
HERALD WEDNESDAY MA Y a 1907 ITTT i IIaw iT i- S TK WASTON OFF FOR THE WEST I Final Game with tIle Boston Club Called OIL LOOKING FOR FIRST DASEMAN- CnntlIlQn HIM on Seernl- Unol LeBjiiers and u Sncotsor to Stuhl ProlmblDe obtained After Is SoldBoston Refused to lratle TQuuelzJl- I1JJSTDRDnS RBSUITS Chicago Qj Cluvuland 1 Detroit 4 St Louis 3- I TODIYS GAJIB- SClcolnntl nt CJdoago Detroit nt St Louis OJ HE TLIIS W L let w H01 1euJaad t rLll Ie S 11 I It i3 NATIONALS WESTERN DATES LOUISMAY s 10 11 JoI J IV 1B O 8 131 J Pluvttt and his old frkmd the decided that fandom needed another rest and a a result the game with Boston was called off on account ot wet grounds Cautlilon had his trusty henchmen at the park early In the but the diamond wze so soggy that he oft practice and the playtrs adjourned to the clubbous for an hours lecture hoping I would be able to get a final try at the Hubitea In the afternoon An hour before the time for the ot tM contest the iltld was In such shrp that It was out ot the i to tart hostWtes u It dc- lded to eaU Early last night the two left for the West scheduled I today but tomorrow the Nationals wm start If series at It Louis while Bostos plays at Detroit The local club Is at present hi better shape than It has been at any time rdftce the of the preliminary Although Blankeblp spilt hand both- ers hl1l1 It has practically and IN will be able to take his behind the bat by the arM ot WNk Thus tar the brunt of the back stopping hag fallen upon Jack but noW that Is about fa- 6hnpe he will do half of tile work ileydon for For the foaL dies In searly six I lIickmaa Is ready to play ills weak knee bas the best of treatment the team bat been in town aDd unless NilE shows up well In left field ion will make another sWtt and give one of the pcldtiOftl lit the out field Up to the time that he in- jured Wckman showing excellent form and he would have been placed In the Jlneup when CantUoa made the In the team the other day but- t Je manAger wafts to give XUl a fair tryout before he decides whether the 1lttlo pl Jer to do utility roles or one of the regtilar positions Somft1 definite In regard to the dill of Jake stahl Is expected either tJda30 or the httoaal corn niiton pve the Washington club until lwxt Satunlay to arrange a trade and the for the player baa now narrowed to and New York f e Beaten management refused to consider any trade of TsnaehlIJ for Stahl but offered Orhnahaw or DIneen fut the former manager CantWon could see any such neither C nor New York have anything to In the way or the Siabi cast has evolved Itself Into and the Ant will go to tile club which osisra the most Realildnc that the weak of intleld lies at tint base Cantlilon on the outlook tor a man to take the race ot Anderson Vp to the time the left Chlcgo for Galveston the believed that Stahl would change his mind about to play here and for that rea son it was thought that there would netesity for getting another man the irttal baS When Stab deemed on training trip the club left In a lureb and that time Hickman n ni adorson have been unable to Kin satisfaction TheN no first basemen to be had In the American League CantiUon Is looking to the minors man to take place of StahL Several players lit tM- Anwrlc3n Association and the Western Leagtw been recoutniezded and u Boon U Cantl110n can settle upon a play cr he brought here and given a tryout As Washington baa no to trade it will be to put up money for a to Stnhl So the money which the club gets from York or Chicago will be used Jo purchas- Ing a player from minor league There are of fans who that could be used to advantage at first but as the Californian gives promise ot developing Into a first class catcher Cantnlon refuses to take a chance in attempting to break him Into a new position While there are many who doubt that Nill will be able to deliver the goed In the OUtiiid It Is geoemU that the arrangement makes the National Iok stronger than they have time this season Altizer should be mote of a short than he was In Hnter field and Perrine should be an Improve- ment over Schl fly soon as mother flrst baseman can be obtained Anderson wUl be shifted back to the outfield andr this should give Nationals the most formidable array from the material at the or Cantlllcm BROWS Dr OLOUTPEST Grounds In Bad Shape anti Tigers Out St Louts May iDttrolt defeated St Louis tills afternoon to 3 to bunched hitting In the seventh and eighth innings The grounds In bad shape owing to rain early In the day Attendance 850 Score St It J 0 A ll I tott R It 0 S I 0 1 i tll1tne 1 1 J1lin Jh I 1 j 1 I b 1 5 ltceinat lb 1 t lb I I Th I 1 4 ii r r r A JcOOlrU p 1 I 0 I 1 j p 1 I I Tot4b 3 eT jz 4 12111 I kr In nivth inning t 0 0 0 063 ceo io Lt PInt boa on JenLwn 07 netnr iitr i rwvbh ilitaCousltlj l has ltye WHI exannger STtDUtG LPetl- aca 471- ew tau 14- 4PLtts4e1hi4LI 7 iN Wjii 8 1 8t Louts ST 12- ChICAGOMAY iT- LEVlI1AlMAY 21 22- D13T1tOITMAY Wntherinan yesterdayS a getawayday morning called that they set be- ginning ques- tion was the game o clubs Neither teslu hps a me ekising sesena slightly bested regular tri next Warenr Blankesellip leav- Ing emergencIes weeks reetved nca cantil hickman was was big cjlitngo j get entId position ianarrow cntest clown Chicago aheo- lutely njt deal tad a bago offer players a naneIa- IprtpoItIo baeemaq boner greatest the Is sQuad management eILlsing be- o for to- go the was since are so for a the have will be players necessary successor New the I number be- lieve Blanknnabtp conceded new at any success tt As the pan ibie disposal Win 4 owIng were I4ellL t gone ifouti liemphill rtt 5 ii u 0 15- cft S I4stsd S 411 Wallace IL S 4 0 hb ri 2 3 3 5 5 Ycager 0 0 SI 3 I S lIt ichaLr 5 3iehart 3l 0 1 S 1 I- nc C S 1 otesn 0 1 5 Siesri I 3 Nds 000SSi 0ta15 2- 1ltattri Jhsni 14no 2000001003Dt- tftdt Latt ItrAi iAflSOff I t- wVBy Jacubsen 3 Schaefer OJaI7 Niles aisles IIi sod Pijas ThS St sesi SOX RHOADES OUT Naps Twirlers Pounded llRtl1yfhe- Plnnl Score D to 1 Chicago May 7The White Sos hit iiitrd and Qlten today drove Rhoades oft the in tour Bernhard WflQt In and got treatment White pitched an elegant game Attendance Score l a 11 0 11 A B ua rf S 4 If cL t 1 S II- a S I PUtt rf 1 1 1b I 1 a I s I l Uo t1l II t 4 i E Co 1 1 1 eJJ 1 I p 1 p I I I- Te unr JTe Jftii1c- Idep t 1 11 rise lIMe es I Left U CIImtIaIIII Ftst on toibOS I 1 off ikvslaid I uu- IDIdej r B7 1thsSdss I L late Terser laiD J White StO P1kb Idyll lilt trftnBr Ktrae4ea pltchRboMcb Uuplieettcma Tiiss ol hour and J- iata TEOH HIGH DEFEATED is Beaten Uplacopal IIIh School nt- AlUlnllrJiI 8 to 1 Eplacolal HIgh School defeated Tech IUCh at Itlexaadrla yesterday I to 1 Tile was contested Relohard was little unsteady the lint part or the tray but after the ilfth rn nine settled downS and held Ax and to one scratch hit Whltes pitching the teature ot the game He succeeded in making twelve Techs hardhitting crew bite the dust Dabney wu the only man to lad Relchards de livery was handicapped by the absence of Chapin and Brewter Chapln has sore arm and Brewster Is laid up a sprained knee Score 0 1 S It I II t 114 a II d Ii l1att If t I nIt iii Totals iitii Jllr0IIIIl L PInt Pal I ftk 3 LIft rc1a s 1Int teas bseO WhIte t 4 Stresi 13 wcrw St Dm51 l IJ- Iep S UI CutIf- YJe ell IIIoIIr and St uhettes TEAM FOR FlEDERICXJ- Ial1lftUll Club Is AHte1l to Land Ilaer St to fbs Wuldlratoa ljjd Frederick Md May F BMeht bail been chosen the Frederick baseball team and a of line Is anticipated The wellknown players have signed for the season Talbott Benson WhiP Zimmerman Ornlsoss iltrasherger Raveoldu Shipley Oardner HICk J Elaenbauer Jr and llruut An effort Is being to secure Final gas or the St team of Wash legion The liret pme of Ue will be played with Company of tile land National Guard CAUGHT ON THE FLY Stone ill hitting Ja N1I- Ctark Score by tftIe bulletIn hosed RaID prevented half ue Tile Marquette Lasgee llanl time getting lander way BrookWn loses y one run fInest well what Magee was responsible for aY- oonea downfall yesterday In the seventeen gsass Hoffman scored eighteen runs t4uUen and Ort are the pitchers In the hut tAe I lfe Coast lotthander who wen returned to the minces by the New York Americana last year hs Cincinnati contract The St LouIs fardhrnIs think that In Byrne tHy have tM best bIfteJdIr- eartMd for the National League thIII son Two Central umpires be cause they found that they were ot wIth proper respect by pksr taD AU of the in the New League are retnarliably well had the outlook pod for a close rMIt for the hag The New York Nationals going at a pace and if they caD con tlnue the good work they wIll tM- CblcaJo Cubs an awful scene Tip the former WashIngton out lielden been suspended by the lila neapolls dub for violating rules Tip was always a hard one to handle President Dreytus of that he bought a string of horses aacI Intend to enter the racing He esys baseball is nil the sport he wants A eatro writer places the teams at the close or the season as follows New York Cleveland Philadelphia Beston Detroit St Washington A weak arm may cause the retirement ot HAlT Arndt the S1 Louts Inllelder His hitting and fielding have been tactory but he Is unable to whip the ball across the diamond Louis Socklesfs the Indian who once starred Cleveland Sa plaYing in a league In MaIne Firewater caused the downfall of the so far II major league ball was concerned The famous Delahanty baseball family has a worthy rival In the Donobue- JicP is the famous first of the Chicago White Sox Qeorge mom her of the Cant n Ohio team of the Con tra League Pat Is the Stockton Cal team and Prank with the club of the Central League Members of the champIons are complaining because they are forbidden to make any demonstration In the coach ers box until a man reaches first base Jack Sheridan has the following pointed remarks to make on the subject The players have carried this coachllll too Tar and brought the enforcement themselves A ballplayer It given an tncJt will take a yardS and It Is necessary to enforce that rule In order to keep the coachers from the game ft farce That must have beep poor base running on part to sUmble Into triple when nobody was forced and no line ilr caught Remmaij was on third Schaefer on second and SchmIdt at the bat Sebmldt hit to Davis iU1d Rossann was nailed on the line third anti home Then Schmidt was trying to reach econd after which was nipped at the plate SlIOKE Hails Stars end Century Cigars X nUf Cft Pa Are O JISISISIII Itosnia faal5m- bs4llesr Oucnotr Deubk 1la33iciat3rc Iimpln44rS- len1tba heir and Metss DRiVE and slab InnIngs the saint 15W nie1t1n- 4beL Iitajuie I S 0 S na 55 S- C 115 S eiillW- hlitp 21531S211Itbs- ncitnd rvIs sbed so beiis- chicsg 4 hue While oft flbs ilbeedes it feet biei Stnieb set White I Ig is Tee biletaleS Ssflhas Isaifos nkn teststutu folilsas ig 3- WOd Lsetu sad ataan gaue1 by by xame closely a the was of Episcopal Tech a with Ttvhsiesl ItluflAgi gitnsuota Mess n S S 2 4 1 1enlletnn u S I 1 1 5 ooduanilOO13OiLstaadSIIIIIki- gan I S lAb I 31idIlekaufeSi83SJsIbLi1Ii5l- kune3bOllllJWbitep u1 LILS ItSSIISSx3lls- med bess se Iaeuuei 1 se etJ- isiebud setst White ig Ksu 4 Tastest I bam13- am lieboy aM a ilk ig Mbsi gee1 freon 4tioyslas- Mscl 7JOSgph manager of season sport following Creager Ben- nett made Aloeiim season A gary InvaslonotthsWestkon points besw inalags dglly en meId alg games yrsterday hasing a islesil- Oh tbe uel Youag lest Degeg only AmeaL- ague 305 tIme signed a im see League gait treated and chibs ZOIasd macbs4 Is are certainly fast ge ONclil has PIttaburgden1ee baa game Chicago Louis satin with lireeracker redskIn baseman Is a with Spring- field worlds en making DetrOIts a play betwetn cauh Schaefer I I I 20th ± IN HARD LUCKI Brooklyn Again Defeated by Close Score of 2 to 1 WIL PITCHES BY Poor TnhlIng for Tall uttIonn1 Lengnelbe Xlnth Straight for Xc York TORm The Suiurbas Get Phe tIltsAmes Out Ten Yorl 1 Boston 1 GLUES at Chicago nt Brooklyn Ptttsburg nt New York St Louis nt j OiTUBTBAlB I y L tct I W r let Tort I I I It UI- n 11 S au U f It 4121 I t j I S II- P 1t 5 1 I I New York ltfsy 7Del1 the BrookL- Yn pItcher made a couple pitches at tin Polo this and each ligured a run It wu the ninth straight the New York The score L ih i 1 t il p I Think ii Totals iisted tsr tilt t New Torti tu llweNw Y4 I t PInt tenog 7 CIIIi1IJ 1IiJ Bill 4 lalltllee Idea lMtta SteIn Sell nile si hoer and uduce 1Ik- CORBIDON POOLS BOSTON fleaneaters Unable to Connect with Twirler Boston May iA tenillle by to right hId sent two the plate tn tenth today and won tile Boston wu unable to hit Corultion Score 0 t reils 0 Sites Tenesy I lk I 1 J TJIIII If t 1 t t J sa If t f 11 t t a hues I Co ttuEtjua p I 1 t ring J 1 TAft lit I PInt I L YtIUIW ceetSee Xqee satIoe Teessi t nIIIe JIrid MIll Yesug DraadtJd JIrtIIweD JIIIIaIq Jsiulteb lir YGUIIC I te CIWIdae 1 Uil Ruler Tbes SC d MINOR LEAGUES I 4 1 I At Ii I- SOUTIDRS few I At ItnWOAtleaa I a l tta IT f ASSOCIATION t OItyK air u XItwa1dIeer L- raa I I aou L- CitJitioa cr Pu nS- ln RXGLn LR4iUfl- At S 1 e- u Phi IUWlHamItIB Ii JW L SOUTh ATLANTIC IEACIJIi- u s 5 I 4 CONSRCTIOUIl IdLtCUJI- At I t- At LoDdmWawnr 7 At Mdysiellolyte Xar JhdfanIlMrtfenL t B- OTHER GGAMES h 0 P 8 fl I 1 11 J- 1riIIcrtoa cr I- tPott mtur JOHN L NEVER KNOCKED OUT Former Chnnllllon Denies that Any Sent flint Down The appearance of John L Sullivan at the Lyceum this week In his has inn rise to a number of arguments and disputes Some of thone have arisen over the question whether Sullivan wu ever knocked out or von knocked down Sullivan denies emphatically that either or these untoward Incidents ever marred his career In the ring and seems to him out There was much to do when he fought MItchell at Chan tUly France on March over tM claim that Mitchell who was much lighter than the American had knocked him down Sullivan resented this at the I urn last night In sp aklng of sub ject he said I was never knocked down In my Ute I Jt claimed that Mitchell turned the trick but I realty sUpped as the ring was little more than mudpuddle be cause of Ute rain before and during the fight i and Us R wonder we dldnt both fall a number Corbett did not knock me down It was simply a collapse on my part I just sank to the floor and everybody knows It and I wu not knocked clean oft foot which Is what you mean when you a man ts knocked down DmJlcetI1RI Leader Charlottuvllle Vs tIay iAt meeting ot the basketball team of the Tnlverslty of VIrginia George H At kleson of Oetla Pin was unanlmougiy elected to captain the five for The prosles for next are unusually bright owing to the of this seasons tetun who win return to college Of the team Capt w L Glenn G H Atkinson J C Grin nalds P R Ashby H Hawkins C L WIlliams and J X Jackson will STILL TWO BELL Costly End crsof WItt Strikes ildn- YI3SThRDAYS 1tIlSttIiTS- Xevr 2 Ilrooklyu PhiladelphIa 8 TODAYS Cincinnati Boston 1litladeIiiIilaW- fANDINO Ne 1lstio I l of wIld Ground aftern- oonS In win ftr Brmkye IIIIOA1I XewYstk RUOk Ibe- Metriluy I ill Shies ti sees ram lkI1IlIl- i idsi lb I lie e II I IlsNsiae113I- LSILkSlISS LhemossbI- 1IIsutis u Aesi lieu in stub SISICOIGxlltro- nSlsn S5C55BC1l- Ift Misolits lane se Aesss llbesi AatsI- C botsibewenan Dahlia iiid p5tu 2 UVuMeeea sIie ned Kiss pusI il alnetsi PhIllie smash Ilagee Pbllfles across the innIng gem flute nfICf1I res cLttSis C 5 Iius 4 I llrtiatdStSI Serke suing aIa 55515 uIt12I eSISSC 51125 Ysees p55Ill Totals 1lilhhl Teids 3IIil113- itos Se issssssiPh- Udelte IISSIIIIIIl test hr eroneesa PblleiuI bsonnsisi I fliIljgaM lose es te1liO Teeeg nt Cures IIrn- outby 2 ig 4 Thisebe kit Twolou bI4ksicli bite li ecU end Tremy 1ltu hoe u set Teamy Titus sal sad OIoeou Ills usI boar sat ItST1tIlN LILtHJl5- tt Miitstslaetreid- tt TtesetoTnsist losWsr ProeIdeonProd4 buWusra TLi2tG1IH- At MImskIsMesbit5 I tush- darkurul t- At II- tiiillliCAX Cmes t I lilleesi At II PseL Td- svissrruiy iitmni- At liicsl Al Cites 2 IsIeu At lbeuPulo 1 4 WrneetsrLoweil WuseMer At teereunLesunce 2 OUter AAuiush CInemeb 3- At boCOIS fbezht 5- Al 3scteaeslIm3ckeere 3iseos 24cW4NOreIcb litwId Sew 5 3 Haste tI S ttPrIautne puLN- eesili 1 1SG3121a S Rettintuissi end sleek sal Cieltu- Jesu sad AtAltutses- thestina I153I53IxU 2 SCISItSBS7 I 7- ItidinDeMvs aM 3ltt31rhby tbuaesk sad Blow Ever monolgue history hear Chancy 10 ll Lye the was a heavy oftImes my really say VIrginia a 10O7Og years five number 1906 W re- turn Wonder what Mertz will sAytod t Store closes daily at li p In Saturday p m- S 1 0 For a Swell Summer Suit to Measure in the Mertzway of fine light medium or dark gray serge worth about double this special price Every suit guar anteed to fit and satisfy MERTZ AND METZ co 906 F streot VIRGINIA LEAGUE RUSUITS DaR IUe IUohUlOII 4 Norf9J1t 1 portmouth I Itoanoke 1 TODAYs at XorCoJ1- cPortaJUouth at Itollnole- Rlchmonll nt W L t W to DAflIe t t l Il ml ll BENTLEY BATS IN RUNS Lyiiclilnrg Twirler Norfolk Tosn to Thi AID Ya May 7The hence battIng of Bentley won the for YbObburtr todaY It wu an uphill Oght Nrtolk the lead In game Bentley landed for a a double a they all counted for 1 1 1 H I 1 EASY FOR FOnTS1l0UTH- Uoanolce Tenm OutIlaIod nt iIate antI In the IlleIt- lIIpe to The litseid Roanoke Va 7Portmaouth detested Roanoke today by a score of to 1 The visitors outplayed UN local team In the AcId and at tM Only coo people Ute Score S Cite flanvilie DefRt IUoluuondI- Ipedal ns W- DaavWe Vs May won again Riclunoisil afternoon w- et lYe to lilt during Ute bite were IliCaltered and did not count much In run getting Dine her hits and won Sa the fourth Inning Score I it 1 I I t sad BETHAMY OHAPEL ADMITTED Have Tease In tOn IIRllcJIR Chapel was odielally to the Sunday School Baseball All sedation of East Washington day and scheduled to Its appearance on the dlalaGn afternoon when It meet NInth The schedule for a total ot slzty of Which have played The schedule to July 1e The dates follow Jpr W Fk XIIIda It I X I a 1 JIInt f J X yitg It I X W- dIIaay 11 L II ft II q- Iint II wp Itistli II r It It q W ZI xaa I B- LX vs Flint bcthmer W a- K I 10 no K I JtdIIIIaJ that ER I I I Stub sa PInt vs Ninth 1 It f Flint I Xlatk That ft I I it 7 etMDJ j- q That 11 q r X 11 PInI q- XIl6 U X I X YI sthsny 11 Ntada 14 Yhat nBethMIJ 11 XIIIdI YI R I x U Pint vi wliP 11 SlaSh vs IL I vi JIeUIaIJJ vs It t u Flint II vs Flint Rethany ft U t X Ertheny I 11II- IJIcdauJ Flat a n I X- JalJJ BetIwJJ vs Ninth S Fled n I x 3 hettenr ft open Pleat BetI- aar I I Stath Sethasy 11 II R I X ft ilethany U J2 sal 1S VESTERN VS CENTRAL high School Teams VIJI Icet nt Rtfonnl lark Central and meet today at National Perk for the fourth In the tnterhJeh school series The game be celled ILt Sill oclock Both teams have plaYed one game Western defeating Business and Central loosing to Tech The teams will probably lineup as lows CentralIt McDonald third base Smith recond but A McDonald Brat base Richardson catcher Harrah left ftektshort top Rheem pitcher Young right field Van short stopleft held Macauley left field Westernltadford catcher Caner or Michael pitcher lfillyer first base Mc lean second e Howard short stop Kemp third base l11lebrovt1 left field Fort center field Lnrgeet Morning Circulation AU advertising contracts made by The WashIngtOn Herald are upon Its sworn clrcuJationfL in Washington Jarser by than was ever before attained by any morning newspaper at the Cap Ital Its books are opor Smoke One and Will Smoke More Robert antell CIGARS I Fine I YJISTIIILDAYS 1 8- Lyuuhburg l tAIlLt- Siynqhbnrg flanville- TAfliXO OPTJIilTLtNS Wins Urea Came front huald- Iiynehburg gain taking erly this single and thrbegger- wbt ends heOrt LLR1- acbbeg S- 31iafc 1SSSSSISi UalesFlong s4 ileailg Nstu sad Waibtastas May 5 bst witnessed gains LBiln- mn SSCSISIISIa PuealbOlSSSI5l4 ISl- letadiYs sad Ms sad t unit tDsaviiie from this n souse rsei icinnend henry Ie gain but bunched s- nIsOb II- itwi 1511131I sttartu Ibeemeiles aa Rgss illetuced- Lout Elates wIll Stunt Waeltlng ioogue- Betbany admIt- ted yseter Is iaks In- itial this wIll revised cJIs gaines six been extends revised s 3 ta il L B What MrL Ninth Waush 2 Flut n Xhgli Weigh vs 11 it 4 Flint st W 1- ilatb vs in Wsab 1 1itthn- vs Ninth I a S il Ninth 1Wksey ne ne I- XW Wvi Th4Ir LM 31 P31st ii Icieth vs tieay a Nieth- ne aM a cthesr a Nieth Wee 5 N a E vs- Wsusit 35 mm hieth- es na Jnas1 Wsik Rethasy vs I- N Waepk vs B4te vs 1 Wausk a 5 WaSb il v- swus 31tbeay- I 31 Waedi 1 W- sa va Siath C- Waik vs Ninth a S- Wuish a S K it n S ye Wesh a vs Wead 1 5 vs eisa vs ia sees Totiny Western gain will fqi field Moreright Imsed circula- tion thou- sands You = JAMAICA TRACK BAD Col White Good as 100 to 1 Beats Reithnoie Out I SPRING HEEL LEFT AT POST nnttlliig Takes Kings County lInn dlenl In to 1 Gets In Front but Out TJioiii Calhoun Gob iCiest Race i for New York May 7TIte Jamaica track sloppy with mud today butln spite of that tact tour favorites won There only three starters In the Klngrt- I County Handleap at mile and a ax- teentb uttUq a prohibitive favorite won In a Rye 7 to 1 went out In front PhIlander S up to Butt q on the bait stretch and at far turn the three horses were buncheiL I Then Buttllng earn through on the rail and It w SR over Bottling breezing horns length and a half In front ot Philander The time ICS S to S favorite won the hanfil cap for thrceyearolda at six He went to the front when Miller celled upon him sad WOn in gallop by lYe lengths in 111 Thomas Calhoun who closed an equal favorite With Marion Moore at t to won the Jn rue for twoyoaroIds with out being extended Marion Moore and Inaugursuon who bad easy speed topped to nothing The time 1 GI3 The fifth race was only a pOop for Royal onyx t to favorite Miss May S to HI tM second race killed his being kaOeksd out of It Oft the lower turn Re a through Ute borne however only to be u a tIa and a half by Cot White quoted to 1 In some books made a ot It from start to Spring Heel S to I left at the post In the last she a great turn of speed after making up twentyfive la Ute run through the last quarter of a mIle she third beaten two Jobs Streeters Rwrclno to 1 wu the winner with 7 to 6 favorite rlte SUlluuarlu FIRST fwItJ1- IIIon eau III S to I tai 1 Marion site tea Sneoun C4I- W Ihoylel to 1 to 1 ill l 1 Ties 1tt 16 Wa De Palette Lord Joke nd also ru TRiaD l rW I 112 IJ Uattiai to J tH- I Xettef 1 tbMd Thai 1il MiNIIat- V slat RAULTh KIaiaa OIutJ lit I to asI- PlnI I to 1 W Ito wJt8NIII- IIIo ulme to MIl Preatoal S 1- fiIIIeUJ lb to I thed Tins 1 Sao 1- 7 to i secssd tit Keel L 0 Sitt Vathafli dt 8 also DEALS AT OAXLAND Last Useat float Race Suspended Son Francisco May iLoOlf shots came cRoss to entire rosnunme at Oakland thb afternoon TIle racing of a bad and the reversals of form were very frequent Hunter who made a llrpaceful showing Meringue and Ethel Day was jug peaded hi A few Of the fa- voritea Inside of the money and altoptber It the rawest racing ever at Oakland The last even like a beat race lid eas more disgust than any race decided ut anl- lft aI- II U to 1 St mI- WDIiuut to 1 d US to 1 nme 11111 TtftptaIa JriIIi Make SIr Wesley lust lead also JUCE4 end isobaR lym In tKsth U to I ma to L Dr Soesil Mestry II to 1 tI Tine 11116 MInor Realty Dotteril Little Dos I Dv- aJa War and JlftiIIaae ftl THIRD LtCSSeven fwkqs CeL 1tI Batten to 1 ItA J Little Kirtllful tYtiche S to 1 tI TIme Elek Gee Bar ltlatjoastes Tlr XIaIta Mae Maul MuelIti abe ran FOURTH RACElu lurIIIP IIa Maid flacacni T to 1 Rats Nous Ill KdlJt to 1 uond G tl It J tkkd Tine MeNur Nehie Cloud DoIHe Dollars Sito aft FIFTH si LIB IteecI lFbdwn J to 1 lbalx dOt Rellfl I to 5 lrlaa U to J third lf tadecn Wood thorpe hledethotn Rena TIIrbfoot aDd Jaeitui 1M- SIXTII and dfty yeah It- I to 1 won 1tTbas Kelly J to I secocti PraM PlIthltr I to 1 utr1ll- IIDe Lord rI tile Ethel lisle lIck tapa Isbn J- I4aDI the ru LOUISVILLE RESULTS iuer tucusix fubng Sustet PoSy to 1 Won Our Anna Austin to 1 tTrosIfrl I to thud TIlDe hazy hluabsats Lady Cudhls Mlaosat On tlion Pelvic sad Wild ran sncotn hutoIwL Rosst Nieo- Ieft1l Ilathet Brpde CClahaBi S to 1 lee Lady Ju It to 1 tJ Tin IL ltI Brady Little Jfo1Iow Rea Seed Bill Hewn Plot liar and afro ran THIRD LtCES4I furlongs Selling foarJMl and seward Carol l1Jf1iaritJI 5 to 1 woo ttn I to I tiduIp 11- 1Nic even tblrd TIme 118 Albert Fir Prince of LidwIDa Wuaddabia Urns J Ikdwood- II TIN Pet sad Ya abe raa FOURTh IUCEFree Handicap one nile Tem Dolan to 1 laadeo IE T Taykr senind The ILinba Yore1audl third Tine fliancta Ting Charlatan and JCnor JU- PIFTJI handicap bat oness Nran iS to 1 Won LiPt Oat to 1 lecond Peter to I thled Uft New KOIIoe ScIJIft abs ran itACROn sod IJIrudt S to I NInI i to Km opoId tllcnIaIMIl I to i third Time 15 H Lad EJu OoIdal 314 ties nna Rod On Q ran club for Cumberland prclal to IH Washington lIeald Cumberland Nd May The Cumbef Jockey was ranted a certia- cate of Incorporation hert today the cap lUil bell lOIIIO The lacorporatorn are John H Holuhu James C Shriver Carl G Heltzll John W GeorgeGeorge E De- neen William S Berger F lJrooje Whit luc and Warren C Vhite SAW YOUR AD IN THE HERALD I SAW YOUR AD IX THE HERALI- I S4U YOUR AD IN THE HERALD I SlW YOUR AD IN THE HFRALD c I GallopRye 7 Away Wears TwoyenroldsSunlntarlee wan was a gallop S to raced thi a was 35- Zethua furlongs a was 1- Snisbed secend- Reidmoses lot were by made great rash stretch at MO wbt runaway finish was practically rae but de- veloped and lengths finished heads S Djworcee place nics 5y 31usratsi em 3m ale Wilisas sa 13 to I d 4 teSts 3115 5 tGatmri thIsi flies Shidey iloa beaataU Ube sdt- ctcdar RACS14Oh risei sad es- raid me sad ooesletesotk ilsa We- a N nas Raln IN Lhd- S ssead Mbssithsb iMSIS st- thed Sisthe 01 VIs ties Ssdg WAFS3S Chateed RACSltatheap tysreith dx- fatleuse Zethas t 5 ass isa- OToo1e 4 Saturn S to sad us- iovwrx uaammp thste4 sad saM us sad oessutnts Slice Bitt u te em- lkUadr a Milbe s need ha That lss utbe- ryinrn aacnarnn Cia seabet tatlo Sand sh C Si em Ass Ma7 to sictue- dYleeawj RedS and Itub ilocard ate r- aixiw teeyesrold Inlu 1st tulsem 1W lilOestilat S Is em- em 1W tMtbat 1W tilusteh I te ihas 554 y 1 Uhelses Sam Jiact aM Xeaba as- R4W IooksJlke Jockey dangeroimly capturing the was description on the jadges finished was esen loOked L3CIFat ad eseteu tuisp rode Kusk usa As S Seed lee Rely I Otud ile- St Apcbp Place AId suid Sletuast Jat isa- EOONB w1es ill Susan 1W lS 11 usual 1W Shoe iieucapp Ibe Lila slat leech S woo Yefloustase 1W WIts east 1W l34 3m iced sad as carhaV gar 1W won 1W Grace tiw to IN Gazc- P Judge 3Iaet L4bt- gad ilteEseTen4eettte a stile 55 won 1W- iW 555fl4 Ilagarn 15- Rettig hue aha LtCilMue Wootsa Webb I S IE Wilson 45 144 Sale EtbIb- Jassa Srniue Lnie and UoSIdgs Iee- a 2 stctiid- A 2 11515 CalIta- Ilary Nan Violet also LtCgFour em sod Mrlerttyi Tiu- es4L Uad Pass Jcaale hialket Beeves old Led 1 4 aecond In- Tratce Pleas Rxdzuini Aea- vitsisle OvtiooI GsuI I won teen 15435 Wig she Rlcasarpiochaas henrited I Pubrrton I Raker- Yenreil S Tine Asa- teedast Saul Paean and Wberfrkls SIXTh oneN5sath stiles Crust won Fonsohace 2 stand and Jockey land Club < Tailormde Clothes That ave shap S 1 4 7 5 staYIng quall I ties built to order Your choice of nil the newest and most fashionable Spring Voolensgrays mixtures and blue sergesevery suiting easily worth 7850 to 20 The shapestaying qualities of Stein snide garments will appeal to fastidiousreuerlaPd the price speaks for itself Our Mr Usd4 dper and cutter for many yesj ocIateci With gIves each pAtron his personal attention M STEIN CO Tailors 810 F St N W L fancy Keen ROSEBENS PAST TRIAL horse Covers Iltie In In TryoutS New York tal 7Rosebon D C Johnson sprinter worked a over the Graveseud track yseter day morning In I 45 accordIng to the railblrds la preParation for the Metropolitan lJ ftdiCKP on Thursday He galloped live or six feet out the rail aU the way and under the tIn cutaoc the work good Davy Johnson Is said to have bet with L O that the big Ben gelding would win the fixture at mont Park tot which be Sa likely to O to the post favorIte which ran In lit of the last JMl and then the Saratoga Handicap and other races be a sure tarter In the MetropolItan according to a triend of F R Hitchcock Knapp will have the MOunt BIT ON I E SAYS OBRIEN Philadelphia lack Confident of Vic tory Over Burns Great Crowul See flat tie ut Tonight Quaker nor1to at to 10 Los Cat May iA great fight by the sporting iDea of Lee when PhIladel- phia Jack OHCIen exchanges with Tommy Bur ill the ring ot the Pacific A C night The fact that has announced that this fa his last battle and tlaat he Is extremely ana to retire wIth Ida fareWell perform sacs a vIctOry assured the followers of the that the Pldladelpwt will do Zen Burns be Sa more than confident Is forward to meeting with the be meat defeat to sash that at- tractive The fight with SquIna would ProbablY be called ell If should sufr detest at tile of OBrten It can he gist of It wilt prove one of Ute interesting on the coat Yesterday another banner MY at u training camp betwem and people visited OBrien during the day It a mixed assemblage being made up for the most part of the regular fight followers Intent upon a line on OBriens true condition It was not OBriens Intentlots tAt spar yesterday hut the large crowd of visitors called for something besides tbe camp work so Jack hooked up three rounds wIth Swanson and a like of rounds with the Turk ThIs is all for the amusement of tie people who COrM this distastes to see me lid OBrIen I am in perfECt right now and I dont need to do another lob of work I havent a worry on earth the outcome of the I Km- eonMent of winning and I strongly urge an of my friends to have a NI down on Me is my last at Long Beach Tommy Burns yesterday afternoon I wW finish my work at the Nasal Junc- tIon poym44j so the Los Angeles taM will have a chance to ass me work and becaumie It will accustem me to Ute ring that I am to fight lit Three hundred visitors gave up S cents yesteday for of view lag Burns at work and rot a ron for their Prof Lewis Is looking after Burna training Is very proud of hIs man condition and verssee every movement and exercise that Tommy makes Immediately after the afternoons work out Burns was examined by a who pronounced the tighter to be as near perfect for man to be Nothtng tott but the Los Angeles workout and then neat until Wednesday night with long walk en Tuesday and the day of the fight said Burns nere be speculation as to which of us la the man after Wednesday night he added The betting on the event rules at 1t to i with OBrien a warm favorIte Joknuons Big 18048 great tails 32 Irons was exceptionally 824100 agaInst 1500 Ap- pleby iltrema historic Be Dndeilon second bIg sprIng handicaps won will WIll Probably Lan Angeles 7 Angel is autIc1ptad Angeles blows tomorrow OBrien ions ring bisbeet- As Burns looking a Autraflsn Squires sad OBrien emiest Tommy heu sfere seen the thu ki geeathepon1nuee Is tb mesa and mulL ever seen was Arcadia IN S was getting regular for number Abdo condtion coneerning fight bet 5Foday said goIng apiece the privilege they money who physician aslt Is possible a a wont any better RACING CARDS FOR T6DAY Janialea FIRST RACFtve Danlate lII oyurell 0 III zAcnos end nraixlgpnth stiles HrL I t i t THIRD NIl PUp IS III Sir Toddm 11- 5watWeU IS nj- FOunu RACESuiak t- I UI 94 Peer Tilekitu ai UCIrIiis Iudoc1p Water n lit Chief Mare P 1II- J8UtTU HalIte 1- 10Jt Hood lfl LISa Doa I a 5 10 lilt lit 1 c I II Ii- OaloIRRti nUT JUCZ8UII lllli I 1 1I- HIiECOND JlAcsaait C- i tIe 018101- I M TRIED ItAC1- Hrii I 11I 1- jurt ill r IJ1 1CiIIIora- JIIOUlftJ1 and shiek II C c 11- JIf I fI- FlPIK xAcgg J 104 hotel UI3 DIe t i I 54 1 It Freed U 15 c 111 1011III Cutter LouIsville rinev JUCKo- RaII SIll cr Little QaiII8a AIdIi1ti- Dn SIIOOND Kid S Kattude toe II- IH II m- Ca Vni lI THIRD IIUIrc- III W It- Litt1e One u c indJ liA- 1J Dr Lee FOURTh JUCJCa- l r LMId IrJ Note IlJ Firm leg I I 0 m SIXTH RAcoree 811ea t- f1ri I alI elaimed Amateur The Glenwood Athletic Club wants games with teams fourteen of age The team Is composed of J Miller G Hunt J Grady 1 Murphy J Young D Grady H Lycett r Finn W MIller and K Young Address John Finn 1901 Lincoln avenue northeast Mtus t Take US I klada 1W Tb Base er of hennaw 1W IlattIOrd B- CoaudIes 15- 4ChICOND a steamai r 1W Bisar C- TIwd fipdst 1Wlnmiut p- 7ameene Isameere 1W Flip Flap II IN Lewd 4tgbep 1- 1Qalee Ready Tout Bone haiRy RACEOne ooeakecn alles pkp Sbenandaah I- Sis s Rakes tb- Sianak is Rats silt OEet 9- 4Itald las sad S at Sis Tb these Theme 10- P12114 ataflot Rest 110 Cb 114 Reveler sir Toddlastea 1W New Taut Teal u3ILlAuow at 055 19- 4Ctsiisse 1WI EiCXYive sad emS 4us 15 lad News 1W z i- Laaia iti- patedist Pehon C btutbl 15- 4i p Vtho sad Mg liT 1W I uca one f- lZ nonel koes 15 I St IS 1tia E 11 Ileshoul SiXTH LtCR1IesIe aft Yea 1 I uses Fir5fl 31W- Itaa 94 Grass 1W- A dsh Aus 15- ilcUaThotije IS- Mnisa 1Wl an- 3kb Ateam I Lac 1W Its 3Sf LtCdellieg fatIc- Yieme I Mney Marszrt SaMebh I Wahilak 1k 1 Bin owlr t7skia reho Esadad RenT Toed Cbsoeaadts dx Deus Nods I- Monree lubads 194 IluWsss flIp let- Dr Weather S Mcstle 19- 4Mstdae S it dUsty t7ivsL Ni f6- La 5 Else 11gM 15 iseCut- tilitiade Fiel Pinch in tithe hutton Envy Ran 106 LtcisPuiu tu Zither ileown elm 19- 4iba hlerdsat IN Uilsdmsr- Tha Kelly 15 Cal Fseu Piless SI The YasMtI 1W Igyriese Meesetts 1W Mar and usebe aeilirg- Ledy Guodoch N tfflk Tinker 106 Mr P Belle Leeks M lkbo itt Cakiway BelIladisa 1i- Foaolat itcaijSak- Ainasaucs Baseball averaging yenta = < = = = SOc IN CASH FOR 100 COUPONS FROM J CIGARETTE OF QUALITY I Coupons also for Valuple Presents Premium Dejiartment THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO JERSEY N J ST LOUIS MO a c THE Redeemable CIT

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Post on 24-Mar-2018




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ITTT i IIaw iT i-



Final Game with tIle BostonClub Called OIL


CnntlIlQn HIM on Seernl-Unol LeBjiiers and u Sncotsor

to Stuhl ProlmblDe obtainedAfter Is SoldBostonRefused to lratle TQuuelzJl-


Chicago Qj Cluvuland 1

Detroit 4 St Louis 3-


SClcolnntl nt CJdoagoDetroit nt St Louis

OJ HE TLIISW L let wH01 1euJaad trLll Ie S 11


LOUISMAY s 10 11


1B O

8 131

J Pluvttt and his old frkmd thedecided that fandom needed

another rest and a a resultthe game with Boston wascalled off on account ot wet grounds

Cautlilon had his trusty henchmen atthe park early In the but thediamond wze so soggy that he oftpractice and the playtrs adjourned to theclubbous for an hours lecture hoping


would be able to get a final tryat the Hubitea In the afternoon

An hour before the time for theot tM contest the iltld was In

such shrp that It was out ot thei

to tart hostWtes u It dc-lded to eaU Early lastnight the two left for the West

scheduled Itoday but tomorrow the Nationals wmstart If series at It Louis while Bostosplays at Detroit

The local club Is at present hi bettershape than It has been at any time rdftce

the of the preliminaryAlthough Blankeblp spilt hand both-ers hl1l1 It has practicallyand IN will be able to take his

behind the bat by the arM otWNk Thus tar the brunt of the backstopping hag fallen upon Jackbut noW that Is about fa-

6hnpe he will do half of tile workileydon for

For the foaL dies In searly six I

lIickmaa Is ready to play ills weak kneebas the best of treatmentthe team bat been in town aDd unlessNilE shows up well In left field

ion will make another sWtt and giveone of the pcldtiOftl lit the out

field Up to the time that he in-jured Wckman showing excellentform and he would have been placed Inthe Jlneup when CantUoa made the

In the team the other day but-t Je manAger wafts to give XUl a fairtryout before he decides whether the1lttlo plJer to do utility roles orone of the regtilar positions

Somft1 definite In regard to the dillof Jake stahl Is expected either

tJda30 or the httoaal cornniiton pve the Washington club untillwxt Satunlay to arrange a trade and the

for the player baa now narrowedto and New York

f e Beaten management refusedto consider any trade of TsnaehlIJ

for Stahl but offered Orhnahaw or DIneenfut the former manager CantWon could

see any such neitherC nor New York have anything to

In the way or the Siabicast has evolved Itself Into

and the Ant willgo to tile club which osisra the most

Realildnc that the weak ofintleld lies at tint base Cantlilon

on the outlook tor a man to take therace ot Anderson

Vp to the time the left Chlcgofor Galveston the believedthat Stahl would change his mind about

to play here and for that reason it was thought that there would

netesity for getting another manthe irttal baS When Stab deemed

on training trip the club leftIn a lureb and that time Hickmann ni adorson have been unable to Kinsatisfaction

TheN no first basemen to be hadIn the American League CantiUon Islooking to the minors man to take

place of StahL Several players lit tM-Anwrlc3n Association and the WesternLeagtw been recoutniezded and uBoon U Cantl110n can settle upon a playcr he brought here and given atryout As Washington baa noto trade it will be to put upmoney for a to Stnhl So themoney which the club gets fromYork or Chicago will be used Jo purchas-Ing a player from minor league

There are of fans whothat could be used to

advantage at first but as the Californiangives promise ot developing Into a firstclass catcher Cantnlon refuses to takea chance in attempting to break him Intoa new position

While there are many who doubt thatNill will be able to deliver the goed Inthe OUtiiid It Is geoemU thatthe arrangement makes the NationalIok stronger than they have timethis season Altizer should be mote of a

short than he was In Hnterfield and Perrine should be an Improve-ment over Schl fly

soon as mother flrst baseman can beobtained Anderson wUl be shifted backto the outfield andr this should giveNationals the most formidable array

from the material at theor Cantlllcm


Grounds In Bad Shape anti TigersOut

St Louts May iDttrolt defeatedSt Louis tills afternoon to 3to bunched hitting In the seventh andeighth innings The grounds Inbad shape owing to rain early In theday Attendance 850 Score

St It J 0 A ll I tott R It 0 SI 0 1 i tll1tne

1 1 J1lin Jh I 1

j 1 I

b 1 5 ltceinat lb 1 tlb I I Th I 1 4

i i r r r A

JcOOlrU p 1 I 0 I 1 j p 1 I I

Tot4b 3 eT jz 4 12111 Ikr In nivth inning

t0 0 0 063

ceo io Lt PInt boaon JenLwn 07 netnr iitr i

rwvbh ilitaCousltlj l

has ltye


STtDUtGLPetl-aca 471-

ew tau 14-4PLtts4e1hi4LI 7 iN Wjii

8 1 8t Louts

ST 12-


LEVlI1AlMAY 21 22-


WntherinanyesterdayS a



that they

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ekising sesena

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tri next


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offer playersa naneIa-

IprtpoItIo baeemaq


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4 owIng


I4ellL tgone ifoutiliemphill rtt 5 ii u 0 15-cft S I4stsd S 411Wallace IL S 4 0 hb ri 2 3 3 5 5Ycager 0 0 SI 3 I S

lIt ichaLr 53iehart 3l 0 1 S 1 I-

nc C S 1 otesn 0 1 5Siesri I 3

Nds 000SSi0ta15

2-1ltattri Jhsni

14no 2000001003Dt-tftdtLatt ItrAi

iAflSOff I t-wVBy Jacubsen 3

Schaefer OJaI7Niles aisles IIi

sod PijasThS St sesi


Naps Twirlers Pounded llRtl1yfhe-Plnnl Score D to 1

Chicago May 7The White Sos hitiiitrd and Qlten today droveRhoades oft the in tourBernhard WflQt In and gottreatment White pitched an elegantgame Attendance Scorel a 11 0

11A Bua rf S 4 If

cL t 1 S II-a S I PUtt rf 1 1

1b I 1 a

Is I lUo t1l II t 4

i E Co 11 1eJJ

1 I p1p I I I-

Te unr JTe Jftii1c-Idep

t 1 11rise lIMe es I Left

U CIImtIaIIII Ftst on toibOSI 1 off ikvslaid I uu-

IDIdej rB7 1thsSdss I Llate Terser laiDJ White StO P1kbIdyll lilt trftnBr Ktrae4ea

pltchRboMcb UuplieettcmaTiiss ol hour and J-



is Beaten Uplacopal IIIh School nt-

AlUlnllrJiI 8 to 1

Eplacolal HIgh School defeated TechIUCh at Itlexaadrla yesterday I to 1

Tile was contestedRelohard was little unsteady the lintpart or the tray but after the ilfth rnnine settled downS and held Axand to one scratch hit

Whltes pitching the teature otthe game He succeeded in makingtwelve Techs hardhitting crewbite the dust Dabney wu the only

man to lad Relchards delivery was handicapped by theabsence of Chapin and Brewter Chaplnhas sore arm and Brewster Is laidup a sprained knee Score

0 1 S It I


t 114 aII d Ii

l1att If t I

nIt iii Totals iitii

Jllr0IIIIl L PIntPal I ftk 3 LIftrc1a s 1Int teas bseO WhIte t

4 Stresi 13wcrw StDm51lIJ-Iep S UI CutIf-YJe ell IIIoIIr and St uhettes


Ial1lftUll Club Is AHte1l to LandIlaer St

to fbs Wuldlratoa ljjdFrederick Md May F

BMeht bail been chosen theFrederick baseball team and a ofline Is anticipated Thewellknown players have signed for theseason Talbott Benson WhiPZimmerman Ornlsoss iltrasherger

Raveoldu Shipley Oardner HICkJ Elaenbauer Jr and llruut

An effort Is being to secure Finalgas or the St team of Washlegion The liret pme of Ue willbe played with Company of tileland National Guard


Stone ill hitting Ja N1I-Ctark

Score by tftIebulletIn hosed

RaID prevented half ue

Tile Marquette Lasgee llanltime getting lander way

BrookWn loses y one run fInestwell what

Magee was responsible for aY-oonea downfall yesterday

In the seventeen gsassHoffman scored eighteen runs

t4uUen and Ort are thepitchers In the

hut tAe I lfe Coast lotthander whowen returned to the minces by the NewYork Americana last year hsCincinnati contract

The St LouIs fardhrnIs think that InByrne tHy have tM best bIfteJdIr-eartMd for the National League thIIIson

Two Central umpires because they found that they were ot

wIth proper respect by pksrtaD

AU of the in the NewLeague are retnarliably wellhad the outlook pod for a close rMItfor the hag

The New York Nationalsgoing at a pace and if they caD contlnue the good work they wIll tM-CblcaJo Cubs an awful scene

Tip the former WashIngton outlielden been suspended by the lilaneapolls dub for violating rules Tipwas always a hard one to handle

President Dreytus ofthat he bought a string of horses aacIIntend to enter the racing Heesys baseball is nil the sport he wants

A eatro writer places the teams atthe close or the season as follows NewYork Cleveland PhiladelphiaBeston Detroit St Washington

A weak arm may cause the retirementot HAlT Arndt the S1 Louts InllelderHis hitting and fielding have beentactory but he Is unable to whip theball across the diamond

Louis Socklesfs the Indian who oncestarred Cleveland Sa plaYing in a

league In MaIne Firewatercaused the downfall of the sofar II major league ball was concerned

The famous Delahanty baseball familyhas a worthy rival In the Donobue-JicP is the famous first of

the Chicago White Sox Qeorge momher of the Cant n Ohio team of the Contra League Pat Is the StocktonCal team and Prank with the

club of the Central LeagueMembers of the champIons are

complaining because they are forbiddento make any demonstration In the coachers box until a man reaches first baseJack Sheridan has the following pointedremarks to make on the subject Theplayers have carried this coachllll tooTar and brought the enforcementthemselves A ballplayer It given antncJt will take a yardS and It Is necessaryto enforce that rule In order to keep thecoachers from the game ft farce

That must have beep poor base runningon part to sUmble Into triple

when nobody was forced and no lineilr caught Remmaij was on thirdSchaefer on second and SchmIdt at thebat Sebmldt hit to Davis iU1d Rossannwas nailed on the line third antihome Then Schmidt was tryingto reach econd after which wasnipped at the plate


Hails Starsend Century Cigars

X nUf Cft Pa Are


JISISISIII Itosnia faal5m-bs4llesr OucnotrDeubk 1la33iciat3rc Iimpln44rS-len1tba heir and Metss


andslab InnIngs

the saint


4beL Iitajuie I S 0 Sna 55 S-

C 115 S eiillW-hlitp


rvIs sbed so beiis-chicsg 4 hueWhile oft flbs

ilbeedes it feet biei Stnieb setWhite I Ig is Tee

biletaleS Ssflhas Isaifosnkn teststutu

folilsas ig 3-

WOd Lsetusad ataan gaue1


xame closelya






Ttvhsiesl ItluflAgi gitnsuotaMess n S S 2 4 1 1enlletnn u S I 1 1 5ooduanilOO13OiLstaadSIIIIIki-gan I S lAb I


u1LILS ItSSIISSx3lls-med bess

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isiebud setst White ig Ksu4 Tastest I bam13-am lieboy aM a ilkig Mbsigee1

freon 4tioyslas-Mscl

7JOSgphmanager of

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InvaslonotthsWestkonpoints besw

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alggames yrsterday

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signed a


League gait

treated and

chibs ZOIasdmacbs4


are certainlyfast ge








basemanIs a





DetrOIts aplay




I 20th



Brooklyn Again Defeated byClose Score of 2 to 1


Poor TnhlIng for TalluttIonn1 Lengnelbe Xlnth

Straight for Xc York TORmThe Suiurbas Get Phe tIltsAmes

Out Ten

Yorl 1Boston 1


atChicago nt Brooklyn

Ptttsburg nt New YorkSt Louis nt


OiTUBTBAlBIy L tct I W r let

Tort I I I

It UI-n 11 S au U f It 4121I t j I S II-P 1t 5 1 I I

New York ltfsy 7Del1 the BrookL-

Yn pItcher made a couplepitches at tin Polo this

and each ligured a run It wuthe ninth straight the NewYork The score

L ih i1


ilp I

Think iiTotalsiisted tsr tilt t

New Torti

tu llweNw Y4 I t PInttenog 7 CIIIi1IJ1IiJ Bill 4 lalltllee Idea lMtta

SteInSell nilesi hoer and uduce 1Ik-


fleaneaters Unable to Connect withTwirler

Boston May iA tenillle byto right hId sent twothe plate tn tenth

today and won tile Bostonwu unable to hit Corultion Score


reils 0SitesTenesy I lk I 1 J

TJIIII If t 1t t J saIf t f 11 t ta

hues I Co

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YtIUIW ceetSeeXqee satIoeTeessi t nIIIe JIrid

MIll YesugDraadtJd JIrtIIweD

JIIIIaIq Jsiulteblir YGUIIC I te CIWIdae 1 Uil Ruler

Tbes SC d


I 41 I

At Ii I-


fewIAt ItnWOAtleaa Ia l tta IT f


t OItyK airu XItwa1dIeer L-raa I I

aou L-

CitJitioa cr PunS-

ln RXGLn LR4iUfl-

At S1 e-u Phi IUWlHamItIB Ii JW L


u s5

I 4


At I t-

At LoDdmWawnr 7At Mdysiellolyte Xar

JhdfanIlMrtfenL t B-


h 0 P 8 fl I 1 11 J-





Former Chnnllllon Denies that AnySent flint Down

The appearance of John L Sullivan atthe Lyceum this week In hishas inn rise to a number of argumentsand disputes Some of thone have arisenover the question whether Sullivan wuever knocked out or von knocked down

Sullivan denies emphatically that eitheror these untoward Incidents ever marredhis career In the ring and seemsto him out There was much to dowhen he fought MItchell at ChantUly France on March over tMclaim that Mitchell who was much lighterthan the American had knocked himdown Sullivan resented this at the


urn last night In spaklng of subject he said

I was never knocked down In my UteI Jt claimed that Mitchell turned thetrick but I realty sUpped as the ringwas little more than mudpuddle because of Ute rain before and duringthe fight i and Us R wonder we dldntboth fall a number Corbett didnot knock me down It was simply acollapse on my part I just sank to thefloor and everybody knows It and I wunot knocked clean oft foot which Iswhat you mean when you aman ts knocked down

DmJlcetI1RI LeaderCharlottuvllle Vs tIay iAtmeeting ot the basketball team of the

Tnlverslty of VIrginia George H Atkleson of Oetla Pin was unanlmougiyelected to captain the five forThe prosles for next areunusually bright owing to theof this seasons tetun who win returnto college Of the team Capt wL Glenn G H Atkinson J C Grinnalds P R Ashby H Hawkins CL WIlliams and J X Jackson will



Costly Endcrsof


Strikes ildn-


Xevr 2 IlrooklyuPhiladelphIa 8


Cincinnati Boston



Ne 1lstio I


of wIldGround aftern-

oonS Inwin ftr

Brmkye IIIIOA1I XewYstk RUOkIbe-

Metriluy I ill Shies ti seesram lkI1IlIl-i idsi lb I lie e I I I

IlsNsiae113I-LSILkSlISS LhemossbI-1IIsutisu Aesi

lieuin stubSISICOIGxlltro-

nSlsn S5C55BC1l-Ift Misolits

lane se Aesss llbesi AatsI-C

botsibewenan Dahlia iiid p5tu2 UVuMeeea sIie ned Kiss

pusI il alnetsi


Ilagee Pbllflesacross the innIng


flute nfICf1I res cLttSisC 5 Iius 4 IllrtiatdStSISerke suing

aIa 55515 uIt12IeSISSC 51125Ysees p55IllTotals 1lilhhl Teids 3IIil113-itos Se issssssiPh-Udelte IISSIIIIIIltest hr eroneesa PblleiuI

bsonnsisi I fliIljgaMlose es te1liO Teeeg nt Cures IIrn-outby 2 ig 4 Thisebe kit

Twolou bI4ksicli biteli

ecU end Tremy 1ltu hoeu set Teamy Titus salsad OIoeou Ills

usI boar sat


tt Miitstslaetreid-tt TtesetoTnsist losWsr

ProeIdeonProd4 buWusra


At MImskIsMesbit5 I tush-darkurul

t-At II-

tiiillliCAXCmes t

I lilleesiAt II PseL Td-

svissrruiy iitmni-At liicslAl Cites 2 IsIeuAt lbeuPulo 1 4

WrneetsrLoweil WuseMerAt teereunLesunce 2


AAuiush CInemeb 3-

At boCOIS fbezht 5-

Al 3scteaeslIm3ckeere 3iseos

24cW4NOreIcb litwIdSew 5

3 HastetI S

ttPrIautne puLN-eesili 1

1SG3121a S

Rettintuissi end sleek sal Cieltu-Jesu sad

AtAltutses-thestina I153I53IxU 2


ItidinDeMvs aM 3ltt31rhby tbuaesk sad

Blow Ever



Chancy10 ll





myreally say


10O7Ogyears five





Wonder what Mertz will sAytod t

Store closes daily at li p InSaturday p m-

S 1 0For a SwellSummer


to Measure

in the Mertzway of finelight medium or dark grayserge worth about double thisspecial price Every suit guaranteed to fit and satisfy


906 F streot



DaR IUe IUohUlOII4 Norf9J1t 1

portmouth I Itoanoke 1


at XorCoJ1-cPortaJUouth at Itollnole-

Rlchmonll nt

W L t W toDAflIe t t lIl ml ll


Lyiiclilnrg TwirlerNorfolk Tosn

to Thi AIDYa May 7The hencebattIng of Bentley won the forYbObburtr todaY It wu an uphillOght Nrtolk the lead In

game Bentley landed for aa double a

they all counted for

1 1 1 H I1


Uoanolce Tenm OutIlaIod nt iIateantI In the IlleIt-

lIIpe to The litseidRoanoke Va 7Portmaouth

detested Roanoke today by a score ofto 1 The visitors outplayed UN local

team In the AcId and at tM Onlycoo people Ute Score



flanvilie DefRt IUoluuondI-Ipedal ns W-

DaavWe Vs May wonagain Riclunoisil afternoon w-

et lYe to liltduring Ute bite were

IliCaltered and did not count much In rungetting Dine her hits andwon Sa the fourth Inning Score

I it1 I

I tsad


Have Tease IntOn IIRllcJIR

Chapel was odielallyto the Sunday School Baseball All

sedation of East Washingtonday and scheduled to Its

appearance on the dlalaGnafternoon when It meet NInth

The schedule for a totalot slzty of Which haveplayed The schedule to July1e The dates followJpr W Fk XIIIda It IX I

a 1JIInt f J X

yitg It I X W-

dIIaay 11 L II ft II q-Iint II wp Itistli IIr It

It q WZI xaa I B-

L X vs Flint bcthmer W a-K I 10 no

K I JtdIIIIaJ thatE R I I I Stub saPInt

vs Ninth 1 Itf Flint I Xlatk

That ft I I it 7 etMDJ j-q That 11 q r X 11 PInI q-XIl6 U X I X YI sthsny 11 Ntada

14 Yhat nBethMIJ 11 XIIIdI YI R Ix U Pint vi wliP 11 SlaSh vs

IL I vi JIeUIaIJJ vsIt t u Flint II vs Flint

Rethany ft U t XErtheny I 11II-

IJIcdauJ Flat a n I X-

JalJJ BetIwJJ vs Ninth S Fled n I x3 hettenr ft open Pleat BetI-aar I I Stath Sethasy 11 IIR I X ft ilethany U J2 sal 1S


high School Teams VIJI Icet ntRtfonnl lark

Central and meet today atNational Perk for the fourth In thetnterhJeh school series The game becelled ILt Sill oclock

Both teams have plaYed one gameWestern defeating Business and Centralloosing to Tech

The teams will probably lineup aslows

CentralIt McDonald third baseSmith recond but A McDonald Bratbase Richardson catcher Harrah leftftektshort top Rheem pitcher Youngright field Van short stopleft heldMacauley left field

Westernltadford catcher Caner orMichael pitcher lfillyer first base Mclean second e Howard short stopKemp third base l11lebrovt1 left field

Fort center field

Lnrgeet Morning CirculationAU advertising contracts made by

The WashIngtOn Herald areupon Its sworn clrcuJationfL

in Washington Jarser bythan was ever before attained

by any morning newspaper at the CapItal Its books are opor

Smoke One and Will

Smoke More

Robert antellCIGARS

I Fine



1 8-






Wins Urea Camefront



taking erlythissingle and thrbegger-wbt ends heOrt

LLR1-acbbeg S-

31iafc 1SSSSSISiUalesFlong s4 ileailg Nstu sad



bstwitnessed gains

LBiln-mn SSCSISIISIaPuealbOlSSSI5l4 ISl-letadiYs sad Ms sad

t unittDsaviiie

from thisn souse rsei icinnendhenry Ie gain but


s-nIsOb II-itwi 1511131I

sttartu Ibeemeiles aa Rgss illetuced-Lout Elates

wIll Stunt Waeltlngioogue-

Betbany admIt-ted

yseterIs iaks In-

itial thiswIll

revised cJIsgaines six been


s 3 tail L B What

MrL Ninth Waush 2 Flut n XhgliWeigh vs 11 it 4 Flint st W 1-

ilatb vs in Wsab 1 1itthn-vs Ninth I a S

il Ninth 1Wkseyne ne I-

XW Wvi Th4Ir LM31 P31st ii Icieth vs tieay

a Nieth-ne aM a cthesr a NiethWee 5 N a E vs-

Wsusit 35 mm hieth-es na

Jnas1 Wsik Rethasy vs I-

N Waepk vs B4te vs 1Wausk a 5

WaSb ilv-


I 31 Waedi 1 W-sa va Siath C-

Waik vs Ninth a S-Wuish a S K it n S

ye Wesh avs

Wead 1 5 vs

eisa vs iasees




field Moreright


tion thou-sands




Col White Good as 100 to 1

Beats Reithnoie OutI


nnttlliig Takes Kings County lInndlenl In to 1 Gets

In Front but Out

TJioiii Calhoun Gob iCiest Race i


New York May 7TIte Jamaica tracksloppy with mud today butln spite

of that tact tour favorites won Thereonly three starters In the Klngrt-


County Handleap at mile and a ax-teentb uttUq a prohibitive favoritewon In a Rye 7 to 1 went out In

front PhIlander S up toButtq on the bait stretch and atfar turn the three horses were buncheiL I

Then Buttllng earn through on the railand It w SR over Bottling breezinghorns length and a half In front otPhilander The time ICS

S to S favorite won the hanfilcap for thrceyearolda at sixHe went to the front when Miller celledupon him sad WOn in gallop by lYelengths in 111

Thomas Calhoun who closed an equalfavorite With Marion Moore at t towon the Jn rue for twoyoaroIds without being extended Marion Moore andInaugursuon who bad easy speedtopped to nothing The time 1 GI3The fifth race was only a pOop for Royalonyx t to favorite Miss May S to

HI tM second racekilled his being kaOeksd out of

It Oft the lower turn Re athrough Ute borne however

only to be u a tIa and a half byCot White quoted to 1 In somebooks made a ot It fromstart to

Spring Heel S to I leftat the post In the last she

a great turn of speed aftermaking up twentyfive la Ute runthrough the last quarter of a mIle she

third beaten two JobsStreeters Rwrclno to 1 wu the winnerwith 7 to 6 favorite

rlte SUlluuarluFIRST fwItJ1-

IIIon eau III S to Itai 1

Marionsite tea


W Ihoylel to 1to 1 ill l 1

Ties 1tt 16 Wa DePalette Lord Joke

nd also ruTRiaD

lrW I112 IJ Uattiai to J tH-I Xettef 1 tbMd Thai 1il MiNIIat-

V slatRAULTh KIaiaa OIutJ

litI to asI-

PlnI I to 1 W Ito

wJt8NIII-IIIo ulme to

MIl Preatoal S 1-fiIIIeUJ lb to I thed Tins 1

Sao 1-7 to i secssd tit KeelL

0 Sitt Vathaflidt 8 also


Last Useat float RaceSuspended

Son Francisco May iLoOlf shots camecRoss to entire

rosnunme at Oakland thb afternoonTIle racing of a bad andthe reversals of form were very frequentHunter who made a llrpaceful showing

Meringue and Ethel Day was jugpeaded hi A few Of the fa-

voritea Inside of the money andaltoptber It the rawest racing ever

at OaklandThe last even like a beat race

lid eas more disgust than any racedecided ut anl-lft aI-

II U to 1 St mI-

WDIiuut to 1 d USto 1 nme 11111 TtftptaIa JriIIi

Make SIr Wesley lust leadalso

JUCE4 end isobaRlym In tKsth U to I ma

to L Dr Soesil MestryII to 1 tI Tine 11116 MInorRealty Dotteril Little Dos I Dv-aJa War and JlftiIIaae ftlTHIRD LtCSSeven fwkqs CeL 1tIBatten to 1

ItA J Little Kirtllful tYtiche S to 1tI TIme Elek Gee Barltlatjoastes Tlr XIaIta Mae MaulMuelIti abe ran

FOURTH RACElu lurIIIPIIa Maid flacacni T to 1Rats Nous Ill KdlJt to 1 uondG tl It J tkkd Tine

MeNur Nehie CloudDoIHe Dollars Sito aft

FIFTH si LIBIteecI lFbdwn J to 1 lbalx dOt

Rellfl I to 5 lrlaaU to J third lf tadecn Wood

thorpe hledethotn Rena TIIrbfoot aDd Jaeitui1M-

SIXTII and dfty yeah It-


to 1 won 1tTbas Kelly J to Isecocti PraM PlIthltr I to 1 utr1ll-IIDe Lord rI tile Ethel lisle

lIck tapa Isbn J-


iuer tucusix fubng Sustet PoSyto 1 Won Our Anna Austin to 1

tTrosIfrl I to thud TIlDehazy hluabsats Lady Cudhls Mlaosat

On tlion Pelvic sad Wildran

sncotn hutoIwL Rosst Nieo-Ieft1l Ilathet Brpde CClahaBi S to 1 lee

Lady Ju It to 1 tJTin IL ltI Brady LittleJfo1Iow Rea Seed Bill Hewn Plot liarand afro ran

THIRD LtCES4I furlongs Selling foarJMland seward Carol l1Jf1iaritJI 5 to 1

woo ttn I to I tiduIp 11-

1Nic even tblrd TIme 118 Albert FirPrince of LidwIDa

Wuaddabia Urns J Ikdwood-II TIN Pet sad Ya abe raa

FOURTh IUCEFree Handicap one nile TemDolan to 1 laadeo IE TTaykr senind The ILinba Yore1audl thirdTine fliancta Ting Charlatan andJCnor JU-

PIFTJI handicap batoness Nran iS to 1 Won LiPtOat to 1 lecond Peter

to I thled Uft NewKOIIoe ScIJIft

abs ranitACROn sod

IJIrudt S to I NInI ito Km opoId tllcnIaIMIl I to ithird Time 15 H Lad EJu OoIdal 314ties nna Rod On Q ran

club for Cumberlandprclal to IH Washington lIealdCumberland Nd May The Cumbef

Jockey was ranted a certia-cate of Incorporation hert today the caplUil bell lOIIIO The lacorporatorn areJohn H Holuhu James C Shriver CarlG Heltzll John W GeorgeGeorge E De-neen William S Berger F lJrooje Whitluc and Warren C Vhite




GallopRye 7Away Wears




gallopS to raced


awas 35-





Snisbed secend-Reidmoses lot

were bymade great

rash stretch

at MO

wbt runawayfinish

was practicallyrae but de-

veloped andlengths

finished headsS

Djworcee place

nics 5y31usratsi em 3m

ale Wilisas sa 13 to I d 4teSts 3115 5 tGatmri thIsi fliesShidey iloa beaataU Ube sdt-ctcdar

RACS14Oh risei sad es-raid me sad ooesletesotk ilsa We-a N nas Raln IN Lhd-S ssead Mbssithsb iMSIS st-thed Sisthe 01 VIsties Ssdg WAFS3S

ChateedRACSltatheap tysreith dx-

fatleuse Zethas t 5 ass isa-OToo1e 4 Saturn

S tosad us-

iovwrx uaammpthste4 sad saM us sad oessutntsSlice Bitt u te em-lkUadr a Milbe s need ha

That lss utbe-

ryinrn aacnarnn Ciaseabet tatlo Sand sh C

Si em Ass Ma7 to sictue-dYleeawjRedS and Itub ilocard ate r-

aixiw teeyesrold Inlu 1sttulsem 1W lilOestilat S Is em-

em 1W tMtbat1W tilusteh I te ihas 554 y1 Uhelses Sam

Jiact aM Xeaba as-



dangeroimly capturing the

was description

onthe jadges



L3CIFat ad eseteu tuisprode Kusk usa AsS Seed lee RelyI Otud ile-St Apcbp PlaceAId suid Sletuast Jat isa-

EOONB w1esill Susan 1WlS 11 usual 1W


Ibe Lila slatleech

S woo Yefloustase 1W WItseast 1W

l34 3miced sad

as carhaVgar 1W won

1W Gracetiw to IN Gazc-P Judge 3Iaet L4bt-gad

ilteEseTen4eettte a stile55 won 1W-

iW 555fl4 Ilagarn 15-Rettig hue

ahaLtCilMue Wootsa

Webb I SIE Wilson 45

144 Sale EtbIb-Jassa Srniue Lnie

and UoSIdgs

Iee-a 2 stctiid-A 2 11515

CalIta-Ilary Nan Violetalso


sod Mrlerttyi Tiu-es4L Uad Pass

Jcaalehialket Beeves

old Led1 4 aecond

In-Tratce Pleas Rxdzuini Aea-vitsisle OvtiooI

GsuI I wonteen

15435 Wigshe

Rlcasarpiochaashenrited I

Pubrrton I Raker-Yenreil S Tine Asa-

teedast Saul Paean andWberfrkls

SIXTh oneN5sath stilesCrust won Fonsohace

2 stand



land Club


Tailormde ClothesThat ave shap

S 1 4 75staYIng quall

Ities built toorder

Your choice of nil the newest and most fashionable SpringVoolensgrays mixtures and blue sergesevery suiting

easily worth 7850 to 20 The shapestaying qualities of Steinsnide garments will appeal to fastidiousreuerlaPd the pricespeaks for itself

Our Mr Usd4 dper and cutter for many yesj ocIateciWith gIves each pAtron his personal attention

M STEIN COTailors 810 F St N W





horse Covers Iltie InIn TryoutS

New York tal 7Rosebon D CJohnson sprinter worked a

over the Graveseud track yseterday morning In I 45 accordIng tothe railblrds la preParation for theMetropolitan lJ ftdiCKP on ThursdayHe galloped live or six feet outthe rail aU the way and under the tIncutaoc the workgood Davy Johnson Is said to havebet with L O

that the big Ben geldingwould win the fixture atmont Park tot which be Sa likely to Oto the post favorIte

which ran In litof the last JMland then the Saratoga Handicapand other races be a sure tarterIn the MetropolItan according to atriend of F R Hitchcock Knapp willhave the MOunt


Philadelphia lack Confident of Vic

tory Over Burns

Great Crowul See flattie ut Tonight

Quaker nor1to at to 10

Los Cat May iA greatfight by the sportingiDea of Lee when PhIladel-phia Jack OHCIen exchanges withTommy Bur ill the ring ot the PacificA C night The fact that

has announced that this fa hislast battle and tlaat he Is extremely ana

to retire wIth Ida fareWell performsacs a vIctOry assured the followers ofthe that the Pldladelpwt will do

Zen Burns be Sa more than confidentIs forward to meeting

with the be meatdefeat to sash that at-tractive The fight with SquIna wouldProbablY be called ell If shouldsufr detest at tile of OBrten

It can he gistof

It wilt prove one of Uteinteresting on the coat

Yesterday another banner MY atu training camp betwemand people visited OBrien during theday It a mixed assemblage beingmade up for the most part of the regularfight followers Intent upon a lineon OBriens true condition

It was not OBriens Intentlots tAt sparyesterday hut the large crowd of visitorscalled for something besides tbecamp work so Jack hooked up threerounds wIth Swanson and a likeof rounds with the Turk

ThIs is all for the amusement of tiepeople who COrM this distastes to see me

lid OBrIen I am in perfECtright now and I dont need to do anotherlob of work I havent a worry on earth

the outcome of the I Km-eonMent of winning and I strongly urgean of my friends to have a NI downon Me

is my last at Long BeachTommy Burns yesterday afternoon

I wW finish my work at the Nasal Junc-tIon poym44j so the Los Angeles taMwill have a chance to ass me work andbecaumie It will accustem me to Ute ringthat I am to fight lit

Three hundred visitors gave up S centsyesteday for of view

lag Burns at work and rot a ronfor their

Prof Lewis Is looking after Burnatraining Is very proud of hIs mancondition and verssee every movementand exercise that Tommy makes

Immediately after the afternoons workout Burns was examined by awho pronounced the tighter to be as nearperfect for man to be

Nothtng tott but the Los Angelesworkout and then neat until Wednesdaynight with long walk en Tuesday andthe day of the fight said Burns nere

be speculation as to which ofus la the man after Wednesdaynight he added

The betting on the event rules at 1t toi with OBrien a warm favorIte

Joknuons Big18048




was exceptionally

824100 agaInst 1500 Ap-pleby iltrema

historic Be

Dndeilon secondbIg sprIng handicaps


WIll ProbablyLan Angeles


Angelis autIc1ptad





AsBurns looking a

Autraflsn Squires sadOBrien emiest


sfere seen the thuki geeathepon1nuee Is tb mesa and

mulLever seen

wasArcadia IN







coneerning fight




apiece the privilegethey



aslt Is possible a


wont anybetter


JanialeaFIRST RACFtve

Danlate lII oyurell0 IIIzAcnos end nraixlgpnth stiles


t i tTHIRD NIl

PUp ISIII Sir Toddm 11-

5watWeU ISnj-

FOunu RACESuiak t-

IUI 94

Peer Tilekitu

aiUCIrIiis Iudoc1p

Water n litChief Mare

P 1II-


HalIte 1-10Jt Hood lfl LISa Doa I a5 10


1 cI II Ii-


JUCZ8UIIlllliI 1


JlAcsaait C-i tIe 018101-I M


11I 1-jurt illr IJ11CiIIIora-

JIIOUlftJ1 andshiek

II C c 11-JIf


FlPIK xAcgg J 104

hotel UI3

DIe t i

I 54


It Freed U 15c 111


LouIsvillerinev JUCKo-

RaII SIll crLittleQaiII8a AIdIi1ti-Dn


Kid S Kattude toeII-

IH II m-



Litt1e One u c indJ liA-1J

Dr Lee



Note IlJ

Firm legI

I 0 m

SIXTH RAcoree 811ea

t-f1ri I

alI elaimed

AmateurThe Glenwood Athletic Club wants

games with teams fourteenof age The team Is composed of

J Miller G Hunt J Grady 1 MurphyJ Young D Grady H Lycett r FinnW MIller and K Young Address JohnFinn 1901 Lincoln avenue northeast

Mtust Take US I klada 1W

Tb Base erof hennaw 1W IlattIOrd B-



a steamai r1W Bisar C-

TIwd fipdst 1Wlnmiut p-7ameene

Isameere 1WFlip Flap II

IN Lewd 4tgbep 1-1Qalee ReadyTout Bone haiRy

RACEOne ooeakecn allespkp Sbenandaah I-Sis

sRakes tb-

Sianak isRats silt OEet 9-

4Itald lassad S at

SisTb these Theme 10-

P12114ataflot Rest 110 Cb 114Revelersir Toddlastea 1W New Taut

Tealu3ILlAuow at

055 19-4Ctsiisse 1WI

EiCXYive sad emS 4us15

lad News 1W


Laaia iti-patedist Pehon

Cbtutbl 15-

4i p

Vthosad Mg


1W I

uca onef-

lZnonel koes 15I St IS 1tia

E 11Ileshoul

SiXTH LtCR1IesIe aftYea 1 I usesFir5fl 31W-Itaa 94Grass 1W-

A dsh

Aus 15-ilcUaThotije IS-Mnisa 1Wl an-3kb Ateam I Lac1W Its

3SfLtCdellieg fatIc-

Yieme I MneyMarszrt SaMebh I Wahilak1k 1

Bin owlr t7skiareho Esadad

RenT Toed Cbsoeaadts


Nods I-Monree lubads 194

IluWsss flIp let-Dr Weather S Mcstle 19-

4Mstdae S itdUsty t7ivsL Ni

f6-La 5 Else11gM 15 iseCut-tilitiade Fiel Pinch intithe hutton Envy Ran 106

LtcisPuiu tuZither ileown elm 19-

4iba hlerdsat IN Uilsdmsr-Tha Kelly 15 Cal FseuPiless SIThe YasMtI 1W IgyrieseMeesetts 1W Mar

and usebe aeilirg-Ledy Guodoch N tfflk

Tinker 106 Mr PBelle

Leeks M lkbo ittCakiway BelIladisa 1i-Foaolat itcaijSak-




= <







Coupons also for Valuple Presents

Premium Dejiartment




