week 1 to 4

Unit 27 Task 3 Week 1-4 and Review 1

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Page 1: Week 1 to 4

Unit 27 Task 3

Week 1-4 and Review 1

Page 2: Week 1 to 4

Week 1/4Improvement Priority 1: Improvement Priority 2:Date: 21/1/15 23/1/15 Date: 19/1/15 22/1/15 25/1/15

Time: 7pm Time: Anytime

Venue: Worthing seafront Venue: Worthing College

Equipment: Correct clothing, stopwatch, notepad and pen Equipment: Computer and team-mates

Weather: No rain, No rain Weather: No rain, No rain, No rain

Coaches Review: Alice did very well for her first threshold training where she did threshold training where she ran for 20 minutes at 150bpm which is a very big start to her training programme and has completed her H.I.I.T training programme of doing 60m sprints with 60 second rests 8 times. For Alice’s first training session she has shown that she has a determined sporting mind to wanting to be better and has pushed through the first lot of training and done very well.

Coaches Review: I believe that Alice has done well here and has done her research on the opposition team.

Athlete Feedback / Questions:

Alice said that she enjoyed the training and although it was very tough she felt good after it was done.

Athlete Feedback / Questions:


Is Progress As Expected?If No Describe:

Progress is as expected as if she keeps this up she will see rapid improvement soon enough.

Is Progress As Expected?If No Describe:

Progress is as expected and Alice is doing well in this.

Are the Next Session Overload and Progression Plans Appropriate?If No Describe:

The next session overload and progression plans are appropriate.

Are the Next Session Overload and Progression Plans Appropriate?If No Describe:

The next session overload and progression plans are appropriate.

Was Contingency Needed? If Yes Describe:

no Was Contingency Needed? If Yes Describe:


Page 3: Week 1 to 4

Week 2/4Improvement Priority 1: Improvement Priority 2:Date: 28/1/15 31/1/15 Date: 26/1/15 29/1/15 1/2/15

Time: 7pm Time: Anytime

Venue: Worthing Seafront Venue: Worthing College

Equipment: Correct clothing, stopwatch, notepad and pen Equipment: Computer and team-mates

Weather: No rain, Rain Weather: Rain, Rain, No rain

Coaches Review: Alice did very well for her second threshold training where she did threshold training where she ran for 20 minutes at 155bpm which is a very big start to her training programme and has completed her H.I.I.T training programme of doing 60m sprints with 60 second rests 9 times. Alice has showed strong character and determination to wanting to improve her aerobic endurance as she didn’t slack at all during this and gave it her absolute best.

Coaches Review: Alice did well here as she found out information about her opposition and put them down on to paper to revise the opposition of the next team that she was going to play to find out as much as she can.

Athlete Feedback / Questions:

N/A Athlete Feedback / Questions:


Is Progress As Expected?If No Describe:

Progress is as expected as Alice has managed to increase the amount of time that she has jogged for

Is Progress As Expected?If No Describe:

Progress is as expected as Alice has increased her knowledge and understanding of another opposition team.

Are the Next Session Overload and Progression Plans Appropriate?If No Describe:

The next session overload and progression plans are appropriate.

Are the Next Session Overload and Progression Plans Appropriate?If No Describe:

The next session overload and progression plans are appropriate.

Was Contingency Needed? If Yes Describe:

no Was Contingency Needed? If Yes Describe:


Page 4: Week 1 to 4

Week 3/4Improvement Priority 1: Improvement Priority 2:Date: 4/2/15 7/2/15 Date: 2/2/15 5/2/15 8/2/15

Time: 7pm Time: Anytime

Venue: Worthing seafront Venue: Worthing College

Equipment: Correct clothing, stopwatch, notepad and pen Equipment: Computer and team-mates

Weather: No rain, No rain Weather: No rain, Rain,

Coaches Review: Alice did very well here for her threshold training where she did threshold training where she ran for 20 minutes at 160bpm which is a very big start to her training programme and has completed her H.I.I.T training programme of doing 60m sprints with 55 second rests 9 times. This is another step up from the previous week and is physically challenging so for Alice to keep up with this she is doing very well as it would be very easy for her to give in and stop.

Coaches Review: Alice did well here again as she managed to do her overload well and managed to research more then just one of her opposition teams and she did this with success.

Athlete Feedback / Questions:

N/A Athlete Feedback / Questions:


Is Progress As Expected?If No Describe:

Progress is as expected and Alice is doing very well with improving her aerobic endurance.

Is Progress As Expected?If No Describe:

Progress is as expected and it seems to be going well for Alice in improving her knowledge of the opposite team.

Are the Next Session Overload and Progression Plans Appropriate?If No Describe:

The next session overload and progression plans are appropriate.

Are the Next Session Overload and Progression Plans Appropriate?If No Describe:

The next session overload and progression plans are appropriate.

Was Contingency Needed? If Yes Describe:

no Was Contingency Needed? If Yes Describe:


Page 5: Week 1 to 4

Week 4/4Improvement Priority 1: Improvement Priority 2:Date: 11/02/15 14/215 Date: 09/02/15 12/2/15 15/2/15

Time: 7pm Time: Anytime

Venue: Worthing seafront Venue: Worthing college

Equipment: Correct clothing, stopwatch, notepad and pen Equipment: Computer and team-mates

Weather: No rain, Rain Weather: No rain, No rain, No rain

Coaches Review: Alice did very well here in her threshold training where she did threshold training where she ran for 20 minutes at 165bpm which is a very big start to her training programme and has completed her H.I.I.T training programme of doing 60m sprints with 50 second rests 9 times. It seemed like it was quite tough for Alice to do both of these this week again but her motivation to get through it is very high and she carried on going through this very tough training to improve her aerobic endurance further.

Coaches Review: Here Alice is managing to keep up to date really well and is managing her time well for getting the revision of her opposition teams, as this is a good method to improve knowledge of Alice’s opposition it seems as if she is doing very well with keeping up to date with it.

Athlete Feedback / Questions:

N/A Athlete Feedback / Questions:


Is Progress As Expected?If No Describe:

Progress is as expected and it looks as if Alice’s aerobic endurance is already increasing so it looks like the improvements are going well.

Is Progress As Expected?If No Describe:

Progress is as expected and it looks as if she will be on track to getting priority improved.

Are the Next Session Overload and Progression Plans Appropriate?If No Describe:

The next session overload and progression plans are appropriate.

Are the Next Session Overload and Progression Plans Appropriate?If No Describe:

The next session overload and progression plans are appropriate.

Was Contingency Needed? If Yes Describe:

no Was Contingency Needed? If Yes Describe:


Page 6: Week 1 to 4

Week 4 Review Testing Excellence Trait – Weakness 1/2

Trait: Aerobic fitness

Test Name: 12 minute cooper run http://www.brianmac.co.uk/gentest.htm

Standardised Test:

Yes Normative Data: Yes

If Not A Standardised Test Detail Method Here:Test Result 1: 1728 Test Result 1 Rating: Below average

Test Result 2: 1697 Test Result 2 Rating: Poor

Test Result 3: 1736 Test Result 3 Rating: Below average

Best Result: 1736

Best Result Rating:

Below average

Page 7: Week 1 to 4

Week 4 Review Testing Excellence Trait – Weakness 2/2

Trait: Knowing your opposition

Test Name: Questionnaire

Standardised Test:

No Normative Data: No

If Not A Standardised Test Detail Method Here:

This is a series of 10 questions which are yes/no answers and it gives basic questions of the opposition and the more the athlete answers with a yes then the better he is at knowing his opposition.

Test Result 1: 5/10 Test Result 1 Rating: Average

Test Result 2: 4/10 Test Result 2 Rating: Below average

Test Result 3: 4/10 Test Result 3 Rating: Below average

Best Result: 5/10

Best Result Rating:


Page 8: Week 1 to 4

Describe whether the tests show that progress is being made as planned?

These tests show that progress has definitely been made with the athletes aerobic endurance and it looks like progress has been made with her knowledge of her opposition but not as much as I would have wanted there to be so there may need to be little changes to the plan so that she is able to make better improvements in these last four weeks.

Page 9: Week 1 to 4

Does the mid point review show that weeks 5-8 need to be adapted?

Describe How you will adapt your sessions?The mid point review shows that Alice's aerobic endurance is improving and she is doing a lot better already. Although she has improved slightly with her knowledge of the opposition she hasn’t improved as much as I would have liked her to so we are going to alter the plan and now she will be revising two different teams in the league and will be able to take more knowledge in each week and will be doing a good revision to be able to improve her trait of knowing more about her opposition.