waimea weekly 25-03-15

Two new initiatives are about to be launched to encour- age people to minimise food waste, aſter a survey showed that families in Nelson and Tasman were throwing out an average of 3.3kg of edible food each week. e survey conducted last year, involving 19 house- holds throughout the region, showed that food makes up a massive 30 per cent of the rubbish placed into kerbside collections that goes into landfills. Twenty-seven per cent of households admit- ted to being large food wast- ers, throwing out more than $21 per week of edible food while 38 per cent wasted $8 per week. Tasman District Council utilities network engineer, David Stephenson, says that’s too high, and both the Nel- son and Tasman councils have been preparing two pilot schemes aimed at en- couraging households not to waste food. “We interviewed everyone in the survey and found that no one wanted to waste food but they needed some tools and guidance for minimising that waste. Education is the key, so we are going to hold a series of workshops with par- ents in kindergartens around the region starting next term. “We’ve also filmed some vid- eos of the chef Michael Mc- Meeken in his Streat Kitch- en, which will be released on Youtube in April. ey show people how to use all of the food they buy and avoid Wednesday 25 March 2015 Waimea Weekly Locally Owned and Operated Additional copies $1 100% locally owned and operated www.waimeaweekly.co.nz Affordable Funerals and Cremations We can provide every service and option, and leave you with memories of a lifetime of love. 03 544 4400 • www.wrfs.co.nz Page 29 If you are thinking of building you should talk to us 6 Florence St, Richmond Ph: 544 0886 www.endeavourhomes.co.nz • Individual homes at competitive prices • Full Design and Build Service FIGHT 4 VICTORY 2 FIGHT FOR VICTORY NELSON NZ FIGHT 4 April 2015 at Saxton Stadium Doors open from 5.30pm Page 18-19 SEE PAGE 2 Jacob Chandler A drunk cook was saved by three teenagers who heard the man’s smoke alarm sound at around 3am on Saturday. e man returned home from a night of drinking and decided to cook some sau- sages in a pan on a stove. He went into another room to sit down and fell asleep leaving the pan unattended. Richmond chief fire officer, Ralph Lons- dale, says the man was lucky he had smoke alarms that alerted the teenagers to the property. “e people walking past called the emer- gency services and broke into the house, taking urgent action before the emergency services arrived. e man himself didn’t hear the smoke alarm going off because he was deep asleep” He says smoke inhalation in that sort of situation was very common. “In that sort of scenario that’s usually what happens. If it was a longer period of time the sausages would of course catch fire and smoke and possibly the whole house would go up. Of course, if the person’s fast asleep they don’t wake up.” e man was treated at the house by am- bulance but wasn’t transported to hospital. Ralph says it goes to show the dangers of drinking and frying, and advises everyone to have smoke alarms installed. He says the incident highlights the need for the fire service’s current “don’t drink and fry” advertising campaign. Tasman District Council utilities network engineer David Stephenson with some food that was thrown out in the rubbish at the Richmond transfer station this week. Photo: Simon Bloomberg. Teens save drunk cook Campaign to help families cut food waste Simon Bloomberg [email protected] Reporter New record set Page 3 Native fish get new home

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Waimea Weekly 25-03-15


Page 1: Waimea Weekly 25-03-15

Two new initiatives are about to be launched to encour-age people to minimise food waste, after a survey showed that families in Nelson and Tasman were throwing out an average of 3.3kg of edible food each week.The survey conducted last year, involving 19 house-holds throughout the region, showed that food makes up a massive 30 per cent of the rubbish placed into kerbside collections that goes into landfills. Twenty-seven per cent of households admit-ted to being large food wast-ers, throwing out more than $21 per week of edible food while 38 per cent wasted $8 per week.Tasman District Council utilities network engineer, David Stephenson, says that’s too high, and both the Nel-son and Tasman councils

have been preparing two pilot schemes aimed at en-couraging households not to waste food.“We interviewed everyone in the survey and found that no one wanted to waste food but they needed some tools and guidance for minimising that waste. Education is the key, so we are going to hold a series of workshops with par-ents in kindergartens around the region starting next term.“We’ve also filmed some vid-eos of the chef Michael Mc-Meeken in his Streat Kitch-en, which will be released on Youtube in April. They show people how to use all of the food they buy and avoid

Wednesday 25 March 2015

WaimeaWeeklyLocally Owned and Operated

Additional copies $1 100% locally owned and operated www.waimeaweekly.co.nz

Affordable Funeralsand Cremations We can provide every service and option, and leave you with memories of a lifetime of love.03 544 4400 • www.wrfs.co.nz

Page 29

If you are thinking of building you should talk to us

6 Florence St, RichmondPh: 544 0886


• Individual homes at competitive prices • Full Design and Build Service

FIGHT4VICTORY2FIGHT FOR VICTORYTM • NELSON • NZFIGHT4 April 2015 at Saxton Stadium Doors open from 5.30pm Page 18-19


Jacob Chandler

A drunk cook was saved by three teenagers who heard the man’s smoke alarm sound at around 3am on Saturday.The man returned home from a night of drinking and decided to cook some sau-sages in a pan on a stove. He went into another room to sit down and fell asleep

leaving the pan unattended.Richmond chief fire officer, Ralph Lons-dale, says the man was lucky he had smoke alarms that alerted the teenagers to the property.“The people walking past called the emer-gency services and broke into the house, taking urgent action before the emergency services arrived. The man himself didn’t

hear the smoke alarm going off because he was deep asleep”He says smoke inhalation in that sort of situation was very common.“In that sort of scenario that’s usually what happens. If it was a longer period of time the sausages would of course catch fire and smoke and possibly the whole house would go up. Of course, if the person’s fast

asleep they don’t wake up.”The man was treated at the house by am-bulance but wasn’t transported to hospital.Ralph says it goes to show the dangers of drinking and frying, and advises everyone to have smoke alarms installed.He says the incident highlights the need for the fire service’s current “don’t drink and fry” advertising campaign.

Tasman District Council utilities network engineer David Stephenson with some food that was thrown out in the rubbish at the Richmond transfer station this week. Photo: Simon Bloomberg.

Teens save drunk cook

Campaign to help families cut food waste

Simon BloombergSenior [email protected]

New record set

Page 3

Native fish get new home

Page 2: Waimea Weekly 25-03-15

Grant Chaney




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Former Grey Power president to standAndrew Board

Two former presidents of Nel-son Grey Power have made two very different public an-nouncements this week – one is re-standing for president, the other is pulling out.Gordon Currie, president of the organisation for 21 years, is putting his name forward to be president again, while Neville Male, his successor, has pulled out of the race.Gordon made his announce-ment to Waimea Weekly, saying he’s been asked by members to stand to provide some “stability

and direction” to Nelson Grey Power.“It has been dif-ficult for me to stand by and watch the dra-ma that has oc-curred over the last six months. I have remained silent because I do not be-lieve that these problems can be solved by public arguments and clashes of personality. No one wins in this scenario, espe-

cially not Nelson Grey Power and its members.”Gordon’s announcement comes less than a week after ousted president, Neville Male, said he would not stand for president at the AGM, but endorsed a “progressive” list of candidates.Members on both sides of the warring factions say they hope the AGM on April 1 will end months of dispute between the two. Both sides are urging a big turnout for the AGM, which is being held at 10.30am at An-nesbrook Church, on Saxton Rd, in Stoke.

Former Nelson

Grey Power president Gordon Currie.

Last week we reported on Air New Zealand passengers who were stranded in Auckland. What has been your worst experience with air travel?

Helen Brown, Richmond.

“I don’t think I have ever had a bad experience, just flying back from Christchurch to Nelson we hit bad turbulence and that is all.”

Corey Kelly, Brightwater.

“I’ve flown a lot with sport but never ever had a problem.”

Brian Hill, Brightwater.

“I haven’t had any problems because I don’t fly that often.”

Eloise Bacon, Brightwater.

“My luggage got lost on a trip from New Zealand to Los An-geles, on the flight I also spilt a drink on me, so was stuck in juice-covered pants.”

wasting any.”David, whose family took part in the survey, says it was interesting looking at waste on a small scale af-ter managing thousands of tonnes of solid waste the district produces each year. He jokes that one of the biggest challenges his family faces is “getting the kids to eat all of their school lunch”.“Families often cook meals that are too big and then the leftovers get thrown out. A lot of people also

throw out food that’s passed its ex-piry date or bread that’s gone stale.“But we found one of the biggest ones was school lunches. We’ve got four kids and you try to get them to eat all their lunch - it’s impossible.”David says minimising food waste is important because it will help cut the family grocery bill, as well as re-ducing the amount of waste going into landfills. “It takes up space and produces methane, and we have to pay to col-lect it, cart it around the district and put it in the ground.”

Campaign cut food wasteFROM PAGE 1

Page 3: Waimea Weekly 25-03-15

Simon Bloomberg

Thousands of native fish were salvaged from Borck Creek and introduced to their new home in a man-made waterway last week as part of a $2 million project to widen the creek and improve Richmond’s stormwa-ter drainage system.Borck Creek starts in the Rich-mond Hills before meandering across the Waimea Plains and entering the Waimea Estuary near Headingly Lane off Lower Queen St. It is an important part of Richmond’s stormwater drainage system and last week the Tasman District Council completed a key step in a pro-ject to widen the creek.“Borck Creek doesn’t always cope well in high flood events so we’ve made a wider channel to help take the flood flows,” council project manager Chris Blythe says. “The old channel is being abandoned and replaced by a 70m wide and 400m long one.”Chris says the new waterway flows alongside Headingly Lane between Lower Queen St and the Waimea Estuary, and is designed to accommodate flood flows of up to 35 cumecs. The flow in Borck Creek was diverted into the new chan-nel on Wednesday and fisher-ies consultant Tom Kroos and council staff spent Thursday and Friday salvaging fish using

nets and electrofishing equip-ment, and releasing some into the new channel and others into Waimea River. “We are finding an incred-ible number of fish,” Tom says. “There isn’t a lot of species di-versity, with mostly common and giant bullies, long finned and short finned eels and inan-ga, but there’s so many of them.’Chris says the new 400m long section of the waterway is the first stage of the project that will eventually extend upstream to a stormwater connection at Ju-bilee Park. The project will also involve planting native vegeta-tion along the banks of the new waterway and, in future, there will be landscaping to provide a public amenity.“It’s a collegial project be-tween different Council teams

including engineering, parks and reserves, community de-velopment, and environment and planning,” Chris says. “The stormwater is the imme-diate priority but we are also aiming to reproduce a natural streambed and provide public amenities. It’s a bit a of a learn-ing curve for all us and we’ll be making improvements as we go. We’ll stop at the end of the first section and assess things, and see what works and what doesn’t - we’ll get better as the project proceeds.”Chris says the next stage of the project, to widen 280m of the creek upstream of Lower Queen St, is expected to start in six to eight weeks. The final stage of the current work will extend along Poutama Drain to Jubilee Park.

News WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015 3

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Native fish given new home

Fisheries and wildlife consultant Tom Kroos, right, and his son Harrison and staff member Steve Waterhouse, with an eel they salvaged from Borck Creek. Photo: Simon Bloomberg.

Page 4: Waimea Weekly 25-03-15

News4 WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015

Nothing beats the passion of listening to great music. But to experience that passion to it’s full-est you need a sound system capable of repro-ducing all the nuances of your favourite music. A system that will enthral you each time you listen to your music. A system that makes you want to listen to more. A system that has you grab-bing your old music out of the cabinet just so you can experience it freshly all over again.A huge percentage of peo-ple who walk into our store ask for a home theatre sys-tem. The first question we ask is do you watch movies? It is amazing how often the answer is no, or very oc-casionally. If that’s the case then we will always suggest that they should be looking at purchasing a stereo sys-tem. The main reason being that for the same dollars spent, a stereo will do a better job of playing music than a home theatre will.Don’t get me wrong, a home theatre can do a fantastic job of music reproduction, and we sup-ply a great range of theatre systems. But if you

are not a movie buff or your music listening is in a different room to the TV, it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to buy all the extra speakers and bits for a home theatre to listen to music.Contrary to what you may hear when talking to the local appliance store, good quality stereo

systems are still available. You don’t have to purchase a home theatre system or a soundbar to listen to your favourite music.At Beggs Musicworks we have put together a small selection of systems that we believe achieve the aim of putting the passion back into music. Great sound doesn’t have to be expen-sive, but you do need expe-rience and expertise to put together great sound at an affordable price.We have put together sys-

tems that combine the best of Europe, Asia and North America to bring you systems that will deliver. But don’t take our word for it, bring in your favourite music and put us to the test.

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Simon Bloomberg

Re-opening the Dun Mountain Trail is a priority for the Nelson City Council and Brook Waimarama Trust, after a major slip wiped out a section of the historic trail ear-lier this month.A 22 metre long section of the 152-year-old Dun Mountain Trail slipped onto the new fence line cut for the sanctuary’s pest-proof fence, following heavy rain in Nelson on March 6. Engineers are pres-ently assessing the damage, and sanctuary general manager, Hudson Dodd, says they expect to have some options for repairing

the trail within a week. “We are waiting for the assessment so, until then, we don’t have a lot to go on,” Hudson says. “But we are very keen to reopen the Dun Mountain Trail and we are working to make that hap-pen as soon as possible - we expect to have an initial assessment in week.”The council’s communications manager Paul Shattock says one option would be a “quick fix to open up the trail to cyclists and pedestrians” by removing around 4-6 cubic metres of ground. A consent has al-ready been granted for this under emer-gency works. Paul says permanent repairs will take

longer because the slip is situated in the conservation zone. Soil disturbance or earthworks are not permitted in this zone except for the maintenance of an existing track on the existing alignment.However, well-known mountainbiking ad-vocate Bryce Buckland and Nelson Resi-dents Association president Mike Rodwell, say the slip should never have happened. Mike says a geotechnical report, indicating that cutting the fenceline close to the Dun Mountain Trail would increase the risk of slips, was ignored by council.“Any practical person knows that cutting the toes of hills in Nelson is inviting prob-

lems big time,” Mike says. “The experts on this project have committed a cardinal sin and must now front up to their mistakes.”Mike, who is a former trustee of the Dun Mountain Trail, says both he and Bryce warned the council about the potential risks of conducting significant earthworks near the trail. Bryce says the terrain near the slip is so steep that “the probability of slope failure was obvious and the fence should not have been allowed anywhere near the trail.”Paul says engineers are currently investi-gating whether there is a relationship be-tween the earthworks and the slip.

Dun slip ‘shouldn’t have happened’

Despite the cooler weather, the locals came out to en-joy the Sprig & Fern Summer Harvest Fare last Friday at Sundial Square.Organiser of the event, Kim Quint from Richmond Unlimited, says it was a great night without any in-cidences. “There was a good steady crowd all night and it was a very calm, laid back evening. There was a distinct lack of young ones attending, compared with previous years,” says Kim.Plenty of food and beverage stalls were on offer from around the region and band Urban entertained the crowd with people up dancing and having a good time. Kids were occupied too, with bouncy castle and face painting.There were a couple of unrelated incidences that same evening with one person taken away by Richmond Police for detoxification and some infringements handed out for breach of the liquor ban within the Washbourn Gardens area.

Massive turn out for summer fare

Above: The crowd enjoying the Sprig & Fern Summer Harvest Fare. Insert: Having a great time at the Summer Harvest Fare are, from left, Luke Geary, Sarah, Guy and Sophie Thomas, and Scott, Sienna and Loretta Geary from Richmond. Photos: Monique Bergman.

Page 5: Waimea Weekly 25-03-15

News WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015 5

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Stranded passengers of an Air New Zea-land flight from Auckland to Nelson last Sunday say they will make a formal com-plaint, after the airline admitted they can-celled the flight because they wanted the plane to stay in Auckland.As reported by Waimea Weekly last week, passengers were scheduled to fly from Auckland to Nelson but the flight was de-layed until it was finally cancelled. The reason given was poor weather, but Air New Zealand has admitted the poor weather was for the return leg, meaning it could have flown the passengers home to Nelson but it didn’t want the plane stuck

here overnight.Air New Zealand spokeswoman Imogen Dennis says “a number of factors” caused the issue.“First, the aircraft was late arriving into Auckland. The second factor was that en-gineering requirements for other aircraft in our turbo prop fleet meant this aircraft was required in Auckland for the peak Monday morning services.“With weather conditions forecast to seri-ously deteriorate, the decision was taken not to operate the outbound service to Nelson as there was a significant risk the weather conditions would have prevented

the aircraft making the return leg to Auck-land.”Passengers say they should have been com-pensated for their accommodation costs because the reason they didn’t get home was because Air NZ wanted the plane left in Auckland, not bad weather stopping them from leaving.But Imogen says the airline will not be compensating them.

“As stated in our previous response, while engineering requirements played a part in the initial delay of flight NZ5253, the fi-nal decision to cancel the flight was made due to weather conditions. For this reason, compensation for overnight accommoda-tion expenses was not provided.”Since the initial story other passengers have come forward, saying they were also upset with the way Air New Zealand han-dled the situation. Two separate passengers have told Waimea Weekly they will be writing a formal letter of complaint, as the response from Air New Zealand had been “woeful”.

Flight cancelled so plane could stay in Auckland

[email protected]

Andrew BoardEditor

QUAKE HITS THE LAKE: Two earthquakes hit near St Arnaud on Monday morning. The first was a magnitude 3.5 just after at 2.16 am, 30 kilometres south of St Arnaud. It was 16 kil-ometres deep. The second was a 4.3 magnitude quake which hit 30 kilometres north of Kaik-oura at 7.06am. It is known to have been felt in St Arnaud and parts of Nelson. The quake was 44 kilometres deep.

NEWSin briefHop in for

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Page 6: Waimea Weekly 25-03-15

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Fewer families are sending their chil-dren to Playcentres and Kindergartens, forcing two of the traditional power-houses of pre-school education to re-think the way they operate.The Stoke Playcentre, opened four years ago next to Stoke School, is now only open two mornings a week as it battles to attract local families. The facility has seen its numbers reduce from around 17 families last year to only five this year. Parent Kelly Diskin says it’s “sad” to see the facility virtually empty.“It’s such a nice place and so modern and we’d love to have more friends to share it with. But I think the problem is so many mothers have to go back to work and it means they can’t come to Playcentre.”Nelson Playcentre Association execu-tive team member and liaison officer for Stoke Playcentre, Amanda Davis, says “nationally, Playcentres are in a state of flux”. She says that financial pressures on par-ents across New Zealand are forcing them to go back to full-time work and place their children in day care facili-ties. As a result, Playcentres don’t have the same number of volunteers available to run the sessions as in previous years. Next month, the Playcentre Federation of New Zealand will hold a meeting to discuss possible changes to its current structure.“The social climate has changed a lot in

New Zealand and parents are returning to work earlier and not staying at home as long as they used to. Regionally, we are trying to keep all the centres open and financially viable until possible na-tional changes are made,” says Amanda.Playcentre began over 70 years ago as a support service to women who were left raising children alone during the Second World War. Its original aim was to provide leisure for mothers and op-portunities for the social development of pre-school aged children.Today there are 33 Playcentre Associa-tions throughout New Zealand which offer a learning environment for chil-

dren from birth to six years. A typi-cal Playcentre session is held between 9.30am to 12noon.Trish Casey, CEO of the Nelson Tasman Kindergarten Association, says pres-sures on the availability of parents at home have forced Kindergartens across the region to adjust their hours also.“Over the last few years, all of our cen-tres within the region have been migrat-ing towards school hours, we are defi-nitely following what the demand is,” says Trish.In the meantime, Kelly says they’d love to have more Stoke families enquire about joining the Playcentre.

Families at Stoke Playcentre are looking for more friends. They are from left; Oliver McGuinness, Jessica Barnes, James and Kelly Diskin, Easton and Nicola Dowell. Photo: Andrew Board.

Playcentres struggle as mums head back to workA sugar-free berry cider produced by McCashin’s Brewery in Stoke has claimed the Supreme Cider Award at the Dublin Craft Beer Cup in Ireland. The Rochdale Three Berry Cider was one of six McCashin’s Brewery products to gain recognition at this month’s awards. Its Rochdale Ginger Lime Cider and beers, the Stoke Bomber Bohemian Ale, Stoke Bomber Oatmeal Stout and Stoke Dark all won silver. McCashin’s Scott McCashin says the Three Berry Cider came out of a lot of trials. It was made using a blend of local boysenberries, raspberries and blackcurrants.

Local cider wins in Dublin

Page 7: Waimea Weekly 25-03-15

News WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015 7


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Bull on the loose: A bull took a prime opportu-nity to escape as it wandered through a gap in a farm fence near Stoke late this morning.The council’s customer service centre was alert-ed to the escaped bull at the top end of Songer street and two animal control officers were dis-patched to guide the animal back to it’s pad-dock. The farmer returned to the area just as the bull was led back onto the property. He then set about repairing the fence.

Residents urged to oppose liquor store: Vic-tory Liquor Centre has reopened its doors after it was restored to the companies register this week. Residents opposed to the reopening of a liquor store in Victory Square are being urged to make their voice heard.

AOS called to Victory: The Armed Offenders Squad completed a dawn raid at a Jenner Rd address around 7am Friday morning. A 38 year old man was held in custody and charged with unlawful possession of a firearm, unlawful pos-session of an explosive (ammunition), burglary, and unlawfully being in an enclosed yard. The man will appear in court on Monday.


World Cup Cricket fever hit Henley Pri-mary school this week with the launch of a new cricket math competition.To get students interested and involved in math, teacher Rachael Meyers created a competition relating to the World Cup.“The point of the competition is to pro-mote math in a positive way,” says Ra-chael.Children are given math problems relat-ed to the cricket world cup to take home and complete with their parents. Once homework is completed and handed in

to their teachers, student’s names are drawn out to win cricket prizes. Rachael runs various math competi-tions throughout the year that include topical subjects. She involves the local community by requesting prizes for the children, this time she approached Nel-son Cricket who donated shorts and a cricket bat.“It is all about getting both the children and parents involved in math in a fun way,” says Rachael. Teachers Cade Armstrong and Rachael Myers, in front of Henley Primary School students

participating in the Maths Cricket World Cup activities. Photo: Monique Bergman.

School turns cricket fever into maths comp

Page 8: Waimea Weekly 25-03-15

News8 WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015

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Pupils at Richmond School wit-nessed the shocking consequences of speeding when a drunken pe-destrian was hit by a speeding car on Church St last Friday.Fortunately, Dozy Dave, the drunk pedestrian, was a cardboard cut out and the blood that splattered on the car windscreen was toma-to sauce all part of a road safety demonstration being held outside Richmond School. But that didn’t make the stopping distance dem-onstration any less terrifying for the pupils, or teacher Pip Scott who was a passenger in the car.“I’m still shaking even though it wasn’t real,” Pip told the pupils after she got out of the car that had hit Dozy Dave. “It’s not a nice feeling hitting the person - I had to look away.”The demonstration, which showed how long it takes for a car to stop when travelling at 20kmh, 50kmh and 60kmh, also made a big im-pression on the pupils. They were all surprised that a small increase in speed resulted in a big increase in stopping distances.“It was really cool, but it would have been really bad if it had been real,” middle syndicate pupil Nina

Fowler says. “I was surprised how it took so long to stop when the car was going 60kmh.”The demonstration, conducted by driving instructor and former traffic officer Gary Dunn, showed that the car could stop safely with-out hitting the dummy pedestrian at 20kmh and 50kmh, but not at 60kmh. Gary explained that an adult hit by a car travelling at 30kmh would have a 70 per cent chance of survival while a child would only have a 10 per cent chance of survival.“Dozy Dave would be hit in the leg and receive leg injuries, and rib and head injuries but a child would be hit in the torso and have their internal organs crushed and head smashed,” Gary says. “It’s always far worse for a young child because they are smaller.” The two key messages Gary gave to the children were not to play on the road and, if they were a passenger in a car that they thought was go-ing too fast, to “ask the driver are you speeding?”The stopping distance demonstra-tions were held at 10 locations across the Tasman district and four in Nelson, last week.

Richmond School middle syndicate pupils watch a ‘pedestrian’ being hit by a car during a traffic safety demonstration outside the school last Friday. Photo: Simon Bloomberg.

Students learn speeding lesson

Page 9: Waimea Weekly 25-03-15

News WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015 9

Your fresh food people



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They do it for all sorts of reasons.Some of them don’t like being re-stricted by a tight wetsuit. Others just enjoy the pure, uncomplicated simplicity of it all and a few just like the natural sensation of seawater against their skin.But whatever their reasons, the swimmers who went through the Port Nelson Sea Swim series wear-ing nothing but togs certainly gained the admiration of their wetsuited counterparts. The 18-race series started on November 6 when the water was a chilly 13 or 14 degrees Celcius and ended last Thursday. “It was pretty cold at the start for them,” series organiser Dick Bennison says. “You can’t just jump in and swim in the cold like that - you have to acclimatise and that’s what a lot of them do.“I think quite a few, like Geoff Lart, swim right through winter with-out a wetsuit. But most of them are Poms and I reckon if you learned to swim in the Irish Sea anything else will seem warm.”But Peter Thomas, who swam with-out a wetsuit for the first time this season, says the worst part is actu-ally standing around waiting to get in the water.“The first few swims were cold but the hardest part was standing

around waiting for the swim. Once you get in the water and get going it’s actually not too bad.”Peter says he decided to join the non-wetsuit swimmers this sea-son “for a challenge”. Apart from the cold, he says it also took some time to feel comfortable swimming without the potentially life-saving buoyancy of a wetsuit. “It took a while to get used to it but now I’m really enjoying it,” he says.Veteran non-wetsuit swimmers, Chris Baird and Digby Kynaston, concede that they also felt the cold early in the season but Chris says that just “makes you feel very fresh and alive”. Digby says he couldn’t imagine swimming without the “feel of the water on your body”.But the early season chill and lack of buoyancy aren’t the only chal-lenges of swimming without a wetsuit. “You lose some speed be-cause wetsuits give swimmers extra streamlining,” Peter says. “I’ve no-ticed this year I’m about a minute and half slower over a kilometre without my wetsuit.”For the record, Geoff Lart won the non-wetsuit men’s long course se-ries ahead of Peter and Chris with Cheryl le Lange, Kay McPherson and Monique Day on the podium for the women.

Chris Baird, left, Peter Thomas, centre, and Digby Kynaston, swim au naturel in the Port Nelson Sea Swims. Photo: Simon Bloomberg.

Seals brave cold at sea swims

Page 10: Waimea Weekly 25-03-15

This Week10 WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015

Out&About• A L L T H E F U N • A L L T H E P A R T I E S • A L L T H E G O O D T I M E S

Having a par ty/event/func tion? Call our photographer 544 9037 or 027 532 6461

These photos are for sale

To order Ph 544 9037 or drop in to 6 Salisbury Rd,


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At the Summer Harvest Fare,

from left, Cheryl Wood, Shane

and Julie Ged-des and Joanne


Heather, Ben and Nicola Scoltock from Richmond

enjoying the Sprig & Fern Summer

Harvest Fare.Hugh Macmil-lan and Rhys O’Connellat Marchfest.

Mark Rea with Lucy and Blair Elvy at Marchfest on Saturday.

Diane and Eric Mahone have a drink inside the beer tent at Marchfest.

Kristy Fielding and JennyO’Connell at the CCS Disability

fundraiser night.

Rachel Stringer and Andrea Bruce

at the CCS night at Fashion Central.

Julie Coutts, Vanessa Mullenger, Barbara Gould and Dave Whitehurst, at the CCS

fundraiser night.

Mereia Shah and Teresa Stratford listen to the live music as they relax on the

grass at Marchfest on Saturday.

Hayden and Maia Jones

having fun at the Sprig &

Fern Summer Harvest Fare.

Andrea Watson, Sally

Bryce, Joan Davidsen, Jes-

sica Stalker and Amanda


The biggest street party in Richmond was

held on Friday night with the Sprig & Fern Summer Harvest Fare

in Sundial Square. We were there snap-

ping some of the locals enjoying the night.

We also have photos from the CCS fundrais-

er at Fashion Central in Richmond and from the Marchfest event in

Nelson.If you’re having a party or event and would like us to come along, call

us on 544 9037.

Page 11: Waimea Weekly 25-03-15

News WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015 11

4 McGlashen Ave, RichmondPh: 544 6613

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* Conditions apply, see in store for details.

*Colourplus regrets that not all Colourplus stores may stock all of the products advertised. All offers are valid until Sunday 19th April 2015, and apply to cash, eftpos and credit card sales only. Excludes existing quotes and other promotional offers.

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* Conditions apply, see in store for details.

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All wines open for tasting…….. UNMISSABLE PRICES!

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Tapawera Area School dressed up in purple last week and held a parade at assembly for Purple Cup Cake Day. Students made purple cup cakes and banners during class, and decorated their classrooms with balloons and all things purple. A gold coin donation was made by the children who raised around $200 for the Purple Cup Cake cause.

Jean Jackson, Wednesday, March 11: Local artist Jean Jackson was thrilled with her birth-day surprise when her daughters organised an art exhibition solely for her work, held at the Trailways Hotel last Saturday. Jean said the support she got from friends and admirers of her art was amazing, particularly when, the day after her exhibition, she was contacted by a man who wished to buy a second piece of art. Of the 36 pieces that Jean had on display, she successfully sold five of them.

Nelsonians gather in Gallipoli, Wednesday, March 11: After winning a double ticket to the centenary commemorations at Gallipoli this year, Cathy Knight has made an effort to meet up with the 26 other Nelsonians attending. So far, she has heard from three other couples who are all enthusiastic about meeting after the commemoration and they will be meeting up this Sunday at the Honest Lawyer to discuss their upcoming trip. For those going on the trip who want to make contact with Cathy, they can reach her by emailing [email protected]

If you have an end to one of our stories contact Jessie on [email protected]

with Jessie Johnston

544 9037For advertising that really works!

Page 12: Waimea Weekly 25-03-15

Air New Zealand flight cancelled:I am not surprised to read your re-port. My wife and I were booked

on NZ5253 on Sunday, August 31st, last year as the last leg of a trip home from the UK, and on landing at Auckland we dis-covered that the flight had been cancelled.

No explanation given. We finally - after a lot of being mucked around - got on the 2050 flight, and arrived home consider-ably more tired that we had expected. We had originally been booked on 5253 the previous Friday, but had to re-book as my wife became unwell on the flight across

Australia and we had to stay in Brisbane for two nights. We then discovered that a neigh-bour had been booked on 5253 on the Friday we were originally booked, and that flight was can-celled. She also told us that a friend of hers had had the same experience on the same flight within the previous two weeks. That is beyond coincidence. The inescapable conclusion is that this flight is a phantom flight, scheduled, but operated only if there are enough passengers.It doesn’t matter how much the passengers are inconvenienced. Anyone seeking any semblance of a reliable booking would be well advised to avoid this par-ticular flight. Roger Cole.

Yes, this was a strange situation.

We were on the 5.40 flight from Auckland which left on sched-ule, despite the earlier flight be-ing postponed and subsequent-

ly cancelled. Stranger still was the fact that there were empty seats on our flight! Alison Lonsdale.

These customer service people need a shake up, as well as the na-

tional carrier. Sheralee Taylor.

The attitude of staff does not sur-prise me one bit. Flew Air NZ, in-

ternational last year, same s&^% attitude from staff. Airline of the year? Yeah right! Never again... Brian Gower.

You can email Air NZ all you like, they NEVER reply!! When’s that

other airline starting from Nelson? Jude Gray.

Grey Power:It is unfortunate that due to an un-willingness to accept arbitration,

and a lack of interpersonal skills, the for-mer Nelson Grey Power leadership has attempted to discredit the standing Com-mittee. The current Nelson Grey Power Committee and Vice-President, who have been named as rebels by the former lead-ership, have, in fact, acted constitutionally and appropriately in trying to advance the interests of the members. If politicians call black white often enough, the public sometimes believe what is being stated and are misled. But it can be hoped that at the Grey Power AGM on April 1, the members

will not vote for the so-called “Progressive” candidates who are standing for commit-tee. They plan to reinstate the former lead-ership which has overlooked appropriate constitutional procedure. Dan McGuire.

Water levels:I was reading in National Geo-graphic that sea levels are pre-

dicted to rise by at least 2 feet, and pos-sibly up to 6ft, by 2100. Surely this needs to be planned for and should be treated as a matter of priority. It would make the Southern Link on Rocks Rd unviable and there is the concern that the whole of the CBD etc would be underwater. What does the mayor have to say? By the way, this is not a ‘do you believe in global warming’ question as the planet has warmed 1 de-gree over the past century. Whether it is man made, (most likely) or not, is not the point. The point is what are we going to do about it? Doug Barry-Martin.

Inflated water bill:Ha! We contacted the council about our just over $1,000 water bill for

six months. We don’t even water our gar-den and we paid a plumber to check taps, etc on the property. No leaks and dry un-der the house. The council wouldn’t come to the party and we had to pay all of it. About six months ago they changed our water metre to a new one and we have had no problems since, go figure! Hope Rogers.

Opinion12 WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015

Your Voice [email protected] text: 027 UR VOICE facebook.com/nelsonweekly www.nelsonweekly.co.nz


[email protected]• txt: 027 UR VOICE• facebook.com/waimeaweekly• www.waimeaweekly.co.nz

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Page 13: Waimea Weekly 25-03-15

Advert WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015 13

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Page 14: Waimea Weekly 25-03-15

News14 WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015

345 LOWER QUEEN ST, RICHMOND P: 543 9179 www.clubwaimea.co.nzMembers - their guests and affiliated members all welcome

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Richmond’s David Gruschow could be one of the last people in the country to have heard a first-hand account of what it was like in Gallipoli.David’s great uncle, Doug Di-bley, was New Zealand’s long-est surviving Gallipoli veteran, passing away in 1997 at the age of 101. David remembers visiting his great uncle on the family farm as a young child and recalls his family always being proud of his war efforts.Doug was from Rotorua and during WWI he was a stretcher bearer in the field hospital unit. It was believed that he carried the last wounded man off the peninsula before the final evac-uation. In later years, David would visit his great uncle in his rest home where they would share stories about serving in the army, in-cluding Doug’s Gallipoli expe-riences. David received gener-al service medals for his time as a Military Chaplain, serving in Bosnia and Bougainville dur-ing their civil wars. “Some people who fought at Gallipoli didn’t like to talk about it but he would chat quite happily about it, perhaps it was because I was also in the army. He talked about training at Trentham and how the con-

ditions were dreadful at Gal-lipoli,” says David.Doug joined the army in 1915 at 19 years old, after he and his mate saw an advertisement in the paper wanting orderlies in Trentham Military Camp. They had been training a month when they were sent off over-seas as members of the New Zealand medical corps. He was transported to Gallipoli at night, to the top of the cliffs at Walker’s Ridge, where the unit was located right behind the lines. The young green soldiers were told to dig holes and burrow in, where they would hear bul-lets whizz past, a new sensation for Doug, having never heard a shell burst or rifle bullet fly past

before. His job was to take in-jured soldiers down to the base at the beach, waiting for them to be transshipped at night.Almost 9000 New Zealanders served at Gallipoli and con-ditions were rough. Soldiers didn’t have enough water for a wash and, as a result, lice were rife throughout the camp. Food consisted of bully beef, biscuits, jam and cheese, with the odd tin of stew. Doug returned to New Zealand in 1918, married and had 11 children. Like many war veterans, he saw first hand the damage war does to people, both at home and to those who go away, and as a re-sult his last recorded statement was “No-one wins in the end”.

Local man remembers Gallipoli war tales

Father David Gruschow with an image of his Great Uncle, Doug Dibley, who was the last surviving New Zealand Gallipoli veteran. He died then he was 101. Photo: Monique Bergman.

Henley Primary School children held an appeal for the Red Cross last week to raise funds for cyclone ravaged Vanuatu. Both kids and teachers were en-couraged to wear red for the day and donate a gold coin towards the cause by placing it onto a red cross. The school presented a cheque for

$577.70 to Jackie Tye, Service Cen-tre Coordinator for the Red Cross. Henley School principal, John Armstrong says it will be a big ap-peal. “We plan one major fundraiser each term and everyone was happy to get behind it and support such a good cause.”

Henley to help Vanuatu

While we are all buzzing over the Cricket World Cup, the Cup has been tinged with sadness with one of cricket’s greats, Martin Crowe, having only weeks to live. In a very personal article he talked about the value of personal risk man-agement. He was asked how he dealt with knowing he had not long to live. Here are his words.“The first thing I had to come to terms with, and this is very obvious for everyone, has to do with money and security. When I looked at my situation I was covered, because I made a call at the age of 40 to get cover for everything: trauma, long-term illness, death. I did it because I had a little girl who had just been born and who needed protecting. I am in a position where, because I’m not supposed to be alive, they have already paid me. I’ve set up a trust, so when I leave, Emma will be looked after. It’s an odd situation where you are paid out for death while you are still alive, but it’s a clause they have in these days. If you have 12 months or less, you can call on that money”.

Martin obviously received good advice. His pro-gramme included products which are complex by nature, and which, to obtain the best from, re-quire quality advice. This relates not only to the amount of insurance cover, but also the products

used. That’s where good ad-vice is gold. A quality advis-er will not only understand the product, but also use in-dependent research to help you decide which product and product provider best suits your needs. It can be a fine line between a product which will pay out and one in which there is an “escape” clause.My passion is helping good people with good advice. Whether you are a business owner or a family person, I can assist you to ensure that, if the worst does hap-

pen, you, your family or your business remain financially secure.And finally, a wonderful statistic - most people who claim on their insurance make a full recov-ery.

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202 Collingwood St PO Box 287, Nelson, 704003 546 7773 [email protected]

A Disclosure Statement, free of charge is available on request

Business:Business value protectionShareholder protectionKey person protectionBusiness liability protectionLoss of income protection

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Page 15: Waimea Weekly 25-03-15

Advert WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015 15


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Page 16: Waimea Weekly 25-03-15

Feature16 WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015

Retirement is a time that many people are looking forward to and this year’s Positive Ageing Expo at Headingly Centre is packed with information and services that will help make your retirement years some of the best of your life. The expo will be showcasing around 70 stalls, from com-mercial services to help you maintain a fit and healthy body through to a range of leisure groups that can help you fill your social schedule. There are many services out there to help people age posi-tively, from the health basics such as hearing and blood pressure tests, to social op-portunities to make it easier for people who have a bit more time on their hands to enjoy themselves and meet people with similar interests. Those out there with skills they wish to carry on into their retire-ment can utilise them within community groups, such as Menz Shed and the trapping and bird recovery groups that

Two out of every three New Zealanders are touched by

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See us at the Expo or phone us on

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Affordable Funerals & Cremations Talk to us at the Positive Ageing Expo about the options and services we can provide for you and your loved ones. (Pre-planning & pre-payment available)

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Independent Advice

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work out the back of Richmond. Many of these clubs aren’t found in the phone book and this is the perfect chance to break the ice and learn more about how your skills or enthusiasm can be put to good use. Alongside their stall holders, the Posi-tive Ageing Expo will feature two great seminars by Lois Tonkin and Mark Ing-lis. In the first seminar Lois will be dis-

cussing how to cope with grief. Feelings of grief cover a number of situations that we face throughout life, as well as bereavement. It could be moving out of the family home and downsizing, or say-ing goodbye to family as they become independent. In the afternoon, Mark Inglis, a role model for positive ageing, will be delivering an inspirational talk on the challenges he has faced during

Shirley Dunlea and Jo Kara from Access, at the expo at Headingly Lane last year.

Positiveageing expo

friday 27 marchheadingly centre

richmond10am - 3pm

Page 17: Waimea Weekly 25-03-15

Feature WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015 17

Find out why Ernest Rutherford ticks

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Come along and meet Durham and Debbie at the Positive Aging Expo to find out everything you need to know about your retirement living and care options.


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Good news, choosing a m

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In an emergency St John are expert at getting the m

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Make sure it has St John on it!

his life. Entry into both semi-nars is free, although entry is limited to 350 seats. The expo will begin with an introduction from The Hon. Maggie Barry, the Minis-ter for Senior Citizens, after which people can explore and learn more about the huge number of services, products and opportunities on offer. This year, organis-ers will also be introducing a passport system which will end in some prize givea-ways. Those attending will be issued with a list of all the stalls, which are divided amongst six lines throughout the venue. Simply get one stall from each line signed off, submit it and the winners will be drawn and notified after the event. Prizes include Richmond Mall vouchers and a trip into the Abel Tasman National Park, plus heaps more thanks to some generous local businesses. There will also be some questions for attendees to answer regarding improvements to the expo in the future. Entry into the event is free, with lunch available for purchase and morning and afternoon tea provid-ed. Stoke Seniors have provided a shuttle bus ser-vice from Richmond’s Sundial Square to the event which will link up with the N-Bus from Nelson.

Whether you’re approaching retirement and are starting to plan some of the changes to your life, or you are already enjoying retirement and want to better those years, this event is not to be missed, says Councillor Judene Edgar. “I’ve also found it to be a great resource for younger family members so that they can be informed and bet-ter support their loved ones.”The Positive Ageing Expo will run from 10am until 3pm this Friday and is located at Headingly Centre, Headingly Lane, Richmond.

Lyn Trolove with Christine Stanton, and Vivienne Moody at last years Positive Ageing Expo.

Positiveageing expo

friday 27 marchheadingly centre

richmond10am - 3pm

Page 18: Waimea Weekly 25-03-15

Feature18 WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015 Feature WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015 19NelsonLocally Owned and Operated WeeklyNelson

Locally Owned and Operated Weekly TUESDAY 24 March 2015TUESDAY 24 March 2015

Daniel Reed 021 548 982

[email protected]

proud to supportFIGHT FOR VICTORY

Daniel Reed 021 548 982

[email protected]

proud to supportFIGHT FOR VICTORY

Daniel Reed 021 548 982

[email protected]

proud to supportFIGHT FOR VICTORY

FeatureFeature18 19

Proud sponsors of Fight 4 Victory.


Proud to support Victory Boxing

Cnr Rutherford St & Hardy St (Opposite McDonalds)P: 545 8032 www.bowaterhyundai.co.nz

Barry Galbraith (Trustee Of Victory Boxing Charitable Trust), Paul Hampton (Victory Boxing Programme Co-ordinator) and Chris Bowater (CEO of Bowater Hyundai)

Duncan Cotterill are proud to support Fight4Victory


Moving on tomorrow.Today.


Proud to support Fight 4 Victory

Restaurant & Bar

Ph 545 7191 284 Trafalgar Stwww.hopgoods.co.nz

Proud to be the official


Check out photos of the night at

www.shuttersport.co.nz Ph: 544 4444 221 Queen St, Richmondwww.tonichaircultureandbeauty.co.nz

The team at Tonic are right

behind you!

Libby “The Tonic Terminator”

Wishing all the contestants the best of luck for this great fundraiser.


Ph: 545 6100 Mobile: 021 524 [email protected]


Tim “Fire Starter” Skinner

Richard “Urban Brawler” Malcolm


Ivan “The Tank” Tava

James “Junkyard Dog” Hemi


Emma “The Riddler” Riddell

Michelle “Molotov Mish” Byczkow


Hazel “Bulldog” Trethowen

Libby “The Tonic Terminator”



Karl “The Pitbull” Griffin

Heath “Bam Bam” Botica


Kevin “Chopper” Hopgood

Garry “Silver Mustang” Ford


Rhys “The Axe” Horncastle

Johnny “Bonesaw” Wilkie


James “The Hammer” Maxwell

Tony “The Professor” Snape


Steffan “The Sheriff” James

Justin “Machine Gun” Carter


Andrew “Bad News” Board

Hayden “The Hitman” Thompson

Fight 4 Victory is a proven winner out of the ring and it’s now only ten days away from finding out who the winners will be inside it.The corporate boxing event was first held in 2013, raising money for the Victory Boxing Charitable Trust. It’s success has helped im-prove the lives of local kids and of the box-ers who took part. The money raised from that first event took a small after-school programme with a few kids and turned it into a hub of Victory. A place buzzing with people, throughout the day and night, six days a week.Since then a lot of work has gone into get-ting the structures and programmes right as the trust has quadrupled in numbers. So this year’s Fight 4 Victory isn’t so much about establishing a facility and pro-gramme, it’s now about making sure it’s here for the long haul.This year’s Fight 4 Victory will feature 20 local boxers. Amongst them are busi-ness people, chefs, hairdressers, engineers, lawyers, a landscaper and a police officer. Regular people who are putting their body on the line to help raise money for a good cause.

Fifty corporate tables have already been sold for the event and general admission tickets are selling well. Programme director at the trust, Paul

Hampton, says he’d love to see a good crowd on the night. “This event is unique for Nel-son. We don’t see a lot of events like it so hopefully people grab a few friends and

make a night of it. There’ll be a lot of people who know some of the fighters, but even if you don’t it’s still great entertainment.”The fight is sanctioned by the New Zealand Professional Boxing Association and will be MC’d by comedian Mike King and local personality Murray Leaning.Paul says every cent of the money raised goes to the trust. “The funds help sustain and grow our programme and without this event we wouldn’t be here. It’s hugely im-portant for us.”Pat Leonard from the NZ Professional Box-ing Association says he does around 50 cor-porate events around the country each year and the Fight 4 Victory is one of the best.Paul says the fighters have put in 12 hard weeks of work, Saxton Stadium will look a treat and now all it needs is a good turn out to cheer them all on.Doors open for Fight 4 Victory at 5.30pm at Saxton Stadium on April 4. The first fight starts at 7pm and the event is expected to be finished before 10pm. General admission tickets are $35 per per-son and can be bought from the Theatre Royal, Nelson i-Site, Richmond Mall or on-line at www.ticketdirect.co.nz

Andrew Marriott lands a heavy shot on Rob Crawford at the last Fight 4 Victory. Photo: Barry Whitnall/Shuttersport.

Proud to be major sponsors of Fight 4 Victory

NelsonLocally Owned and Operated Weekly

WaimeaWeeklyLocally Owned and Operated

NelsonLocally Owned and Operated Weekly

WaimeaWeeklyLocally Owned and Operated

90 Hardy St, Nelson |ph 03 548 1441 www.lonestar.co.nz

Party like Kings at theFIGHT4VICTORYAfter Party

Lone Star - Sat 4th April

321 Hardy St • Ph 548 4847www.bamfordlaw.co.nz

Proud to support Fight 4 Victory and Emma “the Riddler” Riddell

4 April 2015 at Saxton Stadium Doors open from 5.30pm

Proudly sponsored by:

Proud sponsors of Fight 4 Victory

When success is critical get the gibbons adVantage

$35 General admission

Tickets on sale NOW!

Available from:



4 April 2015 at Saxton Stadium Doors open from 5.30pm






We are proud to support Fight 4 Victory.

Go Rhys ‘The Axeman’ Horncastle!

Ph 541 0640www.stonewood.co.nz

Page 19: Waimea Weekly 25-03-15

Feature18 WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015 Feature WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015 19NelsonLocally Owned and Operated WeeklyNelson

Locally Owned and Operated Weekly TUESDAY 24 March 2015TUESDAY 24 March 2015

Daniel Reed 021 548 982

[email protected]

proud to supportFIGHT FOR VICTORY

Daniel Reed 021 548 982

[email protected]

proud to supportFIGHT FOR VICTORY

Daniel Reed 021 548 982

[email protected]

proud to supportFIGHT FOR VICTORY

FeatureFeature18 19

Proud sponsors of Fight 4 Victory.


Proud to support Victory Boxing

Cnr Rutherford St & Hardy St (Opposite McDonalds)P: 545 8032 www.bowaterhyundai.co.nz

Barry Galbraith (Trustee Of Victory Boxing Charitable Trust), Paul Hampton (Victory Boxing Programme Co-ordinator) and Chris Bowater (CEO of Bowater Hyundai)

Duncan Cotterill are proud to support Fight4Victory


Moving on tomorrow.Today.


Proud to support Fight 4 Victory

Restaurant & Bar

Ph 545 7191 284 Trafalgar Stwww.hopgoods.co.nz

Proud to be the official


Check out photos of the night at

www.shuttersport.co.nz Ph: 544 4444 221 Queen St, Richmondwww.tonichaircultureandbeauty.co.nz

The team at Tonic are right

behind you!

Libby “The Tonic Terminator”

Wishing all the contestants the best of luck for this great fundraiser.


Ph: 545 6100 Mobile: 021 524 [email protected]


Tim “Fire Starter” Skinner

Richard “Urban Brawler” Malcolm


Ivan “The Tank” Tava

James “Junkyard Dog” Hemi


Emma “The Riddler” Riddell

Michelle “Molotov Mish” Byczkow


Hazel “Bulldog” Trethowen

Libby “The Tonic Terminator”



Karl “The Pitbull” Griffin

Heath “Bam Bam” Botica


Kevin “Chopper” Hopgood

Garry “Silver Mustang” Ford


Rhys “The Axe” Horncastle

Johnny “Bonesaw” Wilkie


James “The Hammer” Maxwell

Tony “The Professor” Snape


Steffan “The Sheriff” James

Justin “Machine Gun” Carter


Andrew “Bad News” Board

Hayden “The Hitman” Thompson

Fight 4 Victory is a proven winner out of the ring and it’s now only ten days away from finding out who the winners will be inside it.The corporate boxing event was first held in 2013, raising money for the Victory Boxing Charitable Trust. It’s success has helped im-prove the lives of local kids and of the box-ers who took part. The money raised from that first event took a small after-school programme with a few kids and turned it into a hub of Victory. A place buzzing with people, throughout the day and night, six days a week.Since then a lot of work has gone into get-ting the structures and programmes right as the trust has quadrupled in numbers. So this year’s Fight 4 Victory isn’t so much about establishing a facility and pro-gramme, it’s now about making sure it’s here for the long haul.This year’s Fight 4 Victory will feature 20 local boxers. Amongst them are busi-ness people, chefs, hairdressers, engineers, lawyers, a landscaper and a police officer. Regular people who are putting their body on the line to help raise money for a good cause.

Fifty corporate tables have already been sold for the event and general admission tickets are selling well. Programme director at the trust, Paul

Hampton, says he’d love to see a good crowd on the night. “This event is unique for Nel-son. We don’t see a lot of events like it so hopefully people grab a few friends and

make a night of it. There’ll be a lot of people who know some of the fighters, but even if you don’t it’s still great entertainment.”The fight is sanctioned by the New Zealand Professional Boxing Association and will be MC’d by comedian Mike King and local personality Murray Leaning.Paul says every cent of the money raised goes to the trust. “The funds help sustain and grow our programme and without this event we wouldn’t be here. It’s hugely im-portant for us.”Pat Leonard from the NZ Professional Box-ing Association says he does around 50 cor-porate events around the country each year and the Fight 4 Victory is one of the best.Paul says the fighters have put in 12 hard weeks of work, Saxton Stadium will look a treat and now all it needs is a good turn out to cheer them all on.Doors open for Fight 4 Victory at 5.30pm at Saxton Stadium on April 4. The first fight starts at 7pm and the event is expected to be finished before 10pm. General admission tickets are $35 per per-son and can be bought from the Theatre Royal, Nelson i-Site, Richmond Mall or on-line at www.ticketdirect.co.nz

Andrew Marriott lands a heavy shot on Rob Crawford at the last Fight 4 Victory. Photo: Barry Whitnall/Shuttersport.

Proud to be major sponsors of Fight 4 Victory

NelsonLocally Owned and Operated Weekly

WaimeaWeeklyLocally Owned and Operated

NelsonLocally Owned and Operated Weekly

WaimeaWeeklyLocally Owned and Operated

90 Hardy St, Nelson |ph 03 548 1441 www.lonestar.co.nz

Party like Kings at theFIGHT4VICTORYAfter Party

Lone Star - Sat 4th April

321 Hardy St • Ph 548 4847www.bamfordlaw.co.nz

Proud to support Fight 4 Victory and Emma “the Riddler” Riddell

4 April 2015 at Saxton Stadium Doors open from 5.30pm

Proudly sponsored by:

Proud sponsors of Fight 4 Victory

When success is critical get the gibbons adVantage

$35 General admission

Tickets on sale NOW!

Available from:



4 April 2015 at Saxton Stadium Doors open from 5.30pm






We are proud to support Fight 4 Victory.

Go Rhys ‘The Axeman’ Horncastle!

Ph 541 0640www.stonewood.co.nz

Page 20: Waimea Weekly 25-03-15

Feature20 WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015

Why struggle

with your


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Congratulations on 10 great years

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Congratulations on 10 years in business.

It’s been 10 years since Sharon Stockdale took over ownership of Scissor Art and she and her team have loved every minute of servicing the needs of the Brightwater area. During it’s decade under Sharon’s management, Scissor Art had undergone some transforma-tions of its own, most obvious being it’s recent renovation. The salon success-fully achieved its aim of becoming a comfortable place for clients and a great work environment for the stylists to work their mag-ic. “Everyone’s loved it, I had a rep in today who hasn’t been here since it was done and he was blown away by the transforma-tion. Everyone who hasn’t been here for a while and remembers what it did look like is blown away by it and how amazing it actually looks and it’s lovely to work in,” says Sharon. A fantastic looking salon needs fantastic staff and with a talented team of stylists on hand, it defi-nitely delivers on that front too. Bidi Holani is a

fully qualified stylist with over 10 years of experi-ence and alongside her is Neisha Woodward, a fully qualified senior stylist with over eight years of experience. Scissor Art is also proud to intro-duce its most recent staff member, Taylor Miller. The third year apprentice stylist is exceptionally talented and will be a big asset to the business.

Sharon herself has been in the industry for 30 years, work-ing in Australia and Christch-urch, tutoring for three years at Polytech and was also involved with WOW for three years; experi-ences that have all combined to make Scissor Art the success it is today.

Being a country salon has no effect on the quality of the services they provide, the team are con-stantly up-skilling with colour training days, over looked by a technician from the Keune range of hair products, and their own staff training exer-cises that allow them to practice new techniques that can be transferred to their customers. Their

Brightwater Motors


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Scissor ArtCelebrating 10 years

After 10 years of ownership, Sharon is thrilled with the current look and success of salon, Scissor Art and continues to enjoy being part of the Brightwater community.

Page 21: Waimea Weekly 25-03-15

Feature/News WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015 21


NBus... surprisingly awesome!


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Nelson > Richmond

at peak timesat peak timesMINUTES


*Richmond to Nelson routes every 15 minutes during peak times on week days.

Other routes every 30 minutes during peak time.Also, save up to 30% each trip with a 30 trip concession card!

Scissor Art56 Ellis St, Brightwater Ph 542 3839 www.scissorart.co.nz

Thanks for 10 amazing years!Thanks for 10 amazing years!

56 Ellis St, Brightwater Ph 542 3839 www.scissorart.co.nz

great range of Keune products includes a para-ben and sulphate free option as well as the ex-clusion of PPD’s from their hair colours, which limits the possibility of skin irritation. The salon also offers facial waxing, eyelash tinting and eyebrow shaping. While Scissor Art has already u n d e r g o n e some big chang-es, Sharon has more plans for the businesses future up her sleeve, includ-ing enrolling in a small business m a n a g e m e n t course that is teaching her how to set and achieve busi-ness goals. The idea to host a miniature hair care workshop has also been an ambition for Sharon ever since she took over the salon and now it’s finally time to start planning. To celebrate their 10 year anniversary, Scis-sor Art will be offering a week of special deals. When you make a hair appointment with Scis-

sor Art from Monday March 30, until Thurs-day April 2, you will get a special something thrown in depending on which day you book. From a free eye trio consisting of an eyebrow and eyelash tint and tidy, to half price facial

waxing and tint-ing, all you need to do is quote the fly-er and promo code to receive your birthday gift. Scis-sor Art will also be launching their new website, www.scissorart.co.nz, so make sure you check it out dur-ing their birthday week. Scissor Art are a professional, reli-able, enthusiastic and creative team of stylists that strive to exceed their customers’ expectations. They take the time to get to know their clients and pro-vide that special personal touch. To

book an appointment with one of Scissor Arts stylists, give them a call today on 542 3839 or come in and see the salon for yourself at 56 El-lis St, Brightwater.

The talented Scissor Art team are Bidi Holani, Sharon Stockdale, Neisha Woodward and Talor Miller.

When Richmond resident Joan Probert was pottering around her garden recently, she was surprised to find a pumpkin growing in her Camelia tree. Joan regularly throws her vegetable scraps into the garden which includes pumpkins seeds and as a result, several pumpkins have grown. The vines of one pumpkin climbed the tree and settled on a branch and stayed unnoticed until it was large enough to poke through the leaves. Photo: Monique Bergman.

544 [email protected]

Got a story?Contact us first

Page 22: Waimea Weekly 25-03-15

Newsletter22 WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015

Ph: 543 8203 www.nbs.co.nz

CLUB WAIMEA NEWSPh: 543 9179 www.clubwaimea.co.nz

The team to support you in your business

270a Queen St, Richmond Ph: 544 6179 www.caca.co.nz

41 McGlashen Avenue, Richmond PHONE 544 6137

OPEN 8am-5pm Monday-Friday, 8.30am-3.00pm Saturday, Open late Thursday night until 6.30pm

Come in and check out our


It was country music heaven as the an-nual Sun City Country Music awards rocked Club Waimea. Things kicked off on February 28 with a showcase, highlighting the talents of the week-end’s judges and guests. With a ca-pacity crowd, it was a successful start to a weekend of the country’s best country music singers, with auditions starting on Saturday and continuing on until Sunday in the club’s hall and the Richmond Bowling Club. In a let-ter to Club Waimea, organisers of the music awards thanked both clubs for the use of their facilities. “We appreci-ated the support shown from all that attended and also a big thanks to John and his team at Club Waimea for the wonderful assistance and facilities,” wrote convenor, Linda Hahn. Saturday evening saw competitors compete in the Rock’n’Roll section which was well supported by the local Rock’n’Roll club who didn’t hesitate to show of their impressive dancing skills and, by Sun-day, the judges had narrowed the acts down from 260 to 51. The final show-case on Sunday, featuring a lot of local talent, was well supported by members of the public who came to enjoy coun-try music at its best.

Members 1450, 837, 273, 1574, 487 were not here and the weekly draw on Thursday 26 March will start at $1,400.


315 Queen St Ph 544 9189Mon - Fri 8.00 - 5.30 Sat 9.00 - 1.00



Nelson’s Brooklyn Scott singing in the NZ Sun City Coun-try Music Awards for 2015. Brooklyn was crowned overall winner of the junior section.

Country music at its best

Members Draw

Kevin McKenzie with the Club Waimea courtesy van that will safely get you home.

Open from 5:30pm on Thursday, Friday and Saturday night. Plus, from 5:30pm on Sunday, don’t miss out on the buffet

night. Only $22.50 per person.

If you find yourself on a Thurs-day night in need of a drink at your favourite club, but you don’t want to chance the drive home, the Club Waimea courtesy van is now here to rescue you. Not only is the service a handy way to commute to and from the club without a worry, but the drivers offer some friendly conversation too. Let the group of reliable vol-

unteers do the driving while you enjoy the food and atmosphere of Club Waimea, their services are available on Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 5pm. To book the courtesy van for your next night at the club, give the office a call on 543 9179. While you’re there, don’t forget to get in on the raf-fles or the membership draw on Thursday night.

Courtesy Van

Barnicoat Bistro

join now!Enjoy companionship,

fun activities, great food and a friendly



P: 543 9179 www.clubwaimea.co.nz

Page 23: Waimea Weekly 25-03-15

Newsletter WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015 23

Ph: 543 8203 www.nbs.co.nz

CLUB WAIMEA NEWSPh: 543 9179 www.clubwaimea.co.nz

Clubs & activities to join at Club Waimea

CardsDartsFishingGolfIndoor BowlsPoolRugby SupportersSnookerSquashTexas Hold’em PokerOutdoor BowlsSioux Line DanceTotsadlRSARSA LadiesHarmony ChorusMen in AccordNN Motorcycle GroupSun City Rockers

Anne RyderKaren ThomasLeanda RichardsWayne BowenKevin McKenzieRob BarnettGary BrownShane GeddesBrendon WhitleyBill McKennaJean McKenzieSue WilsonViv HitchcockTerry RichardsonJan Blackmore Maggie Trodahl Brian Wood Craig MillsMarie Bone

544 7267541 0554541 8123544 9766544 8060021 076 8726544 4681027 675 2757544 1091 or 027 223 0813544 6166544 806003 528 6788021 926 011544 5479541 036003 526 6775 or 021 163 7610547 7191 or 021 183 3703545 8506544 1018 or 021 100 4492

From the President’s desk...

Three weeks ago we host-ed the NZ Country Mu-sic Awards and by all the feedback received, it was successful, again, many thanks to all the volunteers that helped. I wish to also thank the sports sec-tions volun-teer drivers for commenc-ing the Thurs-day night bus service and by last week’s usage, this is going to be a success. The new drink driving laws have been effected our club however we are trying to encourage new members to increase pa-tronage, so if any member has a positive suggestion please let us know as it could be beneficial to all. So it’s all positive news, let’s go forward together and enjoy our club and its facilities. The Clubs NZ Confer-ence and AGM is an event that will be forever etched in my memory; a first for Club Waimea (we may never have the chance to hold such a prestigious event of this type again) and it was a huge success with praise was freely of-fered by all who attended. It all started with the ex-hibitor’s equipment arriv-ing on Monday and fin-

ished on Saturday with the Clubs NZ 2015 AGM. This was only made pos-sible with the help of so many volunteers who

willingly gave their time for any and all duties. We were hon-oured to have had David Birdling (a valuable Club Waimea Di-rector) as the c o n f e r e n c e MC, he also promoted our

own and other exhibitors products with such pro-fessionalism and exper-tise. I also wish to extend my thanks to our manager John Hewison and all the staff for the professional way they carried out their duties. On Thursday even-ing entertainment was put on by Barry Korcheski, Friday by The Travelling Hillbillies, and Saturday by The Four Tones, who were supported by the Sun City Rockers and their dance display. All of these were above expectations and I hope it’s not long be-fore we see them entertain again in our club. Finally I wish to thank all of you for letting us have this event in your club and the way in which you responded to our visitors.Janine PhippsPresident

Janine Phipps

Club Waimea have impressed on a national level after hosting the Club’s NZ 2015 Conference and An-nual General Meeting. It’s been on everyone’s minds for the past few weeks and now the club can relax and go back to their normal routine with the satisfaction of knowing the

conference and AGM was a success. Club’s New Zealand President Tom Fisher expressed his approval at the quality of Club Waimea’s hospital-ity, rating them as an eight on a scale of one to ten. The event was impor-tant to those in leadership positions within clubs around the country for

its networking opportunities and chances to learn updated informa-tion about their industry. The AGM then dealt with the rules, regulations and licensing that comes with oper-ating and allowed members to share their expectations for the Clubs New Zealand organisation.

Club Waimea manager, John Hewison and president Jan Phipps with Clubs New Zealand president, Tom Fisher during the conference and AGM.

Our Club has impressed

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Page 24: Waimea Weekly 25-03-15

Newsletter24 WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015

Proud supporters of the Brightwater community 10/38

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After a long, dry drought there are oc-casionally some field mushrooms out in the paddocks in front of Snowden’s Bush. Not every year mind, but when they are there, they are very nice and tasty. Imagine my surprise last week, when a giant truck with house on trailer appeared in these paddocks. Fortunately, the laden truck moved off in the middle of the night last Mon-day. The house being relocated was formerly the vicarage for St Paul’s Church has stood on its Brightwater site since 1903.This month Brightwater Commu-nity Association has installed a bench seat at the Tomlinson Reserve, on the banks of the Wai-iti River. Native planting on the adjacent riverbank has been planned for this winter. We are

also going ahead with the purchase of two picnic tables for the Village Green. This ANZAC Day, being 100 years since the landing on the Gallipolli peninsular of the ANZAC forces, we are going to celebrate this great occa-sion with a morning tea in the Memo-rial Hall following on from the 9am service at the Domain gates. More de-tails next month.Just a reminder that we are sharing our next Community Meeting with Tasman District Council who will be presenting their 10 year plan. The venue is the Brightwater School Hall at 7.00 pm on Monday 30 March. All Brightwater residents are welcome to attend.Andy McQueen, ChairpersonBrightwater Community Association

Brightwater School has received $1000 worth of sports equipment, thanks to three businesses who joined a Southfuels promotion called Fuel for Schools.B and J Hahn Contracting, Allan Hahn Contracting and Cable Ha r v e s t i n g joined the p r o m o t i o n and nominat-ed Brightwa-ter School as the recipient of 50 cents for every 100 litres of fuel they purchase from South-fuels. This month the to-tal of donated funds reached a target of $1000 and Southfuels handed over the money which Brightwater School used to purchase equipment for the traditional Maori game, Ki O Rahi.

School principal, Gerald Baldwin, says they are fortunate to have three businesses signing up for the promo-tion. B and J Hahn’s owners, Brett and

Junita Hahn of Bright-water, have three daugh-ters, Nikita, Shawna and Darby, at Brightwater School while Allan Hahn of Richmond c o m p a n y , Allan Hahn C o n t r a c t -ing, is their grandfather.South Fuels Nelson-Mar-lborough ac-counts man-

ager, John Eales says Fuel for Schools started eight years ago and has donat-ed $165,652 to schools in the South Island.“It’s a great way for South Fuels and

our customers to give back to the community,” he says.John says Brightwater School already has a head start to-wards the next $1000 target with its rewards total sitting at $89.70.Southfuels is a New Zealand-owned and operated, South Island-based bulk fuel and lubricant distributor special-ising in servicing the rural, contractor, commercial and industrial markets.

Southfuels helps local school

New Show Home at 5 Fairose Drive, On the Brightside

South Fuels John Eales, right, with Bright-water School teacher Alan “Dobbie” Dobson and pupils, from left, Nikita, Shawna and Darby Hahn with the sports equipment do-nated to the school by Fuel for Schools.

Page 25: Waimea Weekly 25-03-15

Newsletter WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015 25


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St Paul’s Vicarage – on the move!Perriam Enterprises have been contracted with the task of relo-cating the vicarage to its new site, just this side of Motueka. The vicarage was built in 1903 to replace its predecessor, an 11 room residence that was de-stroyed by fire. Insured for a

princely sum of 300 pounds, ex-tra funds needed to be borrowed from the diocese. Interestingly, the very first Brightwater Horticultural Soci-ety flower show was held to help raise funds for the first loan in-stalment. A new residence is be-ing built on the site.

Plunket Playgroup If you would like to come and enjoy the in-formal playgroup on Wednesday mornings, it is held in the Brightwater Community Anglican Church Crèche building at 68 Waimea West Rd, Brightwater from 9am – mid day.

Exercise and games, 10am Thurs-day at the Brightwater Community Church Hall, $2 donation. Com-munity luncheon, 12 midday on the third Thursday of the month. A do-nation toward lunch is requested. Home visiting. Transport for medical appointments, grocery shopping and Senior Care activities.

A small and valued team of volunteers supports Nicola. If you would like to volunteer or are interested in any of the upcoming activities or events please contact Nicola 541 9225 or 021 277 8061. Waimea Senior Care is a community service for seniors in the Brightwater and Wakefield areas provided by the Anglican Church.

Senior Care activities

New Show Home at 5 Fairose Drive, Brightwater Community News

Page 26: Waimea Weekly 25-03-15

News26 WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015

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I recently read about a homeless man living on the streets of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, who fled from police who were bringing him news of a six million dollar inheritance that had been left to him. Tomas Martinez, 67, thought the police were coming to arrest him and he took off and has never been seen since, so never found out that he was really a very wealthy man. What a tragedy. This true story of a man who had great wealth available to him but he had no knowledge of it. Equally sad is the true story of New York bil-lionaire Leona Helmsley, who left $12million dollars to her pet dog, Trou-ble, while some of her fam-ily were left out of the will, causing greater trouble.Inheritances can be cause for great celebration and unfortunately they can also be the reason for incredible trouble and animosity. Ask any lawyer. Leaving an inheritance is actually God’s idea which is a consistent theme right through the scriptures. The underlying purpose is to be blessed and to be a blessing, to live fruitful lives and to leave a legacy for future generations. Sadly, today, there are many ‘baby-boomers’ who are going on ‘ski’ holidays (Spending Kid’s Inheritance) because they can’t trust their chil-dren with hard-earned wealth. There is a proverb that says: “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children.” Our family have just had a weekend celebrating the 90th birthday of a very special person, who has left a legacy that has touched countless peo-ple besides his own children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Don Fraser has laid a foundation for the genera-tions that is of far greater value than worldly wealth, because it has been built on an under-standing of and a relationship with the Father heart of God and his Son Jesus Christ, who had no wealth of his own, yet following his death he has left a lasting legacy.The apostle Paul’s life message was that God’s grace or undeserved favour was given as an in-heritance that is for all who want to be adopted by God into His family, so anyone can become heirs of a ‘rich and glorious inheritance’ that is available now. Unfortunately, there are many folk who, like Tomas Martinez, carry guilt or shame that is robbing them of a rich inheritance that is available through the person of Jesus Christ. Think about it.

Ross FergusonRichmond

Community Church.

Just a thought...

Page 27: Waimea Weekly 25-03-15

Advert WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015 27Advert WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015 ??

For everything you need to create a beautiful and stylish home, there is no name quite like Bed Bath and Beyond. After much anticipation, their newest store is now bringing its stunning range of products to some excited Richmond ad-mirers, located in the new de-velopment on Queen St. Bed Bath and Beyond is New Zealand’s largest and only specialist retailer of linen and manchester related products, catering to customers from 52 stores around the nation. The new store has been wel-comed with open arms to Rich-mond, with many customers

sharing their pleasure at having a store of their own. And who wouldn’t be thrilled to have the best linen, bath products and home ware items on their back door step. Customers to the new store can also look forward to meeting the lovely team of ladies who will be tak-ing care of all their Bed Bath and Beyond requirements. The staff of five have a huge number of combined years in the retail industry, offering excellent customer service and a friendly atmosphere that will make you want to stay forever. Step inside their wonderful world of pat-terned duvet covers, quality

linen, bathroom accessories, rugs and mats, home decor and much more. There is so much to view and even more you will want to take home for your-self so get in quick and make the most of their four day sale. With one of the team quali-fied in interior design, you can discuss the perfect colours and styles to suit your home, or find the perfect gift for some-one else. Come in and see for yourself the treasure trove that is Bed Bath and Beyond in Rich-mond. You’ll find them next to Kmart and The Warehouse on Queen St. Advt.

The Bed Bath and Beyond team are (from left) Stephanie White, Jill Knowles, Shelley Yate, Emma Nicholson and Samantha Jackett.

Beauty and style

Page 28: Waimea Weekly 25-03-15

Sport28 WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015

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Richmond’s Brenda Clapp was the fastest woman in the 20th, and possibly last, edi-tion of the 106km Rainbow Rage moun-tainbike ride from St Arnaud to Hanmer Springs, while Hanmer’s Stephen Halligan won the men’s race ahead of Nelson’s Tom Filmer.Brenda completed the journey through the old stock driving route in 4hr 34min to finish seven minutes ahead of Liz Rob-erts and nine clear of Jessica Hughes, both

of Nelson. Stephen and Tom rode togeth-er for most of the 106km before Stephen raced clear approaching the final climb over Jacks Pass to win in 3hr 33min, five minutes clear of Tom.Organiser Mike Gane says fast times were the order of the day for the Printhouse-sponsored race, with riders enjoying a steady tailwind for all but the first six kilo-metres. “There was a headwind drifting down the

valley at the start but I told the riders in the race briefing that they’d get a tailwind after about 10km and they got it after six. It was a beautiful day for them and everyone came in at the finish absolutely grinning.”Although riders had to negotiate a series of slips across the road, Mike says that added to the adventure. “It was a real mountainbike ride because there were so many shingle slides before Island Saddle. Some of them were really

hard to ride so it made it pretty entertain-ing.”The only bad news for riders is that the 20th Rainbow Rage may be the last. Num-bers have been dwindling for a the last three or four years and Mike says the 300 who entered this year were not enough to make it economic.“It’s too early to say if it’s the last. I’ll need some more time to think about it, but it’s not sustainable with 300 riders.”

Richmond rider wins Rainbow Rage

Star & Garter Waimea Old Boys halfback Andy Ste-vens leads the charge against Taylor’s Contracting Wanderers in their 20-8 division one club rugby game win at Trafalgar Park on Saturday. Photo: Barry Whitnall/shuttersport.co.nz

Page 29: Waimea Weekly 25-03-15

Sport WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015 29

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Waimea College’s Bridie Edwards continued her record-breaking run in the 3000m, setting her latest mark in the under-16 girls race at the Tasman secondary schools ath-letics champs at Saxton Field.Bridie had already broken the Tas-man 3000m records for the un-der-14 and under-15 age groups, running 10min 34.71sec in 2013 and 10min 28.19sec last year. Last Wednesday, she added a third re-cord when she blitzed the 3000m in 10min 33.03sec to beat the pre-vious mark set by 36 seconds.And Bridie will get a another chance to improve on that time when she lines up in the South Island secondary schools champs starting at Saxton Field this week-end. Waimea won three 3000m titles last week, with Sami Jordan taking out the under-19 girls race and Dylan Hampton winning the

under-14 boys. Sami also won her 1500m while Garin’s Jared Laut-enslager won the under-19 boys 1500m. Waimea’s Gregor Wilson won the under-15 boys hurdles.Waimea College athletes also per-formed well in the field events with Corbyn Robb (under-14 boys), Phillip Jordan (under-15 boys) and Megan Stack (under-16 girls) win-ning high jump titles and Jess Kelly (under-14 girls), Shania Kuipers (under-15 girls) and Megan win-ning their long jumps. Jess and Garin’s Ryan Churchill (under-14 boys) won the triple jump, with Ryan setting a new re-cord of 12.04m. Waimea’s Emma Mackay-Smith (under-16 girls shot put), Samantha Hardie (under-14 girls discus), Brooke Robertson (under-15 girls discus) and Phillip Jordan (under-15 boys discus) also won field events.

Waimea runner sets new 3000m record

Round 7Hurricanes














Chris Satherley

queen street


Paul Mackay 22/40

Roy Tomlinson 21/40

Ben Coman 27/40

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Belinda de Clercq 24/40

Super 15 TippingOur locals pick their winners

Waimea College’s Bridie Edwards on her way to winning the under-16 girls 3000m at Saxton Field last Wednes-day. Photo: Simon Bloomberg.

The Kaiteriteri Weekender 6 Hour Bike Relay will be held during the April school holidays on Saturday, April 11. The date has been moved to encourage families to camp at the event hub, the Kaiteriteri Beach Motor Camp. In addition to the mountain biking event, the Nelson Orien-teering Club will run a two hour mountain bike Rogaine on the Sunday morning. This involves each team navigating its way through the Park’s

trail network, visiting checkpoints to accumulate a maximum score within a two hour time peri-od. Also on Sunday afternoon, Steve Newport of HeliBike Nelson will run shuttles to the top ridge so all of those with tired legs can have runs down Corkscrew, Jaws, Velocity and Flamin’ Noraor Rockface. For further information, please go to kaiteriterimtbpark.org.nz or facebook page Kait-eriteriMTBPark.

Kaiteri to host mountainbike race

Page 30: Waimea Weekly 25-03-15

Sport30 WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015


Phone 545 8928Mobile 027 447 7275email [email protected] Peter Ogilvie


insurance sPecialist

For registrations for the 2015 season please email

[email protected] with your expression of interest.

All new & existing players welcome.

Tasman Hockey

Waimea College’s Hannah Davenhill, left, and Holly Chandler have been selected for New Zealand beach volleyball teams.

Four Waimea College volley-ballers have been selected for national age-group teams to play in a series of beach volley-ball tournaments in the US in July.Harrison Kilgour and Jacob King have been named in the boys under-21 team, Hannah Davenhill is in the girls un-der-21 team, while Holly Chan-dler has been named in the girls under-19 team. Only six players from the South Island have been selected in the two squads that will play US high-performance teams in California.

Waimea students make national beach volleyball teams

Andrew Board

The championship-winning Nelson Marlbor-ough Falcons football team could fold if talks with FC Nelson don’t pan out, says chair of the board behind the team, Aldo Miccio.Aldo says the current board behind the team will not bid for a licence after their current li-cence expires for the 2017 season and he’d like to see a club take over to make sure the team remains sustainable.The Falcons had a mixed 2014. On the field it won the national title, an incredible achieve-ment. But off the pitch the lack of a major sponsor and dwindling board meant the organising of the team was done by fewer people, and the board is still paying off last year’s entry fee.Aldo says the team should be in a club structure, where it will have access to more volunteers and supporters. He says the Falcons are about to enter formal discussions with FC Nelson. “After last season we realised that everyone has done their bit, we had run the franchise for two years and needed it to go to a club. We’ve had board members there from the start and if you look at any board you need rotation.”FC Nelson president George Molnar says the club’s focus remains on development of youth players and the Falcons fit into that.“We think this is fantastic for our club and for the Nelson region.”Asked about the financials, a problem that has hampered the Falcons over the past season, George says they will look closely at it. “We wouldn’t be sitting down talking to them if we didn’t think we could make it work.”

FC Nelson look to take on Falcons

Page 31: Waimea Weekly 25-03-15

Waimea Swimming Club’s Tay-la Graham completed a golden week, winning four gold med-als at the national division two championships that ended in Dunedin last Saturday.Tayla, 16, started her golden run at the Waimea Club cham-pionships held at the Waimea College pool on March 14. She beat the club’s 16 year-old girls records in every event she entered, including the 100m, 200m and 400m freestyle, 100m and 200m breast-stroke and backstroke, 100m butterfly and 133m individual medley.The year 12 Waimea College student carried that form into last weekend’s division two na-tionals setting personal bests on her way to winning the 50m and 100m butterfly, 100m backstroke and 200m individ-ual medley. Incredibly, Tayla recorded 2min 42.26sec for the 200m IM to beat her previous best time by a massive 8.12sec while improving her 100m butterfly by 5.36sec.Tayla had earlier qualified for the national division two champs after winning four events at the South Island Country and Town champs in Blenheim from February 28 to March 2. She also set new re-cords in the 100m and 200m

IM at that meeting.Tayla, who has been swimming competitively for just over two years, attributes her big im-provement to good coaching, hard training and the excite-ment of swimming national championships. “Jos Pattison is a great coach and he’s really helped me get faster,” Tayla says. “I taught myself to swim but he’s shown me how to improve on all the little things that are so impor-tant and he’s so encouraging.“I think the atmosphere at na-tionals helped too. You always swim faster when you are rac-ing against top swimmers at a big meet.’

Although Tayla has shown talent across all four strokes, she says she wants to focus on breast-stroke and butterfly. Now that she has competed successfully at the division two nationals, her next aim is qual-ifying for next year’s national age group championships.“I’ve already got two qualify-ing times for 50m, but I need 100m or 200m qualifying times as well. I’m getting close, so hopefully I can get those for next year.”Tayla’s next assignments are the Tasman secondary school champs in May followed by the South Island secondary school champs in July.

Sport WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015 31

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Tayla Graham with the four gold medals she won at the na-tional division two swimming championships in Dunedin last week. Photo: Simon Bloomberg.

Waimea swimmer wins gold medalsSimon BloombergSenior [email protected]

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Page 32: Waimea Weekly 25-03-15

Community Notices32 WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015

Keeping you in touchCommunity Events

Due to the popularity of this column, while every effort will be made, inclusion cannot be guaranteed for free ads.

DEADLINE: MIDDAY FRIDAY - 50 WORDS OR LESS BY EMAIL ONLY - PLEASE SEND TO: [email protected] soon notices are free to community groups, schools, churches, gold coin donation events and fundraising.

Notices for businesses and organisations who charge for courses or events cost $10+gst

CluesAcross 1 Proverb (6) 4 Leave behind (8) 9 Only slightly (6) 10 A breed of guard dog (8) 12 In an angry tone (8) 13 Discourse (6) 15 Part of the eye (4) 16 Seek to defend (5,2,3) 19 To clash with (4,4,2) 20 Operatic song (4)

Across contd. 23 District (6) 25 Bombastic (8) 27 Countermand (8) 28 Transfix (6) 29 Scatter in all directions (8) 30 A mass departure (6)

Down 1 Moscow ballet company (7) 2 Determinedly (4,1,4) 3 Lightening of a burden (6) 5 Threatening (4) 6 Eliminate (5,3) 7 To levy (5) 8 A leopard (7) 11 Using maximum effort (4,3) 14 Currently in progress (2-5) 17 Obtained directly (5-4) 18 As might be expected (2,6) 19 Permanently (3,4) 21 Oration (7) 22 Culmination (6) 24 Conjecture (5) 26 A positive factor (4)

Answers next week

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10


12 13


15 16 17


19 20 21


23 24 25


27 28

29 30

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8 Cambridge St, Richmond • Ph 03 544 1129

Brought to you by

Old fashioned values - Old fashioned ethics



NICHOLLS, Ethne Graham (nee Hunter) 17.2.23 -15.1.15 Judith, Kevin, Philip, Da-vid and families, would like to express their gratitude to all those who attended Ethne’s send off. We know that Ethne would have been so humbled and touched by all of those who came to pay their respects. We were really grateful to everyone who visited, phoned, sent emails and cards. Your support and thoughtfulness gave us an enormous amount of comfort. It was really heart-warming to see so many people at Ethne’s funeral especially those who had travelled so far to attend and many faces from years ago. We were truly grateful to the staff at the Kensington Court who have cared for mum’s care over the last 18mths – thank you. We also would like to thank the ladies who did such a lovely job of the refresh-ments after the service. If we have missed any-one please accept this as a personal thank you and acknowledgement of gratitude on behalf of the Nicholls family this being an end of an era for us.


WallaceMarty and Caroline (nee Wilson), now in Auckland, are

proud parents to a darling little girl;

Ellie (Elizabeth) Jayne weighing in at 7lb 3ozs.

Welcome to Ellie Jayne, love and hugs from Granny and

Poppa Dino.

Elliott Henry Holden Prentice

Happy 2nd Birthdayfor 4 April

Love from Mum, Big Brother Jack & Family


It’s FREE!Announcements -email: [email protected]

SEPARATED/DIVORCED? Di-vorceCare is a support group offering a recovery programme over 13 weeks. Begins Thursday 16 Apr., 7.30pm at Hope Community Church, Ranzau Road, HopeTHE RAY WIN COLLECTION of Jowett vehicles & speedway bikes will be open & on display on Sunday 5 & 19 Apr.. We are now situated at Higgins Heritage Park Wakefield. Group visits can be made outside of these dates by prior arrangements. Ph 5447096. For more information or to register Ph: Ruth on 538 0739 or Lois on 543 2942Refugee Support: you can make a difference. Support former refugees to resettle in Nelson. Full training provided. Contact Red Cross [email protected] or 548-4978“BRING HIM HOME: AN ANZAC TRIBUTE” with the Nelson Male Voice Choir. Sat, Apr. 25 2-00 pm Old St John’s Hardy St. Guests Tasman Brass Quartet; Sarah Stack; Steve Rudhall: Hilda Bester . Adults $20; Under 18 $5-00, Under 10 Free. Tickets available; i-SITE, Millers Acre, Nelson; Summit Real Estate Stoke; Richmond Mall.NELSON TRAMPING CLUB in-vites you: Mar 29, Boulder Bank, easy, $2, Ph: Lou 547 7727. Details www.http://nelsontrampingclub.org.nzForest & Bird Wednesday Apr. 8 Andy Underwood is a NZ author & photographer & will talk on ‘Present-ing Wildlife’. 7.30 p m Tahunanui School Hall, Muritai StHOPE/RANZAU W.I. have a Craft/

Social afternoon on Weds. 1st. Apr. at Age Concern Hall, Oxford St. Rich-mond at 1.30pm. Curious ? Do join us. Brenda 5445872FREE! Employment Info Even-ing in Motueka for people new to NZ Where? Motueka Community House. When? Friday, 27th Mar. 6 – 7.30pm. Experts from Fair Work-places & Union Network of Migrants. Join us for complimentary drinks & nibbles, Question & Answer session.FRESH FOCUS Kathy O’Donnell speaking about “The Women’s Ref-uge”. Monday, 30 Mar., 10-11 am, at Nelson Suburban Club, 168 Tahu-nanui Drive. Everyone welcome. En-try $2.Richmond Lions, Next bi-monthly meeting of Lions is on Apr. 7 at Age Concern building Oxford St. Rich-mond. 6.00pm for 6.30pm meal. New members warmly welcome! Contact Alex on 544 2639 or for the Wakefield area Ivan on 541 9689.ASTRONOMY View the Moon & other celestial objects on Fri 27 Mar 8 pm weather permitting at the Caw-thron Atkinson Observatory at the Clifton Terrace School Atawhai. All welcome. Gold coin entry.STOKE PLAYCENTRE Nau mai, haere mai! Children birth to 6 years of age, & whānau, are welcome to join us for a fun, learning experience. Mon., Wed. & Fri. 9:30am-midday (First three visits are free!) Stoke Playcentre is the newest Playcentre in the Nelson Association. We are located beside Stoke School, Ranui St. Ph: 5477299

Holiday Care for the Under Fives. Nelson Tasman Kindergarten 8.30am - 2.30pm, 7 Apr. to 16 Apr. 2015. Open to all 3-4 year olds. Rich-mond, Nelson & Motueka venues. See www.ntk.org.nz.Alzheimers Nelson For people liv-ing with Memory loss & Dementia Advice, Information & support ARE AVAILABLE . Ph: 5467702 or 0800 004 001. Messages cleared regularly.Waimarama Community Gardens: In The Brook AN URBAN GAR-DEN is being developed. It’s an ongo-ing project to show what can be done in your backyard. Come help create it.Every Wednesday 9.30-12.30. Much fun & learning to be had.FOSTER Parents Change Lives & Communities. Child, Youth & Family are offering free training for foster parents & caregivers in Nelson. Dates: Mar. 26 & Apr. 2. Time 6-9pm. Contact Heather 03 989 4200 or [email protected] for further info.Get MONEY Smart - Want to save money or SLASH debt in 2015 for FREE? Register for our weekly even-ing class held in Nelson, Motueka or Blenheim. Bonus - NO FEES!! Call Pip 03 547 6138 or Register at www.barbicantc.com for info session next week.RED PUPPY APPEAL Volunteers needed for an easy 2 hours of collect-ing for the Blind Foundation at tables at shops in Nelson & Richmond on Fri 27 & Sat 28 Mar.. Please contact Carl Horn at 539-1108.Playgroup: Sallies Play Cafe Rich-

mond held at The Salvation Army, 57 Oxford St Fridays 9.30-11.30am (term time). Come & meet other mums while the kids play. Bring morning tea for your own child(ren). Cuppa pro-vided. Gold coin donation. More info contact Vanessa 0274446976

REGULAR EVENTSTiny Tots, a free, fun introduction to stories, songs, active movement & rhymes for preschoolers & their car-egivers. Tuesdays 10-10.30am Chil-dren’s Area, Richmond Library dur-ing term time.Playgroup Richmond Plunket Ox-ford St. Mon.s (term time) 9.30am to 11.30am morning tea provided Contact Angela 0274441546. SINGERS WANTED! Women of all ages who enjoy singing are invited to join a Thursday night rehearsal with Nelson Bays Harmony this month. Brush up your vocal skills & experi-ence the buzz of singing 4-part a cap-pella harmony. For details contact Jenny on 547 4354 or visit www.nel-sonharmony.org.nzBetter Breathing Classes (BBC) in-cluding hydrotherapy pool held regu-larly. Light exercise with a focus on breathing & relaxation. Ph: Nelson Asthma Society 546 7675 for more in-formation & classes near you.TOASTMASTERS Improve your so-cial confidence. Learn the art & skills of public speaking. There are 4 Toast-masters Clubs in Nelson&Motueka. For info contact June at 022-018-0853 or [email protected].

Page 33: Waimea Weekly 25-03-15

Classifieds WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015 33

Trades & Services

church notices

Meeting Sunday10.30am

Ellis St, Brightwater(Plunket Rooms, next to Petrol Station)

Contact Dean 544 5784We’d love to see you there

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Parish, RichmondWeekend Mass Times

Saturday Vigil7.00pm Richmond Church

35 William Street

Sunday8.00am St Joseph’s

Pitfire Road, Wakefield9.30am Richmond Church

5.00pm Last Sunday of every month

St’s Peter & PaulMoutere Highway

All Welcome!Ph 544 8987


Biblical Christ-Centred Worship Services:

Sunday 10:30 am & 5 pm We are located at:

(no access off Waimea or Ridgeway)Contact: (03) 547 - 6056


10.00am every Sunday


The Headingly Centre Headingly Lane


You are welcome


Holy Trinity Anglican Church

27 Dorset St, RichmondPhone 544-8844

Sunday Services29 March 2015

9.00am Holy Communion10.30am Praise on the Hill

Theme: Loud Hosanna’sAll Welcome

Wednesday 10.00amHoly Communion



Sunday Services9.30am Richmond,

11 Florence St10am Stoke, 271 Songer St

10am Tahunanui, Muratai St

Children’s programme at Stoke and Richmond.

Rev Jon Parkes 544 6507

Enquiries Ph 544-8394


ParishSunday Service

9.30amWensley Road Richmond

(opposite TDC)

Cup of tea to follow

public notice

Notice to all Advertisers: By placing your advertisement you agree with the terms and conditions of the Waimea Weekly Ltd. Namely, payment by the 20th of the following month, or in the event of non-payment, the recovery of any debt and its costs will be charged to the customer. This includes all costs and commissions paid to a debt recovery service. Should you require any further information please phone the newspaper on 544 9037.

Favourite HymnsWednesday 20 Feb

10am - Morning TeaCnr Croucher & Darcy

Sundays 10am





Repairing whitewarefrom Richmond to Wake�eld, and surrounding areas.



For service call: 027 685 5777 or 541 8877





Repairing whitewarefrom Richmond to Wake�eld, and surrounding areas.



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If you’re in employment and your wages go directly into a bank account, you’re almost there.

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public notice


021 345 591or 544 0856


• Free Quotes • Qualified Security Checked

Team• Interior & Exterior Painting

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Richmond’s Master Painters

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equipment needs,use the

local guys

Saturday 28 wet or fine. Clearing out sale eve-rything must go! Many bargains! Chest freezer, clothes dryer, bread maker, electric jugs, [all in working order] rotary hoe [howard] stock crate [ute] workshop and household clear out, cane book-shelf, cane chair and side table, linen, double bed, something for everyone. Palmer Road, Brightwa-ter. Signs out at 9.00am. Not before!

gArAge sAle

• Outboard servicing & repairs• All makes and models• Electronics Installation• Trailer Repairs • Sales and service

Dennis Ellmers Certified Technician105 St Vincent Street

Mob: 027 7474 566Ph/Fax: 03-548 7858


As Nelson Grey Power Inc will still not recognise two Special General Meetings and reinstate Neville Male as a member, allowing him to be nominated for President the team has, out of respect for Neville, decided not to contest this position. The following members have been nominated to stand for Officers / Management Committee positions of Nelson Grey Power for 2015-16.

Vice-President: Malcolm Saunders - current committee member and Board Waimea Village.Secretary: Garry Thompson - extensive administration and HR experience in Government and National Organisations . Also served NZ Police, Scouting NZ, Community Patrols NZ, past produce retailer.Treasurer: Eileen Wilkin - Financial advisor for Nelson Electorate, vast office management experience, past Probus and Nelson Suburban Club executive roles.Management Committee:Peter Johnson - Career in management, various Directorships, Night Patrol Volunteer.Rosalina McCarthy - Owner/operator research archives, Post Graduate Museum Studies.Hugh Neill - Bachelor Commerce, Past Accountant, Farmer and currently Principal Affordable Accounting.Ron Oates - Vast Management experience, Sanford and NZ King Salmon, Grey Power member 15 years.Meryl-Lynn Pluck - Director of Rainbow Reading , Schoolteacher, Post Graduate Qualifications.Hilary Upton - Career as Nurse, Cert in Computer Technology NMIT, served on many organisations.Reginald Upton - Wilkins & Field 37 years, past executive roles on Lions Club, Nelson A & P Assn.John Walker - Company Director, Former owner House Parts Nelson, extensive business experience.

If you are unable to attend the AGM and wish to vote for this “Progressive Team” you may do this by proxy vote, or if you have already signed a proxy form giving your proxy personal discretion (i.e. ‘as my proxy sees fit’) you may revoke this proxy at any time before the AGM. Please contact Eileen 544 6392, Malcolm 544 5053, Errol 546 7928 or Peter 545 1002 for assistance with recording your preferred proxy votes.

ATTENTION GREYPOWER MEMBERS“Progressive Team” Candidates Announced.

public notice

Walk Back In History...

SPOONERS RAIL TUNNELOPEN DAYSun 29 March10am-2pm | $2 EntryGood torches and footwear are essential. No dogs please.Turnoff foot of Spooners Kohatu side, follow signs.

There aren’t many people around you who understand the pain your relationship breakdown, separation and/or divorce

has caused.DivorceCare is a series of evenings conducted by people who understand what you are experiencing and helps you develop

a hope for the future.

At Hope Community Church, Ranzau Road, HopeCommencing Thursday 16 April from 7.30pm – 9.30pm

For further information or to register please contact:Lois, phone 543 2942 Ruth, phone 538 0739

Rebuild your life Separation, Divorce, Pain

This is a 13 week course

public notice

Dog grooming stuDent

Seeks small breed dogs for fully

supervised Breed Standard practice

hair clipping. Call Shirley for student price.

Paws R Precious539 4729

dog grooMing

stuMp grinding

Stump GrindinG ServiceS

Stump GrindingTree Felling & RemovalSite Clearance

Andrew Workman021 081 82 123

[email protected]



ClassifiedsPh 544 9037 [email protected]

Page 34: Waimea Weekly 25-03-15

accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch

specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance

landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home

and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians

lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services

plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders

accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping

brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car

maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians

lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services

plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders ac-

countants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch

specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance

Trades & Servicesaccountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch

specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance

landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home

and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians

lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services

plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders

accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping

brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car

maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians

lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services

plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders ac-

countants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch

specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance

Trades & ServicesTrades & Services34 WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015 Trades & Services WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015 35



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Jeff NeilsoN WaterblastiNg

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House washing

Mobile 0220 649 822 (24hr)

A/H 547 7856 • 80 Neale Ave, Stoke, Nelson

Jeff NeilsoN WaterblastiNg

• House washing • Roof & gutters • Moss & algae removal • • Driveways, paths & decks • Boats & caravans •

Roof treatments for mould, lichen, moss, algae

Mobile 0220 649 822 (24hr)

A/H 547 7856 • 80 Neale Ave, Stoke, Nelson

Jeff NeilsoN WaterblastiNg

• House washing • Roof & gutters • Moss & algae removal • • Driveways, paths & decks • Boats & caravans •

Gutters cleaned out

Mobile 0220 649 822 (24hr)

A/H 547 7856 • 80 Neale Ave, Stoke, Nelson

Jeff NeilsoN WaterblastiNg

• House washing • Roof & gutters • Moss & algae removal • • Driveways, paths & decks • Boats & caravans •

Paths, decks, driveways

Mobile 0220 649 822 (24hr)

A/H 547 7856 • 80 Neale Ave, Stoke, Nelson

Jeff NeilsoN WaterblastiNg

• House washing • Roof & gutters • Moss & algae removal • • Driveways, paths & decks • Boats & caravans •

Ant, spider, cockroach control

Mobile 0220 649 822 (24hr)

A/H 547 7856 • 80 Neale Ave, Stoke, Nelson

Jeff NeilsoN WaterblastiNg

• House washing • Roof & gutters • Moss & algae removal • • Driveways, paths & decks • Boats & caravans •

Chimney cleaning

Mobile 0220 649 822 (24hr)

A/H 547 7856 • 80 Neale Ave, Stoke, Nelson

Jeff NeilsoN WaterblastiNg

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Page 35: Waimea Weekly 25-03-15

accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch

specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance

landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home

and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians

lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services

plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders

accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping

brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car

maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians

lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services

plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders ac-

countants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch

specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance

Trades & Servicesaccountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch

specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance

landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home

and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians

lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services

plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders

accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping

brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car

maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians

lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services

plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders ac-

countants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch

specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance landscaping brake and clutch specialists builders accountants financial services plumbers electricians lawnmowing home and car maintenance

Trades & ServicesTrades & Services34 WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015 Trades & Services WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015 35



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Page 36: Waimea Weekly 25-03-15

Advert36 WEDNESDAY 25 March 2015

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