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Name: ____________________________________________________

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Welcome to CCHS

Name…………………………………………………… Form……………………………………………………. Form Tutor……………………………………………… Room no…………………………………………………

Top tips for the first week 1. Smile and make a real effort to make friends! 2. Be organized and look after your belongings….especially your locker key!! 3. Aim to make a good impression with your new teachers. Sit up, listen and try to involve yourself in the lesson. 4. Respect other people and their beliefs. 5. Remember that everyone else feels quite nervous in the first few days and soon you will feel at home at CCHS. 6. Aim to get involved in a club so that you can make new friends and get the most out of your time here. There is something for everyone! 7. If you don’t understand something….ask! 8. If you are unhappy about anything you must tell someone who can help you. Don’t keep worries bottled up, this only makes things worse. WELCOME TO CHELMSFORD COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. You probably feel excited and perhaps a little bit nervous about starting your new school and you may have some concerns like the ones below.

I hardly know who anybody is.

Everybody else seems to know exactly what they are supposed to do.

I don't know where anything is.

It's all so different from my last school.

It's such a big place

What equipment should I have brought with me today?

Who can I ask?

Help!!!!!! The important thing is don’t worry. Remember, if you feel a little bit nervous the other girls in your form probably feel the same. Together, you will settle down to life at CCHS and reading this booklet should help.

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WHERE AM I? Try to find:

Your Form Room


Dining Hall

Front Office


Staff Room

Headteacher's Office (Mrs Chapman) LOST PROPERTY The best way to avoid losing things is to make sure all of your belongings are clearly labelled. If you do lose something here’s what to do:-

Do some detective work. Where did you last have the item? Retrace your steps from there - you may just have left it behind.

Check the school office or lost property to see if it has been handed in or if it is an item of PE/games kit, check the PE lost property bin in the old gym.

If you still can’t find it then report the loss to your form tutor or Year Leader. CLUBS AND SOCIETIES

There is a list of the clubs and societies at the end of this book to give a flavour of what is available.

Check the daily notices, listen to announcements in assemblies and watch the digital screens around school for updated details.

Listen out in assembly for information (there may be day and time changes in September).

Joining a club is one of the best ways to make new friends and really feel part of the school. There is something for everyone.

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If it is break or lunch time you should report to the school office.

If you are in a lesson, tell the teacher that you do not feel well and they will decide whether or not you should go to the school office. They will also sign your log book to give you permission to leave class. If you carry a medical condition and carry a school medical card, you will need to show this to the relevant staff.

If you are sent to the school office, Mrs Dale or Mrs Hills will send you to the medical room. After this you will either return to lessons or your parents will be asked to collect you.


The first day of absence from school must be confirmed by email: [email protected] or by telephone. This is very important for your own safety and will apply right the way through your time at CCHS. The school office will telephone home if you are not in school and they have not been informed.

On returning to school you need to bring in an absence letter.

If you need to leave school during the day (for example to go to the dentist or attend a music examination) you must sign out and sign back in on your return in at the school office.

If you need to seek permission to be taken out of school for any reason, ask at the school office for a Leave of Absence form, which must be completed and returned four weeks before your absence. A written response from the Headteacher will result.

If you miss morning registration or arrive late at school, you must sign in at the school office.

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THE OUTDOOR HIGHWAY CODE CCHS is on a main road and so you should.

Always use the pedestrian crossings

Stand away from the edge of the road when waiting for the bus.

Remember that when you are travelling to and from school you will be easily recognised by your uniform.

Please remember to be polite and helpful to others.

THE INDOOR HIGHWAY CODE This is basic common sense and good manners.

When lining up outside a classroom do so in an orderly manner.

Do not run or shout.

As you go through a door make sure you hold it open for the person behind you.

You may eat either in the dining hall or on the picnic tables provided. Always clear up after yourself - don’t be a litter bug.

Always treat others with respect and courtesy. THE CLASSROOM CODE

When you arrive at the classroom, queue up outside until the teacher arrives.

When you enter, get your books and pencil case out in front of you and wait quietly until you are told to be seated.

It is a tradition at CCHS that you stand up when a member of staff or other adults enter the room.

Don't call out when you have something to say; put up your hand and wait to be asked.

Do not leave your desk and wander around without permission.

At the end of the lesson don't pack your books away until you have been told to do so.

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TIMES OF THE DAY You will be surprised at how quickly you get used to the school day. Here is a run down of the day's timings: 8.45 am Registration 8.50 am Assembly 9.10 am Period 1 10.10 am BREAK 10.30 am Period 2 11.35 am Period 3 12.35 am LUNCH 1.35 pm Period 4 2.40 pm Period 5

ASSEMBLIES AND THE HOUSE SYSTEM On Tuesdays and Thursdays there is an assembly in the hall where year seven sit at the front. Tuesdays is for S and H House and Thursday for C, F and G Houses. There are so many different House events that are great fun throughout the year. House karaoke and House decorated classrooms are but some of the highlights.

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WHO'S WHO Look at your form timetable and you will see many different names. You will soon get to know your teachers and understand what they expect from you. Here are some names that you should be familiar with:- Mrs Chapman Headteacher Mr Lawlor Deputy Headteacher Mrs French Assistant Headteacher Dr Palmer Assistant Headteacher Mrs Adams Year Leader (Year 7) Mrs Dale Front Office (First Aid) Mrs Weakley Attendance Officer

BEING ORGANISED This is the key to success! Here are a few pieces of advice:-

Write all your homework in your log book as well as any reminders to yourself for things you need to bring in to school (like a hockey stick perhaps!).

Pack your bag in the evening never in the morning.

Check the contents of your bag against your timetable and homework diary (remember to look for the days that homework is due to be handed in). Make sure you bring in only those things you need - no more no less.

Your parents should sign your log book every week.

Homework should take a maximum of 30 minutes per subject. If you are spending too much (or too little) time on your homework you should speak to your teacher.

Do not leave homework until the last minute. It is best to do the work on the day it is set. Make sure you have somewhere quiet to work.

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ROLLING TUTOR PERIOD Once a week you will have PSHE lesson in your form room. We call this rolling tutor period because the lesson rolls on from one to the next across the week. There is a great programme to follow and this is great time to get to know more about your form, yourself and the wider world. QUIZ These are situations that you may come across in your first few weeks at CCHS. See if you can answer the problems that your friends may ask about. a) Afreen comes into school late. She is not very late but she has missed registration. She

asks you "How do I get marked in?" What do you tell her? b) Molly has forgotten her dinner money and asks you if you can lend it to her. You have

no money. Who would you tell her to see? c) Jennifer has lost her coat. What do you suggest she does? d) Niharika has been absent from school for three days. You go to visit her at her house to

see how she is. She asks what she should do when she returns to school. What do you say?

e) Elizabeth’s parents want her to attend a family wedding that would mean her missing

a school day. How can she ask for permission to do this? f) Afope has been playing football at break. She fell over and her wrist looks swollen and

painful. Where might it be a good idea to send her and why? g) You have a dental appointment at 10.00 am. How do you get permission to leave school

and what is the procedure? CLUBS AND SOCIETIES These are plenty of clubs and societies on offer to year 7 pupils. In all cases you should read the notice boards, digital signage screens and listen to the announcements in assemblies and form

time where more details will be given. There will be sporting clubs and practices but these will change through the year and the PE staff will let you know where and when. It is really important to listen carefully in assembly to find out the day and times for sporting events. Some of the clubs on offer are: Art club, creative writing, dance show, junior choir and many music ensembles, year 7 drama club, sporting teams including netball, hockey, tennis, athletics and dance. This list is by no means definitive and is designed just to give you an idea. We really encourage girls to join at least one club or team so that you really get the most out of all that CCHS has to offer. School is a much richer experience

when you really get involved. These are precious years so really make the most of them and aim high! Mrs M French

Assistant Headteacher

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‘Annie’ 2011 and ‘Joseph’ 2013

CCHS school musicals

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Wizard of Oz 2015

Midsummer Nights Dream

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CCHS Annual Leadership Conference

Dance Show 2015

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Clubs and Extra Curricular Activities Some of the clubs on offer at various times of the year (list kindly drawn up by Year 8 for Year 7).

Sports Clubs






Table Tennis


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