ways a whiteboard animation video can benefit your start up company

Ways a Whiteboard Animation Benefit Your Start-up Company video is able to hit the mark and make a start-up but this is one area that whiteboard animation e many reasons for its success in boosting conversi

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Post on 24-May-2015




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The nature of a start-up business and its objectives impact on the way whiteboard animation is best applied. To find out how your company could best use this fabulous instrument, give us a call on 0208 891 2077 or email [email protected]. If you have achieved any additional results from whiteboard animation than those mentioned, please let us know in the comments section below. We wish you lots of success with your upcoming marketing video!


Page 1: Ways a Whiteboard Animation Video can benefit your Start Up Company

13 Ways a Whiteboard Animation CanBenefit Your Start-up Company

Not every video is able to hit the mark and make a start-up company stand out, but this is one area that whiteboard animation excels, andthere are many reasons for its success in boosting conversions.

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How does it do this?

Well, here are some of benefits it offers:

Page 3: Ways a Whiteboard Animation Video can benefit your Start Up Company

1. A Welcoming IntroductionAs we’ve discussed previously, a video needs to be creative, interesting,engaging and informative if it is to grab and retain the viewer’s attention.

Whiteboard animation is one of the most popular styles for new businessesbecause it is perfect for achieving all these and making a memorableintroduction.

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2. See the Idea from BirthWhiteboard animation is a creative, clear and engaging way to show viewershow your company came about, starting with the idea, its development,and evolution to where you are now.

Conveying information like this can flow in a pleasant way and makelearning about your company and what you offer enjoyable.

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3. Inspire ConfidenceNobody wants to do business with a company they don’t trust.Because whiteboard video is able to convey so much information in anentertaining way, it can show your company to be professional andknowledgeable and so encourage viewers to be confident in the brand andoffer.

This is incredibly important for start-up businesses that are striving to getaccepted and noticed in a competitive market.

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4. Create a Positive Brand ImageA whiteboard video can help not only in inspiring confidence in your company,but by forming an overall brand identity.

The style of your video will impact on the image portrayed, as well themessage and chosen concept.

Many corporate values can be portrayed through a whiteboard animation,and you can associate your brand with a fun or up-beat feel. Other emotionscan also be targeted by the video, adding to its appeal and impacting on theimage and message put across.

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5. Constant MovementMaking an explainer video is like riding a bike, you need to have it constantlymoving or someone is going to fall off. That someone in this case is the viewer.

The continuous change and movement in the images of a whiteboardanimation keeps the viewer’s brain engaged and involved.

If this all flows in an attractive sequence it can be quite hypnotic.Different animation techniques can be used to add to appeal.

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6. Mix Animation StylesIt is so easy to mix different methods of animation in a whiteboard video.

A piece of infographics could be integrated into a doodle sequence of cartoondrawings, allowing you to not just draw the viewer’s attention, but also toconvey lots of diverse information in different ways.

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7. Convey information in Little Time and Low Cost

A whiteboard video can convey so much more information than text in oneminute. It’s a great time saver, and need not be too pricey.

In fact, you are likely to make a great return on investment from the video,so it could save you money in no time.

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8. Free Up your WebpageSince all the information you need to share will be in your engagingwhiteboard video, you can free your website of all that unappealing text.

Too much text and clutter can be overwhelming and make a websiteunattractive, so this can really help to retain visitors on your site, so thatthey browse and find out more.

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9. Explain Intangible Products and ServicesA top advantage of animation is that it can convey not just complicated things,but also those that are not visual. By conjuring up a set of images to explaina process or service, this medium can make things far easier to understand.

It is because of this that many virtual services start-ups use whiteboardanimation to explain their offer.

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10. Multipurpose InstrumentsThere are so many products, services and brands that whiteboard animationcan be used to describe. It is often used to educate about something, but itcan also be used to share simple messages, perhaps by creating a story.

Set your imagination free and you will surely find an innovative way to use thisanimation medium to share your desired message and accomplish yourbusiness objectives.

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11. Boost Sales and Other ConversionsThe movement, images, appealing concept and script of a whiteboardanimation video make it truly engaging, so the viewer often does not feel asthough they are engaging in a marketing message or sales funnel.

When consumers are more relaxed, they are more likely to engage in thecall-to-action at the end of a video, whether this is to navigate to anotherpage on the website, make a purchase, or some other action.

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12. Get Shared, Go ViralBecause whiteboard videos can be so engaging and entertaining, they areoften liked, commented on and shared across social media platforms,acquiring more and more views.

A top-quality video can even be shared to the extent that it goes viral.

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13. Build Brand RecognitionThe sharing of a video can build brand identity and recognition as the imagesand sounds in an animation can become synonymous with a brand.

Where, how, and by whom an animated video is shared can influence thebrand image that is formed.The nature of a start-up business and its objectives impact on the waywhiteboard animation is best applied.

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To find out how your company could best use this fabulous instrumentCall us at0208 891 2077 Or mail us at [email protected]