web view3/4/2017 · the domains/kingdoms. definitions: autotroph - organism capable of...

The Domains/Kingdoms Definitions: Autotroph - organism capable of obtaining energy from the physical environment (sunlight or thermal vents) Heterotroph - organism capable of obtaining food and energy from eating autotrophs or other heterotrophs. Prokaryote - single celled organisms without a true nucleus

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Page 1: Web view3/4/2017 · The Domains/Kingdoms. Definitions: Autotroph - organism capable of obtaining energy from the physical environment (sunlight or thermal vents) Heterotroph

The Domains/Kingdoms

Definitions:Autotroph - organism capable of obtaining energy from

the physical environment (sunlight or thermal

vents)Heterotroph- organism capable of obtaining food and

energy from eating autotrophs or other heterotrophs.

Prokaryote - single celled organisms without a true nucleus

Eukaryote - organisms (unicellular and multi-cellular) whose

cells contain a membrane bound nucleus.

Page 2: Web view3/4/2017 · The Domains/Kingdoms. Definitions: Autotroph - organism capable of obtaining energy from the physical environment (sunlight or thermal vents) Heterotroph

The Kingdoms/domains:Domains- The first two contain prokaryotes that are unicellular 1.Eubacteria – called eubacteria in your text - Prokaryotic and unicellular

- they have a cell wall and one or two cell membranes

Examples: cyanobacteria, soil dwelling bacteria, disease causing bacteria

2.Archaea –called archaebacteria in your text - prokaryotic and unicellular - Lack an important carbohydrate found in the cell wall of other bacteria and they have different lipids in their cell membranes.

Page 3: Web view3/4/2017 · The Domains/Kingdoms. Definitions: Autotroph - organism capable of obtaining energy from the physical environment (sunlight or thermal vents) Heterotroph

- Includes bacteria that live in extremely harsh environmentsExample: methanogens, halophiles

3. Eukaryota: -contain organisms with eukaryotic cells - can be divided into 4 kingdoms

A.Protista - mostly single-celled (some multi-cellular) eukaryotes; have cell walls; autotrophic or heterotrophic; reproduce sexually and asexually; live in mostly moist aquatic habitatsExamples: plankton

B.Fungi - mostly multi-cellular; eukaryotic; heterotrophic; contain cell walls; reproduce sexually or asexually; mostly terrestrialExamples: mushrooms, yeasts, molds

C. Plantae - multi-cellular; eukaryotic; autotrophic; contain cell walls; reproduce sexually or

Page 4: Web view3/4/2017 · The Domains/Kingdoms. Definitions: Autotroph - organism capable of obtaining energy from the physical environment (sunlight or thermal vents) Heterotroph

asexually; live in both terrestrial and aquatic environmentsExamples: seaweed, conifers, flowering plants

D. Animalia - multi-cellular; eukaryotic; lack cell walls; heterotrophic; reproduce mostly sexually; live both in terrestrial and aquatic habitats.Example: sponges, insects, vertebrates

Page 5: Web view3/4/2017 · The Domains/Kingdoms. Definitions: Autotroph - organism capable of obtaining energy from the physical environment (sunlight or thermal vents) Heterotroph