warm-up an apostrophe should be used with a possessive noun. sybil’s cousin found doug’s...

Warm-Up An apostrophe should be used with a possessive noun. Sybil’s cousin found Doug’s umbrellas in the Goldins’ car.

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Post on 05-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Warm-Up An apostrophe should be used with a possessive noun. Sybil’s cousin found Doug’s umbrellas in the Goldins’ car


An apostrophe should be used with a possessive noun.

Sybil’s cousin found Doug’s umbrellas in the Goldins’ car.

Page 2: Warm-Up An apostrophe should be used with a possessive noun. Sybil’s cousin found Doug’s umbrellas in the Goldins’ car


A transitive verb directs the action toward someone or something. A transitive verb always has a direct object.

The storm sank the ship.

Sank is the transitive verb. Ship is the object that the action is directed toward.

Page 3: Warm-Up An apostrophe should be used with a possessive noun. Sybil’s cousin found Doug’s umbrellas in the Goldins’ car


An auxiliary verb proceeds the main verb in a verb phrase.

A main verb can have up to three auxiliary or helping verbs.

Jose should have known the answer to the math question.

Kim will have been waiting an hour by the time we get there.

Page 4: Warm-Up An apostrophe should be used with a possessive noun. Sybil’s cousin found Doug’s umbrellas in the Goldins’ car

Homework: Monday

mohammeds cousin built a great tree house in his yard

Monday: Find the part of speech for each word (noun, pronoun, adjective, adverb, verb, preposition, conjunction, interjection. Insert editing marks to correct capitalization and punctuation.

Page 5: Warm-Up An apostrophe should be used with a possessive noun. Sybil’s cousin found Doug’s umbrellas in the Goldins’ car

Homework: Tuesday

mohammeds cousin built a great tree house in his yard

Tuesday: Find the sentence parts (simple subject, simple predicate, complete subject, complete predicate) and prepositional phrases.

Page 6: Warm-Up An apostrophe should be used with a possessive noun. Sybil’s cousin found Doug’s umbrellas in the Goldins’ car

Homework: Wednesday

mohammeds cousin built a great tree house in his yard

Wednesday: Identify the clauses as independent or dependent; identify the sentence structure (simple, compound, or complex); identify the sentence purpose (declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, or imperative).

Page 7: Warm-Up An apostrophe should be used with a possessive noun. Sybil’s cousin found Doug’s umbrellas in the Goldins’ car

Homework/Review Thursday

Apply the skills we learned this week to answer these questions.

1. An ___________verb comes before the main verb in a verb phrase.

2. An apostrophe is used to show ownership with a ______________ noun.

3. A ___________________ verb directs the action towards a direct object.

4. Write a sentence using a transitive verb.

5. Write a sentence using an apostrophe with a possessive noun.

Using the sentence below, answer these questions.

Mohammeds cousin built a great tree house in his yard.

6. The word Mohammed is used as a possessive ___________ in this sentence.

7. The word built is used as a ____________________.

8. The phrase in the yard is a ____________________ phrase.

9. What punctuation mark is needed in the word Mohammed? ________________

10. The compound word tree house is the _________________ of the transitive verb built.