
  DEV ELOP MENT PLAN S Categor  y  Rece ntly C omple ted Pr ojects Ongo ing Pr oject s Futur e Plan    I   n    f   r   a   s    t   r   u   c    t   u   r   e    /    P    h   y   s    i   c   a    l    F   a   c    i    l    i    t    i   e   s Const ruct ion of a Con tain er Terminal (NCT) at New-Mooring area of Chittagong Port. Construction of North Container Yard (NCY). Construction of a Bridge over  Mohesh Khal t o connec t CCT & GCB area.  Procurem ent of 31 Nos. Container/ Carg o handling  equipment.  Procurem ent of one Oily Waste  Recepti on Vessel and construc tion of Processing Plant. Pr ocu rem ent of one Soli d Waste collection Vessel.  Procurem ent of Pilot an d Utilit y Vessel P.V. Rakshi. Con stru cti on Two Sta ge Gat e Complex.  Install ation of Radiat ion  Detect ion Eq uipmen t. Co ns tr uc ti on of ba ck -up  facilita tes for NCT berths No. 4 & 5. Capi tal dre dging and Bank  Protecti on Work with jetty  faciliti es in Karnaph uli River  from 3 rd Karn aph uli Brid ge to  Sadargha t jett y. Const ruction of In land  Container Terminal at Pangaon.  Replace ment of River  Moorin g No. 4 by Dolphin Jetty. A. SHORT TERM Construction of Multi-storied Vehicle Parking  Shed (A waiti ng Govt . appr oval). Construction of Service Jetty at the upstream of  Jetty N o.1 (Aw aitin g Govt . approv al).  Relocat ion an d Const ruction of Cust om Ware  House- cum-She d (DPP will b e sent shortly for Govt . approval). Construction of 25 Storied CPA Tower.  Procurem ent of 35 Nos. Cargo/C ontainer handling equipment (Awaiting Govt. approval).  Procurem ent and Installa tion of Vessel Traffic  Manage ment Informat ion System (VTMIS ) (DPP approved).  Procurem ent of one Sea-goi ng Water Supply Vessel (DPP approved).  Procurem ent of one High power Tug Boat (4500  BHP) (DPP approved) .  Install ation of Surface Water Treatment Plant (Awaiting Govt. approval). Replacement of Survey Boat (Jarip-11) (Awaiting Govt. approval).  Extensi on of C CTV (Await ing Govt. a pproval).

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 Recently Completed Projects Ongoing Projects Future Plan

   I  n   f  r  a  s   t

  r  u  c   t  u  r

  e   /   P   h  y  s

   i  c  a   l

   F  a  c   i   l   i   t

   i  e  s

Construction of a Container Terminal (NCT) at New-Mooring 

area of Chittagong Port.

Construction of North

Container Yard (NCY).

Construction of a Bridge over 

 Mohesh Khal to connect CCT &

GCB area.

 Procurement of 31 Nos.

Container/Cargo handling 

equipment. Procurement of one Oily Waste

 Reception Vessel and construction

of Processing Plant.

Procurement of one Solid 

Waste collection Vessel.

 Procurement of Pilot and Utility

Vessel P.V. Rakshi.

Construction Two Stage Gate


 Installation of Radiation Detection Equipment.

Construction of back-up facilitates for NCT berths No. 4

& 5.

Capital dredging and Bank 

 Protection Work with jetty

 facilities in Karnaphuli River 

 from 3rd  Karnaphuli Bridge to

 Sadarghat jetty.

Construction of Inland 

Container Terminal at Pangaon.

 Replacement of River  Mooring No. 4 by Dolphin Jetty.


Construction of Multi-storied Vehicle Parking 

 Shed (Awaiting Govt. approval).

Construction of Service Jetty at the upstream of 

 Jetty No.1 (Awaiting Govt. approval).

 Relocation and Construction of Custom Ware

 House-cum-Shed (DPP will be sent shortly for Govt.


Construction of 25 Storied CPA Tower.

 Procurement of 35 Nos. Cargo/Container handling equipment (Awaiting Govt. approval).

 Procurement and Installation of Vessel Traffic

 Management Information System (VTMIS) (DPP 


 Procurement of one Sea-going Water Supply

Vessel (DPP approved).

 Procurement of one High power Tug Boat (4500

 BHP) (DPP approved).

 Installation of Surface Water Treatment Plant 

(Awaiting Govt. approval). Replacement of Survey Boat (Jarip-11)

(Awaiting Govt. approval).

 Extension of CCTV (Awaiting Govt. approval).

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Construction of Exposition-cum-Convention

Centre. (Land acquisition under process).

Construction of Karnaphuli Container Terminal 

at Jetty No.11,12, & 13.Construction of Multi-storied Staff Quarter 

(Consultant submitted design, drawing and 

estimate. DPP under preparation).

 Replacement of River Mooring -3 by Dolphin


Construction of Laldia Bulk Terminal.

 Procurement of one Floating Crane.

 Procurement of one Dredger (DPP under 


 Procurement of One Rescue-Cum-Ambulance Ship(DPP under Preparation).

 Replacement of Tugboat Kandari-6 (DPP under 


 Replacement of Pilot Vessels (P.V. Dishari and 


Construction of CPA Hospital Complex.

Construction of Multi-storied Officers Quarter.

Construction of CPA new Rest House beside the

existing Rest House.

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Construction of Multi-purpose Berth with Back-

up facilities in place of Jetty No.7-10.

Construction of Over Flow Yard at New Mooring 

 Area.Construction of Overflow Yard in Place of CPA

 South Residential Area.

   C  o  m  p  u   t  e

  r   i  s  a   t   i  o  n


   A  u   t  o  m  a   t   i

  o  n

 Hospital Management System.

 Estate Management System.

 Personnel Management 

 Information System (PMIS).

 Introduction of Computerized 

ContainerTerminal Management 


(Under trial run.)


   P  r   i  v  a   t   i  z  a   t

   i  o  n  z  a   t   i  o  n

   i  n   i   t   i  a   t   i  v  e  s

--  Appointment of Private

Terminal Operator for Operation

& Management of NCT on SOT 


 Appointment of Private

Terminal Operator for Operation

of Pangaon ICT.


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   S   t  u   d  y   /

   C  o  n

  s  u

   l   t  a  n  c  y

Feasibility Study for  

Construction of one new ICD near 

 Dhirasram Railway Station in

Gazipur District.

Port Efficiency Improvement 

 Plan (PEIP).Techno-Economic Feasibility

 Study for Deep Sea Port in


Feasibility Study for  

Construction of Karnaphuli 

Container Terminal(KCT) – 

 Awaiting Financial offer from

 BRTC/BUET for appointment as

consultant. Feasibility Study for 

Construction of Laldia Bulk 

Terminal (Consultant will submit 

 final report shortly).


Carry out Hydraulogical/Geomorphological 

 Study and Preparation of a Strategic Master Plan

 jointly by CPA and ADB. (Coordination with ADB is

in progress)

 Study for Construction of Exposition-cum-Convention Centre. (TPP sent for Govt. approval.

 Land acquisition under process).

Feasibility Study for Procurement of one

Floating Crane (TPP prepared).