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  • 7/30/2019 Hss Starter Kit


    Z80 High Score Save Starter Kit

    Prepared By: Jason Souza ([email protected])

    Document Version Control

    Version Date Author Change Description

    0.001 01/06/11 Jason Souza Initial Draft

    0.002 01/10/11 Jason Souza Added content to GAL section

    0.003 01/17/11 Jason Souza Added content to MAME section0.004 01/20/11 Jason Souza Added some kit assembly photos

    1.000 02/02/11 Jason Souza Final review and updates

  • 7/30/2019 Hss Starter Kit


    Introduction .......................................................................................................... 4Prerequisites ................................................................................................. 4

    Hardware ............................................................................................................. 4Overview ....................................................................................................... 4Inventory ....................................................................................................... 4Kit Assembly ................................................................................................. 5

    GAL 16v8 ........................................................................................................... 11Address Decoding ...................................................................................... 11MAME Drivers ............................................................................................ 12Software ...................................................................................................... 12The main screen ......................................................................................... 13Modules ...................................................................................................... 13Syntax ......................................................................................................... 14LOW = / ....................................................................................................... 14AND = * ....................................................................................................... 14OR = + ........................................................................................................ 14XOR = :+: ................................................................................................... 14Pin-out ......................................................................................................... 14Example ...................................................................................................... 15

    Game Selection ................................................................................................. 16Required ..................................................................................................... 16Nice to Have ............................................................................................... 16

    Game Code ....................................................................................................... 16Tools ........................................................................................................... 16Hex Editor ................................................................................................... 16MAMED ...................................................................................................... 16Disassembler .............................................................................................. 16Assembler ................................................................................................... 17Rom Saver .................................................................................................. 17Program Code Concatenation ................................................................... 17Checksum ................................................................................................... 17

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    Example ...................................................................................................... 17Free Play and Coin with Attract Mode....................................................... 18High Score Save ........................................................................................ 18Example ...................................................................................................... 18Clearing the High Score Table .................................................................. 19Example ...................................................................................................... 19

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    This document is a collection of information that is used as a reference is making a HighScore Kit or Rom Saver Kit. The focus is on building the kit, programming the GAL andpointing you in the right direction as far as making a High Score Save Kit. This documentwill not focus much attention on programming z80 assembly language or modifying gamecode.

    This document assumes you have a basic understanding of the follow concepts

    1. Burning and erasing eproms

    2. Modifying game code and the high level structure

    a. You cant just add your own code, you need to remove something so thefollowing addresses line up. If you want to add a call to your function you willneed to find 3 bytes to steal from somewhere (3 nops or commenting outanother call function)

    3. Basic soldering skills

    4. Basic understanding of z80 assembly language

    5. Basic understanding of address decoding


    Soldering Iron The kit does not come assembled so a soldering iron and some basicsoldering skills are required

    Solder to accompany the soldering iron

    Eprom Programmer / Eprom eraser You will likely want to erase and reprogram the

    27c512 eprom often.

    GAL programmer In many cases this is the same device as the eprom programmer. Iuse a TOP2007 that programs eproms and GALS just fine.



    The kit is pretty simple, it has four main components. The Z80 which is the core of thegame, the GAL that does the address decoding, the Eprom that contains the main

    program code and the NVRAM that stores the high score table and other configurationdata. The GAL has 7 inputs from the z80 (A15, A14, A13, A12, A11, WE and MREQ).These are the main components of the equations that need to be created to make the kitwork. These equations generate the 4 outputs of the GAL (EPROM, BANK, NVOE andNVWR). EPROM is tied to the chip select and output enable pins of the 27c512 Eprom.BANK is most commonly just a pass through for A15 on the Eprom, this could potentiallybe used for bank switching in the future. NVOE is the chip select for the NVRAM andNVWR is the write enable for the NVRAM.


    The photo below is what you get in the kit (also includes but not pictured the capacitor,socket for the GAL and some additional header pins in case any get broken)

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    HSS Kit PCB


    Header Pins

    Blank 27c512 Eprom

    Blank 16v8 GAL

    Kit Assembly

    Here are step by step photos of how to assemble the kit. The photo is BELOW the linethat describes it.

    Solder one of the header pin rows (second row of empty holes)

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    Solder the z80 socket over the header pins you just installed

    Solder the second row of header pins to the right of the z80 socket

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    Install the socket for the GAL (only in development mode)

    Cut the bottom and top piece off of the Eprom 28 pin socket (only in dev mode)

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    Solder the two halves of the Eprom socket

    Solder in the 24 pin NVRAM socket

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    Install the capacitor (make sure to notice the + and polarity)

    If you have a programmed GAL insert it now

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    Insert another 28 pin socket on top of the GAL for the Eprom (Not Included)

    Another view

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    Now you just need to insert the NVRAM, Eprom and Z80 to complete the kit.

    You can probably build the kit in a different order but this is how I normally build it.

    GAL 16v8

    Address Decoding

    This table can be used to help write your equation for the GAL. The left column is amemory address and the left column is what it looks like in binary. Address lines A15 A11 are highlighted since those are inputs to the GAL. A11 is used to adjust the addressby $800 for example:

    $F000 = 11110000 0000 0000

    $F800 = 11111000 0000 0000

    So in this case if you want your eprom to be enable for $F800 to FFFF then it would looksomething like this (see below for GAL syntax using OPALjr)

    ; $F000 to F7FF

    /EPROM = A15 * A14 * A13 * A12 * /A11


    ; $F800 to FFFF

    /EPROM = A15 * A14 * A13 * A12 * A11

    Address From Left to Right A15 to A0

    $0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

    $1000 0001 0000 0000 0000

    $2000 0001 0000 0000 0000

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    $3000 0011 0000 0000 0000

    $4000 0100 0000 0000 0000

    $5000 0101 0000 0000 0000

    $6000 0110 0000 0000 0000

    $7000 0111 0000 0000 0000

    $8000 1000 0000 0000 0000

    $9000 1001 0000 0000 0000

    $A000 1010 0000 0000 0000

    $B000 1011 0000 0000 0000

    $C000 1100 0000 0000 0000

    $D000 1101 0000 0000 0000

    $E000 1110 0000 0000 0000

    $F000 1111 0000 0000 0000

    MAME Drivers

    To determine the memory map of a certain game you can either look at the schematics orlook at the MAME driver code. Deriving the memory map from the schematics is outsidethe scope of this document.

    The MAME drivers can be viewed here at on the MAME DEV website located athttp://mamedev.org/source/src/mame/drivers/index.html

    In most cases the memory map is right at the top of the driver as seen in the driver forLady Bug http://mamedev.org/source/src/mame/drivers/ladybug.c.html

    Memory map (preliminary)

    0000-5fff ROM

    6000-6fff RAM

    d000-d3ff video RAM

    d000-d007/d020-d027/d040-d047/d060-d067 contain the column

    scroll registers (not used by Lady Bug)

    d400-d7ff color RAM (4 bits wide)

    From looking at this we can see that the main program rom is from $0000 to $5FFF andthere is plenty of space remaining for nvram (I choose $F800 - $FFFF as a standard andthat will work here). We dont need to add any additional rom space for helper roms sinceall of the modified code will fit in the blank space in the program rom. Normally theadditional rom space is added if the game does not have a High Score Table and we wantto add one. In any case there is additional space in the memory map if you decide to addon screen dip settings or diagnostics.


    I like to use OPALJr because it is easy and free. Unfortunately it does not have asimulator or other cool features included but it gets the job done. You can download

    version 2.0 from my website. Just download it and unzip it to a directory on your

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    computer. I will not give an exhaustive overview of this tool, just the two main itemsneeded for writing GAL code for this kit.


    The main screen

    I usually just use the dos version opaljr.exe, when you run this exe you will see thefollowing screen. Type in your equations (or open a saved one) and save it as.eqn


    Under the modules file menu there is an option called EQN2JED. This converts yourequation file to a JEDEC format with a .jed file extension. This is the file you will programto the GAL with your programmer. Make sure you fill in the following information and

    change the device type to G16V8 and you are ready to click the run button.

    If you dont get any errors you should have a file called devkit.jed (or whatever you namedit) that is ready to be programmed to the GAL16v8.

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    This is not a conclusive list but here are the main syntax items when working with OPALjr.

    LOW = /

    If you want to represent a value as low (0) then you put a / in front of it

    Example: /EPROM = A15

    Explanation: When A15 is high (1) then EPROM is low (0), otherwise EPROM is high (1)

    AND = *

    If you want to AND two items then you use the * character in your equation.

    Example: /EPROM = A15 * /A14

    Explanation: When A15 is high AND A14 is low then EPROM is low

    OR = +

    Example: /EPROM = A15 + A14

    Explanation: If A15 is high OR A14 is high then EPROM is low

    XOR = :+:

    Example: /EPROM = A15 :+: A14

    Explanation: Explanation: If A15 is high OR A14 is high (but not both) then EPROM is low

    For additional reading, here is a good tutorial



    This is the pin-out the 16v8 GAL. The CLK and Registered pins are outside the scope ofthis document.

    Pin 1 to 9 can only be inputs into the GAL

    Pin 11 to 19 can be either input or output

    Please refer to the data sheet for additional information


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    This is the pin-out of the GAL for version 1.0 of the kit.

    The inputs into the GAL are A15, A14, A13, A12, A11, WR and MREQ

    The outputs from the GAL are EPROM, BANK, NVOE and NVWR

    As you can see there are plenty of pins left if you in this version and you can use theseadditional inputs and outputs by soldering a wire from the bottom of the HSS kit pcb.


    Here is a pretty common example of an equation file (.eqn) that can be converted to a .jedfile for programming.

    ; Address decoding (Z80 HSS)

    ; Jason Souza 01/06/2011; Memory Map; 0000-37ff Program ROMS; f000-f7ff Helper ROM HSS; f800-ffff NVRAM

    CHIP decode 16V8

    ; Set pin configuration; Row 1: pin 1-> pin 10; Row 2: pin 11 - pin 20NC1 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 WR MREQ NC3 GNDNC4 NC5 NC6 NC7 NC8 NVWR NVOE BANK EPROM VCC


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    ; Eprom enable (0000-37ff and f000-f7ff)/EPROM = /A15 * /A14 * /MREQ +

    A15 * A14 * A13 * A12 * /A11 * /MREQ

    ; Pass-through for now, my be used for bank switching in the futureBANK = A15

    ; NVRAM enable and write pins ($f800 - $ffff)/NVOE = A15 * A14 * A13 * A12 * A11 * /MREQ * WR/NVWR = A15 * A14 * A13 * A12 * A11 * /MREQ * /WR

    Game Selection


    Z80 processor is used to run the main program code

    o Some games have multiple z80s on them (as a sound processor for example) somake sure you are piggybacking the right one

    The kit will fit unobstructed on the pcb and in the cabinet

    o PCBs in cages may not be a good choice

    o PCB stacks with the z80 on the bottom are not ideal but may work if you addlonger pcb separators

    Nice to Have

    Existing High Score Table

    Socketed Z80

    Program code is not encrypted

    Game Code


    Hex Editor

    Hex editors are outside the scope of this doc but can be useful if you want to change acouple of bytes on the rom directly or do a search for a pattern. Many games will showASCII text for strings and they can be edited directly from the hex editor. There are lots offree hex editors out there, just search google.


    MAMED has a debugger built into it and allows you to step through code, set break points,change values on the fly, look at memory locations, search memory locations, etc. UsingMAMED is outside the scope of this document but here is a good reference.http://mess.redump.net/debugger


    I like to use IDA Pro, it has the ability to disassemble older processors such as z80, 6502,etc. Saldy the free version does not support this and the Pro version is quite expensive.There are other free ones out there but I have not had good experience with any of them.

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    I use TASM for z80 (http://home.comcast.net/~tasm/) it rocks for z80 games. I have nothad a lot of luck assembling 6502 but have not has any issues with any z80 game.

    Rom Saver

    The simplest kit that can be made is a simple Rom saver that does not modify any of theprogram code (no free play mode or high score saving). This is commonly used toremove older smaller Eproms. The 27C512 is more efficient than 4+ older Eproms andonly uses 5 volts for power. All you need for the Rom saver is to concatenate the program

    code and burn it to the 27C512 and program the GAL with the EPROM and BANKoutputs. You do not even need to install the NVRAM for this configuration.

    Program Code Concatenation

    The only tool you need is built into your operating system. I use copy.exe in the followingway. In this example lets say there are 4 program roms named rom1.bin, rom2.bin,rom3.bin and rom4.bin. The order is important so you can use the MAME driver to seethe order to put them in.

    1. Copy the program roms into a single directory

    2. From a command window do the following

    a. Navigate to the directory where you have the roms

    b. Copy /b rom1.bin+rom2.bin+rom3.bin+rom4.bin combined.bin

    3. Burn combined.bin to the 27c512 Eprom

    4. See below for help on writing the GAL equation


    Some games have a checksum to make sure that the rom has not been tampered with

    and does not have any bit rot. Most rom checksums will add up all the bytes from theprogram code (or every other byte) and expect the value to be zero. These functions areusually pretty easy to spot because the first thing they do is set HL equal to $0000 andthen set bc to some value (the size of each rom usually). There are a couple of differentways to handle the checksum. In some cases it is easiest just to nop out the jump when ais not equal to zero (last line in the example below). I like to just find some free space inthe program code to adjust for the checksum. This way it keeps the integrity of theprogram code in case the eprom goes bad. You can use MAMED and set a break pointwhere is checks a and see what the value is and then adjust accordingly. This takes timebecause you need to adjust each time you modify the rom, but it is the cleanest option.

    For example if the value in register A is $EA instead of zero I used the following equation$FF - $EA + 1 (once FF is reached the next hex value is $00)The calculator built into windows handles this with ease and the value is $16Find some empty code in the program and put.db $16


    ; Check rom checksumsld hl,$0000ld bc,$1000

    ld ($50c0),a ; Kick the dogld a,cadd a,(hl)ld c,a

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    ld a,ladd a,$02ld l,acp $02jp nc,$3009inc hdjnz $3006ld a,cand a; If a is not zero then it is a bad checksum; Jump to somewhere to handlejr nz,$3031

    Free Play and Coin with Attract Mode

    Unfortunately this is not an area where I have a lot of advice. In many cases it is hours infront of MAMED playing around to see how to keep the game in attract mode when coinsare inserted or in free play mode. Here are some basic steps that may help in a simpleexample.

    1. Check near the beginning of the program RAM, that is usually where the game modeis stored. If ram starts at $C000 keep an eye on the first 20 bytes when you insert acoin. A lot of games use a similar format in the game mode byte:

    a. ; GALAXIAN $4005 is the mode 1=attract, 2=press start page, 3=game mode

    2. Next find the place in the code where it gets bumped from 1 to 2 and comment it out

    3. Now the game should stay in attract mode when coins are dropped but the code isnot run to check for game start. You will need to insert your own function into theattract mode to check for P1 and P2 start pressed. Make sure to check for the correctamount of coins in your function then you need to jump where the game starts. Thiswill take a lot of time probing in MAME, but the payoff is great.

    High Score Save

    The easiest this to do is find a game that already has a high score table. Then all youneed to do is find a place in the game code to restore the high score table and save off thehigh score table. Finding out where to restore the high score table from NVRAM is easy,the best place to do this is right after the startup code finishes clearing the program ram (ifyou do it before this then the HST will get wiped out). Finding out where you should savethe HST off to NVRAM can be a little bit trickier. You need to step through the code andright after the user enters initials and the HST is saved to ram is the ideal time to save theHST to NVRAM. Once this is done you just need to have a way to clear the HST (seebelow).

    If the game you choose does not have a HST then you need to create your own and thatis outside the scope of this document.


    Here is an example of a function that will copy memory (High Score Table) from its originallocation to NVRAM. The restore function is almost exactly the same but copies fromNVRAM to the location in memory where the HST is stored

    SaveHST:; Save registerspush hlpush depush bc

    ; Copy 30 bytes from $4200 to $F800ld hl, $4200

    ld de, $F800

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    ld bc, $001eldir

    ; Restore registerspop bcpop depop hlret

    Clearing the High Score Table

    If you are saving high scores you will definitely need a way to clear high scores. Generallyyou want to choose a combination that is not usually triggered in normal game play. Iusually choose to have it triggered by holding Player 1 and Player 2 start buttons duringboot up of the game. Some other options are to use an unused dip switch or test switch.

    The technique I use is to have a byte or two I am expecting to be there for valid NVRAM.This serves two purposes

    1. If there is unformatted NVRAM it will initialize it by running the clear nvram method

    2. All you need to do when the clear nvram sequence is triggered is change those twobytes.


    ; This example is from lady bug, it is called early on in the game boot up sequence.; Usually replaces the function that sets the high score defaults

    rstscorenv::; Before we check the nvram, see if we should clear HST; The following functions checkscall chkclr

    ;check to see of 12 and 89 is at $f800 and f801; if not clear nvram

    ld a, ($f800)cp $12jr nz, badnvld a, ($f801)cp $89jr nz, badnv

    rstsav::; Restore the scoresld hl, $f802ld de, $6073ld bc, $001Bldirret

    badnv:: ; Call the functions to clear the HST; These are from the original game codecall $2F9

    ; Now that it is clear save it off; The following function saves the HST to nvramcall rstsavld a, $12ld ($f800), ald a, $89ld ($f801), aret

    chkclr::push hl

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    push af; Check if P1 + P2 start are being held downld hl, 9000hld a, (hl)and $60call z, badnvpop afpop hlret