welcome [rezoning.vancouver.ca]...affordability, including the rents and number of units secured as...

vancouver.ca/rezoning Welcome The City of Vancouver has received an application to rezone 1956-1990 Stainsbury Avenue from RS-1A (One-Family Dwelling) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District. The proposal is for a five-storey residential building that includes: 80 residential units with 20% of the residential floor area assigned to moderate income households; a building height of 15.8 m (52 ft.); a floor space ratio (FSR) of 2.59; and 34 underground parking spaces and 198 bicycle spaces. This rezoning application is being considered under the Moderate Income Rental Housing Pilot Program. Applicant contact: Ian Ross McDonald, Carscadden Stokes McDonald Architects Inc. [email protected] Rezoning Planner: Mr. Chee Chan, City of Vancouver [email protected] Rezoning Application: 1956-1990 Stainsbury Avenue Stainsbury Avenue Victoria Drive Commercial Street Beatrice Street East 22nd Avenue

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Page 1: Welcome [rezoning.vancouver.ca]...Affordability, including the rents and number of units secured as moderate income rental Total number of new rental units created Level of impact



The City of Vancouver has received an application to rezone 1956-1990 Stainsbury Avenue from RS-1A (One-Family Dwelling) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District.

The proposal is for a five-storey residential building that includes:

• 80 residential units with 20% of the residential floor area assigned to moderate income households;

• a building height of 15.8 m (52 ft.);• a floor space ratio (FSR) of 2.59; and• 34 underground parking spaces and 198 bicycle spaces.

This rezoning application is being considered under the Moderate Income Rental Housing Pilot Program.

Applicant contact: Ian Ross McDonald, Carscadden Stokes McDonald Architects Inc. [email protected]

Rezoning Planner: Mr. Chee Chan, City of Vancouver [email protected]

Rezoning Application: 1956-1990 Stainsbury Avenue

Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and theGIS User Community

Stainsbury Avenue














East 22nd Avenue

Page 2: Welcome [rezoning.vancouver.ca]...Affordability, including the rents and number of units secured as moderate income rental Total number of new rental units created Level of impact


Planning Policy

Moderate Income Rental Housing Pilot Program (MIRHPP)In November 2017, City Council approved the MIRHPP along with the Housing Vancouver Strategy. The MIRHPP addresses a critical gap in the local rental housing market by encouraging the development of new rental units that are permanently secured at rents that match the affordability needs of local moderate income households.

The MIRHPP is a pilot program that allows up to 20 rezonings for new buildings that provide 100% of the residential floor area as purpose-built rental housing with a minimum of 20% of that area permanently secured as moderate income rental housing.

What is Moderate Income Rental Housing? Moderate income rental housing is privately-owned, purpose-built rental housing that is permanently secured and made available to moderate income households earning $30,000 to $80,000 per year.

Moderate income rental units, rents, rent increases, and requirements for their operation are permanently secured through legal agreement.

To help ensure MIRHPP projects include units that meet the needs of a diverse range of households, there are specific unit mix targets, and a minimum of 35% of the units must be family-size (2 or more bedrooms).

Minimum 20% Moderate Income Rental Housing

Up to 80% Market Rental Housing

Permanently Secured Affordability

Moderate income rental units have maximum average starting rents which apply when the first household moves in. The rents are set at rates affordable to the targeted household income levels for each unit type, which means they are significantly more affordable than average market rents for new rental housing in Vancouver.

Future rent increases for moderate income rental units are also permanently secured to ensure they remain affordable over time. The rents may only be increased by the maximum annual allowable rate published by the province under the Residential Tenancy Act, and cannot be ‘reset’ and increased by more than that rate when a new qualified moderate income renter household moves in.

Unit TypeProportion of Total

Unit MixStudio 25%

1 Bedroom 40%

2 Bedroom (or larger) 35%

MIRHPP Unit Mix Targets

Unit TypeModerate Income Maximum Average

Starting RentHousehold Income Served

(assuming 30% of income spent on rent)2018 Average Market Rents*

(buildings constructed 2005+)

Studio $950 $38,000 $1,607

1 Bedroom $1,200 $48,000 $1,869

2 Bedroom $1,600 $64,000 $2,457

3 Bedroom+ $2,000 $80,000 $3,235

*Source: CMHC 2018 Rental Market Report

Maximum Moderate Income Rents and Targeted Household Incomes vs Average Market Rents

Page 3: Welcome [rezoning.vancouver.ca]...Affordability, including the rents and number of units secured as moderate income rental Total number of new rental units created Level of impact

Available MIRHPP Development IncentivesThe City offers serveral incentives to enable the delivery of secured moderate income rental housing:

Priority processing at the rezoning enquiry review stage

Waiver of Development Cost Levies

Reduced parking requirements

Relaxations for minimum unit sizes and configuration requirements

Additional height and density (see below example)

Planning Policy


Market ownership housing

Purpose-built market rental housing

Minimum 20% below-market rental housing

Base zoning Rental 100 MIRHPP

Enabling Moderate Income Rental Housing

MIRHPP proposals can be considered in a range of zones across the city that currently allow residential development, each with different opportunities for maximum building heights (number of storeys).

Example Housing Outcomes Under Existing Policy Options

100% purpose-built market rental housing

Annual income: $30,000-80,000

Page 4: Welcome [rezoning.vancouver.ca]...Affordability, including the rents and number of units secured as moderate income rental Total number of new rental units created Level of impact


Moderate Income Renter Household EligibilityTo ensure moderate income rental units are made available for households who need them, and to balance the need to ensure stability for households whose personal or financial circumstances change over time, the MIRHPP includes specific eligibility criteria, which allow qualified households’ incomes to rise to a certain degree while they are living in their unit.

Planning Policy

Administration & Monitoring

Owners or property managers of each moderate income rental building will be responsible for:

Renter Relocation & Protection

Tenant relocation planning is required for all MIRHPP projects where existing renters are impacted by redevelopment and a City-approved tenant relocation plan will be required prior to rezoning approval.

Any tenants impacted or displaced must be offered support, compensation and relocation assistance in accordance with the terms set out in the City’s Tenant Relocation and Protection Policy and Guidelines, regardless of whether they would otherwise be eligible under that policy.

Households that no longer qualify for their moderate income rental unit will be required to move out, and must be given 6 months notice. Subject to unit availability and eligibility requirements, property managers will offer disqualified households the opportunity to move into another unit in the building.

Initial Eligibility Criteria for New ApplicantsOngoing Eligibility Criteria for Renters Living in Moderate

Income Rental Housing

1. Gross (pre-tax) annual household income does not exceed 4x the annual rent for the specific unit

i.e. For a moderate income 1 bedroom unit with a starting rent of $1,200, the maximum household income is $57,600 per year

2. The number of persons in the household is equal to or greater than the number of bedrooms in the unit

1. Gross (pre-tax) annual household income does not exceed 5x the annual rent for the specific unit

i.e. For a moderate income 1 bedroom unit with a rent of $1,400, the maximum household income is $84,000 per year

2. The number of persons in the household is equal to or greater than the number of bedrooms in the unit

Renter Eligibility Criteria for Moderate Income Rental Housing

Information on unit availability or application opportunities will be accessible via the property manager for each individual moderate income rental building.

Advertising, qualifying and selecting eligible household for the moderate income rental units in their building.

Verifying eligibilty every 5 years after a household moves in as well as when a household member moves in or out.

Providing an annual report to the City on the operation of the moderate income rental units.

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Planning Policy

Pre-Enquiry Applications Accepted

Top 20 Proposals Invited to Submit Rezoning Enquiries

Rezoning Enquiry Packages Submitted and Reviewed

Pre-Application Open Houses Held By Applicants

Up to 20 Proposals Invited to Submit Rezoning Applications

Moderate Income Rental Housing Pilot Program ProcessAhead of the standard rezoning process, an extra “pre-enquiry” application stage is required by the MIRHPP, which allows City staff to evaluate the strength and suitability of each proposed project.

Key Selection Criteria for Project Proposals

Affordability, including the rents and number of units secured as moderate income rental

Total number of new rental units created

Level of impact on existing renters and rental housing

Unit mix that meets the need of all types of households

Proximity to transit and amenities

Building form and neighbourhood fit

Rental management plan

Policy Approved by City CouncilNov 2017

Jan - Feb 2018

March 2018 Onward

April 2018 Onward


By July 1, 2019

Public Input

Public Input

Public InputRezoning



Rezoning Application Review Approximately 12 month process

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Success today means hearing from everyone in a safe manner.

• Show respect. Every participant brings information, points of view and ideas to contribute.

• Treat everyone here with the same respect and tone you would want for yourself, your child or your parent.

• Threats, insults, intimidation and abusive language will not be tolerated.

• Photography and video recording are limited to the presentation materials. The photographing and/or recording of participants or conversations are not permitted (without advance permission).

This event is hosted by the City of Vancouver Department of Planning, Urban Design, and Sustainability which is responsible for its conduct.

Creating a welcoming environment

Event Guidelines

Page 7: Welcome [rezoning.vancouver.ca]...Affordability, including the rents and number of units secured as moderate income rental Total number of new rental units created Level of impact


The Rezoning Process

What guides development?Community plans and policies are developed by City staff with public input, and are adopted by Council.

They lay out the long-term vision of the community and direct future growth and associated amenities.

These plans and policies outline where rezoning applications can be considered and what may be allowed on a site.

What is a rezoning application?Zoning regulates what can be developed, including the use (e.g. office) and physical form (e.g. height). A rezoning application is required when a proposal does not conform with the existing zoning.

An application must conform to the rezoning policy for an area and other applicable City policies. A rezoning does not mean there are no restrictions on what can be built.

How is my feedback used?Staff read every comment we receive. Feedback from the public and advisory groups informs the review of the application. Applicants may be required to re-submit their proposal based on the feedback.

Staff make a recommendation to Council. Council makes the final decision on whether to approve, modify, or refuse a rezoning application.

What are the benefits to the community?Development, including rezoning, can support community benefits, including parks, community facilities, social housing, street upgrades and more.

Public Input:Speak or write

to Council

Public Input:Open house,

comment forms and advisory groups

Public Input:Engagement on

plans and policies

ImplementationAfter Council approves a rezoning application, the

proposal becomes a development application. This process finalizes the project design, as well

as the delivery of public benefits.

Planning comes firstThe City consults with the public to develop

community plans and policies that define what can be considered through rezoning.

Policy and public input guide the reviewStaff from various departments review each rezoning application to see if it meets the policies and goals previously set by Council.

Feedback from the public is an important part of this review.

Supported by policy

Approved by Council

Not supported



Rezoning enquiry

Council-approved plans

and policies

Public hearing and Council vote

Construction and delivery of public benefits

Staff report to Council with


Development application


Rezoning application

Review by City staff

Considered under rezoning policy

Permitted under current zoning

Example of Planning Policy

Example of a Development Proposal

Example of a Future Neighbourhood

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Why We Are Here

Submit online feedback at vancouver.ca/rezapps

Fill out a written comment sheet

We want to hear from you

We are here to listen to community feedback about this proposal. Your input informs staff’s recommendations to Council as part of the review process for this rezoning.

1. Review the material on display.

2. Ask questions to City staff or the applicant.

3. Share your feedback.

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Thank you for coming!

Staff read and record every comment we receive and present a summary to City Council. Public comments can be submitted any time throughout the rezoning process.

Please share your feedback.

Share Your Thoughts

What do you think?

Submit online feedback at vancouver.ca/rezapps

Fill out a written comment sheet