welcome to romford gpvts september 2009. to our 20 new st1!!


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September 2009

Congratulations and welcome

To our 20 new ST1!!

Fire exits Toilets Sign in at reception Please help wash up and put away chairs


Urswick Medical Centre

Dr Steve Newell North Street Medical Care [email protected]

0844 815115

Dr Sylvia Bond Western Road Medical Centre [email protected]

◦ 0844 4772430

Dr Mark Feldman Petersfield [email protected]

01708 343113

Programme Directors

Dr Anwar Khan [email protected]

MRCGP Examiner OOHs sessions co-ordinator Whipps Cross Our point of contact for problems to the


Associate Dean

Your chance to represent us Next meeting Sept

London GPVTS Commitee

Seven programmes in scheme Each 36 months Two have 6 months ITP

Now 18 months in GP ( inc. ITP) Beware lack of flexibility- to swap or make

up time. There are no longer educationally

approved posts NOT in a Programme.


Do you know who your Clinical

Supervisor is?Do they know about WBA?

You may need to teach them! Let me know their name and e-


An Innovative Training Post Six month Employed by Trainer, attached to trust

clinics in Dermatology and Rheumatology ( need CSR from both Trainer and Consultant)

Need full application for performers list as for Registrar

OOHs as for Registrar New to Romford Feb 2007 Model Contract

What is an ITP?

Contact is now by e-mail

If you have not received e-mail from me-send me your address.

[email protected]

MANDATORY attendance –Except A/L&S/L or after nights/ST service commitment

Enter on Register in ADVANCE 2-5pm- please be prompt, no early

departure except for on-call. Sign in Switch off Bleeps/Phones Fire exits/toilets Give us feedback Learn and Enjoy!!

RULES for Half-day release

28/10/09 No Meeting Half-term

14/11/09 Full Day – Book study leave ALL day. Joint meeting with Basildon VTS

7-10 April 2010- Advance notice of Residential in Cambridge with Amsterdam GPVTS


An important part of the curriculum and good for the C.V.

Wed 21/10/09 NICE guidelinesPlease give name and topic

Wed 25/11/09 Humanities- Art/Music/Poetry and medicine

Your Chance to teach!

CoursesSee London Deanery prospectus

Table at VTSE-mail.

Tell us your recommendations

Maximum of 30 days per year. Should be able to attend both GP VTS and

Departmental training. GPVTS may be counted as part of the 30

day allowance Course fees from trust postgrad dept.

Study Leave for Trust posts

IS not an entitlement but an allowance and the needs of patients must always take precedence

Total of half-day release AND study leave to each Registrar should be a maximum of 30 days.

Course fees up to £465 can be claimedDPG/1 claim form to deanery

Study Leave GP Placements

25 or 30 days per annum , depending on point on pay scale

Sick pay- 6/12 full and 6/12 half pay ONLY after 6 years service in NHS. Take out income insurance now!

Annual Leave

1. Applied Knowledge Test2. Clinical Skills Assessment3. Workplace Based Assessment-

e-portfolioCase-based discussionsMulti-source feedbackMini-Clinical Evaluation ExerciseDirect Observation of Practical Skills


Wednesday 28 October 2009 Future dates: 27/1/10, 28/4/10,27/10/10. The test will take the form of a three hour

200 item multiple-choice test. The AKT will be

Delivered using computer terminals at 152 Pearson Vue professional testing centers around the UK.( Nearest in Ilford)

Applied Knowledge Test (AKT):

Croydon 4 times a year Sessions Sept,Nov/Dec,Jan/Feb and May

DO NOT sit before ST3

Clinical Skills Assessment

Yes , you have to pay to registerST1 Initial £138, Annual subs £207, Total

£759.You cannot access your e-portfolio until you

[email protected] 73443078

Register with RCGP

Registration, annual fee AKT - £414 per sitting CSA - £1389 per sitting

Total AiT+AKT+CSA= £2379

CCT =£805 Total = £3184 ( without retakes!)

Cost of Assessment

www.bhbt.co.uk Dr Mark Feldman( or his PA Jane Thornton

[email protected] ) will contact you with a deadline approx 4months before to notify him of your choices.

You may visit practices before Do see a selection, it is good practice for

applying for jobs. Choice for Trainer and Trainees

How to find a Training practice

If accepted 3 year scheme this is available within OR outside London ONLY if there are substantial changes in your circumstances after commencing your post.

Out of Programme Experience- Max 1 year.

Transfer of Registrar Post

Exceptional circumstances only considered Apply before Nov for transfer following Aug Dependent on spare capacity to where wish

to transfer to Must complete at least 12 months before

can transfer Contact HR Ann Mullen at deanery

Inter/Intra deanery transfers

Employed by Trainer- under umbrella of NHS New model Contract New Terms and Conditions 31/7/07 Supplement for GP now 55% Annual leave varies with pay scale 5- 6


Registrar Contracts

Lump sum £760 + Mileage Car provided by Trainer and amount £4000+

can be reimbursed by PCT ( taxable- keep a log of mileage for business)

Old car allowance gone

GPs need to do home visits urgently ITP and Hospice posts Bicycle/moped need consideration in this


Driving Allowance

10 sessions One session is 4 hours 40 hour week + OOHs 7 Clinical sessions 1 VTS ( Clinical out of term) 1 Tutorial 1 Planned educational session ( Joint

surgery, Hospital attachment,DFFP etc)

Registrar Working Week

It is available £=% of time Ring fenced funding

Part-Time Training

Plan early 12 sessions in 12 months 4-6 hours Supervised by GP Educator Whipps Cross Co-ordinator is Joy Glasgow 07816656142 [email protected]

Out of Hours

Download from deanery website Trainer signs off at end of year with

statement of completion of training. Must be returned with VTR1

OOHs Logbook

A maximum of two weeks is allowed per year for any absence other than allowed annual and study leave

Sick/maternity/paternity/jury/compassionate/parental etc

Training time will be required to extend to compensate missed time

This is usually in General Practice but needs to be applied for to the deanery

Absence from training

Any Questions?