w~anted - paperspast€¦ · money business and professional men money requiring temporary...

The Evening Post. mOL. XGIX; No. 143. [Registered as » newspaper In the "1 General Post Office in the United Kingdom.J WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND. THUBSDAY. JUNE 17, 1920. 12 PAGES. TWOPENCE NEW ZEALAND'S ROLL OF HONOUR. "..in;memoriam./ ALDRIDGE.—In loving memory ■of my dear brother, who was killed in France on the i.'l7th June, 1917; aged 31 years. , ,-..: Fromthe rising until the setting of the sun , We will remsmber ,him. *' - ; Inserted by his loving brother and sister-in-law, ''.;.-.■ '..- .V ; Harry and ■'.Rose. BOWDBN.—In- loving memory of my; dear brother, who was killed at Messinea on the .': 17th June,- 1917. . ; ■'"i.;".".. , liiserted by his brother,Tom. BOWDBN.—In loving.' memory of W. R. H. .Bowden,,. killed in action on the 17th June, .■'..1917, ;_■;,;: :."-"; "—-;. ; ; . ' "■"inserted.by: Mi ...wife' and two little children. BOWDEN.-^-lii loving memory of our dear son, :,' -William .Richard (Will), killed iv action ,n .■..France on the 17th June, 1917, aged 24 years. in"'the prime of.youth God called him, "' In the pride of his brightest days; All who knew hiiri dearly loved him, ■:: : Nought was said of him but praise. .'inserted by his loving parents, S. H. »nd X. ; .- . " M. Bowden. BIRTHS. CKOXQUEST.-On the 16tb Jine, l«0, at Nurs* -Bender's, to-Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cronquest. . ' Lyall : Bay (late ol F<wton)—a:son; both ; i\vell. .. .-">■..' - /.■■■■■: "■ .■'.■";■: 'GYjr^S.—On Thursday, 10th June, 1820. »t their residence; Upper Hook, Waimate, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gynes—a daughter.. : HcGKEGOE.—On the Bth June, 1920*, at Harris Hospital,- Ghnznee-Btreet, to Mr. and ;Mrs. J. A. G. McGregor, Kainui-road, Hataitai—h (laughter. '.: . . '■':'■.'■.';.' ;■;■. ' KEDSTONB.—Onths 14th March, 1290, at, 121, " Waipapa-road, Hataitai, to Mr. and Mrs: H. ■- E.. Bedstone—a son; both well. WAIKER.—6'n the 15th June, 1920,: at their . residence, 16, Wingfleid-street, to Mr. and , Krs. T. A. Walker—a, son; both doing well. DEATHS. SWIFT.—On Thursday, the 17th June, 1920, at iiis ion's residence, 293, Hintoul-street, Wel- lington, Walter Francis, dearly beloved hus- ! band of Emily Swift, " and . father of Frank '-.-I-gwift; aged .73 years.: -. . . . ■; . IN MEMORIAM. tOONEB.—In Joying memory of my dear brother : Edward-.'(Ted) lopner, who died on the 17th , June, 1916. .'.Sadly missed..; : ' ' :; ' .''-.' :; Upright and just in .all his ways,'::, '; i Honest and laithrulto the end of his- days; '■'."■ Forgotten.tp the world by some he may be, But dear'to pur memory he .will ever be, . Inserted by his brother .and s/ster, and ■.■.'■"C-i.BUen;"- also sister-in-law and nephew, Mm "■.'■""■■ and, Frank. ';.'' ['■ :-: ■■:'■■ .'■'..'.""' '■ ■'■'■ EAMSAY.'—In' loving memory of Allan James Eamsay, who died on,the 17th June, 1018. One of the best. " .-.'■'. Gone; but. norer forgotten. inserted by his loving father-in-law, W. H. Ledbrook. SYMONS (nee PAYj.-^ln ■' loving memory of Jfellie Symons, who departed this-life on the.::i7th June,: 1914. " , : 'Inserted 1 by her daughter, Phyllie,.and E. Symons. SYMONS.—In loving memoryof my dear daugh- ter and bur sister, Nellie, who died on'the 17tH.June,; 1914. . '.-;■ "- . : - . "■.-. ITondly remembered. ,* inasrted by her loving mother and sisters. TURNER.—In fond memory of my dear ■wife, Margaret, who passed away on the 17th June, ' , 10.10 J.: -.' ..'. "■-:' .■" """,-. -.- :.- ■'■■" '"■■ "" ' Inserted by her loving husband and children, .'■" J; H. Turner (late Molesworth-street); BIRTHi MARRIAGE, »nd DEATH - ; NOTICES must be erfdpraed by some ," .responsibly person' to enwre tUeir ..—■ -.: v.-'-.^iistfHoii^-v^*■"■«"-:■-■'■ '-A^i-'-;^ i CASHRATES for .Birth,,'-M»rii»g'e,'! . Death,' and In Memoriam Notices, . . SIXPENCE per IINE. . (Minimum '■" cliafge, 2a 6d). Six-words to the : , ■, " ■' '" . line;. ■"' '■"■" ■■.-■ ."" . : ... BAIB AND TOILET SPECIALISTS. MISS MILSOM, Qualified Specialist, Hair, Face. Up-to-date Hairwork. ; Modern Treatments-. Hair, etc., -Skin. : Shampooing, Manicuring, Electrolysis.— Barnett's Buildings, 94,, Willis-st. 'Phone. ' '814-'' ' f "''"■"':' '"■'■■ ■:''-'''-: '■'-:'' '■""'- ' STAMFORD AND ;CO., 123, Cuba-st., are the recognised leading hairwork- . era of Wellington. All "rare ehades. in curly and straight . hair stocked; also Transformations,- Toupees, Switches, »tc. 1 ' 'Phone 21-220. : , V T|/|TIS. .CAMERON,, Boudoir,Camille, XtX Cooper's Buildings, Willis-sfc. Mas- sage,'. Manicuring, Electrolysis . Hairdrew- ing, ; Shampooing, by the 'most modern methods. .Tel. 1791. / .-.■■.""■: TMTISSB. HILSON guarantees Perman- -1 . ItJL ent Hair Colouring by the new "Inecto", system. Specialist in Face and ■■.■Hair Treatment (Violet Bay and Vibra- tory), Shampooing, Amerioan Hair Cut-- ■::. ting, >hd Hair Work. Superfluous Hair removed. - Purest Hygeia Face Powder,- 4s 6d; delioately perfumed Vanishing Cream .'(large pots), 3s 6d. PerßOnal attention. Tel. 2802. ' Winder's Building, opp. Royal Qak, Cuba-gt. . . : SS DAWSON-TATE, late' Madam Tate, Sydney. Expert in treatment: :o£ Hair and Complexion Ailments. Elec- trolysis guaranteed. All latest appliances used, including High; Frequency. Agent for rThorehe' r Wonder Wash, a positive' cure for Freckles, Tan, and Foreign Mat- ter from the Skin. . '. 220, LAMBTON-QUAY, - Tel., 21-692. ,:. - ,'. Over Littlejohn's. riIHE advice of hundreds of Ladies who '-X " "once upon.a time" were'troubled with - Superfluous Hair; is—t;:e "Kusma'' (Reg.). '■ So simple to apply yet alWays ■wonderfully effective is the reliable cura? ; tive. ■; "Rusma" (Reg.) removes the hair, kills^ the, roots pain and without ■/ . Jeaving any scare. If you are a sufferer try "Rusma" (Reg.). Mrs. Hullen, Dept. P., 3a, Coiirtanay-pl., Wgtn. Tel. 22-070. : [;■ : :; 'y of.;interest to ladies. .:..■_ . q|^ISS.L^URENSON;U Farmer's,- XfJL ■" Sydney; has opened TheILa Renai .-, Toilet Parlour,/ 60, Willis-et. (upstairs), . nextHerb.'Price's new shop. All .branch- es of Hair Work, inoluding Hair-staining " and fashionable Hairdressing, Manicuring, Maaßaging, and aJI modern Fabial Treat- ment. Pay-a visit to-day. - ' ' '■ :;;' MISCELLANEOUS : . ' ' ; '. ;.'.' ' . '.- . 'fTINE: AND WIBSON,' Auotioneere, 'V sell in.their rooms, at 2, o'dock to- , morrow: ' English-made 'Dinner Set, 20 . pairs Ladies' Boots and Shoes, 2 dozen Stainless .Cutlery, etc. Read their auc- tion notice back page. Read it now. '■'' "EIURS, Coat*, and NeckleU, juit^oom- . jP/ pleted; beautiful; range. Remodel-, ling, Repairing; Re-lining. Pizer, Tom- man.and Co., 188, Lambtbn-qy., opp. Mid- land Hotel. .'-■ . ':;-" WOOD-MILNE Rubber Heels cost little more than inferior rubbers— but they give 10Q per cent, more wear! ZOME Soles for-men's,' women's, and ! children's boots, all sizes, obtain- able Gibson's Store, 48, Manner3-st. g% O'CLOCKto-morrow -we start off sell- & . ihg Household Furniture; 20 pairs Lace Curtains, Pianos^ Dinner Set. Read our auction notice baok page. Vine and Wilson, Auctioneers. '. ' "1/TRS. MILLW-ARD, Clairvoyante and XvX Phychometristi Boulcott Chambers (top.flodr), Bqulcott-st.i near corner Man- ners and Willis streets. Hours 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. DR-APERY Buyers! ' Save money. Men's Under Flannels 6s lid, Sox 2s 9d, Khaki Soft Collars 6d, all sizes. Hay- vice's, 149-151, Manhers-st. ' ZOME Soles for men's, 1 women's,, and children's boots, sold and fitted by C. C*rey, 125, .Vivian-Jt.: ' '.;' LAST TWO DAYS OF THE SALE " '■■■' . . - "of. :' . ' . ■" ■piDMEADE'S BLENHEIM STOCK! To clean up the Oddments of this Stock is our intention. Henco our windows and.; lines and counters will be loaded up with . . ' " BARGAINS : From 9 WEDNESDAY till 9 p.m. "■" ' . FRIDAY. ; COME AND SEE! COLE'S GASH DRAPERY CO., 108, 110/112, CUBA-ST. Closed 1, to 2 p.m. daily. COMFY SLIPPERST COMFY SLIPPERS! COMFY. SLIPPERS!- ' ."WTITE have a. wide range of Cosy Slip- 1TT pers for warm winter wear. These are ideal for the cold season: Women's Felt Slippers, thick felt soles, in Wack and brown, 3s lid- Women's Quilted, Satm Slippers, string '>-■ soles, in oinnatnon, eaxe, blue, maroon, heliotrope, violet, navy, and black, 46 ' lid. ■"- ' . -.-■.-■ Women's Quilted . Satin Shppeira, string soles, in rose, pink, old' gold, pale " blue, pink, navy, black, and red, 7s lid. ■""■".■■"■ Women's Special Quality Quilted Satin Slippers, " felt and leather soles, in '.-'■' rose, black, royal blue, and sage green, ;9s 6d. ;,-. ' ■.-."■ "'. . Women's Mocassin Slippers, in fawn, vio- let, Tose, and electric blue, 11s 6d. Comeand see these at , PEARCE'S BOOT ARCADE CUBA-STREET, And at Riddiford^street, Newtown. . LOST.FOUND. PERSONAL LOST, Gold Tiepin, vicinity Willis-st. Reward. Replies to 145, Evg. Post. OST, Wristlet Watch, silver chain, pro- bably between station and. G.P.O. Reward,363, Terrace. , . , LOST, Cuba-st., Lady's Handbag, in- itialled. Finder, may keep cash, leave bag, etc.,. 166, Evg. Post. TOST, Wheel Cap, Triumph car. Find- X-/ er rewarded M'Cauley, Town Hall, Lbwer Hutt. '.;-/.-..." >■ ' if OST, Tuesday night, between Hanson- 'JL* st. arid. Pirie-st, Letter, addressed Stewart, Alexandra Home,, 28, Hanson-st. "Reward if returned to same, address. [F OST, .yesterday, by poor. elderly wo- J_i man, £4, tied in handkerchief. Re- ward. ApplyNo. 17, Alma-lane,off Tory- -Bt.-. ..- ■■. : ''■ ' .■■' ■■'■■■' ' '"' ', ' T OST, last Sunday, between Stafford-st. -" and St. Gerard'sChurch,Hawker-st., Gold Brooch, 3 red stones. Reward,2, Stafford-st, , . LOST, Sunday night, Pair Spectacles in case, Berhampore. Reward at Post Office, Berhamporo. . "T OST, 'Monday afternoon, Cuba-st., small JIJ Box, containing collars, etc. Finder please communicate with No. 199, Evg. Post.. ■.■".."; ■■■"■■ .-""'■ ■■ . ;' ' T OST,Hataitai-rd., Long Woollen Glove. JLy Finder please leave at 81, Hataitai-rd. T OST, a Black and Tan ;Short-haired ■'■LJ■': Pup, answers to Rowdy. Reward, 7, Mortimer-terrace/ City. '. v. ' v' OST,! old-fashioned Round Gold'Broooh, . .Tuesday. Reward, on returning 143,- Aro-sfi.'." ■" ■"■:'.- ' ■.-'' -'■ LOST, New-Zealand Treasury' Depati- I riant Cheque, No: 17837, on Bank of New ." Zealand, Welhngton, for £324" 10s 3d;"datei. 27/5/20: V Reward, Box 1470, Wellington. : ": ''./■ -' -'. ..- .■■■ STP.AYED on to our land, Kilbirnie, one.red and white heifer. If not claimed; will, be sold. Hansen and Son, Mojcham-av., Kilbirnie. WILL the Person who took Fur from . Gilby's Cloak Room, return immedi- ately to save further proceedings? WILL Player who took wrong Foot- ball Boot fromKilbirnie Park, Sat- urday, please ring 1593. - , LONELY young lady (22) would like to meet respectable young man, view to friendship.' Write 165, Evg. Post. ,"T1 ESPECTABLE young gentleman, Xl) age 20, would like to Correspond with young Lady, 18-20, view matrimony. Reply 557, Post Agency, Petone. BOARD AND RESIDENCE. BOARD and Residence wanted immedi- ately; by young man (clerk). Replies to 179, ,Evg. Post. . : -_^_ BOARD and Lodginga Wanted,, by two business men; refined home; miisi- cal. ..Write 211, Evg. Post..'. . . . (PENTLEMAN, Civil Servant, requires VJT Board-Lodgings, private family, vic- inity. Newtown. Reply 188, Evg; Post. ENTLEMan wants. Board andi Lodg- ing, private family preferred, un- furnished, single room, city. Terms to 901, Evg Post. -.---"■ MECHANIC wants Board and Real " dence. Stateterms, private family preferred. Write 152, Evg. Post. aUtE'T, respectable Girl, desires board and residence, private family pre- ferred. Writo 157, Evg. Post. . ■■ ' VACANCY for 2 Working Men Board- ers, good home, handy town; terms moderate. Apply 68,,Rolleston-st. W' 'ANTED, Board-Residence, married couple, both away all day, or Bed- Sitting-room and kitchenette, conveniences. ■Write 186, Evg. Post. " .■ . WANTED, Boarders,, good home, near car; moderate terms. 35, Daniel-st.; Newtown. SUPERIORACCOMMODATION. " LARGE Double Bed-Sitting-room, with fireplace, breakfast, and light tea, The Terrace, within fewminutes of Parliament Buildings and. Lambton-qy., for married couple; £2 2s each. Address at Evg.'Post. MISCELLANEOUS. TjlOUND—That Umbrella has a. Paragon A. Frame, Let Lethaby's Re-corer it. 6s lid to 12s 6d. Fast dye, beat materials and workmanship. Send yours to-day. Lethaby's, Umbrella Specialist!, opp. G.P.O. , T ATEST Styles in Ladies' Handbagsat M-J greatly reduced prices To-morrow, at Lankßhear's,Ltd., 2,.. Willtß-st.-, next Stewart Dawson'a. SEND your Repairs to D. E. Braniff, the Expert Watchmaker arid Jewol- ler, 160, To^y-st. - '" . TCIANCY ! English Chocolates, Fry's, 41b S-- box for 15a 6d, usually 6s lb. How do they do it? SeePage 2 this advertise- ment, Money Wanted Sale, "The Blue Bird." WATCHMAKER— All classes of work promptly executed, work guaran- teed. D. E. Braniff, Watchmaker, 160, Tory-st. LATEST Styles in Ladies'. Handbags at greatly reduced prioes To-morrow, at Lankshoar'e, Ltd., 2, Willis-st., noxt Stowart Da-wson's. ZOME Soles, men's *3s 6d a pair, ladies' 2s 6d a pair, recommended and sold at Douglas Boot Emporium, 227, Riddi- ford-st. ' ■■ . . . . GREAT Closing Sale s.t our Branch, 141, Manners-sfc., Friday, at 1.30- ---p.m., The Dux Auctioneering Co. JOHN PAGE, Member Bvitish Medi- ums' Union. Interviews, Willis-st., over Wa-llaco- and Gibson's. Evenings by appointment. ' MONEY LENT. Money. \NY sum, from £5 upwards. Money XX by easy instalments upon Money any approved security,' including Mortey Furniture without removal. Money Business and professional men Money requiring temporary assistance Money for week or, two can obtain same Money immediately. No publicity; Money strictly confidential. Money Apply personally or by letter, Money enclosing stamp. Money THE CITIZENS' LOAN AND Money DISCOUNT 00., LTD., Money Boulcott Chambers, Boulcott-st., Money Just off Willis-street. Money . " . Telephone 21-256. Money Open week-days 9 ».m. to 5 p.m. Money Saturday!, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.' ! MISCELLANEOUS. .TOtTANTED—We are closing shortly to * v 1 rebuild, and must sell balance Ninon, Crepe de Chine, and Silk Blouses. Liu- ney's, 104, Cuba-st. - - "ANTED—Children's All-wool Cash- ". mere Socks Is, White Cotton Socks, . coloured, tops, Is pair. Linney's, 104, Cuba-st.. " ANTED—Ladies' Black Cotton Hose, la 6d and Is lid; Coloured Sporta Hose., colonial knit; 4b 6d. Rebuild- ing Sale,Linney's, 104, Cuba-st. WANTED— Woven Combs. 5s 6d, os lid, 12s 6d; Vests, 6s lid, 7s 6d; Bloomers, 5s lid; Fleecy, _6s lid. Re- building Sale, Linney's, 104,'Cuba-st. ANTED—Clearing balance Warner's Cornetsbefore removing, at 1536d; also good line G-rey Corsets, 13s 6d. Lin- ney's. 104, Cuba-st. ANTED—Nice. . Assortment " -Black' Veilings, just to hand, Is; Is 6d; Real Lace and Insertion, Is 3d. Rebuild- ing Sale. Linnoy 'a, 104. Cuba-st. ANTED—Knitted Gloves, assorted shades, Is 3d, Is 6d; wide coloured Ribbons, Is yard; Val. Laces,. 3d yard. Linney's Rebuilding, Sale,104, Cuba-st. ANTEDr-Double Bed : Sheeting, 4s 6d; extVa heavy unbleached, 5s lid; Unbleached Twill, 5s 6d. Archer's, .Upp Cuba-st. "■ . '■' ; . '. ' " "' ; ANTED—Filled Quilts, 27s bd; Fino Calico, ?s 6d for la lid; Pillow Slips, 2s 6d; Rfed and Blue Quilts, 14s 6d. Archer's, Upp. * Cuba-st. . ; ..'- ANTED^-Fur Cost Sale, one dark brown, trimmed black fox collar and cuffs, '£30 for £25, one light shado self-colour, £18. Archer's, Upp.'. Cuba-st. ANTED—Corded Velveteens, 8 good shades, 4s! 6d; Wide Flannelette,' striped, Is 6d yard. Aroher's, Upp. Cuba-3t ANTED—Bargain, Day to-morrow, Ladies' Tweed Skirts,- 1 255; Moir- ette U.-Skirts, 10s 6d; Combinations, 5s lid. Archers, Upp. Cuba-st. . : W ANTED—Cream Rubber Coats,-absp- lutely rainproof, guaranteed, 425; Brown Wool Gabardine, rainproof, 84s. ;Archer's, to-morrow., 1 ... ";/-.. 1, ANTED—Tea Towels,hemmed, Is 6d; Linen do. 8s 6d, CottonGabar- dines, all shades, 45.6cl yard; White Jap.. Silk for Blouses, 5s lid. Archer's, Upp. Cuba-st. ANTED, Long Gloves, v. rose and green, 2s lid paivr; Black Cashmere finish Hose, 2s 6d; Children's Sox, by the thousands. Archer's, Upp. Cuba-st. WANTED— White Fine Bloomers, 2s lid; Children's 1 Finafores; Is 6d; New Babies' Outfitsat (bargain prices to- morrow. Archer's,,Upp; Cuba-st. W 'ANTED—Furs>, cheap to-morrow— Black Fox,905; Reel Fox, 755; Cream Thibet. 70s; Fur Coat, £17 10s. Archer's, I.Upp.-lCu.ba-si.: *.■■";-<■■ - :. ■■ i , ,;■"■-. ■':,■";... ■-.■■■ ANTED—Tweed, Co^f Bargains-ar- rived from London,, late ex.lonic. 6 guineas, for 90s. Black Seal. Plush, 70a. Aroher'g, <Upp. Cubk-st. .*"■' .'.. ANTED—Fine Coloured Net, dou- ble width, 4s 6d; plain colours, 2s 6d.; black, 2s 6d; Veilings Is yard. Arch-; er'sy Upp. Cuba-st. ."".'■'■' ANTED—Boys' Jerseys, cheap; Boys' Navy Blue Serge Caps, Is; Suede Hats, 2s 6d; Tussore, Silk, 4s 6d yard. To-morrow- at Archer's, " Upp. Cuba-st. , ANTED—To-morrow is 'Bargain Day. Ladies' Wool Jerseys, 27s 6d, 30s, 425; Pull-on Jerseys; 425; In- fants' Cream Matinee Coats, \l6s 6d. Archer's. ' ' . ' ANTED—Buck Eain-shape Straw for Hats, 2s 6d and 4s 6d; Mounts,Is; Black Ostrich Feathers Is 6d. To-morrow,.. Archer's, Upp. Cuba-st. ANTED—SmartTweed Coats for I , girls, 6 years to 12; just opened, ex loiiio.- All at bargain prices. Arch- er's, Upp. .Cuba-st. i WANTED to let you know you oan get 6-giiinea quality Furs for 4 guineas at Evanß's Drapery Sale, 144, Cuba-st. . : ANTED to let you know at.Evans's GreatClearanceSal© 2s 3d qual- ity Flannelette for Is 6d. L. Evans and Co., Cuba-st. ANTED to let you know at Evans's Groat Sale of Millinery, huge re- ductions in smart seasonable Hats. X,. Evans and Co., Drapers, 144, Cuba-st. WANTED to let you know we have Double-width Crepe de Chine »t 8s lid yard, pretty shades, worth 13s 6d; a bargain. L. Evans and Co., Drapers, Cuba-st. .-.-■" ANTED to Sell—Large quantity of Furs, at lowest prices in town for quality goods; inspection and' compari- son invited. L. £vans and Co., Drapers, 144, Cuba-st. ' WANTED Known—Evans's Great Salenow on. Gloves, white and all shades. Is 3d pair; Black Stookings, Is 6d. L. Evans and Co., Drapers, 144, . Cuba-st. . WANTED to let you know Evans's Great Sale now on. Corsets, at reduced prices, in large sizes, 15s 6d for 8s lid; L. Evans and Co., Drapers, Cuba-Bt. " -i ' - W' 'ANTED—White Fur Trimming, Is 4Ad; tLong Black Silk Evening Gloves, 9s 6d for 6s lid. Cole'sDrapery Co., Belling Edmeades'. Stook. Last 2 day 3. ANTED—Cole's Drapery Co. selling Edmeades' Stock from Blenheim. Last 2 days. Buy Honeycomb Quilts at 16s 6d, 19s 6d. Cuba-st. :iANTED. Knovm Cole'sDrapery Co. selling Edmeades' Stock. Last 2 days. Uood quality I^adies' Tweed Coats, to clear, 17s 6d, 19s 6d,21s,255, to 95a. WANTED— Cole'sDrapery Co. selling Edrheades' Stock. Last 2 days. Wicla Pyjama. Suiting. Is lid, 2s 3d; Dowlas Toe Cloths, 2a 3d. Ouba-st. ANTED—Cole's Drapery Co. selling Edmeades' Stook. Last 2 days. Big savings" Costumes and Coats. Tea Cloth lo lid yard. WANTED— Cole'sDrapery Co. selling Edmoades' Stock. Last 2 days. Heavy 27in CreamCord Velveteen, 5s 9d for 3s lid; Silks and Satins, 4s lid. "ANTED—Cole's Drapery Co. selling Edmeades' Stock. Last 2 days. Big bargains in Crepe de Chines (heavy weight), atlss 6d. . WANTED— Colo's Drapery Co. Saleof Edmeades' Stook. Last 2 days. Table of Warm Underwear, tSiird under value. 21s Corsets for 10s lid. Ouba-st. Tn£7iANTKD Known Cole'sDrapery '.TT Co. selling Edmoadeu' Stock. Last 2 days. Ladies' Y/arm Woven Combs., 9s "6d for 6.s 9d; Spencers, 5s 4^d. ANTED-r-Cole's Drapery Co. selling Edmeades' Stock. East 2 days. Childs' and Ladies' Knitted Gloves, Is lid for Is 4£d; Ribbon' Velvets, 7jd. WANTED—Feist's, Ltd;, Hurt, 01b Salt Is, cwt Uoj New Dates, 8d lb;.ln- ricta Tea, 3s pd lb. QUJEREE BEOS' , GREAT COAT SALE 1 . GREAT COAT SALE! 4 HANDSOME FUR COATS, just arrived from Sydney (four mouths late): three All Black, with large smart Cape Collar, and one Brown, with Black Collar, Cuffs, and Border. Well cut and lined. TO BE SOLD AT jp'OA/I A/- J 116, WILLIS-STREET. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED— Every, housewife to have an easier time from now on—Uso Radium Boot, Floor, Brass Polish. WANTED— Sale, Sale, Sale. Our ; smart Millinery greatly reduced in price. . Call early. The Paragon, 6, Rid- diford-st., Newtown. ANTED Known—Dressmakinj? done. Ladies' own material made up, al- terations carried out, charges moderate. The Paragon, 6, Riddiford-st., Newtown. ANTED, Ladies to visit our Sale of Stylish Hats, all greatly reduced, at Ritchie's, Millinery Specialists, 84, Rid- diford-st.' WANTED Known—Sale of, Smart Hats at very low prices. D. and I. Ritchie, ' Millinery Specialists, 84, Riddi- ford-st. "j io inspect cur.splsn- VV did range of Woollen Goods; price* moderate. Mm* Lomax, John-st. tram sec- . tion, Newtowa, '-' - . ."\TTTANTED Known—lss worth of Goods : tt. free if you buy a Tweed. Coat this week. Cody's, Courtenay-place.' ANTED, , Known—Standard Table Mangles '■ to hand, 21inx 24in Toll- ors; call early ; limited supply. The Sims Hardware. ' ANTED, every lady, to buy a Health Corset, 17s 6d pair, at ,135, Riddi- ford-st. "" ! ' ' lANTED, Furniture Buyers at Auc- tion Sale, 141, Manners-st., Friday, at 1.30 p.m. The Dux Auctioneering Co. ANTED—Ladies' Sample Woollen Jerseys, from 29s bd, at the Sample Rooms,102, Willis-et., next Empress Pic- turea. ' ANTED—Fur Coats, from £22, best quality, at the Sample Rooms, 102, Willis-st., next Empress Pictures. WANTED— Fugi Silk Blouses, best quality, 30s, at the Sample Rooms, .102,Willis-st., next Empress Pictures. WANTED Known—lss worth of Goods free if you buy a Tweed Coat this week- Cody's,' Courtepay-place.. WANTED— Latest. Fur; Capes, from 355, a few samples only; Tweed Coats, Raincoats, etc. At the. SampleI Rooms,102,' Willifs-st., next Empress Pic- j tures. ' iANTED, by teacher, (lady), in cen" tral studio, Pupils for Piano. Terms, etc., to 824,, Evg. Post. WANTED Known—Phonographs and Gramophones ' always in stock. Edison's two-minute Records Is 3d, Disc Records from 2s 6d. Fleming, The 'Phon- eries, Newtown. -"" ' . ' - WANTED. Known Ladies' Glace Ankle Bar Shoei, Louis heels, smart ■shape, sale price 18a, 93. Martin's Big /.Boot Sale,.-Terminus, -Courtenay-pl. , '.'.. WANTED Known—A nice assortmenc of English Fancy Crookery, nice blue' designs. Inspection invited'to The SiihsHardware. WANTED Known—Nothing-' in the world equals Velskin after shav- ing; price 2s. King's Prescription Phar- macy, 4, Courtenay-pl. ■■■ WANTED Known—Just landed, ship- ment DJsston'e D8 Saws, crosscut, Tip, and panel. SeeCarpenters' Tools at The aims Hardware. " ■■ "■ '■ ANTED—Big Boot Sale now on. ' Ladies' Tan Derby Shoes, long toes, to clear 28s 9d: Martin's Big Boot Sale, Tram Terminus, 'Courtenay-pl.; WANTED Known—Maids' low heel Tan Derby Shoes, 2 to 7, sale prioe 21s 6d. Martin's Big Boot Sale, Terminus, Courtenay-pl. " ■_ WANTED Known—Aluminium Sauce- pans, Kettles, and Frypans. Full stock and only the best makes to be had at The SimsHardware. WANTED, no sale, but absolutely keenest prices in Blouses, Hosiery, Dress, and Manchester goods at Morgan's 115, Cuba-st. . WANTED Known Gent's Box Calf Derby Boots, smart sh*pe, good solid value at 30s. Martin'B Big Boot Sale, Terminus, Courtenay-pl. WANTED Known—Use one of the famous Unique Hot Water Bags; all sizes in stock. The SimsHardware. WANTED, Pupils for Piano, Mando- lin. Violin, Guitar, Banjo; £1 Is quarter. Signor Vadala, 163, Willis-st. Sell Guitars, Mandolins, Violin, Ba«jo. W ANTED Known —Velskin prevents the growth of hair wid whitens the skin; price 2s. King's Prescription Phar- macy, 4, Courtenay-pl. . WANTED Known English Dinner Services to hand, all the latest de- signs. A line display at The SimsHard- i ' rifS: : J W' ANTED Known For Chapped, Hands or Roughness of the Skin nothing equals Velskin; price 2s. King's Prescription Pharmacy, 4, Courtenay-pl. WANTED, just opened, 56in grey Cos- tume Flannel, Tweeds, Serges, . and Cloths, from 7b lid to 25s 6d. Morley's Hosiery all prices. Morgan's, 115, Guba- Bt. , . W "ANTED Known—We have a fine se- lection of Johnson's Carvers, Tea- pots, Spoons and Forks, etc. The Sims Hardware. ' ■STITANTED— From Monday next, all 'TT business at 33-35, Manners-st. The Dux Auctioneering Co. WANTED— Look as young as you feel. Grey hair restored to natu- ral colour by using Ayre's Hair Restorer. Price 2s 6d. R. Johnston, Chemist, Cuba-st . ■■ WANTED— Cole's Drapery Co. Sale. Last 2 da>ys. D. and A. 21s Corsets for' 10s lid, sizes 20, 21; Woven Fleecy Bloomers 3s lid, were'6s 6d. WANTED— Cole'sDrapery Co. selling Edmeades' Stock. Last 2 days. In- fants' Warm Ribbed Vests, 3s 3d for Is 7jd. Combs, 3s lid, 4s 6d. W ANTED Known—Another Big Burst of Bargains at Cole's Drapery Co. JSaie of Edmeades' Blenheim Stock. Visit 108, 110, 112, Cuba-st. Turbans 94d. Last 2 days. . ' . .TOfriANTED Known Cole'sDrapery Vy Co. selling Edmoade*' Stook. Huge- saving in all departments. Last 2 daye. Hair Ribbons, ll^d yard. f^STIANTED Known Cole's Drapery tt. Co. selling Edmeades' Stock. Last 2 days.. Girls' and Maid6' Coats clearing 19s lid; Wool Reefers,' 18a lid., Ouba-st. WiANTED Known Colo's Drapery Co. selling Down. Quilts for Cola or Double Beds, at sale prices. Last 2 days. All departments. , Cuba-st. W (ANTED Known Cole's Drapery Co. selling Edmeadee' Stock from Blenheim. Child's Hais and Bonnets, any old price, 6d, tt£d,, etc. Overalls, 2s lid. ANTED—A new Overcoat. Fine selection in Tweeds and Rainproofs at Horniff'3, Men's Outfitters, 179, Cuba- pb. Try m. GIRLS' COLLEGE COSTUMES! IRLS'. COLLEGE COSTUMES! In Heavy-weight Navy Serge. Well made, finished with Belt, in four ■izes. FROM £5 2s 6d. WHITEHEAD & PEARS, CUBA-STREET. .'■ WANTED TO BW. I WANTED to Buy, 2 to 3-h.p. Benzine Engine. - State price, apply 136, Erg. Post. -, . / WANTED to Buy, small Bungalow, 3 ' rooms, between Trentham and Wal- laceville. State lowest price, and whore to be eeen. Address J;B., Po6t Office, Lower. Hutt. ; . , ANTED to Buy, portable Corunnst Typewriter,'inu»t be in good order. Write P.O. Bos 1092, Wellington. WANTED, Drete Suit, medium sire. State lowest price and address, to Prompt, Cash, Box 294, G.P.O. WANTED, email,House, with 5 to 8. acre 3attached,: - suitable poultry farm,"suburbs, about 10 miles, Address Farm, Post Agency, Newtown. "KTSTANTED to Buy, a Fireproof Safe;- ---»■»"... must bo reasonable prices Reply where seen, 174,. Evg.'.Post. W~ANTED Buy, Cottage, Rona Bay or Muritai; cash buyer waiting. J. Banning and Co.,74, -M&nners-st. ANTED to Buy,; 7-rd. Hbu<=e, good. locality; £100 deposit. Particulars to 178, Evg. Poßt. . ■;■■ * - ; WANTED, : Self .-'propelling Invalid Chair. Full; particulars to Ziman, 33, Buller-at. . -:>;'' . ■' WANTED to Buy, 3ft Range and Piano Casei Send particulars and price 34,' Drummond-st. ,::■■'. '. , WTANTED to Purchase, 5-rd. House, T T Mt. Victoria,, slope, sunny position ; no agents Reply to 180, Eyg. Post. WANTED, by law, student, Garrow's Property 1., purchase or hire. Write 191, Evg. Post: WANTED Buy, Thorndon end, 4 to 7 rd. House,! on reasonable deposit, genuine buyer. Reply to .207, Evg. Post. ANTED Purchase,-for cash,-good 5 (large) or 6-rd. Dwelling, or sound old House, which could be added to; cen- tral; good locality. Particulars .to 200, Evg. Post. ' '■ . . ,'■ ■.:' : .. WANTED to Buy, Doll's Pram, good condition. State price to Pram, Post Agency, Newtown. WANTED to Buy,- Gold Watch, 2nd hand; Waltham, preferred. State price to Watch, Post Agency, Newtown. ANTED, Carrier's; Turnout, with house, Wellington. Apply Carrier, Otaki Railway, Otaki. : '. W' ANTED, in Kelburn, modern Bun- galow, view preferred, 6 or 7 rooms, up to £2000; -will pay.big deposit; agents need not apply. 187, Evg. Post.. ANTED to Purchase, a second-hand Winch. Apply, giving price and particulars, to " Wlfich; P.O. Box 260, Palihoreton N. .. ■-■■, ' ANTED, Buy; for re- lhoyol, any description; high prices given.y Wilson's Woodyard,Dixon-st. WANTED. Buy, Furniture and Pianos. The Dux Auctioneering Co., 33-35, Manners-st.. Tel. 509. . ' . . ' ANTED to Buy, Pi»no, urgently, suitable for working 1 man's family,-, hard oash ready. Apply 614,'Evg- Post. .TXTANTED' to Buy, Piano,' urgently, ■tT. suit newly-married couple; must bo reliable; price no object. Write 810, Evg. .Post. . .' . \X7 ANTED to Buy,_ Piano, by young »» . girl, for practice; don't mind borer. Write Practice, Box 1029, G.P.O.' WANTED to Buy. Houses Furni- ture; highest price, cash down. C. Daubney, 148, Tory-st. ■■ ' WANTED to Buy, Singer or other Machines. £11' given for best ma- chines. Write 80x'1029, G.P.O. . WANTED to Buy, Piano, privately; will pay up to £80 net cash.) Ap- ply. immediately to 566, Evg. Post. WANTED to Buy, Pianos; no com- mission or cartage to pay; highest price, cash down. Send address 39, Ellice-Bt. . WANTED to Buy privately, good Piano, up to £90; cash down for one suitable. Address 771, Evg. Post. ANTED to Buy,' Piano, suitable for small cottage; will pay up to £40. Write 731, Evg. Post. AGED Couple will pay cash for com- fortable Residence, absolutely no climb, fairiy central, no agents. Full par- ticulars to 201, Evg. Post. FALSE Teeth bought, any state; also Diamonds, Platinum, Old Gold, Sil- ver, Jewellery. Silverstone,Vivian-st., near Cuba-st. > . HOUSE OWNERS. ptXTANTED to Buy, 5 or 6 rd. House, t T ". in good locality,' Hataitai preferred. Price up to £1700. Can pay cash. Apply Box 676, G.P.O. WANTED TOSELL. WANTED Sell, 3-storied Brick Build- ing, erected 15 years, of best ma- terials, situate most progressive part city, really solid investment, 10 per cent. investment withtremendous increase near future; make splendid private hotel or hostel. Price £4500; building present time could not be erected under £8000; best bargain on. the maTket. Apply speedily. Sole agents, M'lntyre and C0.,-215, Lamb- ton-qy. . ' ' WANTED Sell, 6-rd. Modern Bunga- low, Kelburn, 3 mins. cable car, elec- tric light, gas cooker, porcelain bath, hot water, concrete paths, sunny position. Prios £1700; £400 deposit. Cheapest Resi- dence Kelburr.. M'lntyrs and Co.,215, Lambton-qy. ANTED Sell, " 9 Rooms,Thorndon, select position, oleotric light, hot points evory room, porcelain bath, gas caliphont, hot .water service, gas cooker, concrete paths, Nearly possession. Price £2450; £700 deposit. Great value. M'ln- tyre and Co.,216, Lambton-qy. WANTED Sell, Villa, 5 rooms and kit- chenette, best part Lya.ll Bay, nioe situation, with big prospective value; hot water, porcelain oath, gas cooker, house built 8 years. Price £1450; £300 deposit or near cash offer considered. Best bar- gain in the' bay. Possession to-day Ap- ply quickly, Sole Agenta, M'lntyre and Co.,215, Lambton-qy. ' WANTED Sell. Section, nioe slope, prtetioally level, sunny position, Ngaio, 50£-t x 180 ft. Price £160, a.bsolute »mp. M'lniyre and Co., 215,' L'ambton-qy■ WANTED Sell, lsvel Section together with motor garage erected ' thereon, aunnj, gx>od locality, 6 minutes Courio- nay-pl., 53ft frontage. Price £1000.The only section laft in this popular locality. Beautifully situated. Apply quickly, M'lntyre and Co., 215, Larabton-qy. WANTED Sell, 6 Rooms, Lower . Hutt, 8 minutes train, built «fcout 3 years, porcelain bath, gas cooker, oon- orete paths, lawn; also 2-roomed Whare, motor garage, etc; large, level section^, 100 ft frontage. Government mortgage thereon. Price f.1250; cood deposit re- quired;; big -naip. ". M'lntytß aad Co.. 216, Lambton-qy. «>■ ;i , riRBAT SALE NOW ON! ALL THIS MONTH! All Silk Veilings, la yard Huge quantities Gloves, In 3d pair Handkerchiefs, 6 for 2s All Wool Grey Hose, 4s 6d pair 3 guineas Sports Coats, for 29s 6d CORSET SPECIALS! 19s, 6d Warner's, big sizes, for 8s lid 22s 6d Warner's Rustproof, size 36, for 12a 6d " 15s 6d C.B.s, size 20, for 6s lid Good Working Blouses, usually 7b lid. Sale prico 4a lid L. EVANS ~& CO., LTD., DRAPERS, 144-146, CUBA-STREET. WANTED TOSELL. TO LEASE, for term, Marton Junction Private »Hotel. Write for full par-' tipulars to P.O. Box 317, Pahnerston N. HOUSE, 6 rooms, sun all day.healthy. £350 over email mortgage; genu- ine bargain. 11, Milifatry-rd., Northland. CUTS gas bill In half—GemCooking Oven; a complete meal cooked on. one gae Ting--. Price 356. Room 1, Top Floor, Hannah's Buildings, Lambton-qy. /T^EM Cooking Oven. Saves money; VT cooks anything on one burner of. gas or oil stove. ' JPrico - 35f. Room 1!, .Top Floor, Hannah's Buildings, Isunbton-qy, i ONDERFUL Gas Cookins Oven. Bakes, roasts, toasts, cooks any- thing on single burner. Thousands sell- ing. Prico 355. Room. 1, Top Floor, Han. nah's Buildings, LambtonTqy. , IjK>R SALE, cheap. Express Horse. Ap- ■T . ply ."SxcolsioT-Laundry, Adetaide-rd.. WOR SALE, expensive Family Bible, il- JC lustrated and coloured plates, good as new; cheap for quick sale. Apply 142, Evg. Post. . f^OR SALE, 5 Sections, polo paddock, Miramar, adjoining tram stop. Ap- ply Owner, 86, Moxham-av., Kelburn. OR SALE, Double Wooden Bedstead and Wire Mattress; also Kitchen Table. Apply 101, Upland-rd., Kelburn. f^OR SALE, Double Wooden Bedstead and Box Mattress, nearly ne,w, £4. Call between.6 and 7, 3, Hamilton-rd. Ha- taitai. . "POR SALE, Highland Costume,new, -"- auults size, Campbell tartan, cheap. Write 154, Evg. Post. T7IOR SALE, 6-Cylinder Car, electric J-. lights, self starter^' perfect condition. £275 cash, or terms. Apply 159, Evg. Post. .. ' ■TDtOR SALE, 9-rd. House, snip, £2250, -*-. cash required over mortgage £700.' Apply 18, Selwyn-terrace. ■TCTOR SALE, black ebony, upright grand, ■*- . Holling-Speihgenburg- Piano, perfeot order; £7&. Write 1677 Evg. Post. jjlOR SALE, Pedigree Black Japanese J- 1 PugDog. Address 196, Evg. Post. ■JLJIOR SALE, modium-9ized Dress Suit, -"- almost new. For particulars, ap- ply 18,Dawson-st., Berhampore. X^OR SALE, 3, Mount Street, (off Ter- "*■ raoo), oomfortableCottage of six rooms, all on ground floor, lawn and grape vinery. Price £2500; liberal terms. Cadbury Bros.,Ltd., Ghuznee-st. "]VORTHLAND, £1100—One-story Resi- ■*-* denco, 7 rooms, c.1., gas, Govern- ment-mortgage, nice garden. Harden, 8, Courfonay-pl., and 172, Featherston-st. "IVrORTHLAND, close to Tunnel—Well- -*■" built modern 8-roomed'Residence, "large, garden. £1750.-.Harden,. 8, Courte- nay-pl., and 172; Feathereton-st. OST No.llO Typewriter for Sale,70s, ' wanta some repairs. Apply ' Room 12a, Cooper's Buildings, Willis-st. OUGHCAST Tile-roof Bungalow, Hutt, ; given away for £675; 5 rooms, porcelain bath; basin, washhouse, coal and tool house; good seotion; Govt. ■mortgage. Apply ', Aston's Agency, Cooper's Buildings. ILBIRNIEf(best position), elevated Section, no climb, artistic modern Bungalow, 6 rooms, every labour saving device. £1500; terms. Ideal homo, in- spect quickly. Richardson and Co., 250, Lambton-qy. Tol. 2148. BROOKLYN— Fine double bay window ■Residence, 6 rooms, all offices, lovely order, every appointment, very large sec- tion, no climb, handy tram. £1500; terms. Bargain. Richardson and Co.,250, Lamb- ton-qy. 1 ÜBSTANTIAL Residence, 7 good rooms, . .one floor, very large sec-. tion, level, ample room motor, one section, town, .fine position. £1200; terms. Snip. Richardson and Co.,250, Lambton-qy. VACANT, immediate possession, desir- able Residence, 5 rooms, splendid situation, handy tram. £90,0; terms.' See this. Richardeon and Co., 250, Lambton- qyj ' ' . HATAITAI— Superior Residence, 6 rooms, magnificent views, minute tram, home lunch. £1085. Absolute Bar- j gain. Richardson and Co., 250, Lambton- qy- - . ; __ MOTORBIKE for Sale, 3±-h.p. 2-speed, twin cylinder, Royal Enfield, good order. Apply back 35, Daniel-st., New- town. .. ANTED to Sell, Oval Dining Table, 6 x 3, and Cover, as new. Apply 5, Lincoln-st, Brooklyn. " WANTED Sell, Trentham, Half-acre, corner section,- at station. £140. Whyte and. Son, 107, Customhouse-qy. WANTED to Soil, Lyall Bay, 5 Rooms. £775; £200 cash. W. H. Morrah.and Co.,63, Willis-at. , WANTED Sell, Trentham, 3-roomed Semi-Bungalow por. bath, h.c, all modern conveniences, i-acre. £700; terms. Whyte and Son, .107, G'ustomhouso-qy. rKTTTANTED to Sell, several, Confeotion- -1 T T cry and Tea Room Businesses, with living,rooms, city. Whyte and Son,107, Customhouse-qy. WANTED to Sell, beautifully-finished Experimental Spark Coil. Writo 203, Evg. Post. WANTED to Sell, 30cwt English, Truok, first-olass order, any trial; cheap. Write 190, Evg. Poet. WANTED to Sell, Typewriter, in good order. Apply Evg. Post. WANTED to Sell, Lady's FawnGabar- dine Coat, lined, showerproof. Call mornings or evenings, 42, Riddiford-st. W" ANTED Sell, flourishing Fruit and Confec., good suburb, 5 living rooms, turnover £60 weekly. Real snip. Only £475. Andrew Nicol and Co., 28, Grey-st. "TSTANTED Sell, City, 7-rd. House, all J » oonv., motor garage,' electrio light. Price £1550; very easy terms. Andrew, Niool and Co., 28, Grey-st. ANTED t<) Sell, Furnished House and Lease, central position, 8 rooms, Tow rental. Price for lease, furni- ture and goodwill, £900 cash. Apply GoodChance, Box 58, Wellington. ANTED Sell, Wicker Boat-shuped Pram, reasonable 78, Brougham-st. WANTED to Sell, Bungalow, contain- ing 5 large rooms, concrete paths, lawns, gas eookor, hot points, and every convenience; specially built foT owner. Write 195, Evg. Post. ___" ANTED to Sell, Stainless Knives (Firth's), £2 5s £ dozen. Rowe and Co., Arcade, 80, Manners-st. Open Fridays 9 p.m. Tol. 1057. W' ANTED to Sell, three 4-rd. Cot- tages, Kilbirnie, all convonier.ecte; no agents. Write 192, Evg. Post. WANTED to Sell, Covered Van, Buy Mare, and Harness, complete £45 > .bargain,. Apply 195, Evg. Post. V.OVBL.TY F BILLINGS AT BARGAIN PRICES. New CreamNet Sleeve Frillings—Special Prioes, Is, Is 9d, Is lid yard. Dainty Frillings, in pink and cream, helio, and grey. Special, ,2s lid ya-rd. ASK TO SEETHESE SPECIAL LINES AT THE FANCY DEPARTMENT. C. SMITH, LTD., CUBA-STREET, WELLINGTON.. WANTED TO SELL. WANTED Sell,. Player Piano, 88-65 note combination, latest model, new condition. Don't miss this opportunity. Nimmo's Showrooms. ANTED to Sell, smart black and grey Crepe do 'Chine Afternoon Frocks; usually 10 guineas, £7 15s. 10, Manners-st., upstairs. ANTED to Sell, First-olass Seotion, facing Evans Bay, 38ft x 240ft, splendid view. Best offer accepted, no re- sarve. Apply Owner,470, ilvans Bay-rd., Kilbirnie. ANTED to Sell, Piano, genuine Lipp), overstrung, upright grand, full rich tone; terms arranged.- Nimmo's Showrooms, Kent-terrace. ANTED Sell, quantity Timber, all sizes, 150 sheets iron, doors, win- dows, etc. Edward-Bt., off Herbert-st. WANTED to Sell, good, level Seo- tion, Parade,- Island Bay. Price £5 10s per foot. -Apply 115, Evg: Post. WANTED Sell, Health Corsets, sup- port but do not restrict the figure, 17s 6d pair. 135, Riddiford-at. ANTED Sell, Glass Show Cases. Write 936, Evg. Post. WANTED Sell, Lipp Piano, good as new. Apply 169, Cuba-st. ANTED. Sell, choice variety of Silk and Crepe de Chine Blouses, very latest styles, from 19s 6d, each below wholesale price. 10,Manners-st., upstairs. "ANTED to Sell, one 3-seater Motor Car, 20-h.p., 4-cylinder, newly painted a-nd thoroughly overhauled, new hood- and good tires; cheap for cash. Ap- ply J. Y. Harrison (representing- Goo. Bradley), 79-81, Mannern-st. WANTED to Sell,, 20 pairs Labe Cur- tains, 20 pairs Ladies' Boots and Shoes. Attend Vine and Wilson's Auotion Sale, in their Rooms,Dominion-avenue, 2 o'clock, to-morrow. See details back page. ANTED to Sell, 15 Colonies of Bees. Apply Misß Meek, Waterloo-rd., Lower, Hutt. ANTED to Sell your Furniture, ' privately or by auction.. .Ring 509, The Dux Auctioneering Co. WANTED to Sell, Pianos. Our prices and terms will suit every . buyer. Nimmo's .Showrooms, Kent-terrace. Tel. 21-566. . ' ■■"■■: WANTED Sell, Singei Drophead, Round Shuttle, Seven-drawer Machine, £7 15s; a bargain. Globe, Opera' House, Manners-st. - . - TyETANTED to Sell, a gorgeous Crepe » Tde Ghine:Underwear Set, beautifully handworked; usually 15 guineas, £8 10s. 10, .Manners-sC upstairs.' *' ANTED Sell, Eleotrio Toaster, Boiler, and. Fryer Combination;- cooks with economy and cleanliness j price 355. Room 1, top floor, Hannah's Build- ings, Lambton-qy.;.tel. 2844. . WANTED to Sell, Singer Dropheads, cheap; OakDrophead, £5 15s, bar- gain. Globe, Opera House, Manners-st. Tel.Bl-816. . ; ' '■■ . - ' WANTED Sell, Engliah Dinner Set (willow pattern). Vine and Wilson's Big Auction Sale, 2 o'clock,to-morrow, in their Rooms. Read details bank page, to- night. .__ WANTED to Sell, English Piano, in . good condition, £55 cash. Write 151, Evg. Post. '..',' . WANTED Sell, Karori, well-built 5-rd. House, bay window,verandah, scul- lery, bathroom, washhbuse, and. outbuild- ings, 8 years old, h. and c. water, 3 mins. from tram; immediate possession. Apply 132, Evg. Post. WANTED to Sell, large Gas Stove, complete. Apply 140, Evg. Post. WANTED to Sell, Light Draught Mare, used to all harness, cheap. Ap- ply Driller, 68, Queens-drive. ANTED to Sell, Triumph Motor Cycle, perfect running order, £30 cash. Write 134, Evg. Post, or Tel. 2340. WANTED. Sell, good Building Section, i-acre,Hautana-st., Lower Hutt, £185 cash. Wri,te149, Evg. Post. WANTED Sell, Black and GoldEven- ing Gown, cost £20, beautifully trimmed with silk fringing, bought for Prince's Ball, £10 for quick sale. Write 141,-Evg. Post. . WANTED to Sell, grey Folding Pram, in good condition. Apply 49, Cour- tcnay-place. ANTED Sell, Rimu Bedstead (double), with wire mattress, good condition, £3, also Kitchen Mantelpiece.. Write 145, Evg. -Post. WANTED to Sell, Mangle, in perfect condition, also Set Table Billiards. Address at Post Agency, Lower Hutt. ANTED Sell, 4ft Iron Bedstead, brass tops, wire, flax, kapok mat- tresses, nearly new, £6. Write -164, Evg. Post. WANTED Sell, General. Store, snip £330; Private Hotel, offer wanted, sacrifice. Business Exchange, 175, Wil- lis-st. '.'-." ANTED Sell, two 5-roomecf Dwell- ings, Rolleston-st, and 7 rooms, Kelburn-parade. Offersinvited. Business Exchange, 175, Willis-»t. WANTED Sell, large Grand Mangle, " D.R. Tub Suite, Scotch Chest, Sideboard. Apply Parsons, 45, Cleve^ land-st., Brooklyn. . W ANTED to Sell, Violet Check Fur- lined Coat, black fur collar, new this season, scarcely worn: cost 15gns., sell llgns. Write 161, Evg: Post. WANTED to Sell, a beautiful After- noon and Evening Frock, black taf- fetta, with Oriental trimmings, inthe com- ing spring style; usually 10 to 12 guineas, £6 15s. 10, Manners^t. ' - : WANTED to Sell, a wooden dropside Cot, with wire and fibremattresses; cheap. Apply 3, Daniol-st., Newtown. WANTED 'to Sell, Chubb'e heavy Strongroom Door, with frame com- plete, cheap to quit. Apply W. Smart,97, Willin-st. ' - ' - WANTED Sell, Newtown, best posi- tion, one-story House, 5 large rooms, electrio light, h. and c. water, splendid order. . Price ' £1050. Inspect this early, Thomson, Brown, and East,Ltd., Grey-st. ANTED to Sell, Lyall Bay, Shopand seven Rooms, corner section. £1100, terms. W. H. Moi-rah and 00., 63, Willis- st. WANTED to Sell, a. quantity of good Household Furniture, Bicycle, and FowJs, Sundries. Back of Baird's Boot Shop, 360, Jackson-at.. Petono. WANTED Sell, good second-hand Piano, walnut case, over-damper. 210, Lambton-qy., side entrance, no deal- ers. Write 172, Evg. Post. WANTED Sell, Trentham, 4-roomed Bungalow, modern, por. bath,h.'c.', v.-ardrobes, septic tank, etc., i-acro. £850 i terms. Whyta and Son, 107, Cus- .toaihouee-qy. T iADIES' ALL WOOL" TWEED COATS,'27s 6d. 6 only ALL WOOL TWEED WINTER COATS, in checks only, in. shades .of brown and- green, three-quarter length, 6lip pocket, convertible collar... ■AULD'S. PRICE, 67s 6d. ' OUR SALE PRICE, 27s od. FINAL DAYS ..ODDMENT WEEK AULD'S STOCKSALE. . JAMES SMITH, LTD., ODDMENT WEEK, 80, CUBA-STREET. > WANTEB TOSENT. WANTED, 3 or 4-roomed House or Unfurnished Rooms, three adults, best references.'Write. 144, .Evg.-Post. . 'ANTED, woMurnished Flat, Kil- birnie or Hataitai preferred; good references can be given. Write 844, Evg. Post. .. .. ... WANTED," SelfTCbntained small Fur- nished Flat, or bright Double Room, with private family. State terms to 155, Evg. Post. W "ANTED, by married couple, with child school age, Bed-Sittingrobm, 'uee of conveniences. Apply 148, Evg. Post. ANTED to' Rent,, Cottage, furnish- ed.or unfurnished^ within fortnight, careful tenants; references if required. Stite rent and particulars, to 139, Evg. Post. , ..■■■■■ . - . WANTED, by Protestant younglady, at business during day, Furnished, Roomj with.use of conveniences, vicinity Mt. Victoria or Oriental Bay- preferred, bit not essential, private family. State i terms 160, Evg. Post. - .-.■ . ' j W "ANTED, by irsfincd young man, Furnished Single or Bed-Sitting- room, h. and c. water, central. Write IEo, Evg. Post., ... "' . , ' .. . ■. '.; W ANTED, by respectable couple, with girl 3 years, Furnished Bedroom and Sitting-room, or large Bed-Sitting-room, use of conveniences, have own linen, orock- ery, and cooking utensils. Stateterms to 155, Evg. Post. -■ " ■■ ■;■ "'■ W "ANTED' to Rent, two Unfurnished Rooms, in private family, use of conveniences. Write 150, Evg. Post. ANTED. to. Rent, Room, suitable for Chiropodist Parlour,- with- use of part window. Apply 162, Evg. Post. WANTED, by young gentleman,"Fur-. nished Bed and Sittingroom,' within 10 minutes of .city. Write 177,;Evg. Post.: WANTED to Rent,- 3 or 4-rd.-Cottage, at any of the bays. G.F., Post Agency, Lower Hutti _^ .. WANTED, 2 Rooms, furnished or un- furnished. . Apply by letter E.M., Post.Agency, Lower Hutt," ■' ■.'..-■ W ANTED, by 2 young gentlemen, Fur- nished Flat, central. Write 210, Evg. Post. ' WANTED, Room, suitable, for music pupils, furnished or unfurnished, Lower Willis or Manners-st. vicinity. What offers? 209, Evg. Post. TXTANTED, a convenient Single Room M for young lady for fewweoks. Ap- ply to 185, Evg. Post. . . ANTED, Furnished House, with 3 bedrooms; no children in family. Particulars to 978, Evg. Post. WANTED to Rent, 6 or 7 rd. House; | i-" prepared"to buy furniture.. State i J'rico and -where"to .be.seen. Reply, 128, !vg:; Post." . . ■-■■"; '- Singleßoom, by mechanic, IT near Veitch arid Allan's, urgently. Replies, to 194, Evening,.Post.' .'■: ■■■. i - WANTED Rent, small Sample Room, permanently, Lambton-qy or Willis. st.. Write .205, Evg. Post. ■■: . WANTED, by 28th June, 3, 4, or s- roomed Hoiiße, or Rooms. Wood, j 91, Constable-st., Wellington. ANTED, Flat or ' Unfurnished Rooms, married couple, no chil- dren. Box 30, G.P.0., Wellington. ANTED, a Furnished or Unfurnish- ed House, ."must bo on flat, near Government Buildings preferred. Apply Bernard S. Page, P.O. Box 290, or Tel. 252. ' - ■' WANTED to Rent, small Shop, with 1 or 2 rooms, any suburb. Write 743,. Evg. Post. " ' " ; ARRIED Couole want 2 Furnished Rooms or Flat. 2 children, 10 and 2, urgent. Write 170, Evg. Post.. ? rfiHREE gentlemem, require 2 or 3-rd. JL House or Bach, partly furnished, city or convenient. . Write 173, Evg. Post. .. £10 BONUS, and rent inadvance, for a House of' 4to 7 rooms; urgent. Write 109,, Evg. Post. £10 BONUS—Wanted to Rent, 6 to B- roomed House, with all conveni- ences; urgent: Write 184, Evg. Post. YOUNG married couple require Furnish- ed Bed-Sitting-room, commencing 23rd June, central. Terms to 163, Evg. Post. . . £10 BONUS. WANTED to.Rent, House of 3or 4 rooms, good tenant, no children. Write 204, .Evg. Post.. ..,.,... ... SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED, by experienced young Nel- son lady, Situationas Companion- Help in small adult family. Apply'l37, Evg. Post. . .' ■■ WANTED, by young Lady (Teacher) Position us Governess to one or two children. Apply 138, Evg. Post. ANTED, by young lady, Embroid- ery to do at home, any description. Write: 168, Evg.' Post. .''.:'"."' ' " ' ANTED, Position, as domestic help, central preferred; could take charge. Reply urgently to "171, Evg. Post. WANTED, a Situation in a shop, by young girl, 19, sleep-in preferred. For address apply at Evg. Post. WANTED, Cleaning, Wednesdays, Fri- days, Saturdays;.hours.9 t0.3; .7s. Write 175, Evg. Post. WANTED, by. experienced Dressmak- : er, Blouses, Skirts, and Children's | Sewing, to do at home. Write 202, Evg.: Post. "■■■■ WANTED, Gardening Work, by cqn- traot, laying-out lawns, etc. Write J. Andrews, -Nortnandale, Lower Hutt: WANTED, Position as Chauffeur,gar- age of private, running, repairs, good references. Address Evg.. Post.. WANTED, by marriedrman, Situation,, any capacity, lightor heavy work, caretaker preferred, 5 yearsi. present em-; ployment. Apply jgßo, Evg. Post. ■■-. A COMPETENT Male Clerk, with wide, experience, seeks Employment. References andi testimonials on writing, to, 917, Bvg. Post:; ■'.- :,..'.'. ... , ENERGETIC commercial intending en- . tering" business, storekeeper, ..desires Position, waretiouse,- capable- take charge forwarding. . Box 1335, G.P.O.. ' ". '_ ■' LADY, would like. Ohildren's. Sewing,- very neat, or would" jnind child. Write 135, Evg. Post. MAN, with own car and small capital, would like outside sales, or any other suitable position. 11, .Military,-r.d.,'.: Nortel-' laud. ■■.... -■ . - :.- -I-. SEFUL Mechanic wants Work, do al- most "anything. "Jleply'- to. Box 956," G.P.O. --. ; -■:;'"' ■.. ;.. ■'■■■;:- ;.; .... ;;;., YOUNG Man requires Work in ©ven- inga. Write 153, Evg. Post. T ATEST Styles■in Ladies^Handbag?at JLi greatly reduced prices To-morrow, at LackEhear's, . Ltd., <2, Willii-tt., .' next | 4 O'CLOCK EDITION QREAT: ' HOSIERY BMEf STARTS MONDAY, 14th JUNE. ' '■'"We"are offering bur Entire Stock *©f well-bought HOSIERY for one weekl»* Special Prices. . . ; COLONIALWOOLHOSE ALL-WOOLCASHMEREHOSE .BRITISH MIXTURE HOSE SILK ANKLE HOSE LISLE HOSE "'".'...■. .:,,.... .. .. .. These goods are all increasing';, in price, and our offerings will convince you of out wonderful value*.. " ■""."" CARTER & CO. _.' SITUATIONSVACANT. WANTED, -Ladyhelp, cH'' duty>.'carej two children, other help kept. For) further particulars Tel. 5601. WANTED, middle-aged Woman terf look after elderly couple. Apply/ Harman, Beauchamp-st., Karori. WANTED, GeneralHelp, small fan> ily. Apply 61, Qlen-rd., Kelburi* or Tel. 670. '. . W ANTED, Coat-and Trouset Machini-; ists. Apply Victoria Laundry Co', , Ltd., Hanson-st.' . ;. . ANTED, Good Girl; to assist" houso- work. Apply Mrs. W. M'Conkey, Trentham Racecourse.. Tel. 25 (three rings), Heretaunga. ■■ X\7"ANTEp, Boy,;for Film Exchange:j "TV., one just left school preferred* , Apply Dominion Film Co., Ltd., Brit. tain's Buildings, Manners.st., Wellington* W ANTED, Junior'Clerk for office, boy ■leaving school preferred, good pro- spects.' Apply Pulsford Bros., Land' Agents, 98, Manners-st. '■ ■,- , - : ANTED, Young Girl for light houte-i work, 8.30 to 3, Sunday and holW ; days, free. Apply 33, Austinr st. .■. ' ,; ANTED, Woman Cook, also House-' maid and Waitress, good'wages. Apply Phoenix Dining" Rooms,29, Dixbn- st. - . ' ANTED, a Pantrymaid: ApplyBar!- rett's-Hotel." . . '". .. V '.'-, r ANTED, good Musio Teacher, for fc(.! - girlsr. Apply,; stating particular*,^ to Music, Post Agency, Newtown. WANTED, Seagrass' Worker, " £4 :15s j with.advancement to good man. Jy Walker, 104, Rintoul-st., Newtown. TITANTED,! capable Help, plain cook- ,-T.T ...irig,'.jio"washing, references nece** 1 . 'eary. Tel. 3863.. r; -;'":■■ [-': ;"-' " ANTED, Trustworthy; Girl, lightof- fice duties; previous experience not essential. Apply, stating salary," Box 534, G.P.0., Wellington. : j ANTED, 3rd Cook, good wages. Ap-| ply Savoy Cafe, Courtenay-pl. " ;', WANTED, Domestic Help, for threerf - adults, quiet home. Apply 183, J&yg-i Post. WANTED, smart: experienced Shoft . Assistant, at once. E. J. Clark* Mahners-sfc., next GrandOpera House. ANTED, reliable Man, for eto<b; ' married man preferred. Aflirty:, National Cool Stores, AUen-st. , ANTED, Improver, for eleotrica.l. : trade;.' third or fourth year. Apply E. F., Richardson, 80, Victoria-st. . ANTED, Girl, or Woman..', to «ari«4: . light household duties. Apply 133, Sydney-Bt.'Weatr . ' ■'. '■■ ANTED, a young' Girl, to'flesist in .domestic work. Apply Mr*.'Ad-. "more, Kings-road,: bpp.; SchooU, Lower- Hutt. ■. . - ' WANTED, ox. Parlourmaid, willing to ; /occasionally .wait table for small- dinner party, in private house. Write 182, Evg. Post. ANTED, Kitchemnaid. Apply Jan- sen, Cuba-st.. "^STANTED, Young Girl, light work iro ;TT tea packing department; wages £l.i Apply Gamble and Creed, Prouse's Build-) ings, Taranaki-st. .. . . ANTED, Cooks(hotels), town,?coun- try; Couples, £200, Housemaid,: Waifc-i ress, Laundress (hotel). Scottish Registry, 63, Willis-st. ' " W' ANTED, a young Girl to assist light* . house duties, from 1 to 2.30, take biby out till 5 p.m.; good wages.: Ad- dress :at-Evg, Post. . . ■" ■■■■■ ... 'ANTED, Waitress; 35s week,.every :■ 2 iiightstoff.' Karantze Bro«., 138, : Cuba-st: Tel. 22-329. '...'"■■ WANTED, smart Girl, for messages. ■Apply' Miss Poole, Floriste, Man.-. ners-Bt.,City; "■.-■... ' .■■■"" ANTED, Young Lady to assist in shop. Apply Bell's Bakery, .New-. : /town. - . ■. '■ '..'■'- '".."'..' WANTED, Plumber or goodImprover, good wages. Apply Reardon andl GJonnie, 120, Molesworth-st. Tel. 908. ANTED, a Tailor or Tailoress;; good wages. Apply 16, Majori- banks-et. '. ."".'■' WANTED, at once,- reliable House- , keeper, or Help, for family of adults at business; good home. 'Tel.- ---■ 3031 after 6 p.m. . , ' ■. ... ~Wf ANTED, young Woman, as Domes- : .»».(■" tie ' Help ;.-■ easy place;. thrSe jn ,: family; fortnight's holiday annually oa full pay; ample free time; good home;- references required. Apply 246b, The Terrace- ... . . .. ; . .... WANTED, capable Lady Help. Ap- ply 190, Tinakori-rd. ■"■■■■ "" ■■":".■ 'ANTED, Carpenters *nd- Smart Builders' Labourers, at onoe. Ap- ply Brooks,- Builder^^Lowei^Hutt. ■■ iTXTANTED, good Camp Cook. Apply, 1 7T J. O'Brien,,Lower Hutt. WANTED, experienced Dressmaker, j good wages. Write 997, Evg.' Poit.; ANTED,, two three-horse team Driy.' " ers. Apply Tonks and 'Andrews, i " Yule-ist., KUbirnio.. .',■'',- "'.'- ...-'. !. '" XJ|rANTED, v a - Parlourmaid, hpuae-tl maid kept." Apply.M»..:W. Young/ 70, The Terrace. -■ ■■ < -,TJ|TiANTEb,_ first-olass Turner, opn- !■»"■■" stant eriiplbymont. App^y, stating ws.ges, J.E. Nixon'and Co., Engineers, GilUst., New - .'■■.'■'. ANTED, experionced Waitress, also" Midday Waitress; wages £2 week; no Sunday work. Apply J. Lnoas,-146,- Lambton-qy, ... .:' "..'."■ :," -■'...'.'.' ":" "ANTED, immediately,.'Housemaid";" references. Apply Mrs. James Fihdlay,' 35,..Hbbson-'st TeL 3919...: '.'"..:.■;'!, "ANTED, Women wid GirU, for': . manglingroom; no experienoe ne- cessary; light, -ea«y work in a, modern f»ptqry.;, vary. beat wages , paid. Apply. .. "Victoria "Laundry Co., Ltd., Hanton«t; ,TT|riLLING. Girl .-wanted, .to. help geae-,; :.TLT.. rally, .with. .the. work; ":goocf;wijgß»' and conditions. ' The Ohildireh'ft " Hotel, "''' Roseneath. TeL 21-515. - ■■ ;".■■ '■■"■". - ■,-.:■■ ARTIST'S Model (femalel w«*«M .. ilßeply,. enclosing phbto.:r.]VWte 206»; Eyg.-Poßt. ■-, ■- , ■■.■...."--.-■.-■-.-..:,. ...j^ '~-~~ 2 BOYS/WANTfiD, . "*'" . A. BOUT 16; light work; start &lf*i ■. ' -fX week.. Appir «* Rbofinff Tils Workt. i behind Salek-et., Kilbirnie; or, alter j hours.H. Dufguj N0,:4,JeWhitMt. -■ -"" ... SHORTHAND-TYPISTE EEQUIRED, for. commercial office, goi)*-! 1-. salary and prospects for suitable »p-' plicant. 'Apply, .with copies of tettixoon- ials,-to Typiate, 80x.464, Wellington, ::,r ~^ MACHINIST. , , ■'."".'■ WANTED, good Maohinitt, for Chair . Factory;, permanent "position. ah<J '"; highest wages, to good ms-n. AppiD .Doyle Bros.-, Home-etreet. ' _: ; " L.V/:.''

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  • The Evening Post.

    mOL. XGIX; No. 143. [Registered as » newspaper In the "1GeneralPost Office in the United ■Kingdom.J WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND. THUBSDAY. JUNE 17, 1920. 12 PAGES. TWOPENCENEW ZEALAND'SROLL OF HONOUR.

    "..in;memoriam./ALDRIDGE.—Inloving memory■of my dear

    brother, who was killed in France on thei.'l7th June, 1917; aged 31 years. , ,-..:

    Fromthe rising until the setting of the sun, We will remsmber ,him.*' - ;Inserted by his loving brother and sister-in-law,

    ''.;.-.■ '..- .V ; Harry and ■'.Rose.BOWDBN.—In-loving memory of my; dear

    brother, who was killed at Messinea on the.': 17th June,- 1917.. ; ■'"i.;".".. , liiserted by his brother,Tom.BOWDBN.—In loving.' memory of W. R. H.

    .Bowden,,. killed in action on the 17th June,.■'..1917, ;_■;,;: :."-"; "—-;. ; ; . '"■"inserted.by:Mi ...wife' and two little children.BOWDEN.-^-lii loving memory of our dear son,

    :,' -William .Richard (Will), killed iv action ,n.■..France on the 17th June, 1917, aged 24 years.

    in"'the prime of.youthGodcalled him,"' In the pride of his brightest days;All who knew hiiri dearly loved him, ■::: Nought was said of him but praise.

    .'inserted by his loving parents, S. H. »nd X. ;.- ■ . " M. Bowden.BIRTHS.

    CKOXQUEST.-On the 16tb Jine,l«0, at Nurs*-Bender's, to-Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cronquest.. ' Lyall :Bay (late ol Fhd Hair Work. Superfluous Hairremoved. - Purest Hygeia Face Powder,- 4s6d; delioately perfumed Vanishing Cream.'(large pots), 3s 6d. PerßOnalattention.Tel. 2802. ' Winder's Building,opp. RoyalQak, Cuba-gt. . . :

    SSDAWSON-TATE, late' MadamTate,Sydney. Expert in treatment::o£ Hair and Complexion Ailments. Elec-

    trolysis guaranteed. All latest appliancesused, including High;Frequency. Agentfor rThorehe'r Wonder Wash,a positive'cure for Freckles,Tan,and Foreign Mat-ter from the Skin. . '.

    220,LAMBTON-QUAY,- Tel., 21-692. ,:. - ,'. Over Littlejohn's.riIHE advice of hundreds of Ladies who'-X " "once upon.a time" were'troubledwith -Superfluous Hair; is—t;:e "Kusma''(Reg.). '■ So simple to apply yet alWays■wonderfully effectiveis the reliable cura?

    ; tive. ■; "Rusma" (Reg.) removes the hair,kills^ the,roots pain and without

    ■/ . Jeaving any scare. If you are a sufferer—try "Rusma" (Reg.). Mrs. Hullen, Dept.P., 3a, Coiirtanay-pl., Wgtn. Tel. 22-070.

    : [;■ ■ ::;'y of.;interest to ladies. .:..■_. q|^ISS.L^URENSON;U Farmer's,-XfJL ■" Sydney; has opened TheILa Renai.-, Toilet Parlour,/ 60, Willis-et. (upstairs),. nextHerb.'Price's new shop. All .branch-

    es of Hair Work, inoluding Hair-staining" and fashionableHairdressing, Manicuring,Maaßaging, and aJI modern Fabial Treat-ment. Pay-a visit to-day.

    - ' ' '■ :;;' MISCELLANEOUS: . '';'. ;.'.' ' . '.-

    . 'fTINE: AND WIBSON,' Auotioneere,■ 'V sell in.their rooms, at 2, o'dock to-, morrow: ' English-made 'Dinner Set, 20. pairs Ladies' Boots and Shoes,2 dozenStainless.Cutlery, etc. Read their auc-

    tion notice back page. Read it now.'■'' "EIURS, Coat*,and NeckleU, juit^oom-. jP/ pleted; beautiful; range. Remodel-,ling, Repairing; Re-lining. Pizer, Tom-man.and Co., 188, Lambtbn-qy., opp. Mid-land Hotel. .'-■ . ':;-"

    WOOD-MILNE Rubber Heels costlittle more than inferior rubbers—but they give 10Q per cent, more wear!

    ZOME Solesfor-men's,' women's,and! children's boots,all sizes,obtain-able Gibson'sStore,48,Manner3-st.g% O'CLOCKto-morrow -we start off sell-& . ihg Household Furniture; 20 pairsLace Curtains,Pianos^ Dinner Set.Readour auction notice baok page. Vine andWilson, Auctioneers. '. ' ■

    "1/TRS. MILLW-ARD, Clairvoyante andXvX Phychometristi Boulcott Chambers(top.flodr), Bqulcott-st.i near corner Man-ners and Willis streets. Hours 10 a.m. to9 p.m.

    DR-APERY Buyers! ' Save money.Men's Under Flannels 6s lid, Sox2s9d, Khaki Soft Collars6d, all sizes. Hay-vice's, 149-151, Manhers-st.


    ZOME Soles for men's,1 women's,,andchildren's boots,sold and fitted byC. C*rey, 125,.Vivian-Jt.: ' '.;'

    LAST TWO DAYS OF THE SALE" '■■■' . ■ . - "of. :' . ' . ■"■piDMEADE'S BLENHEIM STOCK!To clean up the Oddmentsof this Stockis our intention. Henco our windows and.;lines and counters will be loaded up with. . ' " BARGAINS :From 9 WEDNESDAY till 9 p.m.

    "■"' . FRIDAY.



    108,110/112, CUBA-ST.Closed1, to 2 p.m. daily.COMFY SLIPPERSTCOMFY SLIPPERS!COMFY. SLIPPERS!- '

    ."WTITE have a. wide range of Cosy Slip-1TT pers for warm winter wear. Theseare ideal for the cold season:Women's Felt Slippers, thick felt soles, in

    Wack and brown, 3s lid-Women's Quilted, Satm Slippers, string

    ■'>-■ soles,in oinnatnon, eaxe, blue,maroon,heliotrope, violet, navy, and black, 46' lid. ■"- ■ ' . -.-■.-■Women's Quilted .Satin Shppeira, string

    soles,in rose, pink, old' gold, pale" blue, pink, navy, black, and red, 7slid. ■""■".■■"■

    Women's Special Quality Quilted SatinSlippers," felt and leather soles, in

    '.-'■' rose, black,royal blue,and sage green,;9s 6d. ;,-. ' ■.-."■ "'. .Women's Mocassin Slippers, in fawn, vio-

    let, Tose, and electric blue, 11s 6d.Comeand see these at ,


    And at Riddiford^street,Newtown. .LOST.FOUND.PERSONAL

    LOST, Gold Tiepin, vicinity Willis-st.Reward. Replies to145,Evg. Post.OST,Wristlet Watch,silver chain,pro-

    bably between station and. G.P.O.Reward,363,Terrace. , . ,LOST, Cuba-st., Lady's Handbag, in-itialled. Finder, may keep cash,leave bag, etc.,. 166, Evg. Post.TOST, Wheel Cap, Triumph car. Find-X-/ er rewarded M'Cauley, Town Hall,Lbwer Hutt. '.;-/.-..." >■ '

    if OST, Tuesday night, between Hanson-'JL* st. arid. Pirie-st, Letter, addressedStewart,Alexandra Home,,28, Hanson-st."Reward if returned to same, address.[F OST,.yesterday, by poor. elderly wo-J_i man, £4,tied in handkerchief.Re-ward. ApplyNo. 17,Alma-lane,off Tory--Bt.-. ..- ■■.: ''■ ' .■■' ■■'■■■' ' '"' ', ■ 'T OST,last Sunday, between Stafford-st.-" and St. Gerard'sChurch,Hawker-st.,Gold Brooch,3 red stones. Reward,2,Stafford-st, , . ■LOST, Sunday night,Pair Spectacles incase, Berhampore. Reward at PostOffice,Berhamporo. ."T OST,'Monday afternoon,Cuba-st.,smallJIJ Box, containing collars,etc. Finderplease communicate with No. 199,Evg.Post.. ■.■"..";■■■"■■ .-""'■ ■■ . ;' 'T OST,Hataitai-rd.,Long Woollen Glove.JLy Finder please leave at 81,Hataitai-rd.T OST, a Black and Tan ;Short-haired■'■LJ■': Pup, answers to Rowdy. Reward,7,Mortimer-terrace/City. '. v. ' v'

    OST,!old-fashionedRound Gold'Broooh,. .Tuesday. Reward,onreturning 143,-Aro-sfi.'."■" ■ ■"■:'.- ' ■.-'' -'■LOST, New-Zealand Treasury' Depati-I riant Cheque, No: 17837,on Bank ofNew ." Zealand,Welhngton, for £324"10s3d;"datei. 27/5/20: V Reward, Box 1470,Wellington. :": ''./■ -' -'. ..- .■■■STP.AYED on to our land, Kilbirnie,one.red and white heifer. If notclaimed;will, be sold. Hansen and Son,Mojcham-av., Kilbirnie.

    WILL the Person who took Fur from. Gilby's CloakRoom,return immedi-ately to save further proceedings?WILL Player who took wrong Foot-ball Boot fromKilbirnie Park, Sat-urday, please ring 1593. - ,LONELY young lady (22) would liketo meet respectable youngman, viewto friendship.' Write 165,Evg. Post.,"T1ESPECTABLE young gentleman,Xl) age 20, would like to Correspondwith young Lady, 18-20,view matrimony.Reply 557, Post Agency, Petone.


    BOARD and Residence wanted immedi-ately; byyoung man (clerk). Repliesto 179,,Evg. Post. . : -_^_BOARD and Lodginga Wanted,,bytwobusiness men; refinedhome; miisi-cal. ..Write 211,Evg. Post..'. . . ■ . ■(PENTLEMAN, Civil Servant,requiresVJT Board-Lodgings, private family, vic-inity. Newtown. Reply 188,Evg; Post.

    ENTLEMan wants. Board andi Lodg-ing, private family preferred, un-

    furnished, single room, city. Terms to901, Evg Post. -.---"■

    MECHANIC wants Board and Real"dence. Stateterms, private familypreferred. Write 152,Evg. Post. ■

    aUtE'T, respectable Girl, desires boardand residence,private family pre-ferred. Writo 157,Evg. Post. . ■■ ■ 'VACANCY for 2 Working Men Board-ers, good home,handy town; termsmoderate. Apply 68,,Rolleston-st.

    W' 'ANTED, Board-Residence,marriedcouple, both away all day, or Bed-Sitting-room and kitchenette,conveniences.■Write 186,Evg. Post. " .■ .WANTED, Boarders,,good home,near car; moderate terms. 35,Daniel-st.;Newtown.


    LARGE Double Bed-Sitting-room, withfireplace,breakfast,and light tea, TheTerrace,within fewminutes of ParliamentBuildings and. Lambton-qy., for marriedcouple; £2 2s each. Address at Evg.'Post.

    MISCELLANEOUS.TjlOUND—That Umbrella has a. ParagonA. Frame, Let Lethaby's Re-corer it.6s lid to 12s 6d. Fast dye, beat materialsand workmanship. Send yours to-day.Lethaby's, Umbrella Specialist!, opp.G.P.O. ,T ATEST Styles in Ladies' HandbagsatM-J greatly reduced prices To-morrow,atLankßhear's,Ltd., 2,.. Willtß-st.-,nextStewartDawson'a.SEND your Repairs to D. E. Braniff,the Expert Watchmaker arid Jewol-ler, 160,To^y-st. - '" .TCIANCY! English Chocolates,Fry's, 41bS-- box for 15a 6d, usually 6s lb. Howdothey doit? SeePage 2 this advertise-ment, Money Wanted Sale, "The BlueBird."

    WATCHMAKER—All classes of workpromptly executed,work guaran-teed. D. E. Braniff, Watchmaker,160,Tory-st.

    LATEST Styles in Ladies'. Handbagsatgreatly reduced prioes To-morrow,atLankshoar'e, Ltd., 2, Willis-st., noxtStowartDa-wson's. ■ ■

    ZOME Soles,men's *3s 6d a pair, ladies'2s 6d a pair, recommended and soldat Douglas Boot Emporium, 227,Riddi-ford-st. ' ■■ . . . .GREAT Closing Sale s.t our Branch,141,Manners-sfc.,Friday, at 1.30----p.m., The Dux Auctioneering Co.JOHN PAGE, Member Bvitish Medi-ums' Union. Interviews, Willis-st.,

    over Wa-llaco- and Gibson's.Evenings byappointment. '

    MONEY LENT.Money. \NY sum, from £5 upwards.Money XX by easyinstalments uponMoney any approved security,' includingMortey Furniture without removal.Money Business and professional menMoney requiring temporary assistanceMoney for week or, two can obtain sameMoney immediately. No publicity;Money strictly confidential.Money Apply personally or by letter,Money enclosing stamp.Money THE CITIZENS' LOAN ANDMoney DISCOUNT00., LTD.,Money Boulcott Chambers,Boulcott-st.,Money Just off Willis-street.Money . " . Telephone 21-256.Money Open week-days 9 ».m. to 5 p.m.Money Saturday!, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.'

    ! MISCELLANEOUS..TOtTANTED—We are closing shortly to*v 1rebuild,and must sell balance Ninon,Crepe de Chine, and Silk Blouses. Liu-

    ney's, 104,Cuba-st.- -"ANTED—Children'sAll-wool Cash-

    ". mere SocksIs, White CottonSocks,. coloured,tops, Is pair. Linney's, 104,Cuba-st.. "

    ANTED—Ladies' Black CottonHose, la 6d and Is lid; Coloured

    Sporta Hose.,colonial knit; 4b 6d. Rebuild-ing Sale,Linney's, 104,Cuba-st.

    WANTED—Woven Combs.5s 6d, oslid, 12s 6d; Vests,6s lid, 7s 6d;Bloomers,5s lid; Fleecy, _6s lid. Re-buildingSale,Linney's, 104,'Cuba-st.

    ANTED—Clearing balance Warner'sCornetsbeforeremoving, at 1536d;

    also good line G-rey Corsets,13s 6d. Lin-ney's. 104,■ Cuba-st.ANTED—Nice. . Assortment " -Black'

    Veilings, just to hand, Is; Is 6d;Real Lace and Insertion,Is 3d. Rebuild-ing Sale. Linnoy'a, 104. Cuba-st.ANTED—Knitted Gloves, assorted

    shades,Is 3d, Is 6d; wide colouredRibbons,Is yard; Val. Laces,.3d yard.Linney's Rebuilding,Sale,104,Cuba-st.

    ANTEDr-Double Bed :Sheeting, 4s6d; extVa heavy unbleached,5s lid;Unbleached Twill, 5s 6d. Archer's,.UppCuba-st."■ . '■' ; ■ . '. ' " "' ;ANTED—Filled Quilts,27s bd; FinoCalico, ?s 6d for la lid; PillowSlips, 2s 6d; Rfedand Blue Quilts, 14s 6d.

    Archer's, Upp.* Cuba-st.. ; ..'-ANTED^-Fur Cost Sale,one dark

    brown, trimmed black fox collarand cuffs, '£30 for £25, one light shadoself-colour,£18. Archer's, Upp.'. Cuba-st.

    ANTED—CordedVelveteens,8 goodshades,4s! 6d; Wide Flannelette,'striped, Is 6d yard. Aroher's,Upp. Cuba-3t

    ANTED—Bargain, Day to-morrow,Ladies' Tweed Skirts,-1 255; Moir-ette U.-Skirts, 10s 6d; Combinations,5slid. Archers,Upp. Cuba-st. ■ . :WANTED—CreamRubber Coats,-absp-lutely rainproof, guaranteed, 425;Brown Wool Gabardine, rainproof, 84s.;Archer's,to-morrow.,

    1 ... ";/-.. 1,ANTED—Tea Towels,hemmed,Is

    6d; Linen do. 8s 6d,CottonGabar-dines,all shades,45.6cl yard; White Jap..Silk for Blouses,5s lid. Archer's,Upp.Cuba-st.

    ANTED, Long Gloves,v. rose andgreen,2s lid paivr; Black Cashmerefinish Hose,2s 6d; Children'sSox, by the

    thousands. Archer's,Upp. Cuba-st.

    WANTED—White Fine Bloomers,2slid; Children's1 Finafores; Is 6d;New Babies' Outfitsat (bargain prices to-morrow. Archer's,,Upp; Cuba-st.W'ANTED—Furs>, cheap to-morrow—Black Fox,905; Reel Fox,755; CreamThibet. 70s;Fur Coat,£17 10s. Archer's,I.Upp.-lCu.ba-si.: *.■■";-ys. D. and A. 21s Corsetsfor' 10s lid, sizes 20, 21; Woven FleecyBloomers 3s lid, were'6s 6d. ■

    WANTED—Cole'sDrapery Co. sellingEdmeades' Stock. Last 2 days. In-fants' Warm Ribbed Vests, 3s 3d for Is7jd. Combs,3s lid, 4s 6d.

    WANTED Known—Another Big Burstof Bargains at Cole'sDrapery Co.JSaie of Edmeades' Blenheim Stock. Visit108,110,112, Cuba-st. Turbans 94d. Last2 days. . ■ ' ..TOfriANTED Known — Cole'sDraperyVy Co. selling Edmoade*'Stook.Huge-saving in all departments. Last 2 daye.Hair Ribbons,ll^d yard.f^STIANTED Known — Cole's Draperytt. Co. selling Edmeades' Stock. Last2 days.. Girls' and Maid6' Coatsclearing19s lid; Wool Reefers,'18a lid., Ouba-st.

    WiANTED Known — Colo's DraperyCo.selling Down. Quilts for ColaorDouble Beds,at sale prices. Last 2 days.All departments. , Cuba-st.

    W(ANTED Known — Cole's DraperyCo. selling Edmeadee' Stock fromBlenheim. Child's Hais and Bonnets,anyold price, 6d, tt£d,,etc. Overalls,2s lid.

    ANTED—A new Overcoat. Fineselection in Tweeds and Rainproofs

    at Horniff'3, Men's Outfitters, 179, Cuba-pb. Try m.


    Well made,finished with Belt, in four■izes.

    FROM £5 2s 6d.



    WANTED to Buy, 2 to 3-h.p. BenzineEngine. - State price, apply 136,Erg. Post. -, . /WANTED to Buy, small Bungalow, 3 'rooms, between Trentham and Wal-laceville. State lowest price, and whoreto be eeen. Address J;B., Po6t Office,Lower. Hutt. ; . ,

    ANTED to Buy, portable CorunnstTypewriter,'inu»t be in good order.

    Write P.O. Bos 1092,Wellington.WANTED, Drete Suit, medium sire.Statelowest price and address,toPrompt, Cash,Box 294,G.P.O.WANTED, email,House,with 5 to 8.acre 3attached,:- suitable poultryfarm,"suburbs,about 10 miles, AddressFarm, Post Agency, Newtown."KTSTANTEDto Buy, a Fireproof Safe;-

    ---»■»"... must bo reasonable prices Replywhere seen, 174,.Evg.'.Post.

    W~ANTED Buy, Cottage, Rona Bay orMuritai; cash buyer waiting. J.Banning and Co.,74,-M&nners-st.

    ANTED to Buy,; 7-rd. Hbu WANTEB TOSENT.

    WANTED, 3 or 4-roomed House orUnfurnished Rooms,three adults,best references.'Write.144,.Evg.-Post. .'ANTED, woMurnished Flat, Kil-birnie or Hataitai preferred; good

    referencescan be given. Write 844,Evg.Post. .. .. ...WANTED," SelfTCbntainedsmall Fur-nished Flat, or bright DoubleRoom, with private family. State termsto 155,Evg. Post. ■ ■

    W"ANTED, by married couple, withchild school age, Bed-Sittingrobm,'uee of conveniences. Apply 148,Evg. Post.

    ANTED to' Rent,,Cottage, furnish-ed.or unfurnished^ within fortnight,careful tenants; referencesif required.Stite rent and particulars, to 139,Evg.Post. , ..■■■■■ . - . ■WANTED, by Protestant younglady,at business during day, Furnished,Roomj with.use of conveniences, vicinityMt. Victoria or Oriental Bay- preferred,bit not essential,private family. Stateiterms 160,Evg. Post. - .-.■ ■ . ' jW"ANTED, by irsfincd young man,Furnished Single or Bed-Sitting-room, h. and c. water, central. Write IEo,Evg. Post., ... "' . , ' .. . ■. '.;WANTED, by respectable couple, withgirl3 years, Furnished Bedroom andSitting-room, or large Bed-Sitting-room,useof conveniences,have own linen, orock-ery,and cooking utensils. Stateterms to155,Evg. Post. ■ -■ " ■■ ■;■ "'■

    W"ANTED' to Rent, two UnfurnishedRooms,in private family, use ofconveniences. Write 150,Evg. Post.ANTED. to. Rent, Room, suitablefor Chiropodist Parlour,-with- use

    of part window. Apply 162,Evg. Post.WANTED, by young gentleman,"Fur-.nished Bed and Sittingroom,' within10 minutes of .city. Write 177,;Evg. Post.:

    WANTED toRent,-3 or 4-rd.-Cottage,at any of the bays. G.F., PostAgency, Lower Hutti_^

    ..WANTED, 2 Rooms,furnishedor un-furnished.. Apply by letter E.M.,Post.Agency, Lower Hutt," ■' ■.'..-■

    WANTED, by2 young gentlemen,Fur-nished Flat, central. Write 210,Evg.Post. '

    WANTED, Room, suitable, for musicpupils, furnished or unfurnished,Lower Willis or Manners-st. vicinity. Whatoffers? 209,Evg. Post. ■TXTANTED, a convenient Single RoomM for young lady for fewweoks. Ap-

    ply to 185,Evg. Post. . .ANTED, Furnished House, with 3bedrooms;no children in family.Particulars to 978,Evg. Post.

    WANTED to Rent, 6 or 7 rd. House; |i-" prepared"to buy furniture.. StateiJ'rico and -where"to .be.seen. Reply, 128,!vg:; Post." . . ■-■■"; '-

    Singleßoom, by mechanic,IT near Veitch arid Allan's, urgently.Replies, to 194,Evening,.Post.' .'■: ■■■. i -WANTED Rent, small Sample Room,permanently,Lambton-qy or Willis.st.. Write .205,Evg. Post. ■ ■■: .WANTED, by 28th June, 3, 4, or s-roomed Hoiiße,or Rooms. Wood,j91, Constable-st.,Wellington.

    ANTED, Flat or' Unfurnished

    Rooms, married couple, no chil-dren. Box 30,G.P.0., Wellington.

    ANTED, a Furnished or Unfurnish-ed House, ."must bo on flat, nearGovernmentBuildings preferred. ApplyBernard S. Page, P.O. Box 290,or Tel.252.


    ■ ■ - ■'WANTED to Rent, small Shop, with 1or 2 rooms, any suburb. Write 743,.Evg. Post. " ' " ;

    ARRIED Couole want 2 FurnishedRooms orFlat. 2 children,10 and 2,

    urgent. Write 170, Evg. Post.. ■ ?

    rfiHREE gentlemem, require 2 or 3-rd.JL House or Bach,partly furnished,cityor convenient. . Write 173, Evg. Post. . .£10 BONUS,and rent inadvance,for aHouse of' 4to 7 rooms; urgent.Write 109,,Evg. Post.£10 BONUS—Wantedto Rent, 6 to B-roomed House,with all conveni-ences; urgent: Write 184,Evg. Post.

    YOUNG married couplerequire Furnish-ed Bed-Sitting-room, commencing23rd June, central. Terms to 163,Evg.Post. . . £10 BONUS.WANTED to.Rent, House of 3or 4rooms, good tenant, no children.Write 204,.Evg. Post.. ..,.,... ...


    WANTED, by experienced young Nel-son lady, Situationas Companion-Help in small adult family. Apply'l37,Evg. Post. . .' ■■WANTED, by young Lady (Teacher)Position us Governessto one or twochildren. Apply 138,Evg. Post.

    ANTED, by young lady, Embroid-ery to do at home, any description.Write:168,Evg.' Post. .''.:'"."' ' " '

    ANTED, Position,as domestic help,central preferred; could take charge.

    Reply urgently to"171,Evg. Post.WANTED, a Situationin a shop, byyoung girl, 19, sleep-in preferred.For address apply at Evg. Post.WANTED, Cleaning, Wednesdays, Fri-days, Saturdays;.hours.9 t0.3; .7s.Write 175,Evg. Post.WANTED, by. experienced Dressmak- :er, Blouses,Skirts, and Children's|Sewing, to do at home. Write 202,Evg.:Post. "■■■■

    WANTED, Gardening Work, by cqn-traot, laying-out lawns,etc. WriteJ. Andrews, -Nortnandale,Lower Hutt:WANTED, Position as Chauffeur,gar-age of private, running,repairs, goodreferences.Address Evg..Post..WANTED, by marriedrman,Situation,,any capacity, lightor heavy work,caretaker preferred, 5 yearsi. present em-;ployment. Apply jgßo, Evg. Post. ■■-.A COMPETENT Male Clerk, withwide, experience, seeks Employment.Referencesandi testimonials on writing, to,917,Bvg. Post:; ■ ■'.- :,..'.'. ... ,ENERGETIC commercial intending en-. tering"business,storekeeper, ..desiresPosition, waretiouse,- capable- take chargeforwarding. . Box 1335,G.P.O.. ' ". '_ ■'LADY, would like.Ohildren's. Sewing,-very neat, or would" jnind child.Write 135,Evg. Post.MAN, with own car and small capital,would like outside sales,or any othersuitable position. 11,.Military,-r.d.,'.:Nortel-'laud. ■■.... -■ . - :.- ■ -I-. ■

    SEFUL Mechanic wants Work, do al-most "anything. "Jleply'-to. Box 956,"G.P.O. --. ; -■:;'"' ■.. ;.. ■ ■'■■■;:- ;.; .... ;;;.,

    YOUNG Man requires Work in ©ven-inga. Write 153,Evg. Post.T ATEST Styles■in Ladies^Handbag?atJLi greatly reduced prices To-morrow,atLackEhear's,. Ltd.,


    The committee of management of theWellington Football Association . metlast night, Mr. W. Auld being in thochair. " :.'..■■■

    A letter was received stating thatduring the junior grade match, Brook-lyn v. Thistle, at Kilbirnie, on the 12th,a member of the former team wae in-jured, whereupon, the captains con-ferred, and agreed to play a substitute.The referee'refused, to allow' thi^.; Itwas stated that it was contrary to' therules to replace men, but as other ref-erees had allowed this to be done, itwas thought time that,a definite under-standing was reached. It was decidedto write to the Referees' Association in-forming that body that no player maybe replaced, and tc inform the clubcaptains-of the decision. ■■:'■ .

    The Boys' Snb-Committee .reportedthat St. Anne'_' Club, in a; letter . tothe committee,complained that in theirRatch against Th"orndon Marist (7th.class) the latter' had. played two boysover age..A later letter pointed but thatthe two boys in question were not overage, though others were. As theoffenderswere williug to forfeit 1 anypoints gained in this manner, the com-mittee agreed toallow the games.The application of Institute to playMartinborough, at Martmborough, wasgranted. , :. ; In regard to club titles, a, letter wasreceived from the N.Z.F.A. stating thateach association had local jurisdiction,subject-to the approval of the N.Z.F.A.,the central authority, in selecting clubtitles. Where these were deemed to beunsuitable,the N.Z.F.A. had the powerto act. ■ ' :

    South Wellington " wrote applying -forpermission to enter a , team '.. in th«Beventh division. This request waß re-ferred to the Fixtures Committee.A letter from Levin 6tated that aoplayers there were desirous of forminga club, they would, like a copy of therules. The letter was received.Applications for the transfers of R.D. Grimwood to the Thistle' from'Pe-tone, and D. Jenkins from South Wel-lington to Institute,' were received.

    Following are the school. fixtures forto-morrow:— . . '

    NORTH DISTRICT. 'Marist,(T.) A v. Northland. Anderson

    Park, 3.30; C. Wisk.Mariat (T.) B v. Wadestown,Ander-son Park, 3.30; W. Arthur. ■j SOUTH DISTRICT.South Wellington A v. Worser Bay

    Newtown Park, 3.30; T. Wilks.Newtown v. Marist (N.) B, Duppa-street, 3.30; F. Bowles. ,' ■ .Island Bay v. Marist (N.) A, Duppa-street, 3.30; W.Mann. '■. South.Wellington B, a bye.


    Cbitilkqraph.—prsss association.)GISBORNE, 16th June,An a«wplane flight from GisbornetoNapiev is to be. made on Friday by a.De Haviland plane with Mr. .B. M.Hutchinson,as pagsenger, oailing atWairoa en route. ', ■ . .GISBORNE, This Day.An aeroplane flight was made to-dayfrom Gisborne to' Tokomard Bay by PilotRussell, in a Walsh Brothers' machine.The journey, about fifty, miles, accupiedlan hour. It took place in beautiful wea-ther. The aeroplane carried- a small

    ■mail,■ despatched by the postal authori-ties. " \

    SUPREME COURT(BI IILBORAPB.—PR2BS ASSOCIATION.). NAPIER, 16th June.In the Supreme Court to-day MatungaTukureaho was found not guilty of in-decent assault.. Turei Rarere not guiltyof cattle-Btealing, and F. 0. Amos (tele-graphist) not guilty of opening a postalpacket (a telegram). Hearing of criminalcasea has now concluded,and in all the-.

    defended cases a verdict of not guiltywas returned by the jury.


    THURSDAY,17th JUNE.-The Sun—^Roseto-day, 7h 15m a.m.; sets 4b28nvp.m. Rises tomorrow, 7h 15m a.m.; set34h 28m p.m. Bright Sunshine: Yesterday—Morning, 4h 2m; afternoon, 3h 33m; total, 7h33m.7S«Moon.-Full, 2nd day 4th hour! lH3tSuurter, 10thd»y eth hour. New. jsoob, 17t!j»y lßt hoar. First quarter, 28rd d»y 6thhour, p.m. .-*..■Toregicraturt in ShaiSt—Yesterday,liaaiiaua,58.Meg.; minimum, Jl.Sdcg.; mean, 60deg.Rainfall—Totalfor the 24 hours preceding

    9 a.m. to-day—Nil. Total to date duringthe month—2.B2in. Total for May—2.24in.Wind—Average velocity for 24 hours preceding

    9 a.m. to-day—4.6 miles per hour.■ Barometar—Yesterday, 9 a.m., 50.57. ■ To-dny,

    9 a.m., 80.51; nooa, 30.52.SYNOPSISVOIT-IAB.T 24 HOtJES.

    Variable breezes.have prevailed and atmos-pheric pressure has continued considerably abovenormal. The/weatherhas been fair generally,but dull and misty at times inofhany parts, andrain has been reported in'the far North; andSouth - .:" '".

    TO-DAY'SWEATHER.Ft»_ obierratlon tak«_ at I a.m.

    At 9 a.m. today the following forecast/w»iissued for the subsequent It hours:— '

    Winds—Variable; moderate to strong easterly,backing to increasing northerly northward ofHokitika and Kaikoura; northerly increasingelsewhere.

    Barometer—Falling tendency..Seas—Rough swell northward of Kaikour*;

    moderate elsewhere. - -■ ■ .Tides—Good northwacd of Castlepoint; pooron the west coast of tie North Island.; mode-rate elsewhere.

    Weather—Dull an*misty weather, with scat-tered drizzling rain probable, especially In thonorthern and southernmost districts. .

    '■■.'■ D. C. 8AT83.,

    The town of Morrinsville intends to"get real busy" on its housing scheme.A poll toraise £10,000to build workers'dwellings has hepn carried,and: it is in-tended to build ten dwellings immediate-ly. It isi probable that'the houses willbe built of hollow concrete- at aooet,excluding thesections,of £750 each.


    Static*.I *!|--■'.■■■" I »«r, :"Wind. B»r in Wetk1?I ' !" Jshatlo :

    Cape Maria V.D. .. Efb 30.42 BO ■PRussell 81 ■ 30.45^59 CHokianga Heads.. NE 1 30.40 57 BCKaipara Sig. Stn. ..El, 30.42 . , 55CManukau Heads-.. SI 30.44 50 BAuckland SE 1 30.43 55 BCTiritiri .: NE 1 '30.43 55 CKawhia "SET 30.45 51 BTauranga Calm 30.52 S4 0Taupo Calm 30.51 .67 —BEast Cape lino interrupted.Gisborne Calm 30.60 54 BNapier Sl' 30.50-42 BCaetlepoint SWI 30.50 52 CCape Palliser .. SW 1 30.51 ';."S4 OCape Egmont ..ENE 1: 50.46 64 C.Patea Calm 30.47. 54 OWanganui E 1 30.48 54 GFoxton Calm 30.60 60 OWellingtoa ..-.. SSW.-.1 50.51; 46.. M ;Cape Campbell .... S 1 30.44-: 55 BZJarewell Spit '.... SE 1 30.50 51. CWestporfc 5 1 30.43 43

    ' BCGreymoutli ...... E{b 30.45 -40 BCBea'ley Calm 30.(14 37 CChristchureh.... SW. 1 30.43 38 v FAkaroa L.H N.I 30.43 45 ,C ■Timaru Calm 30.'i7 39, BCOamara W 1 30.49 4fi BCDuuedin Nl 30,49 46 BCQuecristown .... Calm 30.30 40* ONuggets NBfb 30.40 47 ' CBluff NE 1 30.35 47 OP


    SITUATIONSVACANT.TAILORESSES. ''WANTED, Coat Hands, Coat andTrousets Machinists -and Improv-

    ' en; top wages., Exoelsiof'Clothing Co.,Old Customhousc-st.MILLINERY.

    i^ITANTED, for-our, Millinory Work-» » room, Apprentices and Improvere.'Apply Mias Morrison, C. Smith's, Ltd.,' Cnba-rtfec-t.' " ' ' 'r BOY WANTED.ONE just left-«oh.oolpreferred.J. W. JOHNSON,


    WANTED, SevoralSmart WaitressesApplyRegent, 12and 14,Manners-st.MACHINISTS.

    [\XTANTBDV first-classMachinist,power,iTT' top wages. James Bell, 78, Man-rers-st.

    SH.OWROOM.WANTED, smart Saleswoman, forShowroom.Must haveexperience in' underclothing and 'childrenls 'weir. Ex-" perionce and salary required'to Carey's,CashDrapery, Petonb.

    GROCER.WANTED, SmartAssistant, good re-forences.Apply G. Gilmour,271,iWiUis-6t.

    TAILORING.iT¥T,ANTED, /Tronser Hand,■ constant.itt job; top wages.Apply S. Green,/BouloottChambers,Boulcott-et.

    TO ELECTRICIANS.' "{¥)|7|ANTED,' smart Licensed Wireman,'' TT- permanent work, good prospects.iApplyE. F. RICHARDSON,, 80,-Victoria-st.

    SMART LAD. 'hnrnANTED, 'smart Lad. Apply The;VT Lawrence and ■ Hanson ElectricCo.,Ltd., 45,Lowen Cuba-street.

    TO TAILORS. ",.IyjIjANTED, first-olawMan, for press-iTV ingand sewing" highestwagesand

    ■ -constant work/. Coleman,Ladies' Tailor.

    v , GENERAL (EASY ,W,ORK).

    i^KTANTED;General;wages 30s. Three"iT t in family.Apply ■

    ' - MRS.FRANK GOLDBERG,'262,The Terrace., "■- - - WANTED TOSELL.'" TO MERCHANTS AND MANUFAO-■ TURERS. 'WANTED to Sell,"■substantial rein-forced brick and concrete and otherBuilding*, over 18,000ft floorspace, splcn-'didly lighted, lift to each floor, vicinity TeAro. For price and full particulars, apply

    ..Box 655,G.P.0.,City. /FOR SALE,

    ,-l Q-l Q MODiIL,.7-9 Indian MotorCycleJ-l/XO and Coaoh-builtSidecar. Write189,Evg. Post. llL__" HOD&KINS, CARVER,AND C0.,;137, Lambton-qy.5 ROOMSand Kitchenette,at Kilbirnie,m6dern"Bungal6w; "electric light, gasBtove,porcelain bath and basin, leadlightWindows,workshop, lawns,ani Igairden.;

    --absolutely levoPsection,sun all day', one.roin.uto.irom car. Snap this quickly.Price£1400;termsarranged. Folio 1176.

    HODGKINS,CARVER,AND CO.,■ '157,Lambton-qy.'

    ,Q/t. ACRES at Taita, 24 acresrich flats,ts^t " hills rough feed,firewoodand fenc-ing materials;',4-rd.Cottage, modern fin-ish.- Price- ©nl* £3500.' 'Great Bargain.'Adjoining land .selling,at ov.er £200... HODGKINS,.CARVER,AND CO.,


    6 ROOMS," Buckley--st., -Lower Hutt, h.and c. water, enamel bath, lawn andgarden, wardrobe cupboards, bookcase

    HE Eleventh Annual Meeting will be-f- held on FRIDAY, 18th instant, atSt. John's Hall, Dixon-street,at 7.30 p.m.

    Collootion.Rev. Dr. Elliott will preside.

    . " T. P. MILLS, :Secretary^THE NEW ZEALAND CLUB.

    MEMBERS aro reminded of thoLuncheon at. the V.M.C.A.ROOMS,at 1 p.m. TO-MORROW(Fri-day), at which General William Bram-well Booth (Salvation Army) will be,thechief guest and speaker.For the Committee,G, 0. BUTTON,Hon. Secretary.



    COMMENCING TO-MORROW (FRIDAY).A Fascinating Romance of the Fur Trapping Country in the Distant North, of Lifeand Love,Griefand Joy, in the Desolate Land of Eternal Snowand Ice.

    "THE WILDERNESS TRAIL."TOM MIX v , Featunns. TOM MIX........... (The Man Who Never Fakes).A TERROR AMONG BAD MEN! A HEROAMONG GOODWOMEN!, This is a Motipn Pioture Bulging With Dire. Perils, Hair-breadth Escapes, Extra-ordinary Stunts,and Fascinating Romance. .Also showing:' Latest "SUNSHINE" Comedy,"CHICKEN A LA CABARET."MUTT Afti^ JEFF. ' FOX'SWEEKLY GAZETTE.~ And AUSTRALIAN GAZETTE


    AND 20th JUNE...'..■..' FIRST VISIT OF


    TOWN HALL, TOWN HALL,.■.'■""■'■ ■ '■■;'. ASUNDER: .;■.". ;. "


    ■ Tendered by His Worship the Mayor, Mr. J. P. Luke, C.M.G.,M.P.SUNDAY, 20th JUNE, AT 3 AND 6.30 PMLECTURE, ; AFTERNOON,.3 p.m.

    "SOME LESSONS OF MY FATHER'S LIFE?' ' PHis Worship the Mayor, Mr. J. P. Luke, C.M.G.,M.P,, will Preside.

    AT NIGHy : SALVATION MEETING, 6.30 P.M.Young ChildrenWith or Without Parents not Admitted.

    ■ TTIS MAJESTY'S THEATRE.XX Courtenay.-pl. Tel. 165.House of

    'FULLERS', AndLaughter FULLERS' Joy.

    NIGHTLY AT8. SATURDAYAT 2.30.A Bill Colossalin Merit. ,

    HARRY BURGESS COMEDY CO.In their Riotous ReveL of Mirth, Musio,.and Gaiety.

    "TOO MANY WIVES.'?TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT!First Appearance, and Starring Engage-

    ; ment, Direct from-London'sPrincipalTheatres,..of .. ".■'..

    GUESTAND NEWLYN,GUESTAND NEWLYN,GUESTAND NEWLYN,CelebratedMusical Comedy Stars;In a Sparkling Act of Music, Song, and. . Patter.. THE FALVEY SISTERS,Charming Personality Girls. :

    PAGDEN. AND STANLEY. ,Hilarity Purveyors;

    KODAMAS,Equilibrists.Aerial MARVELLOUS FENTONSArtistsScottish; KATIE GOURLAY Dancer

    Prioes—O.S.and D.C., 2s 7d; Stalls,Is7d; Gallery, Is Id, including tax. Reserves6d extra. Plan at The- Bristol until 5p.m., thereafter at Burnett's, next toTheatre. . (KING'S ■- ■) ,r. The "Theatre thatING'S,, :,-;:-;■ ./.Sets,the-Standard..Last Screening of;NAT GOULD'Smost

    SensationalRacing Story,"A FORTUNE1 AT STAKE !""As FORTUNE AT STAKE!""A'FORTUNE AT STAKE!"Don't Miss this Great Picture.

    Commencing; Td^MORROW (Friday),The. latest SELECT production—an un-

    forgettable ScreenTriumph—. ."SAHARA!" '"SAHARA!"['SAHARA!" : .

    Starring LOUISE GLAUM.Soenesin Faacina.ting Paris,-Enchanting

    Cairo,and The Sahara;Desert.Special Engagement of

    MME. MARIE 1 GERMAIN,Operatic Soprano, '

    Lat« Principal. Carl Rosai Opera, Co.KING'S GRAND ORCHESTRA.

    ■ Entr'acte: 'V ' :"Nutcracker" Suite (Tschaikowski) ,Prices^ as usual. Plan, at Bristol.

    mOWN HALL CONCERTCHAMBERDirection : ..;......:.. John Hopkine.


    WE FINISH ON SATURDAY,And then for Distant Pastures.

    FINAL NIGHT SATURDAY.. SPECIAL PROGRAMME." Many requests have been ,received for

    Special Numbers, 'and these will- be in-cluded in Saturday's programme. .Book your Seatsfor the Farewell.To Admit—3s 2d,2s Id, and Is Id.Plan at The Bristol.


    !A| PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE PARTY-ti and DANCE will be held in ThexCaledonialHall, Tory-street, on. SATUR-DAY, 19th JUNE, at 7.45 p.m. Goodprizes, music, refreshments. Admiseion,Is 6d. ,

    Look Out for ■■■■■■>"NEXT CONCERTAND PICTURE


    OnWEDNESDAY,23rd INST."Usual Prices/ And '


    See later announcements.WM. M'KEE,

    Gen.Sec, Box 867.


    Marionda Batten's Poems—"MAORI LOVE LEGENDS."


    Tickets,4s,2s, Is.' :

    Box Plan at Bristol.In Aid of Y.W.C.A.Funds.' COME AND HEAR A MUSICAL

    ■■>-TREAT. ■■

    WANTED Known — FrqßruJimeaPrinted mt Th» Evenias Fort JobTinting Office.


    (fri?ay)( tSXWAt


    Grand Revival Grand RevivalGrandRevival Grand RevivalOf V





    To those who have not seen it we offerthis last great opportunity of witnessing*>ne of the PICTURE TRIUMPHS OF





    The World's Sweetheart,


    ■■■■ . ■ ■STELLA- MARIS!"

    ? STELLA MARIS!"i The Photoplay of infinite pathos.■


    -' .. LOVE'S CONQUEST!"LOVE'S CONQUEST!"A Sensational Spectacular Production.

    "Stella Mans" at 11.30 a.m., 2.30 p.m.,5.30 p.m., 8.30 p.m."Lov©VConquest," 1 p.m., 4 p.m., 7 p.m.Sameold prices. __ Tel. 1967.



    last' dayOf

    E. J. Carroll'sWonderfully SuccessfulPicture,


    Now Topping the Pole of Popularity.AT EVERYBODY'S.LAST SCREENING.

    .Continuouslyfrom 11 till 10. _Sessions:11,12.50,2.30,4.40,6.45,8.30.PRICES—TiII6 o'clock,Is Id and Is 7d.

    thereafter,le Id, 2s Id, 2s 7d.Reserves at Theatre or by Tel. 50."GINfeER- MICK!", "GINGER MICK !"


    "AS YE SOW." ■' ' "AS YE SOW.""AS YE SOW."

    [ ( StarringI The ever popularALICE BRADY.AXICE BRADY. :ALICE BRADY.

    : A spscially-chosen programme for *\ffood object.Ujutl prioes. Usual pricct.




    ONLY. 17th,18th, 19th; ONLY

    . Our Buyers in England and AustraliaHare purchased large stocks a,t great dis-counts, and to make room for further(stocks arriving' ws wantAIONEY! "■ ' MONEY!MONEY-! ' ' MONEY!

    THAT'S STRAIGHT TALK! "This is not a. Catch Sale, but a


    ■ ■' ■' ' .. ? 'From Wednesday to Saturday we offerthe Biggest Bargains ever heard -of in

    N.Z. " , . ■■■..:.Com©along and see our Window Dis-

    play and iudge for yourself.

    "THE BLUE BIRD."TheStore that Guarantees




    (tinfoil wrapped). Usually fee4b.Money Wanted Price 4s 6d lb, or 41bbox for, 15s 6d. We guarantee Qual-ity,■ity, Quantity, and Pries.

    200 Boxes ROWNTREE'S (English)LIQUORICE GUMS.; Sold every-where 4d oz. Money Wanted Price4s lb. . j

    PASCALL'S BUTTERSCOTCH. Usu-ally Is packet. Mone/y Wanted Price3 for 2s 6d.

    141 Tins ROWNTREE'SI EUCALYPTUSLIQUORJCEand MENTHOL. GUMS. Sold eveirywhere 4d ojr.JVloney Wanted Pric?j 4s lb.

    LIPTON'S CHOCOLATE ALMONDS.Usually 6s lb. Mowey Wanted Price5s 4d lb. ...... .

    PASCALL'S VANILLA CHOCOLATE.Usually ie 9d. Money Wanted Price1b 4d cake.



    KISSES. Usually 4s lb. MoneyWanted Price '2s lid lb. Ask anyAustralian about Mac's Sweets.

    MILK CHOCOLATE ROUGHS. Usu-ally 5s lb. , Money Wanted Price 3slid lb. ; , '

    MILKCHOCOLATECARAMELS. Usu-ally Ss lb. Money Wanted Price 3alid lb. ■

    OLD GOLD VANILLA: CHOCOLATE.Usually Is. 'Money, Wanted Price 5for 2s sd, or Ss6d dozen cakos.

    MAC'S MILK CHOCOLATE MIX-■TURE. ■ T/Tbually ,5s lb. ' Money

    ■ Wanted Prioe 4s 6d lb, or 41b box 17s.FROSTEDCAJRAMELS. Usually 3s lb.

    Now 2s 6d/lb."BLUE BIRD." " "BLUE BIRD.""BLUEBIRD." "BLUEBIRD."

    NEW ZEALAND PURCHASES.STICKS (for the Littlo Ones), 14 Is.FRUIT TABLETS, lid lb.


    ALMOND CUBES.1 Usually 2s 8d lb.Now lsfid.lb/. ... !

    RASPBERRY ROCK, is lb. Usually 1«6d lb. ■ '.!

    PEANUT TOFFEE. Usually Is 4d.Now Is lb.

    ASSORTED.CHOCOLATES.Usually 3s.Now 2s 2d lb.

    TIPPERARY KISSES. Usually 2s lb.Now la 6d.' ' ■."■■-.


    CHOCOLATECREAMS,2s 8d lb. Now' . . Is lid. ■ ■TOFFEE DE LUXE. Usually 2s lb.


    4 English, American,and N.Z.GREATLY REDUCED. i

    "BLUE BIRD."


    ally 4s lb. Money Wanted Price 3s 3d. lb.MILK CHOCOLATE (Loose). Usually4s lb. Money Wanted Price 3a 6d lb.CINNAMON CHEWS. Usually 4s lb.

    Money Wanted Price 3s 3d lb. .SGG MALTED MILK CHEWS. Usu-

    ally 4s lb. Money Wanted Prioe 3s 3dlb. ' ■■ ■ " " ' ■

    BOXES SWEETS. Usually Is 9d/Money Wanted Price Is.



    "BLUE BIRD."

    We are Direct Importers, thus Savin?Middlemen's Profits.

    We Sell at the Lowest Possible Prices:Our Stocksof Confectionery are the

    Largest.in N.jS.In addition we offer y.

    FREE! FREE,! FREE!To Every Customerreturning £1worth of Coupons we offera 2s 6d

    Box of Chocolates.FREE! " FREE! FREE!

    Save Your Coupons. Ask for YourCoupons. It's Worth While.




    (Wholesale and Retail),



    ENTRIES for all Practical' Subjectsclose on THURSDAY, Ist JULY,at the Board's Office,in the Bristol PianoCompany's Building, Lambton-quay.Entry forms may be obtained at allMusic Stores.E. C. OACHEMAILLE,Resident Secretary, N.Z.


    " .4L. , ;EXAMINATIONS for admission to theInstitute will be held in New Zea-land in the four main.Centres in Decem-ber next. \ . .

    . Full particulars and copies of Syllabusmay bs obtained from the undersigned.

    J. A. DUNCAN,',Registrar. .

    Herald Buildings, Auckland.



    AND ail who demand the artistically jpre-eminent in musical instruments,.Iareofferedfor your selection at BeggV

    Pianos which have maintained a positionof unrivalled leadership— Masterpiecesbearing such well-known names asBRINSMEAD JESSE FRENCHLYON AND HEALY BRASTEDWINDOVER ROGERS

    And Players by IJESSE FRENCH and FOSTER.

    ■ The richness of tone and power, exqui-site beauty and charm,pines them whollyapart from all others, and make themworthyfit - place in your showroom andin yourhome.

    We'll be pleased to haivt a Piano talkIwith you at any time. ' j


    GHAS. BEGG & CO.,The Oldest Established Piano House in



    NOTICE IS HEREBY 'GIVEN thatcharge for admission to the BasinReserve will be made as under on Satur-Iday next, the 19th instant, under "ThejWellington City Reserves Charges Bylaw(No. Tf), 1912,"after the hour of 12o'clocknoon.' . ■ ■ ■Adults (Over 15 years of age) One ShillingChildren(Under 15 years of age), Free.

    Persons who have entered the Reservebeforethe hour above-mentioned,and whoremain after such hour, are liable to paythe above oharge.

    JNO. R, PALMER,17th June, 1920. Town Clerk.________

    T7IUCHRE PARTY AND DANCE■" Will be held in. theALEXANDRA HALL, Abel. Smith-st.

    Good Prizes given. Refreshments.Dancing 8 to 11.

    „...,.,.-, Sec, R. H.;GREGSON.IN BANKRUPTCY. ~~~ ~ I

    NOTICE is hereby given that I intendto applyfor an immediate order ofDischarge at the Sitting of the Court inBankruptcy, to be holden on MONDAY,the 19th day of July, 1920,at 10 o'clook

    john'laidlawwalling.■ Wellington,; 17th June, 1920,

    R.M.S. BEMUERA. "fTVHIS Steamerwill leave the GlasgowX Wharf at 2 p.m. TO-MORROW,18thJUNE, 1920.

    Passengers must be on board at 2 p.m.,and their tiokets.must be in the handsof the Chief Stewardat that hour.

    Baggage for the hold must be alongsideby 10 a.m. to-morrow

    Passengers will assemble in their respec-tive saloons immediatelythe steamer leavesthe wharf, where their passports will beinspected by tho Police Authorities., THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING


    " "WARNING.rfK> the person who sent his Assistant to-L I-The Blue Bird" several times thismorning (Thursday) for boxes of Fry'sChocolates:Take notice that if it comesunder my notice again I will expose himthrough iho medium of this paper. Thisbig ; purchase, undoubtedly the largestpurchase ever-made by any Confectionerin N.Z. of Fry's English Chocolates(tin-foil wrapped), which ere sold, everywhereat 6s lb., are being sold until- Saturdayat 4s 6d lb., or 41b box for 15s'6d, andthe price we'are selling to^-Wiogeneralpublic is below wholesale cost—hence thisperson's attitude. These prices are forthe general public only—not for my com-petitors. '..'...

    The GeneralPublic are hereby notifiedthat from TO-DAY until SATURDAYwe will sell ONLY ONE' BOX'to eachCustomer..


    rpHE Friends.of the late Walter FrancisJp- Swift _re invited to attend, hisJjuneral, which will leavo his late Resi-dence, 296,Rintoul-street,To-morrow,the18th of Juno, 1920,at 10 a.m., for KaroriCemetery.

    ROBT. H. WILSON AND SON,Undertakers and Embalmors,164, Adelaide-Toad. Telephone 24-155.FUNERAL CARD.

    TpHE Friends of the late Francis A."*■ Kroupa are invited to attend his

    Funeral, which Will leave the MortuaryChapel of E. Morris, jun., 60, Taranaki-street. To-morrow (Friday), at 1.45 p.m.,for the Basilica, Hill-st., thance to theCemetery, Karori. Motor Funeral.

    E. MORRIS, Jun.,Funeral Director and Embalmer,60, Taranaki-st., and 28, Riddiford-ut.

    Tel. 22-159 (day and night).FUNERAL CARD.

    THE Friends of the late. William Tylerare invited to attend his Funeral,which will leave tho Mortuary Chapel ofE. Morris, Jun., 60,Tavanaki-st,To-mor-row (Friday), at 3.30 p.m. for the Ceme-tery Kavori. Motor funeral.

    E. MORRIS,JUN.,Funeral Director and Bmbalmer,60, Taranaki-st.,and 28, Riddiford-st.

    Telephone 22-159 (night and day).

    Another step forward has been madein connection with the proposal to estab-lish an up-to-date woollen mill in Napier(says the-Napier Telegraph), ameeting ofthose interested being convened forThursday to further advance 'prelimin-aries in connection therewith.

  • ENTERTAINMENTS SHORTT'S THEATRE.The entertainment which has beenpleasing large houses at Shortt's Theatrewill be finally presented to-night. Apartfrom an interesting story, "The BrambleBush," in which Corinne Griffith ap-pears as the lover of a worthless rogue,there is a, Charlie Chaplin comedy, andthe latest Gazette. "A Daughter of theGods" will be remembered as one of thebiggest productionsshown in Wellington,and patrons will receive with favour theannouncementthat the management hasarranged for a revival season, com-mencing to-morrow. The .picture hasmany recommendations, but its best is.that Annette Kellerman is the principalof a strong cast.

    PARAMOUNT THEATRE.A mystery story of unusual interest is

    contained in "The Teeth of the Tiger"at the' Paramount Theatre. In a seriesof exciting adventures a strong cast©does good work. Vivian Martin appearsin "The Home Town Girl." The pro-grammewill be finally screened to-night.To-morrow Wallace Reid will be 6hownin "The Lottery Man" as a good-lookingyoungman who started a lottery offer-ing himself as the prize. The winningnumber is held by an uninteresting oldmaid. A, dramatic narrative,"The Wit-ness for the Defence," will also beoffered,Elsie Ferguson playingthe lead.

    ARTCRAFT THEATRE.The Arsene Lupin story, "Teeth of

    the Tiger," concerning the mystery ola murder, and 'The Rome Town Girl,"featuring Vivian Martin, will be finallyshown at the Artcraft Theatre to-night.Elsie Ferguson is billed to appear to-morrov in "The Witness for the De-fence," the gripping story of a woman'ssacrifice. "The Lottery Man will alsobe shown. Through inaugurating a lot-tery, Wallace Reid found that he wasalmost forcedto marry an old maid, but,eventually,he won a, better prize.

    BRITANNIA THEATRE.Dorothy Dalton is the main figure in

    the programme at the Britannia. 1heatre,appearing in the photo-play, "OtherMen's Wives." The story relates to thecircumstances through which a younggirl might bring about discord in thelives of those who befriended her. Thegood nature of the girl, however,savestrouble. . A varied collection of supportsis provided.

    QUEEN'S THEATRE.To-night will be the last opportunity

    of seeing & popular two-feature pro-grammeat the Queen's Theatre. In"Putting One Over," George Walshgives a'bright impersonation of a motor-car salesxnan. In "Cheating Herself"Peg^gy Hyland is featured. Tom Mixwill appear to-morrow in "The Wilder-ness Trail." ' It is a story of the snow-bound fur region of Canada.The ro-mance, which centres, about a new lead-ing lady, ColleenMoore, is wholesome.

    STRAND THEATRE.'The Unveiling Hand," in which

    Kitty Gordon is the staT, will bescreened for the last time at the StrandTheatre to-night. The star plays oneof her greatest successes to date. It isa love story, in which two men lovoa woman, and 6h©manies the wrongone. In addition,a splendid supportingprogramme is. screened. To-morrow"Stolen Orders," the sensational spydrama,with an all-star cast, will be thebig attraction.

    PROCESSTHEATRE.The more fact that Mary Pickford is

    featured in a 6tar attraction is suffi-cient proof ol the .attractiveness of theprogrammeat the Princess Theatre.But thera are oiner good pictures, not-ably "Love's Conquest," in which iheleading part isplayed by Lina Cavalieri.In "Stella Mavis" Mary Pickford risesto great heighte by her splendid por-trayal of. two entirely different roles,one, a charming girl, the other, an uglywaif.

    EVERYBODY'STHEATRE.The final screening of "Ginger Mick"

    will take place at Everybody's Theatreto-night. In "Carolyn,of the Corners,'■'which will,head the new programmeto-morrow, Bessie Love romps through arole that she hasn't to act ati all; sheomy Has to he herself. fli this pictureshe is admirably supported by a canineactor, Prince. He ia a most talentedperformer. A good supporting programme will be shown.

    EMPRESSTHEATRE.The final screening of the Orientalpro-

    duction, "The Illustrious Prince," willbe made to-night at the Empress Thea-tre. An attraction has been arrangedfor to-morrow, when the world's greatestserial in 40 parts will begin. In this theleading parts are taken by Eddie Polo,the famouscircus performers, and MarieWalcamp. In each reel of the picturesome special sensation Is mapped out. In-terwoven is a story of love and devotion.Another feature will be a photo-play."The Moral Deadline,'' featuring JuneElvidge and Frank Mayo. Just, whatii a moral deadline is shown in this pic-ture.

    KING'S THEATRE.NatGould'ssporting story "A Fortune

    at Stake," showing at the King's Thea-tre, is of a very interesting nature, andtherace scenesprovide much excitement,To-morrow an Eastern drama, "Sahara,"feautring Louise Glaum, will bo shown.Mme. Marie Germain,operatic soprano,-and late principal of the CarlRosa OperaCo., will sin.? "Aye Maria" (Mizzi),"The Carnival," and1 "I love you truly."The King's grand orchestra will play asan entr'acte, "Nutcracker Suite"(Tschaikowski).

    OUR THEiATRE, NEWTOWN.In view of a benefitperformance to bagiven at OurTheatre,Newtown, to-night,in aid.of a very deserving case, the man-

    agement has arranged for the screeningof specially-selected' . pictures. Goodphotoplays will be supported by brightcomedy and topics of interest.THE DANDIES.

    The Dandies continue to do good busi-ness in the ConcertChamber at the TownHall, where they give a nightly pro-gramme. The company ia an essentiallycapable one, and. can always be reliedupon to thoroughly entertain.

    HIS MAJESTY'S THEATRE.There was again a. full house »t HisMajesty's Theatre laßt night. . From

    start to finish the -programmeis brightand cheerful. To-nieht the companywill be reinforced by Guest and Newlyii,English comedy stars, who come directfrom the principalLondon theatres witha highly entertaining musical comedyturn. .

    "THE SLEEPING BEAUTY."The J. C. Williamson "SleepingBeauty" pantomime is to be seen here

    on Tuesday next at the Grand Opera.House. Miss Winifred Roma is theprincipal boy, and Miss Eve Lynn theprincipal girl. Miss Maggie Bickensonis the principal danseuse. Others whotake leading parts in the pantomime areMisa Peggy Doran,Mr. George Welch,Mr. Marriott Edgar, and the BrothersEgbert (knock-about acrobats). Otherartiste include Messrs. Herbert Leigh,Stanley Odgers, Sidney Yates, andMisses Dorothy Hastings, Margaret Sut-cliffe,Elsie Campbell, May Harris, andMargot Lester. Ab to the ballets, en-sembles,marches,and divertissements,they are, we are told, wonderfully beau-tiful and admirably conceived. Of thetwenty-two scenes necessaryto illustratethe story, each is artistic, while the bigtransformation scene, the Pink Pergola,the Oriental Garden,and the Jazz Pal-ace, which bring* the beautiful show toa conclusion,are especially fine speci-mens of the scene-painter's art. Thopantomime will be produced under thedirection of CharlesA. Wenman. Tharswill be matinees every Wednesday andSaturday. The box plans for the firstcix nights and first two matineas ofthe pantomime will be op»n«d (U -theBiiiioJ oil MendAy.mornisg mxtt



    r A PPLICATIONS will be received byJ\- the undersigned up to 5 p.m. onFRIDAY, 25th JUNE, 1920,. for the Posi-tion of First Assistant (male) in the iownClerk's Office. Salary'£200to start. Ap-plicants to state age, qualifications, andexperience, whether married or single, andto be accompanied by testimonials.' WILLIAM NICHOLSON,. Town Clerk.AN OPPORTUNITY FOR AMBITIOUS


    WANTED, to take over the Workingof good up-oountry RESTAURANT,

    "with Dwellingattached; a family of five,four, or six, which must include two youngwomen to be employed in the capacity ofwaitresses and one good plain cook. Ex-perience in the line of business preferred,but not essential. Remuneration to repre-sent a share of the turnover, but a sub-stantial wage guaranteed. None butsteady, reliable, energetic people needapply. Write to

    788,Evening Post..,and 3 second-hand B.S.A. Cycles, all ingood order. — H. W. MITCHELL(Boucher's), 74,Lambton-qy.CIOOD VALUE IN SECOND-HANDX MOTORCARS.HUDSON, 40-h.p., 6-cylinder, 7-passen-

    ger, fully equipped, electric light andstarter. Cheap.PAIGE, 40-h.p., 6-cylinder, 6-passenger,recently overhauled,painted cream,

    good as new, electric equipment.JEFFERY, . 40-h.p., 6-cv-linder,in first-class condition,electrically equipped,

    new tires. A bargain.SUNBEAM, 10-20-h.p., 4-cylinder, make

    first-classdelivery van. Price £200cash.

    The above Cars are all guaranteed trueto description, and in first-classorder andcondition.. _ For further particulars anddemonstration apply

    J. V. HARRISON,Representing G. Bradley, Motor and

    Accessory Importer,79-81, MANNERS-STREET.


    FIVE-SEATER, eleotrio light, self-start-er, electric horn,spare rim, in goodorder in every respect, any trial, £300W. H. LONG AND CO.,57, Cuba-st.,Wgtn.


    IS Improved and Refinedout of allsemblance to previous models.' ItsPerfectionis manifestat the most casualinspection. Inspect latest shipment nowbeing assembled beforethe May advancetakes effect.

    O. E. FLYGER AND CO.,. Agents, Lower J'ory-street.OAKLAND CAR,

    -in-io 3-SEATER OAKLAND SIX.J-i/JLO Full electric attachment,insplendid order. Inspection invited. Fullparticulars from W. Stuart Wilson andCo., Inglewoqd-pl, Tel. 22-200. 1



    REPAIRS efficiently and promptlyexecuted.Tel. 20.867

    E- E- M° ;̂ PrOp"tOr- ■A SNIP IN MOTOR CYCLES.

    8.5.A., free engine,' 3J h.p.Triumph, free engine, 3£ h.p.Aldey's, 2 speed, 4 h.p.Royal Ruby, 3-speed, gear box,twin 4h,p.All in nrst-class order. Any trial.-

    WITCOMBEAND PYM, LTD. :Engineers, Vivian-st.,Wetn N ZTel. 21-250. > - " "MAXWELL CAR.

    ONE MAXWELL 5-SEATER,for Sale.Newly painted and in splendidrunning order, electric starter; bargain.

    W. STUART WILSON AND CO.,'"Inglewood-place.Tel. 22-200.


    JUST Arrived—l LATEST MODELHENDERSON 4-CYLINDER(Standard Model). The best money canbuy.

    A. BARBER,125,Cuba-street.


    WHEN you think of buying a usedMotor Car, you naturally think ofMagnus Sandersonand Co.,Ltd. We arethe pionesrs of this business in New. Zea-land. Our many years of experience andthe many hundreds of " square " used cardeals we have made have won for us thatgood name as dealers of which we arejustly proud. Our stocks are large, ourprices and terms are right. Every dealbacked by our' specialised service. " Calll'ound and see us.

    MAGNUS, SANDERSON.AND CO.Tel. 302. ' - " .-' ■

    ~ MOTORCARS.IF you have a Motor Vehicle For Saleenter it for the big Auction of Carsto be held at 1 p.m., next Wednesday,at Stanton'sGarage, 15, Molesworth-st.Buyers from all over the country. Fullparticular at the Garage from the Auc-tioneer,H. Oakley Browne. Tel. 2240.

    ONE OF.ENGLAND'S BEST!fT\HE Calthorpe. is the very best idea in4. light car construction. It combinos

    ■refinementof design with luxurious com-fort in the highest degree. We areAgents, ar\d have. Latest Models. . ASecond-handCar or Motor Cycle will betaken in part payment. Inquire Welling-ton Motor and Accessory Co.—G.-W.LAWR*ENCE, Manager. V, Dixon-iitreet.Tel. 22-093.

    FINAL DAY, .SATURDAY: :"-JAMES. SMITH'S OddmentWeek ofAuld's- New Plymouth Stock endsSaturday. Seewindows,Final Bargains,80,Cuba-st. -"' ■

    (MOLD Feet? A British-made "UN-IQUE" HOT WATER BOTTLE

    will soon restore circulation. A boonthese cold nights, and costs a faw shillings.Obtainable,everywhere.. Look for thebrand when buying. . . .

    TO-MORROW'SBARGAINS.JAMES SMITH'S Final Bargains, To-morrow. .Oddment Week, Auld'sStock Sale. SeeBargain Windows—Cos-tumes, Blouses,etc. 80, Cuba^t.


    ALL descriptions of Building-, Shopand OfficeFitting, " Alterations, andRepairs, undertaken at shortest notice.Estimates given. Plans and specificationssubmitted. Satisfactionguaranteed.. RingTelephone 24-203,.or write. BUILDERS, ■"


    MILLINERY BARGAINS. .JAMES.SMITH'S OddmentWeekf Mil-,linery prices cut in halves.. Seewin-dows. Auld's Sjock Sale, finishes. Satur-day, 80, Cuba-st. . ■-. ■

    KEEP warm and cosy everynight witha "UNIQUE". BRITISH - MADEHOT WATER BOTTLE. Heavily' vul-canised seams, cannot leak or burst Onsale everywhere. Look for the brand onneck of bottle. .'..-.:. '. . ;

    JAMES SMITH'S SALE.FNISHES Saturday: SeeSpecial-Bar-gains during OddmentWeek. Towelsand Bed Quilts,.reduced. Auld's StockSale,80, Cuba-st. -LARGEST Buyer of Left-oil Clothing."Ring Tel. 21-261,B. Morris,-65,Courtenay-pl. Top prices paid for cloth-,ing, jewellery, etc. Letters promptly at-tended to. . ■ . .. . . ■ .......T EFT-OFF Clothing—Have you Cloth--Li ing, Boots, or Jewellery that youcan turn into cash? Highest prices given.Nausbaum,The Allies' Second-handDeal-er, 127, Manners-st. Tel. 21-813.HIGHEST Pricespaid forleft-off-Cloth-ing and Boots; also Jewellery, everydescription. Tel. 20-117. Country letterspromptlyattended to. S. Glazer,51,Cour-tenay-pl. -

    RS: PIGGOTT, 121,Vivian-st. -(nextSkating Rink), Cash Buyer ofLadies',Gents, and Children's Left-offClothing. Letters receive prompt atten-tion. Tel. 21-243. "■jl/fRS. PHILLIPS, 55, Taranaki-st.,ItJL Second-handDealer. Tel. 3256,orsend letter. Full value given for Boots,Suits, Jewellery, and goods of every de-scription. Country clients,money by re-turn post. . ' *.

    TO-MORROW'SBARGAINS. ~TAMES SMITH'S Final Bargains, To-l* morrow. Oddmsnt week,. Auld'sStock Sale. SeeBargain Windows—Cos-tumes, Blouses,etc. 80,Cuba-st.

    FINISHES SATURDAY. ~TAMES SMITH'S Oddment Week,fcl Auld's Stock. Don't miss big re-

    ductions on Millinery, Underclothing, andCostumes,80,Cuba-st.

    NEPONSET PRODUCTS.A SPHALT Felt, Rolls 400 iquare f«et,

    -CX 37s 6d roll.Paroid Roofing t rolls 216 square feet,coated one side, 52s 6d roll, regular,

    52s 6d roll.Red and GreenSlatedRoofing, rolls 108square feet, 42s 6d roll. ......Florian Felt,. rolls ',. 500 equaTe feet,". foroeiling and ceiling extensions,perfect- surface for distempering, 44s od roll

    Samples and further particulars on ap-plication.A. HATRICK AND CO.,




    ONE side is finishedwith ground fibrousAsbestos Rock,presenting a mottledgrey appearance; the other side is. smoothblack Asphalt-bound Asbestos Felt. ■* Itmay be laid with either side to' theweather. An all-asbestos Roofing.

    Prices,andparticulars from.


    There is a



    The Office, the Shop, or the Factory,

    In Commercial,Professional,orIndustrial Life.

    Pull particulars from

    1 N.Z. HEAD OFFICE,'BAKER'S' 'BUILDINGS, Featherston-si,


    Tel. 1092. Write P.O. Box 459.

    MISS E. CARR'SSCHOOL OF SHORTHAND ANDTYPEWRITING,StewartDaSvson'sBuilding.Principal—Miss Whitbread-Edwards,

    F.C.T.S.(Inc.), F.I.P.S. (Lond.).Individual Tuition in Shorthand,Type-

    writing, and Bookkeeping.[ Terms commence from date of entry of: pupil. Tuition by Correspondence in> Shorthand,and .Non-visual Typewriting.i~~ ; ~~ : : : :'. ■ MISS ROWNTREE'S


    CaledonianChambers,33, WILLIS-ST.


    3 Diplomee, Medallist,and Assistant Stagss ' Manager from the

    ROYAL ACADEMY. OF MUSIC,LONDON.1 Private Tuition. Limited Vacancies.

    Interviews,Tuesdays, Fridays, 2 to 4.Room: ABC Garage Bides.,Lambton-qy.

    G. W. YON ZEDLITZ.j "PREPARATION for University and-t other Exams. Modern Language

    > Tuition, Correspondence Classes,Trans-[ lation.

    ' . CORNERLAMBTON-QY. ANDBOWEN-ST.Tel. 12,.Lower Hutt.'"'"'*' 'LEARN TELEGRAPHY.' -.. rfIHE art. of correct, sending, taught by, -°- ' experienced operators. Students

    Icoached for Governmentexaminations in. . . . . WIRELESS.'. Also ClasEesin- Shorthandand Typewrit-

    ' ing for commercial use. Evening. Classes1 'to'suit-all: Call or write for prospectus.'■ THE TYPEWRITING-TELEGRAPHY:- COLLEGE.

    60, WILLIS-STREET, WELLINGTON.' . . G.P.O.Box 1299.i -■■-. WHEN TROUBLE, AS

    NERVES, indigestion. Rheumatism,Lassitude, Catarrh, Constipation,' Asthma,SoinalCurvature,Women's Spe-oial Troubles, etc., attacks you, go to> " ■. GARNET SIMS,,I .135,Riddiford-street. .' :"

    CertificatedNurse and Museum in3 ■ ■ Attendance.

    A. HOT WATER BOTTLE that will-": -not leak, or crack,and will last for. years, is worth owning. The "Unique,"British-made,patent stopper and heavy

    " seams, is obtainable everywhere. Look". for the brand when buying.

    MELBOURNESAMPLE DISPLAY-i T ADIES! SeeMelbourne Sample Cos-; jIJ, tumes. last word in style and low;

    price. Seigel's, 27. Manners-st.

    BEST DESSERT APPLES(Jonathans), 51b for Is.Just arrived—New stock NUTS: Barce-lona,■ Brazil Nuts, Walnuts. Peanut^ehelled and unshelled.

    \ MRS. LEMPRIERE,' 90, Willis-st. (three door* above Post).-


    A CAR WILL LEAVE THE EVEN*ING POSTOFFICE FOR MAS.TERTON at about 3.30 p.m. daily, re-turning to Wellington at 7.30 p.m.

    '. Seatscan be reserved for a limitedr number of passengers.on application ati

    THE POST PUBLISHING DEPART*; ment; and at the' CLUB HOTEL, MASTERTON.■ Fare 10s.

    PAINT THAT IS PURE.PURE Paint will last the longest, andevery tin ofBERGER'S PAINT PREPARED (8.P.)is 100 per cent, pure paint. B.P. is guar-anteed to give better results than anyothatbrand. Ask for B.P.

    Local Distributors:ROBERTMARTIN, LTD., and R. AND;.JB. -TINGEY AND CO.,LTD.


    THE G. F. WILSON CO., MalthoidSuppliers and SoleContractors,bagto notify Architects, Builders, and it>eGeneralPublic that they have MOVF.DFROM THE WELLESLEY . CLCQBUILDINGS, to.

    25, HUNTER-STREET(Under the Nat. Mutual Life Building*).Estimates given for Waterproofing all

    .kinds of ropfs. .. . . , . . '..,,.-All work carried out by experienced

    ; workmen,and under. expert supervision.Malthoid Roofing* iP. and B. Paboo Paittia,, Pabcolin Floorcloth, .Aroiwud,. eto.,. instock.

    Tp^OUND—Spring Blossom OintmentX? cures poisoned wounds,sore legs,sore eyes, burns,and all skin complaints,price Is tin; Bloomine,the great corn,wart, and bunion curs, 6d, at chemists,stores, arid wholesale druggists; Haw-kins's Instant Relief Asthma Powder,Isand 2s,'post free. Address" .''■'■":.■

    C. W. HAWKINS,Herbalist,.Georce-street. Dunedin.

    WALL PAPER SHORTAGE.rrtHERE is absolutely no shortage at T.

    "*-. A. Wells,Ltd., new warehouse,40^Taranaki-street,or 145a, Manners-street,We hold the largest stock in New Zea>land, 260,000rolls, of the latest and mossexclusive designs just to hand. Pricesrangefrom' 2s upwards.T. A. WELLS,'Phone 883, 145a, Manners-street.

    SEE WINDOWS.HOW Smart, say many ladies of ouoSpecial Melbourne Sample Costumes',Call ana inspect. Seigel's, 27,Maaaers-afc

  • Honey Bee has a good horse^sweight■in the Settlers' Hack Handicap, 81bmore than she won the same race withlast winter. Night Time was unluckyenough to bump up against Royal Ab-bey in the first division of the JervoisHandicap at Ellerslie. Ngata, winnerof the second division, is also down torun. Piro Piro, third to Paoanui andAsterina at Hastings, is amongthose inwith the minimum weight. "



    LONDON, 15th Jnn.e.The Ascot Meeting opened in delight-

    ful sunshine,but later rail* fell. TheKing and Queen and Princess Mary, whowere Royal guests, motored throughWindsor Park, and then changed to car-riagea: drawn by eight horses, for the■procession on the course, with scarlet-"coated . outriders. The postillions woreblue and gold livery with powderedwigs. The display of frocks, was unpre-cedented in the history of the gathering.There was not an empty place on thegrandstands or in the enclosure. ■ ">


    (B* TBLBCRAPB.—PRESS ASSOCIATION.)CHRISTCHURCH,.16th June.The annual football match between

    Canterbury and Otago Universities _wasplayed at Lancaster Park to-day, in bit-terly cold weather. It resulted in adecisive win for the Southernersby 30points to nil. The game as a display offootball was disappointing. The score atthe end of the first spell was- 6 to nil,but the Otago mcii ran all over the Can-terbury forwardstowards the end of thesecond half, and won as they liked. Triesfor Otago were scored by Mackerras (2),Perry (2), .Valentine (2), Rea, and Gre-ville, three being converted.


    [ NAPIER, 16th June.My. George Hunter's block at Porari'

    gahau for soldiers' settlement lias beenballoted for as follows:—Section1, block 7 (467 acres), F. A.Jackson, Mangatahi, Maraekakaho.

    Section2, block 7 (454 acres), G. P.Deal,Dunedin.

    Section3, block 7 (510 acres, Educa-tion reserve), T. O'Connor, Waipukurau.

    Section 4, block 7 (421 acres), P.Grosvenor,Petane.Section 1, block 11 (546 acres), E.M'Lennan, Hastings.

    Section 2, block 11 (385 acres), J.Stewart, Waipukurau.



    As the result of further inquiries madeby the police into the circumstancessurrounding the death of a girl, OlivejJay Pile, who was found dead at No.15, Phillips-street, Kensington, on Sat-urday night, in a house occupied-* byHelen Glegg, a charge of murder waspreferred this afternoon against Mrs.Glegg, who already stands charged with'illegal practice in respect .of anothergirl now in hospital. Accused,a widow,aged 67 years, appeared before thePolice Court this afternoon. The chargeread: "That on or about 28th May,1920,at Dunedin,she did murder oneOlive May Pile." She was remandedtill 25th June. No bail was applied for.


    I ' AUCKLAND, 16th June.Tho Southern Rugby League selectors

    have picked the following team to repre-sent the remainder of New Zealand in amatch against Auckland on the Domainon Saturday:—Pull-back, C. M'Carthy(Hawkes Bay); three-quarters, F. Mer-ritt (Hawkes Bay), D. Rigby (Welling-ton), A. Rowe (Canterbury);five-eighths,J. Saunders(Canterbury), "Doc." Nicholls(Wellington); hall-back, M. Pollock(Wellington); forwards front row, S.Tradgeon (Canterbury), H. Moffatt (Can-terbury), and J. Scott (Wellington);second row, Burrows (Hawkes Bay) andJ. M'Taggart (West Coast); back row,J. Carroll"(Wellington). Emergencies :Bacic, Finlay (Hawkes Bay); forward,Woolf (Wellington).

    After Saturday's match the three selec-tors will pick the New Zealand team toplay the Englishmen.



    A meeting of the Wellington Centreof the New Zealand Amateur AthleticAssociation was held in the V.M.C.A.rooms this week, Mr. B. W M'Villypresiding. Others present were:—Messrs. "A. W. O. Travers,G. H. Lusk,B. Dickson,T. W..Leslie,J. Lundon,F.Hodgson, D. Alabaster,H. Paton,and J.O'Sullivan (secretary).

    Affiliation feeswere received from theCarterton Caledonian Sports Club, theMarton A.A. Club, and the'PapatawaSports Club. " The Wellington Caledon-ian Society notified that at a meeting ofdirectors a motion was pa.esed expressingthanks for the special f^our ingrantingtho use of athletic gear 'at tha annualsports meeting. '

    The secretary was instructed to writeto D. L. Mason, of Whangarei, con-gratulatinghim on his fine performancesat various athletic meetings in Franceand the United Kingdom. A request isalso to be made to the N.Z.A.A.A. thatMasonbe invited to fill in the necessaryform enabling him to compote at ama-teur gatherings.

    It was decided that the five-mile cross-country run for the Whyte-MackayShieldbe held on the 31st July.The desirability of reviving the NewZealand cross-country championshipwas

    discussed,and the matter is to be re-ferred tofcheN.Z.A.A.A. for favourableconsideration,with a recommendationthat the run be held at Wellington or inCanterbury.

    The rules Rovernhiß the Schools' (pri-mary and secondary) Championship com-petitions, as set out in The Post yester-day, were discussed at some length, ap-proval being expressed of the manner inwhich they had been drawn up by thesecretary. A sub-committee wa3 set upto interview the, Headmasters' Associa-tion, and to make recommendations to afuture meeting of tho centre.


    (HI "SIB lAKCBLOT.")Eoso Pink and Cyra will be tlie orJy

    Trentham-trained horses racing a.t NapierPark to-morrow■and Saturday.

    J. H. Prosser's stable will be repre-sented at Napier Park by Goldntrea-mand Master Webster.

    Messrs. W. T. Joire)] and L. Fisomariwill "represent the Foxing Racing Ulubat the conferenceo( country clubs tobe held fit Wellington next month.

    Theround of steeplechase meetingswillbo continued «t Napier to-morrow. Eightof the fourteenrace& ■wMolv»corjipnse thetwo days' programme are jumpingevents.

    The- Birkenhead geldingBirken^ale isdown to make his initial appearance ina jumping race in the Moteo HackHurdles, one mile and three-quarters.Class is well represented by All Overand Hendra. Pretty Bobby is anotherbeginner engaged, and, judging by hisstyle of galloping, may prove a usefuiaddition to the ranks of our hurdlers. .

    Oakleigh's form at Ellerslie, where hewon two races, was above the ordin-ary, and he may be good enough toconcede hia opponenta in the PetaneHack Steeplechase the poundage asked.Brunswick put himself out of the hackclass at Gisborne,but he can run outhis nominations. The run of Manhattanin tho big steeplechase at Wanganui,where he finished fourth, was, goodenough to give him a place amongthe'probables.1 Those engaged includeTorchy and Master Webster,who ranfirst and second in,the same race twelvemonths ago.

    Croesus,top weight in the Stewards'Handicap, has recently been doing somepractice as a hurdler. Good mudlarksengaged are GoldKip and Bagdad. Thefirst-namedwas., unlucky in the eventlr-st June, wheff Bagdad ran third. GoldKip bobbed up on the second day,

    Foxtontrainer A, M. Wright hasopaidup for- both First Line and Foeman inthe 1 Napieil Steeplechase. Wanganuiform makes, the former out to be thebe£ter of the pair at the present time.Foeman was successfulon both days atthe Park last winter, for which Teasonhe may again be relied upon.! WhenLuke won on the second day at Wanga-nui ho conceded First Line 41b and; abeating, and another 51b may not bringthem together.

    In the Ladies' Necklace,z. mile anda quarter, Pretty Bobby and Ruddy areonly conceding the worst of their op-ponents two stone. Horsea carrying Mr.Jae. Bull's colours have a good recordin this class of event. Black Lake'sonly previous appearance this seasonwas in a gentlemen riders' race atOpaki, iiv \vh.'chshe1 was successful.

    Zola and Gold3tream finished third1and fourth in the May Hurdles. On.the second day at Wanganui the first-named' conceded a pound, now there is61b between them., Paddington Green,winner in the hack class each day atWanganui, is down to run; also OreOre, %vhowas successfulon both days"of the Hawkes Bay Cup Meeting.



    SYDNEY, 16th June.By defeating New SouthWales by 13

    points to IG, beforesixty thousand spec-tators, the English League team provedconclusively that Saturday's failure didnot truly reflecttheir skill. From thokick-off thu visitors played cautiously,strongly fortifying.the goal by resoluteand deadly tackling, which effectivelysmothered all the efforts of New SouthWales to break through. Invading theNew SouthWaies territory the English-men threw theball about cleverly, almostscoring on several occasions. They weresoon rewarded, Gronow kicking a goalfrom apenalty, and Hilton scoring a try,which Gronow converted, making thescore 7to nil. Buoyed up bytheir (suc-cess, the Englishmen continued the in-vasion,Wagstafie, Thomas,and the otherbacks treating the spectators to brilliantpassiug movements. Gronowkicked twomore goals, one from a mark and onefrom o penalty, and prior to the intervalFiazer got a goal for New South Walesafter Burge had failed in severe.l at-tempts. Score: England, 11; New SouthWales,2.

    In the second half both teamsgavefineexhibitions of passingrushes,play travel-ling over every, inch of the field withlightning rapidity. New South■ Walesgamely strove to overtake 'their oppon-ents in a ding-dong battle, but luck wasagainst them at the critical moment.Reid scored a try and Gronowkickedtwo more goals, bringing England'stally to 18, while tries by Farnsworthand Eobinson,and a goal by Norman,increased New SouthWales's score to 10,where it stood when the final whistlewent. '


    ", , —i—.jakwl'iALAwbM "","' "—>» " \ HHO have TeefellDrilled and Filled ,A- BTfe IIPFPI IT'«(TArtrv\ |i PAINLESSLY .is oao of tfa*f - IF ITS iIM-UMI 110 WUO \ Wonders of th 4 Age.

    B] ■ Nervous people and children needa havo no feai- of our AnalgesiaI ' .;" ' ■."". Method,which is pleasant, and noFROST AND FROST,■■.■■"'. DENTISTS,p : ■ 119,WILLIS-STREET.■: ' ll AEridge I: (I Made of Teeth [|

    /S^g^^^i^l^^^^S^Ptf i; No need for a plate when j|f ■saaaisaz:—. Z-~Z-^Jl~L^SZZlz"^^^^ 5 I only one or two teeth we ■'! I*"**■■"* *■ ■■■■'■" | missing. - |

    , Warmer Shirts for Colder Days— I |!11 without the necessity of a 11: - "HJ.YV :aren.Cbqr !\F I plif „ : t ft ' !. .V .-..-., .'-... .. - ; gi And a guarantee e-f, ten Jg3 | year*' satisfactory service 11Man works all the better,for being- comfortably; warm during the || toes with each bridge I ||

    ', winter months. ■ , |s make. . ' ■ ' i |'"■' Work is thelotof man, arid thebetter he work'sIh'e'more effitled' || j can §ive this guarantee ii-is he to-bodily-comfort, "■ ..,...-..., , |J because , embody science ]||",H.8." Winter Shirts go the whole pf the way m imparting ji t anci experience in every p

    warmth to man's being-, besides grivingj.ast.ing-satisfaction.^ , i| . bridge,togetherwithperfect- '■ 1"' " ~ "" " 11 matching and sound teeth. : |Good-Vsuues these'! ■■■■■"■ r- \\\ coZ^nlZ'liS,tZ\ !|11 My feesfor actual work sx- I |

    MEN'S HEAVY UNION BAND SHIRTS—A few,left of the old jj j ecuted are veryreasonable 8|stock; sizes 14* and 15 only H.B. Prices 17/6 to 25/- j |«. indeed, 61

    MEN'S HEAVY WINCEY SHIRTS—With black stripes 5. in all 1 1 ft*sizes H.B. Pnoe 14/6 || NURSES IN AHENDANCE. ||

    MEN'S NEGLIGE SHIRTS—In cepea serge, cotton zephyrs and' |! _ ... ; |mercerised twill; with collars to match |g W, P. OOmmerVllle 1H.B. Prices 11/6 to 21/- if '1

    MEN'S HEAVY WORKING SHIRTS—With collars attached; |j "The Careful Denlht" IH.B. Shirts for solid wear- H.B. Prices 3/11 to 15/6 |j ' i |

    Oddments in Boys' GREY SHIRTS—With collars attached; small !|j MOLESWORTH STREET ,gsizes only ' H.B. Prices 3/11 to 5/11 ill (OverßatraudicSon,Chemists* |

    .1 . , " ' p; Hours;9a.m.to*p.m. |. . .'.....■■ 2. Saturday,9 a.m. to X »3. |' NEW ZEALAND CLOIIMS FACTORY j|,^""" li

    1 NEW ZEALAND] -— -—_ -~.^~^^fCLOTHINGTpACTORYj J} J^f CAI UC-

    I A Regular Windfall i^\ ffK jflk Life'sThai'swlat Wellington mea are saying about €SgJ^^^i^ cf)n "m^i WalkSchneidemasi & Sons' 1^ rf| Easy

    Wm "The Sole iot theTender£oot"

    Gi* V^^^^^SHH 2/3t03/6TairlE*'*sps «■ -C'vTr^' 9% G.H.Tl»«t«fcC».,7H»tlerlSt,W»lHi|tm ,\"'*'Pl'^X^L- ' I ZOMELTD., London, W.2. aAnd so it is, for we are giving reductions of from £i)il- to £slzj-

    on every suit in our stock!355 Hand-made Suite ulsebeook-s cocoa.

    made by tailors from fine English Tweeds and Worsteds, in ' -^*-sizes■ to 'fit everyman: ""■- " '."- -'—- , .". .". ,Here,;.: are.-., a " Few—.,■ - "... v - ■"... v.:'" '

    S7 HAND-MADE SUITS-in greys, and browns" '' " .'" '" ' HIGH QUALiHMAAND 0F FINE, ' Usually Sale Price £5/12/6 akuma.92 HAND-MADE SUITS—In dark g-rev worsteds'

    ' . : .Usually £7/17/6 to £10/10/- 'Sale'Price :«6/10/-

    41 HAND-MADE SUITS—In blue serge ■■■-■■... . '■ : "" Usually £o/9/- to £14/14/- Sale-Price £7/19/8 COPY,OF ANALYST'S REPORT-. SCHNEIDEMAN .& SONS j^xsM.S

    \V 86 MANNERS ST. (Oppe.ife Ewybod,'. Pfcto" Th^M WELLINGTON J *"' I, ', T-r-'!""m'"~:SIri^:ST7=^T~" —gr spcct to t[, e JS-.z."Sale of Food.-" -,-■-"■ ■: "■ and Drugs Act, 1908.x"'l " ■ . '"""" ■' '»*'"*»Wi"°»lMi"""*'WM^"\ (Signed)

    N__ __, ."-; . A. A. BICKERTON,[ I IJ%L7A' ' GovernmentAnalyst.\J lUs L.J JT\ '■ ' -Christchurch,30th August, 1919.

    FOOTWEAR'SALE | -^«—u°'"'\WE HAVE NO SOILED OR SHOPWORN ask your storekeeper forGOODS. ALL BOOTS,ARE FRESH AND aulsebrook-s


    2/- IN THE £ ______^^ALL GOODS PLAIN PRICE MARKED j You can do it.

    NO REMARKING You can make that .tewricher, that steak pie more

    , ■■■■■'■■ -"■■'■ ''"-"" - appetising, that meat goI GOOKHAM HOUSEJ Banners street, Wellington s»u ©r browning is needed.g '■..■' aS ; ; ; jgF __ mtM^s^

    "NAZOL" YOUR FAMILY.A mane powerful cough is harder to

    remedy than ababy's. Yet Nazol bringssure relief to both. Have Nazol always1ready for each member of your family.Penetrating, prompt, safe, and sure.

    | Is 6d buys, a bottle of 60 doses at chem-ist or store.—Advt.'At Teviot, Central Otago, some of the

    finest Apricots in the world are grown.'This fresh, unblemished fruit is used inthe making of St. George Apricot Con-serve—nothing but the finestNo. 1 sugaris'-added. This delicious conserve iswholesome and pure, because it is allapricot. Ask your grocer for a tin of St.Goorge Apricot Conserve.—Advt.1 For Bronchial Courtis, take Woods'Great Peppermint Cure, It 9d, 2| 9d.—


    PEOOF POSITIVE IN 24 HOURS.At last a remedy has been discoveredthat gives almost immediate relief in the

    painful forms of kidney trouble, andeffects a certain cure in practically, allcases of rheumatism, gout, sciatica,lum-bago, stone, gravel, and even the terribleBright's disease. This remedy—DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills—dis-solving in the stomach forms an anti-septic solution which washes out thekidneys and bladder, and restores themto their healthy normal activity in pass-ing the impurities from the blood out ofthe body. These impurities, in the formof uric acid, if allowed to accumulate inthe blood, cause rheumatic and drop-sical pains, backache, constipation, weak-ness, and depression—all of which synip-toms le%d on in time to the more severeand deadly forms of kidney disease.De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pillsare the most successfuland certainmodern remedy for all complaintsof thekidneys and bladder. It is the heightof folly to neglect symptoms which carrythe threat of painful and deadly disease.In 24 hours De Witt's Kidney and Blad-der Pills relieve the pain, and a bluetinge m the nrine proves that they havepassed light through the kidneys andbladder. Nature's safest, remedy, theyseldom fail to effecta complete cure;Every reader of thi3 paper who suf-fers from backache, rheumatism,stone,gravel, lumbago, gout, or any otherform of kidney orbladder trouble shouldgive this tried and proved remedy afair trial without loss of time. Everychemist and storekeeper sells De Witt'sKidney and Bladder -Pills at 33 6d perbox, or 6s 6d for one two and a-halftimes as large—a great save. But youmust be sure you get "De Witt's" inblue, white, and gold boxes,with specialbine seal on the cork inside.If you have any difficulty in obtaininggenuine De Witt's Kidney and Bladder

    Pills, send the price of the package toE. C. De Witt and Co., Ltd., 89, Cus-tomhouse-quay, Wellington. Trial boxsent for three penny stamps.—Advt."Just a cold" may easily lead to veryserious and painful troubles, such >as

    bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, pleurisy,and consumption. At the first sign ofa cough or cold take Nazot. This promptand certain remedy will penetrate everytiny passageof the nose and throat anddestroy all harmful germs. Let Nazolprotect you this winter.—Advt.

    New Z^alanderson service found thatthere in no brandy like Cognac brandy,8tB«i as fipg&4c, like MsttellVicAdYt. .Jt.

    I The Vogue Of Suede | | The Ladies' Tailors with 18 Years' Repu-I Footwear I I ta^on fel'Successful MerchandisingI itad, perfect expression i bJKiS^Sta£,33&SI in our complete new *£ir* . 2fc£t


    || 4 .ig*t>i^VjtOi' >vKlj* "'""Ti" anc' sun>ounding districts for theH rP-IISS Oi l^^lyL " ./j I A past eighteen years.iS " , J^s^-Jm^* I /fZL—^l k_J \ No other tailors havebeen able to1 C* /^liKßSfflS'i / L^lO^^lr compete with them.B mfilj&/lA /mßp'"*'^ifflßßri I ■ Siegel's are the first to set newB »SIJtIIIZS Wlll'l 3fe. ''iMgCI / ll L- r modes and the last to raise prices,fl ■*"# W3y ImHHHLJWwB*! / \ hl—J& Thanks to their expert buying sys-H IHB^PSSfIw' // ■ L»J JjgT£7 tera< the reiSninS hißn price of fab-n «"fc ' s«a _ '^ffliSl Sml(l» 1/ i T7T —IVr* rics has not affectedtheirretail busi-Boots* Shoes! 9m L flj ;,";:„ „„■I U jfS^& \ —1 SMART UP-TO-DATE WINTEEj >nMi. MW.?MUr . v J//f . -fin iSSSSi- siss ■.! i selected by us on account ,1.1 c lwn- _* mi » ■ 'i ^>^' ■' ■. -ajißP^^ H.^jK^^fs^OT^ "tZ^s scones. cakes,paetry and puddings Pi " HRaSfe:':l-®a? \ Ism brown and light—easilydigestedand J-l R>aliff&B t?%W%4!^\(faVK «X Jn B Ib^Et I%S|^|sSp* 1 \v& delicious. It is practically impogsible 151 ' fflfiiOL.olK*Jl#l%


    'i&fcfe. 'TTNION STBAM: SHIP COMPANYU OF NEW ZEALAND, LTD."(Weatker- and circumstances permitting)

    Subject to Alteration Without Notice.LYTTELTON.

    Wfthine—Wednesday, 16th June, 10 p.m.Maori—Tues.,Thura., Saturday, 7.45 p.m.fiatNtni muit be aboard by 7.30 p.m.Receive*Carro daily till 230 P-m- »nd' 11 a.m. Saturdays.Luffaje cannot be received on board

    ■ before4 p.m.Steamer*tail from Ferry Wharf.

    PICTON AND NELSON.P*t**na—Mon., Wed., Friday, 1.30 p.rn

    Lug(»c* camnot be received on board' before11 a.m.SYDNEY. HOBART.Manuka—24th June.

    NAPIER. GISBORNE, TOKOMARU. - BAY, AND AUCKLAND.Mokoia—About 22nd June.- LYTTELTON. DUNEDIN.Monowai Monday June 21'■ BLUFF. '

    , Te Anau—Early.' Cargo only.

    NEW PLYMOUTH.Kakapo—Early.Cargo only.


    ATahura sails from' Napier for Gisborne,Thursday, 8 p.m. " and for Gisborne,Auckland. Saturday, 7.30 a.m.

    NXW PLYMOUTH TO ONEHUNGA.Rara-wa, Itwve*New Plymouthon arrival

    " of Mail Train from Wellington. (Seeipaoial »dverti»einent.) ■


    Niagara—29th June. jSAN FRANCISCO, i

    RAROTONGA,AND TAHITI, IFrom Wellington.

    ' Tofua—loth July.FIJI (Suva), TONGA (Nukualofa, Haa-

    pai, Vmvau),. SAMOA (Apia),From Auckland.

    ■Navua—About 26th June.

    FOR lIAROTONGA AND PAPEETE.From Auckland.Talune—About Ist July.

    Sailingsand all particulars on applicationTiok»ts available for stop-over or return

    by Messrs. Iluddart, Parker, and Co.'ssteamers.

    Borths will only be allotted to pawen-f»r» on production of pawage tickets atCompany's offioo.

    PasMacers will only be allowed aboardo> productionof passageticket.

    Latest time for receiving, cargo may behad ob application at Company'soffice.

    Railway tickets from Lyttelton toChrintohuroh and to principal SouthernStations, available for three day«, may be

    ' obtained on application at the Company*ofice.THE "ALL RED" ROUTE.



    In Conjunction with Canadian-Paci&c"/ -Railway.


    AUCKLAND TO SUVA (Fiji), HONO--1 LULU, VICTORIA (8.C.), and VAN-COnVBR (8.C.).

    ' NIAGARA-29th June.


    Return Tiokets to United Kingdom canbe made available for outward journey byFluid O.and Orient Line*, via Suez,oiby N.Z.B. Co.,-via Panama.

    All Passengers oversea require Pass- iports.

    Through Bookings to United Statei via.Honolulu., All Return and Round Tour Ticketsinterchangeable with Union Steam ShipCompany's R.M. Line. Pamphlets, Maps,and all information Free.

    UNION S.S. CO. OF N.Z., LTD.,Managing





    ■ "'TOFUA—ISthJuly.

    ALL Return and Round Tour Tickets■interchangeable with C.A.Line "AllRed" Route.

    Return Tickets to United Kingdom canbs made available for outward journeybyP. and O. and Orient Lines,via Suez,orby N.Z.S.Co.,via Panama.All Passengers oversea Tequire Pass-

    ports. >For particulars regarding passages and

    freights, apply■UNION S.S. CO. OF N.Z.. LTD.

    p. & o. s. n: co.OOYAL MAIL STEAMERS.'

    SYDNEY TO LONDONVia Colombo,Bombay, and SuezCanal.

    First and SecondClass Passengers Only.


    NALDERA—Leaves Sydney, Bth JUNE.KHYBER—Leaves Sydney, 10th JULY.CHINA-Leovee Sydney, 31st JULY.NARKUNDA-Leaves Sydney, 4th SEP-TEMBER.

    Passengers can book through from NewZealand,being provided with SaloonPas-sagesto Australia.

    JOHNSTONAND CO., LTD.,Agent*, , "

    Wellington and Wanganui.Tcl9phone 44.

    JJTOR WANGANUI—The ».s. KAPITI,On FRIDAY, at 4. p.m.

    » DALGETY AND CO., [Tel*.3018 and 3578. Agents.

    RICHARDSON AND CO., LTD. F#'»,;SA?JER (lBn»r Harkenr), GIS-B9RN-SWHARF, aul AKITIO-Th.s.s.' RIPPLE, TUESDAY, at 5 p.m.Cargo received asaunder: For Napier,Gisborne,Wairoa,and Bays North (ifGisborne,Monday and Tuesday; Aki-tio. Tuesday.


    DAY. 21st June,'at 8 p.m.JOHNSTONAND CO.,LTD., Arenta.Tel. No. 44.~~ AS WORN IN M"ELBOURMMOST Stylish and Most ModeratelyPriced Costumesin town can bepeen at Seigel'e, 27, MannerS'St.