we are pleased to welcome you onboard! welcome pack

Welcome Pack We are pleased to welcome you onboard!

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Page 1: We are pleased to welcome you onboard! Welcome Pack

Welcome Pack We are pleased to welcome you onboard!

Page 2: We are pleased to welcome you onboard! Welcome Pack

Congratulations for signing with Smart!

Smart’s objective is to provide you the best user experience and guide you through each step of

our collaboration.This documentation details the financial part for

SSP customers (RTB+).

Page 3: We are pleased to welcome you onboard! Welcome Pack

What’s next?

Page 4: We are pleased to welcome you onboard! Welcome Pack

● What is the Smart Financial portal?Smart’s Financial portal allows you to manage and follow up on the invoice requests between you (the publisher) and Smart. In the Financial portal you can view all your invoice requests.

● How to access the Smart Financial portal?To connect to the Financial portal:

1. Click the link available in the email notification received with your invoice request.2. Log in to your Smart account.3. To learn how to create access to the Financial portal for your team members, see the Administration (part 2) - user

management article.


1. Discover and access the Smart Financial portal

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Page 5: We are pleased to welcome you onboard! Welcome Pack

● When will you receive your invoice request?

Smart will generate an invoice request within the first 5 working days of the new month.Invoice requests will be raised only when a minimum revenue of 200(€/£/$) is reached. Below this amount the revenue will be cumulative with the revenue of the following months.

● How will you receive your invoice request?

Each month, once a new invoice request is available, Smart will send you an email notification with a hyperlink redirecting you to the Financial portal. Once you have logged in, you will be able to see the newest invoice request as well as all previous ones.

2. How Smart revenues will be provided?

Page 6: We are pleased to welcome you onboard! Welcome Pack

How to accept an invoice request and upload an invoice?

To accept the invoice request with a “Pending” status:

1. Click the Accept button.2. Upload your invoice in PDF format 3. Click the OK button to submit it.4. After your invoice request has been accepted and your

invoice uploaded, the status changes from “Pending” to “Smart verification”. Now, your invoice is waiting to be reviewed and approved by Smart’s accounting team.

To refuse the invoice request with a “Pending” status:

1. Click the Refuse button.2. In the new window, type in the reason for the refusal. 3. Click the OK to button to submit it.4. Smart’s accounting team will redirect your request to the

right person to support you. Once your request has been solved, you will receive another email notification with a link, so you can accept the new invoice request and upload an invoice.

3. What should I do after receiving an invoice request?

Select a file No selected file

Pending Smart verification Client Refused Smart validated Smart refused

Smart Financial Portal statuses


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How to know the status of an invoice?

Smart Validated – green icon

Congrats! Your invoice is compliant, Smart’s accounting team has validated it.

1. See the estimated payment date below the status.2. You will also receive an email notification with the

invoice status and the estimated payment date

Smart Refused – black icon

Your invoice is not compliant, Smart’s accounting team has refused it.

1. Click on the tooltip to see the reason for the refusal.2. You will also receive an email notification with the

reason for the refusal.

3. What should I do after receiving an invoice request?

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For French publishers, your invoice needs to be raised to:

● SMART ADSERVER SAS66 rue de la Chaussée d'Antin,75009 Paris - FRANCEVAT Number: FR42 487 613 481

For Brazilian publishers, your invoice needs to be raised to:

● SMART ADSERVER DO BRAZIL LTDAFinanceiroRua Capitão Antônio Rosa, 409 - Sala 433 - Jardim Paulistano01443-010 São Paulo - BRASILN° CNPJ: 15.615.160/0001-12

Smart billing entity

● For French publishers, an RIB with an IBAN and a SWIFT is required and needs to be provided to Smart’s accounting team either by email: [email protected] or mentioned on your invoice.

● For others publishers an official document from your bank stating your bank details is required and needs to be provided to Smart’s accounting team by email: [email protected]

Bank details & payments

● Make sure your invoice matches the invoice-request, especially pay attention to::

– period– amount– currency– entity

● Also, remember to mention the invoice-request reference

Mandatory invoice details

Page 9: We are pleased to welcome you onboard! Welcome Pack

5. FAQ

Once uploaded by you on the Financial portal, your invoice is automatically sent to Smart’s accounting team for review and validation. When the invoice is approved, the estimated date of payment is displayed on the Financial portal. This date is defined according to contractual terms and can vary depending on your account status, bank delays, etc. so the date is for information purposes only.

The status of your account may block payments from Smart to you:

– If you send your invoice with incorrect information (amount or recipient) or don't upload it on the Financial portal at all, no payment can be processed.– If you received a negative invoice request in the past, we require you to send the associated credit note before processing any payment.– If you are a full-stack customer (using direct campaigns and RTB), late payment of your ad serving invoices may affect the settlement date of your RTB invoices.

When is the payment made? Will I receive the payment on the exact date indicated on the Financial portal?

Reasons for differences between Smart numbers and invoice request numbers are usually limited. If you see a significant difference, make sure that you are comparing the gross revenues (as visible in the Smart platform) against the gross revenues (and not the net) of the invoice request, and that you are using the same currency. Invoice requests are calculated based on UTC timezone, so comparison reports also need to use the UTC timezone.

However discrepancies may still occur, most of the time they are related to:

– spends not paid by DSPs (invalid traffic especially) will be removed only on the invoice request, but not in the Smart platform;– counting differences between Smart & DSPs will impact only invoice requests and not the Smart platform data;– if monetization on your inventory is too low, Smart’s min. CPM can kick-in, reducing net revenues (not gross revenues);– rounding rules apply on all transactions and may lead to minor variations;– revenues generated for Google OB are excluded from the invoice request and from the annexes as they won't be paid to you by Smart but directly by Google. Smart displays Google OB figures in the Smart platform for information purposes only.

Keep in mind that invoices for amounts different than the one mentioned on the invoice request will not be paid.

Why is the invoice amount different from the amount stated in the Smart reports?

No. You need to send one invoice per invoice request because each invoice request represents one billing period. Smart does not accept a global invoice for several invoice requests.

I forgot to send invoices to Smart for several months. Can I combine all the past amounts on one invoice?

Since March 2018 all invoices need to go through the Financial portal.

Any invoices related to previous periods need to be sent by email to:[email protected]

The Financial portal was set up to facilitate paper flows, which prevents the loss of information. It is also an eco-friendly solution.

Can I send my invoice by email?

Send an email at [email protected] with the official bank document. You will receive an email confirming the change.

How do I change my bank information?

The minimum CPM is a contractual CPM, applied only when the minimum net Smart revenue expected for a month is below Smart profitability threshold.

The calculation is as follows:

(a) Net Smart revenue expected for a month

Impressions * Contractual Min CPM / 1000

(b) Net Smart revenue generated by the publisher for a month

IR gross amount - Net publisher amount

Minimum CPM deduction applied on publisher IR for a month

(a) Net Smart revenue expected for a month

-(b) Net Smart revenue generated by the

publisher for Smart for a month

If (a) > (b) then the Min CPM is applied, a deduction will appear on the invoice request.

If (b) > (a) then the Min CPM is not applied, no deduction will be made.

Why does my invoice request state that my earnings have been reduced by a "min CPM"? How does it work?

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Thank you for trusting us!