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Social Studies 30-2 RI#2 Unit Exam Fall 2014 Please do not write on the exam booklet

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Page 1: · Web viewIn democratic states, it is relatively easy to afford every person his or her full

Social Studies 30-2

RI#2Unit Exam

Fall 2014

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Page 2: · Web viewIn democratic states, it is relatively easy to afford every person his or her full

Use the following source to answer questions 1 and 2

In democratic states, it is relatively easy to afford every person his or her full array of civil liberties when times are good, troubles few, and stability is the order of the day. Most democratic states have constitutional law obliging the states to ensure the protection of liberties. The situation gets much more difficult, however, when conditions are no longer ideal.During a time of crisis, such as the onset of a pandemic or an attack by terrorists, democratic states face the potential of a divisive public debate. The issue is straight-forward and can be summed-up thus: to what extent should the rights of individuals be restricted during a time of crisis? The answer is far less straight-forward. What constitutes a crisis? What sacrifices can or should be made? Are there certain freedoms that are so essential they can never be compromised? If liberties are compromised now, what assurance is there that they will be restored later? One problem with this great public debate is that while it is held, time is lost so that the speed at which the state can respond to the crisis is slowed. People may resist an action. The courts may strike down an emergency decree. A politician may be reluctant to act for fear of public reprisal when the crisis ends.It is in situations of crisis where authoritarian states display their great advantage over democratic states. There is no need or allowance for debate. People have limited rights at all times, and since the state employs many agencies of repression, an authoritarian state can respond swiftly and decisively to the crisis without need to heed public sentiment. Through their control of thought and speech, authoritarian states can ensure that there is minimal dissent towards whatever measures are taken.

1. The writer of this source suggests that one consequence of a crisis situation is that

A. tensions will rise between democratic and authoritarian countries B. the popularity of opposition political parties among the voting public will decline C. decisions must be made as to what powers the state must employ to restore stability D. citizens of a country will develop a greater appreciation for the civil liberties they enjoy

2. As a resource for a research report on the ways countries may respond to a crisis, this source would best be characterized as

A. a comprehensive analysis of factors leading up to a crisis B. a generalized discussion of government actions during times of crisis C. an editorial commentary on the dangers of public apathy at a time of crisis D. a pro-authoritarian commentary on crisis management supported by historical evidence

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Use the following source to answer question 3 and 4.

3. These election results indicate that when the percentage of popular vote is considered, the most underrepresented political party was the

A. Progressive Conservative Party in 1995 B. New Democratic Party in 1995 C. Saskatchewan Party in 1999 D. Liberal Party in 1999

4. In a democracy, the primary purpose of periodic elections is to ensure that

A. new candidates are chosen as a means of preventing majority tyrannyB. the legitimacy and accountability of the government is maintainedC. one leader does not monopolize control of a political partyD. minority groups are guaranteed political representation

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Use the following comments to answer question 5.

Comments About Modern Government

Government is so large that it is overwhelming us – its agencies and bureaucrats meddle in our lives.

Take away the heartbeat of the self-reliant individual and you take away the heartbeat of the nation.

5. These comments reflect a political position that is currently most popular with

A. liberal activists B. socialist thinkers

C. conservative votersD. left-wing economists

Use the following excerpts to answer questions 6.What is Democracy?

Every citizen, it is said, must have equality, and therefore in a democracy the poor have more than the rich, because there are more of them, and the will of the majority is supreme. Aristotle (384-322 B.C.)

The aim of government should be the greatest possible happiness of the greatest number; in a word, the common good is the right aim of government, and the proper task of a lawmaker is to discover regulations designed to bring about the greatest good to the greatest number of human beings.

Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832)

We hold these truths to be self-evident, That all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights; that these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends; it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

…For democracy cannot be made to work in a country where a large part of the citizens are by status condemned to a perpetual state of domination, economic or otherwise. Essentially, a true democracy must permit the periodic transformation of political minorities into majorities. Pierre Elliot Trudeau (1919-2002)

-from Inside World Politics

Page 5: · Web viewIn democratic states, it is relatively easy to afford every person his or her full

6. Individuals who support the point of view expressed by Jeremy Bentham would be alarmed by the current trend toward

A. developing government services and agenciesB. dismantling the liberal democratic welfare stateC. downplaying the superiority of a free enterprise systemD. devising new sources of tax revenue for government spending

7. Extreme political right-wing reactionaries and left-wing radicals would agree with which of the following aspects of societal change?

A. Change is needed to improve the lives of the economically disadvantaged.B. Violence may be necessary if there are forces that resist proposed changes.

C. Political power and authority must eventually rest in the hands of all citizens.D. A new society must eliminate all traditional elements of the society it has replaced.

Use the following source to answer questions 8

8. Machiavelli’s advice would be embraced most readily by leaders who are

A. libertarian B. egalitarian C. authoritarian D. parliamentarian

Page 6: · Web viewIn democratic states, it is relatively easy to afford every person his or her full

Use the following commentary to answer question 9 and 10.

The political left was built on a view of human life that was partly true, but not wholly true. People, the left argued, are not inherently unequal or inherently bad, but society can make them so.

By changing society, the left believed, you could remove the chains that oppress and distort people’s lives. By redistributing income, you could create fairness. By improving the conditions of life, you could improve people. Crime, violence, greed, human misery – these were by-products of an exploitative society. Humanize society and you humanize life.

-from The Edmonton Journal, August 1994

9. Which of the following generalizations reflects the characteristics attributed to the "political left" described in the commentary?

A. The left encourages individuals to take greater responsibility for their actions.B. The left believes that people's lives have been overwhelmed by the intrusiveness of

government.C. The left advocates government involvement in people's lives to minimize social and

economic disparity.D. The left supports cautious changes to existing political traditions and institutions of


10. The above quote would be most likely supported by someone who believes in the values of:

A. Classical liberalismB. ConservatismC. Modern liberalismD. Libertarianism

11. The Enabling Act of 1933* was important to Hitler's leadership of Germany because it:

*The Enabling Act (German: Ermächtigungsgesetz) was a 1933 amendment to Weimar constitution that gave the German Cabinet – in effect, Chancellor Adolf Hitler – the power to enact laws without the involvement of the Reichstag.

A. allowed unlimited anti-Semitic activity.B. removed the constitutional check on his power.C. encouraged the formation of a Nazi youth movement.D. provided the economic support needed by the Nazi Party.

Page 7: · Web viewIn democratic states, it is relatively easy to afford every person his or her full

Questions 12-16 are based on the following political practices.

Political Practices

A. Creating scapegoats to deflect criticism

B. B. Using state-sponsored force and terror to eliminate dissent

C. C. Employing techniques of indoctrination to consolidate public support

D. D. Controlling citizen participation in political processes to create an image of collective, egalitarian decision-making

For questions 12-16, read the description of an action, then select the political practice that the action exemplifies. A choice may be used more than once.

12. In 1989 in the People’s Republic of China, a peaceful demonstration in Tiananmen Square in Beijing was brought to a halt when Chinese armed forces stormed the square, killing many and arresting many more.

13. In the 2008 election campaign in Zimbabwe, President Robert Mugabe denounced Great Britain, the former colonial power that controlled the territory that is now Zimbabwe, as being the source of the severe economic and social troubles plaguing Zimbabwe.

14. In the Soviet Union, national elections were held on a regular basis, with high rates of voter turnout. Political choices consisted of approving the candidates selected by the ruling Communist Party.

15. In Burma, Buddhist monks and other groups opposed to autocratic rule by a military junta have frequently been subject to arrest, imprisonment and beatings inflicted by the Burmese police forces and military.

16. In the 1930s, the Nazi German government ensured that the vast majority of German youths were members of organizations that promoted the values and beliefs of the Nazi Party and its leadership.

Page 8: · Web viewIn democratic states, it is relatively easy to afford every person his or her full

Use the following quotation to answer question 17.

Totalitarian regimes do not lie for temporary advantage, as most governments do on occasion. They lie to change the very concept of what truth is and to maintain control. Such regimes do not learn facts and history. They create facts and history. Organized lying is more essential tool to totalitarianism than is the concentration camp. A society becomes totalitarian when its ruling class has lost its function but succeeds in clinging to power by force or fraud. Such a society, no matter how long it persists, can never afford to become either tolerant or intellectually stable.

--George Orwell

17. According to this comment, which technique would the author identify as essential for totalitarian to maintain power over the long term?

A. controlled participation during electionsB. organized and frequent nationalistic ralliesC. organized intimidation of government opponentsD. systematic and deliberate indoctrination of citizens

Page 9: · Web viewIn democratic states, it is relatively easy to afford every person his or her full

Use the following source to answer questions 18-19

18. The newspaper article indicates that the “Agricultural Adjustment Act” challenged traditional free-market principles by

A. Imposing greater government control of farm productionB. Penalizing farmers who were inefficient producersC. Allowing consumer demand to set produce pricesD. Restricting imports and exports of food products

19. Which of the following conclusions about Roosevelt’s New Deal is supported by the information in the article?

A. The New Deal forced changes to the Constitution of the United States B. The New Deal received widespread approval among average American voters C. The New Deal required a temporary suspension of democratic political practicesD. The New Deal provided little help to end the financial problems of most


Page 10: · Web viewIn democratic states, it is relatively easy to afford every person his or her full

Use the following source to answer questions 20-22

For some time, it has been clear that complete eradication of the Taliban in Afghanistan is impossible. It has too many domestic supporters inside the country and -- more importantly -- receives too much aid and safe haven across the border in Pakistan.

This is not the situation we envisioned when Canadian troops first entered Afghanistan in 2001. Indeed, it comes as a disappointment given our original plan for the country: total victory over the Taliban, and the creation of full democracy throughout Afghanistan.

Our small military simply cannot sustain an indefinite mission that shows no signs of long-term success -- especially since the presence of NATO troops in the country may arguably be hurting the cause of fighting Muslim radicalism rather than helping it. Our dream of creating an Afghan society in our own Western image has failed.

20. Which of the following statements best demonstrates the difficulty of imposing liberalism on societies that are not founded on liberal values?

A. “it has been clear that complete eradication of the Taliban in Afghanistan is impossible.”

B. “it comes as a disappointment given our original plan for the country: total victory over the Taliban”

C. “It has too many domestic supporters inside the country”D. “Our dream of creating an Afghan society in our own Western image has failed.”

21. Those who agree with the issues discussed in the source would be most likely supporters of:

A. John Stuart MillsB. John LockeC. MontesquieuD. Adam Smith

22. Which of the following arguments could be best supported by the source?

A. Canada’s participation in international conflicts is warranted.B. Canada needs to shift its focus from Afghanistan to Pakistan.C. The imposition of liberalism cannot be accomplished with force.

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D. Increased international involvement will legitimize the mission in Afghanistan.

23. In a free-market economic system

A. The government decides what is to be madeB. The laws of supply and demand tell the producer what is to be

madeC. Competition between consumers determines pricesD. Motivation is high, as workers compete for the best jobs

24. A sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over a period of time is called

A. MonopolyB. TariffC. InflationD. Supply and demand

Use the following source to answer question 25

Debate: Should governments restrict individual liberties during times of national crisis?

Speaker One: Yes, because the interests of the state take precedence over the interests of the individual.

Speaker Two: No, because the interests of the individual take precedence over the interests of the state.

Speaker Three: No, because the state cannot be relied on to restore individual liberties once the crisis is over.Speaker Four: Yes, because the state has the obligation to follow the Charter once the crisis is over.

25. Supporters of both fascist and communist political systems would most likely support which of the above arguments?

A. Speaker OneB. Speaker TwoC. Speaker ThreeD. Speaker Four

Page 12: · Web viewIn democratic states, it is relatively easy to afford every person his or her full

Use the following quote to answer questions 26

26. Some who believes in this practice would most likely adhere to the philosophy of

A. Milton FriedmanB. Hayek’s economic theoryC. Adam SmithD. John Maynard Keynes

27. In a command economy:A. Government controls what is being madeB. The individual decides winners and losers by voting with their moneyC. Government puts restrictions on private companies to prevent excess wastageD. Government provides incentives for companies to be more productive

28. Adam Smith believed thatA. The law of supply and demand set the price of goodsB. Competition was a good thingC. The invisible-hand helped societyD. All of the above

29. Someone who believes in social equality would believe that governments shouldA. Provide a safety-netB. Tax people who are well-off and use this money to support programs for those

that are notC. Should control all aspects of the economyD. Make all society equal by having government confiscate the wealth of the rich

30. All economic systems face the problem ofA. Satisfying the demands placed upon economic resourcesB. Guaranteeing freedom of contract and of private propertyC. Providing for state-ownership of the means of productionD. Ensuring that the economic elite remains satisfied with the system

Governments should increase the price of borrowing (interest rates) when times are good, and decrease the price of borrowing when times are bad, thus insuring the excesses of the boom and bust cycle are not as significant

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31. All economic systems must deal with this basic economic problemA. ScarcityB. DeficitC. PrivatizationD. Surplus

32. The process of forcing peasants to work on government farms in the Soviet Union was known by this term.

A. PrivatizationB. DekulakinizationC. GosplanD. Collectivization

Use the following diagram to answer the next question

33. The political and economic policies of Stalin in the Soviet Union are consistent with quadrant

A. WB. XC. YD. Z

34. The political and economic policies of Sweden would be found in quadrant

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A. WB. XC. YD. Z

35. The political and economic policies of the U.S.A. would be found in quadrantA. WB. XC. YD. Z