€¦  · web viewonce you have finished the sports day, send...

Broughton Primary School Broughton Road Edinburgh EH7 4LD Tel: 0131 556 7028 Email: [email protected] Website: Head Teacher: Mrs Maria Gowans Hello Families, I would like to let you know that we are not going to let the Corona Pandemic stop us from enjoying sports day this year. Instead we will just do slightly differently! On the morning of Tuesday 26 th May I would like to invite all our pupils and families to take part in our virtual sports day (details and pictures of events are attached) these will help you look out the equipment you will need all of which you should be able to source around the house. Parents and carers, siblings in secondary can also take part in the events, however we are just looking for Broughton Pupil’s scores. It will be a Broughton house event, Macdonald, Trinity, Pilrig and Drummond, which ever house your children are in they will compete as part of that house. An overall score will be worked out for each house. Mrs Gowans will then announce the winning house with the most points. How to take part: Have the event sheet to hand at the end of this document. Either print off the score sheet or edit it on a laptop or copy it out onto your own piece of paper. Gather the equipment you need (see attached events sheet). Decide what space you are going to do the events in. These can be in the house/flat, garden, safe place on your pavement outside. You don’t need too much space for any of the events. Wear Broughton house colours if you have or loose clothes and gym shoes. On the morning of the 26 th May any time after 9AM work your way through the events and record scores accurately. Also, if you like, take photos of you and your family taking part in the events, you can send these to your class teacher by e-mail

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Page 1:€¦  · Web viewOnce you have finished the sports day, send your scores and any photos to your class teacher. Scores should be submitted by

Broughton Primary SchoolBroughton RoadEdinburghEH7 4LD

Tel: 0131 556 7028

Email: [email protected]: www.broughtonprimary.orgHead Teacher: Mrs Maria Gowans

Hello Families, I would like to let you know that we are not going to let the Corona Pandemic stop us from enjoying sports day this year. Instead we will just do slightly differently!

On the morning of Tuesday 26th May I would like to invite all our pupils and families to take part in our virtual sports day (details and pictures of events are attached) these will help you look out the equipment you will need all of which you should be able to source around the house. Parents and carers, siblings in secondary can also take part in the events, however we are just looking for Broughton Pupil’s scores.

It will be a Broughton house event, Macdonald, Trinity, Pilrig and Drummond, which ever house your children are in they will compete as part of that house. An overall score will be worked out for each house. Mrs Gowans will then announce the winning house with the most points.

How to take part: Have the event sheet to hand at the end of this document. Either print off the score sheet or edit it on a laptop or copy it out onto your own piece of paper. Gather the equipment you need (see attached events sheet). Decide what space you are going to do the events in. These can be in the house/flat, garden, safe place on your pavement outside. You don’t need too much space for any of the events. Wear Broughton house colours if you have or loose clothes and gym shoes. On the morning of the 26th May any time after 9AM work your way through the events and record scores accurately. Also, if you like, take photos of you and your family taking part in the events, you can send these to your class teacher by e-mail or on teams, please note if you are happy for them to be uploaded to the school twitter account.

After you have taken part: Once you have finished the sports day, send your scores and any photos to your class teacher. Scores should be submitted by Wednesday 27th May 3.15pm. Results will be posted on Friday 29th May via twitter and the school website. We look forward sharing our virtual sports day with you.

Yours Sincerely, The Broughton Health Group.

Page 2:€¦  · Web viewOnce you have finished the sports day, send your scores and any photos to your class teacher. Scores should be submitted by

Event DescriptionsYou can work through the events in any order you like and have a break at any time. Equipment You Need

Activity Equipment Description ScoringJumping jacks – Stamina.

Stopwatch on phone or tablet.

Space around you.

Complete as many jumping jacks as you can in 2 minutes.

The whole family can do this at the same time and count your own or pair up and count each other’s.

You can stop and rest whenever you need to during the 2 minutes.

1pt awarded for every jumping jack completed.

‘Egg’ and spoon – Balance and concentration.

Stopwatch on phone or tablet.

Wooden spoon or metal spoon.

Small ball like a golf ball or ping pong ball or make a small sphere with paper Sellotape or a potato or even a hard-boiled egg!

Mark two spots, 8 big steps apart.

Start sitting down with your spoon and ‘egg’.

Stand up and move between the two spots as many times in 1 minute as you can.

1pt awarded for every time you get to a spot without dropping the ‘egg’.

Target practice Aiming.

Stopwatch on phone or tablet.

1 pot or bucket or flower pot, or large container.

A ball or rolled up sock ball.

Place a good-sized pot or container on the floor, 8 big steps away from you.

How many times can you throw the ball/socks into it in 2 minutes.

You can have someone behind the pot to retrieve the ball/socks.

1pt awarded for every successful throw that goes in the pot.

Page 3:€¦  · Web viewOnce you have finished the sports day, send your scores and any photos to your class teacher. Scores should be submitted by

Plank – Core strength and stamina.

Stopwatch on phone or tablet.

Space around you.

Start in a press-up position on the floor. Either with your hands on the floor or elbows on the floor (arms bent).

Hold that position for as long as you can up to 1 minute.

You can have 3 attempts. Only record your highest score.

Hold it between these times: 1 and 10 seconds:

2pts 11 and 20 seconds:

4pts 21 and 30 seconds:

6pts 31 and 40 seconds:

8pts 41 and 50 seconds:

10pts 51 and 60 seconds:

12ptsToilet roll keepie uppies – Skill.

Stopwatch on phone or tablet.

Toilet roll or maybe rolled up sock ball.

Keep the toilet roll in the air as many times as you can in 1 minute using your feet and legs only.

Every time you drop it just start your score from where you left off ie 1,2,3 drop, pick it up and start at 4.

You can have 3 attempts. Only record your highest score.

1pt awarded for every keepie uppie.

Speed bounce – Co-ordination and balance.

Stopwatch on phone or tablet.

A towel or a large jumper/coat.

Roll up a towel to make a small cylinder shape.

Start with both feet on one side of towel.

Jump sideways over the towel (jump and land with two feet) and back again continue as many times as you can in 30 seconds.

You can have 3 attempts. Only record your highest score.

1pt awarded every time you cross the towel.

Throw clap – Hand-eye co-ordination.

Stopwatch on phone or tablet.

Tennis ball or rolled up sock ball.

Throw clap and catch the ball as many times as you can in 1 minute.

If you drop the ball your attempt is over, and you must start again with another attempt.

RULES, ball must go above your head, watch the lights if you are indoors!

P1-P4s can catch with two hands. P5 – 7 and staff must catch with

one hand. You can have 3 attempts. Only

record your highest score.

1pt awarded for every successful catch.

Stork pose – Core strength and balance.

Stopwatch on phone or tablet.

Stand with one foot against the inside of your other leg around the knee.

Balance as long as you can up to 1 minute.

P1-P4 do it with eyes open. P5-7 and staff do it with eyes

closed. You can have 3 attempts. Only

record your highest score.

Balance between these times: 1 and 10 seconds:

2pts 11 and 20 seconds:

4pts 21 and 30 seconds:

6pts 31 and 40 seconds:

8pts 41 and 50 seconds:

10pts 51 and 60 seconds:


Page 4:€¦  · Web viewOnce you have finished the sports day, send your scores and any photos to your class teacher. Scores should be submitted by

Score Sheet

Name__________________________Class___________________________House Group____________________Event Score

Jumping Jacks

‘Egg’ and spoon

Target Practice


Toilet Roll Keepie Uppies

Speed Bounce

Throw Clap

Stork Pose
