water starter kit

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  • 7/29/2019 Water Starter Kit


    Water starter kit

    Key steps to succeedMoving towards water solutions

  • 7/29/2019 Water Starter Kit


    > Introduction by Dominique Gayraud 3

    > Fundamentals o the Water business 4

    > Build your business planand defne your growth ambitions 6

    > People: develop the skills 10

    > Communication: gain visibility 10


  • 7/29/2019 Water Starter Kit


    Why a water starter kit?One year ago, Schneider Electric has launched the solution

    transormation journey. During those last 12 months, we have denedstandard architectures, developed some solutions, and issued some

    documentation and training support. Today, we are able to share those

    supports, experiences and best practices.

    Our objective is to accelerate the deployment phase with the countries

    to be more successul and visible on the market. This kit would represent

    the most ecient leverage to start with.

    Water & Wastewater economy is a constant growth segment.

    Despite the economical crisis, in most o the countries, water economy is

    active or projects, services, and solutions.

    I believe this is an opportunity that countries couldnt miss today.

    How to use it?Our objective is to assist you in the deployment o your water business plan

    in a country.

    Countries need to address dierent topics: to identiy customer

    (who, where, how, pain points), to align its sales ront oce, to organize

    the back oce (local or regional), to communicate (to increase visibility andrecognition), and to dedicate appropriate resources.

    According to those dierent steps, this kit is proposing guidelines to speed

    up the process denition and implementation in order to perorm quickly.

    Countries have to appropriate this kit. I necessary, this could be adapted

    to align with the country even organization constraints.

    What are the main recommendations?My rst recommendation is to use this process and do not hesitate to ask


    Together, we will activate the orum located on the Water section o

    the Solution ToolBox which is our community place. This tool and

    community will speed up our time to market and will optimize our resources


    Our water network should be quicker and better organized than our


    We have the tools, lets make business.

    > Introduction by Dominique Gayraud


  • 7/29/2019 Water Starter Kit


    > Fundamentals o the Water business

    > Our 1st priority:the public/municipal water market

    Today, on earth,

    1 in 5 inhabitants has no access to sae

    drinking water,

    1 in 3 inhabitants lacks access to sanitation


    As Water is life, this is not


    Countries, within UNO, have decided to

    ace their responsibilities and to invest

    to challenge these ratios through their

    development program.

    Every year, 100 BE are invested to build, to

    improve the acilities and inrastructures in

    order to provide, or long time, drinking waterand sanitation to people.

    Water is economy!

    By the same time, growing urbanization,

    economical development and environmental

    constraints are increasing water needs

    through new and scalable production,

    transportation and treatment inrastructures.

    Quantity and quality o water are the basics

    o the economy.

    By 30%, at least, Energy cost is impacting

    the water bill.

    Water price is a sensitive and political issue

    or governments, municipalities, operators,


    Water is energy!

    Today, without energy, water is not available

    at the tap and treatment is not possible.

    Management o this energy is the key

    leverage or perormance and protability o

    the water business.

    According to the long lie cycle o the

    acilities, choices rom today will have a long

    term impact.

    Schneider Electric is the specialist ofenergy management and is delivering its

    expertise every day, everywhere in the

    world to the actors of the supply chain.

    Schneider Electric, with its solutions,

    could save up to 30% of energy


    Water solutions by Schneider Electric

    make the most of your energy and make

    the most of your water.

    We focus on our customers


    Pumping application

    @ Pumping stations : liting station, boosting

    station, catchment station.

    Treatment application

    @ Drinking water treatment plants

    (mechanical, physical, chemical, biological


    @ Waste water treatment plants (sludge

    treatment, air treatment, blowers).

    @ Desalination process (Reverse Osmosis,


    Management of water networks

    @ Drinking water: quality, leakage, availability.

    @ Wastewater: collection, corrosion, saety,

    environment care.

    @ Remote management and telemetry.

    @ Pipes and inrastructures management.

    @ Consumer interace: metering, invoicing,

    customer relationship management.

    We identify our customers painpoints & challenges

    @ Optimisation o their design and operating


    @ Reduction o their operating costs: up to a

    30% saving in energy.

    @ High availability water treatment and high

    required water quality.

    @ Distribution o water 24/7.

    @ Management o a network o pumping


    @ Adaptation o the process to regulation


    @ Services to operation, inrastructures,


  • 7/29/2019 Water Starter Kit


    > The market trendsare providing full of opportunities

    > Our water strategy is to be recognizedas the energy manager of our clients

    @ To become a recognised player globally

    and locally with improved process knowledgeand project capabilities.

    @ To combine our project execution

    capabilities and our intermediaries approach

    according to customer requirements.

    @ To leverage our intimacy with world leaders

    (local, international).

    @ To extend our strategic accounts portolio

    (local, global).

    @ To enlarge our oer toward operation

    companies: services, telemetry, operationcost reduction

    @ To improve our collaboration and co design

    capabilities (standardisation).

    Throughout the lie cycle o the water

    process, we provide solutions.

    Water availability

    (increase o consumption, population

    movement, industry requirement, climate


    @ Large investments.

    @ Increase o high technologies in ltration

    process (treatment, desalination, ).

    @ Increase o energy consumption (such as


    @ Optimization o the inrastructure andmanagement o the network.

    @ 24/7 availability o the inrastructure and


    Improvement of water quality

    standards for environment care

    (reused water, process are more and more

    complex, sanitization problems)

    @ Availability o the investments/unding.

    @ Increase need or plant automation.

    @ Advanced sludge treatment units.

    @ Increase o public saety concerns (CCTV,

    access control, ).

    Growing pressure on the price

    of water

    @ Direct impact on both Capex and Opex


    @ Leakage reduction, remote monitoring o


    @ Increase Energy Eciency concern


    Partnership between private and

    public players

    @ Project and services capabilities to be

    adapted globally / locally.

    @ Increased awareness o water issues in


    @ Decision process is local (international

    coordination could be requested on projects).

    Strong communication campaigns

    (a priority or public authorities)

    @ "Green" water is required (tap water vs.bottled water).

    @ All the actors are communicating.

    @ Public authorities are searching or



  • 7/29/2019 Water Starter Kit


    > Build your business plan& defne your growth ambition

    Please nd the key steps to build and manage your country water business plan.

    > In addition to the datas collected locally, you will nd quantication o your national market

    on the Village (WWW intranet site) section "Analyse".


    > Realize your local mapping o your water market to identiy local rules, actors and key

    players through the value chain: customer identication, segmentation and mapping (value

    chain, decision process, behaviour, organization, C-level access).

    Municipal water market: Infrastructure, process and distribution

    The water market business model

    @Private players: ull solution providers,

    end users, specialised contractors,

    consultants, banks, design institutes, system

    integrators, panel builders, suppliers.

    @Public players: regional or country

    environment authorities, green lobby,

    governments, municipalities and banks.

    Some customers are international


    @Global (Veolia, Suez) and they are managed

    as Global Strategic Accounts (through SGBD


    @Specialised Design & Build (Acciona Agua,

    Beesa, Cadagua, Hyfux, Dosan, Sidem, ).

    @Civil work companies (such as Vinci)

    depending to their country o origin.@Design institutes up to engineering

    companies (CH2MHILL, Black & Veatch).

    Water vertical organization will reinorce

    international coordination with the countries.

    1st step > Quantify your market

    2nd step > Do the mapping of the local actors

    Public authorities:

    Municipalities, Government


    financing entities,



    Public or private

    Energy &

    chemical suppliers

    Design institutes /

    Engineering cies:

    - project manager

    - owner

    - adviser

    Design & Built contractors:

    - Water process specialists,

    civil works contractors


    - Power & control

    - Automation + Scada

    - Instrumentation

    Long term





    & advisers





  • 7/29/2019 Water Starter Kit


    > Produce your local SWOT analysis including oer gaps & opportunities with the ollowing


    To conduct the Water business plan,

    you need to dedicate a pilot. It is essential.

    Its role, as Water Business Manager, will be:

    @ To conduct the action plan,

    @ To monitor the implementation o thedecisions,

    @ To be responsible o the denition o the

    ambition and the growth,

    @ To clariy the access channels and

    coordinate the customer interace.

    The pilot will impact the organization and will

    be pro active in its evolution.

    The recommended prole: business oriented.

    Align/coordinate the sales force

    According to the analysis o the market and

    identication o the clients, you could classiy

    clients through their attractiveness and

    strategic impact (national / global).

    Alignment o sales orce is compulsory:

    to allocate one salesman to a client.

    Don't orget specication eorts

    (Design Institutes).

    More information is available on intranet web site


    3rd step > Build your SWOT

    4th step > Adapt your organisation



    Market opportunity

    @ 90 % o the market is still public

    @ Global continuous growth o 6 %

    @ Water is a worldwide market and

    becoming a global market

    @ Market leaders solution

    standardization and need or external


    Market threats

    @ Electrical Distribution is not the primary

    actor or decision making

    @ Pressure on prices/margins due to

    globalisation by major players

    @ Growing need or high technology

    ull solutions (infuence rom other

    industries) : Field bus, DCS, Saety

    Schneider strengths

    @ Strong French infuence on the market

    @ Intimacy with the major players

    (Veolia, Suez)

    @ Undisputed legitimacy in power


    @ Application oriented solutions

    @ Worldwide coverage (140 countries)

    and local presence (intermediaries)

    Schneider weaknesses

    @ Automation oer is not complete

    (DCS, Instrumentation, eld bus)

    @ Coverage during prescription stage

    @ Lobby at political level

    @ Not always organised to respond

    globally (ull responsibility)


  • 7/29/2019 Water Starter Kit


    According to the SWOT analysis and the

    local market specicities, you can set up your


    Within our One company program, KIPs are


    For Growth, the ollowing activities will be

    aggregate and the growth should be at least

    at 5% higher than the company growth and

    should be compared to the dynamic o the

    local water market (at least by 5% above the

    local water market growth).

    EDS20: Electrical Distribution installed base

    servicesEDA16: Electrical Distribution perormance

    services & projects

    EE001: Energy Eciency services & projects

    To improve the project detection in order

    to manage the project opportunities andthe resource allocation: Project pipeline is


    @ International EPCs are active on somesegments (such as desalination by reverseosmosis process) and push or strong

    international coordination.

    International Opportunity Management (IOM)

    tool is used or Global Strategic Accounts

    Build customer workshops

    with 4 objectives

    @ Identication o customer pain points

    (business, organization, resources, technicalprocess, ).

    @ Presentation o solutions & roadmaps

    (in line with process/operations).

    @ To identiy & propose collaborative


    @ To develop customer intimacy.

    Build a C-level relationship (access

    to top management/decision makers)

    @ To move and to promote solutions level

    2 & 3 require a strong C-level relationship& management. Solutions will impact P&L

    structure o our customers.

    @ Sales orce has to provide the inormation

    and to update it (CRM).

    @ Dedicated roundtables could be organized

    with C-level clients but also Design Institutes,


    This could evidence our visibility on the market

    and will dierentiate us rom competitors.

    5th step > Now, set up your water ambition

    7th step > Buildand manage your project pipeline

    6th step > Increase your customer intimacy




    Some materials are available on intranet site/section "Convince":



    IPS02: Industrial automation solutions

    IPS03: Industrial perormance MRO services

    BM002: Building Management systems

    BM003: Building Management services

    BM004: Building perormance

    REN02: Renewable energy projects & services

    MTE10: Medium voltage distribution equipment

    MTE11: MV / LV substations

    BT094: High power busbar trunking

    BT067: Low voltage equipment with devices

    BT008: Motor control centers

    CPCS04: Power & cooling services

    CPCS07: Sotware & management systems

    VSD02: Engineered drives MV & LV

    but also or international projects + most

    important ones.

    @ This project pipeline will evidence the needs

    or international coordination, special attention,

    technical support, specic competencies,

    @ In the intranet site/section Library,

    the Global Intelligence monthly issue is

    providing update o the major projects by


  • 7/29/2019 Water Starter Kit


    The hereater template will help you to synthesise & communicate internally.

    A strict monitoring o the water business plan is crucial: pilot is nominated, salesorces are

    aligned, clients visits are programmed and realised, project pipeline under control & dynamic,

    ambitions are well dened, trainings are scheduled).

    8th step > Synthesize & monitoryour water business plan



  • 7/29/2019 Water Starter Kit


    > People: develop the skills

    > Communication: gain visibility

    To achieve the ambition objectives, development o internal skills has to be addressed.

    @ With all the ollowing materials based on

    the Solution Approach, you have content or

    events, press relations, customer workshops,

    customer conerences, customer lounge,

    demo centres and solutions showcases in

    order to make a strong impact and send

    clear messages to the market and to the


    @ The 2009 communication plan and all the

    materials are available on the Village/address.

    Please consider Chapter 3 "Convince" on the


    @ CMO organization is in charge o the water

    campaign (communication plan and support,actions).

    Improve competencies on solutions selling

    Energy & Solution University is providing trainings such as "Demand Creation".



    3 booths are existing according

    to customers pain points

    @Generic: Up to 20% saving in total cost

    o ownership by reducing your design &

    operation cost.

    @Water treatment: 24/7 by providingecient tools to design&manage your


    @Pumping: We manage 100% o your water

    networks by providing packages&solutions.

    2 conferences

    @ Water and Wastewater: you want, we can.


    Energy Eciency in water and wastewaterindustry.

    Section "Do" on the intranet site will provide you access to our network

    (Water solution team, Businesses, countries).


    Develop knowledge on water


    Please consider section "Build" contents on

    intranet site > E learning module on water

    process and market under construction.

    Develop technical expertise

    Specic technical training are provided

    (or example: System & Architecture Expert

    by End-Users).

    > Internal training: 3 different chapters

    Kit event for initi@tive & fairs

    > Community & support


  • 7/29/2019 Water Starter Kit


    3 Solution guides + References

    + White papers

    @ 3 Solution Guides are available inEnglish language, countries should manage

    translation in their home language.

    @ Water solution guide.

    @ Power handbook.

    @ Standard architectures.

    Reerences and success stories are available

    on intranet and on the Solution ToolBox.

    Country involvement to produce/publish/

    update success stories is crucial.

    For white papers, please proceed accordingly

    to the above point.

    @ Solution ToolBox: the ocial sharing place to see all the SE Solutions, with an automatic

    content deployment in SE.com. Key gures: 5 000 SE users rom 75 countries, 150 solutions,

    400 success stories, 48 country ToolBox, and 170 pages in SE.com.


    @ The new Schneider-Electric.com internet site is available with Water Solution content.


    Country should duplicate this site on their home country web site, and to enrich it by building

    local links, giving local content, updating with events (local, global)

    @ A rst extranet support has been built or one o our largest Global Account: Veolia.

    This extranet is using our internet facilities + Elearning programs + international correspondents

    + Preerred supplier Agreement - Please contact the Veolia Global Account Director.

    Within the SE intranet system, Village environment is addressing Energy/Inrastructures

    market and consequently the Water segment.



    The Village

    A general press kit is available. Its content:

    @ A general press release on Water (could be adapted depending the event),


    A general press release on Energy Eciency (could be adapted depending the event andthe country),

    @ A success press release (could be used as a template).

    Section "Convince":


    @ Please consider chapter 3 "Convince" on the intranet site and publish your own videos.

    NB: A special attention has to be paid on key messages in line with our strategy and credo.

    @ Water photos are available on e-media. They are ree o charge so that you can use themwhenever you need.

    Section "Convince":


    Press kit and press releases

    Videos & photos


  • 7/29/2019 Water Starter Kit


    Lets become

    the Energy managerof our clients through

    our water solutions by

    Schneider Electric

    Schneider Electric SA

    35, rue Joseph Monier, 92500 Rueil-MalmaisonTl : +33 (0) 1 41 29 53 56


    Fvrier 2009