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1 Synchronous Training Program University of Phoenix Facilitator Training Program J. Flowers, CUR/532 April 20th, 2015 Garth Beerman

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1Synchronous Training Program

University of Phoenix Facilitator Training Program

J. Flowers, CUR/532

April 20th, 2015

Garth Beerman

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2Synchronous Training Program


The University of Phoenix College will be executing a training program geared to

provide the college professors with a guide to prepare them for teaching distance education. This

training will provide the professors with teaching skills of technology and other tools that college

professors should exhibit in their class rooms. Online education differs from Face to face classes

and each professor will learn what it takes and the differences of the settings. This will be a 3 day

training consisting of 8 hours each day and will focus on communication tools, class feedback,

and student/facilitator class engagement. The participants of this training will be offered to the

professors of University of Phoenix. At the conclusion of this training an assessment of each

professor will be given to assess the gained knowledge of this training content.

Training Program Audience

The audience of the training session will consist of 100 professors currently employed at

University of Phoenix. Each professor that is interested in this training program will sign up

online with a reply to the memo sent to them. Each professor must have the education of

Master’s degree or higher, and experience using some technology. This training is open to

College ground classrooms and those that wish to further their education in online classes.

What are the assumed current skill sets?

Educators that decide they would like to participate in the training session should have 2

years teaching experience, good peer to peer evaluation scores, and management approval.

Educators that apply are expected to have some skills in current technology, which could include

clinical skills, research techniques, and instructional design.

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3Synchronous Training Program

What are the assumed current experiences?

Educators should have a knowledge of windows based operating systems, and the ability to

learn new technology quickly and knowledge on communication skills with students. A

knowledge or previous experience of online teaching and the tools needed. Each educator should

have a knowledge of navigation into the University of Phoenix website and a knowledge of

posting content, grades, and class materials. Educational facilitators will have some familiarity of

the college that they are working for, but are not comfortable with the concept that online

learning provides.

What is the assumed level of current knowledge?

Expectations of each facilitator will process a masters or higher degree in education of their

chosen field, and should have the necessary skills to teach online which would include online

communication, and class room techniques.

Training program goals and objectives

What are the key skills the facilitator or corporate trainer needs to be

successful as a distance facilitator?

Online College Facilitators must possess skills of organization, compassion, and good at

problem solving, visualize, articulate and solve complex and uncomplicated problems and


What key training elements will you focus on for this training?

The key fundamentals of this training will involve knowledge of navigation, provide

feedback, engage with students online, and mastery of communication tools and techniques.

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Form teams to discuss and outline online communication techniques

Class will visit and speak with other online facilitators to discuss online communication

and engagement techniques.

Teams will Complete online preparations of web based training

Individuals will complete course methods and preparation which will include a 300-700

word paper of the main topics of class.

Students will start a research paper on communication differences between f2f and online


Day 2

Class will complete a Visual presentation of a distance learner topic

Identify tools that assist with distance learning

Research learning tools for online classes

Students will continue research paper on communication differences between f2f and

online classes

Day 3

Students will complete a research paper on communication differences between F2f and

Online classes

Teams present Online communication techniques

Peer Evaluation

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5Synchronous Training Program

Summative assessment of trainee learning

How success of the trainees be measured?

The success of the students from this course will be evaluated by the completion of the 3

day course, with an understanding and knowledge of communication, engagement, and feedback

in online education.

How will you measure the success of your program?

The success of the program will be evaluated by each student completing a evaluation of

the class. This evaluation will include a number score for learning satisfaction, training tools, and

knowledge gained. The training program will be successful if each facilitator leaves class with

the information that will be necessary to develop their online skills for proficiently facilitating a

class in distant learning.

Part II Vital Information in the Facilitator Training

Instructional Materials

The University of Phoenix will use e-books, videos, Prezi and power point presentations

and computer technologies to instruct and inspire professors on the skills and knowledge needed

for teaching online classes.

Facilitator Skills

To be successful as an online facilitator at University of Phoenix, it is important to

provide a vision and each professor needs to exhibit the required skills to teach online classes.

Each professor will learn and master the tools needed to engage students, to help keep them on

track and motivated in the classroom. Establish presence in the class room by building the

connection between the Professor and the students. Use the computer technology to provide

collaborative communication between the Professor and students and assist with proper feedback

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6Synchronous Training Program

to the students. Online communication will utilize emails, text messaging, FaceTime, Skype and

chat options provided by computer technology in virtual classrooms.

What skills are needed to create effective distance learning?

Each facilitator needs to understand the difference between face to face and online

teaching. In face to face teaching the facilitator can speak and interact with many students at one

time, in online teaching the facilitator interacts with each student individually. Thus the

communication between facilitator and students are different and the facilitator needs to exhibit

patience, understanding, and remain flexible while communicating online. There may be issues,

problems or challenges in the online classroom that the facilitator must embrace, and remain

dedicated to create effective online learning. It is important that each facilitator creates a vision

for the students, providing knowledge while building structure in the classroom.

What strategies might you use to present these skills to facilitators?

Structure will be a challenge in distance learning. In order to create a structured and effective

online class each professor will receive an evaluation, this allows for the students to provide an

observation and will lead to further development and provide opportunities for the student to

evaluate the professor. The University of Phoenix will provide online documents, and class

discussions provided in the Three day training.

Describe the phases of development for distance learning facilitators.

As Palloff and Pratt state there are five phases to online learning. For this course the phases

of development for distant learning will mirror those of Palloff and Pratt.

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Clearly describe the phases of development

“Visitor – is a facilitator with no experience in distance learning, but may oversee

courses on occasion. This instructor has little to no knowledge of distance

learning techniques. This facilitator has toyed with the idea of technology

integration in their face to face classes. Possibly posting assignments on line or

used email to complete assignments.

Novice – This is a facilitator who attends online learning courses, or incorporates

minimal technology into classroom, possibly posting a syllabus online, and used

some communication technologies to supplement face to face classes.

Apprentice – This is an online facilitator but they have minimal distance learning

experience overall. This facilitator may have taught one or more courses and are

developing an understanding of the online environment. This facilitator know the

basics regarding several online learning technologies and incorporates certain

aspects of distance learning theory into teaching.

Insider – This facilitator may have taught online, they feel comfortable in their

environment and are proficient with course management technology. They have

more experience using online technology and proactively seek out new

technology to integrate into learning saturations.

Master – This facilitator has a mastery of online learning theories and

technologies. This facilitator is a resource for other facilitators with regards to

incorporating distance learning theories into the online classroom. This facilitator

has designed several online courses, and are likely to have integrated technology

beyond the course management system into their teaching habits. They feel

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8Synchronous Training Program

comfortable with the skills required to teach online and are often called upon for

peer support” (chapter 2).

The University of Phoenix will reach out to all levels of facilitators in all phases of

development. The training will be geared to helping professors move forward from their present

phase to the next phase finalizing with the master phase. Each professor will lead the facilitators

to their next plateau of phase development.

Identify transition between stages, where appropriate

These phases of development listed above build on previous knowledge and experience.

There are four categories that operate from having a little knowledge to mastery on a topic as

each phase is touched from visitor to master. As these phases are not unique to the University of

Phoenix, they will be instrumental in achieving better online facilitator’s. The professors

understanding of what is asked of them and depends on the content of what is being taught.

Identify the theories of distance learning.

The theories that are included in the distance learning for University of Phoenix are

autonomy, independence, and learning style. The facilitators will provide the professors with a

wisdom and basis of reasoning so that each professor will have an understanding why and how

they should integrate the technology, and engage the students effectively in distance learning


Provide a clear description of theories of distance learning.

Constructivism discusses how learning environments gain motivation and morals based

on class activities and experiences. Students will collaborate to the thoughts of other team mates.

Constructivism will allow the students to learn from experience and collaboration. Each student

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9Synchronous Training Program

will determine their own need and success to their previous educational experiences. A program

with structure lending itself to multiple channels of communication for both synchronous and

asynchronous, participation is relevant and allows each student to be responsible for their own

education and learning process. Online facilitators use multiple modes of communication in the

online courses. It is necessary to have each student discuss their thoughts and ideas through

posts, group discussions, texts, and teams.

Researching media and articles present other types of communication to the online class.

Facilitators will use modes of technology by creating visuals, and by using social media for

classroom discussions. The knowledge is made by the students in the classroom, comes to life

from previous experiences and previous learning. Experience will create a dialog between

facilitator and student. Learning occurs through discussions, and experience with other learning

models, which will force classroom participation through questions and discussions to help

create new knowledge.

Online learning is goal orientated, it will be necessary to design courses around that idea.

Creating activities that contain obtainable goals. Each assignment will build up to the

achievement of being more engaged, self-directed and responsible. The theory of autonomy and

independence helps learners in a course to be motivated. Online students need to be self-starters

and engaged in their classes or they will find that they will fall behind and lose touch with their

learning classmates. The environment of online classes has the theory that online education is

harder than f2f classes, but by creating a environment that creates clearly expressing

expectations, and mandatory postings, the professor can bring meaningful information to each

online discussion.

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10Synchronous Training Program

The theory of communication states that the students in the distance class require

interaction and communication that is related to the course content. A student cannot just read a

book, or watch a video about a subject or occupation and consider themselves a master in their

field. Interaction and communication help to guide the student through the course and the

chapters of the book. It is especially important that each student knows that the facilitator is

present and active in the education and class. If the facilitator does not make it known that the

facilitator is present and actively in class. The students will fell abandoned, and alone. When

classes are held f2f the student knows that there are mandated meetings and that the teacher will

be present each day in that classroom. When online facilitators do not check in or are not

answering questions in a timely manner than the online class could end up being unsuccessful.

Provide examples of how the different theories apply to different scenarios.

Theory of constructivism

Constructivism is a theory based on observation about how people learn. Constructivism

explains that people actively create their own ideas of objective reality. Constructivism as a

paradigm where Learning is active, this theory confuses pedagogy with the theory of knowing.

Constructivism assumes that all knowledge is constructed from the students’ knowledge.

Knowledge is constructed from experiences by bringing cultural factors or past experiences into

the hypothesis. Learning by doing also called discovery learning.

By giving students options to complete their assignments, this gives each student the

choice of how they want to complete the assignment. Some students will take the option of

looking online and learning from the internet and websites. While others will get books and do

research from texts. By giving the students choices on finalizing their assignments, providing

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content with activities and models that the students like, gives the students enjoyment and

satisfaction in the class. By providing activities, interaction and assignments that are interesting,

will lessen the feeling of being alone or disconnected in the online community.

Theories for engaging distance learning

On close connotation with the distance learning theories stated above, distance learning

engages these theories. A group of online students will incorporate many of the learning

engagement techniques that stem from the andragogy theory described by Malcolm and

Knowles, that there are several learning principals:

1. Adults are goal oriented, it is necessary for teachers to design courses around

student’s goals. Activities should be clear and obtainable both individually and in teams. Class

goals will motivate the students, create engagements, and allowing students to reflect on personal


2. Adult learners need respect, Students need respect in their environment, both from

peers and instructors, but respect should be earned th8is comes from participation in discussions

and contributing and respecting the online classroom.

The University of Phoenix uses the engagement theory in distance learning, the theory of

Collaborative learning, and the theory of Connections through instructional design. These

theories represent how distance learning education should engage communication, and how to

plan the online classes for the best benefits for the students of University of Phoenix.

Provide a clear description of the theories

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12Synchronous Training Program

Engagement Theory is how students must interact in the class activities with others

while working on their work. Learning occurs in teams, have focus and be project based. The

engagement theory can be used to help instructors understand the motivation that it takes to keep

students actively learning in the classroom.

Collaborative learning Theory is how students will participate in the class when the are

responsible for their grades but also the grades of their teammates. Collaborative learning makes

each student responsible not only for their own assignments but also for the assignments and

grades of everyone on their team. Collaborative learning forces students to learn together and

work together achieving the highest possible grade together.

Connection through instructional design is providing students with instructional

activities and models that will increase motivation and satisfaction with the class. Feeling

satisfaction and gratification while enjoying the course decreases the feeling of disconnection

from the class and lower rates of quitting the class. University of Phoenix goes above to ensure

that the content of the courses keep each student engaged in their education while maintaining a

future outlook of their goals.

Instructional experience is allowing students to gain knowledge from past experiences

and the experiences of the other students. University of Phoenix will allow each student to

receive content that is rich and in doing so each student will remain focused and applying what

they have learned.

Examples of each Theory

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13Synchronous Training Program

Engagement: Projects and assignments will be given time periods in which completion

will be required. Keeping students focused and on track with their future goals, and keeping open

discussions throughout the course.

Instructional design: Designing a course that includes software and applications that the

students are familiar with.

Collaborative learning: Grouping students into teams, allowing each student to

participate with groups to establish involvement and sharing experiences, while remaining

accountable for not only individual work but team mates as well.

Instructional experiences: using programs and models that enhance what is in the text

and apply what has been learned.

Part III Management and Technology Tools

Mentoring Program for Faculty

The University of Phoenix training will apply a mentoring program geared to increase

communication between facilitators. Helping to provide a online course that includes training,

mentoring, and support that provides and ensures positive experiences for each student enrolled

in online courses.

Identify the goals and objectives of the mentoring program.

The mentoring program is important according to Palloff ad Pratt are

Providing visions for technology use

Establishing open dialogue and collaborative relationships

Providing mutual benefits for mentors and mentees

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14Synchronous Training Program

These goals will be used for the mentoring program during this class.

GOAL: The program will increase communication within the campus between professors

and mentors that have completed the program, providing support from within the campus to

assist with issues that are complicated or problematic regarding online courses schedules, models

and programs. University of Phoenix will create a in-house relationship between mentors and

professionals that will be comfortable and supportive in their professions.

OBJECTIVE: each facilitator will have the opportunity to work within groups of other

colleagues to complete training requirements.

Participants will communicate effectively and professionally between professors and

mentors during training.

While in training each mentor will receive notices of new technology.

Identification Criteria

Professors participating in the training who have been chosen as mentors will be from a

list of those that have completed the training courses and have taught 6 distance learning classes

at the University of Phoenix. After the initial 6 courses the facilitators will have enough

expereince to mentor beginning online teachers of how classes should be taught online with the

knowledge of what kind of time and effort will be needed to successfully engage online learners.

The performance status of the mentor: current standing as a professional

distance educator

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Additional criteria for each professor acting as a mentor will have taught 6 classes at the

University of Phoenix, with additional 2 courses in the last 24 months to apply for mentorship.

With an additional knowledge of any new programs that have changed in the online courses.

Experience with distant education

Participating mentors must have prior knowledge and experience of 4 online classes with

2 classes in the last 24 months to be considered for the position. Three years teaching

expere9ince and must currently be participating in distance learning role.

How many classes have been taught successfully

It is a requirement that those interested in mentoring should have 3 years prior teaching

experience in the field that they wish to apply for, with 2 classes in the last 24 months.

What is the criteria for success?

The criteria for success is a demonstration of mentoring, support, and help, knowledge

and background of the courses studied. The University of Phoenix will require knowledge of

protocol, standards, and information of learning models.

Mentoring experience criteria, must the mentor have had prior experience?

Mentors need not have experience as a mentor, as this role can be achieved in this


Management and Evaluation programs for facilitators

Mentoring within this program is one on one, but will have flexibility for mentoring

opportunities. As this training program will initiate in the classroom, the final development will

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be in an online setting. Regardless of the setting, the mentor will be available to offer support

and guidance.

How might the faculty learning community approach affect management?

Faculty is about education and knowledge whereas management focus is about the

wellbeing of the school or business data.

Identify the specific challenges and strategies used to manage adjunct faculty

from a distance

There is more stress and responsibilities placed on the facilitator in order to present

quality instruction.

1. How will the facilitator engage students?

2. Will there be enough time to teach everything needed

3. Will the facilitator have sufficient resources for the course?

If the facilitator is not properly prepared and does not establish a presence in his/her

classroom students will become disconnected and feel abandoned, it is important that the

facilitator be present, communicate, and have sufficient education to guide each student to

achieve academic success.

What evaluation strategies will be used for facilitators”

Evaluation at the University of Phoenix will include their abilities to encourage student

participation, active learning, and feedback abilities.

How will the evaluation and management strategies align to the identification of

effective faculty skills and behaviors in part I?

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Evaluation will be a process by administrative personnel providing feedback in a timely

manner, establishing presence, levels of communication, use of communication tools and course

models, and ability to engage students with literature and programs to help each student become

and learn the best students possible, gaining knowledge from class and tests.

Learning platform (LMS/CMS) used by the distance learning faculty for

facilitating their classes.

Learning management system is used by the University of Phoenix to teach online classes.

Provide a clear definition of which system is used, LMS or CMS

LMS will be used for mentoring when training is complete. “Being part of a mentoring

program requires frequent, clear communication to avoid a sense of loneliness” Palloff & Pratt

(2011). LMS is a assistance with different aspects of learning which include

a) Deliver feedback to students

a) Store feedback from observations

b) Synchronous and asynchronous communication options

c) Course delivery

Identify processes facilitators you will use to do the following

Present information such as lectures or videos

Information presented to students in distance education classes, each professor will

deliver within the campus website, within this website Alfresco will be accessible to facilitators

and students. Alfresco is a free program who offers class collaboration without the hidden costs.

This platform allows collaboration on a number of different documents while interacting with

team members through a social environment. There is availability on mobile apps to help work

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from anywhere or work on anything. A quick way to stay connected with a simple and user

friendly interface.

Conduct class discussions

Real-time chat rooms are available, which allows group or individual meetings, audio is

available for conferencing.

Conduct private discussions

Private messaging along with email, are available, chat rooms are available for private

discussions or one on one presentations.

Receive assignments

Alfresco has potential for document delivery along with reading, texts, group work,

videos, and more.

Provide assignment feedback and grades

With Alfresco, Grading is available and options are available for testing with multiple

choice options, and short answers to facilitators.

Technology Tools


A visual representation with text, and images. Infographics are good for complex ideas

put in a simple manner.

I. Infographics are useful for students as well as teachers to demonstrate


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II. Infographics are easy to use,

III. Infographics convey large amounts of information in a entertaining way.


Videos incorporate large amounts of information in a smaller amount of time. Videos can

be professional or self-made.

I. Videos care quick and complete sources of information

II. Videos are audio applicable

III. Videos can be created by students to enhance a learning project or to share


Games and simulations

Games and simulations allow students and facilitators to complete projects and

assignments without the need for professional systems. Audio and visual enhances game play or

simulations to give direction to students.

I. Time consuming

II. Real life experience with software

III. Provide audio and visual cues for interaction

Part IV Issues and Classroom Management

Facilitators have many options available for technology for distance learning. Facilitators

have the issue of choosing a learning tool that offers the benefits of collaboration and fits the

needs of the online classroom. Below are several selections of programs that offer what the class


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Skype and Face Time are virtual face to face programs that are designed for online chat

environments. Skype and Face Time are available for individuals as well as group meetings in

real time. Skype and Face Time are both available on Mobile, IPod, IPad, and Computers and

have made file sharing possible. These synchronous teleconferencing communication tools

enables students to engage in conversation, meetings and learning face to face via online

communication. The programs are versatile and allow communication from anywhere and from

any device i.e. phones, iPads, laptops.

Voice Thread is a great collaboration tool that allows creation of unique presentations by

adding video, voice and audio complements. Voice thread is n asynchronous collaboration tool

that helps students share different ideas, posts, and projects with their classmates. Voice thread

enables students to work together. Voice thread is an interactive collaboration sharing tools that

enables students to add images, documents and videos along with voice, text, or video


Wiki’s and Cloud, Wiki in Hawaiian means quick, that definition to today’s technology

allows collaborative editing structured by the students. Today’s technology has made speaking to

people across the world more convenient, the web is the primary way to communicate today.

Wiki has made it easier and quicker to edit web pages, and editable by anyone not just the

creator. This means that the web pages can be edited and corrected or even updated by anyone

of the team.

Easy and quick to write information on web pages, facilitate communication and

discussions, allowing quick linking between pages. Wiki is a collaborative application that

allows modification, extension, or deletion of content and structure.

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Description of different distance learners

Just like a synchronous setting learners will be different. Some will be more motivated

then others, or have different learning techniques. In synchronous settings students do not have

to participate in class, all they have to do is listen to the instructor and possibly take notes. In

asynchronous setting it is necessary to participate and make comments. In a asynchronous setting

students are more likely to take the lead on a project, participate in group or team discussions,

even those that are shy and more reserved will participate due to class requirements causing them

to open up and share past experiences. Culture plays a big part in asynchronous learning, as age

and gender will have a play in online learning all students will have various experiences as all

will be related to the age of the student. Marital status will have a play in asynchronous learning,

as many of the students that partake in online classes do so because of other personal demands

and time limits. Distance learning was first offered due to the proximity of colleges to the

student, trends have changed and technology has made it easier and more convenient for students

to sit at their computers and take classes, thus having extra opportunity to further education.

Experiential includes backgrounds, positive experiences and supportive families to

students that want to go back to school. This education supports financial benefits, personal

growth, and further job achievements, the possibility of making more money, receiving

certification or achieving lifelong goals. Attending college programs for financial gain. Students

that have different needs and wants for attending online classes.

Prior Learning Experiences are students that have participated in other teaching

institutes, pre-school, High School, or even some community colleges. Students that have taken

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the needed tests statewide, or national, or participated ACT or SAT. Students that have shown

success in their experiences and have high self-confidence.

Description of the differences between synchronous and asynchronous facilitation


Description of Facilitation Skills Synchronous AsynchronousSynchronous learning happens in real time. Advantages of synchronous learning is large groups gathering to discuss certain subjects. If conference calling is used there is a limit to the amount of people that are allowed to join the call. If email is used it could take days for everyone to respond.

Asynchronous learning does not happen in real time. Information is relayed in different times. Examples of asynchronous communication are students that have jobs, or other personal responsibilities are able to receive the communication, think about responses, and submit the communication when their schedule permits.

Writing Skills

Teachers check for understanding while sharing ideas.

Discussion is enabled, maintaining involvement, interest and creating a sense of togetherness. Everyone responds to the same questions in writing.

Immediate feedback

feedback can be issued during the class, giving each student knowledge on what is needed and what needs to be changed in order to gain a better understanding.

Feedback is based on the work that is turned in. Posts, quality and communication skills. Although feedback is similar to Synchronous classes the timing that the student receives the information is different.


Assessments happen during class, this is decided on knowledge received, test scores, what was learned and how that knowledge is applied.

Assessments happen on projects, assignments, writing, communication. All discussions are in writing, so assessment during class is not an option.

Minimum of three technology management issues and resolutions

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Issues and resolutions Issues Resolutions

Issue 1Students do not have technology


Students that are not experienced in using technology in the online classes, students may need resources i.e. tutors, tutorials, how to use application instructions. Facilitators need to familiarize themselves with the newest technology available, and have access to demo's, videos, and have resourses to offer each student.

Issue 2Students do not have suffi cient

technology for course

Students will need to be reminded that their technology, computers, iPads, laptops need specific programs for accessability to the class and the pr9ograms in the class. Using other computers at libraries are a possible solution but a reminder that those computers may or may not be secure. purchasing a new computer, or laptop is an option for a fix for the issue. As a student the agreement was to have access to the internet, and reliable technology to perform course requirements.

Issue 3Students are having diffi culty accessing

online portals

Students that are accessing online portals i.e campus library, course sylubus or account and class information are having diffi culties, It will be impertanent that facilitators have guides and tutorials that explain how to access these portals, along with phone numbers of tech support to help students get the knowledge that they need to access important areas of the class, and school.

Classroom Management Issues and Resolutions

Each class will be different as each student is different, classroom management issues arise

many different ways and the facilitator needs to be prepared to handle any interruption in the

class. i.e. student attendance falls, or posts are not being posted in a timely manner, or

responses to DQ’s are not being answered, the facilitator should communicate with the student

by an email, Private message if the student is online in the class forum and find out if there is an

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issue in the class, with the technology, or if there are personal issues that are preventing them

from doing their posts. The facilitator will need to remind the student of the syllabus and

requirements for the class in order to make a passing grade. Explaining that the attendance in an

online class for University of Phoenix requires 3 days of 8 posts in order not to have points taken

off of the grade.

When students post in the class forum it is considered a class and all manners and protocol

should be followed the same as if they were in a campus classroom. Sometimes things that are

typed get other students riled because of misinterpretation of what is being said or sometimes

words that are racist or just bad grammar happen. Unsatisfactory behavior in class should be

addressed immediately so that it does not escalate. When something is said in a ground campus

class, it can be handled immediately and controlled. When this happens in a online class it can

escalate before the facilitator catches it and by then it could be too late. At the beginning of class

if there will be a subject that could be delicate but has to be discussed, the facilitator should warn

everyone in the class of the upcoming discussion and to remind everyone of the correct protocol

of class discussions. Reminding everyone that there is to be a careful watch on wording so that

no one gets hurt and that the discussion should not be taken personally. Facilitators have the job

to keep control of the classroom making sure that the conversation is kept nonjudgmental and

appropriate for the course.

Learner Feedback

Each class should have an evaluation of what the student thought about the class. Was the

class what they thought it was going to be, did they get out of the class what they consider

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helpful and useful, Was the quality of the learning experience designed to fulfill the learner. As

each of these questions is important to the student it is also just as important to the facilitator,

setting ground to make changes or keep the design the same.


Messages are frequently used in the classroom between facilitators and students. These

messages could come from in forum Personal messages which are messages that are private and

between two people, this is used when there is a delicate situation or personal or sensitive

material that needs to be discussed without involving the whole class. Skype, and FaceTime

could be used to promote team messages or messages that require a facilitator to teach or answer

everyone at the same time.


Comments and feedback are pretty close proximity. Sometimes posts on the discussion board

will need a comment, homework will receive comments about corrections that need to be made.

Comments or feedback are made on the group discussions boards, here facilitators will be able to

view if the students are getting the most from the class, analyzing the conversations. Giving

feedback or making comments helps keep the student on track.


Audio is a convenient way to explain projects that are being misunderstood by the students.

Audio can be used over and over again, and helps when there is confusion on a project. Audio is

also a convenient way to add flair and personality to otherwise boring presentations. When using

audio for speaker notes the presentation is less boring and helps everyone get the most out of an


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Challenging Behaviors

Each class taught brings unique issues to the classroom for online learners. Challenging

behaviors may occur during class. The change to an online learning environment may differ for

students from campus classes. Students may feel secluded and detached from other students.

This could manifest unwanted behaviors such as cyber bullying, inappropriate posts, lack of

participation, or informal behaviors. The facilitator should be aware of classroom surroundings

and make clear, precise and upfront expectations of how the class and posts should be.

Cyber Bullying

Cyber Bullying is a new aged way of bullying. Technology has taken steeling a classmates

lunch money to a new dimension. Cyber bullying takes place using electronic technology, i.e.

cell phones, computers, tablets, or social media sites. Cyberbullying is when a child, preteen or

adolescent is tormented, harassed, threatened, or humiliated by another person using the internet.

Facilitators can watch and monitor classrooms and forums for signs of harassment. Any posts

that are questionable should be noted and reported to the campus.

Inappropriate Posts

Inappropriate posts are not allowed in any college or class, which is not unique for online

learners. All posts should be proper for everyone to read and should not inflict pain or discomfort

to anyone in the class. if there are inappropriate posts the student should be notified and made

aware of the offensive post and how it could or did impact others. Depending on the severity of

the post, should be reported to authorities of the college.

Lack of participation or engagement

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Facilitators need to be aware of each student and the amount of participation that they are

giving to the class. Each student needs to be engaged in the conversation but their posts need to

show that they are reading the material and watching videos, not just responding to others posts.

There needs to be a knowledge of the course and involvement of the correspondence in class. if

there is a lack of knowledge the facilitators need to encourage reading by asking direct quotes

from the chapters.

ADA Learners and Associated Strategies

For students that are part of the disabled students program they will be supported by the

school and facilitators, giving the help that they need to succeed. Facilitators are required by law

to make accommodations to any student that is disabled and are protected by laws that were set

in place by the government to protect students from discrimination by facilitators or institutions.

According to the Americans with disabilities act of 1973, section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act,

“A federal law that protects individuals from discrimination based on disability. Under this law,

individual with disabilities may not be excluded from or denied the opportunity to receive

benefits and services from certain programs.” Facilitators must pay close attention to the law,

and help protect students with disabilities.

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About Tech, How Stuff works, Face Time/Skype, Retrieved from


Educause Review, (2013), Dashboards Powerful Insights, retrieved from


Haythornthwaite, C., & Andrews, R. (2011) E-Learning Theory and Practice.

Knowles, M. (1980), The modern practice of adult education, New York, NY

Microsoft, (2014), Power Point, Retrieved from


Northern Arizona University, The Engagement Theory, Retrieved From


Office for Civil Rights, Know the Rights That Protect Individuals With Disabilities from


1973, http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/civilrights/resources/factsheets/504ada.pdf

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Palloff, R. M., & Pratt, K., (2011) The excellent online instructor, Strategies for professional


San Francisco, John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Zeigler C., M.S. The ABC’s of ADD and ADHD, Impact on School Performance, Retrieved

