welcome to the 36 th hpc user forum meeting april 2010

Welcome To The 36 th HPC User Forum Meeting April 2010

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Page 1: Welcome To The 36 th HPC User Forum Meeting April 2010

Welcome To The 36th HPC User Forum

MeetingApril 2010

Page 2: Welcome To The 36 th HPC User Forum Meeting April 2010

Important Dates For Your Calendar Important Dates For Your Calendar


Next US Meeting: September 13 to 15, 2010, Seattle Washington

International Meetings: HLRS/University of Stuttgart, October 7/8, 2010 SARA Computing & Networking Services,

Amsterdam, October 12/13, 2010 Beijing, China, October 30th

Page 3: Welcome To The 36 th HPC User Forum Meeting April 2010

Thank You To Our Meal Sponsors! Thank You To Our Meal Sponsors!

Tuesday: Breakfast – Microsoft Break -- Appro International Lunch -- Platform Break – Mellanox Dinner – Altair and IBM

Wednesday: Breakfast -- Nvidia Break -- Dell Lunch -- HP Break – Bright Computing Dinner -- Intel

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BreakfastThanks to Microsoft !

BreakfastThanks to Microsoft !

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Introduction: LogisticsIntroduction: Logistics

Ask Mary if you need a receipt Meals and events

Joint meeting with DICE/Avetec Tuesday and Wednesday dinner plans

We have a very tight agenda (as usual) Please help us keep on time!

Review handouts Note: We will post most of the presentations on

the web site Please complete the evaluation form

Page 6: Welcome To The 36 th HPC User Forum Meeting April 2010

HPC User Forum MissionHPC User Forum Mission

To Improve The Health Of The

High-performance Computing Industry

Through Open Discussions, Information-sharing And Initiatives Involving

HPC Users In Industry, Government And Academia

Along With HPC Vendors

And Other Interested Parties

Page 7: Welcome To The 36 th HPC User Forum Meeting April 2010

HPC User Forum GoalsHPC User Forum Goals

Assist HPC users in solving their ongoing computing, technical and business problemsProvide a forum for exchanging information, identifying areas of common interest, and developing unified positions on requirements

By working with users in other sectors and vendors To help direct and push vendors to build better products Which should also help vendors become more successful

Provide members with a continual supply of information on: Uses of high end computers, new technologies, high end best

practices, market dynamics, computer systems and tools, benchmark results, vendor activities and strategies

Provide members with a channel to present their achievements and requirements to interested parties

Page 8: Welcome To The 36 th HPC User Forum Meeting April 2010

HPC Server Market Size By Competitive Segments (2009 Data)HPC Server Market Size By Competitive Segments (2009 Data)

Departmental ($250K - $100K)


Divisional ($250K - $500K)


Supercomputers(Over $500K)


Workgroup(under $100K)


HPC Servers $8.6B

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Top Trends in HPCTop Trends in HPC

The global economy is still impacting HPC HPC declined 11.6% for 2009 overall

2008 was down 3%– A major change from the 19% yearly growth over prior years– But the high end grew 25% in 2009

We are forecasting growth starting in 2010

Major challenges for datacenters: Power, cooling, real estate, system management Storage and data management continue to grow in importance

Software hurdles will rise to the top for most users Driven heavily by multi-core processors and hybrid systems Application scaling and performance is a problem

SSDs will gain momentum and could redefine storage

GPGPUs are starting to gain ground

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1. The HPC Market Will Resume Growth in Mid-2010

2. The Race For Global Leadership Will Turbo-Charge the Supercomputers Segment

3. In 2010 Evolutionary Change Will Trump Revolutionary Change

4. Commoditization Will Increasingly Level the Playing Field For HPC Competition

5. The Highly Parallel Programming Challenge Will Increase

6. X86 Processors Will Dominate, But GPGPUs Will Gain Traction As x86 Hits the Wall

7. Infiniband Will Continue To Gain HPC Market Share

8. HPC Storage Will Outpace the HPC Server Market Recovery

9. Power and Cooling Efficiency Will Become More Important, But Is Not Far Along Today

10. Cloud Computing May Be Coming To A Neighborhood Near You

IDC Top 10 HPC Predictions for 2010IDC Top 10 HPC Predictions for 2010

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HPC Vendor Revenue Shares, 2009HPC Vendor Revenue Shares, 2009

IBM, 29.3%

HP, 28.6%

Dell, 12.7%

Sun, 4.1%

Other, 11.0%

Dawning, 0.5%

Cray, 4.0%

Bull, 0.5%

Appro, 0.8%

NEC, 3.2%

Hitachi, 1.3%

SGI, 1.7%

Fujitsu, 2.2%

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Departmental Revenue Share by Vendor, Q409












HPC Market Shares By SegmentHPC Market Shares By Segment

Supercomputer Revenue Share by Vendor, Q409













Divisional Revenue Share by Vendor, Q409












Workgroup Revenue Share by Vendor, Q409










Page 13: Welcome To The 36 th HPC User Forum Meeting April 2010

Why HPC Is Projected To GrowWhy HPC Is Projected To Grow

1. It has become a competitive weapon For companies, universities and governments Global competitiveness is driving R&D and better product designs Even small companies can use HPC to gain market share

2. Governments view HPC leadership as critical For national pride, but more importantly for economic prosperity US, EU, China, Japan and even Russia It use to be 1 large supercomputer – now its multiple ones $30M was enough ten years ago, now its over $100M

3. There are very critical HPC issues that need to be solved Global warming, alternative energy, safe NE, financial disaster

modeling, healthcare, homeland security, … And 3D movies and large scale games are fun

4. At the same time, “live” science and “live” engineering costs have escalated And time-to-solution is months faster with simulations

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The HPC Market Will Resume Growth In Mid-2010The HPC Market Will Resume Growth In Mid-2010

Our latest forecast has HPC server revenue growing 6% to 7% reaching $11 billion by 2013

Worldwide Technical Server Revenue ($M) Forecast, 2008 - 2013








2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013




e (



Page 15: Welcome To The 36 th HPC User Forum Meeting April 2010

Industry/Application Segments Industry/Application Segments

2008 2009Bio-Sciences $1,412 $1,120CAE $1,131 $874Chemical Engineering $238 $179DCC & Distribution $572 $460Economics/Financial $281 $198EDA / IT / ISV $751 $540Geosciences and Geo-engineering $570 $539Mechanical Design and Drafting $112 $73Defense $920 $849Government Lab $1,460 $1,349University/Academic $1,852 $1,641Weather $392 $353Other $80 $78Total Revenue $9,772 $8,252Source: IDC 2010

Worldwide HPC Revenues ($M) 2010 to 2014 Growth Sectors

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Growth In The Broader HPC MarketGrowth In The Broader HPC Market

Worldwide HPC Revenue for Server, Storage, Service and Software Revenue ($K) Forecast, 2008 - 2013

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013CAGR

(09 - 13)

Compute $9,771,849 $8,637,114 $9,239,547 $9,841,980 $10,444,413 $11,046,846 6.3%

Storage $3,371,288 $3,022,990 $3,280,039 $3,641,533 $3,968,877 $4,308,270 9.3%

Service $1,856,651 $1,554,681 $1,686,217 $1,820,766 $1,958,327 $2,154,135 8.5%

Application Software $3,322,429 $2,971,167 $3,215,362 $3,444,693 $3,759,989 $4,065,239 8.2%

Middleware $1,172,622 $1,062,365 $1,154,943 $1,259,773 $1,357,774 $1,458,184 8.2%

Total $19,494,839 $17,248,317 $18,576,110 $20,008,745 $21,489,379 $23,032,673 7.5%

Source: IDC, 2010

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2010 will be a year of continuing evolutionary rather than revolutionary change in the worldwide HPC market

Incremental advances will help, but not resolve persistent issues, such as highly parallel programming challenges, power and cooling costs, and software licensing costs

IDC predicts the HPC market will resume growth in mid-2010 and grow 5% to 7% in 2010

And then will gradually rebuild to $10.5 billion in 2013 The recovery will benefit HPC segments unevenly:

With hard-hit verticals such as automotive and financial services recovering more slowly than oil and gas, or government and academia

The Supercomputer segment growth will remain turbo-charged by government spending aimed at HPC leadership and “petaflop club” membership

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Essential GuidanceEssential Guidance

Existing major challenges will remain inadequately addressed: Weak application performance improvements Highly parallel programming System imbalance (the "memory wall") Power and space usage Finding and developing HPC experts Software licensing costs Ease-of-use – dealing with the growing

system complexity

Page 19: Welcome To The 36 th HPC User Forum Meeting April 2010

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Or check out:www.hpcuserforum.com


Page 20: Welcome To The 36 th HPC User Forum Meeting April 2010

Agenda: Day One, Tuesday Morning Agenda: Day One, Tuesday Morning

8:15am Welcome and HPC Market Update, Steve Finn, Sharan Kalwani and Earl Joseph Morning Session Chair: Steve Finn

8:30am Manufacturing and HPC at Boeing, Doug Ball8:55am HPC at General Motors, Simon Xu9:20am Improving Fuel Mileage on Large Tractors, BMI

Corporation, John Anastos9:45am Break Sponsored by Appro 10:00am HPC in automotive manufacturing at Ford Motor

Company, Nand Kochhar10:25am Vendor Technology Update: Nvidia: Using GPGPUs to

Accelerate Applications 10:40am Panel on Scaling ISV Applications Moderators: Sharan

Kalwani and Alex Akkerman12:00pm Networking Lunch Sponsored by Platform

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Lunch BreakThanks to Platform

Please Return Promptly at 1:00pm

Lunch BreakThanks to Platform

Please Return Promptly at 1:00pm

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Thank You Platform

For Lunch

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Agenda: Day One, Tuesday Afternoon Agenda: Day One, Tuesday Afternoon

1:00pm Afternoon Session Chair: Chris Catherasoo1:00pm Algorithms and Scaling Aerospace Codes, Metacomp

Technologies, Sukumar Chakravarthy1:25pm A Top Level Overview of Parallelism from Microsoft's

Point of View, David rich1:40pm DOD HPCMP Program Update, Cray Henry 2:05pm INCITE Program Update, Julia White, INCITE

Manager2:30pm Break Sponsored by Mellanox and car demo3:00pm Panel: Training & Developing HPC People Moderators:

Paul Buerger and Jim Kasdorf4:25pm HPC Use In A Tier 1 Manufacturing Supplier, L&L

Products, Steve Reagan 4:50pm NSF and Bluewaters Directions, Irene Qualters5:15pm Networking Break and Time for 1-on-1 Meetings 7:00pm Special Dinner Event Sponsored by Altair and IBM

Page 24: Welcome To The 36 th HPC User Forum Meeting April 2010

Important Dates For Your Calendar Important Dates For Your Calendar


Next US Meeting: September 13 to 15, 2010, Seattle Washington

International Meetings: HLRS/University of Stuttgart, October 7/8, 2010 SARA Computing & Networking Services,

Amsterdam, October 12/13, 2010 Beijing, China, October 30th

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Tuesday Dinner Vendor Updates: 10 Min. Only Tuesday Dinner Vendor Updates: 10 Min. Only

AltairApproBright ComputingCrayDDNDellIBMMellanoxPanasasSpecta LogicSGI

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WelcomeTo Day 2 Of TheHPC User Forum


Page 27: Welcome To The 36 th HPC User Forum Meeting April 2010

Thank You To Our Meal Sponsors! Thank You To Our Meal Sponsors!

Tuesday: Breakfast – Microsoft Break -- Appro International Lunch -- Platform Break – Mellanox Dinner – Altair and IBM

Wednesday: Breakfast -- Nvidia Break -- Dell Lunch -- HP Break – Bright Computing Dinner -- Intel

Page 28: Welcome To The 36 th HPC User Forum Meeting April 2010

DinnerThanks to

Altair and IBM !

BreakfastThanks to Nvidia !

DinnerThanks to

Altair and IBM !

BreakfastThanks to Nvidia !

Page 29: Welcome To The 36 th HPC User Forum Meeting April 2010

Agenda: Day Two, Wednesday Morning Agenda: Day Two, Wednesday Morning

8:00am Welcome, Earl Joseph and Steve Finn Morning Session Chair: Paul Muzio

8:10am CFD Post-processing and HPC: Driving Down the Cost of Design and Analysis, Steve Legensky

8:35am Closing the Productivity Gap Using HPC, Council on Competitiveness, Cynthia McIntyre

9:00am HPC and Cloud Computing: DARPA Results for Manufacturing Pilots Using On-Demand Computing: Introduction by Robert GraybillJet Engine Fuel Nozzle by Lorin Hochstein, USC ISIEMI by Jeff Crompton, AltaSim TechnologiesLeveraging Consumerization: The Strategic and Economic Advantages of Cloud Computing for NASA, Khawaja Shams New Cloud Computing Offerings from SGI, Christian TanasescuThe CERN Cloud Computing Project, Platform Computing, William Lu

10:45am Break Sponsored by Dell11:00am New Software Approaches for Gaining Knowledge and Insight,

Microsoft 11:15am NCSA Business/Industry Outreach Program and Blue Waters

Update, Merle Giles 11:45am Vendor Technology Update: HP12:00pm Networking Lunch Sponsored by HP

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Lunch BreakThanks to


Please Return Promptly at 1:00pm

Lunch BreakThanks to


Please Return Promptly at 1:00pm

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Thank YouHP

For Lunch

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Agenda: Day Two, Wednesday Afternoon Agenda: Day Two, Wednesday Afternoon

1:00pm HPC in Manufacturing, National Association of Manufacturers, Emily DeRocco

1:25pm Software Applications Discovery Initiative (with a focus on small manufacturers), USC-ISI, Bob Graybill

1:50pm Manufacturers Mini-Briefs on HPC in Manufacturing Examples Moderated by: Al Stutz and Roger Panton

Procter & Gamble, Jim Escoe, BP, Keith Gray, Caterpillar, Keven Hofstetter, R-Systems, Brian Kucic, General Electric, Dave Topp

2:50pm HPC Vendor Technology Update: Intel 3:20pm Initiative to grow HPC use in Manufacturing, National Center for

Manufacturing Services, Jon Riley3:45pm Break Sponsored by Bright Computing 4:00pm HPC Power and Cooling Update, AVETEC, Roger Panton4:25pm HPC and Engine Manufacturing, Pratt & Whitney, Saadat Syed4:50pm Aerodynamic Analyses using NASA TetrUSS on HPC, Alaa

Elmiligui5:15pm Wrap-Up, Steve Finn, Sharan Kalwani and Earl Joseph5:15pm Networking Break and Time for 1-on-1 Meetings 6:00pm Special Joint Dinner Event With DICE at the Ford Museum,

Sponsored by Intel

Page 33: Welcome To The 36 th HPC User Forum Meeting April 2010

Important Dates For Your Calendar Important Dates For Your Calendar


Next US Meeting: September 13 to 15, 2010, Seattle Washington

International Meetings: HLRS/University of Stuttgart, October 7/8, 2010 SARA Computing & Networking Services,

Amsterdam, October 12/13, 2010 Beijing, China, October 30th

Page 34: Welcome To The 36 th HPC User Forum Meeting April 2010

Dinner LogisticsDinner Logistics

Special Joint Dinner Event With DICE at the Ford Museum, Sponsored by Intel

– Buses start to leave at 6:00pm, reception at 6:30pm, dinner at 7:00pm

Please complete the evaluation form

Please Join in the DICE Alliance Meeting – Tomorrow from 8:00am to 5:00pm

Page 35: Welcome To The 36 th HPC User Forum Meeting April 2010

Thank YouFor Attending The 36th

HPC User ForumMeeting

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Or check out:www.hpcuserforum.com


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Or check out:www.hpcuserforum.com
