our students:

• Ready to Learn every morning- On time, fully equipped and in perfect uniform

• Engaged and learning in every lesson

• Positive, appropriate behaviour at all times

• 97% Attendance

Frequently asked questions… Uniform

1. All black shoes or trainers:

Allowed Not Allowed

Frequently asked questions… Uniform

1. Trousers..not leggings/jeans:

Allowed Not Allowed

Equipment your child should always have

2 Pens

1 Pencil

1 Ruler

1 Rubber

1 Calculator

Their Lanyard & ID Badge

round their neck at ALL times

Attendance is key

Class Charts and Rewards

We use Class Charts to register all rewards (and sanctions)

At least twice a month we do public rewards...chocolate

Contact [email protected] if you do not have your login

Class Charts and Rewards

Also we will share success with parents with Class Charts certificates:

● Bronze = 200 Achievement Points ● Silver = 400 Achievement Points ● Gold = 600 Achievement Points ● Platinum = 1000 Achievement Points ● Diamond = 2000 Achievement Points

Behaviour Procedures - Delivering the good news

Step One: Verbal Rewards (Achievement Points 0)

Step Two: Class Charts Rewards for positive engagement (Achievement

Points 3) – These will be classed under the following headings

∙ Leadership

∙ Organisation

∙ Resilience

∙ Initiative

∙ Communication

Behaviour Procedures - Delivering the good news

Step Three: Subject Class Charts Reward for above and beyond, including postcard of praise

(Achievement Points 5)

At this point a class teacher may want to reward further:

Step Four: Faculty Class Charts Reward - Public recognition award, including a phone call

home from the class teacher (Achievement Points 6)

Behaviour Procedures - Delivering the good news

These points are all awarded for key skills of:

- Leadership - Organisation - Resilience - Initiative - Communication

Behaviour Procedures – Delivering the bad news

Step 1: Verbal Choice [Behaviour Points 0] – Choice/Not belonging

e.g. You are given a choice as your current behaviour is not belonging, however,

you now have the choice to change this current behaviour, therefore meaning you

will grow and ultimately succeed.

Behaviour Procedures - Delivering the bad news

Step 2: Class Charts Teacher restorative conversation (Behaviour Points 2) –

Conversation/Not Growing –

e.g. I have noticed that you have not taken your first choice therefore you

are not growing, however, I still want to work with you therefore we will

have a conversation about this at break time today. I hope you understand

you can still make a change today and therefore there will be no further


Behaviour Procedures - Delivering the bad news

Step 3: Faculty Detention issued – [Behaviour Points 5]

Consequence/Not Succeeding –

e.g. I have noticed that you have not taken the opportunities given

to you to make a change to your behaviour, the consequence of

this is that we will have a further conversation about this after

school in detention, as this is stopping you succeeding.

Behaviour Procedures – Mobile Phones

Y7 – Y9 – Mobile Phones are not allowed out during the school day

Y10 – Y11 – Mobile Phones are allowed out at break and lunch

Use of social media

We ask that you monitor your son or daughters use of social media

We want them to focus on their education not what they were posting online the previous evening

We do not want to be focusing on this….do not let it them distract them….or worse affect their well-being

Use of social media

Please use the following links to help you with this:



Well being

External Route 1 External Route 2 Internal Route 1

Refer to School


Refer to Early Help SSO support plus

referral to online

resource of Kooth

School Nurse refers

to Buddies

Scheme/CAMHS for


sts Kooth

Signpost to services

within Early Help as

part of Bradford’s

local offer

SSO referral to Mr

Padden or Mrs

Rawling for further


Referral into

external route 1 or 2

Well being - Kooth

Kooth is an online resource sponsored by the NHS which is free to everyone


It maybe they do not want to talk to anyone (at first) and therefore they could access this

It allows them to see how others may have dealt with things you are going through

They can also post questions to trained counsellors

Shaping the school…Belong, Grow, Succeed

We want the students to help shape our school:

- Year Group Council

- Whole School Student Council


Finally, if you have any questions from tonight's presentation please

sign up to speak to a member of staff using the email links sent last


Leader of Maths-KS4

Miss Blakeborough

[email protected]

GCSE Mathematics

GCSE Mathematics


100% Exam Assessment• Foundation tier 3 x 1.5 hr

exams (Grades 1-5)• Higher tier 3 x 1.5 hr exams

(Grades 3-9)

Level 2 Further Mathematics

Bridging course to A Level Maths for most able students

covered in Year 11

100% Exam Assessment • 2 exams (Grades 3-9)

• 3 year GCSE course- students are in their second year

• Foundation, Crossover, Higher Scheme of Work

• Tiering decision made at the end of Year 10

What are they studying and how?

What to do if your child is stuck on their homework?

There will always be an example in video that will cover an almost identical question to the one they are stuck on.They can also pull the video up in the quiz and scrub the video to the place that will help them on the one they’re stuck on.

1) Use their donut to improve their weak areas: Your child can click the red section to findthe quizzes they need to improve (quizzes under 70%) and redo them until they are amber(quizzes over 70%) or green (quizzes at 100%). Once they have made everything green oramber go back over the amber and try to get them to green.

Click the red section andit will open up anylessons your child isunder 70% on for themto redo.

What if your child has completed all homework – what else could they do?

2) Fix up 5: HegartyMaths remembers every mistake your child has ever made andgenerates a quiz with 5 questions from different parts of maths that they are weakon so they can re-do them with the video and Fix Up!

What if your child has completed all homework – what else could they do?

Additional support

Students must use www.hegartymaths.com to help with independent study (some homework tasks will be set on here too)

Students receive weekly homework (alternating between an online homework and a paper one)

Students will be able to purchase Revision Guides and Workbooks from the school website

Further info: Miss Blakeborough (Leader of Maths-KS4)

English Language and English Literature

English Literature overview

Year 10 English LANGUAGE Overview

Year 11 English LANGUAGE Overview

Science at Key Stage 4 (Years 10 & 11)


Peter Martin

Exam board course followed:

OCR Gateway Physics/Chemistry/Biology A


Science at Key Stage 4 (Years 10 & 11)

How many Science Lessons per week are there:

4 lesson per week by mainly subject specialist teachers:

1 Biology1 Chemistry1 Physicsand1 Practical Catch Up focussed on doing practical investigations that couldn’t take place during lock downs & when students were taught in bubbles.

We are aiming for as many students as possible to sit separate Science papers at either Foundation or Higher Tier level. The tier of entry will be determined from internal assessment data as the year progresses.

Science at Key Stage 4 (Years 10 & 11)


Year 10

11/10/21 Practical skills & data handling assessment.

13/12/21 Exam question based in lesson

14/03/22 Exam question based in lesson

13/06/22 Formal internal exam

Science at Key Stage 4 (Years 10 & 11)


Year 11

01/11/21 Formal internal exam

24/01/22 Formal internal exam

Science at Key Stage 4 (Years 10 & 11)

Revision Support

We suggest having revision resources to use at home.

This can be purchased from the school shop (on the school website)And payment is by ParentPay.

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zrkw2hv BBC Bitesize

https://classroom.thenational.academy/subjects-by-key-stage/key-stage-4 Oak Academy