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  • 8/7/2019 war3 guide


    Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos: Skirmish FAQ by Big DVersion 2.0, Last Updated 2002-08-09 View/Download Original File

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    Big D

    Dustin M. Kulwicki

    [email protected]

    Big D's back with a new FAQ

    And a very long one at that

    WarCraft 3 Skirmish Guide

    Tips, Tactics, & Strategies

    The man that brought you the JKII Saber Guide

    Who is he? http://bigdwebcam.m150.com

    The guide is copy written, okay? Just ask me if you want to put some,

    or all of this guide somewhere, ill say yes, I promise. But you need

    my permission to do it, or I can sue you, I think.

    Version 2.0 - Upgrading to version 2.0! yay! .. Im constantly playing

    this game - so I Constantly discover new strategies - and that some of

    my old tactics are bad. So it's constantly evolving.. So.. Ill place a

    **NEW** over whatever has been changed.

    Chapters (yes, its a big guide folks)

    - A Basic Overview of the Units -

    Chapter 1: Human Units **NEW**

    Chapter 2: Orcish UnitsChapter 3: Undead Units **NEW**

    Chapter 4: Night Elves Units **NEW**

    Chapter 5: Heroes

    - Some simple Strategies No matter your race -

    Chapter 6: Basic Fighting Strategies **NEW**

    Chapter 7: Upgrades

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    Chapter 8: Spreading

    - The more Advanced Strategies for each of the Races -

    Chapter 9: Human Strategies **NEW**

    Chapter 10: Orcish Strategies **NEW**

    Chapter 11: Undead Strategies **NEW**

    Chapter 12: Night Elves Strategies **NEW**


    - Ways to beat each race -

    Chapter 13: Beating Humans

    Chapter 14: Beating Orcs

    Chapter 15: Beating Undead

    Chapter 16: Beating Night Elves


    Chapter 1Human Units

    - Peasant

    The humans builder unit, they have 2 advantages: they can

    be turned into militia, which, is a very good town defense at

    the sacrifice of loosing all income. I wouldn't recommend

    doing this unless your good on resources, or the currently

    attacked base is tapped out of resources, when turned into

    militia, they are actually quite effective, they're damage is

    slightly below the footman's, and they have the life of a

    peasant.. So they don't last as long. They're 2nd ability is

    by far one of the best in the game, and that's the ability to

    let more then 1 peasant build something at a time, it functions

    just like the "repair" ability in that it zaps extra resources,

    but its an extremely effective way to get buildings up faster.

    I recommend using 2-3 peasants to build just about everything.

    - Footman

    The humans first "attacking" unit, your basic average knight-type

    guy decked out in a sword and shield. They're a great unit to make

    a lot of in the early game, they aren't nearly as powerful as orcs,

    but they're easier to build, and cost quite a bit less, and they

    have an ability called Defend, which lets them reduce the Rangeddamage they take, at the cost of they're movement speed, which is

    highly effective, but in the art and war of combat and

    multitasking, using this ability usually comes as a 2nd or third

    thought, before your hero, so.. Id only research it if you know

    your going to use it, Its the tool of destruction against the

    night elves.

    - Riflemen

    The humans generally 2nd attacking unit, and its a dwarven rifleman,

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    these guys are better then knights almost all around, they have a

    ranged attack, and they dish out more damage. But since they have a

    "pierce" type damage, and some units are strong to that, I recommend

    a solid combination of Footman and Riflemen for the best strategy,

    They're only special ability is to upgrade the range, which is

    VERY-much so worth it, if your planning on making a lot of riflemen.

    - Knight

    These guys are basically beefed up footman - they are stronger,

    faster, and have a lot more Hp then a basic Footman, they are much

    better armored as well. Knights are extremely powerful, never

    underestimate them, especially when upgraded, They're only downfall

    is that they can't attack Air units, so when you have the time and

    resources - build these in place of footmen.

    - Priest

    Extremely effective, bottom line, if you have 2-4 of these units

    backing a squad, it forces the enemy to either get whomped on, or

    get the priests first, so the trick is finding a way to let the

    priests heal, and defend them at the same time. if your quick at

    ordering them, you can make very good use of them. As if that wasn'tenough, they're two abilities are very good also, Dispel magic is

    decent, as you can kill summons with it, and make the enemy weaker,

    while the Inner Fire ability is Extremely strong, especially since

    its auto cast with heal, it makes the priest an extremely deadly

    ally when comboed with a hero or squad, or both.

    - Sorceress

    They're first ability makes them a strong supporter, and that's

    Slow. Keep in mind that slow doesn't ONLY slow the enemy down, but

    it slows how fast they attack as well. Then they get Invisibility,

    which is okay.. But Only really useful for scouting the map, and

    Gyrocopters can do a better job of that. They're final ability,

    polymorph, is quite useful, always remember that it

    insta-destroys a summoned unit, that's a VERY good thing, and it

    basically takes a unit out of combat. So by casting polymorph on

    the enemies strongest units, you can do some effective things.

    - Gyrocopter

    They are partially effective; I would recommend only using them as

    scouts, as they're damage is meager for they're build time and cost,

    on top of that, you have to research something just to let them

    attack ground units. So I say just use them as scouts, because they

    can reveal invisible units, useful for if your fighting night elves

    and its night.

    - Mortar Team

    Moooorrrtaaarrr Coooommmbaaat!!! I love that.. Mortar teams areeffective ONLY as support units, they are artillery, so be careful

    when your attacking units, also note that they have a VERY high

    spread damage, so they damage your own units partially as well,

    the main use in these guys is in Assaulting towns, as they deal

    a great amount of damage to buildings, they're "Flair" ability

    reveals hidden units so its a great way to scout.

    - Steam Tank

    I love it, and I hate it. They can only attack buildings, which

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    makes them a Town-Killer.. and never forget that they can be

    repaired by peasants. They're range is Very crappy, so they

    gotta get close to do the job, they're very thick armor

    helps with that, and so they are an effective town killer, the

    trick is finding an undefended town, scout the enemy well, and

    send two of these to attack the least defended town, then send

    a main force to crush the other one, the enemy will be diverged,

    and screwed one way or another, or sometimes both ways.

    - Gryphon Rider

    The humans "Final" unit.. the Gryphon Rider shoots thunder down

    from hammers so they play an effective role already, also know

    that they deal Quite a bit of damage, and that the damage DOES

    have splash damage. A few of these and your in business. Note that

    the Knights upgrade also effects these and adds hit points, and

    then when they're attack can strike 2 instead of one, it makes

    them Very powerful.

    Chapter 2

    Orc Units

    - Peon

    Peons are the Orcs basic builder, and decently effective at

    that, They aren't very good at Attacking, nor can two of them be

    used at once, peons will auto-repair stuff, which is highly

    effective. Capable of Pillaging, but since they're a crappy unit,

    it really doesn't matter. The peons also have one distinct

    advantage that deals with Burrows, they can hop inside and shoot

    arrows out at enemies, this is highly un-effective. Its easy to

    destroy them, and since it auto-takes 4 food to keep them filled,

    in a world where 90 food is a maximum, its not worth it to fill

    these up. Only do it if you're being attacked.

    - Grunt

    Your basic attacking unit, and a Very good one at that, Orcs have

    the most effective basic unit, far outweighing any other "first"attacking unit in the game, only problem is, they are slow to

    produce, and cost a lot, but on the upside, once upgraded, your

    definitely going to get your moneys worth, They can also research a

    "berserk" ability which grants more damage and more life, making

    grunts an effective unit during any stage of the game. Capable of


    - Headhunter

    These units are substandard, especially with Grunts being

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    available, although they do cost less, and once you upgrade the

    regeneration, they become a lot more effective, they give great

    cover fire to Grunts though, and its the orcs most basic way of

    dealing with air units. NOT capable of Pillaging. Id recommend

    a combination of these and orcs early on, but 2 to 1 orcs.

    - Catapult

    The Orcs basic siege weapon, catapults are great at taking out

    towns, you should back up an army with 2-3 catapults, to help

    destroy enemy armies, and to flank and destroy buildings much

    easier. Never forget that upping the "headhunters" basic upgrade

    ALSO increases the damage of the catapult, which when fully

    upgraded can make them extremely devastating, dealing well over

    100 damage.

    - Shaman

    A decently effective orc supporter - They're purge ability is

    useful on summoned units, and on Very powerful enemy units, but

    other then that, not really. They're 2nd ability makes up for

    that, Lightning shield is VERY powerful when used right, by the

    name "Shield" it makes you think you need to cast it on your owntroops, which works, but its twice as effective when cast on

    Enemy troops, forcing them to move apart or die together. When

    they get bloodlust, they become extremely helpful in battles

    since that ability is Auto cast on friendly units, making them

    attack MUCH faster and far more effectively.

    - Witch Doctor

    I don think these units are very effective, they work well as

    scouts with the ability of Sentry ward, which lasts a minute

    or more, and then they can cast traps which only STUN an enemy,

    which makes placing them anywhere but in combat, not that

    effective. They're final ability is a healing ward, which is

    actually quite useful to cast during a fight, or after a fight

    to heal the hurt units.

    - Raider

    These guys are Very effective, one thing you must know is that

    they deal Siege damage, which means they crush buildings. Useful

    for hit and run attacks, not to mention they can use the Pillaging

    ability while they do it. This makes them a great unit to begin

    with. On top of all that, they have the ensnare ability, which

    drops air units down, to be attacked by the Horde. Very effective

    for the pesky dragon or Zeppelin, these guys are pretty Vital to

    Orc attacks.

    - Kodo Beast

    they're initial ability is often overlooked, they can devour anenemy unit, just eat it, and take it out of combat, and deal

    damage to it, so eat the strongest unit you can find. You can't

    eat heroes. After they get the ability to buff friendly units

    damage, it makes them quite effective as a support unit, you just

    need to keep in mind that they are slow - so your army will move

    slow if you have formations on, and want them to move as a group.

    - Wyvern Rider

    A pretty effective combat unit to begin with, they are flying

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    which makes them a rough target to begin with, and they deal

    quite a bit of damage, on top of that, once they research venom

    spears, they can take enemy units down quite easily, it Almost

    doubles they're damage over time.

    - Tauren

    Tauren, arguably the final unit (or the Wyvern Rider) are a

    valuable asset to the orcish horde, the damage they deal isn't

    tremendous, but once they have a 25% to deal splash damage,

    they become very effective, especially when paired with units

    that speed up they're attack.

    Chapter 3

    Undead Units

    - Acolyte

    The undeads base unit, Keep in mind, they can Summon things,

    so in that effect, 1 Acolyte can build an entire base, much

    like the Protoss could in Starcraft. But they are limited in

    the effect that they have a "Creep" much like the Zerg did, and

    so they can only summon on the Creep, but the creep repairs

    units at a Very slow rate automatically. They can also be

    turned into Shades at a later time, which makes them extremely

    effective as a Scouter, since Shades are very good at that.

    They have one downfall - they can't harvest trees! Oh! Never

    forget, that they can Unsummon a building to regain half the

    resources spent, very effective. They Unsummon a gold mine

    automatically when it gets drained, so Undead always get a

    bit more then everyone else for using a gold mine.

    - Ghoul

    The undeads basic attack unit, and also they're Tree harvesters,

    make sure you build at least 3 to harvest tree's, its easy to

    forget in the early game. Now, these guys are basically the

    Undead's "Zerglings" good for rushing, small and crappy on an

    individual basis, but can overwhelm when there's a lot of them.

    Make sure you research they're Frenzy ability in the late game,

    nearly doubling they're effectiveness. They're ability to eatthings to regain life is decent, if you have no way to heal your

    Ghouls, and are planning on making a lot of them, this is a good

    way to heal them on the run, otherwise, i would Not research it.

    - Crypt Fiend

    One of the Undeads most effective units, Great in the early

    game for attacks, and they can drop air targets as well. They

    have quite a high damage capacity as well, so just note that they

    are Far more effective than Ghouls. Note that they will sometimes

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    automatically cast Web to drop an enemy flying unit, making it

    far more worthwhile to research it.

    - Gargoyles

    These guys are Air-killers, these guys are perfect for

    dispatching of the Heavy Flying units like Gryphon riders and

    Dragons, they're horrid at attacking the ground though. They're

    Stone form ability is useful, when they are fully armored they're

    armor can reach an incredible amount of 21 when stone shaped,

    you can really piss off an enemy by making them nearly impossible

    to kill.

    - Abominations

    These guys are partially effective, on one hand, they aren't

    Extremely strong, but they have a lot of Hp, so they last longer,

    they also have a Disease cloud ability that damages enemy units

    for them, so it helps make up for it, if you can find a way to keep

    them healed, they can be extremely effective. Even after they die,

    disease cloud aura still effects targets. These guys are great to

    use in combination with the Vampires Aura, since they will pull

    back they're health. It makes them extremely powerful.

    - Meat Wagon

    The Undead's Siege weapon, its kind've odd. They deal proper siege

    damage, and that makes them needed for town sieges in the first

    place, they have 2 other odd abilities, the first is a disease cloud,

    which keeps those pesky 'repairers' from being there, and damages

    other units. They can also collect corpses, which seems like a dumb

    idea in the first place, but when utilized with Necromancers, they

    can produce a nice supply of skeletons to attack towns, on top of

    that, A Death Knight, that reaches lvl 6, can resurrect those units

    also, and make quick work of enemy towns/armies. The rule of thumb

    is, When you see a skeleton laying around and you have a meat wagon,

    make sure you Pick it up.

    - Necromancer

    These guys are fun to play with... They have a few uses,

    the first is the "creating Skeletons" - This works two ways,

    one is to use meat wagons to transport corpses across terrain

    to enemy bases and resurrecting them on the spot to attack, The

    other use is building Graveyards, which produce Skeletons

    naturally on they're own, Now if you take the time to build 2-3

    Graveyards in your base, then 5-6 Necromancers, select them all

    and have them cast Skeleton, and you have an instant, FREE army

    of 12-16 skeletons to defend the city with. They're next ability,

    Unholy Frenzy, is Very effective to put on your big strong units,

    like Heroes. They're Final ability, the Cripple is useful for

    putting on the Powerful enemy units, ESPECAILLY enemy heroes.The Necromancer, when powered up, becomes the undead's best

    support unit.

    - Banshee

    They're initial ability makes them Very effective, they curse

    an enemy, making them miss about 25% of the time, The cool thing

    is that its an "auto target" so you don't have to manually do it,

    they're next ability helps against mage-casters, but there

    aren't to many, it makes a unit immune to magic, which doesn't really

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    matter too much in the long run id say, so .. not that useful.

    They're final ability is Beautiful, they can sacrifice themselves

    to make a unit on your own team. YOU CAN possess other builders and

    go up the Tech Tree, but your food limit remains at 90, sadly. Note

    that you can never have more then 3 hero's Either.

    - Shade

    A Basic scouting unit from the undead, you cant get it until the

    mid/late-game, but it can really help out as its naturally

    invisible and can see invisible units, leave them all over to scout

    gold mines, and know where your enemy is at all times.

    - Frost Wyrm

    Powerful. They deal a lot of damage, have a lot of life, and Deal

    Splash damage, they are a very effective unit, they can also, once

    researched, freeze buildings, which stops the building production,

    which makes town sieges even more effective.

    Chapter 4

    Night Elf Units

    - Wisp

    The basic elvish builder unit, it "builds" the trees around

    it, sometimes you get your wisp back after building something,

    sometimes you don't, if the building is an "Ancient" building, you

    don't get your wisp back. They also automatically repair friendly

    units and structures, on top of all that, they don't use lumber

    from the trees, they generate it, so when a wisp works at a tree,

    it will never knock it down, which means you can move your wisps

    away to scout and harvest at the same time, or keep them at home,

    where you'll never run out of lumber. Wisps can also detonate

    themselves, dealing damage to summoned units and stopping all

    magical effects around it, AND sapping mana from any spell castors

    ..This is useful for taking down heroes and killing summons, but

    that's about it.

    - Archer

    The night elves first attacking unit, they are weak and frail,

    so you want to keep them away or have someone ready to defend

    them, at night, they turn invisible, so they cant be seen, this

    makes them effective scouts on they're own nature, and also makes

    it easy to plan a huge attack at night. If your archers get

    attacked by melee - you want them to Run away, as quick as

    possible. later in the game, they can mount Hippogriffs and use

    them to fly, making them as effective as ever. Note that when

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    placed on a Hippogriff, the unit changes entirely, and as such,

    its damage pretty much doubles itself.

    - Huntress

    They are another of the elves attack units, and scout units,

    they are naturally invisible at night as well. They're "sentinel"

    ability is a Godsend - build these up in the early game and put

    them at gold mines to make sure no one is taking them, and along

    the main path. The only way to remove the owl is to cut down the

    tree, which catapults are effective at doing. They can upgrade to

    moon glaive, which lets them strike more units, making them even

    more effective, Huntresses, are the bread and butter of the night

    elves, an army of archer's is quite bad, when compared to an army

    of Huntresses, so make absolutely sure you make these as soon as

    you can, trust me.

    - Ballista

    The Night elves siege weapon, this is pretty effective, but you

    want to keep it away from enemy Units, much like the Archer unit.

    Once upgraded - its one of the best units to produce in the game

    for assaults, its also good for base defense, line them up, theenemy army won't know what hit them, also note that this is a

    good way for the Night Elves to get tree's out of the way.

    - Dryad

    There basic attack slows enemy units and poisons them, making

    Dryads a decent support unit, but Night elves have a Ton of

    support units already. They are also immune to magic and once

    researched, they have the ability to deal a lot (300) damage to

    summoned units, and the ability makes the enemy's good buffs go

    away, and your bad buffs go away as well.

    - Druid (claw)

    Finally - a melee unit for the Night elves, druids are absolutely

    vital to the success of the night elves, a few druids, and then

    a wave of Archers is a good combination, don't be suprised if your

    enemy tries to go just for the archers, most will, try to stop

    them. use bear form to make them good melee units, and after that,

    use them as Shamans to heal and what not.

    - Hippogriff

    The Night elves first flying unit, this unit isn't that effective,

    its good for scouting, and for fighting air-to-air, and when

    upgraded to a Hippogriff rider, its a lot more effective then

    you'd think, with nice damage increases and such. Hippogriff

    riders are good scouts, and air-combat supporters.

    - Druid (talon)A scouting unit, these guys can transform themselves into Crows

    and fly around, yet another "support" unit for the Night elves.

    Faerie fire is extremely effective to cast on enemy Heroes, and

    So it Cyclone.

    - Chimera

    Very effective units, they are the night elves final unit,

    effective at taking out enemies, when it comes to buildings,

    they're corrosive breath can almost crush a building in one

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    to two attacks. 'nuff said.

    Chapter 5


    Let me first start out by saying heroes are necessary to win

    in a Skirmish, but don't have much power until lvl 4+. Your

    hero wont do much unless he's supported no matter his level,

    always make sure your hero is supported by at least 5 troops.

    Also, you want to make sure that the first thing you do is

    make a hero and a squad, and go LEVEL YOUR HERO UP! ..thehigher your hero level, the better your chances are of

    winning, if you get attacked, you ALWAYS have the town portal

    scroll, which means you can be there nice and quick.

    After you've learned how to get your heroes up, then you need

    to learn how to utilize them Most effectively, which differs

    upon heroes, some should lead the war charges, while others

    should stay back and defend, in this section I dive in and

    talk about each hero individually So read on, if your confused

    about heroes, First I talk about Humans, then Orcs, then Undead,

    and finally, Night Elves

    Human Heroes

    Paladin - Definitely one of the better of the 3, with his

    healing abilities, and improved armor, and then resurrection,

    he can be a Very effective unit. Every one of his abilities is

    completely worth it, but id recommend the Holy Light to start off

    with, as it makes a great starter-squad, healing your units is a

    great way to take out the npc's without loosing anyone and gain

    some levels, all 4 of his powers are equally worth getting, it all

    depends on what your looking for, But when you get all 3 powers

    realized, give him a squad of knights and your in business, have

    him heal the knights as they get damaged, one by one, if the enemystarts concentrating on you, use the Invulnerability, and continue

    to heal. Note that a paladins Holy Light can damage undead, but it

    heals twice as much when used on a Friendly unit, so id steer away

    from using it for damage, only when he is alone vs. the enemy.

    Archmage - He's an interesting hero , A bit different from the

    humans average perspective, you have to learn to use him

    effectively, his first ability, Blizzard, isn't that useful. It

    has to be maintained by the archmage, which means he can't do

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    usually misses a lot of units in the heat of combat. War Stomp is

    effective, march your Tauren right into the heat of combat, and stomp

    on them, for an effective tactic. His final ability is good if your

    on the defense or if you need your hero back quite fast.

    Undead Heroes

    Death Knight - The undeads fighting hero, its good at rising

    undead, stealing and giving life out. Death Coil damages

    living units, but heals undead, I should point out that it

    heals double what it damages, so its usually more effective

    as a healing spell, unless you don't have any units on your

    side to support, Death Pact is a great way to make your hero

    pretty much invulnerable as long as he has a nearby unit to

    steal life from, never forget you can kill summoned units for

    life back, which is free, and very effective. They're Aura is

    also very good at speeding movement up, especially when

    making an assault. His final ability, Lets him raise basically

    an army, and you can really overwhelm any opponent with this,

    just make sure you use it at the right time, when there'senough skeletons around.

    Dread Lord - Another powerful undead unit, this guy is a favorite!

    Carrion Swarm is how to deal some damage to a lot of units at once,

    Sleep is a very powerful tool to put an enemy hero or power-unit

    out of commission. the vampire Aura ONLY works with melee units, so

    for awhile, its only good when used with ghouls, and even then, not

    so good.. SO only get vampire aura if you plan on getting some much

    stronger melee units for the undead, otherwise, get sleep and C.

    Swarm. His Inferno ability is damn useful, plummet it right in front

    of the enemy squads, and let the thrashing begin.

    Lich - Another strong undead unit, his Frost Nova is good at

    injuring enemy grouped units during combat. His frost armor can

    be used on one of your stronger melee units to help him out a

    lot, its even more effective when used on a friendly hero. Its

    final, death and decay, is a VERY powerful spell, it can kill

    anything in its area of effect, it takes exactly 25 seconds to

    destroy anything, - ANYTHING - ..so keep the enemy in that area

    for 25 seconds and they're dead, also note that it can clear


    Night Elf Heroes

    Demon Hunter - This guy is a requirement for the Night elves,

    lucky he's such a god. He's the melee unit that keeps everyoneaway from the Night elves precious archers, and he does his job

    very well. Use Mana burn on enemy heroes, it steals the mana, and

    they're life, all in one nice package. Immolation is also effective,

    Run the demon hunter in and keep the enemy as tied up as possible,

    this just deals extra damage. His other ability, Evasion, makes

    him a prime Melee unit, period. Not to mention metamorphosis.. Use

    it whenever possible during heavy Combat.

    Keeper of the Grove - can be effective when paired with archers,

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    use the entangle to keep archers safe and to stop heroes, or melee

    units, and have the archers finish the poor sap off. Force of nature

    works well to summon Treants, which make nice additions to armies,

    also help with clearing forests and also as scouts! The Thorns Aura

    makes Archers a double-edged sword, it makes them twice as deadly

    because anyone attacking them dies even quicker, its a great way to

    keep the enemy away, or dead. His final spell is simple - just use it

    to heal units, though you might want to not use it during combat, as

    it can be disrupted.

    Priestess of the Moon - A Very good unit, probably the best to start

    out with, her Trueshot Aura effects any ranged unit's damage, and

    since 75% of the Night elves are ranged, its a good combination.

    Next, her Flaming arrows are very useful, simply because you can

    right-click to turn them on permanently, her other ability, Sentinel,

    Is kind of useless in my opinion simply because the night-elves are

    already such good scouters, and because Huntresses are required in

    the early game to basically stay alive, I Don't like that ability.

    her final, Starfall, is VERY effective, it virtually forces the

    enemy to stay the freak away, or die, which means, you gather the

    archers around her like a little barrier against melee units. ItsVery effective. It's not good against buildings, so don't use it

    against buildings.

    Chapter 6

    Basic Fighting Strategies

    The computer is already very effective at fighting in a

    melee fight, infact, I know the game uses 2 AI types for

    fighting alone, a Basic fighting AI, and an advanced fighting

    AI, the basic is used for the Neutral creatures of the map,

    (Creeps) who just attack you, chase you, and then stop if you run

    far enough, the advanced AI uses tactics, placing units more

    strategically, and if a unit gets damaged, the comp RUNS

    that unit away to the back and makes it twice as hard to

    deal with, making the computer a very deadly adversary.

    The trick to combat is understanding that it flows very

    slow - Units have Very high hit points and it takes many

    slashes to destroy a single unit, so you do have some time

    to move units, and decide where they are going, and things

    like that. When one of your main units gets weak, march him

    back a bit, That leaves your opponent with two choices, take

    the time to go after him, and let all the other units attack

    while he chases, Or forget him, and let you keep the unit, only

    to re-march it in a few moments later, when the forces aren't

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    concentrating on it, the computer beats the hell out of this

    strategy and angers you with it. Beware. That's why ranged

    units are a bit more effective against the Computer.

    In the heat of combat - always KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE! ..know

    your units, and know the special abilities, and KNOW the

    strategy, the tab key is your friend, know what you want to

    use and when you want to use it, the Footman's defend is a good

    example, when your going up against Night elves, or any ranged

    unit, tab over to your footman, and click it! They will last

    30 % longer.

    Turn on the Auto casting, BABY! - Know that about 50% of

    the abilities in the game can be auto cast, to switch an

    ability to auto cast, Right click on it, and sparkly

    things will begin to circle, that means, when the

    situation presents itself, that whoever is set to auto cast,

    WILL auto cast, this makes micromanaging about 50% easier,

    so absolutely positively know who can auto cast, and turn IT


    Who to attack?! - When your squad runs into the enemy squad

    you have basically 3 Methods of attack - the first is to attack

    the leader, the 2nd is to attack his squad members individually,

    the 3rd is to make an assaulting action, and let your units attack

    the closest enemy to them. Which is the best? it all depends..Its

    kind've like a game of rock paper scissors. Its sometimes a good

    Idea to start with one - and then switch to another, for example,

    start with Paper, to wear them down a bit, then hit scissors, to

    finish they're units off quickly, and surprise them.

    Rock=Attacking they're hero

    Paper=Attacking they're forces

    Scissors=Attacking one enemy at a time

    It really does make sense - But you also need to beware..

    The heroes alter this formula, They are the randomness that works,

    ill give an example...

    Scissors(you) vs. Paper(enemy) ..you should win this, your going to

    kill his units faster than he can kill yours - BUT what if he has

    a paladin hero.. And he keeps healing that single unit.. Then he

    can win..

    So you need to scope out the enemy and know what the hero is capable

    of, once you know that, watch his tactics, find out what he's doing

    and find a way to stop it - even if it means marching one or two

    units out of battle.

    Chapter 7


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    Upgrading, is it worth it? Absolutely. In StarCraft, massing units

    was just as effective, and in some cases, MORE effective, but its

    the exact opposite in this game, always keep in mind that the Unit

    limits are low, 90 is the limit. that's it, that's about 30-40 attack

    units MAX with a town going, and since the resources are ALSO tuned

    way down, you want to make sure you get the most from your units. So

    upgrading is an absolute MUST in this game. The only reason NOT to

    upgrade is an early Rush...

    Chapter 8


    In WarCraft 3, Spreading is handled a bit differently.. NPC's cover

    the goldmines making it a bit harder to expand. But make no mistake,

    Spreading to a new gold mine is as Vital as it Always has been, its

    something you want to do in the early game, and usually that's kind've

    hard, because the npc's who are guarding it are usually lvl 6-8. But

    either way, pick out the closest (or best) gold mine to spread to..

    probably one that's close to your home base, and send a scout out,

    Typically, you want about 5-7 units and 1 hero to take a gold mine,

    its dependent on the lvl's of the monsters of course, but that's about

    the average, on top of that, its a good way to level your heroes up.

    You can spread quickly by Clearing the monsters out, then clicking

    on the your home town real quick, building one builder, and right

    clicking on the gold mine on the map, then get back to your squad.

    You should also note that you need to spread a lot more in this game

    as gold runs up a bit quicker then before, So that means your opponent

    is going to be spreading a lot, and you want to scout out the other

    gold mines and make sure he isn't trying to take them, using whatever

    means necessary. Keep him away from the gold mines and you've already


    Chapter 9

    Human Strategies

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    Basic Start - immediately click your town hall, make 3 peasants,

    and right click on your gold mine, so they go there, then send 2

    of your 5 peasants to the gold mine, take 1, and have him start a

    barracks, take another peasant and have him help the first with the

    barracks. Take your 1 remaining peasant and have him make a farm,

    Now that your underway, let your first two peasants go to the gold

    mine, so you have 4 mining, when your last peasant comes out, stop

    him from mining gold and go cut trees, somewhere close to your town

    hall. start 2 more peasants, let one go to the gold mine, and have

    the other go cut trees. Your barracks will be up by now, and AS soon

    as it gets up, you want to make Footmen, one peasant that was doing

    that should go cut trees, and the other should help with farms.. whenyou have about 2-3 farms up, and at least 5-7 food free, you want to

    then build an Alter and Summon a hero.

    Rushing Start - Immediately select one peasant, have him start a

    barracks, have 3 others go over and help him out, then start

    building two more peasants, take the one peasant left, and have

    him start a farm. From then on, as peasants come out, and people

    get done building, you want to make a total of 5 people mining

    gold, then take the remaining ones and build another farm when

    you have the time. The trick is making sure your Barracks is

    constantly producing footman, and set the rally point somewhere

    far from your base - halfway to your enemies base. Be careful to

    avoid the Neutral units, they will auto-attack during the day, so

    steer all your footmen away from them. You probably want your

    rushed footmen to go attack the opponents gold mine, it all

    depends on what they're base is, and what they have.

    Exploration - I would say the humans have a hard time

    exploring, in the early game, id recommend using the

    Arch-Mage's Summon Water Elemental Ability to scout out.

    Also, later, Gyrocopters, Mortar Teams, and Sorceresses

    can also lend a hand to the scouting figure.

    Defending - Cannon towers are the way to go, they dish out

    blast damage, and although they cant attack air, they are the

    prime way to defend for humans If you note your opponent going

    a lot of air, or if its an "aerial" map.. you might want tobuild Guard Towers instead.

    Assaulting - I recommend Footman for the early game, but if

    its a bit later, you want Knights in combination with a few

    riflemen. Take 1-2 priests for healing, and preferable the

    Paladin or the Mountain King as a hero, or both, finally, take

    1-2 Mortar Teams for Artillery support. Maybe swap a knight or

    priest with sorceresses.

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    Night Elf Killers - As a human player, going up against night

    elfs, you have a strong advantage, id say about 75% of the

    Night Elves units are Ranged attackers, so by just researching

    "Defend" and using it, you've cut out about 50% of the damage

    that will be dealt in combat. Also use Gyrocopters at night to

    scout out those invisible pesky Night elves.

    Chapter 10

    Orc Strategies

    Basic Start - immediately build 2 peons, and right

    click on your gold mine so they auto-go there. Take

    1 peon and start a Barracks. Take another peon andstart a burrow. Take 2 peons and put them into the

    gold mine, and take the last and have him start cutting

    trees. let the 2 peons go to mining gold, and produce

    2 more and right click on a tree, so they start cutting

    trees. When your peon is done with the Barracks, have

    him start an alter, and start producing Grunts. When

    your peon is done with the Burrow, have him start

    another, then when he's done with that, have him build

    1 more, OR start a War Mill.

    The Dreaded Tower Rush - My God...this strategy

    can SLAY computer opponents so easily, basically,

    start out by making 1 peon, and start a War Mill,

    (You want to make this War Mill as absolutely close

    to the tree's as humanly possible, closer=better)

    take two peons, and send them over to the enemies

    base, or scout if you don't know where it is, make

    sure you guide them so they don't run into Creep's,

    that will destroy this strategy. While the two peons

    start going, take your other 2, and have them start

    mining gold, while producing 3 more, two to produce

    gold, you just want to pump out peons for resources,

    you want 4-5 mining gold, and about 6-8 getting

    lumber, you Need lumber for this. When that's all done,

    and your peons get there, start building Towers, its

    really that simple, when you get 4 up, you should be

    in business, start walling the enemy in, like aprison, later, make sure you research spiked buildings

    quickly, so melee units take even more damage.

    Exploration - Primarily with the Farseer, which is

    why its a good idea to build him first, for his

    Farsight ability, scout out the enemy and keep an

    eye on the gold mines next to his city with that

    ability. Other then that, the orcs are pretty basic,

    go and explore with your Grunts or Headhunters.

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    Defending - Orcs have a great Defense, and that's the

    Spiked upgrades, Spiked buildings provide an effective

    natural defense. The cool thing to do, is to turn

    defense into offense, once you get those things

    researched in the late game, and you have a melee

    opponent, go build some Watch Towers on his turf. But

    Spiked upgrading, paired with a few Watch towers, is

    also a great method. As for the Orc Burrows and peons

    hiding out in them, DONT keep peons in them, as it

    subtracts from your total units, 90 is the max, so

    never do that. IF you fall under a very heavy attack,

    or perhaps an aerial assault and you have no defense,

    THEN click on all your burrows, and click the box down

    there..it will make all your peons go into them

    automatically, it helps, but I wouldn't recommend it

    unless you have no other defense. Place Burrows next

    to important buildings.

    Assaulting - Orcs are good at attacking also. Id

    recommend staying away from Any ranged units withorcs, because for one, they're not nearly effective

    as Grunts or Raiders, but id make 3 Grunts, 3 Raiders,

    2 heroes, and some support Catapults, You want to use the

    Catapults to attack FORCES ONLY, and defensive structures,

    but not towns. Because the Orcs can raid things so you

    want to let your grunts and Raiders do it, to give you

    more gold. Use this generated revenue to bring out more


    Free Gold!! - The Orcs pillage ability is what makes

    them one of the competing races in the game, it opens

    the potential for an infinite supply of gold, Infact,

    its a GREAT strategy to send a few units to a building,

    attack it, and when the opponent repairs it, that's a

    GREAT thing, because it all means more money for you

    in the end, You want to attack buildings as OFTEN as

    possible, Avoid squads, be evasive, and go assault the

    buildings as much as possible. Remember that ranged

    attackers don't pull in income, so you ONLY want your

    melee units doing the work, Grunts and Raiders, to be

    more specific.

    Orc Turtlers! - With orcs, its effective to build a

    lot of Watch Towers, a LOT of them, at a choke point,

    just make sure to keep a grunt or two on hand to destroy

    any catapults that threaten you, and there wont be

    shit that can get through that. 3 Rows of about 5 towersshould do it, and there actually pretty cheap for how

    effective they are in mass quantities, especially if

    you rush with them (See "Tower Rush" above.. )

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    Chapter 11

    Undead Strategies

    Basic Start - First send your lone Ghoul to get Lumber,

    then take 3 Acolytes and go get gold. Next Start

    building 2 more Acolytes, and right click on your mine,

    so they auto-go there. With you're single remaining

    Acolyte, start building a Crypt, then two Ziggurats.

    As soon as you have enough gold, produce an Altar, then

    when you have enough gold, build a Graveyard and upgrade

    your Ziggs to Spirit Towers so they act as defensive

    structures, when your Crypt comes in, start producing 3

    Ghouls and tell them to harvest lumber. Next, id work

    on a starting hero, and Crypt Fiends for a starting Force.

    Rush Start - First, take 1 Acolyte, and have him build aCrypt, then 1 Ziggurat. Immediately send all your acolytes

    the mine, and produce 1 more and right click on your mine,

    now click on your crypt, and Ctrl+1 it, so you can hit 1

    to go back, take your Ghoul and Scout for the opponent, be

    careful to avoid neutral units and Flee if he gets attacked,

    constantly shift back to your Crypt, and when it gets done,

    build more Ghouls, as soon as you find your opponents city,

    send all your built ghouls there to attack.

    Exploration - Shades are the best way to explore with the

    undead, leave a few at gold mines you suspect your foe to try

    to take over, and always keep one hidden away in your opponents

    town, most opponents wont even realize there's a Shade in

    they're town until you know damn well what he's doing, if

    you find a task force, let a shade follow them around, In

    the real early game, before you can get Shades, you should

    scout out with a few Ghouls.

    Defending - Undead Defense is simply put, Ziggurats around,

    and upgrade them to Spirit Towers, One might think to "line

    them up" because they hit more targets, but the ideal way to

    place is them is where melee units cant get to them, and to

    spread them apart so your opponent has to take the time to move

    before attacking the next tower, this will keep his forces

    Diverged, and spread in your base, as he runs rampant trying

    to get the Spirit towers, this will give you the initiative.

    Another good tactic is to have some Graveyards next to eachother, and a bunch of Necromancers there, when you see a force

    coming, Summon skeletons and send them out. Its a quick and

    Highly effective defense, in my Opinion.

    Assaulting - Take 2 Heroes, about 6-8 Crypt Fiends, 2-3 Meat

    Wagons (Filled with Corpses from your local graveyard) and

    then some Necromancers. Right before you start the assault,

    empty the meat wagons and make skeletons with your

    necromancers, when the skeletons and enemies fall, be sure

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    to REFILL the meat wagons, or re-make skeletons on the spot.

    The Meat wagons are a hell of a Siege weapon too, so make

    sure they get to throw some corpses in the duel, Id recommend

    taking a Death Knight to make sure the Crypt fiends stay

    healed. If you can afford it, swap the Crypt Fiends with a

    Stronger unit, make sure you take 1-2 Crypt Fiends along

    though, to take down flying units.

    That Cursed Ground - Note that the ground on which undead resides

    is NOT just for placing buildings - Its where units regenerate

    health slowly - So In the early game, when your fighting off

    one or two Creeps, and your Ghoul or Fiend gets damaged to where

    his life bar is a natural ugly red, signifying his death, and

    your hero can't heal him, send him right back up to the ground

    so he may regenerate and re-join your squad at a later date. Its

    partially important to keep in mind, that unlike the Zerg Creep,

    that if someone else builds a building on your ground, Your

    ground actually goes away.

    Chapter 12

    Night Elf Strategies

    Basic Start - First - Send 4 wisps to a gold mine - then

    take your lone wisp and start an Ancient of war, produce

    wisps - when your first wisp comes, have him build a

    moonwell, when your 2nd wisp comes - have him go to a tree

    when another wisp comes - send him to the gold mine - when

    another wisp comes - start an altar, make sure you get 4 wisps

    eventually going at the trees, start producing archers - and

    get a hero out.

    Exploration - Night Elves are the masters of Exploration

    in my opinion, primarily by the effect of Sentinel, Make

    absolutely sure you Light up the map, get the gold mines

    sighted as soon as you can, and make sure you also get the

    heavily traversed roads, and if possible, get the enemy Base.

    Also use Force of Nature to summon Treants and have them explore

    for you.

    Defending - Night Elves have the cool ability of uprooting all

    they're Buildings that produce Units and having them attack on

    they're own, they can do this at the cost of not being able to

    build, which can be effective In times of need. On another note,

    Offensively, these units can be utilized as well. Other then

    that, the best Night Elf Defense is to KNOW that the enemy is

    coming and prepare ahead of time.

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