walpole & kelly will buy your land for cash!

Walpole & Kelly Will Buy Your Land For Cash! Counter Division We have nothing to say here about "County division" but we have much in common with you on the subject of "Counter division." We wish to see you on the other side of our counter. You will Hnd the merits of the line of Jew- elry, Watches, Silverware, Etc., carried by this store, worthy of your attention, before buying elsewhere. We are Busily Engaged at the present time in perfecting our plans for the largest Fall and Holiday business we have ever experienced. We expect to have it, too. We are mentioning it thus early, so that you will be prepared for and be looking for the large display we will show later. W. L. WILKINSON The Reliable Jeweler This imprint on the box guarantees the quality Ed Lins was a business, visitor at Powell Wednesday. Philip post cards 2 for'He at Hargesheimer's only. Anderson Michael made a busi ness trip to Fori Pierre tKH first of the week. G. F. Moles and son Karl, went to Powell Wednesday to takech;irg«' of the store which Mr. Moles re centl.v pui chased of 11. M. Wad- de!l. The First State Bank rtf Philip is now prepared to loan reasonable mounts on land on which patenta has been issued lltf Mrs. F. Hulett of Milesville, re- turned from Manson, la., Wed- nesday afernoon, where she has been spending the past six weeks visiting friends and relatives. Fred Schimke came down from Lead last week and spent a few days at the homestead with the family south of town, returning on the afternoon train Weduesday. Hargeshei mer's The home of Rexall Remedies. One for every human iU. All guaranteed. City News and Personal Items People Coining and Going, Notes of Improve- ments, Social Doings and Items of Gen- eral Interest to the Public White Pine with Tar for coughs ^pd colds. Pioneer Pharmacy. Mrs, Henry Hoffijmi is report- j Guy Phillips is quite ill with ed ilL j typhoid fever. H. B. Fislar was a business visi- j j. j jpnsen, of Topbar, was a tor in Midland Wednesday. | business visitor in Philip Tuesday If you want to sell your cattle, j and Wednesday. see Will R. Walpole. 30tf FOR SALE—12x16 shack, i most new, shingle roof. Inquire at this office. Rev. O. E. Tell departed Wed- nesday noon for Aberdeen where j he will attend the Presbyterian synod of this state. C. L. Bowman went to High- more Wednesday on a business trip. Guaranteed American made 7 jewel movement in nickel case for $4.00, 15 jewel in 20 year case for $12.00 at Sageser's jewelry store. H. K. Saunders went to Pierre Wednesday where he will spend a few days on business and visiting friends. You need a good brush and box of Rexall Tooth powder. Hargesheimer sells the best. % Mrs. Win. Hess departed for Fort Pierre Wednesday noon where she will spend »lew daps visiting friends. Estray—Red milch cow, medium size, without horns, branded O. K on the toft rump, strayed from my place five miles west of Philip, Tuesday, Oct. 4th. Leave informa- tion at this office or notify O. M. Gulp at Philip, S. D. 31tf Mrs. E. R. Surbrook, of Powell, was here last week taking in the fair and visiting her many friends in Philip. She was formerly Miss Fannie Stafford. Good positions for students of the Sioux Falls Business College, Sioux Falls, S. D. Special offer and catalogue sent on request R. Clark and family, who have been visiting with their son, Fre- mont Clark, and other relatives near Grindstone, returned today to their home at Waterford, Wis- consin. L. A. Kelly, the barber, is the Rapid City Steam Laundry's agent in Philip, and the basket leaves Tuesdays and returns Saturdays, giving the quickest and best ser- vice of them all. Try us a whirl and see. 31tf Dr. Kyde notified us of the birth of a baby girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cleophas Rousseau, at Powell on Friday, September 30th. In the early days when Philip was just beginning to blossom, Mr. Rousseau had charge of the Hayes Lumber Co. at this place and is well known to the people of Philip. We might also add that he is a can- d id ate for the office of register of deeds of Stanley county on the democratic ticket and is going to make a strong race for that office. U-AH-No that the Pioneer Pharmacy ia headquarter* for .•«v- ft J* All clothing etc., left for clean ing and repairing at the panitor- ium for more than thirty days af- ter completed, will be sold for charges. Guy Phillips, Prop. 3ltf Inga Stormo is working in the telephone office as one of the ex- change girls during the absence of Miss Julliette Johnson who will leave next week on a trip to the coast. Miss Mary O'Connor of Lost Nation, Iowa, who has been visi- ting with her neice, Mrs. Henry Hoffman, went to Cottonwood Wednesday where she will spend a few days visiting relatives. "Mound City Paints may cost a trifle more, but—! Philip Lbr. Co." Mr. and Mrs. John Gillen, of Portage, Wisconsin, who have been spending a few days visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. II. J. McMahon, departed Wednesday for Vienna, where they will visit before returning home. C. C. Cooper who has been as- sisting in the law office of Philip & Waggoner, in this city for the past several weeks, went to Pierre the first of the week, where he took the examination required by those desiring to practice law with- in the state. FOR SALE—Cement blocks, 8x24 inches, 28 cents a piece. Guar- anteed. A. J. Kurka- The M. E. Sunday school will observe Rally day, Sunday, Oct. 16th. The school plans on having a very entertaining program ren- dered by the smaller pupils. Every body is invited to attend. Pro- gram will appear in Um ami issue of this Daper. FOUND—The Bad River News in all of the best homes in Stan- ley county. Patrick Toomey fo eee of the wide awake progressive and ag- gressive farmers of Stanley coun- ty. His long residence in South Dakota, through adversity and prosperity, give added interest to his opinions on the political and industrial conditions of today. Mr. Toomey believes the farmers should use their brains as well as their muscles in the subjugation of the soil. Jud Pepper called at the News office Wednesday and informed us that his sale wliich was held on Tuesday, Oct 4th, attracted a large crowd, and that all of his property went at good prices and he was well satisfied with the results. The News printed the bills for the sale which is responsible for the large crowd, and Jud says he had a good auctioneer. A combina- tion like this never failed to bring the crowds and get satisfactory re- tun% , - :..4 r ; H r, < THE DANCING DOLLS WITH "DAN CUPID" OPERA HOUSE MONDAY OCT. 10. A very complete line of Hand Bags at Pioneer Pharmacy. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bishop, of Marshaltown, Iowa, were arrivals Wednesday afternoon and will spend two weeks visiting at the home of their son L. B. Bishop, s< •Utll west of town. C. E. Logan, of Parnell, Mis- j souri, was out tnis week looking after his land in the vicinity of' \\ ellsburg, where he formerly homesteaded a quarter section of Stanley county land. He left on the noon passenger today for his home. Dr. A. A. Heiuemann received word from his wife who is in Can- ada suffering from a fracture of the lower limb, stating that she was not improving as fast as was; hoped for, and that her condition | was still serious. She was being cared for at the home of the Doc- j tor's father, but complications! have arisen that compelled them i to again remove her to the hospi- tal. i Town Gossip Everbody it talking about the delici- ous chocolates that Hargesheimer sails. Try a box today. We wish to express our thanks to those who have responded to our urgent appeals for dues on subscription and generously come across with the amount which they owed. We would like to thank each one individually, but with our large list of subscribers it would be an impossibility. To those who are still indebted to us, we gently but firmly request an early remit- tance of the amount due us, and trust that a further notice will be superfluous and unnecessary. Your little old dollar isn't very much, but it might save us from the ^clutches of our pitiless creditors and keep us out of the poor house. P. B. Zell went to Powell today on a business trip. Hargesheimer has the new post- als. ('all and see them. James A. Quigg was a business visitor at the county seat this week. Hargesheimer has a dandy line of hand bags from $1.25 and up. Nels Ellington, of Creighton, Nebraska, was a landseeker in this vicinity this week returning home this noon. G. G. Anderson, of WHHM, Nebr., was a business visitor in our city this week returning home on the east Itound passenger. Mrs. F. G. Schmidt, who has been visiting at the home of John Honey, of Smith, left today for her home at Watertown. N OTICE -The poultry car which was advertised to be in Phil- ip was delayed and will be here Tuesday Oct. 11th. Jake Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cunning- ham, of Pierre, were visitors in Philip this week and spent a few days looking ever the country in this vicinity with a view of invest- ing in some of Stanley county land. They were very favorable impressed with our city and the surrounding country. They return- ed on the noon passenger today. The masons are working on the last story of the new brick school house and it will soon be ready for the upper joice. This build- ing is a big advertisement for Philip. It can be seen for miles around, being located on a com- manding hill overlooking the beautiful valley of the Bad river. In the years to come we look to see, the young men and ladies, of Philip, emerge from its portals ready to begin the battle of life or take up a higher course of study. U- Run-No risk when you buy Security Remedies as they are all guaranteed, for sale at Pioneer Pharmacy. Pleasant Valley Times Harry K. limn*. Correspondent) Miss May Fahey lias l»een as- sisting with household duties at the David I^ambert home of late. J. C. Ilahn of Fort Pierre at- tended the county fair at Philip last week, transacting business and renewing old acquaintances in Pleasant Valley, returning to his home the latter part of the "week. M iss Rurick was a guest at the Jesse Case home Friday and Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. John Burns visi- ted at the Dennis Fahey home Sun- day. Arlo Smith is improving his farm residence by treating his house to a coat of paint, also by the addition of a lrtx24 machine shed. Fred Danu brook was down from Ashcreek last week. Mrs. Kdlin was the guest of Miss Margaret Scan Ian Monday. Jesse Case, Korella brothers and John Burns were among those from Pleasant Valley who won premiums on various articles they exhibited at the fair last week. J. C. (Barney) Burns of Dead- wood has been visiting relatives in Pleasant Valley, left the latter part of the week for Volga, S. D. Barney expects to return to Dead- wood in the near future. Frank Holy has rented his Pleas- ant Valley farm and expects to move east in the near future. John Burns and son Harry were Ashcreek visitors Tuesday and Wednesday. Rexall toilet cream 25c. Hargesheimer. Will buy 80 head of cattle, spring calves prefered. Will R. Walpole. Have you tried Hargesheimer's chocolates? They are fine. The Presbyterian L. A. 8. will meet Oct. 14, in the afternoon with Mrs. R. L Moody. FOUND- Buggy whip. Owner can have same by calling at this office and proving property. is the Time! To Buy that New Fall Suit While our line is complete. The latest things out in clothing and gent's furnishings CALL AND SEE THEM URTON "One Priced Clothier* % '•ft ..t i-rrifcfrfevfrY'ir T-i..- Afrki ^ * a * f * » * $ \ H "

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Walpole & Kelly Will Buy Your Land For Cash!

Counter Division We have nothing to say here about "County division" but we have much in common with you on the subject of "Counter division." We wish to see you on the other side of our counter. You will Hnd the merits of the line of Jew-elry, Watches, Silverware, Etc., carried by this store, worthy of your attention, before buying elsewhere.

We are Busily Engaged at the present time in perfecting our plans for the largest Fall and Holiday business we have ever experienced. We expect to have it, too. We are mentioning it thus early, so that you will be prepared for and be looking for the large display we will show later.

W. L. WILKINSON The Reliable Jeweler

This imprint on the box guarantees the quality

Ed Lins was a business, visitor at Powell Wednesday.

Philip post cards 2 for'He at Hargesheimer's only.

Anderson Michael made a busi ness trip to Fori Pierre tKH first of the week.

G. F. Moles and son Karl, went to Powell Wednesday to takech;irg«' of the store which Mr. Moles re centl.v pui chased of 11. M. Wad-de!l.

The First State Bank rtf Philip is now prepared to loan reasonable mounts on land on which patenta has been issued lltf

Mrs. F. Hulett of Milesville, re­turned from Manson, la., Wed­nesday afernoon, where she has been spending the past six weeks visiting friends and relatives.

Fred Schimke came down from Lead last week and spent a few days at the homestead with the family south of town, returning on the afternoon train Weduesday.

Hargeshei mer's The home of Rexall Remedies. One for every human iU. All


City News and Personal Items

People Coining and Going, Notes of Improve­

ments, Social Doings and Items of Gen­

eral Interest to the Public

White Pine with Tar for coughs ^pd colds. Pioneer Pharmacy.

Mrs, Henry Hoffijmi is report- j Guy Phillips is quite ill with ed ilL j typhoid fever.

H. B. Fislar was a business visi- j j. j jpnsen, of Topbar, was a tor in Midland Wednesday. | business visitor in Philip Tuesday

If you want to sell your cattle, j and Wednesday. see Will R. Walpole. 30tf

FOR SALE—12x16 shack, i most new, shingle roof. Inquire at this office.

Rev. O. E. Tell departed Wed­nesday noon for Aberdeen where j he will attend the Presbyterian synod of this state.

C. L. Bowman went to High-more Wednesday on a business trip.

Guaranteed American made 7 jewel movement in nickel case for $4.00, 15 jewel in 20 year case for $12.00 at Sageser's jewelry store.

H. K. Saunders went to Pierre Wednesday where he will spend a few days on business and visiting friends.

You need a good brush and box of Rexall Tooth powder.

Hargesheimer sells the best.


Mrs. Win. Hess departed for Fort Pierre Wednesday noon where she will spend »lew daps visiting friends.

Estray—Red milch cow, medium size, without horns, branded O. K on the toft rump, strayed from my place five miles west of Philip, Tuesday, Oct. 4th. Leave informa­tion at this office or notify O. M. Gulp at Philip, S. D. 31tf

Mrs. E. R. Surbrook, of Powell, was here last week taking in the fair and visiting her many friends in Philip. She was formerly Miss Fannie Stafford.

Good positions for students of the Sioux Falls Business College, Sioux Falls, S. D. Special offer and catalogue sent on request

R. Clark and family, who have been visiting with their son, Fre­mont Clark, and other relatives near Grindstone, returned today to their home at Waterford, Wis­consin.

L. A. Kelly, the barber, is the Rapid City Steam Laundry's agent in Philip, and the basket leaves Tuesdays and returns Saturdays, giving the quickest and best ser­vice of them all. Try us a whirl and see. 31tf

Dr. Kyde notified us of the birth of a baby girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cleophas Rousseau, at Powell on Friday, September 30th. In the early days when Philip was just beginning to blossom, Mr. Rousseau had charge of the Hayes Lumber Co. at this place and is well known to the people of Philip. We might also add that he is a can-d id ate for the office of register of deeds of Stanley county on the democratic ticket and is going to make a strong race for that office.

U-AH-No that the Pioneer Pharmacy ia headquarter* for .•«v-



All clothing etc., left for clean ing and repairing at the panitor-ium for more than thirty days af­ter completed, will be sold for charges. Guy Phillips, Prop. 3ltf

Inga Stormo is working in the telephone office as one of the ex­change girls during the absence of Miss Julliette Johnson who will leave next week on a trip to the coast.

Miss Mary O'Connor of Lost Nation, Iowa, who has been visi­ting with her neice, Mrs. Henry Hoffman, went to Cottonwood Wednesday where she will spend a few days visiting relatives.

"Mound City Paints may cost a trifle more, but—! Philip Lbr. Co."

Mr. and Mrs. John Gillen, of Portage, Wisconsin, who have been spending a few days visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. II. J. McMahon, departed Wednesday for Vienna, where they will visit before returning home.

C. C. Cooper who has been as­sisting in the law office of Philip & Waggoner, in this city for the past several weeks, went to Pierre the first of the week, where he took the examination required by those desiring to practice law with­in the state.

FOR SALE—Cement blocks, 8x24 inches, 28 cents a piece. Guar­anteed. A. J. Kurka-

The M. E. Sunday school will observe Rally day, Sunday, Oct. 16th. The school plans on having a very entertaining program ren­dered by the smaller pupils. Every body is invited to attend. Pro­gram will appear in Um ami issue of this Daper.

FOUND—The Bad River News in all of the best homes in Stan­ley county.

Patrick Toomey fo eee of the wide awake progressive and ag­gressive farmers of Stanley coun­ty. His long residence in South Dakota, through adversity and prosperity, give added interest to his opinions on the political and industrial conditions of today. Mr. Toomey believes the farmers should use their brains as well as their muscles in the subjugation of the soil.

Jud Pepper called at the News office Wednesday and informed us that his sale wliich was held on Tuesday, Oct 4th, attracted a large crowd, and that all of his property went at good prices and he was well satisfied with the results. The News printed the bills for the sale which is responsible for the large crowd, and Jud says he had a good auctioneer. A combina­tion like this never failed to bring the crowds and get satisfactory re-tun% , - :..4

r ; H r, <


A very complete line of Hand Bags at Pioneer Pharmacy.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bishop, of Marshaltown, Iowa, were arrivals Wednesday afternoon and will spend two weeks visiting at the home of their son L. B. Bishop, s< •Utll west of town.

C. E. Logan, of Parnell, Mis- j souri, was out tnis week looking after his land in the vicinity of' \\ ellsburg, where he formerly homesteaded a quarter section of Stanley county land. He left on the noon passenger today for his home.

Dr. A. A. Heiuemann received word from his wife who is in Can­ada suffering from a fracture of the lower limb, stating that she was not improving as fast as was; hoped for, and that her condition | was still serious. She was being cared for at the home of the Doc- j tor's father, but complications! have arisen that compelled them i to again remove her to the hospi­tal. i

Town Gossip Everbody it talking about the delici­

ous chocolates that Hargesheimer sails.

Try a box today.

We wish to express our thanks to those who have responded to our urgent appeals for dues on subscription and generously come across with the amount which they owed. We would like to thank each one individually, but with our large list of subscribers it would be an impossibility. To those who are still indebted to us, we gently but firmly request an early remit­tance of the amount due us, and trust that a further notice will be superfluous and unnecessary. Your little old dollar isn't very much, but it might save us from the ^clutches of our pitiless creditors and keep us out of the poor house.

P. B. Zell went to Powell today on a business trip.

Hargesheimer has the new post­als. ('all and see them.

James A. Quigg was a business visitor at the county seat this week.

Hargesheimer has a dandy line of hand bags from $1.25 and up.

Nels Ellington, of Creighton, Nebraska, was a landseeker in this vicinity this week returning home this noon.

G. G. Anderson, of WHHM, Nebr., was a business visitor in our city this week returning home on the east Itound passenger.

Mrs. F. G. Schmidt, who has been visiting at the home of John Honey, of Smith, left today for her home at Watertown.

N OTICE -The poultry car which was advertised to be in Phil­ip was delayed and will be here Tuesday Oct. 11th.

Jake Weber.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cunning­ham, of Pierre, were visitors in Philip this week and spent a few days looking ever the country in this vicinity with a view of invest­ing in some of Stanley county land. They were very favorable impressed with our city and the surrounding country. They return­ed on the noon passenger today.

The masons are working on the last story of the new brick school house and it will soon be ready for the upper joice. This build­ing is a big advertisement for Philip. It can be seen for miles around, being located on a com­manding hill overlooking the beautiful valley of the Bad river. In the years to come we look to see, the young men and ladies, of Philip, emerge from its portals ready to begin the battle of life or take up a higher course of study.

U- Run-No risk when you buy Security Remedies as they are all guaranteed, for sale at Pioneer Pharmacy.

Pleasant Valley Times Harry K. limn*. Correspondent)

Miss May Fahey lias l»een as­sisting with household duties at the David I^ambert home of late.

J. C. Ilahn of Fort Pierre at­tended the county fair at Philip last week, transacting business and renewing old acquaintances in Pleasant Valley, returning to his home the latter part of the "week.

M iss Rurick was a guest at the Jesse Case home Friday and Sat­urday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Burns visi­ted at the Dennis Fahey home Sun­day.

Arlo Smith is improving his farm residence by treating his house to a coat of paint, also by the addition of a lrtx24 machine shed.

Fred Danu brook was down from Ashcreek last week.

Mrs. Kdlin was the guest of Miss Margaret Scan Ian Monday.

Jesse Case, Korella brothers and John Burns were among those from Pleasant Valley who won premiums on various articles they exhibited at the fair last week.

J. C. (Barney) Burns of Dead-wood has been visiting relatives in Pleasant Valley, left the latter part of the week for Volga, S. D. Barney expects to return to Dead-wood in the near future.

Frank Holy has rented his Pleas­ant Valley farm and expects to move east in the near future.

John Burns and son Harry were Ashcreek visitors Tuesday and Wednesday.

Rexall toilet cream 25c. Hargesheimer.

Will buy 80 head of cattle, spring calves prefered. Will R. Walpole.

Have you tried Hargesheimer's chocolates? They are fine.

The Presbyterian L. A. 8. will meet Oct. 14, in the afternoon with Mrs. R. L Moody.

FOUND- Buggy whip. Owner can have same by calling at this office and proving property.

is the Time! To Buy that New Fall Suit

While our line is complete. The latest things out in clothing and gent's furnishings


U R T O N "One Priced Clothier*


' • f t


i-rrifcfrfevfrY'ir T-i..- Afrki ^

* a * f * » * $ \ H "