washington herald. (washington, dc) 1907-12-01 [p...

THE WASHINGTON HERALD SMUAY DECJSMBJiB L 1007 t r SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Football Game Topic of General Interest Hostesses Make Plans for Winter Season Army events fellow each other In quick succession In Wash that before the echoos of away the heralding notes of the other are meeting the oar Interest In the RootGrant wedding much talked of for the last few weeks has been succeeded by football which is the topic now on the tADS Though the President did not go to yes- terdays game his family was represented- in the person of daughter Miss Ethel She was in the party of Assistant Sec- retary Oliver and his daughters Miss Elizabeth and Mlw Marlon Oliver The navy was represented by Admiral Dewey and also by Secretary of the Navy and Mrs Newberry who had her debutante daughter Miss Carol New berry with a merry party of young girls with her A special train made the trip to Phila- delphia and it was filled with a throng of representative parsons from the army and navy colors floating here there and everywhere The past week marked the end of the tall meeting of the Jockey Club at Ben ning Dull and rainy weather dampened the ardor of even the most sporty of the social contingent but the past few days was an improvement over the previous ones A merry crowd took advantage of Thanksgiving Day and wont out in par tips to see the sport Mrs Stephen B Blklns and Jeer daugh- ter Miss Katharine Elklns wore there with Mrs George Law of Now York their house guest Mba Efktne HS usual looked quite smart In a darkgreen tailor suit with hat to correspond Mrs Law wore a suit of darkbrown cloth and black toque trimmed wjth coque feathers The Vi omt ss d Mattel wife of Vicomte de Martel of the French Em- bassy wore a elite sirtt of gray velvet tailor made and trimmed with braid with which she wore mbles and a brown hat trimmed with coqu feathers Miss Isabelle May in dark serge and black pony coat with of sliver fox and a big blue hat Miss Squires daughter of the American SOCIAL his the Cap- ital was blue at ole ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Minister to Panama was in a gray gown of cloth with white fox furs Mrs Hugh Legare wore a tallermade blue suit with a very smart lightbine waistcoat quite Pariaian In style Mme des Porte wife of the counselor of the French JEmbaeiy wore a dark brown suit with a fur coat and Mile des Portes gown was of violet cloth braided with which wore a Mack hat trimmed with coque feathers Among other diplomats who there were Prince u Lynar f the Ger man Embassy and Baron Ambrocy coun- selor of the AustroHunyarian Eaibsssy with the young men of the French Em bassy After the races Mmo des Portes entertained many of party at tea at her home in Connecticut With the beginning of the week will be a tea every day to rrsspeoHva upon h r social career The pretty daughter of SolicitorGen and Mrs Hoyt Mtas Constance Hoyt will be a dtbntante of the week and as will also Miss Portner daughter of Mrs Robert Portner Miss White daughter of Commander and Mrs William White Miss Vera Downing daughter of Mr and Mrs Augustus Downing and Miss Findley daughter of Mr W W Pindley of the Southern Railway On account of her serious illness from which she is now recovering Mitts Kath- arine Leech will not her formal bow on Tuesday She will be introduced later in the month Now that the forecast of the winter season is becoming more definite and my ladys engagement book begin to look Interesting society women are dis- cussing the mooted question of conflict- ing dates and how they oan be avoided Each season there is no end of petty troubles and heart burnings over the dilemma of hostesses and guests who find themselves bidden to two interesting functions at the same time Cases of de- lightful dinner parties arranged weeks ahead broken by the sudden mandate from the White House for the appear- ance there of the chief guest is known to every society leader here No hostess is quite sure of the success of her dinner until her guests are actually In the house Sometimes she even finds that not only are the total number of expected guests on hand but also some unbidden ones for so mad does the social rush become at the height of the season that persons have often been known to be so confused in their dates as to get in the wrong houses Every one knows how the former French Ambassador the popular M Jules Cambon found himself In the predica ment of being bidden to the White House the very night he was to give a dinner at his own Embassy the old Porter house in H street There was nothing to do but ask one of tha gentlemen of his staff to play host ag his proxy whtl he went off to saw were the there launch the make the avenue some bell era ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ dine with the President Now the question is Cannot something be done to avoid these troubles Pltts burg has solved the problem It has a- social bureau where all dates are kept on file and bulletins of the same pub- lished the woman of society re pairs to find out the dates already chosen by other hostesses and avoids them There are no such conflicting arrange ments as occurred at the last two big concerts given here a tow weeks ago when the Philadelphia Orchestra and Paderewskl were scheduled to play the same day The Secretary of State and Mrs Root planned to leave the city Friday but stayed over to attend the White House dinner to President Amador of Panama and Mme Amador but they are now gone to be in readiness for another wed- ding in the family when the son takes unto himself a wife Lieut Grant ami his bride will spend a- part of their honeymoon at the Root homestead at Clinton N Y They began their married life at the country place of Mr and Mrs John R McLean which if it continues to be offered toall notable newly wedded couples as a honeymoon lodge might better bo rechristened ome less plutonic name titan Friendship The AustroHungarlan Ambasador Baron Hengelmuller and Baron Ambrozy counselor of the embassy will go to New York this week to attend a banquet which will be given by prominent Hun garians there December 4 Others who will attend the banquet are Count Szechenyi fiance of Miss Gladys Vander bile and his friend Count Apponyl Hun- garian agricultural commissioner at Brus- sels who has come over here to attend hIs friends wedding He Is the second son of the court mrshul of Hungary After the banquet Count Count Apppnyi will come to Washington Th ro Sz h nyl nd ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ for a visit The latter will bo tho guest Of Mrs Richard Townsend who with her daughton Miss Matilda Townsend has Just returned from abroad entertain at dinner informally tonight for the newlyarrived Chilean Minister and Mme Cruz Diaz at the embassy in Jackson place The Russian Ambassador Baron Rosen will leave the Capital in January to join the baroness and Baroness Elizabeth Ro- sen in St Petersburg to bo present at the presentation at court of the young Baron Baron Haymerle of the AustroHungar lan Embassy has returned from his hunt- Ing trip In Canada Ho was lucky and came off with two caribou This week ho will go to Warronton Va a house- guest of Mr Laboulsse where he will take in the hunting Cards are out for tile dance which Mrs McLeod Matheson will give for her niece Miss Frederick Morgan Depember IS at RauscherK Miss Lydia Loring is returning this week from Colorado Springs to mak a visit with parents here before going round the world with Mrs Walter Far well Mr and Mrs Edward Padelford hosts at dinner last night at their home In I street In the party were Baron Moncheur the Belgian Minister Mrs Peyton Russell Maj Ferguson former Minister to Norway thai Sweden and Mrs William Hammond The Bareness Moncheur left yesterday morning for Tux edo where she wilt be the guest of Mr and Mrs Pierre LorlHard Mr and Mrs PheJne Bno returned to Washington yesterday from a visit in New York Miss Helen the schoolgirl of the Secretary of War was enter at a small tea Friday afternoon by Miss Marjorie daughter of Gen and Mrs James B Aleshire is a guest of Gen and Mrs AlesMre at their homQ in Eighteenth street having aome on from Bryn Mawr where she ta a student for the Thanksgiving holidays She went with them to Philadelphia for the game The Ambassador and Im6 Nabuco wilT Des to be her daugh- ter tamed Ale Taft BrarUian were j Taft Miss ¬ ¬ ¬ Mrs Burton Harrison has taken an apartment at the Richmond for the winter Mrs Marshall FleW of CMcago the guest of Mrs Slater in Eighteenth street Senator Nelson AWrick has arrived In Washington and is at tlie Arlington Senator George Peabody WetcMre is also here and is at the Arlington while his House in K Street Is being put In readiness for the family Mrs Le Breton and her daughter Mtev Marguerite Le Breton will spend the Breton who has beerf temporarily sta tioned at the navy yard here win leave today for California Miss Warder will entertain at luncheon today at U in K street Representative and Mrs Richard Wayne Parker and their family ratiiraefe to Washington last night fer the whiter Among thorn who wont to thti Army and Navy football sam were Miss Ethel Roosevelt Assistant Secretary of the Navy Newberry Mrs Newberry Miss Newberry Mis Carol Newherry Miss Constance Hoyt Lieut Semmes Read Llaut Rowcllffe U S N Ad- miral Dewey Admiral WHlarfl H Brown son chief of the Bureau of Navigation Admiral Roblay D Evans Admiral Good rich Admiral Pendleton commander V f the League Island Navy Yard and Com- mander U S Benson the Assistant Sec- retary of War and his daughters the Misses Elizabeth and Marion Oliver the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury and Mrs Wlnthrop and Mr Francis Stevens fiance of Mlse Oliver the Secretary of the Navy and Mrs Metcalf Rear Admiral Chester the Mimes Fitch daughters of the chief engineer of the navy and Gen and Mrs Arthur Murray Many people prominent in the financial and social worlds occupied boxes on the Army side including Gov Hughes o New York Charles M Schwab and W E Corey the steel magnates Senator Du Pont of Delaware and his brother T C Du Pont president of the big powder company James McCrea presi dent of the Pennsylvania Railroad Theo dore Voorhees vice president of the Reading Railroad E V Morgan Min ister to Cuba Senator of Massa chusetts Senator Dick of Ohio Sen ator Cullom of Illinois Congressman Bingham and others t Mrs John W Fostor gave a tea yes terday afternoon for a party of students who have been spending their Thanks giving holidays with her Mr Ritchie Simpkins of Boston is spending a few days in Washington He will return after the New Year to his House hero for the remainder of the is winter In New Lleut DIlvic1 Le l hornet Beekman j open season ork ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Mr George Howard will sail tomor row for England whore he has been summoned because of the Illness of his mother Lady Howard wife of Sir Henry Howard of The Hague Holland Mr and Mr Guy Norman have re turned to the city for the wlhtor and have opened their house in Massachusetts avenue Mr and Mrs Clarence Moore and fam- ily are spending a few weeks at Lees burg Va whero Mr Moore has leased a place during the hunting season Mr NIch61soh jr has returned to Washington from a hunting trip on the yacht Giavota with Mr John R Dos Passes Mrs Trueman H Newborn wife of tho Assistant Secretary of the Navy and Miss Newborry who have been In New York for a short trip to be able to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with Barnes and Phelps the Newberry twins have returned to Washington The November social meeting of the D A R chapters of the District of Co- lumbia was held in the George Washing ton University hall Tuesday evening the State regent Mrs Howard L HOdgkins presiding Other State officers present were Mrs Mary C Beach corresponding secretary and Mrs William E De Reim er chaplain Tho State vice regent Mrs Ice Creams and Ices Are the Best Family trade a cpedaltj Let me furnish sour wcddicg reception banquet parlon 815 TEXTII ST 3f W LL and A ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ George T Smallwood sent regrets being away from the olty Tho exState re- gents were the guests of honor and those present were Mrs Thomas H Alexander State regent in 1893 and 1894 Mrs Kate Koarney Henry 1SS Mm Mary T Lock wood 1901 and 1602 Mrs Charlotte Emer- son Main 1M3 and 1904 Mrs Ellen Spencer Mussey 1905 and 1906 Mrs Charles H Alden 1S99 and 1900 now regent of the Pasadena Chapter Pasadena Cal sent greetings and Mrs Simon Newcomb iNS wris prevented tram being prosent by ill ness The programme was in charge of the seven chapters hostesses for this meeting which on the pro gramme In the order of their organization as follows First Columbia Mrs Sarah J Croissant regent was represented by Miss Bertha Frances Wolfe historian of the chapter who recited Second Ameri- can Mrs L H Mattingly regent The number for this chapter was a song by Mrs Walter E Hilton Third Mary Bart- lett acting regent Mrs M V Richards was represented by its founder Mrs Amos G Draper and two members of the chapter Miss Elizabeth Peel and Miss Margaret B Merrill One rendered Amer- ica in the sign language of the deaf and dumb and the other vocally Fourth Lucy Mrs E B Townsend regent was represented by instrumental music Mr George Chandler cornet Mr Hoff- man violin Mr Carl Nass piano Fifth Captain Molly Pltcfier Mrs Albert J Gore regent For this chapter Cal Johh Tweedale read a poem in the quaint FrenchCanadian dialect Sixth Out Flag Mrs William Van Zandt Cox re- gent Miss Flora Jackson sang and Miss Lee Moore and Miss Bessie Tiffany and Miss Sallle Tiffany gave a mandolin trio Seventh Emily Ncson the last chapter organized Mrs George G Martin regent The historian Mrs Cora Bacon Foster read an original paper on the Old canal at Great Falls The next social meet- ing will be in January when seven other chapters will entertain Mr Albert H Chaff ee has returned for his annual visit and exhibition of pic- tures and lu at the Shwehara Yesterday he showed some interesting original car toons by Homer Davenport He will be hero Monday Tuesday and Wednesday and will display views in Spain Sicily and Italy Rich display of specially handcarved frames and ex quisite reproductions in sepia and small walled framed pictures His room is the rendezvous for the socially artistic during his brief stay Lieut Commander and Mrs Giennle Tarbox have returned from a visit at Old Point Comfort and lOcated in R street for the winter Miss Isabella Magruder has returned appeared Holcombe madq sores ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ from a visit to Boston The ladies of the Pierce Guild Auxil- iary to the Washington Hospital for Foundlings will have their annual lunch eon and sale of fancy articles Thursday Friday and Saturday of this week at Masonic Temple Mteees Louise and Irma McKetden of- tkte city were guests of relatives in PM1 adelphia for the Thanksgiving hoHdiurx find the Army and Navy game They wilt return to their home today Miss Warder wilt entertain at luncheon today at her Home in K street Representative Wayne Parker and Mrs Parker and Miss Elizabeth Parker re- turned to their home IB Rhode Island last evening tot the winter Mr and Mrs B v rlay R Mason an- nounce the engagement of theIr daugh- ter Lucy to Mr George Hoxte Moffott of Kansas City Mo The marriage will take place early in January Representative and Mrs Lamer of Florida have arrived in the city and will upend the winter at the Shoreham Mrs Odell S Smith 1C31 Sixteenth street northwest entertained Friday evening for her son Frank and daughter Ida at a euchre in honor of their guests Mr Marsh and Miss Marsh of Elizabeth N J The guests were the Misses Hastings Alden Stoke Fishback Harban Criswell Miller and Cramer and Messrs Meyers Mangum Dickson Mohum LUc Rom burg Seay Swartzel and Jackson The girls first prize a gold carved bracelet was won by Miss Harban and the second prize a silver bonbon dish by Miss Miller The boys first prize a bronze cigar lighter was won by Mr Dickson and the second prize a euchre deck and leather case by Mr Mangum The booby- a china turkey was captured by Mr Jackson After cards a buffet supper was served and dancing and singing con- cluded a delightful evening Mr and Mrs Max Weyl of 1S10 R street will be at home this evening from S to 10 oclock in honor or Mr Weyls seventieth birthday anniversary The Ladles Auxiliary of the Eighth Street Temple will entertain the pupils of the Sabbath school at Pythian Tem- ple this afternoon Mr Francis Curtis accompanied his wife and daughter has loft his home In Springfield Mesa to reside perma- nently at Washington They have taken the Halstead residence at 19If Biltmore street and will be at home after Decem ber L Mrs Thomas Woodruff president of the Womans Alliance of AllSouls Church assisted by a number of wellknown women is working enthusiastically In preparation for a Christmas sale which I b l ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday December 10 and 11 at 1822 New York avenue from U a m to 18 p m On account of the accessibility of the house selected for the sale the committees are making rather elaborate plans and will be able to make comfortable a large crowd at all times I Mr and Mrs Simon Kann spent Thanksgiving in Atlantic City Mrs Henry Barnard and daughter Doris of New York are the guests of Mr and Mrs Henry Strauss of U street Miss Elizabeth Smith and Miss Bessie Meek of 935 K street northwest spent Thanksgiving Day in Manassas Va whore they were invited to join a fox hunt Among the guests were Mrs Blair Johnson and Miss Flynn of Warrenton Mrs L Koenigburg of New York after a lengthy visit to her mother Mrs Charles Kaufman returned to her home on Friday Mrs Silas Rosenthal ot the Ashley has as her Miss Fuld of Now York and Miss Blanche HIrsch of Atlanta Ga Mr and Mrs Gordon Lee of Georgia have arrived in Washington for the win ter and will make residence at the Shoreham Mrs Clara Breslau of N streets enter- tained at dinner on Thursday evening Mrs Goldsmith Sigmund whoso engage- ment to Miss Sadie Breslau was recently announced Mrs Addle Sigmund and Mr Howard Sigmund The entertainment and dance given by the ladies of Pas Israel Temple at Na tional Rifles Hall on Thursday evening was a splendid success and was largely Those Hiring Carriages nt Stables st are assured the finest turnouts at reasonablo rates Bridal carriages a specialty Best service 1 I ¬ ¬ ¬ I aftended Quite a neat sun was realized o be added to the building fund of the new temple corner of Sixth and I streets Mr and Mrs Bronnen and Miss Carrie Brennon of New York arc the guests of Mrs A Brylawskl of IMG Calvort Miss Floryno Kahn of Baltimore Md Is the guest of Miss Rita Bacr Tho Octagon Pleasure Club gave a stag theater party and supper on Thursday evening Those in the party were Messrs Malcolm Auorbaoh Barnard Baor David Baor Maurice Elseman Melville Fischer Stanley Fischer Milton Goldsmith Al fred Hans Herbert Jacobl Lester Marx Arthur Neuman Lester Neuman David Stern and Arthur Luchs Mrs Charles Kaufman of Eighteenth street entertained at a family dinner on Wednesday evening In honor of her The guests were Mr and Mrs Ben- jamin Frank and children of Baltimore Md Mrs L Koelngsburg of New York Mr and Mrs Joseph Kaufman Mrs Fannie K Levi Mr and Mrs Sidney C Kaufman Mr and Mrs Al Sigmund and Messrs Edgar and Harold Kaufman Mr Edwin W HIggins has come to Washington and wllfc be joined by Mrs HIggins after the Christmas holidays Mrs B Coblonzer of the Laclede en- tertained at whist on Wednesday evening A pretty weddlng was solemnized at the home of the brIdes sister Mrs Nowell Larkin 1416 East Capitol street Wednes- day evening at S oclock the contracting parties elng Miss Amy Louise Reid and Mr Y la D Grain Rev Charles H Hj met 4 jr of St Pauls Protestant Bptecopal Church a cousin of the groom was the officiating clergyman The bride was given in marriage by her father Mr James H Reid of Virginia There were no attendants and only the immediate relatives were present at the ceremony The bride vfas becomingly at- tired in a suit of blue broadcloth and black velvet hat trimmed with plumes Immediately after the ceremony the hap- py couple left for an extended bridal trip Mrs Sam Ganss of 14SS Fairmont street will be at home on Fridays for the re- mainder of tho season Addle Coblenzer of Baltimore is tHe guest of Mrs Samuel Boi slnger of Massachusetts avenue Mr and Mrs D Rice of Cleveland Ohio wore in the city for a short stay en route to Norfolk Newport News and the Jamestown Exposition Representative end Mrs Andrew Barsh fold and Miss Helene Barshfeld of Pitts burg Pa arrived in the city during the week and will spend the winter at the Connecticut Mr Elmer is their guest this week but will return to Prince- ton aftrr the Thanksgiving holidays Mrs Simmons and children of N C wilt arrive in the city to- morrow for a months visit to Mrs Junlue I Peyser of Sixteenth street Helene Engel has returned from Now York where was the guest cousin Mrs Lon H Reiaeaetein ALEXANDRIA Miss Georgia McComas French has re- turned frost Annapolis where site at the Thanksgiving ball at the Naval Academy Mrs Marshall King has her guest her stetr Mies Luiy HaaekeU of Clear Dr Harry Smith has sailed Panama Miss Mary Phtttpe lees returned from Markham where she lied vtatoed relatives for ten days Mr and Mrs Clinton C Smoot and family left here Thursday for Jamestown to witness the closing of the exposition Mrs William Ware and Miss Bfiie Ware spent Thanksgiving with Mrs Wares sister Mrs B Dalngerfleld Lieut and Mrs Wilson Brown of spent Thanksgiving with Capt Herbert Bryant Miss Mary Gllkerson bus retbraed from a visit to her old home in Culpeper Va Mr Robert Jones is spending the week- end with friends at Jamestown Mr and Mrs Edmund Harvey Symonds of New York are receiving congratula- tions on the birth of a daughter Francis Barbour Ewing Symonds Miss Charlotte Blackburn has returned from a visit to the Misses Crarapton in Washington Miss Caroline Wise left here Thursday for St Louis where she will snake an ex tended visit with relatives Mr H Garnott PiUs spent Thanksgiv- ing with his parents Mr and Mrs Honry Pitts in Prince street Mr and Mrs Bernard Chine have from their wedding trip and are at home at 224 North Fairfax street street Bant told Char- lotte ot- her ended Jettl An- na Ks ret- urned birth- day Mia I Miss she as for ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ uitia has returned from Front Royal where she attended the wedding of Miss Louise Jackson and Mr Oliver Truernon Pearre Miss Edith Bentley has returned from Annapolis where she attended the debutante reception of Miss Louise War field daughter of Gov Warfield Miss Mary Donohoe of Fairfax Is vis- iting Miss Lucy Douglas In Cameron Miss Beall Dsingerfield has as her guest Mamie Shackolford of Orange Miss McLaughlin Uss ¬ Mr Joseph V Bidgood jr of Norfolk Va spent several days hero this week as the guest of Mr Harry Beverley Mrs John McCuen is visiting Mrs Hol Hs Cook in Wilmington Del Miss Agnes Havennor has gone to ten N C to spend the winter with her sister Mts Makeloy Miss Joannette Shriver of Union Mills Md is the guest of the Misses Jones In Prince street Mrs Louis S Scott has as her guest Miss Laura Reynolds of Borryvllle Va Mr and Mrs Clarence Randolph How- ard are the guests of Mr and Mrs George- S French In Alfred street Miss Nan Lippltt of Berryville is the guest of her sister Mrs C William Wal- ters Miss Grace Anderson left here Monday for Baltimore where she was the guest Select Stock and Lowest i B Prices Exchanges Made at Any TimeDIRECT IMPORTATIONS We Invite Your Inspection Oriental Rug Importing Co 1510 H Street N W Eden i ¬ ¬ of Miss Charlotte England until Friday when she wont to Philadelphia to attend the AnnapolisWest Point football game Miss Mary Snowdon and Miss Dorothy Gatewood spent Thanksgiving Day at WoodburyForrest Misses Katie Eliza Rebecca and Nellie Uhlor are spending the closing days of the exposition at Jamestown Mrs George S French has cards out for an afternoon tea in honor of Miss Georgia French a debutante of thl sea- son for Wednesday December 4 from 4 to 6 V Mr Frank McCormlck wns a guest dur- ing the past week of Mrs Marshall Mc- Donald Misses Hildroth and Dorothy Gfttewood are weekend guest of the Misses Snow den King street Mr Stuart Hunter is the guest of his brother Mr Edmund Hunter The Misses Dent have as their guests Misses Gertrude and Margaret William- son Washington Mr Paul Hulflsh and Mr Dave making a tour of the Middle West Mr Page WaIler has returned from a weeks visit to friends in Harrisenburg- Lieut and Mrs Charles Malgne have returned from a visit t Mrs Maignes sister Mrs WIrt Triplet at Markham Va Mrs James Alexander Mrs E H OBrian have returned from Norfolk where they wwe tfc guests of Mm James Y Leigh Mtas Aids Hopkins and MISS Sauna Thorn were the guests en Thanksgiving of Prof William S TheM hi Washing- ton Mr and Mrs Charles Stnohtir Taylor have iud Invitations to the marrtege- of their daughter G raMta Mason to Mr Arthur Herbert Bryant The cere- mony win take place December 4 at S p m t the home of the bride 711 Prince street The Misses Dauenhower were the hostesses of one of the prettiest card parties of the season on Tuesday after noon at their hi King street They wore assisted hi entertaining by Mrs David N Rust JrT and Mrs R W Pallor The were won by Miss Marion Bryant Mtai Anita Abbott o Washington Miss Elisabeth Jones The gueets were Miss Ellen Fawcett Irs Thomas B Cochran Miss Mildred Poster Misses Mary slid Clarence Snow den Rebecca UhJer Miss Kath ertne Smoot Miss Georgia French Miss Beall DangerfieJd Miss Elizabeth Jones MIsses Dorothj and HUdreth Gatewood Misses Abbott of Washington and Mrs Herbert Carter of Green Valley The last tea of the season was given at the G4tf Club Wednesday afternoon by the Mteees Susie and Ellen Fawcett The etabhotwe looked very attractive being decorated in chrysanthemums and fall leaves Some of the callers during the afternoon were Misses Cora and Loula Smoot Miss Mildred Bentley MIsS Ma- rion Bryant Mine Clarence Saowden Miss Annie Murphy Miss Mary Thomp son Miss Akta Hopktes Miss Beatrice Baldwin and Miss EUza Douglas Mrs Loulu S Scott entertained on at the last of her afternoons of bridge Mrs William J Soothe was with loving cup as she had made the best total score for the tour afternoons Other guests were Mrs Hugh McGtrfre Mrs David Janney Howell Mrs Samuel G Brent Mrs T Marshall Jones Mrs Stuart Jamieeon Mrs Car roll W Ashby Mrs George Uhler Mrs Thomas W Robinson Miss Rose McDoa- aW and Miss Carrie Stribitng BELL TOOK DRUMS PLACE Americas First Liberty Bell Used at Battle of Alumnnce- Vnm the Grafcus Chaser The first battle of the American Revo- lution was fought on the banks of the Alamance in this county May 17TL The British forces were led by Governor Tryon and the Americans known as the Ahtmance Regulars by Herman Hus- bands It was not until 179 that any stops were takes to mark the spot where the Regulators fell This movement was set in motion by speech made by Rev Albright Long who was at that time president of Graham College He made a speech near the spot July 4 1S7S and called upon the citizens to organize and erect a monument This was done May 29 1SSI when thousands were pres- ent As the Regulators had no drum they used a large hand bell to warn their comrades of the approach of the British as welt as to call their forces to- gether As Dr Long was the prime mover in organizing the movement for Use erection of the monument and saw it carried to a final consummation the Liberty Boll was presented to him It was on exhibition at Charlotte for some- time this year but it is in Alamance County now out at the old homestead Haw River Farm owned by Dr D A- Long where he has with his family been spending the summer vacation In Hul sh- are beaM and Mile I I pre- sented a 1 I a Dental and piles Tues- day Mesa ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ARMY AND NAVY Lievt CoL ROBBRT N GETTY Ifcfiatiy- frwa SR FroBcfeoo te o mmaad Jeffersoe she recruit depot tlmtat JIsJ AUGUST C JBNSBN issuer cradc Coast Artillery Corps Pert Da rent to Fort H G Wright lest Q8rterauut SingS JOUR S WEADO from Fort WilBajn IKary Harrison Fvrt Melt Scrgt First Class HARRY HARSON Hospital Corps pteced en retired Hst First Class rrinu DAVID L DEE Sfeiul Corps from Brokta Barracks to Pert Lavtan Corp JACOB FKTT and Pint Class Primte- GEOIIKK XUTTKIt Ordmaee Deponneat- Imn Washington to proper tuttem First Lieut CHA11LES C FINCH Twelfth I- ffcntrjr dropped from the rolls of the army No- TeraWr a for desertion Recruit CHARLES W CONKLIN infantry re cruSt depot Jefferson Barracks transferred to Hospital Corps prime Sooond Lirut LLKWBLLYK nULL Twenty tweond Infantry to Military Academy Pint Class Private GUY R CRAWFORD Signal Corps Fort Omaha discharged from the army Cwnafeaarr Sergt JOHN KOTWALL new at San Frandsc report te purchasing oosunb sary fer duty pending cellos en his tppUcatfeD for retinmeat- R sigij tlea of First IA L ALFRED McC Twentieth Infaou accepted from 5 Swc C F STORES detached Nays Hospital Sat Juan report to surgfoa Kary De- portment for special temporary duty Paymister V S JACKSON to sari yard New York Asst Paymaster F B UeUILLEX detached naty yard Norfolk to Vircinbu Chief Carpenter W E POWELL ta duty cennec tloa Montana Newport News and duty on board when iiJiccd in commiuioa- MOVEME TS OF VESSKLSThe bUoying COTe meats of Tcsscls hue been reported to the Ba reiu of Navigation Arrived November 23 Eagle at Key West No- vember 29 West Virginia Colorado Maryland and Pennsylvania at Mare Island Hannibal at Philadelphia Leonidas at Newport News Prai- rie at North River New York City Sailed November 29 West Virginia Colorado Maryland and Pennsylvania from San Francisco for Mare Island Wasp from Tarrytown N Y for Gaining N Y November 30 Rainbow Gal Testes and Chattanooga from Nagasaki for Shanghai Arethusa placed out of service as an auxiliary merchant complement at Norfolk Yard Novem- ber 29 and immediately commissioned with a naval complement Choice Flowers for Society Buds ghoffers prices are reasonable litb L Seventh s Item too as K PINt WIL- SON De- cember Nary general I I B- raes Dgt a Qzdars I > ¬ ¬ ¬ Smoot Coffer McCalley 1216 F Street Phone M 725 APPROPRIATE AND LEASING GIFTS FOR WOMEN Nothing quite so appropriate and nothing near so pleasing to a woman as a gift of something to wear This stores splendid stock of dainty and exclusive wearables for women offers a mine of suggestions to those who are seeking gift goods Make your selections early while the stock is at its bcst while you have time to choose leisurely NECKWEAR Theres muck i this line to interest and appeal to gift seekers Bcautiftd Ostrich Marabou and Coque Boas Stoles and Sets m all the wanted shades Also a complete assortment Lmen and Silk Neckwear suck as Stocks Ties Bows Turnovers Chemisettes Cottar and Cuff Sets Coot Sets Scarfs I c priced up from 25C HANDKERCHIEFS Ahoeys m acceptable gift for n- and wed even chtidrtn tile but imported Knen enid lace koHdkerckitfs slows here m plat embroidered and fancy eftcte priced from I2 c to 25 each GLOVES A comprehensive skowitip tie best imported Kid from the icktsp Walking Glove at i to the i6button Evening Gloves at 375 ail shades and till rises SILK HOSIERY Ideal for rift pnrptaes The standard grades of Silk Hosiery et from i 23 to 750 per BELTS AO the iettst imported novelties m Elastic Silk and Leather Belts mqt mftri bnckles at from 25C to 5 Then there are the Shopping Gauze Fans Side Combs Dress Goods Silks Velvets Table Linen Tailor made Suits Wraps Skirts Waists Golf Jackets etc and has abundant style and quality to recommend it ALL GIFT GOODS NEATLY BOXED Smoot Coffer McCalley 1216 F St attendants in our Diamond Rooms show modern cut Gems unset or will design the mountings with originality and a vast stock of mounted stones at prices always reasonable considering quality Odd things not found elsewhere throughout the store At Sloans Art Galleries 1407 G Street Near U S Treasury Comprising the personal effects of the late A A Wilson US Marshal D C under President Cleveland with important contributions from well known private families A Large Collection of Rare Furniture- of the Hepplewhite Chippendale Sheraton and early colonial periods in all conceivable shapes Valuable Books in fine bindings on Scienoc Art Travel Ad venture Fiotion Poetry c Grandfathers Hall Clocks Persian Rugs and Carpets in all de Monte and other rare porceaias FiRe Glassware Pintisgs Prints Skins Mirrors Bronzes OraaBttate Clocks Japanese Art and many other rare articles collected in all parts of the world All to be sold atAbsolute Public Auction At Sloans Art Galleries 1407 G Street Commencing Wednesday Dec 4 19073111 amand 3 pm And continuing daily thereafter at same hours until all is sold ALLAN E WALKER Administrator of the estate of the late A A Wilson Catalogues on application C Sloan Co Auctioneers 1407 G Street N W The Only Genuine French Dry Cleaning Establishment in Washington LADIES Ball Reception and Opera Gowns and Feath ers made new by our process of Dry Cleaning GENTLEMENS Ties Hats Fancy Vests Coats and Trousers restored to all of their original freshness The French Dry Cleaning Company 718 Thirteenth Street N W Phone Main 5028 JULIUS ARNSTEIN Proprietor t r I Festlr r Lace I ws I B gs everything 8 itm f DIAMONDSEx- pert I I I Eteuent F treet091 w- iiii1 I TUU The WILSON SALE sizes Solid Silver Plate Chelsea Sevres laweltoft Capo j J w net irs 1 flort1 et orr cr to- G 5 ¬ ¬ =

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SOCIAL AND PERSONALFootball Game Topic of General Interest

Hostesses Make Plans for Winter SeasonArmy

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that before the echoos ofaway the heralding notes

of the other are meeting the oarInterest In the RootGrant wedding

much talked of for the last few weekshas been succeeded by football which isthe topic now on the tADS

Though the President did not go to yes-

terdays game his family was represented-in the person of daughter Miss EthelShe was in the party of Assistant Sec-

retary Oliver and his daughters MissElizabeth and Mlw Marlon Oliver

The navy was represented by AdmiralDewey and also by Secretary of theNavy and Mrs Newberry who had herdebutante daughter Miss Carol Newberry with a merry party of young girlswith her

A special train made the trip to Phila-delphia and it was filled with a throngof representative parsons from the

army and navy colors floating herethere and everywhere

The past week marked the end of thetall meeting of the Jockey Club at Benning Dull and rainy weather dampenedthe ardor of even the most sporty of thesocial contingent but the past few dayswas an improvement over the previousones

A merry crowd took advantage ofThanksgiving Day and wont out in partips to see the sport

Mrs Stephen B Blklns and Jeer daugh-ter Miss Katharine Elklns wore therewith Mrs George Law of Now Yorktheir house guest Mba Efktne HS usuallooked quite smart In a darkgreen tailorsuit with hat to correspond Mrs Lawwore a suit of darkbrown cloth andblack toque trimmed wjth coque feathers

The Vi omt ss d Mattel wife ofVicomte de Martel of the French Em-bassy wore a elite sirtt of gray velvettailor made and trimmed with braid withwhich she wore mbles and a brown hattrimmed with coqu feathers

Miss Isabelle May in darkserge and black pony coat with ofsliver fox and a big blue hat

Miss Squires daughter of the American





was blueat ole







Minister to Panama was in a gray gownof cloth with white fox furs

Mrs Hugh Legare wore a tallermadeblue suit with a very smart lightbinewaistcoat quite Pariaian In style

Mme des Porte wife of the counselorof the French JEmbaeiy wore a darkbrown suit with a fur coat and Mile desPortes gown was of violet cloth braidedwith which wore a Mack hat trimmedwith coque feathers

Among other diplomats whothere were Prince u Lynar f the German Embassy and Baron Ambrocy coun-selor of the AustroHunyarian Eaibsssywith the young men of the French Embassy After the races Mmo des Portesentertained many of party at tea ather home in Connecticut

With the beginning of the weekwill be a tea every day torrsspeoHva upon h r social careerThe pretty daughter of SolicitorGen

and Mrs Hoyt Mtas Constance Hoytwill be a dtbntante of the week and aswill also Miss Portner daughter of MrsRobert Portner Miss White daughter ofCommander and Mrs William WhiteMiss Vera Downing daughter of Mrand Mrs Augustus Downing and MissFindley daughter of Mr W W Pindleyof the Southern Railway

On account of her serious illness fromwhich she is now recovering Mitts Kath-arine Leech will not her formalbow on Tuesday She will be introducedlater in the month

Now that the forecast of the winterseason is becoming more definite andmy ladys engagement book begin tolook Interesting society women are dis-cussing the mooted question of conflict-ing dates and how they oan be avoided

Each season there is no end of pettytroubles and heart burnings over thedilemma of hostesses and guests who findthemselves bidden to two interestingfunctions at the same time Cases of de-lightful dinner parties arranged weeksahead broken by the sudden mandatefrom the White House for the appear-ance there of the chief guest is knownto every society leader here No hostessis quite sure of the success of her dinneruntil her guests are actually In the houseSometimes she even finds that not onlyare the total number of expected guestson hand but also some unbidden onesfor so mad does the social rush becomeat the height of the season that personshave often been known to be so confusedin their dates as to get in the wronghouses

Every one knows how the formerFrench Ambassador the popular M JulesCambon found himself In the predicament of being bidden to the White Housethe very night he was to give a dinnerat his own Embassy the old Porter housein H street

There was nothing to do but ask oneof tha gentlemen of his staff to playhost ag his proxy whtl he went off to




















dine with the PresidentNow the question is Cannot something

be done to avoid these troubles Plttsburg has solved the problem It has a-

social bureau where all dates are kepton file and bulletins of the same pub-lished the woman of society repairs to find out the dates already chosenby other hostesses and avoids themThere are no such conflicting arrangements as occurred at the last two bigconcerts given here a tow weeks agowhen the Philadelphia Orchestra andPaderewskl were scheduled to play thesame day

The Secretary of State and Mrs Rootplanned to leave the city Friday butstayed over to attend the White Housedinner to President Amador of Panamaand Mme Amador but they are nowgone to be in readiness for another wed-ding in the family when the son takesunto himself a wife

Lieut Grant ami his bride will spend a-

part of their honeymoon at the Roothomestead at Clinton N Y They begantheir married life at the country placeof Mr and Mrs John R McLean whichif it continues to be offered toall notablenewly wedded couples as a honeymoonlodge might better bo rechristened omeless plutonic name titan Friendship

The AustroHungarlan AmbasadorBaron Hengelmuller and Baron Ambrozycounselor of the embassy will go toNew York this week to attend a banquetwhich will be given by prominent Hungarians there December 4 Others whowill attend the banquet are CountSzechenyi fiance of Miss Gladys Vanderbile and his friend Count Apponyl Hun-garian agricultural commissioner at Brus-sels who has come over here to attendhIs friends wedding He Is the secondson of the court mrshul of HungaryAfter the banquet CountCount Apppnyi will come to Washington

Th ro

Sz hnyl nd







for a visit The latter will bo tho guestOf Mrs Richard Townsend who with herdaughton Miss Matilda Townsend hasJust returned from abroad

entertain at dinner informallytonight for the newlyarrived ChileanMinister and Mme Cruz Diaz at theembassy in Jackson place

The Russian Ambassador Baron Rosenwill leave the Capital in January to jointhe baroness and Baroness Elizabeth Ro-sen in St Petersburg to bo present at thepresentation at court of the young Baron

Baron Haymerle of the AustroHungarlan Embassy has returned from his hunt-Ing trip In Canada Ho was lucky andcame off with two caribou This week howill go to Warronton Va a house-guest of Mr Laboulsse where he willtake in the hunting

Cards are out for tile dance which MrsMcLeod Matheson will give for her nieceMiss Frederick Morgan Depember IS atRauscherK

Miss Lydia Loring is returning thisweek from Colorado Springs to mak avisit with parents here before goinground the world with Mrs Walter Farwell

Mr and Mrs Edward Padelfordhosts at dinner last night at their homeIn I street In the party were BaronMoncheur the Belgian Minister MrsPeyton Russell Maj Ferguson formerMinister to Norway thai Sweden andMrs William Hammond The BarenessMoncheur left yesterday morning for Tuxedo where she wilt be the guest of Mrand Mrs Pierre LorlHard

Mr and Mrs PheJne Bno returned toWashington yesterday from a visit inNew York

Miss Helen the schoolgirlof the Secretary of War was enter

at a small tea Friday afternoon byMiss Marjorie daughter of Genand Mrs James B Aleshire isa guest of Gen and Mrs AlesMre attheir homQ in Eighteenth street havingaome on from Bryn Mawr where she taa student for the Thanksgiving holidaysShe went with them to Philadelphia forthe game

The Ambassador and Im6Nabuco wilT


to be











Mrs Burton Harrison has taken anapartment at the Richmond for thewinter

Mrs Marshall FleW of CMcago theguest of Mrs Slater in Eighteenth streetSenator Nelson AWrick has arrived In

Washington and is at tlie Arlington

Senator George Peabody WetcMre isalso here and is at the Arlington whilehis House in K Street Is being put Inreadiness for the family

Mrs Le Breton and her daughter MtevMarguerite Le Breton will spend the

Breton who has beerf temporarily stationed at the navy yard here win leavetoday for California

Miss Warder will entertain at luncheontoday at U in K streetRepresentative and Mrs Richard Wayne

Parker and their family ratiiraefe toWashington last night fer the whiterAmong thorn who wont to thti Army

and Navy football sam were MissEthel Roosevelt Assistant Secretary ofthe Navy Newberry Mrs NewberryMiss Newberry Mis Carol NewherryMiss Constance Hoyt Lieut SemmesRead Llaut Rowcllffe U S N Ad-miral Dewey Admiral WHlarfl H Brownson chief of the Bureau of NavigationAdmiral Roblay D Evans Admiral Goodrich Admiral Pendleton commander V fthe League Island Navy Yard and Com-mander U S Benson the Assistant Sec-retary of War and his daughters theMisses Elizabeth and Marion Oliver theAssistant Secretary of the Treasury andMrs Wlnthrop and MrFrancis Stevens fiance of Mlse Oliverthe Secretary of the Navy and MrsMetcalf Rear Admiral Chester theMimes Fitch daughters of the chiefengineer of the navy and Gen and MrsArthur Murray

Many people prominent in the financialand social worlds occupied boxes on theArmy side including Gov Hughes oNew York Charles M Schwab and WE Corey the steel magnates SenatorDu Pont of Delaware and his brotherT C Du Pont president of the bigpowder company James McCrea president of the Pennsylvania Railroad Theodore Voorhees vice president of theReading Railroad E V Morgan Minister to Cuba Senator of Massachusetts Senator Dick of Ohio Senator Cullom of Illinois CongressmanBingham and others t

Mrs John W Fostor gave a tea yesterday afternoon for a party of studentswho have been spending their Thanksgiving holidays with her

Mr Ritchie Simpkins of Boston isspending a few days in Washington Hewill return after the New Year tohis House hero for the remainder of the


winter In New Lleut DIlvic1 Le

l hornet


















Mr George Howard will sail tomorrow for England whore he has beensummoned because of the Illness of hismother Lady Howard wife of Sir HenryHoward of The Hague Holland

Mr and Mr Guy Norman have returned to the city for the wlhtor andhave opened their house in Massachusettsavenue

Mr and Mrs Clarence Moore and fam-ily are spending a few weeks at Leesburg Va whero Mr Moore has leaseda place during the hunting season

Mr NIch61soh jr has returnedto Washington from a hunting trip onthe yacht Giavota with Mr John RDos Passes

Mrs Trueman H Newborn wife oftho Assistant Secretary of the Navyand Miss Newborry who have been InNew York for a short trip to be ableto spend the Thanksgiving holiday withBarnes and Phelps the Newberry twinshave returned to Washington

The November social meeting of theD A R chapters of the District of Co-lumbia was held in the George Washington University hall Tuesday evening theState regent Mrs Howard L HOdgkinspresiding Other State officers presentwere Mrs Mary C Beach correspondingsecretary and Mrs William E De Reimer chaplain Tho State vice regent Mrs

Ice Creams and Ices Are the BestFamily trade a cpedaltj Let me furnish sour

wcddicg reception banquet parlon815 TEXTII ST 3f W








George T Smallwood sent regrets beingaway from the olty Tho exState re-gents were the guests of honor and thosepresent were Mrs Thomas H AlexanderState regent in 1893 and 1894 Mrs KateKoarney Henry 1SS Mm Mary T Lockwood 1901 and 1602 Mrs Charlotte Emer-son Main 1M3 and 1904 Mrs Ellen SpencerMussey 1905 and 1906 Mrs Charles HAlden 1S99 and 1900 now regent of thePasadena Chapter Pasadena Cal sentgreetings and Mrs Simon Newcomb iNSwris prevented tram being prosent by illness The programme was in charge ofthe seven chapters hostesses for thismeeting which on the programme In the order of their organizationas follows First Columbia Mrs Sarah JCroissant regent was represented byMiss Bertha Frances Wolfe historian ofthe chapter who recited Second Ameri-can Mrs L H Mattingly regent Thenumber for this chapter was a song byMrs Walter E Hilton Third Mary Bart-lett acting regent Mrs M V Richardswas represented by its founder MrsAmos G Draper and two members of thechapter Miss Elizabeth Peel and MissMargaret B Merrill One rendered Amer-ica in the sign language of the deaf anddumb and the other vocally Fourth Lucy

Mrs E B Townsend regentwas represented by instrumental musicMr George Chandler cornet Mr Hoff-man violin Mr Carl Nass piano FifthCaptain Molly Pltcfier Mrs Albert JGore regent For this chapter Cal JohhTweedale read a poem in the quaintFrenchCanadian dialect Sixth OutFlag Mrs William Van Zandt Cox re-gent Miss Flora Jackson sang and MissLee Moore and Miss Bessie Tiffany andMiss Sallle Tiffany gave a mandolin trioSeventh Emily Ncson the last chapterorganized Mrs George G Martin regentThe historian Mrs Cora Bacon Fosterread an original paper on the Old canalat Great Falls The next social meet-ing will be in January when seven otherchapters will entertain

Mr Albert H Chaff ee has returned forhis annual visit and exhibition of pic-

tures and lu at the Shwehara Yesterdayhe showed some interesting original cartoons by Homer Davenport He will behero Monday Tuesday and Wednesdayand will display views in Spain Sicilyand Italy Rich display of specially

handcarved frames and exquisite reproductions in sepia and smallwalled framed pictures His room is therendezvous for the socially artistic duringhis brief stay

Lieut Commander and Mrs GiennleTarbox have returned from a visit atOld Point Comfort and lOcated in R streetfor the winter

Miss Isabella Magruder has returned



madq sores











from a visit to Boston

The ladies of the Pierce Guild Auxil-iary to the Washington Hospital forFoundlings will have their annual luncheon and sale of fancy articles ThursdayFriday and Saturday of this week atMasonic Temple

Mteees Louise and Irma McKetden of-

tkte city were guests of relatives in PM1adelphia for the Thanksgiving hoHdiurxfind the Army and Navy game They wiltreturn to their home today

Miss Warder wilt entertain at luncheontoday at her Home in K street

Representative Wayne Parker and MrsParker and Miss Elizabeth Parker re-

turned to their home IB Rhode Islandlast evening tot the winter

Mr and Mrs B v rlay R Mason an-nounce the engagement of theIr daugh-ter Lucy to Mr George Hoxte Moffott ofKansas City Mo The marriage will takeplace early in January

Representative and Mrs Lamer ofFlorida have arrived in the city and willupend the winter at the Shoreham

Mrs Odell S Smith 1C31 Sixteenth streetnorthwest entertained Friday evening forher son Frank and daughter Ida at aeuchre in honor of their guests MrMarsh and Miss Marsh of Elizabeth NJ The guests were the Misses HastingsAlden Stoke Fishback Harban CriswellMiller and Cramer and Messrs MeyersMangum Dickson Mohum LUc Romburg Seay Swartzel and Jackson Thegirls first prize a gold carved braceletwas won by Miss Harban and the secondprize a silver bonbon dish by MissMiller The boys first prize a bronzecigar lighter was won by Mr Dicksonand the second prize a euchre deck andleather case by Mr Mangum The booby-a china turkey was captured by MrJackson After cards a buffet supperwas served and dancing and singing con-cluded a delightful evening

Mr and Mrs Max Weyl of 1S10 Rstreet will be at home this evening fromS to 10 oclock in honor or Mr Weylsseventieth birthday anniversary

The Ladles Auxiliary of the EighthStreet Temple will entertain the pupilsof the Sabbath school at Pythian Tem-ple this afternoon

Mr Francis Curtis accompaniedhis wife and daughter has loft his homeIn Springfield Mesa to reside perma-nently at Washington They have takenthe Halstead residence at 19If Biltmorestreet and will be at home after December L

Mrs Thomas Woodruff president of theWomans Alliance of AllSouls Churchassisted by a number of wellknownwomen is working enthusiastically Inpreparation for a Christmas sale which












will be held on Tuesday and WednesdayDecember 10 and 11 at 1822 New Yorkavenue from U a m to 18 p m Onaccount of the accessibility of the houseselected for the sale the committees aremaking rather elaborate plans and willbe able to make comfortable a largecrowd at all times


Mr and Mrs Simon Kann spentThanksgiving in Atlantic City

Mrs Henry Barnard and daughterDoris of New York are the guests ofMr and Mrs Henry Strauss of U street

Miss Elizabeth Smith and Miss BessieMeek of 935 K street northwest spentThanksgiving Day in Manassas Vawhore they were invited to join a foxhunt Among the guests were Mrs BlairJohnson and Miss Flynn of Warrenton

Mrs L Koenigburg of New Yorkafter a lengthy visit to her mother MrsCharles Kaufman returned to her homeon Friday

Mrs Silas Rosenthal ot the Ashley hasas her Miss Fuld of Now Yorkand Miss Blanche HIrsch of Atlanta Ga

Mr and Mrs Gordon Lee of Georgiahave arrived in Washington for the winter and will make residence at theShoreham

Mrs Clara Breslau of N streets enter-tained at dinner on Thursday eveningMrs Goldsmith Sigmund whoso engage-ment to Miss Sadie Breslau was recentlyannounced Mrs Addle Sigmund and MrHoward Sigmund

The entertainment and dance given bythe ladies of Pas Israel Temple at National Rifles Hall on Thursday eveningwas a splendid success and was largely

Those Hiring Carriages ntStables st are assured the finestturnouts at reasonablo rates Bridalcarriages a specialty Best service






I aftended Quite a neat sun was realizedo be added to the building fund of the

new temple corner of Sixth and I streets

Mr and Mrs Bronnen and Miss CarrieBrennon of New York arc the guests ofMrs A Brylawskl of IMG Calvort

Miss Floryno Kahn of Baltimore MdIs the guest of Miss Rita Bacr

Tho Octagon Pleasure Club gave a stagtheater party and supper on Thursdayevening Those in the party were MessrsMalcolm Auorbaoh Barnard Baor DavidBaor Maurice Elseman Melville FischerStanley Fischer Milton Goldsmith Alfred Hans Herbert Jacobl Lester MarxArthur Neuman Lester Neuman DavidStern and Arthur Luchs

Mrs Charles Kaufman of Eighteenthstreet entertained at a family dinner onWednesday evening In honor of her

The guests were Mr and Mrs Ben-jamin Frank and children of BaltimoreMd Mrs L Koelngsburg of New YorkMr and Mrs Joseph Kaufman MrsFannie K Levi Mr and Mrs Sidney CKaufman Mr and Mrs Al Sigmund andMessrs Edgar and Harold Kaufman

Mr Edwin W HIggins has come toWashington and wllfc be joined by MrsHIggins after the Christmas holidays

Mrs B Coblonzer of the Laclede en-tertained at whist on Wednesday evening

A pretty weddlng was solemnized at thehome of the brIdes sister Mrs NowellLarkin 1416 East Capitol street Wednes-day evening at S oclock the contractingparties elng Miss Amy Louise Reid andMr Y la D Grain Rev Charles HHj met 4 jr of St Pauls ProtestantBptecopal Church a cousin of the groomwas the officiating clergyman

The bride was given in marriage by herfather Mr James H Reid of VirginiaThere were no attendants and only theimmediate relatives were present at theceremony The bride vfas becomingly at-tired in a suit of blue broadcloth andblack velvet hat trimmed with plumesImmediately after the ceremony the hap-py couple left for an extended bridal trip

Mrs Sam Ganss of 14SS Fairmont streetwill be at home on Fridays for the re-mainder of tho season

Addle Coblenzer of Baltimore istHe guest of Mrs Samuel Boi slnger ofMassachusetts avenue

Mr and Mrs D Rice of ClevelandOhio wore in the city for a short stayen route to Norfolk Newport News andthe Jamestown Exposition

Representative end Mrs Andrew Barshfold and Miss Helene Barshfeld of Pittsburg Pa arrived in the city during theweek and will spend the winter at theConnecticut Mr Elmer is theirguest this week but will return to Prince-ton aftrr the Thanksgiving holidays

Mrs Simmons and children ofN C wilt arrive in the city to-

morrow for a months visit to Mrs JunlueI Peyser of Sixteenth street

Helene Engel has returned fromNow York where was the guest

cousin Mrs Lon H Reiaeaetein


Miss Georgia McComas French has re-turned frost Annapolis where site at

the Thanksgiving ball at theNaval Academy

Mrs Marshall King has her guesther stetr Mies Luiy HaaekeU of Clear

Dr Harry Smith has sailed PanamaMiss Mary Phtttpe lees returned from

Markham where she lied vtatoed relativesfor ten days

Mr and Mrs Clinton C Smoot andfamily left here Thursday for Jamestownto witness the closing of the exposition

Mrs William Ware and Miss Bfiie Warespent Thanksgiving with Mrs Waressister Mrs B Dalngerfleld

Lieut and Mrs Wilson Brown ofspent Thanksgiving with Capt

Herbert Bryant

Miss Mary Gllkerson bus retbraed froma visit to her old home in Culpeper Va

Mr Robert Jones is spending the week-end with friends at Jamestown

Mr and Mrs Edmund Harvey Symondsof New York are receiving congratula-tions on the birth of a daughter FrancisBarbour Ewing Symonds

Miss Charlotte Blackburn has returnedfrom a visit to the Misses Crarapton inWashington

Miss Caroline Wise left here Thursdayfor St Louis where she will snake an extended visit with relatives

Mr H Garnott PiUs spent Thanksgiv-ing with his parents Mr and Mrs HonryPitts in Prince street

Mr and Mrs Bernard Chine havefrom their wedding trip and are

at home at 224 North Fairfax street


Bant told





An-na Ks




















uitia has returnedfrom Front Royal where she attendedthe wedding of Miss Louise Jackson andMr Oliver Truernon Pearre

Miss Edith Bentley has returned fromAnnapolis where she attended thedebutante reception of Miss Louise Warfield daughter of Gov Warfield

Miss Mary Donohoe of Fairfax Is vis-iting Miss Lucy Douglas In Cameron

Miss Beall Dsingerfield has as her guestMamie Shackolford of Orange

Miss McLaughlin



Mr Joseph V Bidgood jr of NorfolkVa spent several days hero this week asthe guest of Mr Harry Beverley

Mrs John McCuen is visiting Mrs HolHs Cook in Wilmington Del

Miss Agnes Havennor has gone toten N C to spend the winter with hersister Mts Makeloy

Miss Joannette Shriver of Union MillsMd is the guest of the Misses Jones InPrince street

Mrs Louis S Scott has as her guestMiss Laura Reynolds of Borryvllle Va

Mr and Mrs Clarence Randolph How-ard are the guests of Mr and Mrs George-S French In Alfred street

Miss Nan Lippltt of Berryville is theguest of her sister Mrs C William Wal-ters

Miss Grace Anderson left here Mondayfor Baltimore where she was the guest

Select Stock and Lowest

i B Prices

Exchanges Made at Any



We Invite Your Inspection

Oriental Rug Importing Co1510 H Street N W





of Miss Charlotte England until Fridaywhen she wont to Philadelphia to attendthe AnnapolisWest Point football game

Miss Mary Snowdon and Miss DorothyGatewood spent Thanksgiving Day atWoodburyForrest

Misses Katie Eliza Rebecca and NellieUhlor are spending the closing days ofthe exposition at Jamestown

Mrs George S French has cards outfor an afternoon tea in honor of MissGeorgia French a debutante of thl sea-son for Wednesday December 4 from 4

to 6V

Mr Frank McCormlck wns a guest dur-ing the past week of Mrs Marshall Mc-Donald

Misses Hildroth and Dorothy Gfttewoodare weekend guest of the Misses Snowden King street

Mr Stuart Hunter is the guest of hisbrother Mr Edmund Hunter

The Misses Dent have as their guestsMisses Gertrude and Margaret William-son Washington

Mr Paul Hulflsh and Mr Davemaking a tour of the Middle West

Mr Page WaIler has returned from aweeks visit to friends in Harrisenburg-

Lieut and Mrs Charles Malgne havereturned from a visit t Mrs Maignessister Mrs WIrt Triplet at MarkhamVa

Mrs James Alexander Mrs E HOBrian have returned from Norfolkwhere they wwe tfc guests of MmJames Y Leigh

Mtas Aids Hopkins and MISS SaunaThorn were the guests en Thanksgivingof Prof William S TheM hi Washing-ton

Mr and Mrs Charles Stnohtir Taylorhave iud Invitations to the marrtege-of their daughter G raMta Mason toMr Arthur Herbert Bryant The cere-mony win take place December 4 at S

p m t the home of the bride 711 Princestreet

The Misses Dauenhower were thehostesses of one of the prettiest cardparties of the season on Tuesday afternoon at their hi King street Theywore assisted hi entertaining by MrsDavid N Rust JrT and Mrs R WPallor The were won by MissMarion Bryant Mtai Anita Abbott oWashington Miss Elisabeth JonesThe gueets were Miss Ellen FawcettIrs Thomas B Cochran Miss Mildred

Poster Misses Mary slid Clarence Snowden Rebecca UhJer Miss Kathertne Smoot Miss Georgia French MissBeall DangerfieJd Miss Elizabeth JonesMIsses Dorothj and HUdreth GatewoodMisses Abbott of Washington and MrsHerbert Carter of Green Valley

The last tea of the season was givenat the G4tf Club Wednesday afternoon bythe Mteees Susie and Ellen Fawcett Theetabhotwe looked very attractive beingdecorated in chrysanthemums and fallleaves Some of the callers during theafternoon were Misses Cora and LoulaSmoot Miss Mildred Bentley MIsS Ma-rion Bryant Mine Clarence SaowdenMiss Annie Murphy Miss Mary Thompson Miss Akta Hopktes Miss BeatriceBaldwin and Miss EUza Douglas

Mrs Loulu S Scott entertained onat the last of her afternoons of

bridge Mrs William J Soothe waswith loving cup as she had

made the best total score for the tourafternoons Other guests were Mrs HughMcGtrfre Mrs David Janney HowellMrs Samuel G Brent Mrs T MarshallJones Mrs Stuart Jamieeon Mrs Carroll W Ashby Mrs George Uhler MrsThomas W Robinson Miss Rose McDoa-aW and Miss Carrie Stribitng


Americas First Liberty Bell Used atBattle of Alumnnce-

Vnm the Grafcus ChaserThe first battle of the American Revo-

lution was fought on the banks of theAlamance in this county May 17TL

The British forces were led by GovernorTryon and the Americans known as theAhtmance Regulars by Herman Hus-bands It was not until 179 that anystops were takes to mark the spot wherethe Regulators fell This movement wasset in motion by speech made by Rev

Albright Long who was at thattime president of Graham College Hemade a speech near the spot July 4 1S7S

and called upon the citizens to organizeand erect a monument This was doneMay 29 1SSI when thousands were pres-ent As the Regulators had no drumthey used a large hand bell to warntheir comrades of the approach of theBritish as welt as to call their forces to-gether As Dr Long was the primemover in organizing the movement forUse erection of the monument and sawit carried to a final consummation theLiberty Boll was presented to him Itwas on exhibition at Charlotte for some-time this year but it is in AlamanceCounty now out at the old homesteadHaw River Farm owned by Dr D A-

Long where he has with his familybeen spending the summer vacation








pre-sented a






















Lievt CoL ROBBRT N GETTY Ifcfiatiy-frwa SR FroBcfeoo te o mmaad Jeffersoe

she recruit depot tlmtatJIsJ AUGUST C JBNSBN issuer cradc

Coast Artillery Corps Pert Da rent toFort H G Wright

lest Q8rterauut SingS JOUR S WEADOfrom Fort WilBajn IKary Harrison FvrtMelt

Scrgt First Class HARRY HARSON HospitalCorps pteced en retired Hst

First Class rrinu DAVID L DEE SfeiulCorps from Brokta Barracks to Pert Lavtan

Corp JACOB FKTT and Pint Class Primte-GEOIIKK XUTTKIt Ordmaee Deponneat-Imn Washington to proper tuttem

First Lieut CHA11LES C FINCH Twelfth I-

ffcntrjr dropped from the rolls of the army No-

TeraWr a for desertionRecruit CHARLES W CONKLIN infantry re

cruSt depot Jefferson Barracks transferred toHospital Corps prime

Sooond Lirut LLKWBLLYK nULL Twentytweond Infantry to Military Academy

Pint Class Private GUY R CRAWFORD SignalCorps Fort Omaha discharged from the army

Cwnafeaarr Sergt JOHN KOTWALL newat San Frandsc report te purchasing oosunbsary fer duty pending cellos en his tppUcatfeDfor retinmeat-

R sigij tlea of First IA L ALFRED McCTwentieth Infaou accepted from5

Swc C F STORES detached Nays HospitalSat Juan report to surgfoa Kary De-portment for special temporary duty

Paymister V S JACKSON to sari yard NewYork

Asst Paymaster F B UeUILLEX detached natyyard Norfolk to Vircinbu

Chief Carpenter W E POWELL ta duty cennectloa Montana Newport News and duty on boardwhen iiJiccd in commiuioa-

MOVEME TS OF VESSKLSThe bUoying COTemeats of Tcsscls hue been reported to the Bareiu of Navigation

Arrived November 23 Eagle at Key West No-vember 29 West Virginia Colorado Marylandand Pennsylvania at Mare Island Hannibal atPhiladelphia Leonidas at Newport News Prai-rie at North River New York City

Sailed November 29 West Virginia ColoradoMaryland and Pennsylvania from San Franciscofor Mare Island Wasp from Tarrytown N Yfor Gaining N Y November 30 Rainbow GalTestes and Chattanooga from Nagasaki forShanghai

Arethusa placed out of service as an auxiliarymerchant complement at Norfolk Yard Novem-

ber 29 and immediately commissioned with anaval complement

Choice Flowers for Society Budsghoffers prices are reasonable litb L






WIL-SON De-cember













Smoot Coffer McCalley1216 F Street Phone M 725


Nothing quite so appropriate and nothing near sopleasing to a woman as a gift of something to wear Thisstores splendid stock of dainty and exclusive wearablesfor women offers a mine of suggestions to those who areseeking gift goods Make your selections early while thestock is at its bcst while you have time to choose leisurely

NECKWEAR Theres muck i this line to interest andappeal to gift seekers Bcautiftd Ostrich Marabou andCoque Boas Stoles and Sets m all the wantedshades Also a complete assortment Lmen andSilk Neckwear suck as Stocks Ties Bows TurnoversChemisettes Cottar and Cuff Sets Coot Sets Scarfs

Ic priced up from 25C

HANDKERCHIEFS Ahoeys m acceptable gift for n-

and wed even chtidrtn tile but importedKnen enid lace koHdkerckitfs slows here m platembroidered and fancy eftcte priced from I2 c to

25 each

GLOVES A comprehensive skowitip tie best importedKid from the icktsp Walking Glove at i tothe i6button Evening Gloves at 375 ail shades andtill rises

SILK HOSIERY Ideal for rift pnrptaes The standardgrades of Silk Hosiery et from i 23 to 750 per

BELTS AO the iettst imported novelties m Elastic Silkand Leather Belts mqt mftri bnckles at from25C to 5

Then there are the Shopping Gauze Fans SideCombs Dress Goods Silks Velvets Table Linen Tailormade Suits Wraps Skirts Waists Golf Jackets etc and

has abundant style and quality to recommend itALL GIFT GOODS NEATLY BOXED

Smoot Coffer McCalley 1216 F St

attendants in our DiamondRooms show modern cut Gemsunset or will design the mountingswith originality and a vast stockof mounted stones at prices alwaysreasonable considering qualityOdd things not found elsewhere

throughout the store

At Sloans Art Galleries1407 G Street Near U S Treasury

Comprising the personal effects of the late A A WilsonU S Marshal D C under President Cleveland

with important contributions from well known private familiesA Large Collection of Rare Furniture-of the Hepplewhite Chippendale Sheraton andearly colonial periods in all conceivable shapes

Valuable Books in fine bindings on Scienoc Art Travel Adventure Fiotion Poetry c

Grandfathers Hall Clocks Persian Rugs and Carpets in all

de Monte and other rare porceaias FiRe Glassware PintisgsPrints Skins Mirrors Bronzes OraaBttate Clocks Japanese Artand many other rare articles collected in all parts of the worldAll to be sold

atAbsolute Public AuctionAt Sloans Art Galleries 1407 G StreetCommencing Wednesday Dec 4 19073111 amand 3 pm

And continuing daily thereafter at same hours until all is soldALLAN E WALKER

Administrator of the estate of the late A A WilsonCatalogues on application

C Sloan Co Auctioneers 1407 G Street N W

The Only Genuine French Dry CleaningEstablishment in Washington

LADIES Ball Reception and Opera Gowns and Feathers made new by our process of Dry Cleaning

GENTLEMENS Ties Hats Fancy Vests Coats andTrousers restored to all of their original freshness

The French Dry Cleaning Company718 Thirteenth Street N W

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Festlr rLace




B gs


8 itm f




Eteuent F treet091




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