washington evening times. (washington, dc) 1900-10-04 [p 8].€¦ · so pairs ladies soft vici kid...

THE EVENING TIMES WASHINGTON J KSRSDAT OCTOBER 4 1900 S = IN SONS CO S KAHN SONS THE BUSY CORNER Always the Best ofEverything for the Least Money Everyone Knows What Friday Brings Forth at The Busy Corner day after our weekly house cleaning Its the day when we offer all our mill ends short lengths and ondds ends from our various departments Its the day when your money cuts quite an item in your favor Its a day when theres always something offered to interest you and all others You have be fore you to start with a line of mill ends which we know are startling in price and wonderful in value Remnants of about 100 yards ot Un- bleached Canton Flannel f7f which is known in the piece C 612c value for vO Remnants of about Sod yards of ex tra heavy Unbleached Canton Flannel made with heavy twill and full nap lie value in the piece for Remnants of about 1500 yards of Klondike White Shaker Flannel these goods are woven very close and are weighty and strong the kind j 1 which cost you 1212c in the T L piece for Remnants of about 2000 yards of Outing Flannel and Teaseldowns one quality would cot you lOc and the other 12c Q 3 f if they were measured from A the piece U Remnants of about 5000 yards of special quality heavy and close p 1 f styles are all new this season fYTTv l2c quality for i Remnants of about 7000 yards of new style yard wide and large stripes and and light 12c 7 1 r a yard is the regular price T TV in the piece Remnants of about 5000 yards of Windsor Prints the designs and patterns are a7f orlngs are strtetly fast the 6 l2c kind for TfO Remnants of about 1800 yards of very wide Cretonne and fancy Dra- peries among this little lot of stuff you will Und goods that look like the imported kinds nowhera would you be able to get T3f them under 12 12c in the piece U4 Remnants of about 600 yards of extra heavy Black Sateen A 3 f very suitable for skirts and waists 15c quality for x41 Remnants of about 300 yards of Allwool Imported Dress Goods 26 to 50 inches wide Henriettas Cash- meres Foules and Serges in black and all the leading street shades also a complete line for evening wear at baIt and twothirds less than regular price Values from G9c to 125 ut 39c and 69c Remnants of about 1500 yards of Wool Novelties Brocatelles in all shades also double width f plaids representing 20c and I jV 25c value for Third Department Weve Also Another Batch of Silk Remnants They are bound to accumulate no matter how hard we try to keep them down our regular silk business is greater than ever therefore these short pieces will the many kinds youll find plain and fancy taffetas novelties of various grades black satin duchesses peau de soles gros grains fa conne taffetas plisses and a fair representation cf what youd rind in our regu- lar stock the prices are always cut to one quarter and onethird less than regu lar markings Displayed on the first centre table main aisle We Have a Few Pairs of Imported P D Corsets In white are made extra long waist made of French cou tll with sateen strlppings edged with sizes are 18 t 19 25 and from 300 to I Ladies Drawers Muslin cambric and nainsook draw- ers trimmd with lace and embroidery t finished with yoke bands a- we sold them for 75 cents per H pair but we reduced them to vl Small lot of high and low neck cam bric corset covers trimmed with em- broidery and finished with hemstitch- ing made with drawing string r p quality that sold for 25 1 K cents vJ Aprons A few aprons which we have placed in the remnant lot on account of be- ing slightly soiled they are made of crossbarred muslin and arc fullsized we are going to x close them out Upholstery Department These four items below are the specials which ouF upholstery man gave us to advertise Smyrna rugs which we sold size 30 by 60 will be A lot of single tapestry and derby portieres made with heavy every one of them 3 12 L each at 4 175 threefoot oak screens filled with fancy Japanese are going to close those out tomorrow for Also a few highly polished tabour ettes in oak and mahogany r we have sold them at 150 also go at wishes to close out a lot of Brownie Overalls made of heavy blue C sizes are from 4 I- to 12 years 2 J Boys Golf Caps In mixed cheviots cassimeres and plain blue ff serge you cant buy them less i than 50c regular they go at J Thousand Bunches of Baby Ribbon 5 yards In a all good F r colorings including black and Tk white 0 500 yards of Allsilk halfinch wide Satin and Gros Grain Ribbon in all good colors suitable for fancy f work hair ribbon or dress trim f ming per yard 1 and 1 14inch Black Velvet Rib bon with satin f f quality which we sold for 15c and 20c a yard for 8 L Black Velvet Ribbon linen f back No 1 12 2 and 2 14 ML special price per piece Net Fichus made of good net in four different f a styles the kind that always a L sells for 75c t Black Liberty Silk Neck Ruffs with long pleated you y r cannot duplicate for less than 125 for i Boys Small Band Bows quite a variety of bright pat quarter kind for Youths Allwool Separate Long Pants in mixed brown and rey tweeds also cheviots rp sizes 13 to 19 years which J are worth 275 for 4 10 Childrens Fine Cloth Reefer Jackets Mediumweight slzee 8 rt to 14 years which J reduced from 350 to s 7 fine Striped Taffeta Silk are Q rj allover tucked Reduced from 675 to vpt 17 Black Percale Waists fTjFr 44 and from 69c to fa vJ 11 fine Allwool Black Tailormade F F grey Reduced from 129S 11 to Jj JtJJ 4 Allwool Plaid Camel rt rj hair Single Skirts Re duced from 875 to vp a 15 fine Navy Blue Mack- intoshes double texture plaidback cloth Re- duced from 450 to 98 Suit floor Weve Placed Three Lois of Wrappers also In this sale which are not exactly remnants but the reduced prices make them so 1 lot of Ladles fine Flannelette Wrappers in all with I braid trimmed yokes full wide skirts with deep flounce which are ape t- rial at r Jl 1 lot Red and Black Flannelette Wrappers made in the new r wide belt which in appearance gives this garment a reg I for A lot at fine Percale Wrappers in all tho new fall shades including a good as- sortment of navy blue fancies also red and blaCk and white and black T made with ruffles over the shoulders and wide skirt with deep knee I 1 lf flounce special v v 4 Second floor Undermuslin Department Remnants of All Kinds of Gambrlcs and tinons In colors as well as black and white from 1 to C yards lengths per Another special lot of MercerIzed Italian Cloth and Keva Silk Linings 1 lengths from 1 to 1 yards worth from the piece from 20c to Sac 2 Odd Pieoes from the Hfousefurnlshlng Department Odd Glassware sugar Bowls Cream Pitchers Pickle Dishes pp Spoon Holders and TCappies Tt lOc and 12 l2c fur vj Odd Plates nicely decorat- ed in flowers and gold reg ular price 15Q per dozen rt each at 15 Grey Enameled Rice pr 2 quart sold at 37c for I aJ 4 Parlor Lamps vase and shade decorated to rr f match best M7- 2SS for vP I 4 Copper Bottom Wash Boilers with covers slight ly from 9Sc to Chamber Set with large jar decorations o now ers and gold price was vHji- S for 1 Dinner and Tea Set ICO pieces English china flowers and gold decorations one slop r r A I bov1 and one cup short H X reduced from 1195 to vJ Jj KANN Eighth and Market CX Space I S I l 11 I I J I I Its Remnant Day ns a nd I choicethe u 8 C I I j I u I I FJannelettesextra I napthe 2 I Percaleneat figuresdark I cOlorlngs12 I FloorRemnant I I happenamong I I I and greythey embrOiderythe 26reduced I I I I 1 at 1 for 200 crepe offered for clothwe 1 C I yards longplaced 1 eachthese 1 The Buyer of Boys Cloth ing I 1 C O 2 denImsthe I ternsthe 48 I I piecein 98 l are WaIstssome 98 backgood sIze 46reduced I Suitsalso I 98 washable I 2 endswhIch 8 Departmentsecond colorsmade of 25 stylewith ular house dress finlshspeclal c 2 C C OC dentedreduced etcworth 7 ± I O sIzewhIch- we burnerwere I e SONS CO c c r I col- as I I I J g j I I I I f I I e i a D 4 a a yard slo I r I S 9 F ¬ ¬ ¬ > < = ¬ ¬ = ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ = > ¬ ¬ ¬ = < > HOEBARGAIN MY Our stock is at present so clear Tomorrow at Pf broken Shoe Sizes that there are not enough of them to fill one Hahn CO S Friday Bargain Table In order not to disappoint those who regu f 3 Busy Stores larly watch for these Friday t we shall sell many new and seasonable shoes at bargain prices Many of these shoes we bought under and we shall give our patrons the of these purchases tomorrow Values like these ire decidedly out of the ordinary ever for us Ladies 75c Tweed Bicycle Leggins not al sizes Mens Womens Black Cloth 25c Over gaiters all sizes Childrens Black Kid Patent Tip Buttona with good leather soles sizes 2 to 5 Mens and Womens Turkish Bathroom Slippers not oil sizes Mens Satin Calf double sole 160 grade Laced and Gait- ers 4 shapes all Xadits 130 Vici Kid extension edgea kid tip Laced Shoes sizes 3 to 8 Boys 150 Casco Calf Elegant Laced Shoes sizes 9 to 13 Misses 150 Box Calf Winter Laced Shoes 11 to 2 Girls 1 Guide Black Kid Doublesole Lao ed and Buttons with diamond shape patent tips sizes 0 to 2 Boys Box and Satin Calf Donjjola Top Spring Heel Laced sizes 9 to 13J Tableful of Misses and Childs Stout Sole Shoes were 1 to 150 broken sizes Tableful of Ladle 50 and 300 hand sewed turn and welt sole Kid Boots all widths sizes 2 to 4 only So Pairs Ladies Soft Vici Kid Laced Boots a cample lot made to sell for 2 sizes 3 to 7 23 Pairs Ladies 25O fine Kid Laced Boots AA and A width sizes to S only Tableful of Ladies Black and Tan Boots that were 150 to 250 broken sizes Tableful of Little wed Calf Leather 250 and 300 narrow widths sizes 10 to 13 Childrens 150 Pat- ent Leather Cloth Top Stylish Buttons stout soles 6 to 1L Mens Casco Calf Paris toe tip Laced Shoes and Gaiters toed 250 values nearly all sizes James Means Men 3 advertised 250 Shoes 3 Fall styles nearly all sizes 3 Reliable Shoe Houses Tabltful of broken sizes of Mens Tan and Black Calf also Pat cast Leather Shoes that were 250 to Cor 7th a3d K Sis 19Uaal9i5a AYC 233 Pa jhenus S E C i L 11 I value benefit r At At 15 nd 115 eizes- C I 11 Toweling I I At I 60 135 tP C I I t I t Tan I I 4 At At 9 16 I t Boys tJ C and Patent I Shots that were II I I I 5 I I I Bar- gains 4 T A4 I sizes 1ilIL hahnCo0s ¬ ¬ ¬ Monthly Report of Biiildiiig In spector Brady Submitted It Shown n Tytnl 6t 2jlMcrm l for New Structures stml AVI t It the New IHu John B Brady the Inspector of Build today submitted to the Commission the monthly report nf operations in i office for September 1900 Permits for were issued according to the j divisions of the District as i County cost 30335 northeast 33 northwest 20100 southeast 10 Total 160475 Permits for repairs according to the follow County cost 7742 2922 northwest 17532 i 2222 southwest 1902 Total i Grand total 192795 j The permits in deall follow Dwellings 30 cost 93900 Dwellings frame cost 21395 Brick repairs 77 cost j Frame repairs 27 cost 5552 brick 1 cost 2100 Boiler houses I cost 25600 Engines and boilers 7 5600 Factory brick 1 cost 2000 brick 1 cost 1000 Ware frame 1 cost 300 Stables brick cost 900 Stables frame 2 cost 4 Oven 1 cost 550 Vault 1 cost 30 Sheds 65 cost 1680 Total number permits 231 cost 192795 George R A Willey of 114 F Street southeast has written to the Commis- sioners asking whether the recommen- dation of the Assessor as recently pub- lished in The Evening Times to the ef- fect that all general taxes not ant due prior to the year 1900 caja be paid next May with Interest at 6 per cent per annum will become a law next Assessor Darnellle In speaking about the matter today said that the probably had reference X that law passed at the last session cf Con authorizing the payment of the current year in one installment in May 19C1 Mr Daraeille explains that the law was passed to allow the office to install the card sys- tem of accounts Tff November pay of taxes being suspended for one year for the purpose named Tha of course will not be operative the present fiscal year D A Sanford of 330 Indiana Avenue re wrote to the Commissioners com of a leaking sewer of defective service causing cTampness to wall of 1 D Street northwest After an invest j of the complaint his department Engineer Commissioner today Decora to his associates the writer informed that investigation shows that t dampness has been found as he says examination bowevtr showed the wall was drying out and practical free from dampness Captain Beach tlso the complainant to be informed that attention of the owner of the adjoining has been called to certain defects the plumbing and that no further action I necessary 5fcis recommendation was approved by the Commissioners The Rev D E Wiseman colored has to the Commissioners making that he and some of his friends pur tickets at the Pennsylvania Raii station and were not allowed suitable on the train He wishes Knor why a law made in Virginia should f enforced in the District of Columbia The letter has been referred to tie Po Department for consideration and re TJJICONSCIOTJS EROM GAS Woman Narrowly Escapes Bcins Asphyxlatefli t Martha Smith colored twentyfive t old employed as a servant at 132 Street northwest Ir at the Emergency in a serious condition from the of accidentally inhaling illuminat ti gas The woman was discovered in about 8 oclock this morning unconscious condition The single gas of the room was partly open She Tvlll that makes your body pure and inside it Candy s cleanser and regulator i 0c 3 I AFFAIRS UIP TilE DISTRICT I I II Total Cost of lUOllIluiry ConecrninJ the Operation lInttcrtl j rs 11- buildIngs fol- lows 6O 1QO I I rIortheast E i t- tEOS8 ost oune J c t c r J 1 tax s J J I ment I J nt1y D ainlng ation d f e Iy lbe lJ in corns v- today g a- written coma laint t v- road a- lccommodatiena to Ice at aa i i ears t 1 ospital og et Medicine lean and dhart lOc Repairs Mnde of LawOther I gs is 3232O rick 3 toe arehouse 00 paid ear o ross or ssessors aw fter ater 17 he ended a ome sks remises e ort ffeCts er room Ira- n ecovei a A 1blsdonnry A medicine eo ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ SAENGERBTrNDS PBOGBAMME IlK Concerts Rccciitiunn Planned for the Sen oii The musical theatrical literary and entertainments to be given by th during this will not be Inferior to those of any year Musically socially and fl the Saengerbucd Is one of the organizations of this city The entered the year of Its exIstence The anniversary commemoration of its organization halt century ago will be fittingly observed a three days celebration April 21 and 23 of next year A public concert be given on the first day in the New Theatre On the second day a jubilee ball at the National Rifles will be held sad the festivities be crowned on the third day with a to be served in the clubhouse for the celebration of the are already under way The programme for this seasons sitter includes two balls to be given National Rifles Armory The initiato ball will take place on the evening of November 12 and the masquerade will be held January 31 1901 The masquerade ball will also be iven at the National Rifles Armory Frl March 29 A public concert will be at the New National Theatre Sun December 2 Eight musical enter wi bo held in the music Hall the clubhouse during the season These will be held on Sundays th dates selected are October 21 No 4 December 16 3500 January 27 IVbruary 24 March 17 and 31 1901 Sundays will be devoted to social on October 2S November 11 De 9 and 23 1900 February 3 and 17 3 and 21 and on Easter Sunday 7 1201 Holidays will be observed with special Tanzkraenzchen will celebrate and Washingtons Birthday New Year Day will be Observed with reception and Tanzkraenzchen New Eve will also be devoted to festivi Carnival session will be held Mon February 18 and the following day the smoker will be given March 14 masquerade Tanzkraenzchen will be giv in the clubhouEe The evenings of Sun November 25 January 20 and March will be given over to theatrical per In the Saengerbund music balL will be delivered November 18 10 and April 14 Sunday Janu 13 will T e ladles evening Many improvements hava been made to clubhouse during the summer SALVATION ARMY FESTIVAL Harvest Celebration to Be- Held October G to 9 There the sign of great preparation in Salvation Army camp for their forth harvest festival In a little circular by the army announcing the festi is the following- It is too late in the day to go into de to show how much this organization the countenance and support of philanthropic public The land teems one end of it to the other vith abun evidences of this All that is need if we desire to help on a good cause to send them all the assistance we can whatever form we can so long as that can be turned to a practical good The known of a set of garden tools implements being sent by some one had removed from the house with the and of another case where a wash machine in good condition was turned of house and sent to the corps festival sold This is just a hint by the way set us thinking about many ways can aid the deserving If we only look us to see what we can spare Of course all kinds of food products the bulk of harvest festivals and looked for In plentiful supplies and forms Cash too is not an unwelcome factor these festivals and a donation or con at such is like mercury in boiling kettle it makes things kick lively If anyone doubts this let go to one of these Salvation Array fes and throw a S5 or 10 bIt into the and the memory of the scene ollowa will be something that he will only never forget but Viaver re This festival will take place October 6 October 9 Inclusive TIic President n Slave to Catarrh p T Sample President of Samples Installment Washington pa writes For years was afflicted with Chronic Catarrh Remedies treatment by Specialists only gave me tem relief until I was induced to use Dr Catarrhal Powder It gave almost in relief and lisa proved the one good thing my case Sold by Edinonds r Williams Street and Penney Ivcnia Avenue 7i I and I Saenget band i revious Saengerbund has I aUonaI llh Y all iven a ments unioIs I arch prn ies Il orniances he is he al eserves rom ant d riter has ho ut hoW e round re t times pout t ny orary f J t f so- l sea- n fit h- Ue p ith 2 ill rand rmory inment at- e onday ay ay nd fi- nd ther stlvites nd ear ay ays 0 ectures ry nnual sued elp nd arden g nd th ot gnews ltird ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ IS O Rousing Values For Friday p Just after our most successful m opening are in good humor and anxious to give our patrons the v quintessence of values The sparsely filled purse will do won- ders this BARGAIN FRIDAY and our grand CREDIT SYSTEM will help along if you run short Dont mind the weather but DO mind this Bargain Friday Tis like finding money Special Clothing Bargains and mixtures face all sizes wen worth T r AQ 750 Special for Bargain t Friday I v vj MENS FALL TOP COATS just right for these cool days in stylish Oxford mixtures strictly allwool splendidly tailored and lined worth Tj 10 Special for Bargain T Friday 4 v7 fc This Wouldnt Pay for Making 218 PAIRS MENS TROUSERS In stylish materials neat checks and plaids the last call for this p a special lot worth 225 125 Boys 250 Suits 148 ues ages 7 to 15 Cassl meres and Tweeds well ft a Q worth 250 For Bargain XI I Friday l TU BOYS ELEGANT SUITS in blue cheviots mixtures and fancy worsteds single and doublebreasted vests large and small collars on coats ages 3 to 9 Also doublebreasted Boys Suits riv eted buttons and taped seams age 7 to 16 will give good satisfac- tion Each suit is worth ft t 350 Special for Bargain S Friday BOYS KNEE PANTS In strong brown mixtures worth w- 35c Bargain Friday TAM OSHANTERS Sample lot from a manufacturers stock will s suit boys or girls worth up to jML 125 Bargain Friday prfde Millinery Misses and Childrens Felt Misses and Ladles Swell Felt Hats silver and gold trimming Bargain Friday Ladles Waists and Wraps Ladies Allwool French Flannel latest cut all the new fall colorings 240 values Bargain Friday Ladles Fall sateen looks like silk in hello blue and point front flfif corded front and back 175 Bargain Friday JJ LADIES CHARMING SILK WAISTS in light blue cerise helio and other novel revers and vest front and velvet ribbon trimming as dainty as can jj i M Ladles Oxford Frieze Coats velvet buttons dou blebreasted handsomely tailored 1050 values Bar the Store Extra large and heavy Bed Comforts sateen coy ered worth 2 Bargi Friday for LOVELY VEILING vel- vet and chenille dot very t stylish worth 25c per yd I Bargain Friday 8 50 pieces Imitation French Flannel newest shades worth Bargain Friday Friediander Co9 WHERE DIRT GATHERS WASTE RULES USE we I MENS SUITS inCassimeres Tweeds finely made half French Hats pretty band trImming Waiststhe 49 J Waistsmercerized 37 blackFrench Bargain Friday shadeswith J I 7 on these suIt val heworth9 50 FrIday e collarpearl gain Friday Bargain A lOver 98 1 e 1 C 2 15C I yard Samuel 416Seventh Street416 SAP OlIO F I A 591 Bargain Friday 89 S value Last chance great Bargain gt 749 Friday Specials 25 9 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < FOR GASH OR CREDIT A very handsome 3piece Parlor mahogany finished frame cov- ered in fine silk da fit A f mask a 525 value tt Tj for 4 fi 415 417 Seventh St 12 quarts Golden Hop Beer Only 1 Its our family beer for home use Brewed especially for those who want a pure delicious beer at a- very moderate price 12 quart bottles deliver- ed in unlettered wagons only 1 Write or phone 4th and F ate ne Phone 2154 THURSDAY OCTOBER 4 1900 Partly cloudy tonight Friday fair light to fresh east to south winds TEMPERATURE Temperature at S a m 6S Temperature 12 noon 71 Temperature at 2 p m 72 TilE SUN AND MOON Sun rose 557 AM Sun sets 540 PM Moon rises JMoon sets 112 AM TIDE TABLE High and 405 PM Low 1 AM and 1015 PM lit today 01 PM out tomorrow 503 AM AMUSEMENTS The New National Theatre iJaffcrsonDeAngelis- in A Royal evening Columbia in Her afternoon and evening lafayette Opera House Taust evening Hasbims Academy of Music Vaudeville after noon and eycnind Chases New Grand Oolite vaudeville after- noon and evening Kernans Lyceum Theatre Merry Maidens afternoon and New Bijou Oriental Burlesquerg after noon and evening Downtown Temperature The thermometer at Afflecks 73 de at 9a m 75 degrees at and at 2 p m A 25 Parlor Suite I 1476 I I I j I Mayer Pettit beerthe Tile lzlieathon I I I I AlI I STREETLIG ING TheatreGrace evening The registered grecs T1 SuiteS ik f 4Cri 4j WASHiNGTON REWEY CO bg WentJer f Maj- esty need de- grees ¬ = ¬ > It is Wise to Meet boldly and rely upon others experience who have found Warners Safe Cure curative for Liver troubles GET ONE We secured samples pf four large mills f Sweaters worth up to C AUERBACH Cor 7th H Sts 3Iarlnct Bniiil Concert The programme of the concert by the band of the United States Marine Corps at the Sistine this afternoon at 415 oclock ii as fol- lows March True to the Flag i Von Blon Ovcrhire La Dame Blanche Boieldieu EicejrEts from Faust Gounod Horn Sweet and Low Evening Serenade with clarinet obligato B V Petrola L Till eaux C Neumann Obligato Musician Jacques van Poncke Waltz The Debutante Santelraann CayaHeria Rusticana lluctgni March The Blue and the Grey Dressier The Ameer iiHerlert HymniHail Columbia Evles CA STOR A FerlnfantsanilChndraii the Kind You Have Always Bought The Greatest I Leader- OF THEM ALL Heavy Weight Fancy Worsted I Fall in Line Samples and SelfMeasurement Blank Mailed Free J WIL Penn N W Open Saturday TAOWETTES Golden oak finish with shaped legs ornament for the home for it 1 WALKER BURK- SJfOI3OI57th St dan er BETtER YO Quartette Barnby l Trouserings- 5O to Jmeasure 11ll3ff1flU9- 4j Aw Esealn- gsL tin 39cm ¬ Olinpa- uliUOD are conceded as leaders in fashion footwear lack the peculiar style of HESS MODELS Compare our 350 with any youve teen We make every pair in own factory The best leather goes into every will fit and wear welL N SONS 931 Pa Ave 521 flihSt NW 3 O COXLIFF Her JeI5ti a Will Look Cheap- At Our Present Low Pricesi- f Strike Lasts Another Veek Buy NowSave Money ZEH 702 11th St f W Matchless Hat Values CA Were giving you men the biggest 1IB S values in Ilats that Washington has teen for many a day Regular 2 and 250 DE11BTS and FEDORAS in all the swell shapes and colors for only L50 jt3Everything new In FALL NECKWEAR 25c MOORE t CULLIXAX 433 7th Si Successors to A T Lewis selStt They banish that sense of fear clear your stomach Masons Yellow Tablets Mo Calomel Aloes or Opiates Masons Yellows I Brain and Nerve lavlgo Cure Dyspepsia f rator the Morning f S Masons Whites Cure Sore Throat f fccc Inflammation 30 Tablets tOe WDrurfflstsor mailed orpHcc Masons Cream of Olives 25c Cures Catarrh Burnt Pimples and Piles a T M APO v r o 515 Arrh 5 t Phila Pa- Tc Repair Broken ArtU- cl r 5 ICeieatKer- cember MAJORS RUBBER CEMENT MAJORS LEATHER CEMENT ME A MAN AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CUBE is Icopolcscy Sleeplessness etc TI by Atosu or Indi- sgsi cretioas They and restore is oldcrjonisyBn- a3i2ai reTeat Insanity end Consaiaiitlpa it taken In time Their njo shows jnontacd effects n CURE tner ell other toil le gist ci CUaso 111 Tar tale In TViahlneton D 0 by Edwsrf- SteTcns 8th and Pa Edmandi WHUuzsu- td Pa ve R L Eliot 1OT7 M at aw ud W O Duckrtt Z150 Pi Te DrafffdsU MAKE PERFECT MEN BO XOT l ESPJLHt Ho notSnf be restored to you Tire ervotj by I B1 T8 prompt relief nia tailing and the w or re- funded Can be carried In r pocket Sold mailed in plain wrapper cr receipt of erica by SItE PERfECTO CO Uxtoa BUe fik ro III PHAKUACT Bth i Pa T asd hENRY EVANS C22 F rt rfsdlv scnd to any sufl rer In plain scaled F51EK a prescription with full direcUons for a cure Lost Manhood Night Losses Nervous Debility Entail Weal rarts etc AddresS G Wright Music Dealer Box 777 MIdi HAVE YOU Sore Throat Pimples Copper Col- ored Spots Aches Old Sorts in Mouth Hair Falling Write COOK REMEDY CO 1651 Masonic Temple Chicago IlL for proofs of cures Capital 500000 We solicit the mojt ob K rrtr f 1 15 to 85 days 100page Book Free my3U For ConatlDatlan GAS For Cooking and HeatincL GAS EXCHANGE 1124 New York Avenue Sirs Guy Recovers The condition of Mrs Charles Gay who was received at the Emergency Hospital Tuesday even from what was said ptomaine poisoning was K much improved that slit was able to go to lies hom rt 318 Twelfth street northwest It is now said that Mrs Gay has entirely recovered y n HESS SHOES men Other shoes out the HESS sTIFF Coal Coal Coal WM tJ headrestore I O Cure Constipation f K ala Rest R Dr use ALL MelP Ifu m 11 the Tnblcts have c rad Coasands Will enreynu II n PU1ue or six pkle treatmanu for 2W open receIpt of flee A COt aYe a worstczee or r g T Jg uori can nnl potency to eTe y fans to the ehee It and lastre to the or YOUD or old boxreniltd energy a boxes mane vest r or WEAK YEN in 11 day eTez returns I will B Maishall 1 adl IQ STOVES T t 1 Signature Y- of Fia5o1c I JE Ja k I F I Slasons Browns in Masons Reds I Cure Coughs Nigh a I 1 r 4rUV tVAD Xesroua caa lad aurel fit a eran or havia genuine Ajox and Wa give pea itirayrittes to care f5 La- eachease or refund the conner Price Ut 01 5 anti an plain wrager rica cirenar k end 1 for Longer The and ambitions of life can very absolutely cured and drain of vital powers Incurred by Indtecretions lmpartTigor tien Give bloom eyes OneOOc 5- tso guaranteed cure STEVENS Instantliclier tiers a envelo ul- rlvate situate noes We cured the cases bee las Bearstlie < ¬ +

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Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1900-10-04 [p 8].€¦ · So Pairs Ladies Soft Vici Kid Laced Boots a cample lot made to sell for 2 sizes 3 to 7 23 Pairs Ladies 25O fine




THE BUSY CORNERAlways the Best ofEverything for the Least Money

Everyone Knows What Friday Brings Forth atThe Busy Corner

day after our weekly house cleaning Its the day when we offer allour mill ends short lengths and ondds ends from our various departmentsIts the day when your money cuts quite an item in your favor Its a day whentheres always something offered to interest you and all others You have before you to start with a line of mill ends which we know are startling in priceand wonderful in value

Remnants of about 100 yards ot Un-bleached Canton Flannel f7fwhich is known in the piece C612c value for vO

Remnants of about Sod yards of extra heavy Unbleached Canton Flannelmade with heavy twill andfull nap lie value in thepiece for

Remnants of about 1500 yards ofKlondike White Shaker Flannel thesegoods are woven very close and areweighty and strong the kind j 1which cost you 1212c in the T Lpiece for

Remnants of about 2000 yards ofOuting Flannel and Teaseldownsone quality would cot youlOc and the other 12c Q 3 fif they were measured from A

the piece URemnants of about 5000 yards of

special qualityheavy and close p 1 fstyles are all new this season fYTTvl2c quality for i

Remnants of about 7000 yards ofnew style yard wideand large stripes andand light 12c 7 1 ra yard is the regular price T TVin the piece

Remnants of about 5000 yards ofWindsor Prints the designs andpatterns are a7forlngs are strtetly fast the6 l2c kind for TfO

Remnants of about 1800 yards ofvery wide Cretonne and fancy Dra-peries among this little lot of stuffyou will Und goods that look like theimported kinds nowherawould you be able to get T3fthem under 12 12c in thepiece U4

Remnants of about 600 yards ofextra heavy Black Sateen A 3 fvery suitable for skirts andwaists 15c quality for x41

Remnants of about 300 yards ofAllwool Imported Dress Goods 26to 50 inches wide Henriettas Cash-meres Foules and Serges in blackand all the leading street shades alsoa complete line for evening wear atbaIt and twothirds less than regularprice Values from G9c to 125 ut

39c and 69cRemnants of about 1500 yards of

Wool Novelties Brocatelles inall shades also double width fplaids representing 20c and I jV25c value for

Third Department

Weve Also Another Batch of Silk RemnantsThey are bound to accumulate no matter how hard we try to keep them

down our regular silk business is greater than ever therefore these shortpieces will the many kinds youll find plain and fancy taffetasnovelties of various grades black satin duchesses peau de soles gros grains faconne taffetas plisses and a fair representation cf what youd rind in our regu-lar stock the prices are always cut to one quarter and onethird less than regular markings Displayed on the first centre table main aisle

We Have a Few Pairs of Imported P D CorsetsIn white are made

extra long waist made of French coutll with sateen strlppings edged with

sizes are 18 t19 25 and from300 to I

Ladies Drawers

Muslin cambric and nainsook draw-ers trimmd with lace and embroidery

tfinished with yoke bands a-

we sold them for 75 cents per Hpair but we reduced them to vl

Small lot of high and low neck cambric corset covers trimmed with em-broidery and finished with hemstitch-ing made with drawing string r p

quality that sold for 25 1 Kcents vJ

ApronsA few aprons which we have placed

in the remnant lot on account of be-ing slightly soiled they are made ofcrossbarred muslin and arcfullsized we are going to xclose them out

Upholstery DepartmentThese four items below are the specials which ouF upholstery man gave

us to advertiseSmyrna rugs which we sold

size 30 by 60 will be

A lot of single tapestry and derbyportieres made with heavy

every one of them 3 12 L

each at 4

175 threefoot oak screens filledwith fancy Japanese

are going to closethose out tomorrow for

Also a few highly polished tabourettes in oak and mahogany rwe have sold them at 150

also go at

wishes to close out a lot of BrownieOveralls made of heavy blue Csizes are from 4 I-

to 12 years 2 JBoys Golf Caps In mixed cheviots

cassimeres and plain blue ffserge you cant buy them less ithan 50c regular they go at J

Thousand Bunches of Baby

Ribbon5 yards In a all good F r

colorings including black and Tk

white 0500 yards of Allsilk halfinch wide

Satin and Gros Grain Ribbon in allgood colors suitable for fancy fwork hair ribbon or dress trim fming per yard

1 and 1 14inch Black Velvet Ribbon with satin f fquality which we sold for 15cand 20c a yard for 8 L

Black Velvet Ribbon linen fback No 1 12 2 and 2 14 MLspecial price per piece

Net Fichus made of goodnet in four different f a

styles the kind that always a Lsells for 75c t

Black Liberty Silk Neck Ruffs withlong pleated you y rcannot duplicate for less than125 for i

Boys Small Band Bowsquite a variety of bright pat

quarter kind forYouths Allwool Separate Long

Pants in mixed brown and reytweeds also cheviots rpsizes 13 to 19 years which Jare worth 275 for 4

10 Childrens Fine Cloth Reefer

JacketsMediumweight slzee 8 rt

to 14 years which Jreduced from 350 to s

7 fine Striped TaffetaSilk are Q rjallover tucked Reducedfrom 675 to vpt

17 Black Percale Waists fTjFr44 and from

69c to fa vJ

11 fine Allwool BlackTailormade F Fgrey Reduced from 129S 11to Jj JtJJ

4 Allwool Plaid Camel rt rjhair Single Skirts Reduced from 875 to vp a

15 fine Navy Blue Mack-intoshes double texture

plaidback cloth Re-duced from 450 to 98

Suit floor

Weve Placed Three Lois of Wrappersalso In this sale which are not exactly remnants but the reduced prices

make them so

1 lot of Ladles fine Flannelette Wrappers in all with Ibraid trimmed yokes full wide skirts with deep flounce which are ape t-

rial at r Jl1 lot Red and Black Flannelette Wrappers made in the new r

wide belt which in appearance gives this garment a reg Ifor

A lot at fine Percale Wrappers in all tho new fall shades including a good as-sortment of navy blue fancies also red and blaCk and white and black T

made with ruffles over the shoulders and wide skirt with deep knee I 1 lfflounce special v v 4Second floor Undermuslin Department

Remnants of All Kinds of Gambrlcs and tinonsIn colors as well as black and white from 1 to C yards lengths per

Another special lot of MercerIzed Italian Cloth and Keva Silk Linings 1lengths from 1 to 1 yards worth from the piece from 20c to Sac 2

Odd Pieoes from the Hfousefurnlshlng DepartmentOdd Glassware sugar Bowls

Cream Pitchers Pickle Dishes ppSpoon Holders and TCappies Tt

lOc and 12 l2c fur vjOdd Plates nicely decorat-

ed in flowers and gold regular price 15Q per dozen rteach at

15 Grey Enameled Rice pr2 quart

sold at 37c for I aJ4 Parlor Lamps vase and

shade decorated to rr fmatch best M7-2SS for vP I

4 Copper Bottom WashBoilers with covers slightly from 9Scto

Chamber Set with largejar decorations o nowers and gold price was vHji-

S for

1 Dinner and Tea Set ICO piecesEnglish china flowers and gold

decorations one slop r r A Ibov1 and one cup short H Xreduced from 1195 to vJ Jj

KANN Eighth and MarketCX Space

I S I l 11I




Its Remnant Dayns a



8 CI
















and greythey






1for 200 crepeoffered for clothwe 1


Iyards longplaced



The Buyer of Boys Cloth ingI 1 CO 2denImstheI




piecein98l are


backgood sIze 46reduced



I 98washable


2endswhIch8 Departmentsecond



25stylewithular house dress finlshspeclal c

2 C






burnerwere I























4 a



slo I

r I































HOEBARGAIN MYOur stock is at present so clear

Tomorrow at Pf broken Shoe Sizes that thereare not enough of them to fill one

Hahn CO S Friday Bargain Table In ordernot to disappoint those who regu

f 3 Busy Stores larly watch for these Fridayt we shall sell many new andseasonable shoes at bargain prices Many of these shoeswe bought under and we shall give our patrons the

of these purchases tomorrow Values like these iredecidedly out of the ordinary ever for us

Ladies 75c TweedBicycle Leggins notal sizes

Mens WomensBlack Cloth 25c Overgaiters all sizes

Childrens Black KidPatent Tip Buttonawith good leather soles

sizes 2 to 5

Mens and WomensTurkishBathroom Slippers notoil sizes

Mens Satin Calfdouble sole 160grade Laced and Gait-ers 4 shapes all

Xadits 130 ViciKid extension edgeakid tip Laced Shoessizes 3 to 8

Boys 150 CascoCalf Elegant LacedShoes sizes 9 to 13

Misses 150 Box CalfWinter Laced Shoes11 to 2

Girls 1 Guide BlackKid Doublesole Laoed and Buttons withdiamond shape patenttips sizes 0 to 2

Boys Box and SatinCalf Donjjola TopSpring Heel Lacedsizes 9 to 13J

Tableful of Missesand Childs Stout Sole

Shoes were 1 to150 broken sizes

Tableful of Ladle50 and 300 hand

sewed turn and weltsole Kid Boots allwidths sizes 2 to 4only

So Pairs Ladies SoftVici Kid Laced Bootsa cample lot made tosell for 2 sizes 3 to 7

23 Pairs Ladies 25Ofine Kid Laced BootsAA and A widthsizes to S only

Tableful of LadiesBlack and Tan Bootsthat were 150 to 250

broken sizes

Tableful of Littlewed Calf


and 300 narrowwidths sizes 10 to 13

Childrens 150 Pat-ent Leather Cloth TopStylish Buttons stoutsoles 6 to 1L

Mens Casco CalfParis toe tip LacedShoes and Gaiterstoed 250 values

nearly all sizes

James Means Men 3advertised 250 Shoes3 Fall styles nearlyall sizes

3 Reliable Shoe Houses

Tabltful of brokensizes of Mens Tan andBlack Calf also Patcast Leather Shoesthat were 250 to

Cor 7th a3d K Sis

19Uaal9i5a AYC

233 Pa jhenus S E

C i





rAt At









60 135tP





t TanI

I 4

At At

9 16I tBoys

tJ C and PatentIShots that were











A 4I


1ilIL hahnCo0s




Monthly Report of Biiildiiig Inspector Brady Submitted

It Shown n Tytnl 6t 2jlMcrm l forNew Structures stml AVI t It

the New IHu

John B Brady the Inspector of Buildtoday submitted to the Commission

the monthly report nf operations in i

office for September 1900 Permits forwere issued according to the j

divisions of the District as i

County cost 30335 northeast 33

northwest 20100 southeast 10

Total 160475Permits for repairs according to the

follow County cost 77422922 northwest 17532 i

2222 southwest 1902 Total i

Grand total 192795 j

The permits in deall follow Dwellings30 cost 93900 Dwellings frame

cost 21395 Brick repairs 77 cost j

Frame repairs 27 cost 5552brick 1 cost 2100 Boiler houses I

cost 25600 Engines and boilers 75600 Factory brick 1 cost 2000

brick 1 cost 1000 Wareframe 1 cost 300 Stables brick

cost 900 Stables frame 2 cost 4Oven 1 cost 550 Vault 1 cost

30 Sheds 65 cost 1680 Total numberpermits 231 cost 192795

George R A Willey of 114 F Streetsoutheast has written to the Commis-sioners asking whether the recommen-dation of the Assessor as recently pub-lished in The Evening Times to the ef-fect that all general taxes not antdue prior to the year 1900 caja be paidnext May with Interest at 6 per centper annum will become a law next

Assessor Darnellle In speakingabout the matter today said that the

probably had reference X thatlaw passed at the last session cf Con

authorizing the payment ofthe current year in one installment

in May 19C1 Mr Daraeille explainsthat the law was passed to allow the

office to install the card sys-tem of accounts Tff November pay

of taxes being suspended forone year for the purpose named Tha

of course will not be operativethe present fiscal year

D A Sanford of 330 Indiana Avenue rewrote to the Commissioners com

of a leaking sewer of defectiveservice causing cTampness to wall of 1

D Street northwest After an invest j

of the complaint his departmentEngineer Commissioner today Decora

to his associates the writerinformed that investigation shows that t

dampness has been found as he saysexamination bowevtr showed

the wall was drying out and practicalfree from dampness Captain Beach tlso

the complainant to be informed thatattention of the owner of the adjoining

has been called to certain defectsthe plumbing and that no further action I

necessary 5fcis recommendation wasapproved by the Commissioners

The Rev D E Wiseman colored hasto the Commissioners making

that he and some of his friends purtickets at the Pennsylvania Raii

station and were not allowed suitableon the train He wishes

Knor why a law made in Virginia should fenforced in the District of ColumbiaThe letter has been referred to tie Po

Department for consideration and re


Woman Narrowly EscapesBcins Asphyxlatefli t

Martha Smith colored twentyfive told employed as a servant at 132

Street northwest Ir at the Emergencyin a serious condition from the

of accidentally inhaling illuminat tigas The woman was discovered inabout 8 oclock this morning

unconscious condition The single gasof the room was partly open She Tvlll

that makes your body pure andinside it Candy s

cleanser and regulator i0c 3




II Total Cost of lUOllIluiryConecrninJ the Operation



















tax sJ





nt1yD ainlng




lbe lJ

incorns v-

today g


written comalaint t

v-road a-







ears t1





lean anddhart lOc


Mnde ofLawOther I






















er room Ira-n


aA 1blsdonnryA medicine








IlK Concerts RccciitiunnPlanned for the Sen oii

The musical theatrical literary andentertainments to be given by th

during thiswill not be Inferior to those of any

year Musically socially and fl

the Saengerbucd Is one of theorganizations of this city

The entered theyear of Its exIstence The anniversarycommemoration of its organization halt

century ago will be fittingly observeda three days celebration April 21

and 23 of next year A public concertbe given on the first day in the New

Theatre On the second day ajubilee ball at the National Rifles

will be held sad the festivitiesbe crowned on the third day with a

to be served in the clubhousefor the celebration of the

are already under wayThe programme for this seasons sitter

includes two balls to be givenNational Rifles Armory The initiato

ball will take place on the evening ofNovember 12 and the masquerade

will be held January 31 1901 Themasquerade ball will also be

iven at the National Rifles Armory FrlMarch 29 A public concert will beat the New National Theatre Sun

December 2 Eight musical enterwi bo held in the music Hall

the clubhouse during the season Thesewill be held on Sundays

th dates selected are October 21 No4 December 16 3500 January

27 IVbruary 24 March 17 and 31 1901Sundays will be devoted to social

on October 2S November 11 De9 and 23 1900 February 3 and 17

3 and 21 and on Easter Sunday7 1201

Holidays will be observed with specialTanzkraenzchen will celebrate

and Washingtons BirthdayNew Year Day will be Observed with

reception and Tanzkraenzchen NewEve will also be devoted to festiviCarnival session will be held Mon

February 18 and the following day thesmoker will be given March 14

masquerade Tanzkraenzchen will be givin the clubhouEe The evenings of Sun

November 25 January 20 and Marchwill be given over to theatrical per

In the Saengerbund music balLwill be delivered November 1810 and April 14 Sunday Janu

13 will T e ladles eveningMany improvements hava been made to

clubhouse during the summer

SALVATION ARMY FESTIVALHarvest Celebration to Be-

Held October G to 9There the sign of great preparation in

Salvation Army camp for their forthharvest festival In a little circularby the army announcing the festi

is the following-It is too late in the day to go into de

to show how much this organizationthe countenance and support of

philanthropic public The land teemsone end of it to the other vith abunevidences of this All that is need

if we desire to help on a good causeto send them all the assistance we canwhatever form we can so long as that

can be turned to a practical good Theknown of a set of garden tools

implements being sent by some onehad removed from the house with the

and of another case where a washmachine in good condition was turnedof house and sent to the corps festivalsold This is just a hint by the way

set us thinking about many wayscan aid the deserving If we only look

us to see what we can spareOf course all kinds of food products

the bulk of harvest festivals andlooked for In plentiful supplies and

formsCash too is not an unwelcome factorthese festivals and a donation or con

at such is like mercury inboiling kettle it makes things kick

lively If anyone doubts this letgo to one of these Salvation Array fesand throw a S5 or 10 bIt into the

and the memory of the sceneollowa will be something that he willonly never forget but Viaver re

This festival will take place October 6October 9 Inclusive

TIic President n Slave to Catarrhp T Sample President of Samples Installment

Washington pa writes For yearswas afflicted with Chronic Catarrh Remedies

treatment by Specialists only gave me temrelief until I was induced to use Dr

Catarrhal Powder It gave almost inrelief and lisa proved the one good thing

my case Sold by Edinonds r WilliamsStreet and Penney Ivcnia Avenue 7i




Saenget band i


Saengerbund has







a ments











riter has










f J





fit h-Uep



inment at-e

























< ¬

















IS ORousing ValuesFor Friday

p Just after our most successfulm opening are in good humor and

anxious to give our patrons thev quintessence of values Thesparsely filled purse will do won-

ders this BARGAIN FRIDAY and our grand CREDITSYSTEM will help along if you run short Dont mindthe weather but DO mind this Bargain Friday Tis likefinding money

Special Clothing Bargains

and mixturesface all sizes wen worth T r AQ

750 Special for Bargain tFriday I v vj

MENS FALL TOP COATS just rightfor these cool days in stylish Oxfordmixtures strictly allwool splendidlytailored and lined worth Tj

10 Special for Bargain TFriday 4 v7 fc

This Wouldnt Pay for Making

218 PAIRS MENS TROUSERS Instylish materials neat checks andplaids the last call for this p aspecial lot worth 225

125 Boys 250 Suits 148

ues ages 7 to 15 Casslmeres and Tweeds well ft a Qworth 250 For Bargain XI IFriday l TU

BOYS ELEGANT SUITS in bluecheviots mixtures and fancy worstedssingle and doublebreasted vests largeand small collars on coats ages 3 to 9Also doublebreasted Boys Suits riveted buttons and taped seams age 7 to16 will give good satisfac-tion Each suit is worth ft t350 Special for Bargain S


strong brown mixtures worth w-35c Bargain Friday

TAM OSHANTERS Sample lot froma manufacturers stock will ssuit boys or girls worth up to jML125 Bargain Friday prfde

MillineryMisses and Childrens Felt

Misses and Ladles SwellFelt Hats silver and goldtrimming Bargain Friday

Ladles Waists and WrapsLadies Allwool French Flannel

latest cut allthe new fall colorings 240values Bargain Friday

Ladles Fallsateen looks like silk in hello blueand point front flfifcorded front and back 175


in light blue cerise helio and othernovel revers and vestfront and velvet ribbontrimming as dainty as can jj i M

Ladles Oxford Frieze Coats velvetbuttons dou

blebreasted handsomelytailored 1050 values Bar

the StoreExtra large and heavy

Bed Comforts sateen coyered worth 2 BargiFriday for


vet and chenille dot very tstylish worth 25c per yd IBargain Friday 8

50 pieces Imitation FrenchFlannel newest shades worth

Bargain Friday

Friediander Co9





MENS SUITS inCassimeres Tweedsfinely made half French Hats pretty band trImming




Bargain Friday

shadeswithJ I

7on these suIt val heworth9 50FrIday e


gain Friday


A lOver

98 1e

1 C2

15CI yard

Samuel416Seventh Street416



591Bargain Friday



Last chance great Bargain


749Friday Specials










A very handsome 3piece Parlormahogany finished frame cov-

ered in fine silk da fit A fmask a 525 value tt Tjfor 4 fi

415 417 Seventh St

12 quartsGolden

Hop BeerOnly 1

Its our familybeer for

home use Brewedespecially for thosewho want a puredelicious beer at a-

very moderate price12 quart bottles deliver-

ed in unlettered wagons only1 Write or phone

4th and F ate ne Phone 2154


Partly cloudy tonight Friday fair light tofresh east to south winds

TEMPERATURETemperature at S a m 6STemperature 12 noon 71Temperature at 2 p m 72

TilE SUN AND MOONSun rose 557 AM Sun sets 540 PMMoon rises JMoon sets 112 AM

TIDE TABLEHigh and 405 PMLow 1 AM and 1015 PM

lit today 01 PMout tomorrow 503 AM

AMUSEMENTSThe New National Theatre iJaffcrsonDeAngelis-

in A Royal eveningColumbia in Her

afternoon and eveninglafayette Opera House Taust eveningHasbims Academy of Music Vaudeville after

noon and eycnindChases New Grand Oolite vaudeville after-

noon and eveningKernans Lyceum Theatre Merry Maidens

afternoon andNew Bijou Oriental Burlesquerg after

noon and evening

Downtown TemperatureThe thermometer at Afflecks 73 de

at 9 a m 75 degrees at andat 2 p m

A 25 Parlor SuiteI






Mayer Pettit


Tile lzlieathon









registeredgrecs T1




4Cri 4j






need de-






It is Wise to Meetboldly and rely upon others experience

who have found Warners Safe Cure curative forLiver troubles

GET ONEWe secured samples

pf four large millsf Sweaters worth up to


3Iarlnct Bniiil ConcertThe programme of the concert by the band

of the United States Marine Corps at the Sistinethis afternoon at 415 oclock ii as fol-

lowsMarch True to the Flag i Von BlonOvcrhire La Dame Blanche BoieldieuEicejrEts from Faust Gounod

HornSweet and Low

Evening Serenade with clarinet obligatoB V Petrola L Till

eaux C NeumannObligato Musician Jacques van Poncke

Waltz The Debutante SantelraannCayaHeria Rusticana lluctgni

March The Blue and the Grey DressierThe Ameer iiHerlertHymniHail Columbia Evles

CA STOR A FerlnfantsanilChndraii

the Kind You Have Always Bought

The Greatest I


Heavy WeightFancy Worsted I

Fall in LineSamples and SelfMeasurement Blank Mailed



Open Saturday

TAOWETTESGolden oak finish with shaped legs

ornament for the home for



dan er



Quartette Barnby



to Jmeasure


4j AwEsealn-






are conceded as leaders infashion footwearlack the peculiar style of

HESS MODELS Compare our 350 withany youve teen We make every pair inown factory The best leather goes intoevery will fit and wear welL

N SONS 931 Pa Ave

521 flihSt NW3 O COXLIFF Her JeI5ti a

Will Look Cheap-At Our

Present LowPricesi-

f Strike Lasts Another Veek

Buy NowSave Money

ZEH702 11th St f W

Matchless Hat ValuesCA Were giving you men the biggest

1IB S values in Ilats that Washington hasteen for many a day Regular 2and 250 DE11BTS and FEDORASin all the swell shapes and colors

for only L50jt3Everything new In FALL NECKWEAR 25c

MOORE t CULLIXAX 433 7th SiSuccessors to A T Lewis selStt

They banish thatsense of fear clearyourstomach

Masons Yellow TabletsMo Calomel Aloes or Opiates

Masons Yellows I Brain and Nerve lavlgoCure Dyspepsia f rator

the Morning

f SMasons WhitesCure Sore Throat f fccc Inflammation30 Tablets tOe WDrurfflstsor mailed orpHcc

Masons Cream of Olives 25cCures Catarrh Burnt Pimples and Pilesa T M APO v r o 515 Arrh 5 t Phila Pa-

Tc RepairBroken ArtU-


r 5







is Icopolcscy Sleeplessness etcTI by Atosu or Indi-sgsi cretioas They and

restore is oldcrjonisyBn-a3i2ai reTeat Insanity end Consaiaiitlpa ittaken In time Their njo showsjnontacd effects n CURE tner ell other toil legist ci

CUaso 111

Tar tale In TViahlneton D 0 by Edwsrf-SteTcns 8th and Pa Edmandi WHUuzsu-td Pa ve R L Eliot 1OT7 M at aw udW O Duckrtt Z150 Pi Te DrafffdsU


be restored to you Tireervotj

by IB1 T8 prompt reliefnia tailing and the w

or re-funded Can be carried In r pocket Sold

mailed in plain wrapper cr receipt oferica by SItE PERfECTO CO Uxtoa BUe fik ro III


rfsdlv scnd to any sufl rer In plain scaledF51EK a prescription with full direcUons for a

cure Lost Manhood Night Losses NervousDebility Entail Weal rarts etc AddresSG Wright Music Dealer Box 777 MIdi

HAVE YOU Sore Throat Pimples Copper Col-ored Spots Aches Old Sorts in MouthHair Falling Write

COOK REMEDY CO1651 Masonic Temple Chicago IlL for proofs ofcures Capital 500000 We solicit the mojt ob

K rrtr f 1

15 to 85 days 100page Book Free my3U

For ConatlDatlan

GASFor Cooking and HeatincL

GAS EXCHANGE1124 New York Avenue

Sirs Guy RecoversThe condition of Mrs Charles Gay who was

received at the Emergency Hospital Tuesday evenfrom what was said

ptomaine poisoning was K much improvedthat slit was able to go to lies hom rt 318

Twelfth street northwest It is now said thatMrs Gay has entirely recovered



HESS SHOESmen Other shoes



sTIFFCoal Coal Coal




IOCure Constipation f K

ala Rest






m11 the Tnblcts

have c rad Coasands Will enreynu IIn

PU1ue or six pkle treatmanu for 2Wopen receIpt of

flee A COtaYe

a worstczee or rg T Jguori can

nnl potency to eTe y fansto the

ehee It and lastre to the or YOUD or oldboxreniltd energy a boxes


r or

WEAK YENin 11 day eTez returns I will

B Maishall


adl IQ




1Signature Y-








Slasons Browns inMasons Reds I

Cure Coughs Nigh aI


r 4rUVtVAD



fit a eran or

havia genuine Ajoxand Wa give pea

itirayrittes to care f5 La-eachease or refund the conner Price Ut 01 5

anti an plain wrager rica cirenar



for Longer The and ambitions oflife can veryabsolutely cured

and drain of vital powers Incurred byIndtecretionslmpartTigor

tien Give bloomeyes

OneOOc 5-

tso guaranteed cure


Instantliclier tiersa envelo


situate noes We cured the cases




