week 1-4 review

Unit 27 – Task 3 Weeks 1-4 and review

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Unit 27 – Task 3

Weeks 1-4 and review

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Week 1/4Improvement priority 1: Improvement priority 2:Date: 19th January Date: 23st January

Time: 18.00 Time: 18.00

Venue: Splash point Venue: Splash point

Equipment: Calf press machine, leg press machine, barbell 100kg,

Equipment: Treadmill

Weather: N/A – closed environment Weather: N/A – closed environment

Coaches review: Coach wasn’t present as it was done out of there training hours and college.

Coaches review: Coach wasn’t present as it was done out of there training hours and college

Athlete Feedback: Sam said it was good but hard than the thought it would be.

Athlete Feedback: Sam said he feels positive about this training program and hope it will help him progress in this improvement priority.

Is progress as expected: First training session, so no progress expected initially

Is progress as expected: First training session, so no progress expected initially

Are the next sessions overload and progression plans appropriate?

No, as Sam already thought it was fairly hard

Are the next sessions overload and progression plans appropriate?

No, as it was only the first session, I want to ease Sam into it slowly

Was contingency needed? N/A Was contingency needed? N/A

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Week 2/4Improvement priority 1: Improvement priority 2:Date: 26th January Date: 30th January

Time: 18.00 Time: 18.00

Venue: Splash point Venue: Splash point

Equipment: Kettle bell, dumbbells, Equipment: Treadmill

Weather: N/A – closed environment Weather: N/A – closed environment

Coaches review: Coach wasn’t present as it was done out of there training hours and college. Coach will review the progress and comment at retesting on week 4.

Coaches review: Coach wasn’t present as it was done out of there training hours and college. Coach will review the progress and comment at retesting on week 4.

Athlete Feedback: This session was hard as the first, now he’s starting to get use to it.

Athlete Feedback: Thought it went well,.

Is progress as expected: Yes progress is what I expect after 2 weeks, he's coping well despite thinking its taught.

Is progress as expected: Yes, he's keeping up with the program

Are the next sessions overload and progression plans appropriate?

I don’t think the progression happen isnt needed at this stage due to it being early in the program, my be used lated on

Are the next sessions overload and progression plans appropriate?

Neither needed but I think within the next few weeks as he seems to being doing well

Was contingency needed?

n/a Was contingency needed? n/a

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Week 3/4Improvement priority 1: Improvement priority 2:Date: 2nd February Date: 6th February

Time: 18.00 Time: 18.00

Venue: Splash point Venue: Splash point

Equipment: Bench press, leg press, barbells

Equipment: Treadmill

Weather: N/A – closed environment Weather: N/A – closed environment

Coaches review: Coach wasn’t present as it was done out of there training hours and college. Coach will review the progress and comment at retesting on week 4.

Coaches review: Coach wasn’t present as it was done out of there training hours and college. Coach will review the progress and comment at retesting on week 4.

Athlete Feedback: Feel like im getting better and it isnt feeling as hard, looking forward to seeing the results at the end of the 8 weeks

Athlete Feedback: feel like im doing well on this program, running feels like its getting easier

Is progress as expected: Progressing steadily, good he feels it isnt as hard

Is progress as expected: Sam is progressing better than I expected

Are the next sessions overload and progression plans appropriate?

no Are the next sessions overload and progression plans appropriate?


Was contingency needed? n/a Was contingency needed? n/a

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Week 4/4Improvement priority 1: Improvement priority 2:Date: 9th February Date: 13th February

Time: 18.00 Time: 18.00

Venue: Splash point Venue: Splash point

Equipment: Kettle bell, dumbbell, leg press

Equipment: treadmill

Weather: N/A – closed environment Weather: N/A – closed environment

Coaches review: Coach wasn’t present as it was done out of there training hours and college. Coach will review the progress and comment at retesting on week 4.

Coaches review: Coach wasn’t present as it was done out of there training hours and college. Coach will review the progress and comment at retesting on week 4.

Athlete Feedback: Feel like Im getting stronger and the program is working

Athlete Feedback: Starting to get a bit easy

Is progress as expected: Yes doing really well, steady progress is being made

Is progress as expected: Sam is dealing with the program better than expected and exceeding my expectations

Are the next sessions overload and progression plans appropriate?

No Are the next sessions overload and progression plans appropriate?

Yes the next session will be a progression session, due to how well he is doing, I feel like he could do more and hopefully improve further.

Was contingency needed? n/a Was contingency needed? n/a

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Week 4 Review testing Excellence Trait – Weakness 1/2

Trait: Muscular Endurance

Test Name: Wall Squat Testhttp://www.brianmac.co.uk/wallsquat.htm

Standardised Test:

Yes Normative Data: Yes

Test Result 1: 80 seconds Test Result 1 Rating: Above Average

Test Result 2: 78 seconds Test Result 2 Rating: Above Average

Test Result 3: 77 seconds Test Result 3 Rating: Above Average

Best Result: The best result was 80 seconds

Best Result Rating:

The best result rating was Above average

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Week 4 Review Testing Excellence Trait – Weakness 2/2

Trait: Stamina

Test Name: Astrand Treadmill Testhttp://www.brianmac.co.uk/astrand.htm

Standardised Test:

Yes Normative Data: Yes

Test Result 1: 45.24 Test Result 1 Rating: Good

Test Result 2: 46.34 Test Result 2 Rating: Good

Test Result 3: 46.73 Test Result 3 Rating: Good

Best Result: The best result was 46.73

Best Result Rating:

The best rating was good, with a score of 46.73

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Describe whether the tests show that progress is being made as planned?

• The trait of excellence muscular endurance is improving steady but not as much as Stamina. The top result of the Wall Squat test before the program was 75 seconds (average), the top result at the mid point testing was 80 seconds (above average). This shows a small but steady improvement. All three of the retesting results improved to above average. Dave was present for this retesting and said he can see the improvement from before the first week and now, he hopes the progress will continue then the effects on this improvement will be felt by the team in games and training. Will make small adjustments to the program but not dramatically.

• The trait of excellence stamina is definitely showing improvement, He’s best result to the Astrand treadmill test was 44 VO2 max (fair) after 4 weeks on the training program it has improved 46.73 VO2 max (good). This shows a define improve. All three test results where in the ‘good’ range, showing this was a one off but it is a consistent improvement. This result similar to what I expected would have happened, as throughout the 4 weeks Sam was doing really well and found if fairly easy. Dave was present to witness the retesting and thinks a definite improvement has been made but there is still progress to go. Due to the result from these week 4 retesting, I believe I will have to alter the program for weeks 5-8 to make them harder.

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Does the mid point review show that weeks 5-8 need to be adapted?

• The mid point review has flagged up that improvements need to be made to the muscular endurance plan for weeks 5-8. I will adapt the sessions by increasing the amount of reps by 2 for each exercise. If this seems like it isn’t increasing that extra strain on Sam, ill add another 1 or 2 reps.

• The mid point review has shown me that significant changes need to be made to the 5-8 weeks program. I will need to change the speed of the fast intervals, the duration he will be running at maximum intensity for and shorten the time for rests between each. Hopefully this will make it more challenge for Sam as he found the first 4 weeks fairly easy. Also increase the intensity and frequency of the training program should hopefully then make Sam improve even more which will be tested at the end to the 8 week training program.