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Page 1: €¦  · Web viewThere are different beliefs about the origins of the universe. These include religious and non-religious views

GCSE AQA A Course Companion: Component 2, Theme B Page 1 of 94 © ZigZag Education, 2016

Religion And Life

Page 2: €¦  · Web viewThere are different beliefs about the origins of the universe. These include religious and non-religious views

The Origins and Value of the UniverseThe Origins of the UniverseThere are different beliefs about the origins of the universe. These include religious and non-religious views.

The Value of the World and the Duty of Human Beings to Protect ItDifferent religious and non-religious people may have different views about the world and humans’ responsibilities to the world.

Use and Abuse of the EnvironmentHumans have used the environment, but many feel humankind has also abused it; misused and damaged it for personal gain.

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Keywords: dominion – control over something stewardship – duty to look after, a state of managing resources in a responsible way judge – [by God] evaluate someone’s actions and reward or punish appropriately

Keywords: creation – a religious account of how the world and universe were made literal – something exact and factual symbolic – something which represents something else Big Bang – a rapid expansion of matter from a tiny central point, which scientifically accounts for the

beginning of the universe atheist – someone who does not believe in God or gods

The Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights, a wonder of the natural world which religious people may believe shows the glory of God.

Page 3: €¦  · Web viewThere are different beliefs about the origins of the universe. These include religious and non-religious views

Use and Abuse of AnimalsAs well as other natural resources, humans have also made use of animals. Humans use animals in different ways, including animal experimentation, as a food source, and for use in making materials.

Religious Views

Summary for the Origins and Value of the Universe Christians believe that God created the world and the universe. Some believe that the account of

creation in Genesis is literally true, and dispute scientific accounts. Others believe that the creation story is symbolic and that religious accounts are compatible with science – God may have started the Big Bang. Atheists disagree with the belief that there is a God (or gods) who created the world, and think that only scientific accounts of the origins of the universe are valid.

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Keywords: animal experimentation – using animals to test chemicals or medicines to see if they are harmful

before using them on humans, or using animals in other research to learn things which may benefit humans cloning – creating identical copies of existing animals (or other things like plants) genetic modification – changing an animal’s genes to produce a difference in their biological make-up Qur’an – the Muslim holy book, which the majority of Muslims believe to be the literal word of God (Allah)

revealed through the Prophet Muhammad secular – non-religious

Page 4: €¦  · Web viewThere are different beliefs about the origins of the universe. These include religious and non-religious views

Many Christians feel awe and wonder at creation, believing that it shows God’s glory. Some Christians believe that God has given them dominion over the world; however, many also feel that God has made them stewards of creation and that they have a responsibility to manage the world’s resources well. Non-religious people may also believe that humans have a responsibility to manage the world, though they do not believe that the world was given to humans by God/gods.

Many humans believe that humanity has abused the environment. Religious and non-religious people believe that humanity needs to act so that pollution does not severely impact life on Earth.

Humans have used animals in different ways, including for experimentation and for food. Different religious and non-religious people have a variety of opinions about whether this is acceptable: People may believe that using animals for food is wrong, right, or that animals can be used for

food in moderation and/or if they are treated well. Different attitudes to the world, its resources, and animals may lead to laws being made to protect

nature and animals, and campaigns for this to be the case. However, countries and companies may still use natural resources and animals for gain.

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A waterfall. Religious people might think this shows the

wonder of God’s creation. Such instances of nature serve as a

reminder to look after the world and not to pollute it.

Page 5: €¦  · Web viewThere are different beliefs about the origins of the universe. These include religious and non-religious views

The Origins and Value of Human LifeThere are different beliefs about the origins of human life; whether it was created by God or occurred naturally. These views can influence positions on abortion and euthanasia, and whether people think that sanctity of life is more important than quality of life, or not.

Religious Teachings about the Origins of Human LifeAs seen in the section on The Origins of the Universe, Christianity has a creation story. Genesis 1 states that God created humans after he had created the universe and everything else. It says that he created them in his image.

Sanctity of Life and Quality of LifeThere are different views about whether life is sacred, or particularly special (sanctity of life) and about the importance of quality of life; whether life is ‘worth living’.

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Keywords: abortion – terminating a pregnancy and ending the life of a foetus euthanasia – sometimes called mercy killing. Generally helping someone die who wishes to die, or ending

the life of someone who is unable to make such a decision for themselves, for example someone in a coma, where it is believed they would wish this

sanctity of life – a belief that life is sacred and/or special, implying that life should be looked after quality of life – how good one’s life is; some argue that if life is ‘not worth living’ there may be reasons for

not preserving it

Keywords: evolution – the widely accepted scientific theory that organisms such as humans and animals have

adapted over time

Keywords: sanctity of life – a belief that life is sacred and/or special, implying that life should be looked after quality of life – how good one’s life is; some argue that if life is ‘not worth living’ there may be reasons for

not preserving it sin – a thought or action against God, which he may choose to punish

Picture portraying the evolution of humans

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AbortionAbortion involves ending a pregnancy and the life of a foetus. There are different reasons for getting an abortion and different attitudes to abortion.Reasons for Having an AbortionThere are different reasons why someone might want to have an abortion. These are reasons why an abortion may be allowed in the UK:

Reason Examples Attitudes

The mother’s life is in danger, or her health is at risk

Some pregnancies make a woman very ill, such as ectopic pregnancies where the foetus grows in the wrong place

Alternatively, someone may have a medical condition which needs treating, and the foetus would be killed by, or needs to be removed for, the treatment, e.g. chemotherapy for cancer

For people who are not completely against abortion in any circumstance, this is probably the reason that most people would find acceptable for having an abortion, because a life is at risk, or health is in danger

Some may only accept this if there is a serious and immediate risk

The pregnancy or raising a child would be too difficult for the woman to cope with mentally or physically(or might endanger the wellbeing of existing children)

If the pregnancy is the result of rape, the woman might find it very hard to carry her rapist’s child

Someone might have a mental illness, and would be placed under great strain to go through with a pregnancy

Someone may have several children already and be unable to afford to raise another

Many people accept abortion in such circumstances because they feel that it is unfair to prolong the traumatic ordeal of rape, or to place an unbearable mental or financial burden on someone

Others feel that while the woman might be unable to look after a child, she should be supported through the pregnancy, and give her child up for adoption

The foetus would be born with a serious disability

This could be that they will be born without a particular organ functioning properly

The foetus might have a genetic disease, such as Down’s Syndrome

Some people feel that it is unfair to bring children into the world who might have a low quality of life, or a low life expectancy.

Some people feel that parents should not make this decision for a child, and that many disabled people live happy, and often long, lives

They might also feel that any life is valuable and people have no right to destroy life because they feel it will be a burden on them

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Page 7: €¦  · Web viewThere are different beliefs about the origins of the universe. These include religious and non-religious views

Death and an AfterlifeBecause different people have different beliefs about what happens when someone dies, they may have different views about death, and different views about the value of life.

Summary for the Origins and Value of Human Life Christians believe that God created human life. Some believe that the account of creation in the

Bible is literally true, and others believe that this is symbolic and God may have created humans through evolution. Atheists do not believe that God had any part in the origins of human life.

Sanctity of life is the concept that human life is sacred and should not be destroyed, often held for the religious reasons that life is given by God; it is created in his image; and that destroying life is murder and is a sin against God. Quality of life refers to how good it is to live life for the person living it.

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Keywords: heaven – a realm where people may go after death and reside with God hell – a realm where people may go after death, away from God purgatory – a realm where people must make amends for their sins after death before entering heaven resurrection of the body – the belief that God will raise people’s bodies at the end of time immortality of the soul – the belief that a spiritual part of a person lives on after death Judgement – in Christianity, when God will separate good and bad people to go to heaven and hell

A young baby. For various reasons, some people may feel an abortion is preferable to

continuing with a pregnancy.

Page 8: €¦  · Web viewThere are different beliefs about the origins of the universe. These include religious and non-religious views

Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy, ending the life of a foetus. It is legal in the UK in some circumstances, for example if the mother’s life is at risk; if there is mental or physical danger to the woman or her existing children; or if the foetus is likely to be born with a serious disability.

Some people argue against abortion due to the sanctity of life, or argue for it because of arguments based on quality of life. There are other arguments for and against abortion, including arguments about who qualifies as a person, and about bad effects to the health of the woman. There are different religious opinions to abortion, although many religious people allow abortion in case of risk to the mother’s life. Opinions about abortion may influence laws and lead to demonstrations

. Euthanasia is mercy killing. There are different types, for example voluntary and non-voluntary;

and active and passive. There are also important related concepts such as double-effect and DNRs.

Arguments in favour of euthanasia include arguments based on quality of life, and the idea that people have a right to be allowed to die.

Arguments against euthanasia include belief in the sanctity of life and the worry that legalising euthanasia is a slippery slope.

Different religions have different views on euthanasia. Many religious bodies teach against active euthanasia, though some religious believers are sympathetic to it. There is more acceptance of passive euthanasia in religion, though not in all cases. Humanists have campaigned for euthanasia to be legalised. Opinions about euthanasia may influence laws and several people wishing to die have gone to court about the issue.

People of different religious beliefs have different beliefs about an afterlife, and these have an impact on how they value human life. Atheists may value human life highly as they believe in no afterlife. In other religions, human life often has value in helping to achieve the afterlife which believers desire.

Quote… This means that…

In the Bible it says…“Do not Kill” You shouldn’t kill (abortion and euthanasia)

“Let them have dominion over the earth”

Humans have control over the earth.

“The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it”

The earth and everything in it belongs to God.

“Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit”

Your body is special as it has a bit of God inside it. (abortion and euthanasia)

“Whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”

Christians believe that there is everlasting life after death for those that believe in Jesus.

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Page 9: €¦  · Web viewThere are different beliefs about the origins of the universe. These include religious and non-religious views

In the Qur’an it says…“If anyone kills a person, it is as if he

kills all mankind”Allah believes Killing is a great sin. (abortion and


“The Earth is green and beautiful, and Allah has appointed you his

stewards over it”

The earth was created as perfect and we have a responsibility to look after it.

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Religious Teachings